View Full Version : Player Help First Paladin feedback, Pathfinder.

2014-04-28, 03:42 PM
Race Aasimar (Agathion-Blooded, substituted spell like ability for a +2 to dex)
Starting level: 3

Ability scores (rolled)

Str 13
Dex 18
Con 16
Int 17
Wis 12
Cha 19


Weapon Finesse
Two weapon fighting


Finding your kin

I'm going for a fairly unorthodox approach to Pallys for my first time I realize. I looked up some of the more popular builds, but this seemed for fun to play. Two light weight weapons, gladius in this case, one of which has Bane: Gnolls, as they are the most common enemy in the campaign. But also wearing heavy armor. I'll be like a heavily armored wasp.

Final note, this campaign won't exactly have gods per say, so my powers derive from my character's drive to rebuild society. (Post Nuclear war, mostly typical pathfinder fare with the occasional home brewed high tech piece) So a Paladin of the Western Flame so to speak, referencing western civilization, there is a large Roman inspiration to my Pally.

So any feedback, tips, insight you might have is more then welcome. I realize this is a very unconventional and even inefficient way to play a Paladin but it should still be fun.

2014-04-28, 04:00 PM
This would generally be considered a sub-optimal build.

Two Weapon Fighting generally produces less damage per round compared to two handed fighting. The cost in Feats, ability pre-reqs, and having to buy two magic items is not worth the return on investment.

It does not make numerical sense for you to spend a Feat on Weapon Finesse and your racial ability on +2 Dex in order to get +3 to hit. Especially when you're wearing heavy armor, which can't benefit from high Dex without spending a lot of gp on mithral or other workarounds.

My preferred attribute distribution (given the above) would be 18 Str, 16 Dex, Con 17, 13 Int, 12 Wis, 19 Cha.

2014-04-28, 04:17 PM
The build you have can be fine as long as the rest of your party isn't on a higher level of optimization. The most important thing for a fun game is not to try to get the best numbers but to make sure everyone plays at about the same level so you can all feel somewhat competant and useful. As mentioned, there are other choices that would result in more damage, but you could make this work, if you don't mind being a bit weaker than average. Just make sure to pick up the Agile enhancement for your weapons when you can (add Dex to damage instead of Strength) and Piranha Strike (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/piranha-strike-combat) should probably make its way onto your feat list fairly soon.

2014-04-28, 04:26 PM
With that array, I'd throw away two weapon fighting and spend your feats on POint Blank Shot and Rapidshot, cause that's a quote nice array for an archer.

2014-04-30, 08:45 AM
Personally, I prefer two-weapon fighting to using a two-handed weapon because it makes a distinction between standard and full attacks and because rolling lots of d20s is fun. However, it is important to note that TWFing in heavy armor is an extremely suboptimal build, which will fit well into your party if and only if the rest of your party is similarly low-op. If, for example, the rest of your party is a cleric who prepares mostly healing spells, a core evocation wizard, and a core rogue, then you'll do fine. However, if your party is a melee buffing cleric, a conjuration wizard, and an advanced class guide Slayer, then you'll find yourself being next to useless in comparison.