View Full Version : What is the "creepiest " Build you can think of?

2014-05-02, 09:01 PM
Not using spells or anything, but what do you think is the "creepiest " build you can think of?

I want to submit , Daelkyr Half-Blood with a Fleshwarper build

Jeff the Green
2014-05-02, 10:04 PM
Monk 20. How did he reach that level? Do we even want to know? And what kind of mind could birth such a build?

More seriously, anything 10/Flayerspawn Psychic 10. Anything illithid-related, really, makes my insides squirm in ways they're not supposed to.

Red Fel
2014-05-02, 10:57 PM
Daelkyr Half-blood is a good start. But go for a "Nasty Gentleman" build. There was an old thread on LordofProcrastination's Dirty Tricks, and he called #4 the "Nasty Gentleman" - a Half-Daelkyr swarming with symbionts and using Share Spell to augment each and every one of them to do outrageous damage. Take Wizard or Druid, and 5 levels of Impure Prince to progress your casting. Vicious little trick there - Impure Prince can get a new symbiont when the old one is lost or killed. Nothing stops you from recovering a lost or killed symbiont after you've gotten a new one. Soon you're a refined (if pale) fellow in a dashing coat and hat, who is suddenly swarming with tentacles and radiating an otherworldly aura of horror and despair.

And your name is Nyarlathotep. Because reasons.

2014-05-02, 11:32 PM
Whisper Gnome Stoneblessed Runesmith with permanent rune: black tentacles. In a word, unnerving.

2014-05-02, 11:34 PM
I played a Necropolitan Dread Necromancer who owned a small keep and some ill-kept land. His wife was a ghost who haunted the catacombs under it, his brother was a Tainted Minion and his Undead Cohort who was the overseer of the estate when he went adventuring. He also had a Slaymate rebuked/controlled who had been the character's own daughter.

The Viscount
2014-05-02, 11:36 PM
The creepiest I can think of is a classic build from these very forums, the one, the only: Leery Lily. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?148584-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-III&p=8337383&viewfull=1#post8337383)

2014-05-02, 11:37 PM
I am a fan of Sorcerer/dread witch/nightmare spinner. Give yourself a secondary focus on intimidate and you are one scarry individual.

Dvati Fiends of Possession can be down right terrifying if played right.

2014-05-02, 11:41 PM
Some Sorcerer (Aberration bloodline stuff) / Nar Demonbinder / Alienist I saw once, referred to as the"Far Demonbinder"

2014-05-02, 11:59 PM
Erudite/Body Leech. Wrap up hapless victims in cocoons and stick a straw into their heads, cause you're about to drink powers out of their minds and then manifest those powers using PP squeezed from their bodies.

2014-05-03, 12:13 AM
I am a fan of Sorcerer/dread witch/nightmare spinner. Give yourself a secondary focus on intimidate and you are one scarry individual.

Dvati Fiends of Possession can be down right terrifying if played right.
Of course Dvati are terrifying. No single soul can pull off a Good Cop, Bad Cop routine like they can.

In general, most of the stuff from the Book of Vile Darkness earns a mention here. That hardly seems fair to all the other prestige classes out there.

2014-05-03, 12:22 AM
Monk 20. How did he reach that level? Do we even want to know? And what kind of mind could birth such a build?

Easy! He just took VoP at level 1. He then spent the rest of his adventuring career gaining RP XP by begging for food in the streets.

2014-05-03, 12:29 AM
I played a Necropolitan Dread Necromancer who owned a small keep and some ill-kept land. His wife was a ghost who haunted the catacombs under it, his brother was a Tainted Minion and his Undead Cohort who was the overseer of the estate when he went adventuring. He also had a Slaymate rebuked/controlled who had been the character's own daughter.
The Addams Family.

2014-05-03, 01:29 AM
cancer mage. mostly on the pure principle.

illithid stuff is creepy as well, but at least they have reasonable motivations for thier species.. cancer mage is just... why??

The Viscount
2014-05-03, 01:37 AM
I'll put in a mention for alienist, though it's much more in concept than in practice. A lot of it is the picture.

2014-05-03, 02:48 AM
Mother cyst dread necro that also takes all the willing deformities he can.

2014-05-03, 06:50 PM
Fleshwarpers. Oh god, fleshwarpers. I once had one that was a vampire that dominated people then put a series of grafts on them. Then make them defend him. Also, not just people. There were some dominated Dire Wolves with mandibles and the ability to climb. And he experimented on one of the PCs. I legitimately got some complaints from one of the PCs for it giving him nightmares.

2014-05-03, 07:47 PM
I don't care what parameters you laid out are, the cyst chain prc hits my ick factor hard and I ban it from my games. /shudder.

2014-05-03, 09:10 PM
My favorite Squick inducing build is a lesser Drow Druid that venernates Lolth and has that vow that gives you mandables and vemon spitting. and the vermin trainer classes/feats. Be Willard.

2014-05-04, 12:34 AM
I'll put in a mention for alienist, though it's much more in concept than in practice. A lot of it is the picture.

