View Full Version : Of Acid and SA, a question

2014-04-28, 11:51 AM
So i had an odd thought for a TWF, SA rogue build. Mostly because i didn't want to invest for combat or SA but needed to make the most of combat with what little i had on hand. (this is a skill build....like a guide)

So as DM's would you allow this. TWF Aspergillium's (some forgotten realms book) [it holds 3 flasks of acid per "load", each attack shakes 1 flask onto an enemy 5' away as a ranged touch attack]

1 can you dual wield one of these?
2 can you use raid reload to reload this and how long would it take
3 can you apply SA to an attack of this nature

or is this just crazy talk?

2014-04-28, 12:03 PM
1) I would allow them to be dual wielded with all the normal penalties associated with TWF. Per their description I would rule them to work as a Light Mace for purposes of calculating bonuses and penalties for TWF only (weapon focus, light mace would not apply to them).

2) I would not allow Rapid Reload to work with them. It pretty clearly defines what it can do in the Feat

3) I would allow SA to work with them as long as the appropriate trigger(s) for SA are appropriately met. Using them involves a ranged attack roll, if the target is denied their dex and/or flat-footed then SA would trigger. The "within 30'" stipulation for SA would not be an issue as they already have a "within melee range" tacked onto them natively.

Also of note, as they are not a weapon I would not allow them to be enchanted as if they were.

2014-04-28, 12:08 PM
i had not even considered enchantments hahaha, but thank you for the input this is solid feedback. thank you

2014-04-28, 01:27 PM
You can Sneak Attack with anything that has an attack roll and does damage. The only problem with sneak attacking with acid is that it can get expensive.

2014-04-28, 02:12 PM
crafty class, craft alchemy :)

i dont plan on being in combat much; this game is infiltration based. so i was going to stack up on those qualities. the aspergillium was my way to compensate combat feats with a ranged touch attack "weapon"

2014-04-28, 02:20 PM
1 can you dual wield one of these?

You can't dual wield one of anything. :smallwink: