View Full Version : Borris' Pact

2014-04-24, 08:15 PM
At the beginning of the twilight hour, when only a sliver of the sun in visible above the horizon, comes a knocking at Borris' door. Before waiting for Borris to respond, as if knocking was only a formality, the visitor opens the door and sweeps in. He is a tall, elegant gentleman, wearing a finely-tailored suit and with rings glittering on his almost inhumanly long fingers. He bows deeply to Borris. "My apologies for entering without seeking permission first, sir Stablehand. I have... well, I have urgent business to discuss with you." He smiles, teeth gleaming. "Is this space acceptable to you for that purpose?" He looks somewhat dismissively around at the quarters.

Erik Vale
2014-04-24, 09:33 PM
Borris looks up from where he's preserving a rabbit from the evenings hunt, instantly his eyes boggle a little seeing the man, followed by a slight wincing.
"I... I'm fine to conduct business here, but could you tone down the voice?"
Adventurers and the like could well turn up here like this, and plenty wouldn't be insulted if he dismissed their parlor tricks... But Borris was quickly feeling like this wasn't your run of the mill late night visit from some upstart adventurer.

2014-04-25, 03:45 PM
"Of course. Wouldn't want to put you to any trouble. Why, I didn't even realize I was being loud! Is this acceptable?" the man asks, softening his voice but with a curious resonance remaining. "Excellent," he says without waiting for a reply. "Now, Borris (may I call you Borris? Thank you), you seem like a straightforward man, the kind that would appreciate my being up-front with you. Am I wrong?" He sets an attaché case that didn't seem to be in his hands a moment before on the table, but waits for Borris' acknowledgement before unlocking it.

Erik Vale
2014-04-25, 07:42 PM
Now Borris has become a combination of confused and concerned, which any dealer would be able to see plain as day despite him trying to hide it and returning to skinning... It may have to do with shaking hands.
"Yes, that would be appreciated."

2014-04-26, 10:28 PM
The man steeples his fingers, resting his elbows on the table. "To put it plainly, Borris, I come to offer you your heart's desire-" he taps the case- "in exchange for certain services rendered. The reasons are not important, unless you make them so. Here." He slides the case across the table to Borris. "Open it, and the world is yours. Don't, and I shall never bother you again." He smiles dazzlingly.

Erik Vale
2014-04-26, 11:48 PM
Borris stares at the case. True friendship with the animals, power, respect, love, all things going through his head for a moment before he settled on two words.
'Services Rendered.'
"What services would these be? And who are you to offer them?"

2014-04-27, 08:31 AM
"What proof do I have that, after learning my motives, you will not throw my offer back in my face and reveal them to the world?" asks the entity reasonably. "I said straightforward. Well, I suppose straightforwardness is not in our nature." He pauses. "I will explain to you if you wish. But be assured, once I have, you will never be able to return to this." He gestures widely. "Regardless of whether you accept my offer or not, you will be changed forever." He tilts his head. "Of course, you can simply tell me to go right now, and I will obey. All this can merely be a story to tell your grandchildren. To tell them how you failed. How you rejected the promise of greater things, the world in your palm if you're strong enough to take it. In favor of the glamorous occupation of a hostler?" His voice is sharp now, cutting into Borris with every word. "Can you imagine what they would say? I think you can, Borris Stablehand, for at least once you would have been the one to say it." He shakes his head sadly. "But not anymore, it seems."

Erik Vale
2014-04-27, 06:09 PM
The last comments are more biting than the being could know... But then again, it could know very well exactly how cutting they are as Borris looks down, thoughts swirling in his head, already defeating himself further...
Borris believes the thing to not be a demon, but he might as well ask.
"What will it cost, and what are you to offer?"

2014-04-27, 07:53 PM
The being gives a kind of hissing laugh. "What will it cost? Everything. What have you to gain? Everything." It sighs. "But I suppose you have a right to know, at least, who I am. I represent the unknowable, the unexplainable, and the uncanny. I serve the fickle and unpredictable forces of nature, and bow to no mortal nor any other being save one. At my command are both primal energies the like you have never seen and sly, subtle trickeries woven of elusive dreams and shadowy magick." His voice is growing louder. "I grant wishes, some of which lose their luster in the morning like fools gold and others which cast strands of fate that remain eternally. I represent the houses of brilliant Dawn, burning Day, elusive Dusk, and veiled Night. In short, my dear sir, I am a fey, and no man can bind me." He bows ostentatiously and doffs a hat that wasn't there a moment earlier.

