View Full Version : DM Help Wanna make a 3.5 Grimlock barb

2014-04-29, 10:17 PM
Been while since i played DnD, let alone the 3.5 version, Me and couple real life friends we're looking to set up a campaign this weekend.. We're all rolling classes and races now.. I was reading the underdark book, came across grimlock race.. i was like, oh this sounds neat.. so im getting ready to build my character..... Im thinking that this is gonna be a easy build, only reading the level 2 adjustment... Which isnt all that bad, as im making my character, i came across the extra hit dice i get for being a Grimlock, which is like 2d8 extra.. Since that benefit, my buddy is trying to tell me i have a ECL of 5 because i am level 1 barb, level 2 Grimlock, with level adjustment of 2.... is he right? does the extra 2 racial hit dice make me ECL of 5???? when in the books it says nothing of a Grimlock being a plus 4, just a plus 2

2014-04-30, 08:53 AM
Hit dice=monster levels
2HD=level 2
2LA+2HD=level 4
2LA+2HD+1 class level=level 5

2014-04-30, 11:02 AM
The +2 are on top of the 2 HD. Unless I am mistaken, HD always count as levels in every respect.
Since they have racial HD, you could even play a grimlock without any class levels as a 4th level character.