View Full Version : T-shirt Survey

Beacon of Chaos
2014-04-26, 12:34 PM
Hello all!

I was wondering if you could help with with a quick survey about printed t-shirts (tshirts with designs printed on them) as part of some research I'm doing. I just need a few people to answer these questions. Should only take a few minutes. Thank you!

1. How old are you?

Under 18
Prefer not to say

1.5. Your Gender?

2. Roughly how many printed t-shirts do you own?

3. Do you buy t-shirts on a regular basis? If so, how often?

3.5 Do you ever buy t-shirts for others?

4. Where do you get your shirts?

Local Stores
Second Hand Shops/Garage Sales

5. What is the most important aspect when deciding to buy a printed t-shirt?


6. If you find a t-shirt you like, do you tend to buy more shirts from the same supplier?

7. Roughly how much do you pay for your shirts? What's the most/least you've bought a printed t-shirt for?

8. What size do you normally wear?

9. Do you prefer v-necks or rounded necks?

2014-04-26, 10:17 PM
I'd recommend adding a gender field here. As for the rest of the survey.
1): 19-25
2) 1, an unused gift
3) Not really
4) Second hand stores, local stores
5) I don't buy them. At all
6) No idea.
7) $0-$0 for printed, up to $5 in general.
8) Large
9) Rounded

Beacon of Chaos
2014-04-27, 07:12 AM
I'd recommend adding a gender field here.
Good point. Added that in, along with another question I forgot. Thanks for answering!

2014-04-27, 03:40 PM
Hope you don't mind. Took some liberties with my answers.

1. How old are you?

Under 18
26-35 <= (30)
Prefer not to say

1.5. Your Gender?


2. Roughly how many printed t-shirts do you own?

Oh geez. I'm no good with numbers. Maybe 80? Let's see. There is one for every day of the week, some for wearing to work, a couple for special occasions... 26. Boy, guess I was off with the 80, huh?

3. Do you buy t-shirts on a regular basis? If so, how often? As needed. Maybe I can afford a new one every other month or so.

3.5 Do you ever buy t-shirts for others? Hah! And miss out on the chance to buy one for me? People don't wanna see me Nekkid. Well, some might, but uh...*cough*

4. Where do you get your shirts?

Local Stores
Online<= (ThinkGeek, Welovefine)
Second Hand Shops/Garage Sales

5. What is the most important aspect when deciding to buy a printed t-shirt?

Design <= definitely. When I can buy a shirt, I can usually finagle about ten extra bucks or so out my budget.

6. If you find a t-shirt you like, do you tend to buy more shirts from the same supplier? Yup.

7. Roughly how much do you pay for your shirts? What's the most/least you've bought a printed t-shirt for? $15-20ish. I did buy one once, and I was really secure right then, and said, I'll get the $50 mass effect shirt, so I did. Also I found a sweet vader wants you t shirt for $1.50 at a garage sale once. Wore it every day that week.

Got beaten up a lot too, never could figure out why,

8. What size do you normally wear?L(Men's) (XXL) women's

9. Do you prefer v-necks or rounded necks?

If the shirt fits...

2014-04-27, 04:04 PM
1. 19-25/M

2. Far too many. Like two dozen at least.

3. Nope, just when they wear out.

4. Online and from high school/college groups I was/am involved in

5. Design, I guess

6. Not really applicable, but if I bought t-shirts on a regular basis I would probably do this

7. USD 0-20 (if free ones count, otherwise $5 is the cheapest), with most at $10 and another smaller spike at $15

8. Adult (male) medium

9. Rounded

Beacon of Chaos
2014-04-27, 04:44 PM
Hope you don't mind. Took some liberties with my answers.
Not at all! It all helps.

2014-04-27, 05:00 PM
1. How old are you?

1.5. Your Gender?

2. Roughly how many printed t-shirts do you own?
Roughly? Exactly three.

3. Do you buy t-shirts on a regular basis? If so, how often?
I last bought a significant amount of T-shirts for myself was about a decade ago.

