View Full Version : Psionic Focus

2014-05-02, 07:04 PM
Is there a way to maintain Psionic Focus when using abilities that normally require you to expend it? Or is there at least a way to obtain your focus faster?

2014-05-02, 07:12 PM
The Psionic Meditation (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicFeats.htm#psionicMeditation) feat lets you gain focus as a move action. I'm not aware of a way to retain focus when you would normally expend it, but psionics are not my forte.

2014-05-02, 07:14 PM
You can get a Psicrystal to store a focus for you, so you can unload two back to back. But no, there's no way to turn "Expend psionic focus" into "Give up nothing".

2014-05-02, 07:15 PM
The Psicrystal Containment feat allows you to expend your psicrystal's focus, while retaining your own. There's also a feat in Hyperconscious, called Permanent Focus, for which you choose another feat that gives you a benefit when you maintain focus. You're always considered psionically focused for the purpose of that feat.

Red Fel
2014-05-02, 07:31 PM
Instant Clarity, from ToB, lets you recover your Focus as a swift action when you initiate a martial strike, 3/day. Heroic Focus (MoE) lets you recover it as a move action if you spend an action point (obviously requires action points). Psionic Meditation (CPsi), same thing, but no action point cost. Elan Retainment (CPsi) lets you spend 3 PP 1/day to keep your Focus when you would otherwise expend it. Ascetic Psion (SoS), stack Monk and Psion and become Focused as a standard action that does not provoke.

mabriss lethe
2014-05-02, 07:41 PM
The Mau-Jehe (weapons of legacy.) will allow you to treat a single psionic feat that requires maintaining psionic focus as being constantly focused.

2014-05-02, 08:12 PM
Psionic Meditation will work great for me thank you all for the response. The one from the d20 book would have been awesome but i forgot to tell you I am only allowed 3.5 stuff made by Wizards of the Coast. Thank you for your quick responses and help.

2014-05-02, 11:47 PM
So next question, does this example work? For a Psionic warrior using 3.5 rules Wizards of the Coast books only.

I am currently focused I use Hustle to gain an extra move action, Then decide to use Greater Psionic Weapon to add 4d6 to my next attack expending my focus, Then using Psionic meditation I use my move action from Hustle to gain my focus, Then decide to use Deep Impact to resolve my attack as a touch attack expending my focus, Now use Dissolving Weapon augmented up to add 9d6, Now use Adrenaline Boost augmented to add +6 Str, Then move and attack for just one just stupid strong attack.

2014-05-02, 11:58 PM
So next question, does this example work? For a Psionic warrior using 3.5 rules Wizards of the Coast books only.

I am currently focused I use Hustle to gain an extra move action, Then decide to use Greater Psionic Weapon to add 4d6 to my next attack expending my focus, Then using Psionic meditation I use my move action from Hustle to gain my focus, Then decide to use Deep Impact to resolve my attack as a touch attack expending my focus, Now use Dissolving Weapon augmented up to add 9d6, Now use Adrenaline Boost augmented to add +6 Str, Then move and attack for just one just stupid strong attack.

You still only have one swift action per round. Hustle takes a swift action to manifest. It converts your swift action to a move action, effectively. You could use Dissolving Weapon on your standard action (making the attack roll in the same action), and you could move, but you don't have an extra standard (or swift) action to manifest Adrenaline Boost.

2014-05-03, 12:00 AM
I can't believe nobody mentioned the Dominant Mantle ACF (www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20070629a) for Ardents. Sure, it's only 9-10 spells, but that's basically half of your repertoire if you're an Ardent.

So next question, does this example work? For a Psionic warrior using 3.5 rules Wizards of the Coast books only.

I am currently focused I use Hustle to gain an extra move action, Then decide to use Greater Psionic Weapon to add 4d6 to my next attack expending my focus, Then using Psionic meditation I use my move action from Hustle to gain my focus, Then decide to use Deep Impact to resolve my attack as a touch attack expending my focus, Now use Dissolving Weapon augmented up to add 9d6, Now use Adrenaline Boost augmented to add +6 Str, Then move and attack for just one just stupid strong attack.
Okay, so: You get 1 Standard, 1 Move and 1 Swift action per round. Let's assume you enter combat with your psionic focus.

Hustle requires a Swift action, then gives you a Move action. -1 Swift, +1 Move
Greater Psionic Weapon requires no action. It costs your your psionic focus. -1 Focus
Psionic Meditation is a move action. It regains your psionic focus. -1 Move, +1 Focus
Deep Impact requires no action. It costs your psionic focus. -1 Focus
Dissolving Weapon requires a standard action. -1 Standard
Adrenaline Boost requires a swift action. Missing a Swift action.

Problem: Adrenaline Boost requires a Swift action that you don't have.
Other problem: Greater Psionic Weapon and Deep Impact are used before a weapon attack. They do not buff your weapon, they buff the attack which you're making at the time.

Edit: Darn, ninja'd. Partially, anyway.

2014-05-03, 12:29 AM
OK thanks I was confusing Swift with free.

King Atticus
2014-05-03, 12:42 AM
Psionic Meditation will work great for me If you have the extra feat slot and are going to rinse-and-repeat this as your main gimmick, I like to use Steady Concentration with this so it's more reliable and limits the ranks you have to put in to Concentration.