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2014-04-24, 05:48 PM
I don't see a thread for it and with the movie coming along, I think one is going to be necessary. Is anyone following it?
I liked last issue, but I was disappointed by Bradshaw's lack of research on Agent Venom.

2014-04-25, 11:52 PM
I'm excited about the movie. I can't wait for it, but I'm into pretty much all of the Marvel movies.

2014-04-26, 02:26 PM
Well, I might go see it. A movie called ''Guardians of the Galaxy'' sounds good. But. Well, I'd be happier with the orginal guardians (Vance, Charle, Youndo, Marty, Nikki, and Aleta/Starhawk) and not the random, mid '00, cancled after like 12 issuses something of a team.

Worse, the Guardians in the movie are some of the worst picks. Rocket Raccoon? Why? Groot ''the living tree'', wow. A guess it might have Drax though......but not ''Authur Dogulas, dad of Moondragon, killed by Thantos, brought back by Chronos, and set to kill Thantos'' and more ''silly hulk CGI rip off with a knife with no history''.

2014-04-26, 04:05 PM
Well, I might go see it. A movie called ''Guardians of the Galaxy'' sounds good. But. Well, I'd be happier with the orginal guardians (Vance, Charle, Youndo, Marty, Nikki, and Aleta/Starhawk) and not the random, mid '00, cancled after like 12 issuses something of a team.

Good thing we're talking about the awesomely done, still ongoing with dozens of issues run of the team then. :smalltongue:

Worse, the Guardians in the movie are some of the worst picks. Rocket Raccoon? Why? Groot ''the living tree'', wow.

Yeah, what a surprise they'd bring back fan favorite characters. Admittely, I'd be in for Quasar or Adam Warlock over Gamora, but eh.

A guess it might have Drax though......but not ''Authur Dogulas, dad of Moondragon, killed by Thantos, brought back by Chronos, and set to kill Thantos'' and more ''silly hulk CGI rip off with a knife with no history''.

Uh, no, if they're going with the Drax from the recent Guardians of the Galaxy comics, it's totally the first. I've never seen that second Drax you mention anywhere.

2014-04-26, 05:41 PM
Good thing we're talking about the awesomely done, still ongoing with dozens of issues run of the team then. :smalltongue:
The 2008 series was much much better than the current series. It also changed how everyone else in the biz did team books, so there is that.
At least they are going back to Starlord's Kree costume in the book it seems, or at least as close to it as the movies allow them to do. Mask is in the cover at least, it shows up in his room. I really hate his new costume.

Yeah, what a surprise they'd bring back fan favorite characters. Admittely, I'd be in for Quasar or Adam Warlock over Gamora, but eh.
I really didn't like Warlock in GotG at all. Moondragon or Mantis, though...

Uh, no, if they're going with the Drax from the recent Guardians of the Galaxy comics, it's totally the first. I've never seen that second Drax you mention anywhere.

2014-04-26, 06:02 PM
Good thing we're talking about the awesomely done, still ongoing with dozens of issues run of the team then.

It is still ongoing? I drop it after like #8 or whatever when they had the silly Secret Skrull crossover or whatever......and Drax ''killed'' everyone to find the skrulls.

Yeah, what a surprise they'd bring back fan favorite characters. Admittely, I'd be in for Quasar or Adam Warlock over Gamora, but eh.

Rocket Raccoon and Groot are like each from one Hulk story like 30 years ago....tell me how they are ''fan favorates''.

I'd like Gamora....but the ''most dangerious woman in the universe'' one, not the lame ''kinda like she-hulk, but not as strong'' from later stories.

And Drax, Moondragon, Gamora, Adam, Pip, Thantos, and them all have such deep, rich history. It will be sad to see them all reduced to cheep CGI crap and bland stories. Drax is ''the destroyer'', um, 'cause we say so and it's cool....but he won't act like the good old Drax.

2014-04-26, 06:27 PM
It is still ongoing? I drop it after like #8 or whatever when they had the silly Secret Skrull crossover or whatever......and Drax ''killed'' everyone to find the skrulls.

Rocket Raccoon and Groot are like each from one Hulk story like 30 years ago....tell me how they are ''fan favorates''.

Because they were brought back in the Annhilation: Conquest story arc, and have stuck around for the next...6 years at this point, gaining plenty of fans in the meantime.

And Drax, Moondragon, Gamora, Adam, Pip, Thantos, and them all have such deep, rich history. It will be sad to see them all reduced to cheep CGI crap and bland stories. Drax is ''the destroyer'', um, 'cause we say so and it's cool....but he won't act like the good old Drax.

Oh, you have a copy of the movie already? Because that's the only way you could honestly act you know how they're going to handle him.

The 2008 series was much much better than the current series. It also changed how everyone else in the biz did team books, so there is that.
At least they are going back to Starlord's Kree costume in the book it seems, or at least as close to it as the movies allow them to do. Mask is in the cover at least, it shows up in his room. I really hate his new costume.

That's not entirely unsurprising now that Abnett and Lanning aren't in charge anymore.

2014-04-27, 10:23 AM
A year before the 2006 Guardians book, Marvel released a 4 issue mini of Drax the Destroyer, re-imagined in his new tattooed form... That led into the Annihilation series. I don't know if they ever fully explained where the tats came from or his more aggressive knife-fighting but, if I'm right, his last appearance with the purple cowl/cape & skull wrestling belt was in the Genis-Vell Captain Marvel title in 2000.
Star-lord & Gamora were also being peppered through out Marvel's cosmic titles up to Annihilation.
And while it is true that Rocket & Groot have had far fewer over all appearances in Marvel over the years, their recent revival (again, starting with the Annihilation mini) has been tremendously well received.

Personally, I have a lot of faith they'll be handled really well in the film because I think James Gunn was the PERFECT person for Marvel to have write & direct it. For one thing, he IS a comic fan (even collected issues of the GotG series from the '90s) so he has the right sense for the aesthetic. Especially so for a film like GotG. Why "especially?"
In his early days, Gunn wrote and produced an independent film called The Specials. Given that it was low budget, it is a great misfit-superhero-ensemble movie regardless... and I anticipate that with the tremendously greater budget that the MCU films provide, he'll be able to present something amazing for GotG. Expect some changes, various mods because where movies of comics are concerned that's just unavoidable. But I expect most changes we see will add more to the story and characters than it will take away.

Also, keep in mind that part of the reason this movie is considered so ambitious for Marvel is because these characters aren't as well known to begin with. So for fans of the past 9 years of related stories, I'm sure it will be as loyal to canon as it can be. But for everyone else who knows nothing of the comic... they're going to be watching it on only its own merits alone.
That's part of the reason the first trailer was set up like a role call to introduce the team after all.

2014-04-27, 11:03 AM
A year before the 2006 Guardians book, Marvel released a 4 issue mini of Drax the Destroyer, re-imagined in his new tattooed form... That led into the Annihilation series. I don't know if they ever fully explained where the tats came from or his more aggressive knife-fighting but, if I'm right, his last appearance with the purple cowl/cape & skull wrestling belt was in the Genis-Vell Captain Marvel title in 2000.
Star-lord & Gamora were also being peppered through out Marvel's cosmic titles up to Annihilation.
And while it is true that Rocket & Groot have had far fewer over all appearances in Marvel over the years, their recent revival (again, starting with the Annihilation mini) has been tremendously well received.
The Guardians book is from 2008, but other than that, very good explanation.

Personally, I have a lot of faith they'll be handled really well in the film because I think James Gunn was the PERFECT person for Marvel to have write & direct it. For one thing, he IS a comic fan (even collected issues of the GotG series from the '90s) so he has the right sense for the aesthetic. Especially so for a film like GotG. Why "especially?"
In his early days, Gunn wrote and produced an independent film called The Specials. Given that it was low budget, it is a great misfit-superhero-ensemble movie regardless... and I anticipate that with the tremendously greater budget that the MCU films provide, he'll be able to present something amazing for GotG. Expect some changes, various mods because where movies of comics are concerned that's just unavoidable. But I expect most changes we see will add more to the story and characters than it will take away.
Didn't know about the Specials, I'll try to get a hold of it.

Also, keep in mind that part of the reason this movie is considered so ambitious for Marvel is because these characters aren't as well known to begin with. So for fans of the past 9 years of related stories, I'm sure it will be as loyal to canon as it can be. But for everyone else who knows nothing of the comic... they're going to be watching it on only its own merits alone.
That's part of the reason the first trailer was set up like a role call to introduce the team after all.
Yeah, I liked the trailer even though I already knew those guys.

2014-04-27, 11:18 AM
Oh, you have a copy of the movie already? Because that's the only way you could honestly act you know how they're going to handle him.

To be fair, for awhile Drax was a mostly brain dead Hulk knock off in a stupid looking cape-suit. This was changed, because well, it was stupid and he didn't make a credible threat to the brilliant Thanos (those are probably not the reasons for the change, but they're true). Now he's a Kratos knock off, who thankfully is a bit more intelligent, and more fun.

I'm also pretty sure they'll be streamlining his backstory for the movie. Because a lot of it is unnecessary. Him being a human who was murdered then resurrected and altered by Kronos only matters if they're bringing in Moondragon, which they probably aren't. It's simpler to just make him an alien who hates Thanos.

Also, I'm ok with Adam Warlock being off the movie. I dislike it when a character's powers boil down to wiggle fingers and fix the main problem.

2014-04-27, 12:37 PM
The Guardians book is from 2008, but other than that, very good explanation.

You're right. Typo on my part because the 2006-7 Annihilation was what I was thinking of as I was typing... Oops.
The whole idea basically was to expand on the "cosmic" side on Marvel that had grown a bit stale and underused between 2000-5 with the exception of a title of two.

Didn't know about the Specials, I'll try to get a hold of it.
"The seventh or eight most popular Superhero team... on their day off." Thomas Hayden Church, Jamie Kennedy, Rob Lowe, Judy Greer, Chase Masterson, and James Gunn and his brother Sean (who also has a role in GotG) are in it.

Yeah, I liked the trailer even though I already knew those guys.
I was disappointed on an inherently insignificant level because I was hoping to see more of what I regard as James Gunn's personal "flavor" but that was kind of subdued because of the way they had to use this trailer as an indoctrination for everyone completely unfamiliar with the characters. I understand the reason for it so it's easy to dismiss and look forward to the next, which Gunn himself regards as a much better trailer.
My favorite part of the trailer though is Nebula! That baldness. Such blue. Much hot! :smallwink:

I'm also pretty sure they'll be streamlining his backstory for the movie. Because a lot of it is unnecessary. Him being a human who was murdered then resurrected and altered by Kronos only matters if they're bringing in Moondragon, which they probably aren't. It's simpler to just make him an alien who hates Thanos.

I have a theory Agents of SHIELD that we're going ...that Skye is Heather Douglas. With all their "no known psychics exist" line that they keep pounding at us, it makes a little sense that her as yet unknown special ability might be telepathic in nature. And in the line-up of the GotG trailer they make it pretty clear they don't know what species Drax is... so him being human is not off the table yet. He could have left earth around the time of Skye being left in an orphanage. Granted it's not really all that likely... but if it happens that way, I'll get to say I said so! :smallbiggrin:

2014-04-27, 01:26 PM
To be fair, for awhile Drax was a mostly brain dead Hulk knock off in a stupid looking cape-suit. This was changed, because well, it was stupid and he didn't make a credible threat to the brilliant Thanos (those are probably not the reasons for the change, but they're true). Now he's a Kratos knock off, who thankfully is a bit more intelligent, and more fun.
The weird thing is that he was saying either 'go with the classic comics' or 'Hulk knock off', while Hulk knock off is the classic version, however crappy that is.

You're right. Typo on my part because the 2006-7 Annihilation was what I was thinking of as I was typing... Oops.
The whole idea basically was to expand on the "cosmic" side on Marvel that had grown a bit stale and underused between 2000-5 with the exception of a title of two.
And it worked! :smallbiggrin:

"The seventh or eight most popular Superhero team... on their day off." Thomas Hayden Church, Jamie Kennedy, Rob Lowe, Judy Greer, Chase Masterson, and James Gunn and his brother Sean (who also has a role in GotG) are in it.
I just have to watch this.

I have a theory Agents of SHIELD that we're going ...that Skye is Heather Douglas. With all their "no known psychics exist" line that they keep pounding at us, it makes a little sense that her as yet unknown special ability might be telepathic in nature. And in the line-up of the GotG trailer they make it pretty clear they don't know what species Drax is... so him being human is not off the table yet. He could have left earth around the time of Skye being left in an orphanage. Granted it's not really all that likely... but if it happens that way, I'll get to say I said so! :smallbiggrin:
The more I think about it, the more sense it makes. :smalleek:

2014-04-27, 01:37 PM
Something of an aside... just kind of cool...
James Gunn just shared this from a fan on his Facebook:
https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/t1.0-9/q71/s720x720/10313846_10152374421284570_4795787163854005851_n.j pg

Water Bob
2014-04-27, 01:45 PM
I'm not dying to see it. I might wait for satellite/DVD/Netflix. But, it sounds fun. The preview looked funny.

2014-04-27, 03:50 PM
The weird thing is that he was saying either 'go with the classic comics' or 'Hulk knock off', while Hulk knock off is the classic version, however crappy that is.

Slightly incorrect. There were three ages of Drax. Original age where he was a more standard looking superhero, who I think was strong and shot lasers out of his hands like Havoc. He was of normal intelligence. Then he got killed off by his daughter. Then they decided to bring him back because Thanos was back and Drax is kind of tied to Thanos' story, but they wanted to alter him because he was really generic, so we got our Hulk knock off version, who was so dumb that even when he had the Power Gem he didn't know what to do with it except make himself even stronger. It was a sad time for Drax. Then we have Annihilation bringing him into the modern day Kratos knock off version, which personally I like better. He has a brutal and interesting fighting style that makes him worthy of a moniker like The Destroyer that the original version wasn't, and he isn't as stupid as Hulk version. It gives a nice best of both world scenario.

Dusk Eclipse
2014-04-28, 09:04 AM
I'm really, really exited for this movie, I've only read the newest GotG series (the one where Ironman joins them for a time) and I really liked it, so yeah pretty hyped for the movie. I have nothing else to say since I don't know much about them.

2014-04-28, 09:10 AM
Slightly incorrect. There were three ages of Drax. Original age where he was a more standard looking superhero, who I think was strong and shot lasers out of his hands like Havoc. He was of normal intelligence. Then he got killed off by his daughter. Then they decided to bring him back because Thanos was back and Drax is kind of tied to Thanos' story, but they wanted to alter him because he was really generic, so we got our Hulk knock off version, who was so dumb that even when he had the Power Gem he didn't know what to do with it except make himself even stronger. It was a sad time for Drax. Then we have Annihilation bringing him into the modern day Kratos knock off version, which personally I like better. He has a brutal and interesting fighting style that makes him worthy of a moniker like The Destroyer that the original version wasn't, and he isn't as stupid as Hulk version. It gives a nice best of both world scenario.
Thanks for the correction then! I think I never saw the original Drax, then. Wish they had Cammi in the movie.

I'm really, really exited for this movie, I've only read the newest GotG series (the one where Ironman joins them for a time) and I really liked it, so yeah pretty hyped for the movie. I have nothing else to say since I don't know much about them.

Try to read the 2008 series, it's so much better!
Did you like The Trial of Jean Grey?

Dusk Eclipse
2014-04-28, 09:18 AM
I haven't read it yet, I'm a really inconsistent comic reader and sometimes I forget to get the series :smallredface: so I'm not completely up to date; does the trial happens before or after they meet Angela.

I'll try to find the 2008 series, who was the writer again?

2014-04-28, 10:03 AM
I haven't read it yet, I'm a really inconsistent comic reader and sometimes I forget to get the series :smallredface: so I'm not completely up to date; does the trial happens before or after they meet Angela.

I'll try to find the 2008 series, who was the writer again?