3.5 Do you ever buy t-shirts for others?
An occasional gift, yes. I remember this one T-shirt with an 8-bit Megaman on it for instance. That was cool.

4. Where do you get your shirts?
Local stores & online, depending on what exactly I'm looking for.

5. What is the most important aspect when deciding to buy a printed t-shirt?
Other - Looks in general. A combination of design, color and style; none of the three works without the other two. Quality is a close second; I'm willing to pay for quality even in trivial things like T-shirts (during those times I'm in possession of significant amounts of funds anyways) if it lasts (hence the 3 that I still use a decade later), but it has to look nice for me to wear it.

6. If you find a t-shirt you like, do you tend to buy more shirts from the same supplier?
Yes, absolutely. If a supplier makes the types of T-shirts I want I'll buy my whole supply from there. That said, a decade is a long time. I'm not a good consumer.

7. Roughly how much do you pay for your shirts? What's the most/least you've bought a printed t-shirt for?
Least? I can hardly say, 2 euros? Flea market prices can be really low. Most expensive t-shirt ever? I don't think I've ever bought one for over 50 euros and it's usually lower than that.

8. What size do you normally wear?
Medium. I can do small, but medium is generally a bit safer (sizes vary, as ever).

9. Do you prefer v-necks or rounded necks?
Depends on the style of the shirt, honestly. If it's something I'd like to e.g. wear in the university I'd prefer a V-neck, but for ones I strictly use with friends a rounded one will do just as well. And one I'd use during winter as an undershirt would preferably be rounded.

2014-04-27, 05:09 PM
1. How old are you?
1.5. Your Gender?
2. Roughly how many printed t-shirts do you own?
Around 12 I think.
3. Do you buy t-shirts on a regular basis? If so, how often?
3.5 Do you ever buy t-shirts for others?
4. Where do you get your shirts?
Other (Concerts/festivals, sometimes after a wild night out I have no idea where from)

5. What is the most important aspect when deciding to buy a printed t-shirt?
Price < Quality < Colour/Design(one and the same, really)
Brand and style do not matter one bit to me.(unless you mean design style...which falls under the design)

6. If you find a t-shirt you like, do you tend to buy more shirts from the same supplier?
I'd most likely check out the other shirts offered, but they really have to have theirn own merit.
However if the supplier is a quality supplier and their product is the same price as competition, I am more likely to buy the product from them instead of a competitor.
7. Roughly how much do you pay for your shirts? What's the most/least you've bought a printed t-shirt for?
20 I guess. Least is 5 bucks, most is 25.
8. What size do you normally wear?
9. Do you prefer v-necks or rounded necks?

2014-04-28, 04:44 AM
Well, let's see...

1. How old are you?

Under 18
35-55 <- 39
Prefer not to say

1.5. Your Gender? M

2. Roughly how many printed t-shirts do you own? 20-25-ish Some not used anymore on account of being old and out of size, so probably about 15 or so that I regularly use.

3. Do you buy t-shirts on a regular basis? If so, how often? Semi-regular. When I find something interesting.

3.5 Do you ever buy t-shirts for others? Occasionally.

4. Where do you get your shirts?

Local Stores <- Tesco has some decent printed designs now and then here in the UK.
Online <- Have used Jinx and Qwertee on occasion.
Second Hand Shops/Garage Sales

5. What is the most important aspect when deciding to buy a printed t-shirt? Listed order of importance 1-6

Quality 2
Design 1
Price 3
Colour 5
Style 4
Brand 6

6. If you find a t-shirt you like, do you tend to buy more shirts from the same supplier? Usually when I find a T-shirt in a store, I tend to look for others at the same time.

7. Roughly how much do you pay for your shirts? What's the most/least you've bought a printed t-shirt for? £7-£10 per shirt, usually. Have paid around £20 for some t-shirts if I've really liked the design.

8. What size do you normally wear? 3XL-4XL

9. Do you prefer v-necks or rounded necks? Regular rounded for me.


Beacon of Chaos
2014-04-28, 03:53 PM
Thanks everyone, this is all useful info.