I don't care what parameters you laid out are, the cyst chain prc hits my ick factor hard and I ban it from my games. /shudder.

cyst chain prc?

2014-05-04, 08:09 AM
cyst chain prc?

I'm always end up associating the feat/spells with cancer mage.

2014-05-04, 09:32 AM
Unborn Mother Cyst Unholy Scion with a few levels of Cancer Mage.

2014-05-04, 10:13 AM
Let's see... Book of Vile Darkness would indeed help here; as do Heroes of Horror, Elder Evils, Lords of Madness, Libris Mortis... Oh my, there are indeed quite a few possibilities. :sabine:

However, I believe in the power of the uncanny valley: creepy and gross are different things. Only when you cannot exactly point put what unnerves you, may the cause be called actually creepy.

Thus, I would have to go with something less tangible. The creepiest thing I have come across thus far was how Book of Exalted Deeds has rules for forced conversion. What makes them creepy (BoED pp.28-29) is how they exist as rules: when certain prerequisites are fulfilled, no evil character may resist the attempts to brainwash them. No roleplaying is really necessary, and the evil character's viewpoint may be completely disregarded.

Thus, since those rules use Diplomacy, the best character would be a Diplomancer of sorts. Since the best Diplomancers often include some connection with dark-ish powers such as being a Warlock or a Binder, this would work even better. "Oh, I *used to* be evil as well. I *know* how they feel. But I can *make* them change." Thus, the character would have the best of intentions because they are actually good - maybe even exalted - but their modus operandi would be utterly horrifying for anyone who realizes what is actually happening. The dark past highlights the unanswered question: is what the character is doing *really* good or only a mockery (intentional or not) of benevolence?

2014-05-04, 05:34 PM
I'm gonna go with a classic: The Bogeyman. (http://dictummortuum.blogspot.com/2011/12/boogeyman.html)

Whats worse than a monster with 20+ attacks per round that drain 2 negative levels each, paired with nigh invincibility. Not much. (read as: any spellcaster.)

Character looks like they were once human with natural weapons, tentacles, etc. bristling everywhere. Kinda like a Master Transmogrifist's failed experiment. Causes the wightpocalypse just by eating dinner.

2014-05-04, 05:42 PM
That's easy. Human Paragon 1/Dread Necro 8/Fleshwarper 6/Alienist 5.

He's 2/5 undead, 3/5 aberration and 1/2 outsider.

And the less said about his aberrant pseudonatural quasit familiar, the better.

2014-05-04, 05:57 PM
EDIT: Actually, this was probably breaking the board rules so I deleted it.

It was creepy, at least.

2014-05-04, 06:08 PM
For me, creepy isn't really in the build, it's in the character. Something as simple as an Alter Self spell, or a Hat of Disguise, or even Ghost Sound, can (under the right/wrong circumstances) turn the creep factor up to 11.

2014-05-04, 06:15 PM
Warshaper, oh god the Warshaper. NOTHING in a sane and right universe should have that many attacks. Also i once fought a Dread Blossom Werewolf Lord Symbiote, that hink was so creepy, mainly because it just stared at us until we attacked it, then it stopped when we left the room, it was also completely silent.

2014-05-04, 06:47 PM
I'm not sure if it can qualify as the creepiest build, but the way I played a shadowcraft mage freaked the hell out of my friends... A poor illusionist slowly driven insane as his illusions became more and more real while the shadows slowly enveloped his mind until all that was left was an avatar of pure chaos and darkness... He became a better BBEG than the DM's when he finally decided that the party, and certainly the rest of the world, were just figments, illusions sent to trick him. That only he could reveal the real world through his magic. And so he set out to banish the illusion that was reality.

2014-05-04, 07:15 PM
Unholy Scion is pretty sketch. Slaymates are almost as creepy.
Also, the Assplomancer. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?238255-New-amp-Improved-Assplomancer)

2014-05-04, 07:30 PM
Erudite/Body Leech. Wrap up hapless victims in cocoons and stick a straw into their heads, cause you're about to drink powers out of their minds and then manifest those powers using PP squeezed from their bodies.

This is what I was coming in to say. Body Leech, the PrC where every defeated foe is their own form of treasure. :smalleek:

2014-05-04, 07:54 PM
Goliath Ranger (shapeshifter variant) with levels in both Warshaper and Soul Eater, for grappling and consuming shenanigans.

Changeling Swashbuckler/rogue with levels in Warshaper, Chamaleon and Cabinet Trickster, for a shapeshifting monster.

But, my favorite of them all: Necropolitan Illumian Dread Necromancer with levels in Fleshwarper, and the Craft Golem feat, plus Leadership. Imagine a cackling evil genius stitching his minions with tougher creatures, only to unleash them against far-flung towns to get more 'parts' and minions to experiment with, and using the recess bits for either the creation of flesh golems, brain golems, and even half-golem minions. And this is the inspiration behind the build (http://youtu.be/K6_zsJ8KPP0).

2014-05-04, 08:07 PM
Erudite/Body Leech. Wrap up hapless victims in cocoons and stick a straw into their heads, cause you're about to drink powers out of their minds and then manifest those powers using PP squeezed from their bodies.

Make it a Kenku and you've really got something...


2014-05-05, 01:35 AM
The creepiest I can think of is a classic build from these very forums, the one, the only: Leery Lily. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?148584-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-III&p=8337383&viewfull=1#post8337383)

I have to agree with this. This was a very creepy character.

The Viscount
2014-05-05, 03:22 AM
Make it a Kenku and you've really got something...


Man I love the Dark Crystal.

2014-05-05, 03:31 AM
A venerable Cloistered cleric taking advantage of the required touch component on his cure spells.

That'll make them think twice about asking for heals.

Fable Wright
2014-05-05, 03:57 AM
An 11th+ level Cloistered Cleric of the Pestilence domain. Someone so obsessed with disease and illness that they gain divine power from their worship, with the frankly disturbing power to turn everyone around them into were-octopi-murder of crows-snake-monstrous cockroaches. You fight through waves of devoted followers swarming with filth and disease in a rotting temple, each one a horrible cross between one or more animals and a human, and when you find the leader of this congregation? His opening move is to grow a carapace and 2 more limbs. Then 8 more limbs. Then venomous fangs, a tail, and 3 dozen additional swarming bodies before the plague takes over and gives him skill at combat few could match.

John Longarrow
2014-05-05, 07:32 AM
In my game, I've got House MacKay...

Their scion is a lich with some... likes..

He is the headmaster for a school for necromancy. Only those male applicants who provide sufficient power are allowed to become necropolitans. They have to provide the children they will sacrifice to become undead. He only chooses middle age or older "gentlemen" with the proper appreciation for young ladies.

Then there are the girls.

Normally they have little choice other than to survive the process... when they are still maidenly. They are then apprenticed to one of his "gentlemen".

I wrote out the scene for one of the girls being converted. I think one of my players still has "yuck" moments from it.

Creepy isn't in game mechanics. Its in describing how those mechanics are implimented...

2014-05-05, 05:45 PM
Worst I did was a sorcerer/blood magus/flesh warper that had leadership (for cultists), and the mother cyst feat. Cultists acted as scry focuses, secret agents, and suicide bombers. Plus he could burst out of them and suprise the party at any moment.

NPC that freaked the party out the most was an archivist/ fiend binder. They did enough damage to kill him 3 times over, but thanks to the Fiend Binders class feature he was able to stick around for a few extra rounds. It freaked out some party members when he didn't drop. That was more thematic than anything.

2014-05-06, 01:14 PM
In one of my campaigns we had a Mind Flayer Lich Wizard 2/Fleshwarper 6. It was on-level, but the problem was that it specialized in literally kidnapping people (usually by dominating them and telling them to come to x place at y time) and would graft things like Mind Blast Relays (if they were lucky) or weapons (if they were unlucky). It was becoming worse and worse, and he had max ranks in move silently and hide in comparison to the PCs, who had almost zero ranks in spot and listen. At one point it caught the group paladin, dominating him and grafting his +4 Holy Longsword to his arm and giving him fiendish grafts besides. That paladin fell because he turned chaotic evil, then the PC decided to convert to blackguard because of it. That PC then got to roll a new character while I worked the blackguard into the next story arc's villain. It was fun for me, but it was one of the few instances where I felt a little dirty writing it.

2014-05-06, 01:18 PM
Nice to see the Fleshwarper is on most people's minds when it comes to creepy.

2014-05-06, 01:21 PM
Nice to see the Fleshwarper is on most people's minds when it comes to creepy.

Of course it is. Plop it on a Mind Flayer and you have Dr. Cthulhustein.

Shining Wrath
2014-05-06, 02:16 PM
Aberrations should be ruled out of bounds, and abominations, because they are supposed to be aberrant and abominable right out of the box. It's like asking for craziest build when there's a Joker class.

I'll put in a vote for Thrallherd. There's something about a guy with a horde of mentally enslaved servants (insert joke about pop star / politician according to your tastes here).

John Longarrow
2014-05-06, 02:23 PM
Any caster with access to Shaper Change. Turn into Jack Nicholson in "The shining"...

2014-05-06, 03:12 PM
Most of this thread isn't really creepy, just disgusting or scary. That's not the same thing. Here's something creepy:

Thrallherd with the Tantric <something> feats from BoEF (for those unaware: they give you stat bonuses for having sex). Choose all your thralls to be halflings, dress them as children.

Bonus points? Be exalted good, pick Vow of Nudity (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?45529) (which I find pretty creepy and skeevy to begin with). When other people at the table express shock at your alignment, explain, in the most saintly voice you can manage, that nothing you do is technically wrong or evil. You're just sharing... love, with the world.

2014-05-06, 04:19 PM
The creepiest I can think of is a classic build from these very forums, the one, the only: Leery Lily. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?148584-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-III&p=8337383&viewfull=1#post8337383)

Oh god, definitely this. It still gives me the creeps.

