View Full Version : Working on a Healer Cohort build.

2014-05-02, 04:59 PM
So a buddy thought there was no way to make a healer worthwhile even as a cohort due to Damage scaling faster than healing. I know this to be generally true, but still wanted to show him that it is possible to make a healing character capable of keeping up with damage.

So far I have a rather silly build stub, that could use some assistance. Consider all books open and fair game with a 32PB for stats and 2 flaws allowed.

Build so far is Bard1/Healer5/Combat Medic5/Healing Hand of Mishakal4/Crusader1/Healing Hand of Mishakal+1/XXX3

Flaw: Extra Music
Flaw: Maximize Spell
Human: Augment Healing
1st: Dynamic Priest
3rd: Combat Casting
Healer2: Skill Focus Heal
6th: Dodge
9th: Mastery of Day and Night
12th: Touch of Healing
15th: Song of the White Raven

The Build uses Healing Hymn to add Perform Ranks to healing spells so +23 at lvl20, 2xCha to healing so about +24 (34cha=+12 mod), +13 temp HP, +2hp per spell level, and auto maximizes and empowers them for free. Just not sure which numbers benefit from Empowering.

So at lvl20 even a Cure Minor wounds, a cantrip, should heal 1+23+24+13(temp)=48hp+13 temp hp so the same as 61hp.

CLW mass a 5thlvl spell would be 8(max dice roll)+5(max cl)+23(perform ranks)+24(2xcha)+10(augment healing)+13 (temp)=70hp healed and +13 temp hp to CL targets.

I know healers suck, but this is just an exercise in getting the largest number of HP healed for a slot by lvl20 as possible. The character doesn't have to be viable or really playable all the way. Just proof that by lvl20 a healer can exist that can keep pace with damage.

2014-05-02, 07:21 PM
Minor nitpick on your math here.

Mass CLW has a max caster level of +25, not +5, which is the max for regular CLW

2014-05-02, 07:25 PM
Sorry was posting on my phone away from books. Was working off of memory.