View Full Version : Big Daddy Gestalt

2014-04-24, 11:49 AM
Ok so my build currently is 1 level of barbarian with the Whirling Frenzy and Spirit Lion Totem ACF. Throw on 4 levels of Dungeon Crasher Fighter, will take it to 6 levels so at ECL 7 it will be done then I will be throwing on Warforged Juggernaut.

However at my currently ECL of 5 I need a gestalt class. And I am considering Crusader 4 Warblade 1

But I am not good with maneuvers so which would be the best for me to take? This is Gestalt so my Initiator level is 5.

Any help would be appreciated.

Fouredged Sword
2014-04-24, 11:57 AM
Well, the order of classes matters. Taking Crusader 4 / warblade 1 means you get to pick up to second level maneuvers with warblade.

If you are unfamiliar with the system, I recommend going for one or the other. The question of what to take relies on what your higher stat is, int or cha? If you have a good charisma, crusader can do great things for your willsave and make you very hard to kill. Get something like ironguard glare and stand between your allies and enemies. Another good stance would be one of the healing stances.

Then I would focus mostly on counters and boosts that will augment your saves and such. You want to spend most your actions charging and bullrushing people around.

Basically, I would focus on diamond mind with a touch of stone dragon (mountain hammer, minotaurs charge), then if warblade those should fill you up with all you need. With crusader, maybe dip your toes into devoted spirit for a healing strike. Those are always nice.

2014-04-24, 03:44 PM
Well, the order of classes matters. Taking Crusader 4 / warblade 1 means you get to pick up to second level maneuvers with warblade.

Nope. Maneuver classes learn maneuvers based on their initiator level in their class. Taking a maneuver class progresses IL for that class and that class only at a 1:1 ratio. Taking a non-maneuver class is one IL per 2 class levels in all maneuver classes. A Crusader 4/Warblade 1 has an IL of 4 for Crusader maneuvers and an IL of 1 for Warblade maneuvers, meaning you only can take first level warblade maneuvers. For this reason it's generally best to only take levels in one maneuver-based class, or if gestalt, to keep them on seperate sides of the gestalt divide and see if the DM allows that to mean your IL can progress seperately for each class based on your non-initiator classes on the respective side of the gestalt.

As for if crusader 4/warblade 1 is good... probably not, honestly. Warblade's maneuver set up compliments crusader's really well, sure, since warblades get a lot of nice counters and boosts which is where crusader lacks the most, but sadly they don't get a lot of those counters and boosts at warblade level 1 (well, not totally true, they get moment of perfect mind and sudden leap, but mopm is pretty weak in gestalt generally since you usually don't have to worry about covering a weak will save and sudden leap is good but you already have pounce so you don't need it).

In the end, whether you go warblade or crusader depends on what you want to do with the build. If you want to full attack frequently I'd suggest warblade. Their boosts, counters, and stances can all compliment that strategy nicely (and that's probably what you want since you're nabbing pounce and whirling frenzy). Crusader is mostly good with strikes and stances, and you don't need a ton of good strikes if you're mostly planning on charging and full attacking.

I'f you're doing ubercharge shenanigans (looks like you are), then tiger claw is the main school in warblade for strikes, boosts, and the like that compliment that. You should look at diamond mind, white raven, and iron heart for filling out some utility counter/boost slots and maybe nabbing the odd utility strike out of tiger claw, stone dragon, or diamond mind for if ubercharging is not the best option/not an option at all on a given turn.

Edit: While sudden leap is a less important maneuver if you have pounce, I still highly suggest taking it on your warblade since it's still really strong even if you're charging (swift action jumping to another square so you can full round charge from that square is really nice and is helpful for staying mobile).

Fouredged Sword
2014-04-24, 04:02 PM
Well he would have an initiator level of 3 for warblade, but he would have such a small number of known maneuvers that it wouldn't be that helpful. Better by far to go crusader 5 or warblade 5.

2014-04-24, 04:15 PM
Well he would have an initiator level of 3 for warblade, but he would have such a small number of known maneuvers that it wouldn't be that helpful. Better by far to go crusader 5 or warblade 5.

Huh, actually you're right. That's funny, I thought that the rules stated that only non-initiator classes progressed IL by half and initiators progressed IL fully but only for that class. Turns out I was wrong.

Still definitely better to focus on one class, though, and probably best to use warblade as that class since they ubercharge way better than crusader, which is more of a utility tank/frontline support class.

Sorry for correcting you when I was wrong myself, fouredge.

2014-04-24, 04:31 PM
I only considered crusader for the damage soak and further compliment of my tank build.

Warblade for iron heart surge because I have heard it would be great for this build but I admit I don't know much about it.

See he is a warforged with troll blooded and after a few levels of juggernaut he will be even harder to hurt and thus make a good tank.

2014-04-24, 05:35 PM
If you're going that route you probably don't need the crusader levels in all honesty. While the delayed damage pool is nice, warblade is going to give you a lot better offensive features and it looks like with the warforged + troll-blooded combo you should be mostly fine defensively already.

Fouredged Sword
2014-04-24, 07:00 PM
Crazy idea, but how about a swordsage with desert wind making you immune to fire damage? Then get acid immunity somewhere and you are good to go.

And note, juggernaut may take away your regeneration. There is a note in one of the books somewhere that said that a creature with regeneration who becomes immune to non-lethal damage looses the regeneration. Just FYI in case your DM springs it on you.

2014-04-24, 08:25 PM
Improved resliency feat makes special note of it but juggernaut does not and i cannot find the book that says it.

Desert wind grants immunity to fire? Which maneuver?

Fouredged Sword
2014-04-25, 05:59 AM
One of the early desert wind stances grants fire resistance based on your ranks in tumble. At max ranks that resistance is replaced with flat immunity to fire damage.

2014-04-25, 03:39 PM
Alternately, play a warblade still and pick it up with the martial stance feat, since it's a l1 desert wind stance with no prereqs.

Fouredged Sword
2014-04-25, 03:48 PM
You need tumble as a class skill to make the best use of it though. Does warblade have ride as a class skill? There is a book that lets you trade ride for tumble, and I think it's open for any class. Cityscape maybe?

2014-04-25, 04:10 PM
You need tumble as a class skill to make the best use of it though. Does warblade have ride as a class skill? There is a book that lets you trade ride for tumble, and I think it's open for any class. Cityscape maybe?

Warblade has tumble as a class skill.

2014-04-25, 04:15 PM
Barbarian or fighter would have it i am sure. Remember its a gestalt. But i do like warblades strikes and stances

2014-04-27, 09:17 AM
I was curious, if I combined my Spirit Lion Totem Whirling Frenzy Barbarian1//Dungeoncrasher Fighter 4 combined with a psionic class say Psion or Erudite.

Fouredged Sword
2014-04-27, 10:37 AM
Psion works REALLY well on a tanky frame. A psion using share pain and vigor to treat his psicrystal as a damage sink is nearly unkillable through HP damage. You could spend your powers known on utility and self buffs (force screen means never missing not having a shield.) I would use expanded knowledge to pick up expansion off the psi-war list. You can then pick up the knockback feat, though it will only apply when you use expansion to be large or larger, still, that is only 1 pp away during a fight, and expansion has a built in quicken feature, so no need to even spend actions.

So yes, psion can be really good. Just think like a psiwar in your power selection, and don't be afraid to burn tons of power points getting powers out quickly. You won't be casting every round, so you can afford to make every power function to the max. You will have lots of HP, so I would even suggest overchannel.

Psionic repair damage. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/psionicRepairDamage.htm), 3d8+CL (uncapped) hp healed as a 2nd level power.

You don't need a PRC to make psion work well, but if you find yourself dropping back into a base class on the juggernaut side, crystal master (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20040625d) is a really nice class for melee. +6 to saves and AC, +3 str, con and int, and always on touchsight so long as you maintain focus. You probobly can't get all of that, but it's a nice PRC, and you want a psicrystal anyway, and psicrystal containment is really good as well. .

Yes, psion works well with a melee chassis.

2014-04-27, 12:34 PM
So a large spiked robot who can rapidly repair damage to himself and fire energy beams out of his finger tips.

Why does this sound like the most awesome boss creature ever?

Fouredged Sword
2014-04-27, 02:37 PM
Huge, expansion goes up to huge. You get to be a huge spiked robot who fires energy rays out of his eyes. (eye lasers are cooler than finger lasers). It's one of the reasons it's better than enlarge person despite the personal only range.

2014-04-27, 06:34 PM
Two quick questions:

1- Does the Superior Bull-Rush ability of Warforged Juggernaut activate from the Knockback Feat? Cause full attack on the charge + bull-rush + Superior Bull-Rush w/Greater Powerful Charge + Dungeon-crasher = all kinds of awesome!

