View Full Version : dragon spawn optimization

2014-04-25, 04:40 PM
In a game I'm co-DMing one of the major enemies are spawn of tiamat. The party is around lv 11 so the basic spawn are not really a credible threat any more I wanted advice on what class levels I could add that would make basic spawn better. Ideally I'd like some advice on how to build the spawn into three basic unit types; first some type of meet shield with good survivability, second some type of quick melee damage dealer(I was thinking scout or barbarian), some type of buff/support focused spell caster, and finally some type of archer.

2014-04-26, 05:15 AM
I'm afb at the moment, but just adding some HD to most will make them stronger (at least for hp, Bab, saves, and DCs for their abilities).

I recall thinking that the green ones could do well with rogue, the blue/white would do well with barbarian or sorcerer boosts, the reds were all fairly impressive as is, and the blacks are making me draw a blank, but I'm sure sorcerer would fit there to.

You could also take a look at Draconians from the Dragonlance Campaign Setting, they were perversions of good dragon eggs that were turned into (semi powerful) humanoids with unique abilities and are an easy chassis for class levels.

2014-04-26, 06:23 AM
To be honest the spawn of Tiamat are pretty nasty as is.

Bluespawn Godslayers are nasty fighters although you might want to swap out Awesome Blow for Knockback.

For quick in and out melee Blackspawn Exterminators are your guys.

Redspawn Arcaniss' can be good spell support if you change out a few of their spells, but they also punch well above their weight in relation to fire damage spells.

None of the spawn of Tiamat are particularly skilled at archery but they can be remade as such. A good example would be the Blackspawn Raider Skather from the Red Hand of Doom campaign.

In fact the RHoD thread has a huge amount of good ideas as to how to spice up your spawn:


2014-04-26, 06:56 AM
I also had good results with increased HD exterminators and godslayers. Godslayers in particular are pretty badass; give them reach weapons and Combat Reflexes, have them flank the party and maybe one with Robilar's Gambit or something designed to give them extra attacks. Their damage output can be quite impressive, and with an ability to relocate targets via Awesome Blow and Large and In Charge (Draconomicon) is a pretty devastating combo against anyone foolish enough to charge into their threat range.

Arcaniss can give good ranged support, as can medium-sized groups of the various four-legged ones that have AoEs or ranged attacks. I also find good results from tacking on some refluffed warlock onto some of them for ranged touch coolness (even if this does result in terrible damage, it can allow more of them to engage at one time). Wands might be a more practical way to achieve the same thing.

I typically find mixed groups worked best, allowing a combined threat of numbers and a few toughs that stand a good chance of killing unwary party members. Combine with intelligent tactics and, if appropriate, something that the characters are trying to protect or capture (like an allied town or a critical position, such as a bridge or mountain pass), and the characters will have to divide their efforts among blocking as many mooks as possible and making sure the big guys don't curbstomp them.

If you need an archer, I'd just reskin an archer demon, reduce its attacks per round, and go with it. Otherwise, adding rogue levels or ranger levels to an exterminator will also work well, as a little Favored Enemy(pcs) optimization can go a long way to putting fear of archers into a party (enemy spirit pouch for the win!).:smallsmile: