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View Full Version : Roleplaying SCP Foundation system choice and Pelgrane Press products

2014-04-26, 05:35 AM
Hi playgrounders,

As per the necromancy rules, I create this new thread after finding this old one (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?312503-SCP-Foundation-What-system-to-use) on Google.
I too am interested in DMing some games in the SCP Foundation setting and have been looking for a fitting system.
My intention is for the players' objective to be the tracking, acquiring and retrieving of Anomalies.

I expect combat to be rare but meaningful when it happens. It should not be freeform (that won't work with my intended group) but allow players to get creative.

I have never tried the Gumshoe system but Trail of Cthulhu was recommended quit a few times in that old thread and sounds interesting enough. I'd prefer a modern system though and don't know how easily I portable ToC is to modern days. I have also seen that Pelgrane offers a couple more Gumshoe-based cosmic horror systems, Fear Itself, Night's Black Agents and The Esoterrorists. Especially the latter was only briefly mentioned in the thread I linked but sounds like it may be good fit.

Anybody else played some of these systems and can judge if they would serve my purpose best?

Thanks in Advance!

2014-04-26, 05:40 AM
If you were running a game for D-class employees, I'd tell you to use Paranoia.

2014-04-27, 03:00 PM
If you were running a game for D-class employees, I'd tell you to use Paranoia.

I'm not overly familiar with Paranoia (Listened to a couple of podcasts where they played it) beyond the basics, but considering the way the Foundation is run I would actually incorporate elements of the former even if you don't use the system itself. The impersonal nature of both settings, the levels of authorization, and I wouldn't be shocked to read a tale where they've got clones of the really important researchers.

2014-04-27, 07:14 PM
Yeah any lite rules system is probably good. I can imagine there would be a high mortality rate for a game based on SCP.

Gumshoe is a good suggestion