View Full Version : Clawing through the Dirt: The Undercity IC

2014-04-29, 07:25 AM
Chapter One: Blood Begets Blood

There are a million ways to die in the Undercity, for many disease is the main cause. Then starvation takes a close second. Murder however, murder is synonymous with survival in the dank tunnels of the Undercity.
It was murder that claimed the lives of the Reclaimer traders that now lay broken beneath the wreckage of their own caravan. They had not seen where the first arrow came from, in honesty, it would not have changed their fates if they had.

The Flayers descended upon the corpses like flies feasting on carrion. Short blades making quick work of those that still clung to life. The ex-mercenaries began to sort through the wreckage, claiming prizes from their fallen foes and quietly exchanging words with one another.
Apart from those around the wreck the tunnel was mostly deserted, old Rot Farmer territory that had lost it's usefulness to the morbid harvesters that roamed the darker paths. A weak stream guttered through the central passage, now blocked and slowly pooling at the Flayers feet, with two overhanging sluice gates adding an occasional drip of fetid sewage.

Andras stood by one of these gates, overlooking the clean up as men moved past him to secure ropes to the larger prizes.

"Good haul." A voice beside you growled, "The woman was right, s'pose we may actually have to pay her." the voice belonged to Wolfgang, one of the lieutenants in the Clan. The tribal scars lining his face and arms acted as a easily recognizable mark, combined with the long jagged blades he had strapped to his arms. Smiling as he stands next to you he looks over the attack, as if appreciating a fine painting.

Smiler hadn't taken part in the attack, wasn't part of the deal. She simply told the Flayers where to be and how many men to bring, yet again her sources had been solid, now the only hope was the Flayers actually paid her. Standing a few feet from the wreckage you absentmindedly look around as few even acknowledge your existence, bar the usual lingering looks that tired men gave pretty women. It seems your work is done, perhaps it's time to claim what is yours and leave the murderers to their pillaging.

In the darkness a bit further along the tunnel, Meeka sat in a crouched position, arrow notched and breath still. The alcove she currently lurked within had served well as a quiet place to rest, it was drier than most places and the nearby streams water was more or less drinkable. Sure the occasional caravan had passed by, but they never bothered with her, mainly as they never saw her.
But with this many Flayers nearby, she would have to move. They were not lazy and they would scour this tunnel for survivors. The chances of them finding her were high, plus, it only takes a second to be mistaken for a Reclaimer, another second for an arrow to find her heart.

2014-04-29, 08:06 AM
Hidden in a Dark Alcove

She knew she should have moved before this, but she let herself get too comfortable. Rule #1: Never get comfortable. She trusted herself to get out of this predicament though. She was perfectly capable of sitting motionless for hours at a time... days if she had to. This might be a situation where she had to. She keeps her eyes peeled, controls her breathing, and remains motionless.

Hide: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1](+2 from Favored Enemy: Humans)
Listen: [roll2](+2 from Favored Enemy: Humans)

2014-04-29, 10:36 AM

Andras breathed in deeply, allowing the fetid odor of the sewers to fill his nose. It had been years since the sccent really bothered him and he rarely even noticed it now. Still, in situations like this he forced himself to recognize it to keep himself aware of where he was. this was no forest path where enemy supply chains could be ambushed without fear of interruption. This was the Undercity. There were probably eyes on them even now.
"Don't get too comfy Wolf, this might not be over yet. We've hit their people often enough that it wouldn't surprise me if they started laying traps for us." Andras looked pointedly at the men scrambling to gather supplies from the downed cart. "And this would be the perfect time to hit us if they did, we're a long way from home."
He peered around the area, especially down the dark path the traders had come from, checking for any signs of a rearguard.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2014-04-30, 07:45 AM

Oh my. Daddy would be so ... distraught.

Not to mention Bryne.

Smiler enjoyed a private moment of satisfaction as she watched the men work.

Men. So arrogant, so dismissive, so ... easy.

Overhearing Andras, she moved close. Her face was covered by a kerchief, her hair under a hood, but the way she moved made men conscious of her, and Wolfgang and Andras moved to accommodate her almost without thinking.

"A quick hand and a sure blade - well played. A swift and silent exit would only sweeten the victory, no? You would not want to waste such a clever blow."

Her voice is honey and poison.

Diplomacy: 2d20b1+18. I want Andras and Wolfgang to swell under the praise, to appreciate her admiration for their violent manly behavior, and to develop a further fascination with her.

2014-04-30, 07:47 AM
Let's try that again: [roll0]+18. Just to clarify, True Alchemy gives me 2d20b1, Sex Appeal adds double Cha vs. men, and Skill Focus (from Marshal) and Bluff 5 ranks account for the extra +5.