Dan Abnett and Scott Lanning. They are coming back for a mini based on the movie universe, btw.

2014-04-28, 10:17 AM
All I can say is...

If I didn't already think this was going to be awesome, the director's attitude totally confirms it (https://twitter.com/JamesGunn/status/436916999172526080).

2014-05-19, 02:07 PM
Here we go: New Trailer (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crIaEzXgqto)!

(Broken link fixed.... blasted mcblaster blast!)

2014-05-19, 03:32 PM
"This video is private."


2014-05-19, 05:30 PM
Hee hee hee. The more I see of this movie the more I'm convinced it's either going to be amazing and I will love it. Or it will be an overcrowded tangled stupid mess and I will love it.

Kitten Champion
2014-05-19, 05:37 PM
Oh, they've got Knowhere now. It's pretty cool, moon-sized decomposing skull... makes me want to see a living Celestial.

Also, has Zoe Saldana had a line in any of these trailers?

2014-05-19, 08:52 PM
Also, has Zoe Saldana had a line in any of these trailers?

No, but I'm given to understand that Gamora isn't a very talkative woman. I'm sure she'll speak in the film.

Kitten Champion
2014-05-19, 09:15 PM
No, but I'm given to understand that Gamora isn't a very talkative woman. I'm sure she'll speak in the film.

Well, I assume she will, she's not Black Bolt or anything. It's just strange, particularly when the tree and the raccoon both deliver trailer-fodder lines.

2014-05-19, 09:26 PM
Well, I assume she will, she's not Black Bolt or anything. It's just strange, particularly when the tree and the raccoon both deliver trailer-fodder lines.

The raccoon is a talkative little bugger who normally is pretty quotable, and Groot kind of has his catch phrase to throw in for the comic fans. Gamora and Drazz aren't particularly talkative, and all of Drazz's trailer lines seem to be just set ups for Quill to say something funny. Seems like an odd coincidence really.

2014-05-19, 09:49 PM
Well, I assume she will, she's not Black Bolt or anything. It's just strange, particularly when the tree and the raccoon both deliver trailer-fodder lines.

We didn't hear anyone but Starlord before this one anyways so it doesn't seem like much of a big deal.

2014-05-20, 01:07 AM
It's certainly a strange premise for a blockbuster movie. On the one hand the MCU has done a fantastic job on most of their movies so far...on the other hand I'm not really interested in watching a talking Raccoon fight space aliens for several hours. Maybe I would feel different if I followed the comics, but currently it just feels far too immature to appeal to me...and I'm not a person with particularly mature tastes.

I'm sure it'll be wonderfully executed, but your average movie goer is just going to see talking trees and raccoons, decide it's a children's movie, and ignore it.

2014-05-21, 09:32 AM
I thought this looked like a fun film right from the outset, and the trailers have only compounded my thoughts. It reminds me a lot of the Fifth Element which despite technically not being an amazing film was fun as hell.

All of the MCU films so far have been fun, even the lesser-acclaimed ones like Iron Man 2 and Incredible Hulk have been worth seeing in my opinion and I'm sure Guardians will be no different.

2014-05-21, 10:07 AM
It's certainly a strange premise for a blockbuster movie. On the one hand the MCU has done a fantastic job on most of their movies so far...on the other hand I'm not really interested in watching a talking Raccoon fight space aliens for several hours. Maybe I would feel different if I followed the comics, but currently it just feels far too immature to appeal to me...and I'm not a person with particularly mature tastes.

I'm sure it'll be wonderfully executed, but your average movie goer is just going to see talking trees and raccoons, decide it's a children's movie, and ignore it.

The current trailers do a good job of not looking like a children's movie.

2014-05-21, 10:09 AM
Yeah, but they also don't give me the slightest idea what the movie will actually be about. There's apparently a guy who thinks he's some kind of criminal mastermind and several other guys who are all aliens and a space prison? That doesn't fill a movie, so clearly, there's some other kind of story in there. I just don't know what it is. Just that it contains shooting and spaceships.

2014-05-21, 10:28 AM
Which is a nice change from trailers that spoil the entire movie. It's a Marvel action movie in space, featuring a sort of Dirty Dozen crew fighting to save some planets/the galaxy from evil.

2014-05-21, 12:04 PM
Yeah, but they also don't give me the slightest idea what the movie will actually be about. There's apparently a guy who thinks he's some kind of criminal mastermind and several other guys who are all aliens and a space prison? That doesn't fill a movie, so clearly, there's some other kind of story in there. I just don't know what it is. Just that it contains shooting and spaceships.

Action movie about a band of misfits trying to save at least one planet from something evil, looks like they meet up in a prison. What more do you really need the trailer to tell you?

Kitten Champion
2014-05-21, 12:30 PM
Band of capable but eccentric rogues with lives going nowhere are gathered together via circumstances to solve some deadly galactic threat, discovering a sense of purpose and becoming unlikely heroes in the process.

It's sort of like Star Wars, but with Han Solo as the protagonist.

At least that's my impression.

2014-05-21, 01:04 PM
Ah. Where did you get the "save the planet/galaxy" thing from? I thought it would be a sort of "break out of galatic super-prison together" story.

2014-05-21, 01:10 PM
Ah. Where did you get the "save the planet/galaxy" thing from? I thought it would be a sort of "break out of galatic super-prison together" story.

"A thief, a couple of thugs, an assassin, and a psychopath. But we're not going to stand by while evil wipes out the galaxy."

"Are you telling me, the lives of 12 billion people are in the hands of these criminals?"

Seems pretty obvious to me. I mean some sort of prison riot or break seems to be involved as well, but I have no idea how long that is going to be.

2014-05-21, 01:22 PM
Oh, nevermind. I finally found a versio nof the second trailer that's legal in this country.

2014-05-22, 10:40 AM
on the other hand I'm not really interested in watching a talking Raccoon fight space aliens for several hours.

I love the inherent differences in people; this line alone, with no other context, would get me in to see a movie. But to each their own.

I'm super pumped about GotG and so is my wife, but she's only excited because Rocket's face looks like the racoon she trains.

2014-05-22, 11:27 AM
I'd be willing to give it a try, based on that line. But that line alone, for me, sort of smells of "trying too hard to be XTREMELY RADICAL!" Gun-shooting raccoon fights aliens in space has a whiff of that "Undead Cyborg Sharks on motorcycles fighting jetbiking chainsaw Ninjas over acid volcanoes", i.e. "Someone had a random generator loaded with "kewl" words".

Kitten Champion
2014-05-22, 01:11 PM
I'd be willing to give it a try, based on that line. But that line alone, for me, sort of smells of "trying too hard to be XTREMELY RADICAL!" Gun-shooting raccoon fights aliens in space has a whiff of that "Undead Cyborg Sharks on motorcycles fighting jetbiking chainsaw Ninjas over acid volcanoes", i.e. "Someone had a random generator loaded with "kewl" words".

Well, he sort of is, in the same way every over-the-top idea in comics was someone's effort to grab attention in a universe of attention grabbing -- just in the 70's weird SF should be weird kind of way rather than a teenage mutant ninja turtles kind of way. At least he's kind of a cool reference (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_k8W4LE2xts&feature=kp).

2014-05-22, 09:49 PM
Ah. Where did you get the "save the planet/galaxy" thing from? I thought it would be a sort of "break out of galatic super-prison together" story.

More like "Dirty dozen in space*". (basically the origin of the first Guardians team).

Well, I assume she will, she's not Black Bolt or anything. It's just strange, particularly when the tree and the raccoon both deliver trailer-fodder lines.

Groot has literally one line. It's _all he says_. And yeah, the Raccoon gets more lines than Gamora in the trailer. Not all the way accidental, Rocket is almost the core of the modern team. He's the one that put it all back together when it broke.

*Except there's only five of them.

2014-05-23, 07:56 AM
I don't have the words to describe how excited I am for this. Haven't read the comics at all (still undecided if I want to bone up on them, or go into the movie with a blank slate). But THAT CAST. I'm a big fan of both Lee Pace and Karen Gillan.

Also a pretty big fan of James Gunn. Super and Slither are both fantastic (both pretty dark films with a sense of humor...Super starts out as a comedy and declines, and Slither kinda goes the other way).

I'm really loving this wave of Marvel films. They just keep getting better and better!

2014-05-23, 12:28 PM
I have no knowledge of the comic other than the name, and I just can't summon up any sort of enthusiasm for this movie. I don't know why. The recent Marvel movies have generally been pretty good (ignoring the Thor movies which were snoozefests, and the Hulk movies), but the trailers don't pique my interest at all. The sight of spaceships shooting at eachother is nice but everything else in the trailers tell me this is one I'll wait until it comes around cheap or I'll borrow it from a friend or something.

2014-05-23, 03:35 PM
I don't have the words to describe how excited I am for this. Haven't read the comics at all (still undecided if I want to bone up on them, or go into the movie with a blank slate). But THAT CAST. I'm a big fan of both Lee Pace and Karen Gillan.
Also a pretty big fan of James Gunn. Super and Slither are both fantastic (both pretty dark films with a sense of humor...Super starts out as a comedy and declines, and Slither kinda goes the other way).

I'm really loving this wave of Marvel films. They just keep getting better and better!

Re: Gunn - You and me both! (At least his Superhero films.) Have you also seen the Specials (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wMvv924Gks)?
I have to keep encouraging people going into GOTG to see it. It's low budget (as most independent films are) but it's amazing. And when you see THAT CAST? How absurdly great is that?
Personally I feel it's the singular example of why he was the best choice for this specific Marvel film.
I'm more than a little hoping it gets a sequel and he stays on board!

2014-05-23, 03:49 PM
I thought this looked like a fun film right from the outset, and the trailers have only compounded my thoughts. It reminds me a lot of the Fifth Element which despite technically not being an amazing film was fun as hell.

All of the MCU films so far have been fun, even the lesser-acclaimed ones like Iron Man 2 and Incredible Hulk have been worth seeing in my opinion and I'm sure Guardians will be no different.

Having not read any of the Guardian comics, you're getting a newbie viewpoint here.

Simply put: The movie looks like it will be fun. Not taking itself too seriously, but a good pace and decent story. The Marvel/Disney juggrnaut has done a good enough job with their other movies to warrant some trust, and I don't see this one changing that.

2014-05-23, 05:02 PM
I did see the Specials, SeeDarkly_X! I haven't re-watched it in ages, but I loved it when it came out.

Also: one of my favorite pictures I've seen on the internet in ages:

2014-05-26, 02:56 AM
I did see the Specials, SeeDarkly_X! I haven't re-watched it in ages, but I loved it when it came out.

Damn it... I'm idiotically looking around for a "like" button so I can show my appreciation for our shared enjoyment of it! LOL
I own it on VHS... really should get a dvd copy.

2014-05-31, 12:58 PM
"Josh Brolin cast as the voice of Thanos."

2014-06-02, 09:46 AM
Groot has literally one line. It's _all he says_. And yeah, the Raccoon gets more lines than Gamora in the trailer. Not all the way accidental, Rocket is almost the core of the modern team. He's the one that put it all back together when it broke.

You know, when Groot was reintroduced in Annihilation: Starlord, he actually spoke normally. He still said "I am Groot", but that being the only thing he says was established later.

2014-06-05, 04:39 PM

2014-06-06, 05:34 AM

I don't suppose you can actually buy a copy of that poster?:smallsmile:

Dusk Eclipse
2014-06-06, 10:32 AM
On that vein, I think this is appropiate (http://www.dorkly.com/post/63736/guardians-of-the-galaxy-vs-star-wars)

Apologies in advance to SW fans.

2014-06-06, 01:39 PM
I don't suppose you can actually buy a copy of that poster?:smallsmile:

Not sure. But the source I found leads here (https://twitter.com/PosterPosse). The twitter handle for the actual artist doesn't seem to work right... but that's a place to start.

On that vein, I think this is appropriate (http://www.dorkly.com/post/63736/guardians-of-the-galaxy-vs-star-wars)

<3 this!

2014-07-31, 06:48 PM
Rise from your grave!

Just come back from seeing Guardians of the Galaxy and, without spoilers for those who can't see it until tomorrow, it's great.

It probably is the best of the Marvel movies. Yes, better than Avengers. Avengers is fun, but the characters in it are the Joss Whedon soundbite versions of the characters , they hardly ever converse like actual people, everything they say is written to be as quotable as possible, and then the end is just 40 minutes of punching.

Guardians doesn't do that, the characters talk to each other like actual people. Sure, the script is riotously funny, but there's more context to the funny, it grows organically out of actual conversations that believable people are having.

And one of them is an angry little Raccoon man.

And he's great.

The plot is "band of misfits come together, save galaxy", but you already knew that and should only care that it has been executed with humour, skill, and respect for the heart of its source material.

2014-07-31, 09:25 PM
Just saw it too.

It was fun. So much fun.

I can't even describe it otherwise, it's just too densely packed with amazingly fun things.

Bulldog Psion
2014-07-31, 10:19 PM
I was excited for it already. Now that I hear your enthusiasm, my excitement has increased at least eightfold. :smallbiggrin:

2014-07-31, 10:45 PM
Gotta agree, best Marvel movie. Funny, quite poignant at times ... and just plain fun. I need to see this again, just to catch all the lines I missed because I was laughing so much during the film.

Lord Raziere
2014-07-31, 11:12 PM
ok, I'll have to see this. I may be a little confused as to how it was greenlighted by the studios, but if its good....I'll see it.

I'm not against it or anything, I'm just confused as to how "two humans, a tree person, a talking raccoon and some other alien guy fight aliens." made it in as a viable concept with humans tending to not like the weird and new and strange and whatnot.

2014-07-31, 11:48 PM
ok, I'll have to see this. I may be a little confused as to how it was greenlighted by the studios, but if its good....I'll see it.

I'm not against it or anything, I'm just confused as to how "two humans, a tree person, a talking raccoon and some other alien guy fight aliens." made it in as a viable concept with humans tending to not like the weird and new and strange and whatnot.

Better pitched as "The Fifth Element, with a handful of Star Wars (A New Hope) and 2 scoops of Marvel Awesome."

2014-08-01, 03:24 AM
ok, I'll have to see this. I may be a little confused as to how it was greenlighted by the studios, but if its good....I'll see it.

I'm not against it or anything, I'm just confused as to how "two humans, a tree person, a talking raccoon and some other alien guy fight aliens." made it in as a viable concept with humans tending to not like the weird and new and strange and whatnot.

Well one human, a tree person, a talking raccoon, an alien guy and alien gal fight aliens.

So, I watched it, and it was really enjoyable. Quirky, funny, and a bit of heart shown at times. It tried its best to develop and show off each of its very weird cast within the time constraints of the film. I did feel that it was sometimes cluttered with elements, but it works and I went with someone who didn't read any of the cosmic Marvel comics and he was able to understand everything.

Archonic Energy
2014-08-01, 03:41 AM
well, I enjoyed it.

some interesting questions for the sequel. but I'll wait till the american release date before I openly ponder them.

2014-08-01, 08:19 AM
So, I watched it, and it was really enjoyable. Quirky, funny, and a bit of heart shown at times. It tried its best to develop and show off each of its very weird cast within the time constraints of the film. I did feel that it was sometimes cluttered with elements, but it works and I went with someone who didn't read any of the cosmic Marvel comics and he was able to understand everything.

Just watched it myself. It was really good and had a nice mix of action, drama, and comedy at the right moments. Definitely a good movie!
(Also those little touches that connected it to the Avengers universe were nice. Stay for the after-credits stinger).

2014-08-01, 08:53 AM
Watched it last night. It was glorious. I will also be watching it tomorrow. And probably the next day.

The last movie I did that for was The Avengers.

2014-08-01, 09:08 AM
I can't justify the expense, but I will have to see Guardians again, to catch all the lines I missed the last time, 'cause I was laughing so hard.

2014-08-01, 06:09 PM
Seeing it in a few hours! I'll return with my impressions, but I'll dot this thread for now.

