View Full Version : Questions about tattoos on wizards

2014-05-01, 04:25 PM
1. How can a wizard erase a tattoo?
a. he wants the tattoo gone
b. he failed the tattoo craft check and needs to restart
Is there a separate reagent/liquid that erases them?

2. Can a wizard use a mirror and a mage hand spell (cantrip, duration says Concentration so I guess this spell lasts as long as you want), to tattoo himself in areas where he can't with his hand?

3. In case the answer is no to 2., what are some other methods a wizard can etch tattoos on his back in an environment where there are no other tattoo artists? (or cooperative artists, because they need to work on you 24 hours + 8 hours a spell level)

Best I've come up with is greater planar bind a pitfiend (int 26), persuade him with moment of prescience aided charisma check, and buff him with fox's cunning and greater heroism for a grand total of a 14 craft tattoo skill.

2014-05-01, 04:51 PM
Shouldn't the Erase spell work for tats? Alternatively, you could just remove the skin upon which the tattoo is written, then cast Regenerate (or a standard healing spell, since those should heal tissue damage. Otherwise they wouldn't be very useful as healing spells).

You could also cast Unseen Crafter, since IIRC that thing uses your skill modifier.

2014-05-01, 04:54 PM
1. The Erase (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/erase.htm) spell should do the trick

2/3. Not sure if the tattooing apparatus could be considered 5 lbs since I'm not familiar with what would go into that, but as an alternate and totally RAW and RAI way Races of Eberron has the Unseen Crafter spell which will work on a craft project using your ranks and int modifier for 1 day per CL

2014-05-01, 05:54 PM
Erase and unseen crafter sounds great! Regeneration too. Unseen crafter however is race of eberron and my DM might not accept because he hasn't read it yet. Any other methods? :D

2014-05-01, 06:06 PM
I have a couple of worse methods. There's always reincarnate or the version that doesn't cost a level but must be cast within 1 round. You'll need a druid or similar though. On the other hand clone might work.

2014-05-01, 06:13 PM
I just thought of magic jar! Lasts 1 hour a level, and I just need to planar bind one humanoid. This is probably my favorite method so far!

edit: Can you use magic jar on an unseen servant?