2014-05-06, 09:04 PM
Just for straight up creepiness?

Wizard 6/Alienist 10/Fleshwarper 4. Abberant aliens. Throw the Improved Familiar feat in there, and you have Aberrant Alien Devils. In addition, you basically become a Thrall to Cthulu. Make sure you max your Knowledge (Religion) ranks too so you can perform sacrifices to Cthulu.

2014-05-06, 09:41 PM
I'm fond of the Unholy Scion Daelkyr Halfblood that was touched upon here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?323220-Creepiness-in-the-Daelkyr-Half-Blood-race). Not quite sure how you'd progress it for a full build though.

2014-05-06, 10:10 PM
Not particularly creepy, but a Changeling Warlock 5/Chamaleon 10/Cabinet Trickster 5 could prove a challenge.

Think of a person that can study, kill, and assume the shape of anyone, take their abilities, and live as his intended victims, all while no one is aware, and then doing it again.

And again
And again
And again...

John Longarrow
2014-05-07, 08:49 AM
OK, I'm using "Build" for back story more than game mechanics. Creepy isn't a class level you can take. It is what the character is.

The thorp of Brightdale is a quiet collection of a dozen buildings clustered around a well next to the Old Thistleway. Quiet is an understatement; the buildings and their surroundings are silent. Most of the buildings are in need of repair and the only movement seen is 4 children in a circle slowly dancing. On the porch sits a lone woman, slowly rocking back and forth, watching the children play. Behind the house a tall, attractive man is slowly breaking a furrow in the garden with a dull hoe. After he finishes the row, he stops, motionless. In the neighboring yard a woman stands amid dry clothing hanging from a clothes line. A man stands next to her holding and empty basket. The woman on the porch stands up and calls to the children to come in to the dining room. They stop their slow circling and shamble into the house. Each wears a black ribbon around their neck, a golden locket shining and the fading light.

Brightdale is a dead place. Emma, the woman on the porch, is what binds haunted Brightdale together. Once a priest to the goddess of hearth and home, Emma has given her devotion to the unchanging lady. Her tragedy hangs over the shell of a community.

Three years ago Emma was awoken by a pounding on her door. Tommy, a boy from a local farmstead, had come because his parents and siblings were motionless in their beds and would not awaken. Tommy had come home late from hunting and was surprised to find his family bedded down for the night, in their work cloths. Emma went with the boy and found all 8 members of his family dead, the work of some evil that drained the life from them without leaving a mark on their bodies. After checking that he was safe, Emma comforted the boy and brought him back home with her. When they returned to Brightdale they found silence and death. Everyone in the settlement was in bed, dead, laid out as if they had simply taken a nap. Emma was overcome with grief and didn’t notice Tommy’s quick departure. Emma remembers little of that day of those that followed.

Emma tended to the bodies of her husband, daughter, and neighbors. Her magic kept their bodies from rotting. Her world condensed to the two houses standing side by side. Unable to cope with their loss, she animated her husband, the couple next door, her daughter, and the three boys her daughter used to play with. Evening Glory responded to her prayers and Emma has become very devout to the unchanging lady’s doctrine. Emma wakes each morning cuddled against her husband. She gets him up and dressed, then goes to tend to her daughter. After getting her house up and about, she goes next door to “wake” her neighbors and dress them. She talks to them, telling them about her day, her plans, her hopes, her dreams. She gets the boys up and sends them to play with her daughter in the front yard. With her “family” attended to, Emma then prays to her patron. She always thanks Evening Glory for the lockets her family wears (Continual Gentle Repose; Emma wears a matching locket) before creating her breakfast (create food and water) and calls the families together.

Emma spends her day tending to the minor chores her family can’t do, such as using mending to keep cloths whole and houses sturdy. She then works with her family, helping them to do those chores a mindless undead can be instructed to do. In the afternoons Emma prays for guidance and works to research how to become a undead herself (necropolitan) so that she and her family can be together forever. Each eve, Emma bring her family together for dinner, alternating houses so that her “Neighbors” can entertain. Each night, she goes about getting the boys, her neighbors, then her daughter ready for bed. Finally she leads her husband to their room, dresses him for bed, and finally cuddles next to him for the night.

Emma is a 7th level cleric. She is human, stands about 5 and a half feet tall, and has a slender frame. Her long blond hair is starting to grey even though she hasn’t reached her 30th summer. Her grey eyes often don’t focus on those she is talking to. She talks to her family as though they were still alive and reacts to answers only she can hear from them.

2014-05-07, 10:57 AM
Fleshwarpers. Oh god, fleshwarpers. I once had one that was a vampire that dominated people then put a series of grafts on them. Then make them defend him. Also, not just people. There were some dominated Dire Wolves with mandibles and the ability to climb. And he experimented on one of the PCs. I legitimately got some complaints from one of the PCs for it giving him nightmares.

I am totally stealing this.

2014-05-07, 01:36 PM
OK, I'm using "Build" for back story more than game mechanics. Creepy isn't a class level you can take. It is what the character is.