2- Speaking of Psionics, if a warforged took the metamorphosis power could it transform into a construct even though the power states that it cant? The power says anything of your creature type but then lists that you can become anything else as well except construct, plant, undead, and a few others.

2014-04-27, 10:36 PM
I get pounce already which is full attack on a charge.

If I hit my target with a pounced charge and add greater bullrush and greater power charge or w/e due to whirling frenzy I make an extra attack. If that is a power attack could knock back trigger another dungeon crasher bullrush damage?

Fouredged Sword
2014-04-28, 06:34 AM
2- Speaking of Psionics, if a warforged took the metamorphosis power could it transform into a construct even though the power states that it cant? The power says anything of your creature type but then lists that you can become anything else as well except construct, plant, undead, and a few others.

You assume the form of a creature of the same type as your normal form, or any other type except construct, elemental, outsider, and undead. The assumed form can have as many Hit Dice as your manifester level, to a maximum of 15.

There are two clauses about the type of form you can take

A - You assume the form of a creature of the same type as your normal form

B - or any other type except construct, elemental, outsider, and undead

You must satisfy ONE of the two clauses to change into a form. As being a construct triggers clause A, clause B is not needed.

For example, you could change into a stone golem to gain it's EX immunity to magic.

Knockback will not, on the other hand, trigger off of the juggernaut damage from a bull rush, through the damage from a bullrush may trigger from knockback. You must use power attack, and the juggernaut damage is a set damage with no attack roll, so you can't use power attack with it.

2014-04-28, 08:23 AM
Sweet on the metamorphosis thing, being able to grab imunity to magic in a fight is a really nice ability to have.

And maybe i wasn't clear in my original post, what i meant was: Charge w/Full attack -> hopefully do enough damage to trigger Knockback Feat -> succeed on the Bull-Rush attempt -> trigger Superior Bull-Rush from Warforged Juggernaut -> push opponent into wall to trigger Dungeaon-Crasher. I was wondering if that flow worked? Also, mixing in Knockdown might just be adding insult to injury, but would totally be worth it!

Fouredged Sword
2014-04-28, 08:34 AM
Oh, yes, that chain works. You just can't wrap it around and use your bullrush damage to trigger another knock back, triggering another bull rush.

2014-04-28, 09:16 AM
Would a directed bull rush from Shock Trooper cause an enemy to bounce back in front of you, allowing you to deal Dungeoncrasher damage multiple times? I could have sworn that I heard somewhere that it did. So if you sacrificed the six levels needed for DCF 6, you could hit them for 8d6+3*Str for any number of squares you can push them along the wall, right?

2014-04-28, 09:20 AM
At level 10 with a strength of 27 this is my math

2d6 (Greater Powerful Charge without size changes)+8d6(+24)[Dungeon Crasher)+1d6(+8)[Armored Spikes and Superior Bull Rush]+2d6(+12[x1.5 two handed greatsword]+10[Power Attack at level ten reducing to hit by 5]+[Due to Knockback} 8d6(+24)[Dungeon Crasher]+1d6(+8)[Armored Spikes and Superior Bullrush]+ (Second attack)2d6(+12[x1.5 Twohanded Greatsword]+10[Power Attack]= 180 (If I rolled a 3 on all dice rolls)

Not sure if this extra attack from Whirling Frenzy would trigger another Dungeon Crasher set.

2014-04-28, 09:34 AM
If you burned a feat for GCP, then yes. But if you got the GCP from Juggernaut 5, then the armor spikes are 1d8, not 1d6. Juggernaut 4 upgrades them. Also, since you are charging(as evidenced by the GCP) then for each bull rush you also add your GCP damage(2d6) as that is what superior bull rush does.

2014-04-28, 09:43 AM

Ok so if I attack 3 times (First charge, second sword sword +Extra attack from Whirling Frenzy)
Ok my math sucks but I think I have figured out my minimum damage
Minimum - 164
Maximum (Roll max on dice and use full PA) - 388

Combine this with a ring of forcewall or blockade a few times per day and you always have a wall to bounce people off of.

Thats insane amounts of damage per round.

2014-04-28, 10:05 AM
Since Psionics are being discussed and since it fits quite nicely with what you're trying to achieve I'd like to put the Aegis (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/classes/aegis) on the table. In short, it's a class that focuses on creating its own very adaptable armor through the use of psionics.
However, it's 3rd party content for Pathfinder, so you'd have to do some converting and talk with your GM. I just wanted to put it out there in case it might appeal to you.

2014-04-28, 10:18 AM
Sorry, meant GPC(Greater Powerful Charge). for some reason my eye saw GCP as correct. Though from the look of it, Whirling Frenzy won't trigger, as it only gives an extra attack, not an extra attack action, nor will your second attack from BAB trigger it. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/specialAttacks.htm)

So it would be

2d8(GPC) + (8d6(+24)(DCF))*the number of times you bounce them into the wall+(1d8(Armor Spikes)+2d8(GPC))(Superior Bull Rush) Minimum: 37 Maximum: 112(one wall)
2d6(+12[x1.5 two handed greatsword]+10[Power Attack at level ten reducing to hit by 5]+[Due to Knockback} 8d6(+24)[Dungeon Crasher]+1d6(+8)[Armored Spikes and Superior Bullrush] It's not a bull rush, therefore doesn't get the bull rush bonus) Minimum: 56 Maximum: 106
(Second attack)2d6(+12[x1.5 Twohanded Greatsword]+10[Power Attack]+[Due to Knockback} 8d6(+24)[Dungeon Crasher]
Minimum: 56 Maximum: 106
Total Minimum: 149.
Total Maximum: 324(one wall)

If made during a charge, and therefore my understanding is as part of an attack, you would get your bull rush, then your total attacks.

Shining Wrath
2014-04-28, 10:25 AM
Nope. Maneuver classes learn maneuvers based on their initiator level in their class. Taking a maneuver class progresses IL for that class and that class only at a 1:1 ratio. Taking a non-maneuver class is one IL per 2 class levels in all maneuver classes. A Crusader 4/Warblade 1 has an IL of 4 for Crusader maneuvers and an IL of 1 for Warblade maneuvers, meaning you only can take first level warblade maneuvers. For this reason it's generally best to only take levels in one maneuver-based class, or if gestalt, to keep them on seperate sides of the gestalt divide and see if the DM allows that to mean your IL can progress seperately for each class based on your non-initiator classes on the respective side of the gestalt.

As for if crusader 4/warblade 1 is good... probably not, honestly. Warblade's maneuver set up compliments crusader's really well, sure, since warblades get a lot of nice counters and boosts which is where crusader lacks the most, but sadly they don't get a lot of those counters and boosts at warblade level 1 (well, not totally true, they get moment of perfect mind and sudden leap, but mopm is pretty weak in gestalt generally since you usually don't have to worry about covering a weak will save and sudden leap is good but you already have pounce so you don't need it).

In the end, whether you go warblade or crusader depends on what you want to do with the build. If you want to full attack frequently I'd suggest warblade. Their boosts, counters, and stances can all compliment that strategy nicely (and that's probably what you want since you're nabbing pounce and whirling frenzy). Crusader is mostly good with strikes and stances, and you don't need a ton of good strikes if you're mostly planning on charging and full attacking.

I'f you're doing ubercharge shenanigans (looks like you are), then tiger claw is the main school in warblade for strikes, boosts, and the like that compliment that. You should look at diamond mind, white raven, and iron heart for filling out some utility counter/boost slots and maybe nabbing the odd utility strike out of tiger claw, stone dragon, or diamond mind for if ubercharging is not the best option/not an option at all on a given turn.

Edit: While sudden leap is a less important maneuver if you have pounce, I still highly suggest taking it on your warblade since it's still really strong even if you're charging (swift action jumping to another square so you can full round charge from that square is really nice and is helpful for staying mobile).

That's not how I understand it; you get 1/2 your IL from the other class, so a C4 W1 can learn any maneuver requiring an IL of 3 when taking their first level of Warblade.

2014-04-28, 10:28 AM
I think he meant GPC, Greater Powerful Charge, and as for the bounce thing i don't believe it works that way as even in the Dungeon-Crasher description it talks about stopping once they hit a wall. That being said, you can sorta cheese it though, as if they are already against a wall you could technically bull-rush each attack you make triggering everything every time, at least untill the DM stops putting enemies along walls. :smallbiggrin:

Your damage calculations are a little off, as is the order, it should go like this:
Charge w/3 attacks gives you (2d6+32)x3 (Greatsword + 2 Handed + 10 Power Attack) at 18/18/13 (10 BaB+ 8 Str), triggering Knockback causing a Bull-Rush causing 1d8+(1d6+8)+(4d6+16) damage (Powerful Charge + Armor Spikes + Dungeon-Crasher) = min 132/max 194 assuming all attacks hit and you succeed on your bull-rush. Not small numbers at level 10, but not the insane you had calculated.