2014-04-28, 04:35 PM
I very rarely buy or wear T-shirts any more, but I'll answer anyway - if that's not useful then feel free to disregard my responses.

1. How old are you?


1.5. Your Gender? M

2. Roughly how many printed t-shirts do you own? 6/7. I previously owned more but have now discarded most old/worn-out T-shirts.

3. Do you buy t-shirts on a regular basis? If so, how often? No, hardly ever.

3.5 Do you ever buy t-shirts for others? Very rarely.

4. Where do you get your shirts?

Local Stores

5. What is the most important aspect when deciding to buy a printed t-shirt?


6. If you find a t-shirt you like, do you tend to buy more shirts from the same supplier? Occasionally.

7. Roughly how much do you pay for your shirts? What's the most/least you've bought a printed t-shirt for? Most: about £20. Least, I can't remember, but very little. I would not pay more than about £20 for a t-shirt, but would pay anything up to that for one I wanted.

8. What size do you normally wear? Medium to Large depending on the manufacturer.

9. Do you prefer v-necks or rounded necks? Design-dependent, but usually V-necks.

2014-04-28, 06:59 PM
1. How old are you? 19-25.

1.5. Your Gender? Female.

2. Roughly how many printed t-shirts do you own? Eighteen or so. All but one t-shirt I own has a design, and most of my shirts are t-shirts.

3. Do you buy t-shirts on a regular basis? If so, how often? No, I buy them only rarely; no more than one every two years, I'd say, and usually less. Many shirts I have I've had for five to fifteen years.

3.5. Do you ever buy t-shirts for others? Very rarely. I believe I have done this a total of twice.

4. Where do you get your shirts? Local stores and online. I prefer to go to local stores when I can, but there aren't many of what I consider reasonable clothing stores around where I live, and they are often aggravating places to visit in any case.

5. What is the most important aspect when deciding to buy a printed t-shirt? Design is generally the reason for it (unless I'm almost out of shirts), but quality is quite important if I can discern the quality, which one usually can't online. I like my clothing to be sturdy and last a long time so I don't have to buy much of it.

6. If you find a t-shirt you like, do you tend to buy more shirts from the same supplier? Not necessarily. I buy shirts infrequently enough that I'm not likely to remember what place made the actual garment.

7. Roughly how much do you pay for your shirts? What's the most/least you've bought a printed t-shirt for? Usually $20-$30, I believe. The most would probably be $60 or so, counting currency conversion and shipping.

8. What size do you normally wear? Small, although increasingly commonly Small is a bit too large still. The size my Small shirts from fifteen years or so ago are is perfect, but the Smalls I have that are more recent are often too large. Annoying, but there's usually no Extra-Small option, and although women's-specific shirt sizes are sometimes smaller, they are also often too clingy or not sturdy enough or don't have the designs that I like and I avoid them.

9. Do you prefer v-necks or rounded necks? Rounded. V-necks tend to annoy me.

2014-04-30, 01:29 AM
Under 18
Local Stores
10-15 USD. Paid 25 USD for highest, 10 USD for a pack of five, so 2 USD each
Adult Large
Round necks

2014-05-01, 01:42 PM
1. How old are you?

1.5. Your Gender?

2. Roughly how many printed t-shirts do you own?
A lot. Basically every t-shirt I own has a design of some sort.

3. Do you buy t-shirts on a regular basis? If so, how often?
I'm... not really sure. I buy shirts when I need new ones I guess, or if I see a cool shirt and have the money.

3.5 Do you ever buy t-shirts for others?
Sometimes, but not often.

4. Where do you get your shirts?
Local Stores
Other - usually blood drives, which give out t-shirts around here.

5. What is the most important aspect when deciding to buy a printed t-shirt?
Design is the most important, followed by Quality, Price, Style, and Color.

6. If you find a t-shirt you like, do you tend to buy more shirts from the same supplier?
Sometimes. At the very least I'll look through the rest of their stock.