Can I play too?.

The Baron died in a freak hunting accident, but his body was lost in the river. The High Priest of Pelor burned himself alive, to the horror of his temple assistants, but his body was charred to ash. The wizard Thadeous threw himself from his tower and turned into a splat of blood... Only to find the body missing. The inkeeper of the Tired Knight, a famous inn of the city of Tirel fell of the back of the wagon, breaking his neck, but the family reclaimed the corpse quickly. The Merchant Lord died of an overdose of milk of the poppy, but his son buried the body before anyone could see it

Such deaths are usually attributed to rivals, heretics, enemies of the state, or perhaps depression... But they all fail to realize that another reason may be behind their untimely fates: The Face Behind the Face.

No one is sure about his (or her) origins, or the reason of why it chooses its targets. Sometimes there is a streak of powerful men and women, others are random victims, sometimes there's only a disappearance, only to find the target was dead for quite some time (the longest time on record is five years).

Rumor has it the way The Face works is simple: It picks a target, studies it, kills it, and then lives it life until it fakes its on death. It is always a public death, and always at broad daylight, to remove any doubt of the deed. This frustrates those few that have tried to hunt down the Face, to the point to bringing some bounty hunters to madness.

There has been, however, two almost successful attempts to bring The Face to justice. The first one is from a dwarven ranger named Ossruth, who tracked down The Face by mere coincidence, as he was investigating the disappearance of a minor noble in the city of Lastlight. The Face was, apparently, involved, and according to the dwarf's notes, it was disguised as the noble's father. The Dwarf explains that, once he knew his 'father' was not who he said he was, tried to look for proof, but was later assailed by 'a shadow with claws'. Magic was also used against him, and while the dwarf did resist, eventually his mind snapped under the pressure, and became mad. Nowadays the dwarf is in a sanatorium in the town of Caldicot, muttering about his encounter.

The other attempt was by a group of adventurers formed for this sole purpose. Led by a cleric of Heironeous, the man was witness to one of the Face's mock suicides, in the shape of a brave paladin. The group was led by a wizard diviner, a halfling druid with a stout bear as his companion, a changeling beguiler, and a raptoran ranger. For months they followed its tracks and hunted down people that might have known of his presence. However, the months went on, and the party began to dwindle: It started first with the wizard, who died in his sleep, poisoned under mysterious circumstances. The spirit of the wizard blamed the raptoran for the poisoning, as he said 'wings. Wings in the dark', and a schism within the group started. The druid died afterwards, overwhelmed by enemies. And in the end, only the beguiler and the cleric remained. The beguiler left, and if you bought her a pint of ale before her untimely passing when she burned her home, and promised to listen closely, she gave hints that she always suspected that the priest was, in fact, The Face. And that the only reason he made that adventuring party was to seek those that could potentially thwart his plans, put them in one place, and kill them one by one.

The cleric died afterwards, fighting against the followers of Baalzebul alongside other adventurers. The cultists died under the rubble of their temple, but so did the adventurers.

The Face Behind the Face is quite real, it (undetermined gender) is a Changeling Warlock 5/Cabinet Trickster 5/Chamaleon 10 that uses every trick in the book to keep his enemies guessing. I'm not saying his alignment nor his motives.

2014-05-07, 01:38 PM
Whatever your build, make sure it makes use of the ickiest-written rule in D&D: for targeted spells and effects, unconscious creatures are always automatically considered willing.


I always feel a little gross when my wizard uses a recently downed baddie for a transposition spell and have to explain why he doesn't get a save.

2014-05-07, 01:43 PM
me thinks some people are confusing RP with Character Stats. RP is easy to make creepy, but he asked specifically for creepy builds. the Mechanics need to be creepy.

Heck you could make a standard Paladin. The Paragon for good but RP him as creepy as heck and that is what some of yall are saying.

Try to take some game mechanics and make it creepy just from that. Leave the RP at the door

John Longarrow
2014-05-07, 02:04 PM
Without the RP to support it, no build is creepy by game mechanics. There is no skill focus(Creepy) or such that you can take.
Even Summon(Betty White in lingerie) isn't creepy without the RP of her hitting on you.

The same mechanics that let one character be really creepy would be completely normal if RPed differently.

2014-05-07, 02:07 PM
Without the RP to support it, no build is creepy by game mechanics. There is no skill focus(Creepy) or such that you can take.
Even Summon(Betty White in lingerie) isn't creepy without the RP of her hitting on you.

The same mechanics that let one character be really creepy would be completely normal if RPed differently.

I dunno man. I have trouble thinking of a non-creepy Cancer Mage build.

John Longarrow
2014-05-07, 02:13 PM
I dunno man. I have trouble thinking of a non-creepy Cancer Mage build.

Think of a build played like Robin Williams on Coke. Frightening, maybe. Funny as hell, definitely. Creepy? Not so much.

Creepy is that "Just not right" feeling. Disgusting, terrifying, horrific, those are fairly easy to build mechanically. Creepy? Not as easy from a rules standpoint without the RP behind it.

2014-05-07, 02:13 PM
I agree to an extent. But there are some creepy mechanics out there and that what was asked for really.

Shining Wrath
2014-05-07, 02:14 PM
I dunno man. I have trouble thinking of a non-creepy Cancer Mage build.

Also anyone taking the Mother Cyst feat has entered the creepy zone.

So I propose Druid 5 / Thrallherd 5 / Cancer Mage 10 with the Mother Cyst feat, a fleshraker animal companion, and all his thralls are infected with various diseases.

2014-05-07, 02:17 PM
Also anyone taking the Mother Cyst feat has entered the creepy zone.

Mother Cyst + Nimbus of Light= ???.

2014-05-07, 02:18 PM
Creepy is that "Just not right" feeling. Disgusting, terrifying, horrific, those are fairly easy to build mechanically. Creepy? Not as easy from a rules standpoint without the RP behind it.

Dude have you read the class abilities?

John Longarrow
2014-05-07, 02:26 PM
Dude have you read the class abilities?

You mean the RP based fluff associated with mechanical advantages?? :cool:

Sorry, to easy.

If it was just the description then anyone could take Lich Loved and be "Creepy". What I gather the original poster is looking for is characters that are creepy and the game mechanics that support it. That is why I posted "Cleric who's living with the animated corpse of her husband and child, acting as though they are still living" instead of just posting "Cleric with the Lich Loved Feat".

2014-05-07, 02:35 PM
Honestly, Cancer Mage doesn't really bring the creepy for me. I'm probably an outlier though - my day job is at a science journal, so I've probably seen tens of thousands of close-up and icky images of cancer and diseases and god-knows-what-all over the last ten years.

John Longarrow
2014-05-07, 03:04 PM

I'm in the same boat. OK, you get a tumor that talks to you. To me that falls more on the "Disgusting" side, if that.
Creepy is the Cobbler. He kills people with nice feet. He cuts their feet off then makes nice shoes for the feet.

Very disturbing to. He's in an adventure where you go into an insane asylum to keep a villian from releasing poison into the city water supply.

2014-05-07, 08:07 PM
I've made stuff occurring in an asylum before. I had one PC dream about the results of one of the boss battles I'd had planned, and it involved a dream-guide-person-thingy named Piotr guiding him through an asylum, showing him his friends that had gone insane after fighting the thing. Did I mention we run the Insanity system from Call of Cthulhu D20?

2014-05-07, 08:11 PM
Binder3/Conjurer1/Anima Mage6/Alienist10


2014-05-07, 09:28 PM
Goliath monk 2/Fighter 4/Death Delver 5/Soul Eater 8

After brushing one too many times with death, Baggorth the Living Vampire decided that the best way to keep himself from dying is by devouring his rivals.

A former pit fighter of an gladiatorial arena, Baggorth was an odd one: Huge, bulky, yet culturally refined. This was, in part, due to the education his patron gave him. Seeing the goliath's brute strength as an asset, he brought him to the circus maximus to fight.

And fought he did; he grappled his foes like none other, making their shiny weapons useless, even using them himself if needed be. However, after two horrible fights, his patron introduced the dying goliath to his religion: Bolag Mal.

The goliath pledged himself to the minor demon lord, and returned to the arena... Different. He looks wilder, and approaches each combat smacking his lips. He always wins, and the dead loser disappears, never to be seen again.

However, if you are in his patron's good graces, Baggorth hosts grand feasts in celebration of his patron, right after the battles.

2014-05-07, 09:39 PM
A monk with versatile strike (so that his natural attacks are now piercing)
Then has tentacles grafted onto his body... penis shaped tentacles.
Then he hangs out near schools and playgrounds while wearing a ring of invisibility.

2014-05-07, 10:19 PM
Let's add Cancer Mage too. Let' say he smokes too much.

"Mommy? Why is that cloud of smoke over there breathing so hard?"

2014-05-07, 10:20 PM
Y'all got issues.

Lord of Shadows
2014-05-07, 10:31 PM
It took a little customization, but one encounter I ran was a remote village with a single living resident. This uses just one "monster" (more of a BBEG with a certain skill) and all the creepiness is from the situation. I did have to give the BBEG a couple of Sorcerer levels to achieve the desired result.

Backstory - A Fey creature known as a Spindler (the "tailors of the Fey") was well-known among his kind as a crafter of clothes from the skins of his master's victims. This particular Spindler messed up and got himself banished to the Prime, and tried to "disappear" into a remote village, even taking a human wife. A plague decimated the land, killing all the villagers, including the Spindler's wife, but not the Spindler. Mr. Spindler then becomes unhinged. (The plague is part of the campaign)

Encounter - Party comes across said remote village that at first seems normal, with smoke rising from the chimneys and the aromas of cooking food on the gentle breeze. As the party enters the village, they see people through open windows in the cabins, seeming normal, although no one is outside. When they get to the Inn, however, and go inside, they find that a poker game with a small audience is not what it seems. All of the villagers have been taxidermied. So have all the animals.

