View Full Version : DM Help Is D&D 3.5 Compatible With Pathfinder

2014-04-30, 08:48 PM
I am going to be DMing a campaign with some of my friends. One of them is using Pathfinder material, but I am using D&D 3.5. They seem very similar, but is it possible to use them somewhat interchangeably or not?

2014-04-30, 08:55 PM
3.5 to Pathfinder? Pretty much. Might have to adjust some stuff but it mostly fits with the mechanics.
Pathfinder to 3.5? Possibly.

2014-04-30, 09:00 PM
3.5 to Pathfinder? Pretty much. Might have to adjust some stuff but it mostly fits with the mechanics.
Pathfinder to 3.5? Possibly.

Thanks. Basically, I was thinking that the players would be using Pathfinder for the most part, but would be able to select feats and similar things from 3.5 as well. I would still be basing the villains and the items off of 3.5.

Silva Stormrage
2014-05-01, 01:03 AM
Thanks. Basically, I was thinking that the players would be using Pathfinder for the most part, but would be able to select feats and similar things from 3.5 as well. I would still be basing the villains and the items off of 3.5.

There is very little from pathfinder that will cause a problem in 3.5 most of the things that are overpowered in 3.5 are overpowered in pathfinder.

A couple spells that you might want to look out for are paragon surge and blood money though. As well as the dazing spell feat. Those are pretty overpowered even in 3.5.

2014-05-01, 06:44 AM
There are a lot of things that have the same name but work differently. All of the base classes, for instance: Pathfinder has a fighter class, a wizard class, and so on, but they have different abilities from the 3.5 ones. Make sure you're clear on which one is being used in such cases.

2014-05-01, 06:50 AM
No since the material still needs to be converted and you got a lot of the dumb people who'll interchange a lot of material. (taking the first 3 levels in a 3.5 class and then suddenly the 4th level the base class is the PF version).

Just play 3.5, nothing PF offers is really worthwhile anyway.

2014-05-01, 07:32 AM
No since the material still needs to be converted and you got a lot of the dumb people who'll interchange a lot of material. (taking the first 3 levels in a 3.5 class and then suddenly the 4th level the base class is the PF version).

Just play 3.5, nothing PF offers is really worthwhile anyway.

Some of the classes are better than their 3.5 versions, like the Monk (with archetypes added) or the Paladin (again, Archetypes). Oh, and there's a feat that's basically Power Attack for ranged weapons.

However, the CMB system and skill system are so messed up that you're honestly better off sticking to 3.5 for the base system.

There are some good things to come from Pathfinder, at least. Just not that many.

Jeff the Green
2014-05-01, 08:49 AM
Can we please not make this an edition wars thread? It never convinces anybody and in any case both have their own design goals and their own idiocies.

Anyway, there are only a few 3.5 things that are outright incompatible with PF. Unfortunately one of those is a favorite of mine, the Diamond Mind discipline. (PF did away with the Concentration skill.) Even that you can kludge by changing the skill to something like Sense Motive. Or bring back Concentration; the worst thing that'll happen is you'll make combat casters a little better and a little skill-point short. Beyond that, the only thing I can think of is that some grapple/bull rush/trip/sunder feats and class features might not work right thanks to the CMB/D system. Oh, and skill lists will need to be changed, but that's pretty trivial since the ones that were removed have equivalents.

In general, I'd suggest setting a "default" system for which version you use if a class/feat/ect. was updated. Pathfinder's probably the better choice here, though not significantly, and you can always choose a different system for each section (3.5 classes and PF spells) and/or allow players to ask for the opposite version.

2014-05-01, 09:00 AM
Pathfinder being backported into 3.5? Easy as pie. Just reverse the changes in the PF compatibility guide thingy.
3.5 to PF? Some stuff gets broken, like Jeff the Green pointed out.

In my 3.X games, I've decided that the player can use either version of a feat or spell, but not both. The 3.5 one is generally the way to go.

For skills, I'd like to keep 3.5's CC system, and have the number of skills consolidated down to 4e levels. Cool ones like Autohypnosis and Iaijutsu focus would stay, but no one should have have to take Knowledge (History), (Local), and (Nobility). Each knowledge should cover a creature type.

I normally just end up using PF's skills system in its entirety because it's easier for everyone else. :l

2014-05-04, 02:52 PM
Everyone here realizes there is a book (http://paizo.com/products/btpy89m6?Pathfinder-Roleplaying-Game-Conversion-Guide) on this right?

2014-05-04, 03:00 PM
I actually helped a friend move an alchemist (PF) to 3.5, and it was fairly easy. The only difference lies in the lack of CMB/CMD, and item creation rules (also the Alchemist's HD).