Soras Teva Gee
2014-08-01, 09:43 PM
So this wasn't quite as good as the Avengers for really wanting to be the Avengers IN SPACE.... its close and I can hardly fault a movie for not being that enjoyable and claim I'm being fair.

Outside that particular comparison it beats the rest of Marvel's excepting maybe the first Iron Man, its close and I can hardly expect acting as entertaining as Downey Jr and claim I'm being fair.

Will definitely see again so I can catch little details I missed while laughing.

2014-08-01, 10:19 PM
So this wasn't quite as good as the Avengers for really wanting to be the Avengers IN SPACE.... its close and I can hardly fault a movie for not being that enjoyable and claim I'm being fair.

Outside that particular comparison it beats the rest of Marvel's excepting maybe the first Iron Man, its close and I can hardly expect acting as entertaining as Downey Jr and claim I'm being fair.

So a solid 3rd place? Seems fair. I'd put it around that level myself. Unlike Iron Man, Avengers, et al. I never read the comics for Guardians of the Galaxy. Heck, never knew what it was until the teaser came out and I looked them up. So for a Marvel movie about Marvel characters I had no clue on, it really held my attention well. :smallsmile:

(And yeah, so much laughter...)

Mauve Shirt
2014-08-01, 10:35 PM
I didn't know how much I needed this in my life until it was given to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If Vin Diesel doesn't get a best actor nomination I'll flip tables though. :smalltongue: I mean, that speech at the end.

Soras Teva Gee
2014-08-01, 10:53 PM
So a solid 3rd place? Seems fair. I'd put it around that level myself. Unlike Iron Man, Avengers, et al. I never read the comics for Guardians of the Galaxy. Heck, never knew what it was until the teaser came out and I looked them up. So for a Marvel movie about Marvel characters I had no clue on, it really held my attention well. :smallsmile:

(And yeah, so much laughter...)

You'd have to ask me in a few months when I see both on a small screen to pick.

And while I'm not terribly knowledgeable on Cosmic Marvel this is farther from the source material then usual, but then a lot of Cosmic Marvel seems to have kinda... sucked... before Dan Abnett's Annihilation storyline. Which is one of the best comics ever written handsdown, though by the time that had spun to the Guardians book was about when I stopped reading comics. I still remembered Drax as a more wise warrior-poet figure (he used to be an imbecile though) and with a rather more annoyingly complex background (he's from Earth just for a start) but honestly I back simply excising all that for a movie much like 'protagionizing' Peter Quill who was a more behind the scenes smart guy when I knew him.

Short version, more so then usual I would say the comics don't matter.

Would be reeally nice if they found a way to use GL clone Nova in the sequel though.

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-01, 11:17 PM
Yeah I watched it and enjoyed it. It was fun, fast paced and a VERY necessary change of scenery/ character for a marvel movie.

2014-08-01, 11:27 PM
Glorious. So glorious.

On one hand, it's a love letter to the good parts of silver age comics, a lot of fun, and with care to not simply devolve into stupidity. On the other, they pull off the merry band of misfits in an actual good way, where they're unified around a theme for a purpose. Plus it's a giant middle finger to what DC thinks people want in comic movies, and one to Michael Bay at the same time (look, a spectacle with a good story and emotional resonance). They make the most out of the characters and the tropes they pull from.

Especially in act three during a big speech. You see it you'll know what I'm talking about.

In case you want to be massively spoiled: here's the post-credits
Howard the Duck exists

2014-08-01, 11:28 PM
I didn't know how much I needed this in my life until it was given to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If Vin Diesel doesn't get a best actor nomination I'll flip tables though. :smalltongue: I mean, that speech at the end.

Silly Mauve, Vin Diesel hit all the right emotional notes in three words. The Academy only awards performances that have a slightly overacted scene of emotional distress in them.

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-01, 11:32 PM
In case you want to be massively spoiled: here's the post-credits
Howard the Duck exists


Dear god. Thats just so ballzy.

Anyway yeah the film was great! The only weakish bit was the "Sort of Love interest angle" but it thankfully received little focus.

2014-08-01, 11:38 PM

Dear god. Thats just so ballzy.

post credits
That was the least ridiculous thing about that scene.
And it followed a Chaplin routine set to the Jackson 5

2014-08-01, 11:42 PM
In case you want to be massively spoiled: here's the post-credits
Howard the Duck exists

The audience reaction to that was perfect. Everyone was just so damn dumbfounded nobody said anything for a good ten seconds after. Not like, polite silence either but a genuine "the hell did I just see" sort of way where half of them knew what they were looking at, but were still processing it.

2014-08-01, 11:45 PM
The audience reaction to that was perfect. Everyone was just so damn dumbfounded nobody said anything for a good ten seconds after. Not like, polite silence either but a genuine "the hell did I just see" sort of way where half of them knew what they were looking at, but were still processing it.

In my theater there was riotous laughing and applause.

Soras Teva Gee
2014-08-02, 01:43 AM
I couldn't say for my audience, I was too busy keeling over at Marvel taking a gleeful potshot at itself.

2014-08-02, 02:13 AM
How many of you are excited for the movie..? It has been released and I am going tomorrow. Reviews are great.

2014-08-02, 07:42 AM
And while I'm not terribly knowledgeable on Cosmic Marvel this is farther from the source material then usual, but then a lot of Cosmic Marvel seems to have kinda... sucked... before Dan Abnett's Annihilation storyline. Which is one of the best comics ever written handsdown, though by the time that had spun to the Guardians book was about when I stopped reading comics. I still remembered Drax as a more wise warrior-poet figure (he used to be an imbecile though) and with a rather more annoyingly complex background (he's from Earth just for a start) but honestly I back simply excising all that for a movie much like 'protagionizing' Peter Quill who was a more behind the scenes smart guy when I knew him.

Short version, more so then usual I would say the comics don't matter.

Yeah, you are right. My wife is looking up the comics and they match... in title. But for knowing next-to-nothing of the source, I'm able to follow it real easily enough, and that I think is a good thing.

On one hand, it's a love letter to the good parts of silver age comics, a lot of fun, and with care to not simply devolve into stupidity. On the other, they pull off the merry band of misfits in an actual good way, where they're unified around a theme for a purpose. Plus it's a giant middle finger to what DC thinks people want in comic movies, and one to Michael Bay at the same time (look, a spectacle with a good story and emotional resonance). They make the most out of the characters and the tropes they pull from.

The effort invested to give a move both a solid story and exploding goodness is well worth the investment. :smallbiggrin:
If only more studios would understand that.

The audience reaction to that was perfect. Everyone was just so damn dumbfounded nobody said anything for a good ten seconds after. Not like, polite silence either but a genuine "the hell did I just see" sort of way where half of them knew what they were looking at, but were still processing it.

The theater I was in had an interesting mix. Half the audience didn't know who it was. The other have went "OMG That's--!!" and cheered like nuts. :smallbiggrin:
Then as we exited, we all informed the clueless half why we were cheering so dang loud.

2014-08-02, 08:32 AM
Words fail me to describe this movie. I love it. I love it SO MUCH.

2014-08-02, 12:05 PM
You'd have to ask me in a few months when I see both on a small screen to pick.

And while I'm not terribly knowledgeable on Cosmic Marvel this is farther from the source material then usual, but then a lot of Cosmic Marvel seems to have kinda... sucked... before Dan Abnett's Annihilation storyline. Which is one of the best comics ever written handsdown, though by the time that had spun to the Guardians book was about when I stopped reading comics. I still remembered Drax as a more wise warrior-poet figure (he used to be an imbecile though) and with a rather more annoyingly complex background (he's from Earth just for a start) but honestly I back simply excising all that for a movie much like 'protagionizing' Peter Quill who was a more behind the scenes smart guy when I knew him.

Yeah they gave Drax the Gimli treatment. Which is a shame as I really like his most recent version, but I can see why they did it. But I actually like Pratt's Star-Lord better than his comic counterpart.

As for where I personally rate the movie. I think I liked Cap2 better, but I enjoyed it more than Iron Man 1. Which I consider the benchmark of a good comic book movie. But I'll have to see if it holds up in a couple months.

Legato Endless
2014-08-02, 04:09 PM
Guardians doesn't do that, the characters talk to each other like actual people. Sure, the script is riotously funny, but there's more context to the funny, it grows organically out of actual conversations that believable people are having.

The plot is "band of misfits come together, save galaxy", but you already knew that and should only care that it has been executed with humour, skill, and respect for the heart of its source material.

Yeah, there aren't any surprises in this film...but there doesn't need to be. The whole thing is entirely too charming to care, and there's so much to enjoy within the glorified mess. There aren't enough wacky adventure films executed this well, and DC should take a page from this and realize they don't need to take everything so seriously. The world is so colorful, and the large amount of practical effects keeps everything balanced from devolving into the green screen saturation that plagues so many similar efforts. It's funny, and like Downy's Stark, I prefer this film's version of the protagonist to the comic incarnation I've seen. Probably my only nitpick with the film is that, while the main cast is suitably well developed, the side characters could be a touch better utilized.

The collector getting a bit more than a single exposition scene (and the credits stinger) would have been welcome after the Dark World build up, and Lee Pace is such a fantastic ham (can't wait to see Thranduil in Hobbit 3) that it would have been nice to get another fun scene or two to distinguish our deliberately generic villain. Did anyone else cheer when he blasted Thanos' prattling Viceroy? Speaking of Thanos, Brolin did an excellent job giving an impactful introduction to the character for his eventual rise to prominence.

So this wasn't quite as good as the Avengers for really wanting to be the Avengers IN SPACE.... its close and I can hardly fault a movie for not being that enjoyable and claim I'm being fair.

Outside that particular comparison it beats the rest of Marvel's excepting maybe the first Iron Man, its close and I can hardly expect acting as entertaining as Downey Jr and claim I'm being fair.

Will definitely see again so I can catch little details I missed while laughing.


As for where I personally rate the movie. I think I liked Cap2 better, but I enjoyed it more than Iron Man 1. Which I consider the benchmark of a good comic book movie. But I'll have to see if it holds up in a couple months.

Makes sense, though I'd probably reverse the order. While I think it's a lot better than Iron man 3 or Thor 2, the tie breaker for me is that for all of the energy in the first two acts, the climax of Cap 2 drags on a fair bit, especially compared to the conclusion we get here.

2014-08-02, 04:40 PM
Just got back from it. Still processing, but really, really awesome.

2014-08-02, 04:47 PM
I would put it into third place for the Marvel universe. I loved the movie, just less then Avengers and Winter Soldier.

2014-08-02, 04:53 PM

Dear god. Thats just so ballzy.

Anyway yeah the film was great! The only weakish bit was the "Sort of Love interest angle" but it thankfully received little focus.

The creator of the original Guardians co-wrote a certain fowl so his appearance is not so surprising. Is dan nice though.

I also echo approval of The Specials from earlier in the thread.

2014-08-02, 08:30 PM
This is probably the best movie that I've watched in the last year, and I'm honestly considering this to become my new favorite Marvel film. To be fair though, that might be because this movie is still fresh, while I've kinda over-exposed myself to Iron Man and Avengers (don't get me wrong I still enjoy them, but not as much as I did when they first came out). Even then, it has to compete with both of those, Captain America 2 and X-men: Days of Future Past.

But this film is something I've been waiting a long time to see, and it feels like this movie was almost made to appeal to me on a very personal level. It has just about everything that I love to see in a space-western, cosmic, superhero movie. It even shares my fascination with using music as a key part of the experience. (Most of my stuff has a soundtrack that I've cobbled together in a similar way that this movie uses the mix tape, though I don't usually directly write it into what I'm doing.)

It has extremely funny and witty writing, while also having enough sober moments to not feel cheesy. The pacing is excellent, as is the directing; it's is engaging, colorful and there was never a dull moment. It's not perfect, (as has been said, it's not a terribly surprising movie) but it's so well-executed that I highly doubt most people will care. It's clear that everyone working on this had a great passion for it and I can't help but be sucked in by that. This is the adventure movie that I've been wanting to see for years, it knows that the classic storytelling formula works. You just have to give the movie enough originality for it to be it's own thing, and I think that GotG did that superbly.

I also really enjoyed that the movie seemed aware of it's ridiculousness and unsurprising nature but it's never condescending towards itself or it's fans (a flaw that sometimes pops up in movies that try to hard to wink at the camera). It's like the movie is saying 'we love the classic stories for a reason and don't have to shake things up to be a lot of fun'. The classic Hero's Journey works just as well today as it did when Star Wars came out, and Guardians knows that. So instead of crafting an entirely new story, it takes the best elements of beloved films and gives them it's own unique charm.

Basically, I am hyped for Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and for what the rest of phase 2 and phase 3 have to bring. (Note: Marvel, please, please, please put Runaways into phase 3. That movie had no business being put on the shelf like it has.)

2014-08-02, 09:26 PM
I think this was better than Avengers. The team dynamic is just more organic.

Soras Teva Gee
2014-08-02, 09:45 PM
I think this was better than Avengers. The team dynamic is just more organic.

I felt the team was (purely in side by side comparison here) didn't quite have the chemistry the Avengers did. While the more subdued take is possibly more realistic, appropriate, yadda yadda but isn't quite as fun to watch as the Avengers all but have sex with one another by talking. Seriously the Avengers shout "Just Kiss Already!" in scenes and see how often it works.

For two movies that take really basic scripts and just do them for maximum entertainment I don't think Guardians quite has the hammy acting to outdo the Avengers. Which I'd kinda expect when you aren't casting for actors who are going to be holding down their own films in the meanwhile, have a similar main cast size but 50 million less dollars, and don't have Whedon for snappy lines.

That's all into really subjective pure opinion zones though. So different strokes...

2014-08-02, 10:33 PM
I preferred the more subdued chemistry for the Guardians honestly. A lot of it lies in the setup. In Avengers, the team starts out with a bunch of people who are so over-the-top and big that it makes sense for them not to get along. Yeah, they fight, but it's in a way that makes it clear that these people will become a team later on. Like you said, the dialogue is so over-the-top that it almost becomes romantic. That's because the characters are intentionally larger than life, and the dialogue between them makes sense in that light.

In GotG, the team is also only together because of convenience, but in a different way. Where the Avengers are made because there's a huge threat that needs stopping and there's an organization forcing them together, the Guardians meet because they are all forced into a situation where there goals align briefly; but it turns out that they have a lot more in common than they thought, and their goals become united. As I watched the movie, I kept getting a very real sense that these characters who started out seeming one-dimensional were discovering new things about each other that made each character feel more developed.

In the Avengers, everyone goes their separate ways, because while they may have respect for each other, and even like each other, they aren't a family. They each have their own goals and motivations, there own lives and own stories, they are so individual that being apart of a team is just another facet of their characters. But for the Guardians, they have no one else but each other, they are a family born out of a shared sense of loss. There is real love and care shown for each other, and it all builds very naturally (which is a breath of fresh air, since many movies that start out with characters barely tolerating each other fall flat when it comes to bringing them together) in a surprisingly subtle way. The Guardians are defined as a team first and individuals second (though each character has a lot of personality and depth) which makes the team cohesion feel much stronger. IMO

As Soras said, it's all subjective anyway. But that's why I feel like the Guardians were a more cohesive team and why I prefer it to Avengers.

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-02, 10:46 PM
Kill me but I prefered the GOG banter over Avengers Banter.

2014-08-03, 02:40 AM
Kill me but I prefered the GOG banter over Avengers Banter.

Which one I prefer will vary depending on day, time, and what mood I'm in.

I think they were going for different styles, and each hit its style rather well.

Something that impresses me is that out of the whole movie, only one character felt kinda out of place. The others all felt like even if they were just around for one scene, they HAD a life outside that scene, we just weren't seeing it.

Korath the Pursuer, the lieutenant guy. I'm wondering if there's a deleted scene involving him in Knowhere or something, because his appearance at the beginning and then sudden "oh yeah, that guy" at the end felt lacking.

2014-08-03, 03:31 AM
Saw it and it was great!

I did have one question though, regarding the macguffin:

The Purple gem is Space, right? Can it really do that? Nuke a whole planet? I can kinda see the connection but I also thought Power/Reality might be better suited to that level of destruction.

Kill me but I prefered the GOG banter over Avengers Banter.

I did too - nothing like a foul-mouthed raccoon and overly-literal shirtless palamonk to liven up the dialogue.

Towards the end the "power of friendship" stuff got a bit cheesy but that added to the charm.

2014-08-03, 04:55 AM
Saw it and it was great!

I did have one question though, regarding the macguffin:

The Purple gem is Space, right? Can it really do that? Nuke a whole planet? I can kinda see the connection but I also thought Power/Reality might be better suited to that level of destruction.

I did too - nothing like a foul-mouthed raccoon and overly-literal shirtless palamonk to liven up the dialogue.

Towards the end the "power of friendship" stuff got a bit cheesy but that added to the charm.

I don't think they are holding to the "Gems have specific powers" thing, they imply the Tesserect/Cosmic Cube is an infinity gem in this continuity and it would be the mind gem..which I don't think would open gateways in space like it did in Avengers.

2014-08-03, 05:22 AM
I thought the Mind gem was the blue glowy thing inside Loki's spear, separate from the cube - hence him being able to dominate Hawkeye and Selvig by poking them with it. Even while using the Cube to pull in the Chitauri, he was still using the gem separately, such as when he tried (and failed) to control Stark. Thor took the gem back to Asgard at the end of Avengers (haven't seen Thor 2 yet though) but as we saw in the Winter Soldier stinger, the spear is still here and apparently in the hands of Hydra.

2014-08-03, 06:44 AM
I thought the Mind gem was the blue glowy thing inside Loki's spear, separate from the cube - hence him being able to dominate Hawkeye and Selvig by poking them with it. Even while using the Cube to pull in the Chitauri, he was still using the gem separately, such as when he tried (and failed) to control Stark. Thor took the gem back to Asgard at the end of Avengers (haven't seen Thor 2 yet though) but as we saw in the Winter Soldier stinger, the spear is still here and apparently in the hands of.

Yeah but when The Collector explains the Infinity Gems, one of the..ovals shows the cube.

2014-08-03, 07:02 AM
The colours are different in the movie version. Blue is Space, red is Reality, purple is Power

2014-08-03, 08:03 AM
Kill me but I prefered the GOG banter over Avengers Banter.

Is it too much to like both? :smallbiggrin:

I personally find it difficult to decide. They're both great and I think for me it's like what Huttj509 said. Depends on the mood I'm in.

2014-08-03, 09:42 AM
Yeah but when The Collector explains the Infinity Gems, one of the..ovals shows the cube.

I'm not denying that the cube is an Infinity gem/stone in this continuity (or at least, I'm not denying that people in the MMU think it is one.) I just think that (despite it's apparent color) the cube does not represent Mind, since there is already a separate blue gem being used to do exactly what I'd expect Mind to do.

The colours are different in the movie version. Blue is Space, red is Reality, purple is Power

Do you have a source for these? Again, blue appears to be unchanged in function from the comics/games.

2014-08-03, 12:07 PM
Two queries spoilered in case someone would rather watch the movie than read here...

Out of curiosity was that a Kree Sentry we saw wielding a hammer possessing the powers of that gem?

And was that the same world where Quill recovered the gem from?

Giggling Ghast
2014-08-03, 05:04 PM
Just seen it. Yes, it's as great as everyone's saying it is. Believe the hype.

2014-08-03, 07:17 PM
Loved it so very very much. Lee Pace being badass! Best description of the film I've heard (wish I could take credit for this one): it's like if Farscape met Firefly and had baby Avengers

2014-08-03, 07:48 PM
Do you have a source for these? Again, blue appears to be unchanged in function from the comics/games.

Yeah, This interview with Kevin Feige (http://www.craveonline.co.uk/film/interviews/601057-exclusive-interview-kevin-feige-on-thor-and-marvels-future/2)

2014-08-03, 08:15 PM
Saw the movie earlier this afternoon. Probably one of my favorite MCU movies, and close to, if not outright my favorite film so far this year. They managed to take what should be some of the corniest stuff imaginable and make it both emotionally compelling and awesome. Closest thing I have to a complaint is that the blue Thanos Daughter was kind of a lame villain, but Ronan and Yondu mostly made up for her.

2014-08-03, 09:40 PM
Wow that movie was great...as in good as avengers great. I liked it more than avengers.

2014-08-03, 09:45 PM
Saw it earlier today and it was absolutely wonderful. Wonderful characters, wonderful dialogue, wonderful effects... I have no real complaints except that I was slightly disappointed by Gamora's "sister" and that they didn't have time to go more into the background of certain furry characters. Rocket was my absolute favorite of the bunch.

Also, absolutely stay for the scene after the credits. Definitely need to see it.

2014-08-03, 09:54 PM
I'm a DC comics fan who doesn't really know a lot about the Marvel Universe. As such, I went to see this movie without really knowing what I was getting into or what to expect, or how much of it would really matter in the greater scheme of things, that is, how it would fit into the rest of the Marvel Movies we've seen lately, or if it would even mesh with them at all.

Wow! Was I ever in for a treat. I learned a lot and had a fantastic time doing it. This movie really is all it's cracked up to be. Believe the hype!
90% on Rotten Tomatoes, and even Scowling Dragon liked it. What more do you want? It's awesome!!!

I did think that Vin Diesel's performance was a bit wooden, though.

Knowing that Marvel Movies have a post-credits teaser for the next film, I stuck around to watch.

Scowling Dragon
2014-08-03, 09:58 PM
90% on Rotten Tomatoes, and even Scowling Dragon liked it. What more do you want? It's awesome!!!

Now you KNOW thats the sign of quality! :smallwink:

2014-08-03, 09:59 PM
I did think that Vin Diesel's performance was a bit wooden, though.

Dear Lord, that one made me choke.

Saw the movie on Friday. Did not disappoint in the slightest. My anticipation for Age of Ultron has grown significantly as a result.

2014-08-03, 10:08 PM
It was wooden, but by the end he did show some growth....

2014-08-03, 10:09 PM
Knowing that Marvel Movies have a post-credits teaser for the next film, I stuck around to watch.

What the duck? :smallbiggrin:

My read of the stinger for this one is that it's a dig at everybody who was skeptical that Guardians would perform. When it was first announced, and up until the first trailer landed, people were really nervous about this one. I mean, when Iron Man landed people were skeptical because he was third string and not very well known. The Guardians? These Guardians? If Iron Man was third string before landing in cinemas, the Guardians were pee wee leagues.

Using Howard the Duck in the stinger here is basically saying "You thought we couldn't bring it? Well, we brought it. After this, trust us, we could even make Howard work now. Bow down, bitches."

2014-08-04, 12:26 AM
"WE... ARE..."
I teared up. I admit it.
I'm going to see it one more time before I really start dissecting it.
But regarding this:

I don't think they are holding to the "Gems have specific powers" thing, they imply the Tesserect/Cosmic Cube is an infinity gem in this continuity and it would be the mind gem..which I don't think would open gateways in space like it did in Avengers.

James Gunn answered this in a Q&A on twitter:
the Power gem.

I don't know that the others have been specifically identified though, either on film or by the writers or directors.

2014-08-04, 12:55 AM
So I know of thanos but I honestly have never read anything with him in it. In spoiler blocks can someone tell about what he is capable without the infinity gauntlet on a normal day, as well as a power of an " average" eternal that is normal and a power of an eternal that is enhanced by accident via cronus.

Effectively the eternals seem to effectively be psions, but nowhere do I get a real idea of their power scale, are we talking captain america, iron man, thor, odin? What are eternals capable of? What is thanos aka a mutant among the eternals capable of?

2014-08-04, 12:56 AM
Knowing that Marvel Movies have a post-credits teaser for the next film, I stuck around to watch.

I'm pretty sure it's not a teaser for the next film. Howard the Duck is a Marvel comic character. An alien duck who gets abducted and dumped on Earth. It's supposed to be social satire or something, but honestly I never got into him enough to really describe what his comics are actually about.

However, most people know him from the 1986 movie produced by George Lucas. It is widely regarded as one of the biggest pieces of crap ever made. Which, in my mind is a bit harsh. Don't get me wrong, it's bad, really bad, but it isn't Manos Hands of Fate or Superbabies 2 bad. I'm pretty sure it was thrown in as a joke based off the speculation that GotG would be a flop.

So I know of thanos but I honestly have never read anything with him in it. In spoiler blocks can someone tell about what he is capable without the infinity gauntlet on a normal day, as well as a power of an " average" eternal that is normal and a power of an eternal that is enhanced by accident via cronus.

Effectively the eternals seem to effectively be psions, but nowhere do I get a real idea of their power scale, are we talking captain america, iron man, thor, odin? What are eternals capable of? What is thanos aka a mutant among the eternals capable of?

Picture someone who is as smart and as crazy prepared as fanboys pretend Batman is. But add on top of that Superman level strength and constitution (not speed though), telekinesis, energy blasts, regeneration, I think he's also read minds a few times. It does vary though. For instance, Drax is able to kill Thanos with his bare hands at one point, which he really shouldn't be able to do with Thanos' natural toughness. However, you can wave that away by saying Drax was acting as the Hero of Life at the time and getting a big power boost. He also killed the entire population of a planet after being resurrected with his bare hands. No idea how he did it, but he did.

I do not know about Eternals though.

2014-08-04, 01:06 AM
Picture someone who is as smart and as crazy prepared as fanboys pretend Batman is. But add on top of that Superman level strength and constitution (not speed though), telekinesis, energy blasts, regeneration, I think he's also read minds a few times. I do not know about Eternals though.

How does he fight?

Does he just tank hits and returns fire with his fists?
Does he tank hits and shoots laser beams from his eyes and hands?
How fast is his regeneration, are we talking back up in 5 seconds, 5 mins, 5 hours?
Talented Telekinesis or just an after thought?

I am just trying to get an idea of his abilities I don't need lots of vivid details, but if he sees a car is he flinging it with his fists, with his mind, or shooting lasers at it which pushes it towards the heroes and causing it to explode.

2014-08-04, 01:20 AM
How does he fight?

Does he just tank hits and returns fire with his fists?
Does he tank hits and shoots laser beams from his eyes and hands?
How fast is his regeneration, are we talking back up in 5 seconds, 5 mins, 5 hours?
Talented Telekinesis or just an after thought?

I am just trying to get an idea of his abilities I don't need lots of vivid details, but if he sees a car is he flinging it with his fists, with his mind, or shooting lasers at it which pushes it towards the heroes and causing it to explode.

Tanks it like a boss. Uses fists, and beams that come out of his fist/chest/sometimes face area. I want to say about Wolverine level regeneration, because I haven't seen him do the regeneration from a drop of blood Lobo thing. I want to say his telekinesis is an afterthought, because whole story arcs can go past without him ever using it. Umm, I think he can also teleport and travel in time, but that might be just technology he has used rather than his own powers.

All told, combat wise he's not a particularly unique villain. He hits hard, tanks hard, and shoots some lasers out of his hands. It's just the scale he does it is bigger than the heroes are used to. He'd be entirely forgettable if it wasn't for some fantastic storylines about the guy and his crazy relationship with Death.

2014-08-04, 01:34 AM
Tanks it like a boss. Uses fists, and beams that come out of his fist/chest/sometimes face area. I want to say about Wolverine level regeneration, because I haven't seen him do the regeneration from a drop of blood Lobo thing. I want to say his telekinesis is an afterthought, because whole story arcs can go past without him ever using it. Umm, I think he can also teleport and travel in time, but that might be just technology he has used rather than his own powers.

All told, combat wise he's not a particularly unique villain. He hits hard, tanks hard, and shoots some lasers out of his hands. It's just the scale he does it is bigger than the heroes are used to. He'd be entirely forgettable if it wasn't for some fantastic storylines about the guy and his crazy relationship with Death.

So in effect
So I am getting a sense he fights like Thor or a dcau superman (no superspeed and roughly that level of power). Yet he is very dangerous for he is as smart as franklin reed and has contingencies and plans on the level of doom. If you fight him as a team you better have a plan or he will just outlast you with wolverine level of regeneration and he never stops due to endurance or a limit of his energy.

How are my guesses wrong?

2014-08-04, 01:40 AM
So in effect
So I am getting a sense he fights like Thor or a dcau superman (no superspeed and roughly that level of power). Yet he is very dangerous for he is as smart as franklin reed and has contingencies and plans on the level of doom. If you fight him as a team you better have a plan he will just outlast you with wolverine level of regeneration and he never stops due to endurance or a limit of his energy.

How are my guesses wrong?

He doesn't outlast you. He tanks your Odin Blast to the chest and then blows you up, possibly while mumbling something about offering you to Death and wondering if she will finally return his calls, because he heard through the grapevine she was stepping out on him with that Deadpool buffoon and that just makes him angry and wanting to prove himself to her more.

Unless you're Drax. Or Squirrel Girl. Or the writer decides to nerf him for no reason.

Kitten Champion
2014-08-04, 01:49 AM
It has been suggested that Thanos' defeats are largely a result of a neurotic unconscious desire to undermine his own success. Which is charmingly Marvel-esque in my view. If you're going to give your heroes such flaws, why not your Darkseid?

The Glyphstone
2014-08-04, 01:52 AM
He doesn't outlast you. He tanks your Odin Blast to the chest and then blows you up, possibly while mumbling something about offering you to Death and wondering if she will finally return his calls, because he heard through the grapevine she was stepping out on him with that Deadpool buffoon and that just makes him angry and wanting to prove himself to her more.

Unless you're Drax. Or Squirrel Girl. Or the writer decides to nerf him for no reason.

So MovieDrax is a lot weaker than his comics counterpart, I guess? Because he kinda got Worfed hard by the movie-bad, who was inferior to Thanos.

2014-08-04, 02:01 AM
It has been suggested that Thanos' defeats are largely a result of a neurotic unconscious desire to undermine his own success. Which is charmingly Marvel-esque in my view. If you're going to give your heroes such flaws, why not your Darkseid?

I've never really liked this myself. It always seemed to me like the writer is trying to save his favorite villain. "No the heroes only beat me because I wanted them to. I am just totally unstoppable, ok?"

Not that you're wrong. You're completely right, it just rubs me the wrong way.

The heroes went through hell to beat this guy, let them have their victory.

So MovieDrax is a lot weaker than his comics counterpart, I guess? Because he kinda got Worfed hard by the movie-bad, who was inferior to Thanos.

Yes and no. Movie!Drax is much weaker, and much dumber than Comic!Drax. As Comic!Drax has taken on at the same time characters of roughly Hulk strength, Captain America martial arts, and Jean Grey telekinesis. But he did it by surprising them, controlling the battlefield, and hitting pressure points. He would have lost if it had been a straight fight. In the comics Drax is the Guardians Big Guns just a step behind Adam Warlock (whose powers are really do whatever the Hell the plot demands. I am not a fan of these types of characters)

That said, he still should not have been able to kill Thanos with his hands. Hulk can punch Thanos and just get him to smile. Drax is not stronger than the Hulk (well except that time he was, but that wasn't the version that killed Thanos, so ignoring that for now). It only makes sense that he was getting help by an outside force, which it's vaguely stated that he is.

2014-08-04, 02:06 AM
Regarding the Post Credit Scene:

I've read quite a bit of commentary that it was semi-satirical in nature. That is, it's poking a bit of fun at the whole "Stay For the Stinger" culture that has arisen in MCU fandom (and elsewhere). That it actually works as part of the movie just shows how well they pulled it off. :smallwink:

Or they're just trying to keep things fresh, different, and interesting. Take your pick. :smallsmile:

And even if it isn't semi-satirical, this wouldn't be the first MCU film that didn't promote/hint at something coming down the pike and was more self-contained in nature.

