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View Full Version : Is it wise to have a gnome necromancer in a planescape game

2014-04-30, 11:19 PM
Right now we are trying to overthrow a bunch of mind flayers.I am having second doubts of playing a necromancer.What do you guys think?Should I dump it?What other characters mesh better?

2014-04-30, 11:30 PM
When in doubt, zombillithids, or zombithyanki?

2014-05-01, 12:00 AM
It really depends on your DM and your party. There is nothing about the generic image of a gnome necromancer that can't fit in any generic version of Planescape I can think of.

2014-05-01, 01:01 PM
It really depends on your DM and your party. There is nothing about the generic image of a gnome necromancer that can't fit in any generic version of Planescape I can think of.

Well,theres a halfling druid who has a Large wolf,a catfolk bard and a multiclass crusader/fighter/warblade,we also had a true namer that got her brains eaten by an illithid in the elemental plane of dust.We also had a drow demon binder as well,but i killed him with one use of a Bonefiddle spell when he turned on us when said illithid charmed him.

2014-05-01, 01:12 PM
It's planescape. If there's any "anything goes" setting, it's this.

2014-05-01, 02:34 PM
I'd say you're fine. Plus I love the idea of Mind Flayers getting frustrated at not being able to fight your mindless hordes as easily as minded foes.

2014-05-01, 03:09 PM
It's fine as much as it would be anywhere else. Depending on how the dm runs things you may have to deal with the dustmen, some planes may be more or less hospitable to you, possible shortage of corpses because of the whole outsiders bodies bit, and maybe some stink eye from a deva if your rocking the big E. Really mostly par for the course to some extent.

2014-05-01, 03:09 PM
Well,theres a halfling druid who has a Large wolf,a catfolk bard and a multiclass crusader/fighter/warblade,we also had a true namer that got her brains eaten by an illithid in the elemental plane of dust.We also had a drow demon binder as well,but i killed him with one use of a Bonefiddle spell when he turned on us when said illithid charmed him.

Ah this wasn't really a Planescape question, it was just anti-illithid question. Traditionally, illithids hate undead because they can't be dominated, so you can capitalize on that.

If it were a Planescape question, which I mistakenly assumed, it would depend on the sort of game your DM wants to run. If s/he wants to run a game where everyone is a paragon of goodness and all necromancy is per def evil, you woudn't fit in even if everyone else was a gnome illusionist. If this is a group out to see the Multiverse, you might be a little bland compared to the sentient painting that went walkabout when its creator wasn't looking, the githyanki/githzerai lovechild hated by both of his parent races and the miniature draeden avatar that for some reason decided to follow you around, but you woudn't be out of place.

2014-05-01, 03:39 PM
awesome thx guys. But I always found it hard to get past that spell resistance

2014-05-01, 03:39 PM
Now that begs a question, how would you stat out a minature draeden avatar?

2014-05-01, 03:40 PM
Is there any way to get past it? Should I go for the energy orb spells? Or should i have summon undead prepared? I am a sorceror by the way.I went with evocation,conjuration and necromancy.

2014-05-01, 05:10 PM
Is there any way to get past it? Should I go for the energy orb spells? Or should i have summon undead prepared? I am a sorceror by the way.I went with evocation,conjuration and necromancy.

Spell penetration and Greater Spell Penetration. Otherwise, summon or animate creatures. The Orbs are good choices too.

As for stat'ing up the draeden, it does whatever it wants. :smallwink:

2014-05-01, 10:36 PM
Spell penetration and Greater Spell Penetration. Otherwise, summon or animate creatures. The Orbs are good choices too.

As for stat'ing up the draeden, it does whatever it wants. :smallwink:

Whats a draeden?

2014-05-01, 10:44 PM
What Necromancer are you doing?

Dread Necromancer?

2014-05-02, 12:00 AM
Draeden (http://dnd-wiki.org/wiki/Canon:Draeden)

Bascially god-level beings that were around before the Multiverse was created, hate all matter and want it gone, but are patient enough to mostly let it go away on its own.
No one knows quite how they relate to the Old Ones, but no one knows much about either group, really. Most mortals have never heard of the Old Ones or the draeden, and Immortals (gods) think the Old Ones are the distant, mysterious god-like beings

2014-05-02, 12:53 AM
What Necromancer are you doing?

Dread Necromancer?

Sorceror ,I plan to go pale master

2014-05-02, 02:26 PM
If my character dies,what race/class combination should I take next.

2014-05-02, 04:41 PM
If my character dies,what race/class combination should I take next.

Whatever you feel like. Seriously, if there's one question no one else can answer...
Edit: a better answer: what do you want to play? If classes don't appeal, look at races or cultures and go from there.
If this DM is running PS anything like it ought to be run, you''ll be hard-pressed to find something that doesn't fit, barring the obvious "CE baby-eater in a group of paladins" type of 'doesn't fit'.

2014-05-02, 05:03 PM
Whatever you feel like. Seriously, if there's one question no one else can answer...
Edit: a better answer: what do you want to play? If classes don't appeal, look at races or cultures and go from there.
If this DM is running PS anything like it ought to be run, you''ll be hard-pressed to find something that doesn't fit, barring the obvious "CE baby-eater in a group of paladins" type of 'doesn't fit'.

It's Planescape. I could totally see the Paladin sitting down for a drink with a moderate baby-eater and discussing with him why he does it, because that viewpoint is so strange and fascinating to them.