Erik Vale
2014-04-27, 08:29 PM
Borris stares at the fey, he paled at one point but at the end of the triade he struggles to hide a smirk, dropping his head and muttering under his breath.
"I wish I had some sugar to spill."

Looking off to one side he thinks to himself quite simply, 'I'm going to regret this either way, and I... I'd rather try than just have some fey snatch me up.'

Reaching over with his hands covered in rabbits blood, he reaches over to open the attache case... After spending a moment to figure out the latches with his eyes to avoid looking stupid..

2014-04-27, 08:38 PM
"Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that any who would hope to enchain me would short find their shackles twisted upon their own person," the fey admits, "but it is still impressive." Falling silent for the first time, he watches as Borris opens the case... and finds it completely empty, without even indication of anything that might have once lain there.

Erik Vale
2014-04-27, 08:54 PM
Borris looks in the case for a while, perplexed, then bemused, and then he begins a loud and haughty laugh.
"Now that's a good one... Ok, that'll probably be more ammusing in retrospect and I wish I could do what you can with your voice but I'm not up to with magic. Anyhow, it's night and I'm closed for business, so if you'll leave me to my skinning."

Borris flicks some blood towards the fey [who in his mind he's dismissed as a random pranking wizard] and returns to his skinning, which is almost done.

2014-04-27, 09:00 PM
The fey sighs. "Yes, I took rhetoric lessons in the Academy of Fairyland," he says, half-playing along before dropping the act entirely. "May I presume you do not understand the nature of my gift? Or do I need to engage in a more overt demonstration of my abilities before you will take me seriously?" "Damn humans... no sense of drama whatsoever," he grumbles under his breath.

Erik Vale
2014-04-27, 09:41 PM
"I get it, your a wizard, not used to being laughed at."
Borris looks up, his smirk off his face and his voice much darker as he attempts to be intimidating.
"But even if you could kill me with some left over cantrip before I could gut you, I'm liked enough around the town that unless you ran as soon as you were done you'd wake up rather thoroughly restrained, trust up for execution right after our wizard reads your mind. Trust me, I've seen it done, not pretty. He rather dislikes wizards lording themselves over the little folk."

His hand rests on the knife he let go of for the slow skin pulling section, staring at the fey.

"So if you wouldn't mind stepping out, I'll be only to happy to through your scrawny ass out."

While he realizes that even a weak wizard could quite possibly kill him first, he draws upon all the militia training he can muster to be as intimidating as possible...
Not that it would work against a true fey, something he's dismissed stupidly.

2014-04-28, 06:55 AM
The man sighs. "Very well. Perhaps I will return when you are somewhat more... amenable. Take this as a sign of my good faith." He tosses Borris a bag that clinks when he catches it. "Have a night on the town for once. If you change your mind, I will be ready for you. Otherwise, I am sure there are others who would not mind having their most fevered dreams granted." He's holding the case case again, although Borris didn't see him move, and he bows deeply before exiting into the darkening night.

Erik Vale
2014-04-30, 06:22 PM
Borris grabs the bag with surprise, what was it, a bribe, thanks for the little bit of entertainment, a trick...
Fey were supposed to be excellent tricksters.

"... Yea, if he's fey I'm the Queen of Cormyr."
After a moment Borris checks the bag, and finds it full of coins.
"Well I might as well... But a differen't purse because the blood..."
Borris cleans himself out, and assuming there's not trouble moving the coins to his own purse, sets out towards town, there was a bar... And perhaps he'd prove his adventurer idea.

Assuming it's full of coins/nuggets, I'm fine to correct retroactively.

I'm happy to timeskip to a 'you wake up to a hangover after visiting the bar.'
One idea how to get me out of town if that's your goal, there's a magic item that is basically a bag of leaves that act completely as if gold coins, less then the item costs though. The day after they've been used, they all turn into leaves and nuts and stuff [I think], it'd be a good way to get me out of town alongside Azur who I'm pretty sure is becoming a devil.