Avilan the Grey
2014-08-04, 02:50 AM
You can summarize the different approaches to movie (and comic) making of Marvel and DC by three words: Howard The Duck.
Marvel introduces him into their movieverse without batting and eye. DC would not have touched a character like that with a 11.5 foot pole, because there is no way they could make him Batman enough.*

*Sometimes I think DC, these days, live by the rules of Batman in The Lego Movie, but as a company: "We Only Work In Black. And Sometimes Very Very Dark Grey".

Kitten Champion
2014-08-04, 03:33 AM
I've never really liked this myself. It always seemed to me like the writer is trying to save his favorite villain. "No the heroes only beat me because I wanted them to. I am just totally unstoppable, ok?"

Not that you're wrong. You're completely right, it just rubs me the wrong way.

The heroes went through hell to beat this guy, let them have their victory.

For Starlin's Infinity Gauntlet miniseries - which was largely about Thanos' psychology - it really works. He gave a satisfactory reason for Thanos losing despite literal omnipotence, and re-framed all the Thanos related defeats up until then in terms of his warped mind working against him.

After that miniseries however, it becomes problematic as any hack writer can abuse the flaw to undermine the character. It's really a one-time impact sort of thing.

Giggling Ghast
2014-08-04, 03:38 AM
So MovieDrax is a lot weaker than his comics counterpart, I guess? Because he kinda got Worfed hard by the movie-bad, who was inferior to Thanos.

That, and Ronan got scaled up quite bit. He's powerful in the comics, but not quite that strong.

I think it'd be fair to say that Ronan was the most physically powerful of the Marvel movie villains thus far.

2014-08-04, 06:24 AM
it's like if Farscape met Firefly and had baby Avengers

Hee, I like that. I'm going to remember that line for future discussions with my friends once they all catch up.

I did think that Vin Diesel's performance was a bit wooden, though.

It was wooden, but by the end he did show some growth....

Both of you. Never change. :smallbiggrin:

Using Howard the Duck in the stinger here is basically saying "You thought we couldn't bring it? Well, we brought it. After this, trust us, we could even make Howard work now. Bow down, bitches."

Maybe they could... but hopefully they don't tempt fate and go through with that. XD

*Sometimes I think DC, these days, live by the rules of Batman in The Lego Movie, but as a company: "We Only Work In Black. And Sometimes Very Very Dark Grey".

A shame too, because their animated TV universe back in the early 2000s was full of colors and great ideas. It was the reason to get up on Saturday morning for me.

2014-08-04, 08:00 AM
Congratulations for Star Hollow's Kirk Gleason for getting another job. I always knew he could be a space pirate :smallbiggrin:


For the people who do not get the reference there used to be a show called gilmore girls, in it the actor Sean Gunn played a weird and unique character named Kirk. Kirk in every episode has a different job in a completely different field. Recently Sean Gunn played the first mate Kraglin of the Reavers on Guardian's of the Galaxy.

2014-08-04, 08:32 AM
Kill me but I prefered the GOG banter over Avengers Banter.
No, I did too. :smallbiggrin: I thought it had a lot more chemistry, to be honest. The Avengers banter was witty and snappy, but the Guardians are way more of a family. The Avengers, so far, have mostly been a team.

Heck, even look at how their respective movies ended. The Guardians jet off to do a little good, a little bad. The Avengers split up and pledge to come back together when they're needed.

2014-08-04, 08:35 AM
Yeah, This interview with Kevin Feige (http://www.craveonline.co.uk/film/interviews/601057-exclusive-interview-kevin-feige-on-thor-and-marvels-future/2)

Nice! So that proves the Cube is Space. Which means purple is indeed something else.

But I still think Blue is Mind, and the interview doesn't contradict that.

I did think that Vin Diesel's performance was a bit wooden, though.

groan :smalltongue::smalltongue::smalltongue:

"WE... ARE..."
James Gunn answered this in a Q&A on twitter:
the Power gem.

I'll have to track that down, my friends and I were fiending to find out which gem was which in the MMU and the info in this thread could scratch a lot of itches.

How does he fight?

Like this. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUctu7gKZvk)

Thanos reigns!

2014-08-04, 09:36 AM
I really loved this movie.
That said, I have a few complaints.

Marvel movies, especially the Avengers, are generally really good at switching between action drama and comedy without it becoming jarring. Jokes and humorous moments are inserted into otherwise tense scenes, for example the "I don't see how that's a party" bit.

Guardians...didn't quite pull that off.

Don't get me wrong, it was funny when it wanted to be funny, and dramatic when it wanted to be dramatic, but the shifts were often a little too jarring.

Otherwise, the movie was excellent. In terms of standing on it's own (Rather than being a sequel) it's probably the best Marvel movie yet.

Piggy Knowles
2014-08-04, 09:41 AM
OK, I loved it, bla bla bla. But am I just being pedantic, or does it bother anyone else that...

...Groot not only gained a new pronoun at the end, but also learned to conjugate? :smalltongue:

Also, my wife and I have this ongoing bit of fan fiction about the making of GotG where Vin Diesel takes his job really seriously, insisting on take after take to get his line just right, much to the exasperation of James Gunn and the rest of the cast. We also like to imagine that he keeps trying to hang out on set after his lines are all recorded, periodically getting shooed away.

Soras Teva Gee
2014-08-04, 09:43 AM
I rather suspect the colors are going to be no more then mild suggestions for the Infinity Gems, some might not be all that cinematic to film. We already know they are all different since the Aether is not Power but is red, its probably Reality though I can't find anything confirming that explicitly.

Presuming Loki's staff turns out to be Mind (not unreasonable especially given its foreshadowing in Winter Soldier) we will nominally have two blue stones. Then again I could see an argument for the Cube's color actually being black for the black of Space it opens to, or even the staff changing color.

Might be able to confirm when we have GoG video and can freeze-frame the exposition.

2014-08-04, 09:52 AM
OK, I loved it, bla bla bla. But am I just being pedantic, or does it bother anyone else that...

...Groot not only gained a new pronoun at the end, but also learned to conjugate? :smalltongue:

I hadn't considered it, but my current headcanon is that he's heard phrases like "We are X" enough to piece together how to convey the meaning of unity. "We are X", "We are Y", means that everyone is united around X or Y. (I'd have to rewatch the movie to see if "We are" shows up in any meaningful contexts.)

And, since "Groot" is the word that Groot uses to convey the bulk of its meaning, it would make sense to mash up "We are" and "Groot". Because they're all finally together.

2014-08-04, 09:59 AM
I hadn't considered it, but my current headcanon is that he's heard phrases like "We are X" enough to piece together how to convey the meaning of unity. "We are X", "We are Y", means that everyone is united around X or Y. (I'd have to rewatch the movie to see if "We are" shows up in any meaningful contexts.)

And, since "Groot" is the word that Groot uses to convey the bulk of its meaning, it would make sense to mash up "We are" and "Groot". Because they're all finally together.

In the comics, it's not that Groot is stupid, he's actually a genius in certain fields. It's that he's just not capable of making a wide range of sounds.

I don't think this movie is going that route necessarily, but film Groot seems perfectly capable of understanding what people are saying. He was able to understand Rocket's instruction about getting the battery after all. So I doubt that "We Are Groot" came from a suddenly expanded vocabulary.

2014-08-04, 11:41 AM
Also, my wife and I have this ongoing bit of fan fiction about the making of GotG where Vin Diesel takes his job really seriously, insisting on take after take to get his line just right, much to the exasperation of James Gunn and the rest of the cast.

That's probably not too far off*.

Except James Gunn was in on it as well. There was a special version of the script that only he and Vin Diesel had which had all the things that Groot was actually saying, so that they could match the inflections to the intent.

* Apart from the fact it would all have been in the ADR studio after all the on-set filming took place.

2014-08-04, 12:09 PM
It has been suggested that Thanos' defeats are largely a result of a neurotic unconscious desire to undermine his own success. Which is charmingly Marvel-esque in my view. If you're going to give your heroes such flaws, why not your Darkseid?

That's actually a rather big plot point with Ultimate Thanos, when he gets the cosmic cube and Reed Richards turns off the filter for subconscious thoughts he kills himself permanently.

2014-08-04, 12:33 PM
I rather suspect the colors are going to be no more then mild suggestions for the Infinity Gems, some might not be all that cinematic to film.

That is becoming my thought.
Heck, the shapes are actually more interesting to me in the films than in the (few) comics I've read about the gems. This most recent one is probably the closest to the comic books in looks, but lacks a bit of the charm that the cube and liquidish aether have.

Except James Gunn was in on it as well. There was a special version of the script that only he and Vin Diesel had which had all the things that Groot was actually saying, so that they could match the inflections to the intent.

It was done well enough that one can figure out some of the context without subtitles.

2014-08-04, 12:36 PM
I'll have to track that down, my friends and I were fiending to find out which gem was which in the MMU and the info in this thread could scratch a lot of itches.

You might have to be logged in to twitter though?

Regarding the post credit scene... don't expect too much for the future of that. Here's what Gunn had to say

So MovieDrax is a lot weaker than his comics counterpart, I guess? Because he kinda got Worfed hard by the movie-bad, who was inferior to Thanos.

ALL things cinematic rarely match their comic counterparts in power level. The Collector, Nova Corps, and many other examples can be found throughout. And for the sake of the story, a lot of those choices to amplify or adjust power-levels just make better sense.

2014-08-04, 12:42 PM
That is becoming my thought.
Heck, the shapes are actually more interesting to me in the films than in the (few) comics I've read about the gems. This most recent one is probably the closest to the comic books in looks, but lacks a bit of the charm that the cube and liquidish aether have.

It's likely we'll find that the Tesseract/lantern thing are, like the orb in this film, containers for their respective stones rather than just the stones themselves

2014-08-04, 02:00 PM
It's likely we'll find that the Tesseract/lantern thing are, like the orb in this film, containers for their respective stones rather than just the stones themselves

I was thinking that perhaps their forms will be malleable in the hands of someone powerful like Thanatos when applied to the gauntlet.

2014-08-04, 02:07 PM
So here's what I don't get

In Thor: the Dark world, the Asgardians give the Aether to the collector for safekeeping, since they don't want to have two infinity stones in one place. This implies that the Collector is a big enough deal that he can keep an Infinity Stone safe.

In GoTG, it's taken as a given that The Collector can't keep the Power Gem safe.

Dusk Eclipse
2014-08-04, 02:17 PM
So here's what I don't get

In Thor: the Dark world, the Asgardians give the Aether to the collector for safekeeping, since they don't want to have two infinity stones in one place. This implies that the Collector is a big enough deal that he can keep an Infinity Stone safe.

In GoTG, it's taken as a given that The Collector can't keep the Power Gem safe.

Not really, from what I understood Gamora (and the other Guardian's by extension I guess) were pretty sure the Collector would keep it safe since at that point none of the other interested parties (Thanos or Rhonan) knew he had the Gem. It wasn't until Karina (Korina?) decided to try to free herself from The Collector that things started to go south, furthermore I doubt Rhonan would have even reached Knowgere if Drax hadn't call him there.

And IIRC the Asgardians gave him the Aether not becuase of just two gems, but them and the infinity gauntlet (which can be seen in the Vault in Thor 1).

2014-08-04, 02:52 PM
I don't think he CAN keep them safe though. I mean, imagine if he had all of them - they would be safe right up until the moment when Thanos dropped by and all hell broke loose.

2014-08-04, 02:57 PM
I don't think he CAN keep them safe though. I mean, imagine if he had all of them - they would be safe right up until the moment when Thanos dropped by and all hell broke loose.

Perhaps the location is part of the key? Since the Collector's stash is located in the head of a dead Celestial out far away from most of the galaxy, perhaps that thick skull shields the energy of the stone from being detected outside it?

Mauve Shirt
2014-08-04, 03:02 PM
Hey so this took me some wikipedia-ing, but comic nerds, back me up
So we all saw Howard the Duck, but he was a distraction from the real easter egg: behind him was a cocoon broken open. This cocoon is seen in The Dark World unopened.
It's been confirmed that the cocoon belongs to Adam Warlock.
I didn't know what this meant, but it seems that he's vital to the Infinity Crisis storyline? Do we think he's gonna be a Thing? If so, are the Fantastic Four going to (somehow) break through the confines of studio ownership and show up in the MCU?

Soras Teva Gee
2014-08-04, 03:03 PM
Not really, from what I understood Gamora (and the other Guardian's by extension I guess) were pretty sure the Collector would keep it safe since at that point none of the other interested parties (Thanos or Rhonan) knew he had the Gem. It wasn't until Karina (Korina?) decided to try to free herself from The Collector that things started to go south, furthermore I doubt Rhonan would have even reached Knowgere if Drax hadn't call him there.

And IIRC the Asgardians gave him the Aether not becuase of just two gems, but them and the infinity gauntlet (which can be seen in the Vault in Thor 1).

Well what happened doesn't really help the issue...

...I might suspect the Collector might rather then being entirely safe from a pure security standpoint is perhaps a "safe" option because his only well... collects. He can be trusted to never actually use the stones. With the greatest danger being use of the stones themselves I'd see that as perfectly valid. Especially if you can arrange things so that nobody knows about it that's worth more then any physical safety.

After that doesn't work out you need different measures. Xandar I seem to recall being described by Quill as the only place "with a hope" of the Orb not being used, more of a last ditch after it was in wide circulation and you couldn't hope to quietly disappear the thing you go with the strongest party marginally more likely to use it.

I just had some potential Fridge Brilliance on that "keeping two in one place" remark, since what happens after the Collector gets two?

And I don't know you all about you but I'm assuming the Gauntlet in Odin's vault to be a big mythology gag like all the other items in there until it demonstrates otherwise. It would seem to me to raise more questions then it answers for it to actually be a necessary Macguffin, I'd expect something a little flashier (as this is a movie) when Thanos has all of them and goes godmode.

Even in the comics I seem to recall the Gauntlet being just a glove without the stones. Yeah we all think of it because of that epic cover to an epic event, but the Gems get far more play without it.

Hey so this took me some wikipedia-ing, but comic nerds, back me up
So we all saw Howard the Duck, but he was a distraction from the real easter egg: behind him was a cocoon broken open. This cocoon is seen in The Dark World unopened.
It's been confirmed that the cocoon belongs to Adam Warlock.
I didn't know what this meant, but it seems that he's vital to the Infinity Crisis storyline? Do we think he's gonna be a Thing? If so, are the Fantastic Four going to (somehow) break through the confines of studio ownership and show up in the MCU?

What's the source on that confirmation?

Still it is very possible since John Kerry IN SPACE is probably even more associated with the Gems then Thanos. I also hate him for no good reason.

Presuming the cocoon is broken and presuming its a sign he's active I'd assume he slipped through the same way Ronan did, first appearing as Him an issue after Ronan. Guess that contract doesn't include the snares that got Wanda and Pietro?

Oh and Infinite Crisis is the Distinguished Competition. :smallwink:

Mauve Shirt
2014-08-04, 03:22 PM
The Source (http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/guardians-galaxy-james-gunn-confirms-that-adam-warlocks-cocoon-1459695)

Dusk Eclipse
2014-08-04, 03:38 PM
I've always assumed the Gauntlet was a sort of protection from the Gems, allowing the wielder to use all their power at the same time without suffering from any sort of backlash from the gems itself, not sure if that is right tho.

Soras Teva Gee
2014-08-04, 03:51 PM
The Source (http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/guardians-galaxy-james-gunn-confirms-that-adam-warlocks-cocoon-1459695)

Sounds pretty definite to me then.

Now I gotta hold out hope for Nova.

2014-08-04, 04:28 PM
Not really, from what I understood Gamora (and the other Guardian's by extension I guess) were pretty sure the Collector would keep it safe since at that point none of the other interested parties (Thanos or Rhonan) knew he had the Gem. It wasn't until Karina (Korina?) decided to try to free herself from The Collector that things started to go south, furthermore I doubt Rhonan would have even reached Knowgere if Drax hadn't call him there.