Things reached a creepy crescendo when the taxidermied infant that a taxidermied washer-woman was holding suddenly began talking (the Spindler using Ventriloquism, trying to scare the party away and leave him alone).

The 'cooking food' was stew pots with - ahem - parts in them, placed by the Spindler to make his village seem more 'normal' to him.

Feel free to fold, staple and "mutilate" this into something even creepier. We had fun with it.

2014-05-07, 10:37 PM
Even this can be creepy if you really think about it.
other comic (http://www.darklegacycomics.com/254.html)

The blue elf at the end is probably cloistered cleric 20 with excessive points put into profession(chef), If I have to guess the build. I don't think it would really work in d&d, (the involuntary resurrection and associated costs) but still...

2014-05-07, 10:50 PM
I'm fond of the Unholy Scion Daelkyr Halfblood that was touched upon here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?323220-Creepiness-in-the-Daelkyr-Half-Blood-race). Not quite sure how you'd progress it for a full build though.

Maybe some variant of Heretical Cleric of Zarus who wants to set all races on the path to being made in his image?

2014-05-07, 11:05 PM
Y'all got issues.

Yup, gotta say that was a weird turn into creep factory. One that, honestly, is a bit disturbing (and worthy of fighting against, especially if you have Exalted characters).

Can I go back to my Goliath wrastlin' Hannibal Lecter?.

Edit: And yes, I deleted the message because, quite frankly, I'm uncomfortable with that kind of villain. Hell, even in my nWoD games I never touched that subject. What can I say? I like my villains cheesy-evil, most of the time.

2014-05-07, 11:14 PM
Yup, gotta say that was a weird turn into creep factory. One that, honestly, is a bit disturbing (and worthy of fighting against, especially if you have Exalted characters).

Can I go back to my Goliath wrastlin' Hannibal Lecter?.

Is that a Hannibal Lecter that is also a wrastlin' Goliath or is it a Goliath that actually wrassles Hannibal Lecter? :smallconfused:

2014-05-07, 11:16 PM
Is that a Hannibal Lecter that is also a wrastlin' Goliath or is it a Goliath that actually wrassles Hannibal Lecter? :smallconfused:

Could be both. Cannibal wrastlin': Dinner and a show XD.

2014-05-08, 12:12 AM
Y'all got issues.

You're the one opened the thread.:smalltongue:

2014-05-08, 12:14 AM
Ghost siberies dragonmarked(passage) human Bard 6 osteomancer 10 dirgesinger 4 with dimensional jaunt.

teleports music that messes up and and it controls your bones

The adventurers are called in to a city where small groups of people have been found dead around the city. It's always the same bodies on the ground and than an empty skiin. there have been no witnesses, but people have been whispering of a song that play in the areas of the murders after at the next sun down but no one has seen anything..

bard can give the ability to suggest to someone to gather their friends.
dirge singer can make that easier with the song of sorrow
when there the ghost dimension jaunts underground within 60 feet of the group and paralyses all of them with seize the core
than wield the core on the one who brought them there kills the group
osteophage the victim and it looks like a body swapping demon
Play an angelic inspire courage affecting everyone afterwards.who comes nearby will be buffed a bit to move on past it and not let it interfere with their normal lives. and the bard finds new victims.
If anyone does see him he can grow is ghost bones outwards to look like a demon and if the pc's do catch him he can disable the effect and make a big going in to the light type thing and greater teleport away. It's the ultimate villain

2014-05-08, 12:17 AM
A heal-bot cleric.
Think about it. Despite all the other things they could do as a cleric, they spend their time touching people's wounds, holding them, prodding them and then, reluctantly, closing them up with spells that are semi-effective at best, keeping you alive so they can do it all again, all while wearing a serene smile like a sleeping angel, or a serial killer.
But they don't kill, no, because then the fun ends.

2014-05-08, 12:20 AM
You're the one opened the thread.:smalltongue:

In other words, you're welcome! :smallbiggrin:

A heal-bot cleric.
Think about it. Despite all the other things they could do as a cleric, they spend their time touching people's wounds, holding them, prodding them and then, reluctantly, closing them up with spells that are semi-effective at best, keeping you alive so they can do it all again, all while wearing a serene smile like a sleeping angel, or a serial killer.
But they don't kill, no, because then the fun ends.

Now there's a twist. :smallamused:

2014-05-08, 12:42 AM
Now there's a twist. :smallamused:
It's not what you play, it's how you play it.:smallamused:

2014-05-08, 02:48 AM
I thought I remembered coming across a PrC once that lets you "mark" a target and then track them unerringly, possibly as Discern Location. Ring any bells?

Fable Wright
2014-05-08, 02:59 AM
I thought I remembered coming across a PrC once that lets you "mark" a target and then track them unerringly, possibly as Discern Location. Ring any bells?
You're looking for the Epic Level Handbook's Agent Retriever (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/prestigeClasses/agentRetriever.htm).

2014-05-08, 05:11 AM
You're looking for the Epic Level Handbook's Agent Retriever (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/prestigeClasses/agentRetriever.htm).