7. Roughly how much do you pay for your shirts? What's the most/least you've bought a printed t-shirt for?
Usually $5-15, depending on where I get it. The most expensive ones were band ts, usually $20-30

8. What size do you normally wear?

9. Do you prefer v-necks or rounded necks?

2014-05-01, 02:29 PM
Are all your questions asking specifically about printed t-shirts, or just t-shirts in general? Because I typically buy a pack of plain white t-shirts for general use when my existing ones get worn out, but I'm not sure how helpful that is for you.

1. How old are you?

1.5. Your Gender?

2. Roughly how many printed t-shirts do you own?
exactly 5 (I counted)

3. Do you buy t-shirts on a regular basis? If so, how often?
Just t-shirts in general, or specifically printed t-shirts?
If just t-shirts in general, then whenever the cheap ones I use wear out. Probably a pack once per year.
If printed t-shirts, basically never. I bought one last year, two were presents from others, and the other two were free merchandise from purchases 10+ years ago.

3.5 Do you ever buy t-shirts for others?

4. Where do you get your shirts?
Local Stores

5. What is the most important aspect when deciding to buy a printed t-shirt?
Price/quantity (for plain white t-shirts).
It depends heavily on the merchandise and situation for a printed t-shirt.

6. If you find a t-shirt you like, do you tend to buy more shirts from the same supplier?

7. Roughly how much do you pay for your shirts? What's the most/least you've bought a printed t-shirt for?
Plain white t-shirts are usually $12 for half a dozen or so, the last time I bought any.
Printed t-shirts are generally a specific case, and so it really depends. ($10 is what I paid for the recent one, I think.)

8. What size do you normally wear?

9. Do you prefer v-necks or rounded necks?
Rounded necks for public.
V-necks for undershirts.

2014-05-02, 09:09 AM
1. How old are you?
1.5. Your Gender?
2. Roughly how many printed t-shirts do you own?
~20, maybe more
3. Do you buy t-shirts on a regular basis? If so, how often?
Irregular. Maybe once every quarter or half year due to lazyness.
3.5 Do you ever buy t-shirts for others?
Most of the time when I order, my wife is ordering together with me as such...
4. Where do you get your shirts?
Online (EMP.de mostly)
Catlogues (EMP catalogue)
5. What is the most important aspect when deciding to buy a printed t-shirt?
Design(Band(not Brand) + Design + Style + Color is a combined factor).
6. If you find a t-shirt you like, do you tend to buy more shirts from the same supplier?
Don't care about the supplier.
7. Roughly how much do you pay for your shirts? What's the most/least you've bought a printed t-shirt for?
20 to 25 € depending both on band and if it is worth it.
Most expensive shirt was a Wacken shirt. I think the price was around 35€.
The least expensive was a low quality shirt with for our abitur theme.
8. What size do you normally wear?
Depends. Between L and XXL depending on different grading systems and from where the shirt is delivered. (My current Amon Amarth shirt is far too wide/big for me)
9. Do you prefer v-necks or rounded necks?
I don't care at all so long as I can still breathe comfortably.

Beacon of Chaos
2014-05-02, 03:41 PM
Thanks for all the replies!

Are all your questions asking specifically about printed t-shirts, or just t-shirts in general? Because I typically buy a pack of plain white t-shirts for general use when my existing ones get worn out, but I'm not sure how helpful that is for you.
Printed t-shirts specifically, but your answers are helpful too.

2014-05-07, 03:51 PM
1. How old are you?

19-25 (25)

1.5. Your Gender?


2. Roughly how many printed t-shirts do you own?

At least one for every day of the week.

3. Do you buy t-shirts on a regular basis? If so, how often?

I don't really buy clothes often, I make them last a lot.

3.5 Do you ever buy t-shirts for others?

Barely ever.

4. Where do you get your shirts?

Local Stores
Second Hand Shops/Garage Sales

5. What is the most important aspect when deciding to buy a printed t-shirt?


6. If you find a t-shirt you like, do you tend to buy more shirts from the same supplier?

Not particularly. I don't usually relate the shirt itself to the makers.

7. Roughly how much do you pay for your shirts? What's the most/least you've bought a printed t-shirt for?

Around $20 USD. I've probably paid as much as $30, or as little as $10, but I think $20 is an acceptable price.

