View Full Version : Acrance Archer Duskblade

2014-04-29, 09:55 PM
In college I played a Awesome Arcance Archer Duskblade. I was wondering if anyone else has ever used the two classes together and what was there build and impression.

2014-04-29, 10:01 PM
I don't see any real synergy. The Duskblade doesn't get many area spells, and the AA doesn't progress casting.

Sir Chuckles
2014-04-29, 10:25 PM
Arcane Archer does not progress casting, and the Duskblade's Arcane Channeling, as well as his other abilities, revolve around melee attacks.

I'm not seeing it.

2014-04-29, 10:28 PM
So then to answer my question nether of you built one before.

2014-04-29, 10:42 PM
Instead of saying don't take it..

Take five levels of Abjurant Champion first, so your caster level = your base attack bonus

Or just get a spell storing bow and don't touch arcane archer

2014-04-29, 10:48 PM
Instead of saying don't take it..

Take five levels of Abjurant Champion first, so your caster level = your base attack bonus

Or just get a spell storing bow and don't touch arcane archer

I already played it several years ago. I was asking has anyone else ever built one. It was a great Character I had a tone of fun playing.

Sir Chuckles
2014-04-29, 10:55 PM
I already played it several years ago. I was asking has anyone else ever built one. It was a great Character I had a ton of fun playing.

That's what counts in the end.

From an optimization standpoint, which we can give, it's not the worst, but it's below average.
You're not likely to find people who have played your specific class build that easily.

If you want us to build a theoretical Duskblade/Arcane Archer right here right now, we can give it to you in 7 different ways, 10 different flavors, with 15 different optimization levels, and showing step-by-step leveling for each iteration. All before you go to bed next.

2014-04-30, 12:15 AM
Just posted this in a thread about Arcane Archers: Susan the Duskblade Arcane Archer (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=525.20) (3rd post down, by carnivore)

2014-04-30, 03:49 PM
That's what counts in the end.

From an optimization standpoint, which we can give, it's not the worst, but it's below average.
You're not likely to find people who have played your specific class build that easily.

If you want us to build a theoretical Duskblade/Arcane Archer right here right now, we can give it to you in 7 different ways, 10 different flavors, with 15 different optimization levels, and showing step-by-step leveling for each iteration. All before you go to bed next.

I was just wondering if anyone else had ever made one as well. If you would like to show me how you would make one that would be cool though.

I generally don't build for Opt. More for fun and in way that my character can fill a role.

This one was fun cause in combat I never felt like I was useless. I could deal consistant damage ranged, and was not completly usless if caught in close quarters.

2014-04-30, 03:51 PM
Just posted this in a thread about Arcane Archers: Susan the Duskblade Arcane Archer (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=525.20) (3rd post down, by carnivore)

I will have to cheack that out when I am not on my work compture, for some reason it is blocked.

2014-04-30, 04:22 PM
Never really played it but Duskblade 13/Arcane Archer 2/Abjurant Champion 5 sounds like it'd be a nice little arcane switch hitter... dimension door for mobility, use imbue arrow for area spells like doom scarabs then mix it up in melee with full attack arcane channeling. Abjurant Champion's level 4 ability also allows you to expend a spell slot to get twice the spell level in damage on attacks for the round whether ranged or melee (as opposed to arcane strike which is only melee)

2014-04-30, 04:40 PM
Instead of using the arcane archer, I'd just use an archivist or wizard (More likely archivist for ease of buffing), and take smiting spell. Archivist gets better as it gets ranger spells for archery buffs too, and gets enough blasty spells from various lists that he can come from.

2014-04-30, 05:26 PM
Never really played it but Duskblade 13/Arcane Archer 2/Abjurant Champion 5 sounds like it'd be a nice little arcane switch hitter... dimension door for mobility, use imbue arrow for area spells like doom scarabs then mix it up in melee with full attack arcane channeling. Abjurant Champion's level 4 ability also allows you to expend a spell slot to get twice the spell level in damage on attacks for the round whether ranged or melee (as opposed to arcane strike which is only melee)

Yeah Burning hands and Doom Scarab were my only Area Effect Spells but they worked well when you shot a Dude in the chest with it.

2014-04-30, 05:39 PM
Instead of using the arcane archer, I'd just use an archivist or wizard (More likely archivist for ease of buffing), and take smiting spell. Archivist gets better as it gets ranger spells for archery buffs too, and gets enough blasty spells from various lists that he can come from.

Not that this isn't a perfectly valid way to build an arcane (or divine) archer, and certainly in a much higher power tier, the OP asked about duskblade arcane archers.

However it does bring up a good point about smiting spell. It is a nice way to add touch spells onto the arrows.

Another nice trick is to get arrows enchanted with spell storing to stack more spells onto your ranged attacks.

2014-04-30, 06:17 PM
Hmmm, I've never played one, but now that you said it, it could be a fun character in lower powered groups! The build breakdown Darkweave posted might just work, and even though you won't be shooting AMFs left and right, you can still blast somewhat effectively.

Come to think of it, though, this might be even more effective using Magus, specially considering the casting progressing PF Arcane Archer. A Magus 16/ Arcane Archer 4 hits BAB +16 and 19th level Magus casting.

2014-04-30, 08:14 PM
Hmmm, I've never played one, but now that you said it, it could be a fun character in lower powered groups! The build breakdown Darkweave posted might just work, and even though you won't be shooting AMFs left and right, you can still blast somewhat effectively.

Come to think of it, though, this might be even more effective using Magus, specially considering the casting progressing PF Arcane Archer. A Magus 16/ Arcane Archer 4 hits BAB +16 and 19th level Magus casting.

Yeah I looked into making a PF one but never really play PF so figured wasn't worth the time. It does sound like an awesome Idea if I play PF again.

2014-04-30, 08:36 PM
Yeah I looked into making a PF one but never really play PF so figured wasn't worth the time. It does sound like an awesome Idea if I play PF again.

Eh, you can ask your DM if you can bring a PF character in. With a few minor tweaks, classes from PF are readily playable in a 3.X environment.

2014-04-30, 09:58 PM
Eh, you can ask your DM if you can bring a PF character in. With a few minor tweaks, classes from PF are readily playable in a 3.X environment.

I could but I have like 12 3.5 characters I wanna play, rolled up, and iching to be used, and currently I can't find a group :-(

2014-04-30, 10:28 PM
I could but I have like 12 3.5 characters I wanna play, rolled up, and iching to be used, and currently I can't find a group :-(

Ah, welcome to the fold, brother. We have cookies! :smallbiggrin: