View Full Version : Miko's sword style?

2007-02-09, 09:01 PM
I was doing some research on Ronin when I found a link for MiyamotoMusashi (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miyamoto_Musashi), who interestingly enough created a sword style known as HyohoNitenIchi-ryu (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyoho_Niten_Ichi-ryu) wherein the user attacks with both a katana and wakizashi. I'm sorry if this information has been already stated, I just thought it was interesting how much depth Miko has been given.

2007-02-09, 09:04 PM
Hmm that seems odd to me. From what I understand of Samurai culture the wakizashi is only used to kill yourself when you have "become too dishonorable." Maybe I am wrong...

2007-02-09, 09:06 PM
If I'm correct the acual real life style uses the wakizashi more as a tool for parrying then an offensive implement, unlike Miko who's style is extreamly aggresive, hinting at her violent nature.

EDIT: The wakizashi was completely viable as a weapon in japanese culture, it is just that most people who had one didn't neccesarly know how to use one. A wakizashi was a sign of nobility, and thus most nobels carried one, whether or not they acually knew how to use it. Samurai, being nobel, also carried a wakizashi, but as samurai they also carry a katana, which unlike the wakizashi if you carries a katana people assumed you knew how to use it.

In fact oftentimes while in doors a samurai would put their katana on a sword rack, but would keep their wakizashi both as a sign of their status, and so they would never be caught unarmed. Samurai usually would use a katana, yari, or other weapon over a wakizashi, but they knew how to use one should they need to.

2007-02-09, 09:37 PM
Hmm that seems odd to me. From what I understand of Samurai culture the wakizashi is only used to kill yourself when you have "become too dishonorable." Maybe I am wrong...No, the Tanto was the "let me apologize" knife.

2007-02-09, 09:39 PM
Does her betrayal of her master then turn her social class into that of a Ronin?

Sage in the Playground
2007-02-09, 09:41 PM
Does her betrayal of her master then turn her social class into that of a Ronin?

No, she is a "felon".

Skippy the Dire
2007-02-09, 09:45 PM
Actually, she is both - 'Ronin' is 'masterless' a.k.a - 'unemployed'. 'Felon' is due to the circumstances surrounding her 'unemployment'.

Which means her fight with Hinjo was over the exact nature of her 'severance'.


2007-02-09, 09:58 PM
I believe that one of the main uses of the wakizashi was to take heads during/after a battle.

2007-02-09, 10:11 PM
Has Miko ever used it as such in any of the strips? She seems to prefer slicing people in half much more...

And this is amazing for researching how the legend of "Ronin"s has influneced our modern era. Yay for college research assignments that I'll never quite use again!

2007-02-09, 10:14 PM
it was a bladed object, and it was used as such, personally i would prefer the shorter blade indoors, but i would keep all blades on me. but then again im not a samurai.

Miko doesn't seem to be the type to carry a blade for "saying sorry"

Skippy the Dire
2007-02-09, 10:21 PM
I'm not certain Miko has figured out how to say those two words together with nothing in-between. It is possible she can, and it is possible she has. But I do not recall seeing it in the strip.

And if she refuses to say it with words she wouldn't say it with entrails.

Mmmmmmmm.... hot, steaming entrails....

2007-02-10, 04:46 AM
I've always been more of a fan of Iaido, in terms of sword styles.

Anyways, I still think it's a Kodachi, I don't know why.