View Full Version : How to Make Cold + Finals Equal Success?

2014-05-02, 12:05 PM
So, I'm sick. I've got what is most likely the flu, and it's wrecking havoc on my ability to do anything, including studying and doing work. However, I don't have much time to rest, since finals started today, and I also have group work for a presentation final. I can't speak without hacking up a lung, and my nose is running more than a top-notch long-distance runner. Nothing I have looked up for how to get better has worked.

Things I have tried include, but is not limited to:

Cold medicine
Being in a hot steamy shower
Propping myself up to sleep(does apply to resting, but not much opportunity to just sit and rest)
Gargling Salt Water
Stuffing Tissues up my nose

So, does anyone know how to recover from the flu quickly, or if not, be able to study well and do stuff despite being sick?

2014-05-02, 12:11 PM
I believe we have to be careful with medical advises on this forum.

And sadly, there's probably no real way to 'speed up' things much, especially if it's actual flu (so antibiotics won't cut it).

Contacting doctor would be good solution, if there's time.

Aspirin and/or similar fever and pain reducing drugs will probably help.

2014-05-02, 06:15 PM
With common cold, there's usually little to do to treat it except let time (and your immune system) handle it, unless it becomes too bad.
Assuming it's a mere setback, and nothing particularly dangerous, anti-histaminic pharmaceuticals are mostly used to suppress the effects of the cold. Basically, using those, you'll still be sick, but you will not produce a physical response to it, letting you concentrate on your work.

If you suspect -any- danger (anything above common cold), seek medical advice, please, and do not take advice over the internet.