2014-04-30, 07:53 AM
Hidden in a Dark Alcove

Meeka does all she can to keep from sighing at the way the girl has the boys eating out of her hand. She does allow herself to roll her eyes though. She is certain the boys are eating it up though. Whatever it takes to stay alive, right?

2014-04-30, 12:28 PM

Andras noticed Smiler coming over and shifted to make room for her. He was uncomfortable when Smiler came out on jobs with them. She distracted the soldiers, and being distracted got you killed. He almost felt flattered by her words, despite his distaste at being praised for murder. He grimaced at his own reaction as he turned away from the other two. He had to keep in mind that she was a predator. Everyone in this city was either a predator or a victim, and she sure as hell didn't seem like a victim.
"You should listen to her Wolf, it's good advice. I'm going to go check the tunnels ahead to make sure our way back is clear. You should also send a few people to check for a rearguard or any stragglers."

2014-05-01, 02:26 AM
Wolfgang raised an eyebrow at Smiler as she spoke, seemingly annoyed at his tactics being questioned. As he was about to reply Andras spoke up, causing Wolf's lip to curl in frustration.

"There is no rear guard, these pampered nobles have no concept of real combat. In addition we have a rear guard of our own." jabbing a thumb towards the darker tunnels the caravan emerged from.
"If there was one we'd be hearing them by now. Go check the route home Andras, take Enir and Laous with you." Andras's look over the rear passage deems nothing important, either Wolfgang is right, or whomever is sneaking up on you is a ghost.

He gestured for a few of the men nearby to follow him down to the wreck, including Smiler.
"I'll organize a clean sweep and we'll be right behind you." as he hit's the next level down he starts giving hushed orders to the men who start finishing up there jobs and prepping to move.

2014-05-01, 12:01 PM
Andras simply nods and gestures towards two of the men stripping the wreck.
"Enir! Laous! You're with me. We're securing the route back to base. Grab what you need and let's go."
As soon as the two men reach him he leads them quietly into the dark tunnels.

Move Silently: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1](+2 vs humans)
Listen: [roll2](+2 vs humans)

2014-05-02, 06:45 AM
A Dark Alcove

Meeka keeps to the shadows, hoping against hope that she will not be found.

2014-05-03, 06:22 PM
Andras slunk forward, his footsteps as silent as the shadows that clung to the walls. Taking his time both he and his men moved roughly eighty feet down the passage, taking a sharp right obscuring them from Wolfgang and Smiler's view. Before him the path is silent, dark but silent. From his first look, there seems to be no sign of life, well none bar the rats that scurry through the filth at their feet, moving at pace past them back towards the wreck.
Other than this the tunnel mimics the one before, a low passage sided by two over-crofts each lined with a sluice gate.

In Meeka's hole, nothing moved as the three men walked straight past it, they never even noticed the opening. However something catches her eye, the sluice gates near the attack site have stopped flowing. If anyone else noticed, they make no sign of it. Down here, if the water stops, it's no accident, it's because something stopped it.

"So, Mi'lady." Wolfgang began as the last crate was loaded. "We offered three days board and enough coin to make a Gutter Rat kill his mother." He chuckled to himself, leaning on the crate beside Smiler, his face matching her name.
"Make's me wonder why we don't just hire you." He raises an eyebrow and quietly gestures for his men to ready. "You too good for us?"

2014-05-03, 09:49 PM
Smiler smiled. It was something she did often, and well. She placed a light, careful hand on Wolfgang's arm, ostensibly to steady her step through the slippery tunnel.

"I'm flattered you'd even suggest it. Oh no ... not me. I would be more than happy to assist you in future endeavors. I just prefer an equal partnership - or at least a working relationship - to an offer of employment. I assure you I'll do no business that inconveniences you in any way, and will bring any pertinent information to your attention the moment I receive it."

"It's just ... a girl has to keep her independence, doesn't she?"

Bluff: [roll0]+14, Diplomacy: [roll1]+18

2014-05-04, 08:33 AM
Meeka is uneasy by the stop in the flow of water. Still, she has little recourse at the moment. Her only hope is to wait out those near her and find a safe opportunity to leave.

2014-05-04, 11:55 AM
"Can't see a damn thing" Andras curses. "Enir, hang back a bit and follow us with a torch to make sure we don't miss anything. Stay just far enough back that you don't light us up. And keep in mind, we're not in your territory but this isn't enemy territory either. I don't want you starting anything with the Rot Farmers or the other neutral gangs because you're jumping at your own shadow. If you find any trouble just yell and we'll be there in a few seconds to back you up. Same goes for us but if you hear either of us shout 'Wolfgang' then haul ass back and tell him to get ready for a fight. Any questions? If not then move out."