This is assuming level 10, as previously stated, with shock trooper so levels look like Barbarian 1/Fighter 6/Warforged Juggernaut 3. Unfortunately Powerful Charge specificly states that even if you get multiple attacks on a charge you can only trigger damage once per round.

If you add stuff like Leap Attack and the Valorous weapon enchant which doubles your damage on a charge, a +1 enchant at that, the damage skyrockets to min 294/max 386 again assuming everything hits/succeeds.

2014-04-28, 12:58 PM
Ok I can see how some of my numbers were a little off I think I applied the bullrush and such to often.

132 as a minimum is not a bad number considering most creatures will have between 100-150 HP at level 10.

Also Dungeoncrasher after level 6 becomes 8d6+x3 Str not 4d6+x2Str

2014-04-28, 02:01 PM
Ok here is what I thought it would be.
Charging at the foe triggers pounce (Full Attack at the end of a charge) with the first attack being the Dungeoncrasher 8d6+x3str(27)(Expansion for examples increases str by +4) plus the spikes and str of Superior Bull Rush (1d6+9) now because this was made as part of a charge Juggernaut's Superior Bullrush says he can add the extra damage from Greater Powerful Charge to this damage so that is 4d6 (Huge and with Greater Powerful Charge he is treated as Gargantuan)

Then as part of the full attack he uses his second attack to use Power Attack(2d6+13)+10), which triggers Knockback (if you are large which I missed earlier) which allows you to make a free bull rush attempt against the foe you hit with the Power Attack. With the Juggernaut's Spikes and Superior Bull Rush (Adds Spikes which deal 1d6(at 11th level it would become the 1d8)+Str(9) now add 8d6+x3Str (27) because of Dungeoncrasher but does not add Greater Powerful Charge because he is not making a charge.

With the extra attack, now yes it does not say action but from my understanding youi cannot make an attack without an attack action to use, he uses Power Attack(2d6(+13)+10), which triggers Knockback again, which allows him to make another bull rush attempt. Adding in the Juggernaut's spikes and the +9 from the Superior Bullrush rules and of course adding in dungeoncrasher so long as you are still slamming the foe into a solid object or surface.

So that is if I rolled a 1 on every dice roll a 179 minimum
A maximum of 364
So a median of 185

I am only adding Powerful charge or GPC once at the beginning due to the attack being made on a charge (Which triggers pounce and starts this chain). Yes all this is dependent on hitting the target with all three hits and making the bullrush attempts.

Not sure how you got 2d6+32? Is that suppose to be Str or the Power Attack?
Knockback says every time you land a power attack blow you can use knockback, so why did you only apply it once? Since the second and third strikes are power attack -5 off them to calculate the +10 as power attack damage they would trigger free bullrush attempts which triggers dungeoncrasher as that is only based off making a bull rush, not a charge.

(In addition, you gain a special benefit when making a
bull rush. If you force an opponent to move into a wall
or other solid object, he stops as normal. However, your
momentum crushes him against it,)

I get minimum by adding everything with all dice rolls at 1 and maximum through 6 in every possible dice roll. All str and power attack mods are static. Numbers would be a little lower is not using Expansion's full power to make a medium creature Huge.

2014-04-28, 05:33 PM
With the modifiers you gave me, 27 strength assuming that this is already calculated with rage and expansion, i got the following for your attack with the greatsword: +12 from Str (1.5x Str Mod of 8) + 20 Power Attack (2h Power attack = 2xPenalty of 10) for a total of 32 bonus damage. I maxed the power attack penalty because with Shock Trooper you take the penalty from AC not attack so their is no reason not to max it, and i added the Powerful Charge damage to the Bull-Rush because i wasn't sure if the bonus damage simply added to the base damage or not, you could add it to any 1 attack if you like.

And yes, i forgot that it jumps to 8d6+3xStr at level 6, shows me to post while at work.

On the Knockback, the reason I am not calculating it more than once is because if you activate off of the first hit, then there is the probability that you will move him out of range of the rest of your attacks. Unless your in a situation where your opponent is already against a wall and therefore cannot move then your Bull-Rush off of the first attack would get resolved BEFORE the rest of your attacks. Its an order-of-operation thing.