Hm, that might be it. Is there not a non-epic class that does something similar though? Presumably with the restriction that you actually have to have encountered the quarry before rather than just saying "I feel like tracking X today."

2014-05-08, 06:59 AM
The creepiest I can think of is a classic build from these very forums, the one, the only: Leery Lily. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?148584-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-III&p=8337383&viewfull=1#post8337383)

An absolutely brilliant read this was.

2014-05-08, 07:07 AM
Another vote for Leery Lily, I remember reading that… :smalleek:

2014-05-08, 08:30 AM
I thought I remembered coming across a PrC once that lets you "mark" a target and then track them unerringly, possibly as Discern Location. Ring any bells?

Bloodhound from Complete Adventurer?

2014-05-08, 09:10 AM
Even this can be creepy if you really think about it.
other comic (http://www.darklegacycomics.com/254.html)

The blue elf at the end is probably cloistered cleric 20 with excessive points put into profession(chef), If I have to guess the build. I don't think it would really work in d&d, (the involuntary resurrection and associated costs) but still...

Aha I love Dark Legacy! Gigz is a scary person. You could probably link a lot of comics that feature her for this thread.

It took a little customization, but one encounter I ran was a remote village with a single living resident. This uses just one "monster" (more of a BBEG with a certain skill) and all the creepiness is from the situation. I did have to give the BBEG a couple of Sorcerer levels to achieve the desired result.

Backstory - A Fey creature known as a Spindler (the "tailors of the Fey") was well-known among his kind as a crafter of clothes from the skins of his master's victims. This particular Spindler messed up and got himself banished to the Prime, and tried to "disappear" into a remote village, even taking a human wife. A plague decimated the land, killing all the villagers, including the Spindler's wife, but not the Spindler. Mr. Spindler then becomes unhinged. (The plague is part of the campaign)

Encounter - Party comes across said remote village that at first seems normal, with smoke rising from the chimneys and the aromas of cooking food on the gentle breeze. As the party enters the village, they see people through open windows in the cabins, seeming normal, although no one is outside. When they get to the Inn, however, and go inside, they find that a poker game with a small audience is not what it seems. All of the villagers have been taxidermied. So have all the animals.

Things reached a creepy crescendo when the taxidermied infant that a taxidermied washer-woman was holding suddenly began talking (the Spindler using Ventriloquism, trying to scare the party away and leave him alone).

The 'cooking food' was stew pots with - ahem - parts in them, placed by the Spindler to make his village seem more 'normal' to him.

Feel free to fold, staple and "mutilate" this into something even creepier. We had fun with it.

There was a Dragon Mag article that I read once that talked about magical pollution, and it was just chock full of creepy stuff you could add to make the effect make an impression on your players.
Fruit with teeth instead of seeds.
Reflections with skeleton visages of all the people looking.
Animals making the wrong noises.
That sort of stuff.

2014-05-08, 02:44 PM
Tauric can get quite creepy

Pastel coloured Tauric Illithin Pony

Tauric Kender Scorpion

Tauric Drow Millipede

2014-05-08, 03:07 PM
Also, maybe adding a creepy factor to, say, Divine Oracle might work.

For example, using animal entrails to see the future.

2014-05-08, 03:40 PM
Well applying the Yellow Musk Zombie Template to anything should work, and you end up as a Creeper.

2014-05-08, 04:16 PM
Well applying the Yellow Musk Zombie Template to anything should work, and you end up as a Creeper.

Do creeper trolls regenerate after they explode?.

2014-05-08, 07:37 PM
Bloodhound from Complete Adventurer?


Not it. Maybe it was a spell?

The Viscount
2014-05-08, 09:01 PM

Not it. Maybe it was a spell?

Perhaps Justiciar, Consecrated Harrier or Crimson Scourge?

2014-05-09, 12:41 AM
This is easy...http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?346828-Intimidating-fighter-Pathfinder&p=17429815#post17429815 Most people within his normal challenge range are going to be shaken (-2 to everything except your defense: –2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks).

2014-05-09, 02:03 AM

Not it. Maybe it was a spell?

How about Imaskari Vengeance Taker from Underdark (pp.37-39)?

2014-05-09, 02:14 AM
Rena Ryugu : female human, CE

barbarian 10/ frenzied berserker 10

if you dont know what i am talking about watch higurashi ...that is someone i dont want looking at me....you just know when she is going freak the ***** out!

2014-05-09, 05:10 AM
Just Perform (Dance) to perform "The Creep"? From the same people that brought you "I'm on a boat" and "I just had sex" afaik.

2014-05-09, 06:15 AM
Or hit on all the NPCs.

2014-05-09, 08:46 AM
Not particularly creepy, but a Changeling Warlock 5/Chamaleon 10/Cabinet Trickster 5 could prove a challenge.

Think of a person that can study, kill, and assume the shape of anyone, take their abilities, and live as his intended victims, all while no one is aware, and then doing it again.

And again
And again
And again... Get ahold of me about ways to minmax this...