View Full Version : DM Help character and encounter donation

2014-04-28, 12:09 PM
so i am in the prosses of making a very large open world, sandbox campain. the campain will be set up with big random encounter tables for each reagon and towns that support themselves, the point is soposed to be that the world will be perfectly fine without the pcs and that the pcs should go try to acomplish there own goals. one of the things i wanted to add was a bounty system for criminals they could go catch(or for bounty hunters to come after them if they turn evil) as such i wanted to ask the playground if it had any interesting characters i could use as random encounters, criminals, city npcs, exc. ideas and character sheets apreiciated, level dosent matter.

Thank you:smallsmile:

Kol Korran
2014-04-28, 03:24 PM
These things are very setting dependent. It's quite hard to fit an exact character to a general idea. Plus- is this 3.5? PF? 3.P?

Anyway, some ideas for possible NPC "criminals":

1) Draco the Pixie cursed: Something of a humorous villain: An orc barbarian that previously slaughtered a badn of gypsy like halflings. The witch of this clan cursed him, to tie the souls of all the tribe to him, to pester him and annoy him, and try to guide him to "redemption" .Draco moves between trying to appease the spirits and being good, to giving in to his destructive, fame seeking urges. Mechanically he's a barbarian/ haunted oracle (PF).

2) Gruma the worgen: A bunch of worgs terrorize the country side, led by some goblin wise woman and her goblin clan. She is a druid who tried to have her kin live off with respect to the land, but many of her clan were killed by "good doing" adventurers, so now she united a band of worg riders and decided to take her revenge.

3) The Mask: a bunch of robberies by seemingly different individuals, all leaving some note or token called "The mask". The party may think they are trailing some sort of a thieves guild, only to realize it's actually a changeling. (Eberron or MM3. You can change for a doppleganger if need be). But... they are actually 3 changelings. If the party capture one, the rest masquerade as the PCs and commit crimes, trying to frame them for it, to get their friend free somehow.

4) Mr. Shine: A politician who is also an enchanter (perhaps a mind bender?) of some power. seeming very polite and gentle on the surface, and very very god at lying, wiht a lot of political power to back him up. Behind scenes he is an influential member (or even a leader) of some sort of a hate/ racist group).

I hope this help?

2014-04-28, 04:23 PM
These things are very setting dependent. It's quite hard to fit an exact character to a general idea. Plus- is this 3.5? PF? 3.P?

:smalltongue:sorry my subconscious still refuses to acknowledge that other rp systems exist, D&D 3.5