View Full Version : Polymorph Any Object

2014-04-30, 01:42 AM
1. Is the new intelligence score voluntary? One side of the debate, "This spell can also be used to duplicate the effects of baleful polymorph, polymorph," so in order to duplicate polymorph INT change is voluntary. On the other side, there is no mention of voluntary, and there is a duration bonus for lesser intelligence.

2. How would the lesser intelligence affect a sorcerer? I know that it lowers their INT related skills, but anything else? Are they forced to play stupid?

3. Could somebody please list a few things you could do that breaks the game with this spell? Only thing I could find was
a. make a blackhole (but kills you after creation so...)
b. Permanent duration polymorphs.

Fouredged Sword
2014-04-30, 09:34 AM
1. Is the new intelligence score voluntary? One side of the debate, "This spell can also be used to duplicate the effects of baleful polymorph, polymorph," so in order to duplicate polymorph INT change is voluntary. On the other side, there is no mention of voluntary, and there is a duration bonus for lesser intelligence.

You may use PAO to cast any of the listed spells. You completely ignore the PAO description and cast any of the listed spells as if they where a level 8 spell. The new effect acts exactly as the alternative spell for duration and saves.

Some of those alternative uses do not effect intelligence scores, so in a sense, the change can be avoided. Using PAO as PAO will always change your int score through.

2. How would the lesser intelligence affect a sorcerer? I know that it lowers their INT related skills, but anything else? Are they forced to play stupid?

A sorcerer is mostly unaffected by a change in int score. Roleplaying your new int score is encouraged, but not enforced by any mechanic, leaving it a DM call.

2014-04-30, 10:35 AM
You may use PAO to cast any of the listed spells. You completely ignore the PAO description and cast any of the listed spells as if they where a level 8 spell. The new effect acts exactly as the alternative spell for duration and saves.

Can you provide some proof for this? :D

Fouredged Sword
2014-04-30, 11:07 AM
Ok, for start, lets all get on the same page


That is the SRD entry for PAO.

Specifically, the spell does this.

This spell functions like polymorph, except that it changes one object or creature into another. The duration of the spell depends on how radical a change is made from the original state to its enchanted state. The duration is determined by using the following guidelines.

- Snip for tables -

Unlike polymorph, polymorph any object does grant the creature the Intelligence score of its new form. If the original form didn’t have a Wisdom or Charisma score, it gains those scores as appropriate for the new form.

Damage taken by the new form can result in the injury or death of the polymorphed creature. In general, damage occurs when the new form is changed through physical force.

A nonmagical object cannot be made into a magic item with this spell. Magic items aren’t affected by this spell.

This spell cannot create material of great intrinsic value, such as copper, silver, gems, silk, gold, platinum, mithral, or adamantine. It also cannot reproduce the special properties of cold iron in order to overcome the damage reduction of certain creatures.

This is a fairly broad but defined capabilities. It can change more types of things into more potential forms with durations that very greatly.

This section is then followed by a "May Also" statement of

This spell can also be used to duplicate the effects of baleful polymorph, polymorph, flesh to stone, stone to flesh, transmute mud to rock, transmute metal to wood, or transmute rock to mud.

May also denotes a separate clause separate from the first that is governed by it's own rules. In this case, the rules normal to the other spell effects.

These are each a separate effect. You can cast any of these effects using the PAO spell. You don't get a PAO effect when you do, you get some other spell, like polymorph. You loose the range of possible targets and forms, and are stuck with a min/CL duration, but avoid the Int of the new form issue.

2014-04-30, 03:45 PM
Alright, thank you!

2014-04-30, 03:55 PM
You can use PAO to give yourself a major boost to your Int score. Say you're a human wizard who started with a base Int of 18. You use PAO to turn yourself (permanently!) into a sarrukh. Your base Int is now 30, which you then add on all the other bonuses you've got (from age, items, and level-ups, mainly). That's a permanent +12 bonus that stacks with everything else for a single spell slot. Then you can use a hat of disguise (or a psychoactive skin of proteus, or Alter Self, or a mix of them) to look human again.

You can also use it to qualify for feats, classes, and other abilities you want, but could otherwise not be able to take, such as beholder mage or illithid savant.