They didn't know what it was until the Collector explained it, or what it could do before it did it. They knew Ronan wanted to trade it for favours with Thanos, but not that it was inherently dangerous. They were pretty sure the Collector would pay them an utterly obscene amount of money for it though.

Dusk Eclipse
2014-08-04, 04:46 PM
They didn't know what it was until the Collector explained it, or what it could do before it did it. They knew Ronan wanted to trade it for favours with Thanos, but not that it was inherently dangerous. They were pretty sure the Collector would pay them an utterly obscene amount of money for it though.

Right, totally forgot about that. :smallredface:

Legato Endless
2014-08-04, 05:07 PM
Two queries spoilered in case someone would rather watch the movie than read here...

Out of curiosity was that a Kree Sentry we saw wielding a hammer possessing the powers of that gem?

And was that the same world where Quill recovered the gem from?

I think it's a Celestial based on what its appearance. I couldn't clearly hear the Collector's exposition thanks to the audience.

2014-08-04, 06:19 PM
I just saw it last night. I've never read the comics, and despite liking the Marvel Cinematic Universe so far, I really wasn't sure if this one would go too far toward corny. (I was having trouble with the title itself, and a talking raccoon.) But I'd heard good things, so...

Loved it. About 2/3rds of the way through watching it, I realized, "This must be what it felt like to see Star Wars for the first time." (I saw Star Wars when I was maybe 7 or 8, and really don't specifically recall the experience, though I know I enjoyed it.) So, yeah. It's a massively fun movie that takes itself seriously in all (and only) the right places.

I only had two (really minor) quibbles: Some of the character bonding didn't quite feel genuine enough (mainly Gamora & Peter), and I wish the after-credits scene had been less gag and more preview/teaser for the next movie.But this is an exceedingly minor thing. I'm still very happy with this movie.

Dusk Eclipse
2014-08-04, 06:57 PM
I think someone else mentioned it before on the thread, but I'm too lazy to dig it up, anyway the stinger actually works different levels and it was in a way the best thing they could have done to end such a good movie:

It builds on the fact that The Collector gets ANYTHING for his collection
It shows Howard the Duck's fans (I'm sure they exist) that Marvel hasn't forgotten about it
Another finger to DC movies. Yes we can include a talking duck in our movies and people will love it
It is funny.
It serves as a red herring for the true point of the stinger, Adam's Warlock opened Cocoon

At least that is my interpretation of it, I really enjoyed simply for the pure WTF factor.

2014-08-04, 07:18 PM
Does Adam Warlock have any kind of connection to Dr Strange to tie the upcoming Strange movie to Marvel Cosmos?

Also, after having lookid a bit more into Rocket's comic version...
...is Rocket's Girlfriend (an uplifted otter), and rocket pointing out to Starlord that they're both one of a kind, no species to stick to, and asks what's Starlord's excuse... (for being a galactic casenova)... in front of Thor/Lady Sil. With an embarrased reaction shot from the asgardians. (over thor's girlfriend on earth)

Dusk Eclipse
2014-08-04, 08:08 PM
Not as far as I know, he is really tied to the overall Thanos mythos and the gems, being the wielder of the Soul Gem I think

Soras Teva Gee
2014-08-04, 09:59 PM
The Source (http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/guardians-galaxy-james-gunn-confirms-that-adam-warlocks-cocoon-1459695)

Quoting again because I had planned to go see the movie again Monday night (one of the rare times I'll honor a film twice) and I looked very carefully....

... and did not see the Cocoon at all in the stinger.

Not like obviously ruptured, just not there at all. Now I DID spot it earlier when they met the Collector so its in the movie, but I can't really assert some exact comparison of the room type conspicous absence either.

I could still be wrong, since I can't stop and freeze frame a theater to scan shadowy backgrounds or such, but we aren't being merely distracted by Howard from noticing it.

Oh also got a good look at the exposition scene:

The Aether and Cube are shown as Infinity Gems and we also see a collection of colored stones really briefly. By extension this would suggest all the Gems have modified in form over time, I saw what I swear where rough cut versions, including of Power not like the cut one we saw later.

I can confirm there is a green and a yellow/orange colored one for sure but I can't commit to the coloring of all six.

Oh and tentatively ID'ing the Celestial as Eson the Searcher (http://marvel.wikia.com/Eson_(Earth-616)) because they share six gleaming Kirby Dots for a face. It was about as faithful to that classic 100% Kirby look as I could ever expect, and glorious for it. Make me wish so hard someone would free the FF to come home and we could get a real Galactus.

2014-08-04, 10:04 PM
I've just spent the past couple hours poorly pasting pictures of Ronan into screenshots from Pushing Daisies. It has entertained me greatly and has been a worthwhile use of my time.

...I may have a problem. :smallwink:

2014-08-04, 11:54 PM
I've just spent the past couple hours poorly pasting pictures of Ronan into screenshots from Pushing Daisies. It has entertained me greatly and has been a worthwhile use of my time.

...I may have a problem. :smallwink:

I can relate to this problem. (http://michaelgmunz.com/photoshopping-louise/) (Not GotG-related, but Photoshop-related.)

2014-08-05, 05:02 AM
Hey so this took me some wikipedia-ing, but comic nerds, back me up
So we all saw Howard the Duck, but he was a distraction from the real easter egg: behind him was a cocoon broken open. This cocoon is seen in The Dark World unopened.
It's been confirmed that the cocoon belongs to Adam Warlock.
I didn't know what this meant, but it seems that he's vital to the Infinity Crisis storyline? Do we think he's gonna be a Thing? If so, are the Fantastic Four going to (somehow) break through the confines of studio ownership and show up in the MCU?

Okay I definitely need to rewatch this movie!:smallamused:

Preordered the dvd could watch this somewhere online but I figure there's more I've missed after all!:smallsmile:

I believe her name was Carina and was Lisa Ortiz playing the former Purple Girl in the cell behind her?

I thought she was the Collector's daughter?

2014-08-05, 05:16 AM
I've just spent the past couple hours poorly pasting pictures of Ronan into screenshots from Pushing Daisies. It has entertained me greatly and has been a worthwhile use of my time.

...I may have a problem. :smallwink:

No, no I don't think thats a problem actually it sounds hilarious!:smallbiggrin:

Any chance of posting a few?:smallamused:

2014-08-05, 05:55 AM
I can relate to this problem. (http://michaelgmunz.com/photoshopping-louise/) (Not GotG-related, but Photoshop-related.)

Ha! That's awesome! Skills far beyond my own! Speaking of, Hopeless, you asked for it: :smallwink:




2014-08-05, 06:06 AM
My local oldies radio station has been playing the "Soundtrack" to the movie. :smalltongue:
These tunes really seemed to work in the film, purely on quirks and contrast.

2014-08-05, 10:00 AM
Not as far as I know, he is really tied to the overall Thanos mythos and the gems, being the wielder of the Soul Gem I think

Who knows - in this continuity he may even BE the Soul Gem.

2014-08-05, 10:09 AM
Minorly-related tangent:

/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ Did somebody say "soul gem"?

2014-08-05, 10:54 AM
Minorly-related tangent:

/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ Did somebody say "soul gem"?


2014-08-05, 12:06 PM
My personal, spoiler-free (or at least very low spoiler) take on the movie.

I didn't like it as much as I'd expected to or hoped. That doesn't mean I didn't like it and don't want to see it again. As I was leaving the theater, there were few scenes immediately sticking in my mind as awesome, but in the day since, I've found myself chuckling over some jokes and reflecting on some drama.

I wouldn't rate it equal to the Avengers, but I think it did a great job of selling us a sci fi setting that it - and Marvel TV shows - can build upon. I was disappointed that a public discussion of a large sum of money in a disreputable place didn't lead to anything (as the location reminded me of the Mended Drum, where a similar mention of such a fortune would be...unwise). However, I was impressed with the Nova Core. They were reasonable (unusual for a sci fi authority), intelligent, well-equipped, and in some ways the most heroic members of the cast. On seeing one of their tactics, I immediately thought "They'd better be darn confident in that technology" - and it turned out that they had good reason to be. Their technique was not without risk, but it felt like they considered it a calculated risk, and it delayed their enemy for what, twenty minutes? At least?

2014-08-05, 01:31 PM
About the movie: Go see it. It's awesome. It's fun. It's great all around. If you don't like this, you're most likely dead inside.

That said, I have to mention that I was a bit (more like a lot) skeptical about the movie. After seeing the movie, I have to say it's good to proven wrong like this. The characters were interesting, the plot was dynamic, the dialogue was funny and the action was enjoyable too. I didn't even have a problem with 3D and a talking animal.

It's great fun.

2014-08-05, 01:36 PM
Ha! That's awesome! Skills far beyond my own! Speaking of, Hopeless, you asked for it: :smallwink:





I like. :smallbiggrin:

Legato Endless
2014-08-05, 02:03 PM
I was disappointed that a public discussion of a large sum of money in a disreputable place didn't lead to anything (as the location reminded me of the Mended Drum, where a similar mention of such a fortune would be...unwise).

I assumed that was going to happen too, but the following action sequence is already pretty long, so I'm not sure adding more cannon fodder to fight the Guardians there might have become a bit tedious. Or it might have given us another funny scene.

My assumption in universe is that the collector must have enough of a reputation to conduct business safely in his neighborhood, otherwise the Asgardians would never have given him the aether nor could he maintain his exotic collection. So despite being a hive of scum and villainy, the other inhabitants know better than to mess with his affairs.

2014-08-05, 02:09 PM
I assumed that was going to happen too, but the following action sequence is already pretty long, so I'm not sure adding more cannon fodder to fight the Guardians there might have become a bit tedious. Or it might have given us another funny scene.

My assumption in universe is that the collector must have enough of a reputation to conduct business safely in his neighborhood, otherwise the Asgardians would never have given him the aether nor could he maintain his exotic collection. So despite being a hive of scum and villainy, the other inhabitants know better than to mess with his affairs.

The mention of Ronan 2 lines later might have cooled their ardor as well... but I was hoping for SOME kind of (in scene) audience reaction, one way or the other to those two statements.

2014-08-05, 03:06 PM
Loved the movie. One of the best in the Marvel series.

Honestly, I know there have been a thousand jokes and memes about Marvel giving us Rocket Raccoon while DC has too scared to make a Wonder Woman movie, but this movie really struck home the difference in how Marvel and DC APPROACH their movies.

Looking back at the DC movies, they seem almost ashamed that they are making a movie about a superhero. They keep trying to dress it up in drama (like Superman).

Meanwhile the Marvel movies REVEL in their source material. They love the fact that they are making superhero movies. Guardians of the Galaxy gives people what they want. They don't want a long drama movie about Quill wangsting about being kidnapped at a kid. They want to see Rocket Raccoon blow stuff up. Which is what we got :smallamused:

As to the movie itself, the more I see the more I think that Marvel is building up to a 'conclusion' of sorts to the current crop of Marvel films.

So far, at last count we have seen four of the six Infinity Gems, as well as the Gauntlet itself (in the first Thor movie). The gems are:

Power - the Sphere from Guardians of the Galaxy
Space - the Tesseract
Reality - the Aether from Thor: Dark World
Mind - the gem from Loki's Scepter (while not outright confirmed, the fact that the scepter was the only thing that could break the barrier around the Tesseract, a confirmed Infinity Gem, is fairly hard confirmation that it contained an Infinity Gem of its own, and given the ability it seems to have to control and manipulate otherwise very strong minds points to it being the Mind gem).

Which leaves only two left, Time and Soul.

If I had to guess, we're going to see one of them in the new Avengers movie, and another in the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy 2 movie.

Once all six have been revealed, the stage is set for the 'final' mashup movie as everybody rushes to stop Thanos.

I feel like this will be a logical conclusion point for the current crop of Marvel movies, as by then the actors/actresses themselves are getting a bit old to continue the roles, and they could almost use it as a 'reboot' of the universe, if they use the Time gem to reset everything as they did in the comic books. That would give them a logical in-universe reason to move on to different storylines and characters.

Dusk Eclipse
2014-08-05, 03:19 PM
Maybe the Soul Gem will power up Ultron? I don't know the powers of the gem, but based on the name alone it sounds reasonable to me.

On another note, I heard a rumour that DC only announced WW introduction into Dawn of Justice after the "DC thinks a WW movie is complicated, Marvel says: Here ya go, a gun totting talking Racoon" tweet, by any chance is anybody able to confirm that? Because it would be extremly hilarious and a tad sad if that was the case.

2014-08-05, 04:09 PM
That sounds like an attempt to turn correlation into causation. Or, rather, to imply a shallow motive behind DC's actions. (See also: the people trumpeting about how their complaints obviously influenced J.J. Abrams' casting choices for Star Wars, when in reality most of the casting had already been locked in months before.) There's no real way to prove it.

2014-08-05, 04:13 PM
So I just had an awesome/horrifying thought.

After a Rocket Racoon spinoff movie starring the Marvel universe's animal cast, Howard the duck gets left on earth. Agents of Shield then does 2-parter getting him off the planet.

2014-08-05, 04:25 PM
So I just had an awesome/horrifying thought.

After a Rocket Racoon spinoff movie starring the Marvel universe's animal cast, Howard the duck gets left on earth. Agents of Shield then does 2-parter getting him off the planet.

Ward shoots him, and suddenly becomes the audience darling once more?

2014-08-05, 04:27 PM
Ward shoots him, and suddenly becomes the audience darling once more?
Everyone has their limits.

2014-08-05, 04:34 PM
Everyone has their limits.

To quote Dumb and Dumber: "Just when I thought you couldn't get any dumber, you go and do a thing like this... and totally redeem yourself!"

Dusk Eclipse
2014-08-05, 04:45 PM
That sounds like an attempt to turn correlation into causation. Or, rather, to imply a shallow motive behind DC's actions. (See also: the people trumpeting about how their complaints obviously influenced J.J. Abrams' casting choices for Star Wars, when in reality most of the casting had already been locked in months before.) There's no real way to prove it.

Well... I'll headcanon it then, just because I find it funny.

2014-08-05, 08:03 PM
I wouldn't rate it equal to the Avengers, but I think it did a great job of selling us a sci fi setting that it - and Marvel TV shows - can build upon. I was disappointed that a public discussion of a large sum of money in a disreputable place didn't lead to anything (as the location reminded me of the Mended Drum, where a similar mention of such a fortune would be...unwise).

Eh, all Peter said was "do nothing and you'll be rich" - not the sum, not the action required to obtain it, etc. Nobody eavesdropping would have anything to go on.

Plus they'd be dealing with what looked like 400 lbs. of muscle, a pissed off drunk raccoon with a plasma rifle and a sentient tree - not exactly the kind of group you want to start sh(enanigans) with.

Soras Teva Gee
2014-08-05, 08:33 PM
Nah I think he said the amount too.

The real reason of course is that it would have wasted time on a fight scene that wouldn't have advanced the plot at all and detracted from the actual character development going on then. Internal "logic" is a fallacious notion as far as stories are concerned

Arguably they should have "taken it outside" or something but there are always lots of little things you can nitpick like that.

The other side is that while X hypothetical change may have been more logical, does it make for a better story. You swap the set you have completely different lighting and you have to change up the choreography, thus also arguably the music. Would that work as well? Maybe it would but these decisions have a lot more consequences then they might seem on paper

( I can pick some more substantive ones)

2014-08-05, 09:23 PM
Eh, all Peter said was "do nothing and you'll be rich" - not the sum, not the action required to obtain it, etc. Nobody eavesdropping would have anything to go on.

Plus they'd be dealing with what looked like 400 lbs. of muscle, a pissed off drunk raccoon with a plasma rifle and a sentient tree - not exactly the kind of group you want to start sh(enanigans) with.

He DID say the amount - four billion credits. That was what finally calmed Rocket down.

However even in that setting I find it highly unlikely that somebody would be willing to fight the entire group of Drax, Gamora, Groot and Rocket at the time - Rocket was waving around a huge gun and ready to shoot somebody just for insulting him, Drax is a gigantic dude covered in battle scars, Gamora seems to be fairly well known, and Groot is..... Groot.

Even if somebody got a force and started following them, they went straight from there to the Collector - somebody who, given his reputation for ... collecting rare and valuable things, also must have some SERIOUS fear surrounding him to not be robbed on an hourly basis.

2014-08-06, 01:02 AM
Does Adam Warlock have any kind of connection to Dr Strange to tie the upcoming Strange movie to Marvel Cosmos?

As it turns out... yes. The Soul Gem is specifically relevant to the two characters. At one point Adam shared souls with Strange. Strange was also a key ally various times in the comics. They appeared at least 3 times together in Doctor Strange's own title.
Obviously there's a lot of history to delve into... Here is a list (http://marvel.wikia.com/Category:Adam_Warlock_%28Earth-616%29/Appearances)of what might be all 250 appearances of Adam Warlock in 616 continuity.

2014-08-06, 03:52 AM
Ha! That's awesome! Skills far beyond my own! Speaking of, Hopeless, you asked for it: :smallwink:




Now if they rebooted that series with Ronan trying to maintain a relationship inbetween his personal problems with the Xandarians... lord that could be comic gold if they could keep the GotG feel!

2014-08-06, 08:40 AM
Now if they rebooted that series with Ronan trying to maintain a relationship inbetween his personal problems with the Xandarians... lord that could be comic gold if they could keep the GotG feel!

Pushing Daisies was such a great show, I'm so pissed they cut it short and had that BS 'wrap up' episode. So many plotlines unresolved :(

2014-08-06, 09:16 AM
I love Pushing Daisies more than most things! I agree that the wrap up was rushed and tacked on (it had to be; they had just been cancelled and had no money to do it...but the CG company who worked with them did that sequence for free because they loved the show so much). Better than the Dead Like Me movie though.

There were plans for a Season 3 comic, but it was postponed due to DC shutting down the imprint that was going to publish it. I'm sure it's tied up in contracts and licensing, otherwise there's no reason he couldn't take it to IDW or Boom (oddly, Boom does Farscape these days, but the first arc was published on DC's Wildstorm, which was supposed to do Pushing Daisies). Who knows if it will ever see the light of day (but the bits I've seen were wonderful).

There were also talks this year of a musical. I'm not a fan of musicals in the least, but I'd go see it.

But, hey, maybe in a world where a film about a talking raccoon and his tree bodyguard is a hit, Pushing Daisies might get another chance!

2014-08-06, 09:21 AM
Mind - the gem from Loki's Scepter (while not outright confirmed, the fact that the scepter was the only thing that could break the barrier around the Tesseract, a confirmed Infinity Gem, is fairly hard confirmation that it contained an Infinity Gem of its own, and given the ability it seems to have to control and manipulate otherwise very strong minds points to it being the Mind gem).

I am almost certain that, in Avengers, Dr. Selvig says outright that the scepter was created from Tesseract technology; the only thing that can pierce the Tesseract's barrier is something derived from it.

I mean, he could be wrong, but...

2014-08-06, 09:51 AM
I am almost certain that, in Avengers, Dr. Selvig says outright that the scepter was created from Tesseract technology; the only thing that can pierce the Tesseract's barrier is something derived from it.

I mean, he could be wrong, but...

FWIW, Kevin Feige has specifically stated that Loki's scepter is not supposed to be the Mind Gem, but if they can't put it in anywhere else then they'll retcon it to be so.

(After all, it was given to him by Thanos, why would someone who wanted the infinity gems give one to someone else on the chance that he'll get a different one back?)

2014-08-06, 10:33 AM
(After all, it was given to him by Thanos, why would someone who wanted the infinity gems give one to someone else on the chance that he'll get a different one back?)

Or none at all as the case turned out. But yeah, you make an excellent point.

2014-08-06, 10:57 AM
FWIW, Kevin Feige has specifically stated that Loki's scepter is not supposed to be the Mind Gem, but if they can't put it in anywhere else then they'll retcon it to be so.

(After all, it was given to him by Thanos, why would someone who wanted the infinity gems give one to someone else on the chance that he'll get a different one back?)

It's called an investment. And a pretty reasonable one considering that Loki did in fact seize the Tesseract and open the portal. It wasn't really Loki's fault the Chitauri got their butts kicked by the Avengers. Also, even if Loki failed..... so what? Thanos has to retrieve the Gauntlet itself from Asgard at some point anyway, no reason he couldn't pick up the Scepter and Tesseract at the same time.

Until he actually is ready to use the Gauntlet, Thanos really doesn't NEED all the gems in his possession, he just needs them at a place that he can seize them quickly when he's ready. He's trying to assemble the Infinity Gauntlet, not start using the power of one or two gems and getting the entire galaxy to rise against him.

Also - as far as I know, they have simply declined to official confirm or deny that the Mind Gem is in the Scepter. They haven't officially said that it is NOT, they've simply declined to state that it is.

Soras Teva Gee
2014-08-06, 12:15 PM
It's called an investment. And a pretty reasonable one considering that Loki did in fact seize the Tesseract and open the portal. It wasn't really Loki's fault the Chitauri got their butts kicked by the Avengers. Also, even if Loki failed..... so what? Thanos has to retrieve the Gauntlet itself from Asgard at some point anyway, no reason he couldn't pick up the Scepter and Tesseract at the same time.

Until he actually is ready to use the Gauntlet, Thanos really doesn't NEED all the gems in his possession, he just needs them at a place that he can seize them quickly when he's ready. He's trying to assemble the Infinity Gauntlet, not start using the power of one or two gems and getting the entire galaxy to rise against him.

Except of course one is on Earth and the other in Asgard. And he doesn't need the glove at all either.

The general point though is sound. There's any number of reasonable ways to retrieve the Scepter quickly because its just in mere mortal Earthling hands. I would favor that since he had it in the first place, he just installed a recall function in the Scepter to Einstein-Rosen Bridge it to his side whenever he damn pleases. Make a decent stinger scene.

Plus Marvel apparently has a bunch (http://variety.com/2014/film/news/marvel-studios-dates-five-untitled-movies-through-2019-1201264988/) of movies in the pipe to play though I'd probably hate for them all to be related to this story arc there's ample room to deal with the remaining three and swap around ones we know about.

Macguffin chaos!

Also - as far as I know, they have simply declined to official confirm or deny that the Mind Gem is in the Scepter. They haven't officially said that it is NOT, they've simply declined to state that it is.

Yeah I went looking at can't find anything sourced. I think it really just comes down to everyone collectively believing having two mind controlling items is redundant as hell and assuming from there.

2014-08-06, 12:37 PM
I do wonder how exactly you could get mind-control powers by the Space Gem + applied phlebotinum.

EDIT: answering my own question, what if the "mind-control staff" was actually opening a mini portal to Thanos, who gets the call and responds by sending a tiny bit of Mind Gem juice through the conduit?

2014-08-06, 12:41 PM
Except of course one is on Earth and the other in Asgard. And he doesn't need the glove at all either.

The general point though is sound. There's any number of reasonable ways to retrieve the Scepter quickly because its just in mere mortal Earthling hands. I would favor that since he had it in the first place, he just installed a recall function in the Scepter to Einstein-Rosen Bridge it to his side whenever he damn pleases. Make a decent stinger scene.

Plus Marvel apparently has a bunch (http://variety.com/2014/film/news/marvel-studios-dates-five-untitled-movies-through-2019-1201264988/) of movies in the pipe to play though I'd probably hate for them all to be related to this story arc there's ample room to deal with the remaining three and swap around ones we know about.

Macguffin chaos!

Yeah I went looking at can't find anything sourced. I think it really just comes down to everyone collectively believing having two mind controlling items is redundant as hell and assuming from there.

The Gauntlet is necessary to actually channel the power of all six gems. While Thanos doesn't need the Gauntlet until the very end, he will need it if he actually intends to harness the power of more than one at once.

2014-08-06, 12:49 PM
I do wonder how exactly you could get mind-control powers by the Space Gem + applied phlebotinum.

Yeah, the confirmation of the Tesseract as the Space Gem kind of torpedoed my original theory on the subject.

My theory was that the Tesseract was the Power Gem, and it, and things based on it, were amplifiers. Loki got mind control because he was already a trickster. Hawkeye became an unstoppable commando deathmonster who could fight all of SHIELD to a standstill, and Selvig's science was boosted to crazy levels.

My second theory was that the staff was actually a Mind-Gem offshoot, like the way that HYDRA's weapons were based on the Tesseract and the Kursed seemed to be based on the Aether. As such, it had relatively weak power (I mean, a good hit to the head could cure its mind control and it didn't work on people unless you could stab them in the heart) but followed the basic design. But that doesn't work for it piercing the Tesseract, unless it was hybridized from multiple gems.

2014-08-06, 12:54 PM
There's also the possibility that Selvig was just wrong. He's only ever worked with one Infinity Gem before, so it's possible that when he encountered the Scepter (Which contains/is derived from the Mind Gem) and saw some similar readings (infinity Gem stuff) he thought he was dealing with the same source.

Soras Teva Gee
2014-08-06, 01:43 PM
The Gauntlet is necessary to actually channel the power of all six gems. While Thanos doesn't need the Gauntlet until the very end, he will need it if he actually intends to harness the power of more than one at once.

You ever notice how Thanos' classic outfit has identical gloves? (https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8019/7463113234_8fa11a0f82_z.jpg) And I never read this (http://www.bleedingcool.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/avenge1.jpg) comic but its popped up in my photosearch. Or just almost complete the dearth of information on where that glove came from?

And on the movie end of course nothing acknowledges the spiffy prop in Thor and given that we've had our big exposition speech on the Gems now wouldn't that have been the time to point out such a thing existing to keep the arc going?

Now they want to make the glove important more power to them, but don't wed yourself to that single options less you just create a fake problem for yourself should they ignore the glove entirely.

2014-08-06, 02:03 PM
Now they want to make the glove important more power to them, but don't wed yourself to that single options less you just create a fake problem for yourself should they ignore the glove entirely.

Thought based on GotG:
Ronan slapped the Infinity Stone he had onto his hammer and it stuck itself there. Maybe Thanos doesn't need the gauntlet by the same token and can just slap the stones to the back of his gloved hand?

2014-08-06, 02:09 PM
It kinda makes some sense that the Tesseract is the space gem given that a tesseract is a 4d shape.

2014-08-06, 02:26 PM
You ever notice how Thanos' classic outfit has identical gloves? (https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8019/7463113234_8fa11a0f82_z.jpg) And I never read this (http://www.bleedingcool.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/avenge1.jpg) comic but its popped up in my photosearch. Or just almost complete the dearth of information on where that glove came from?

The Gauntlet was constructed by Thanos, so sure... he made it match his existing gloves. Why not?
I don't event know the exact way in which it was manifested, but one might surmise he could have used the utter awesome power of the Reality Gem in order to fabricate the object to his need. Or any other method made simple with the shear scope of power he had.
For some more on the history of the Gauntlet, click here (http://marvel.wikia.com/Infinity_Gauntlet_%28Item%29).
Various links attached within can help broaden the story.

(Can't see the image you linked in "never read this" {403 Forbidden} so not sure what you've referred to there.)

Soras Teva Gee
2014-08-06, 03:33 PM
The Gauntlet was constructed by Thanos, so sure... he made it match his existing gloves. Why not?
I don't event know the exact way in which it was manifested, but one might surmise he could have used the utter awesome power of the Reality Gem in order to fabricate the object to his need. Or any other method made simple with the shear scope of power he had.
For some more on the history of the Gauntlet, click here (http://marvel.wikia.com/Infinity_Gauntlet_%28Item%29).
Various links attached within can help broaden the story.

(Can't see the image you linked in "never read this" {403 Forbidden} so not sure what you've referred to there.)

Well kinda my point was is that as far as I can tell from having read the Infinity Gauntlet comic the glove is essentially incidental, its an iconic bit of imagery of course but its never been a Macguffin solely in its own right. Its been awhile for me mind you but there's a recent trade of it around if anyone wants to pull that out. What I haven't read is the Thanos Quest (http://marvel.wikia.com/Thanos_Quest_Vol_1_1) where he puts them all together though the wiki there claims we owe Thanos even for the name the Infinity Gems instead of the Soul Gems. Good thing too I can't imagine saying Soul Soul Gem all the time. But this account would seem to have some supporting evidence that popped up (scroll down) (http://moviepilot.com/posts/2014/08/05/the-keys-to-the-marvel-universe-infinity-gems-and-avengers-3-explained-2162843?lt_source=external,manual#!bxmG7u) for me.

Of course I learned long time ago to not put all that much trust in fandom wikis in general. Note how the opening paragraph on the item is not itself sourced? While they're most often generally okay, they can be very wrong or have what the fan writing it speculated presented as clearly stated fact. I learned independently before even that to not absolutely trust anything said about comics unless I read them for myself, which is understandable there is too much material from Action Comic #1 onward for people to collate so you end up with a summary then subject to the telephone game and what's "true" has a way of drifting over the years.

Quick unrelated example how many times has Jean Grey died? And when? Now how many times would you think from the way people talk about her? Does the actual number justify her position as the poster child of Comic Book Death?

But back on topic. This is why I make the point the glove is not in and of itself necessary or powerful, thus there's no actual need for the movie to raid Asgard for it and maintain fidelity to the basic story. Because its near as I can tell, just Thanos' freaking glove. But hey maybe' there's a throwaway line in a panel that I'm missing, and I've just been a missing other details over the years. I would certainly like a glove to be involved, the cover art for The Infinity Gauntlet #1 is pure awesome and worth seeing on film. The event itself ain't half bad either though has its warts. I probably enjoyed the Capcom game more, but then again me and my friend managed to power through it button mashing for the PROTON CANNON on like only three quarters in a Hardees. You can't replace an experience like that.

Final Note: Grabbed the pic from this forum thread (http://www.bleedingcool.com/forums/reviews/40376-wednesday-comics-review-invincible-iron-man-503-avengers-12-a.html), its shows Iron Man evidently integrating the Gems into his armor. I did not read the thread I just nabbed the pic from google first.

Kitten Champion
2014-08-06, 04:40 PM
So I watched the movie yesterday, I'm genuinely relieved that I did since the 3D on the movie was fantastic from the opening credits to the end, and after having watched a dozen movies where it's been merely okay or downright unnecessary it kind of renewed my acceptance of the technology as a film making mechanic.

As to my opinion on the movie, I greatly enjoyed it. I would put this and The Lego Movie as my top two Christ Pratt movies of 2014.

I have this sort of antipathy recently geared towards the general direction of action-y movies where they're going through the motions of setting up the big-dumb climax with 30-40 minutes of straight action after a lot of tedious stuff. This, however, averts that. It has this strong connective tissue between set pieces that I was not once anxiously waiting for the next scene let alone the big battle at the end. I was more than happy having the characters play off one another and seeing what's going on in this universe of eclectic weirdness. I was anxious regarding Rocket and Groot -- that they'd merely be the sort of cliched comic relief that Lucas was attempting with Jar Jar -- but no, they've got such surprising humanity to them that it was easy to empathize with them.

On another note, I've seen a lot of criticism over Ronan being a weight on the movie, but to me he was like Ming the Merciless in the Flash Gordon movie. He was completely straight as this big bad evil overlord character, and I think the movie needed that in contrast.

Overall, I think this could be an awesome movie franchise in its own right even without the MCU. I don't know how I'd rate it against the Marvel movies because of that, it's like comparing Indiana Jones to Star Wars. It's certainly the best space opera I've seen since Serenity, and I don't know if I'd like that movie nearly as much had it been a standalone thing. I can say 10/10 it was the best Howard the Duck movie ever.

2014-08-06, 04:43 PM
As to my opinion on the movie, I greatly enjoyed it. I would put this and The Lego Movie as my top two Christ Pratt movies of 2014.

I see what you did there. :smalltongue:

2014-08-08, 10:45 AM
Did anyone feel like the Star Wars Disney Ride when they did they prison escape?
The sequence was just like that when they got in that flying room.
Also I want more Duck. Those who watched know what I mean.

On a side note, who is up for a new Squirrel Girl movie (I hope it comes soon).

Giggling Ghast
2014-08-08, 12:00 PM
It's kind of funny to see all these girls gushing over that idiotic shoe-shiner from Parks and Recreation. :smalltongue:

I dunno if there can ever be a Squirrel Girl movie, since she's technically a mutant and mutants are basically verbotten in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Plus, if Guardians of the Galaxy is obscure, then the Great Lakes Avengers is REALLY obscure.

Dusk Eclipse
2014-08-08, 12:26 PM
Is she a mutant? That is news to me.

Soras Teva Gee
2014-08-08, 12:35 PM
Its really just a matter of money I'm sure presuming she'd even be snared by the X-men deal at all. They'd have to really specify "mutants" in addition to "X-men characters" because she's never been an X-anything. I don't trust much reporting on AFAIK not publicly released contracts. Wanda and Pietro got something worked out and either Ronan went through a loophole or Marvel didn't feel like the Badoon were worth any money but he was.

That said I'm not sure the MCU is quite the place for an outright slapstick self-parody movie... yet.

2014-08-08, 12:36 PM
Well, she isn't X-Men affiliated. That might exempt her. We don't know the exact terms of the agreement between Marvel and FOX, just that Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch were able to be used by both, so long as Qs and SW didn't have any X-Men ties (their parentage) mentioned by Marvel, or their Avengers ties mentioned by X-Men.

That said I'm not sure the MCU is quite the place for an outright slapstick self-parody movie... yet.
I dunno. Guardians got really close sometimes.

Giggling Ghast
2014-08-08, 12:36 PM

So a Squirrel Girl movie is probably out of the question, but an appearance on Agents of SHIELD? Totally plausible. (Guess I should start eating crow.)


Soras Teva Gee
2014-08-08, 12:41 PM
I dunno. Guardians got really close sometimes.

Close only counts when you're blowing up moons.

2014-08-08, 12:58 PM
So a Squirrel Girl movie is probably out of the question, but an appearance on Agents of SHIELD? Totally plausible. (Guess I should start eating crow.)

I'm not sure how I should feel about that. It could be pretty funny, but I also wonder if it'll be a bit too funny for AoS?

Close only counts when you're blowing up moons.

Please put that bomb back in the box. :smallsmile:

2014-08-08, 01:03 PM
Usage Rights for Squirrel Girl are not owned by Fox even though the term "mutant" is.
That is also to say, there are a lot of mutant characters that Marvel is well within their rights to use in the MCU as long as they are not called "mutant."
Fox's list of characters they can use is extremely specific.

Marvel Studios has reportedly applied for a trademark for Squirrel Girl and it's said that such trademark filings typically only happen when there is actual intent to use the character in question in a film/tv capacity.
Everything else on the matter is thus far rumor... but given her Avenger's ties and relationship with Luke Cage and Jessica Jones... it seems like the Netflix series would be the best guess for where they might introduce her.

Dusk Eclipse
2014-08-08, 01:53 PM
If the Luke Cage series series gets to the point he and Jessica and have Danielle, Squirrel Girl is definitely going to appear at some point.

2014-08-08, 02:44 PM
Squirrel Girl will end Phase 3 early by stomping Thanos. Again.

Seriously though, I would be beyond happy if they manage to squeeze her in somewhere, Netflix, tv, film, whatever. I'm happy either way. Hell, I played the Marvel MMO for quite a few months pretty much just because she was in the game!

2014-08-08, 03:15 PM
Squirrel Girl will end Phase 3 early by stomping Thanos. Again.

Seriously though, I would be beyond happy if they manage to squeeze her in somewhere, Netflix, tv, film, whatever. I'm happy either way. Hell, I played the Marvel MMO for quite a few months pretty much just because she was in the game!

Is it bad that i'd like to see her do just that to Thanos on the big screen but does anyone think they'll introduce Moondragon as a daughter of Thanos¿

Kitten Champion
2014-08-08, 03:35 PM
Squirrel Girl will end Phase 3 early by stomping Thanos. Again.

Seriously though, I would be beyond happy if they manage to squeeze her in somewhere, Netflix, tv, film, whatever. I'm happy either way. Hell, I played the Marvel MMO for quite a few months pretty much just because she was in the game!

I did the same for an afternoon, I woke the next morning and I gained enlightenment.

I thought Squirrel Girl would make good material for a Disney animated film like Big Hero Six. You could bring the Great Lakes Avengers into a shared animated universe with them.

2014-08-08, 05:18 PM
My ideal for Squirrel Girl would be a short format cartoon show.

Every week starts with her just having defeated, offscreen, some great cosmic villain (Thanos, Fin Fang Foom, Ego the Living Planet, etc) and over the space of ten minutes she has some kind of wacky adventure on the way home whilst Monkey Joe wisecracks to the audience. (Squirrel Girl is aware she is in a comic* but is contractually obligated not to talk about it during issues, Monkey Joe was under no such restrictions).

* The only time Deadpool ever managed to get one over on her was lending her a copy of Civil War: Frontline #10 where Speedball becomes Penance, that was when she invaded Latveria to use Doom's time machine to try and stop it happening.

2014-08-09, 01:17 AM
Squirrel Girl HAS appeared in cartoons a few times. I think the first time was in the most recent Fantastic Four cartoon.
She has also been on the Ultimate Spiderman toon and I think that episode may have even focused on her... but I really can't bring myself to sit through most episodes of that show to find out for sure.

2014-08-09, 01:56 AM
Saw the movie yesterday, and something's bugging me.

The Collector paid the Ravagers to get him the Orb. Carina, seeing it as a chance to escape, uses it to blow up the Collector's fortress/gallery. Wasn't the Aether already in there, though? Given Thor 2's stinger? What happened to it, or its containment system? And why didn't we see red tendrils alongside all the purple rockets?

Giggling Ghast
2014-08-09, 03:25 AM
Saw the movie yesterday, and something's bugging me.

The Collector paid the Ravagers to get him the Orb. Carina, seeing it as a chance to escape, uses it to blow up the Collector's fortress/gallery. Wasn't the Aether already in there, though? Given Thor 2's stinger? What happened to it, or its containment system? And why didn't we see red tendrils alongside all the purple rockets?

Presumably, the Collector still has the Aether. It may have been off site; in the comics, the Collector has whole worlds devoted to housing his collection. And even if it was in the facility at Knowhere, it can't be destroyed.

As to why she didn't pull that trick before with the Aether, the Collector was probably more careful with it. He likely put it into containment immediately after receiving the aether. I'm Guardians, he let his guard down for a moment to offer exposition.

Don't remember the red tendrils you're referencing, however.

2014-08-09, 09:14 AM
Presumably, the Collector still has the Aether. It may have been off site; in the comics, the Collector has whole worlds devoted to housing his collection. And even if it was in the facility at Knowhere, it can't be destroyed.

As to why she didn't pull that trick before with the Aether, the Collector was probably more careful with it. He likely put it into containment immediately after receiving the aether. I'm Guardians, he let his guard down for a moment to offer exposition.

Don't remember the red tendrils you're referencing, however.

Huh, need to remember whether Sif and co. were actually on the Collector's Knowhere set during the Thor 2 stinger. I do recall that the Aether was in its "black and red box" form and was contained.

And looking back, the Aether was black tendrils, not red, but I don't remember seeing them either during the Orbsplosion. It's entirely possible that the Collector had it off-site. Of course, that doesn't explain why he's still sulking in the ruins of the Knowhere vaults with Cosmo the Dog and Howard the Duck.

2014-08-09, 09:39 AM
Huh, need to remember whether Sif and co. were actually on the Collector's Knowhere set during the Thor 2 stinger. I do recall that the Aether was in its "black and red box" form and was contained.
And looking back, the Aether was black tendrils, not red, but I don't remember seeing them either during the Orbsplosion. It's entirely possible that the Collector had it off-site. Of course, that doesn't explain why he's still sulking in the ruins of the Knowhere vaults with Cosmo the Dog and Howard the Duck.

He was probably hit with a psychic whammy from Adam Warlock, whe he escaped the coocoon behind Howard

2014-08-09, 10:50 AM
And looking back, the Aether was black tendrils, not red, but I don't remember seeing them either during the Orbsplosion. It's entirely possible that the Collector had it off-site. Of course, that doesn't explain why he's still sulking in the ruins of the Knowhere vaults with Cosmo the Dog and Howard the Duck.

I thought he was just feeling sorry for himself. Even if the bulk of his collection is elsewhere, not Knowhere (I really just wanted to say that), part of it was gone, and there's not really anything he could do about it. Time to sit down in the rubble and have a drink before planning your next step. That's pretty much what I would have done. Cosmo understood, and was there to comfort him.

2014-08-09, 11:12 AM
I thought he was just feeling sorry for himself. Even if the bulk of his collection is elsewhere, not Knowhere (I really just wanted to say that), part of it was gone, and there's not really anything he could do about it. Time to sit down in the rubble and have a drink before planning your next step. That's pretty much what I would have done. Cosmo understood, and was there to comfort him.

Sometimes you just have to sit and drink space martinis until you're absolutely sure the problem isn't going to fix itself.

Giggling Ghast
2014-08-09, 12:16 PM
His assistant exploded and he was badly injured (note the bandage on his head). Sometimes a man needs a drink in order to collect himself.

2014-08-09, 12:45 PM
His assistant exploded and he was badly injured (note the bandage on his head). Sometimes a man needs a drink in order to collect himself.

I see what you did there. :smallamused:

And you totally get a cookie for it.

2014-08-09, 05:14 PM
Also, keep in mind that the Aether wasn't a stone sitting peacefully in it's little container like the Orb. The Aether actively tried to infect anything close to it - presumably Odin had it put in a VERY secure case before giving it to the Collector - something that would take a lot more to crack than the relatively small explosion that the stone caused.

Soras Teva Gee
2014-08-09, 06:10 PM
The plot would be too complicated to have brought up the Aether obviously, so any handwave will do.

I'll go with it was too securely held for the explosion to matter and is sitting in a more private room of the collection still.

2014-08-10, 08:16 AM
His assistant exploded and he was badly injured (note the bandage on his head). Sometimes a man needs a drink in order to collect himself.

Wasn't his assistant it was actually his daughter.

2014-08-10, 08:26 AM
Wasn't his assistant it was actually his daughter.
Apparently, outer space and healthy familial relationships do not go together.

Dusk Eclipse
2014-08-10, 08:57 AM
Wasn't his assistant it was actually his daughter.

Wait what? Where is that stated?

Anyway, apparently the Collector has more "important" people in cages


2014-08-10, 09:04 AM
Finally watched the movie. I don't think I have ever had this much inside a movie theater. :smallbiggrin:

2014-08-10, 09:10 AM
Wait what? Where is that stated?

Anyway, apparently the Collector has more "important" people in cages


He refers to her as Carina, that's the name of his daughter in the comics.

Soras Teva Gee
2014-08-10, 11:27 AM
He refers to her as Carina, that's the name of his daughter in the comics.

Given their actual conversations and circumstantially being across species I will conclude its a reference not actually the case.

This movie is in many ways In Name Only.

2014-08-10, 11:45 AM
He refers to her as Carina, that's the name of his daughter in the comics.

That doesn't mean much.

Giggling Ghast
2014-08-10, 12:09 PM
Considering their formal candour and the fact he had a previous assistant of the same species encaged a few feet away, I think she was just a slave.

2014-08-10, 12:27 PM
Considering their formal candour and the fact he had a previous assistant of the same species encaged a few feet away, I think she was just a slave.

Considering the scene where he mentioned her predecessor i think she was also making it strange she had the same name as his daughter maybe he called them the same name?

Dusk Eclipse
2014-08-10, 12:31 PM
Nah, they probably needed some sort of sacrifice to show the infinity gem was dangerous and just threw in Carina as her name as nod to the comic version for the fans, similar to how Bereet (the girl in Star-lord's ship at the start) was a somewhat important character for Hulk, she was a romantic interest for him IIRC, and here she is just a hook-up for Peter.

2014-08-10, 12:34 PM
Nah, they probably needed some sort of sacrifice to show the infinity gem was dangerous and just threw in Carina as her name as nod to the comic version for the fans, similar to how Bereet (the girl in Star-lord's ship at the start) was a somewhat important character for Hulk, she was a romantic interest for him IIRC, and here she is just a hook-up for Peter.

Oh, really? I missed that.

Dusk Eclipse
2014-08-10, 12:40 PM
To be fair the only reason I know about that is because I tend to check the TV tropes pages of movies after I've seen them :smallredface:

2014-08-10, 04:15 PM
Just watched it for the 3rd time. Still awesome.

2014-08-10, 06:04 PM
This movie is in many ways In Name Only.

I think that is one reason so many of these new Marvel movies do so well.
They are flexible to abandon comic book cannon for a stronger self-standing story.

To be fair the only reason I know about that is because I tend to check the TV tropes pages of movies after I've seen them :smallredface:

I'm guilty of that too. :smallbiggrin:

2014-08-10, 06:56 PM
Nah, they probably needed some sort of sacrifice to show the infinity gem was dangerous and just threw in Carina as her name as nod to the comic version for the fans, similar to how Bereet (the girl in Star-lord's ship at the start) was a somewhat important character for Hulk, she was a romantic interest for him IIRC, and here she is just a hook-up for Peter.

To be fair the only reason I know about that is because I tend to check the TV tropes pages of movies after I've seen them :smallredface:

Checking Marvel Wiki after watching the movie taught me that that John C Reilly's character, Corpsman Dey, shares the name of Nova Corps officer who made Richard Rider into Nova in the comics.

2014-08-10, 08:48 PM
Checking Marvel Wiki after watching the movie taught me that that John C Reilly's character, Corpsman Dey, shares the name of Nova Corps officer who made Richard Rider into Nova in the comics.

They never say his name in the movie, do they?

2014-08-10, 08:51 PM
He's called by name a few times in the movie, including one obviously clear statement of his name near the end. As someone who wasn't familiar with the comics, it seemed obvious that he was to be Significant.

2014-08-10, 08:54 PM
He's called by name a few times in the movie, including one obviously clear statement of his name near the end. As someone who wasn't familiar with the comics, it seemed obvious that he was to be Significant.

I knew what his name was and who he was in the comics before watching the movie, but still missed when they said his name.

Soras Teva Gee
2014-08-10, 10:16 PM
Nova Prime said his name when indicating his efforts got him a promotion at the end right before they went out to the new Milano.

I honestly was calling him "O'Brien" all movie and even now, and positively loved the little bit he got at the end they did a nice job of showing Xandar is a great place not telling you.

They better not kill him in a future movie.

2014-08-10, 10:24 PM
I honestly was calling him "O'Brien" all movie and even now, and positively loved the little bit he got at the end they did a nice job of showing Xandar is a great place not telling you.

They better not kill him in a future movie.

Haha, now I'll never stop calling him that. XD
But yeah, I liked that bit at the end. I was totally D'aww on it.

2014-08-11, 07:46 AM
Nova Prime said his name when indicating his efforts got him a promotion at the end right before they went out to the new Milano.

I honestly was calling him "O'Brien" all movie and even now, and positively loved the little bit he got at the end they did a nice job of showing Xandar is a great place not telling you.

They better not kill him in a future movie.

Well, with a name like that...

2014-08-11, 09:57 AM
Well, with a name like that...

Hey now, there are other ways they can bring in Richie. After all they haven't even introduced the Nova Force or how it works.

2014-08-11, 01:06 PM
Hey now, there are other ways they can bring in Richie. After all they haven't even introduced the Nova Force or how it works.

It seems to me that the abilities of those cruisers and their visual representation fits the Nova Force pretty well.