2014-05-05, 04:00 PM
Wolfgang blinks as Smiler touches him, brushing your hand off of him almost immediately. "Don't touch me. Ever." the blades strapped to his wrists glisten in the light, punctuating his statement. He then continues to walk forward following Andra's trail, the merc's flank you as the group edges through the tunnel.
"But that's fair. The higher-ups will be disappointed to hear that, either way." the group continue's forward, momentarily halting when a torch flares to life ahead of you. One of the men that went with Andras appear before you, blazing torch in hand.

Further ahead, Andras continues on the trail with Laous on his heel, bow string taught and eyes wide. Insects herd past your feet, to begin with they were little more than a nuisance, but they quickly massed turning into a tide of scuttling legs and black bodies. The sheer number of them cause progress to slow as you struggle to forge through them.

Meanwhile the Flayers force pass-by Meeka's hole, for a moment, she can breath a sigh of relief. However, something catches her eye, more than once. Shadows dart past the sluice gates nearby, including the one within your chamber. Followed quickly by a small horde of insects passing into your alcove, slowly pushing out to cover the ground at your rear.

2014-05-06, 02:18 PM
Unsure of the bugs, Meeka will hold her ground. If they seem to pose a danger, she will, wait until she is force from the alcove, but then, only in the stealthiest manner possible.

If needed:
Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]

2014-05-06, 03:07 PM
Andras turns around and points Laous back in the direction they came from. "I don't like this, these bugs must be running from something. We're heading back."
He moves as quickly back in the direction of the group as he can, putting away his bow to have both hands free to steady himself. As soon as he sees torchlight or hears the group he yells back "Enir! Turn around and tell Wolf to find a different way out of here fast!"

2014-05-09, 07:27 AM
Andras shout echos through the tunnel, reaching the ears of everyone and everything within. For a second silence claims all, until the sound of breaking metal and scuttling feet fills the air.
Behind the main concentration of Flayers the two sluice gates buckle as gigantic beetles dart from the murky darkness within, whilst a wave of carapaces and pincers pour from beneath their bodies.
The bestial beetles slam their bulk against the gates, bending the metal with each attack, high pitch screeches marking their arrival.

Wolfgang immediately roars out orders to his forces, forming them into a defensive front line at their rear, positioning the wreckage between them and the quickly forming swarm. With a rough hand he pushes Smiler into position, not even waiting for her response before he runs down the line checking weapons.

Behind Andras, the dark moves. More of the oversized vermin crawl from the shadows, silent bar the tell tale sound of chitin on stone. For a moment, they seem alone, for a moment it seemed a winnable fight. Then the seeded peeled into view.
No less than ten of the Rot Farmers "Creations" flanked the approaching beetles, crude scythes and tools of their macabre trade held in their plant-like grip, and a slow chant of a work song flowing from their mouths.

Within the alcove, Meeka watches as the floor is enveloped, as the insects swarming towards her grow in size and number. The Farmers are coming, there is no-doubt in her mind. Come to reap their stock.

2014-05-09, 07:45 AM
Smiler looks quickly around. Exits - side tunnels, out-flows - anything will do.

[roll0] spot! Eek!

2014-05-09, 09:42 PM
Andras draws his sword while sprinting back to the main Flayer force, pushing Laous ahead of him. He yells as loud as he can, "Wolf! We've got ten Seeded! We need to get the hell out of here!" and then as soon as they come into view of the mouth of the tunnel, "Light up the wagon and block the tunnel with it!"

2014-05-10, 09:43 AM
Meeka is doing her best not to panic. Trust her skill and remain hidden. Or at the least wait until she sees a chance to escape. Of course things might just go south and she may be forced to help these souls fight the Rot Farmers. She shivers thinking of the Rot Farmers.

2014-05-11, 08:19 AM
Wolf curses loudly as Andras appears.
"Form a circle! I want every angle covered." He matches within their number, dragging bowmen behind others.
"Two ranks you bloody rats! Fall in line or die out of it!"
Smiler is forced into the front ranks be the Flayers, however as she is replaced she gets a moment to view her surroundings. To her despair things are much worse than they appear.
Years of natural wear have caused a multitude of small cracks and openings to form throughout the tunnels, normally these openings allow for a vast array of escape routes. Not now, now they are little more than floodgates, small insects now pour out, larger vermin following the tide. If there was once an escape, it is gone, if there once was hope, it is now dead.

