View Full Version : Pathfinder What's a good use of Clone?

2014-05-01, 09:51 PM
Looking at the Clone spell what I see is a higher leveled but cheaper Resurrection for Wizards.
No doubt someone more experienced can see more uses for it.
Anyone care to share those good ways to make the most of the Wizard's Mad SCIENCE! Resurrection?

2014-05-01, 10:07 PM
There is one trick I thought of in the past, but it's more of a DM thing than a player thing. Have someone planning to become a lich cast clone before going through with lichdom. Use suitable magic to keep the clone from deteriorating. If and when the Lich and his phylactory is destroyed their soul goes and inhabits the clone. This can make a nasty surprise for their killers since they will likely assume the lich is dead and gone. Bonus points if the lich was old enough to look skeletal and thus their flesh replacement doesn't resemble them.

The other, obvious benefit is that it acts as a preemptive resurrection for the character. If you get killed while adventuring you automatically get brought back in your cloned body. If the whole party is wiped out in a single battle or your body is lost there is little to no chance of resurrection other than someone casting true resurrection and that assumes someone realizes you have died.

2014-05-02, 12:09 AM
Dress up your clones in various historical costumes and put them on display in the world's most narcissistic wax(ish) museum!

2014-05-02, 12:32 AM
The grand-uncle of one PC was the product of a generations long genetic experiment, as is the PC, and to gain in-depth knowledge of how the experiment was progressing he needed to do some hands-on stuff, so he had various clones of himself and the PC which he used for vivisections, autopsies, subjects to other tests (*insert any horrific torture you can imagine that could possibly be considered scientific in nature*).

Remember that Clone is basically a back-up copy taken at some point and any information gained after the bit of flesh was removed is lost, so without other magic the clone+lich thing won't end up with the same lich in a living body, just the pre-lich version of him, and adventurers will not know why their other selves died.

2014-05-02, 12:42 AM
Remember that Clone is basically a back-up copy taken at some point and any information gained after the bit of flesh was removed is lost, so without other magic the clone+lich thing won't end up with the same lich in a living body, just the pre-lich version of him, and adventurers will not know why their other selves died.

Are you sure about that? The spell says you retain the personality and memories of the original but doesn't say only the memories of the original at the point the clone was made.

If you think about it that would be at odds with the system since any levels you'd gained after being clone should be gone as the clone would not have gained the experience the original had.

2014-05-02, 12:53 AM
*checks books*
Well I'll be damned, I hadn't noticed they changed that since 2e. They also removed the multiple clone madness. How dreadfully dull.