8. What size do you normally wear?

Large, but might be growing into X-Large.

9. Do you prefer v-necks or rounded necks?

I prefer rounded necks, but not too strongly.

Scarlet Knight
2014-05-08, 09:16 PM
1. How old are you? 54

1.5. Your Gender? Male

2. Roughly how many printed t-shirts do you own? Whew...Close to 50

3. Do you buy t-shirts on a regular basis? If so, how often? Yes, 3-4 times a year

3.5 Do you ever buy t-shirts for others? yes

4. Where do you get your shirts? Local Stores

5. What is the most important aspect when deciding to buy a printed t-shirt? Design

6. If you find a t-shirt you like, do you tend to buy more shirts from the same supplier? often

7. Roughly how much do you pay for your shirts? What's the most/least you've bought a printed t-shirt for? Usually $10 range: $4 -$25

8. What size do you normally wear? Large

9. Do you prefer v-necks or rounded necks? Round for outer T’s, V for under T’s

2014-05-09, 10:02 AM
1. Age: None of your categories (18! you only have under 18 and 19-25 :))

1.5. Your Gender? Female

2. Roughly how many printed t-shirts do you own? 10 -- only because I prune regularly so they all fit in my dresser.

3. Do you buy t-shirts on a regular basis? If so, how often? Nope. Not sure I've ever bought a printed t-shirt.

3.5 Do you ever buy t-shirts for others? Nope.

4. Where do you get your shirts? Other -- a few from gifts, mostly from various events (those in turn mostly math competitions.)

5. What is the most important aspect when deciding to buy a printed t-shirt? I have pretty stringent criteria, since I always have more t-shirts than I can deal with. I won't keep even a free t-shirt unless I like the design, color, and style. One that you don't have listed but is important to me is the feel of the fabric -- lots of printed t-shirts are the same stiff, uncomfortable fabric, so I really love the ones that are more soft/flexible/stretchy.

6. If you find a t-shirt you like, do you tend to buy more shirts from the same supplier? Nope -- as I said, I don't really buy t-shirts.

7. Roughly how much do you pay for your shirts? What's the most/least you've bought a printed t-shirt for? n/a

8. What size do you normally wear? Size 6 (usually a small or medium in t-shirt sizes)

9. Do you prefer v-necks or rounded necks? Rounded.

2015-07-03, 01:58 AM
Great great, everyone is having great options and making a great platform here. i think for me
1. How old are you?

1.5. Your Gender?

2. Roughly how many printed t-shirts do you own?
Eighteen or so. All but one t-shirt I own has a design, and most of my shirts are t-shirts.

3. Do you buy t-shirts on a regular basis? If so, how often?
No, I buy them only rarely; no more than one every two years, I'd say, and usually less. Many shirts I have I've had for five to fifteen years.

3.5. Do you ever buy t-shirts for others?
Very rarely. I believe I have done this a total of twice.

4. Where do you get your shirts?
Local stores and online. I prefer to go to local stores when I can, but there aren't many of what I consider reasonable clothing stores around where I live, and they are often aggravating places to visit in any case.

5. What is the most important aspect when deciding to buy a printed t-shirt?
Design is generally the reason for it, but quality is quite important if I can discern the quality, which one usually can't online. I like my clothing to be sturdy and last a long time so I don't have to buy much of it.

6. If you find a t-shirt you like, do you tend to buy more shirts from the same supplier?
Not necessarily. I buy shirts infrequently enough that I'm not likely to remember what place made the actual garment.

7. Roughly how much do you pay for your shirts? What's the most/least you've bought a printed t-shirt for?
Usually $20-$30, I believe. The most would probably be $60 or so, counting currency conversion and shipping.

8. What size do you normally wear?
medium, although increasingly commonly Small is a bit too large still. The size my Small shirts from fifteen years or so ago are is perfect, but the Smalls I have that are more recent are often too large. Annoying, but there's usually no Extra-Small option, and although women's-specific shirt sizes are sometimes smaller, they are also often too clingy or not sturdy enough or don't have the designs that I like and I avoid them.

9. Do you prefer v-necks or rounded necks?
Rounded. V-necks tend to annoy me.

2015-07-03, 06:48 AM
1. How old are you?

1.5. Your Gender? Male

2. Roughly how many printed t-shirts do you own? Around 6-7?

3. Do you buy t-shirts on a regular basis? If so, how often? A few times a year, not regularly

3.5 Do you ever buy t-shirts for others? no

4. Where do you get your shirts?

Maily local stores. For T-Shirts with specific prints, online

5. What is the most important aspect when deciding to buy a printed t-shirt?
Quality, Design, Colour, Price

6. If you find a t-shirt you like, do you tend to buy more shirts from the same supplier?
Usually not

7. Roughly how much do you pay for your shirts? What's the most/least you've bought a printed t-shirt for?
For specific shirts (say, an OotS shirt) up to 40$, for normal shirts around 10-15€

8. What size do you normally wear?

9. Do you prefer v-necks or rounded necks?

Usually round neck.

2015-07-03, 07:03 AM
]1. How old are you?


1.5. Your Gender?

2. Roughly how many printed t-shirts do you own?

3. Do you buy t-shirts on a regular basis? If so, how often?

3.5 Do you ever buy t-shirts for others?

4. Where do you get your shirts?

5. What is the most important aspect when deciding to buy a printed t-shirt?

6. If you find a t-shirt you like, do you tend to buy more shirts from the same supplier?

7. Roughly how much do you pay for your shirts? What's the most/least you've bought a printed t-shirt for?

8. What size do you normally wear?

9. Do you prefer v-necks or rounded necks?[/SPOILER][/QUOTE]

To clarify, I don't like T-shirts at all. Never wear them. I find them uncomfortable and far too hot on a warm day. Also, they never look good. I go for proper shirts, cuffs, collars, buttons and all. Faar more comfortable.

2015-07-03, 05:23 PM
1. How old are you?


1.5. Your Gender?

2. Roughly how many printed t-shirts do you own?
Last I counted I had 14, but I've bought many more since then, so I'd say 20+

3. Do you buy t-shirts on a regular basis? If so, how often?
Semi regularly. Ones I buy last a while. Less so now, in previous years it was up to 3 a year, now it's generally 1 a year.

3.5 Do you ever buy t-shirts for others?

4. Where do you get your shirts?
Mostly online, or at whatever event/attraction I'm at that has t-shirts relating to them. So Concerts, Gigs, Touristy Castles, etc.

5. What is the most important aspect when deciding to buy a printed t-shirt?


Design is the most important. If I don't like the design I wouldn't want the t-shirt. Price is secondary, but with most online stores having to deliver over the great pond, I have to keep an eye on delivery charges, and if they're too much then I won't get the shirt no matter how much I like it.

6. If you find a t-shirt you like, do you tend to buy more shirts from the same supplier?
Depends where I'm getting them from. For commemorative tshirts, I only get 1. However, I have many cafepress tshirts and a couple of those are Giantitp ones.

7. Roughly how much do you pay for your shirts? What's the most/least you've bought a printed t-shirt for?
£10-£20. Can't remember exact prices.

8. What size do you normally wear?
Small or Medium, depending on how the shirt is sized. I have broad shoulders for a woman despite being very thin, so sometimes smalls are too tight for me, and I like loose clothing.

9. Do you prefer v-necks or rounded necks?
V-necks can be a bit more comfortable if my chest has expanded due to time of the month, but I honestly don't care what sort. It's the collar size that's more important - I prefer looser collars that don't show too much cleavage.

Beacon of Chaos
2015-07-03, 05:43 PM
While I definitely appreciate people taking the time to fill this survey out... this thread is over a year old and I no longer need any responses. :smallredface:

So, if a mod could close this thread, that'd be grand.

2015-07-03, 05:51 PM
Mod of the Apocalypse: Well, this is embarrassing. :smallredface: I am a clever snowflake and exceedingly observant.