Andras passes through the battleline as the Seeded come into view for all, slowly pacing towards the newly formed defensive circle. Wolf meets him in the center, drawing his own blades and finalizing his orders.
"We don't have time, sending anyone to block the passage is sending them to their deaths." He grimaces, looking back to the passage the caravan emerged from as one of the two sluice gates at the rear break from the stonework allowing the giant beetle to crawl into the tunnel.
"Our only hope is the rear-guard still lives, if we can clear the behemoths from that path we can call a full retreat. Otherwise..." you fill the end of his sentence yourself.

Meanwhile in the nearby alcove, the insects become a moving carpet, readily moving over Meeka's feet. Initially unpleasant it quickly becomes painful as the tiny creatures nip at her exposed skin. Many more begin to climb up her legs, quickly moving towards her torso. If a moment ago there was a tide of vermin, their is now an all consuming tsunami. All whilst larger creatures lurk in the dark, mandibles emerge from the shadows, heralding their arrival.
The insects deal a magnificent [roll0] damage as they pull flesh from your body. In addition, please roll a Ref check to brush the ones heading headwards off, and a Will check to not panic.

2014-05-11, 10:40 AM

Meeka knows she is in trouble. In fact this is probably then end. She cannot flee, she cannot hide, and she cannot fight both sides. Time to pick a side. Meeka fights to get the bugs off of her while keeping her cool. She then exits the alcove with her hands raised, though her long bow is still in her hand. "Let me join you. If we are to beat the Rot Farmer, you will need every fighter you can." She walks steadily towards the ring of steel full expecting to be shot down at any moment. But what other choice did she have.

Reflex: [roll0]
Will: [roll1]
Diplomacy: [roll2]

2014-05-12, 07:31 AM

Meeka knows she is in trouble. In fact this is probably then end. She cannot flee, she cannot hide, and she cannot fight both sides. Time to pick a side. Meeka fights to get the bugs off of her while keeping her cool. She then exits the alcove with her hands raised, though her long bow is still in her hand. "Let me join you. If we are to beat the Rot Farmer, you will need every fighter you can." She walks steadily towards the ring of steel full expecting to be shot down at any moment. But what other choice did she have.

Reflex: [roll0]
Will: [roll1]
Diplomacy: [roll2]

Meeka hurls the insects from her body and crushes them underfoot as she rushes from the alcove, panic clear in her eyes. (Meeka is shaken for [roll0] rounds.) Immediately the Flayer's tense and brandish weapons, arrows are aimed but held.
"Get her in line!" Roars Wolfgang his voice carrying above the mournful song of the Farmers. Almost mechanically the line breaks just wide enough to allow Meeka through, Wolf stands waiting on the other side.

2014-05-18, 08:17 PM
Andras jerked his head towards the tunnel in surprise as the girl walked out of it but refocused on the swarm in the way of their retreat when Wolf ordered the line opened up. He pulls out his bow and nocks an arrow on the string, preparing for combat.

2014-05-29, 02:43 PM
The line closes around Meeka as the insects begin to swarm towards the Flayers. The Giant beetles rampage forth, each fall of their legs causing a ripple upon the veritable sea of chitin below. Behind them, the Farmers continue with their slow and purpose full march.
Wolfgangs roar meets the high screeches of the tide, eclipsing it as he barks his order, "FIRE!"

Both of the party members go first, followed by the battle line and then the farmers.

2014-05-30, 10:29 PM
Andras releases two arrows at one of the giant beetles blocking their escape route.


2014-05-30, 10:51 PM
Smiler swiftly draws her bow, nocks an arrow, and lets fly at the beetle Andras shot, trying to fell it.

Attack/crit: [roll0]/[roll1]
Damage/crit: [roll2]/[roll3]

2014-05-31, 05:36 PM
The arrows are smashed aside as the Beetles close the distance, the two that find their mark barely scratching the vermin. The Flayer's take their shots, a few finding hold beside Smiler and Andra's arrows. The second Beetle at the rear also takes several blows, but no-where near enough to slow it's charge.
First, the swarm hits, pouring over foot and biting at any bear flesh the tiny creatures within can find. You both take [roll0], Ref DC 10 for half The initial wave causes a few men to loose their spears momentarily, as the Beetles meet the line.
The creature you wounded falls upon the spearline and immediately impales itself upon it, it's pincers claiming the head of one of it's killers in respite as it makes it's final jerking struggle to death. The other however crashes into the line, the spears failing to find their goal as it barrels through the spearmen, simply attempting to trample them underfoot and reach the archers.
To the front, both Beetles make it to the spearline, another simply charging through whilst the second paint's itself in the viscera of a still screaming Flayer, a pair of over sized pincers separating his arm from his body.

Meanwhile, the Seeded move ever closer, the chanting intensifying.

2014-06-01, 08:59 PM
Andras ducks away from the swarm, pulls his insectbane candle out of his pack, and lights it.