Also, if you do plan to indeed go the Warforged Juggernaut route, i recommend going Barbarian 1/Fighter 4/WJ 5 because the bonuses you get from Construct Perfection outweigh the bonus damage from Dungeon-Crasher.

Fouredged Sword
2014-04-28, 06:21 PM
I also suggest getting juggernaut as quickly as possible. The Immunities are best at lower levels. I would plan to dip reforged 2 to regain the ability to heal HP damage with cure spells, though with psionic repair damage, this is less of an issue.

2014-04-28, 06:24 PM
At the very least, he needs the three so he can't be dominated. But yes, grab as much Juggernaut as you can. and the two of reforged.Scrap that. Never mix Reforged and Juggernaut.

2014-04-28, 10:30 PM
Taking 1 in barbarian 6 in fighter 5 in juggernaut and 2 reforged. After that i dont know. Other half will be psion i think.

And no the 27 str was base with just a +2 belt. Though by ten he shoulf have a +4. So 29 bumpes up by +4 from expansion makes it 33 str when expanded and rushing.

Ok yes bullrush would have to finish before you can attack still not seeig where my order of actions is off. Can you explain. I normally dont deal with high op melee.

Oh also at 9th level ecl he will be immune to non lethal amd have regeneration. And yes i know some people claim that there is a wotc word on that but i cannot find it.
I did find warforged improved resiliency which specifies that it does turn off the regen and fast healing. If it was the norm why specifically point it out in the effects as if it were pointing out a different then normal ruling.

2014-04-28, 11:06 PM
Damage from Str can be adjusted if/when the character gets made, but as for the order-of-operation ill try and spread it out.

Step 1: Activate all buffs and rage
Step 2: Charge, activating Power Attack to Max and applying to penalty to AC via Shock Trooper
Step 3: First attack (assuming it hits), calculate appropriate damage
Step 4: Activate Knockback, triggering a Bull-rush attempt
Step 5: Assuming success, apply Superior Bull-rush damage, and move opponent appropriate number of squares, preferably into an immovable object like a wall, activating Dungeon-crasher damage
Here is where you have the problem
Step 6: Check to see if original target is still within reach, or rather any target, if not then that is the end of your charge.

If you push your main target out of reach, because it is quite possible to push something at least 15ft, then you cannot attack it again, and if there are no other targets available to attack you waste your other 2 attacks. As mentioned before, if you can angle it properly, moving the target against a wall WITHIN REACH will allow you to full attack and apply Knockback each time, but if no wall is nearby then you are just wasting attacks.

Also, on the reforge class, the actual ability states that you increase your healing from half to full, but does that still work if you no longer get half?

And immunity to death effects, necromancy effects, ability drain, and ability damage is extreme important by 10, otherwise expect to get facespammed with empowered, twined enervation and shivering touch shenanigans.

2014-04-28, 11:45 PM
The thing is, you do get full healing from any magical healing applied. However, you are immune to all forms of healing from the Healing Subschool. So things that provide magical healing, but are not of the healing subschool, such as goodberries, give you the benefit, as well as adding the ability to heal naturally. So its not exactly worth it to take reforged at all. I mean, Reforged and Juggernaut are the two extremes of a Warforged, there's absolutely no reason to combine them, it just won't work. It would be better to just ask a cleric/artificer to prep a repair spell for you, or even take a level yourself to cover your ass.

2014-04-28, 11:50 PM
Well I am gonna get a ring of forcewall or a custom ring of blockade which will allow him to make a solid 5by5by5 1 ton wooden block where he needs it, the spell says 0ft but thats due to dropping the wooden block used as a material. So the ring might be different. Ring of forcewall can be made up to 30 feet away. And with 1 charge lasts 2 rounds. Blockade lasts 3 rounds.

The thing is, you do get full healing from any magical healing applied. However, you are immune to all forms of healing from the Healing Subschool. So things that provide magical healing, but are not of the healing subschool, such as goodberries, give you the benefit, as well as adding the ability to heal naturally. So its not exactly worth it to take reforged at all. I mean, Reforged and Juggernaut are the two extremes of a Warforged, there's absolutely no reason to combine them, it just won't work. It would be better to just ask a cleric/artificer to prep a repair spell for you, or even take a level yourself to cover your ass.

Would psionics fall into the healing subschool? Also Warforged do not heal lethal damage naturally, they heal only non lethal naturally