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2007-02-11, 04:02 AM
This thread is for the discussion of gnolls and their Flind cousins.

Topics related to such matters may also be discussed here.

2007-02-11, 04:15 AM
I like gnolls!

2007-02-11, 04:17 AM
What is a flind? I keep hearing about them, but I've never heard anything but the name and that they associate with gnolls.

2007-02-11, 04:21 AM
They're basically a Gnoll subrace, they use nunchucks (flindbars)

2007-02-11, 04:44 AM
You can find Flinds in Monster Manual III. Quite cool beings, actually: They're basically anthropomorphic dogs with nunchakus, i.e. furry ninjas!

2007-02-11, 05:31 AM
I've always been a fan of gnolls, and flinds are cool too. I ran an adventure once with a lot of enemy gnolls. The PCs had an easy time of them, and then these big gnolls with nunchucks arrived. (they were lv. 8-ish flind fighters)

They were surprised when the flinds were alive after the second round. They were even more surprised when they found out the nunchucks were enchanted with humanoid-bane magic. WEE!

Gnolls and kuo-toa are becoming my go-to baddies. Both make excellent thralls for the power behind the scenes: illithids and aboleths, respectivley.

2007-02-11, 05:48 AM
Ugh, kuo-toa. Too bad we never finished that adventure. (also, Im back!)

Ive always had a soft spot for gnolls, right next to my heart, next to the kitties. I never use them though, and I have no idea why (hobgoblins are my 'go to' baddies). They make great minions for evil clerics though.

I've never used Flind Gnolls, but I do have a spot for them in my world. Nunchaku wielding gnolls? Sign me up!

The only gnoll I dislike is the example half vimpire gnoll in Libris Mortis. Now one of my DM's just assaults us with undead albino gnolls that somehow have mega-spot checks. :smallmad:

2007-02-11, 05:52 AM
Gnolls in my campaign setting have jackal heads, rather than hyena ones.

2007-02-11, 06:01 AM
Ah, the glory days of Octavia. I'm cooking up a new campaign though. I'll drop you a PM if you're interested.

I personally found the half-fiend gnoll warlock in the MM IV (or III?) to be pretty dumb, considering I don't have Complete Arcane. No tinkering with that stat block... of course, I don't own that MM, seeing as how I was borrowing it.

Which reminds me, there's stats for some Flind fighters in a free downloadable adventure on the WotC site somewhere.

2007-02-11, 07:21 AM
Someone mentioned a rumor about gnolls being a female-dominated society in the previous thread... considering they're anthropomorphic hyenas, that really shouldn't surprise anyone.

2007-02-11, 07:34 AM
My all-monster party had a Gnoll fighter, before he got killed and replaced by the Troll Paladin...who was, in turn, replaced by a Kobold druid.

2007-02-11, 07:34 AM
Logging in once again to post! First time in many months.

What can I say about Flind's? My first AD&D experience was as a Flind. Amazingly fun with those flind bars

2007-02-11, 09:14 AM
Whee, lots of other Kobold avs in this thread..

Anyway, i feel that Gnolls need a revision to be 1HD creatures.

2007-02-11, 09:17 AM
Whee, lots of other Kobold avs in this thread..

Anyway, i feel that Gnolls need a revision to be 1HD creatures.

Why? What's wrong with them being 3HD?

Then again, I wouldn't mind seeing them as a +1 Level Adjust, player race (1HD) like Catfolk. Then just find a Mousefolk and hilarity ensues...

2007-02-11, 09:24 AM
Oddly, in RotW, Female Gnolls are listed as being smaller than males. If I ever get around to DMing, I'm switching those stats around. :P

Races of the Wild also introduced the Monster Class for Gnolls. Interestingly enough, the first level puts them squarely identical to Half-Orcs statswise. Frankly, I'd just drop the Level Adjustment for the 2HD Gnolls. The Humanoid(not even Monstrous!) HD are penalty enough.

2007-02-11, 10:07 AM
gnolls kick goblin/hobgoblin/orc asses anyday!

2007-02-11, 11:22 AM
+2 Str and +2 Con don't seem like very overpowering class features for two levels of Monstrous Humanoid, yeah. I guess if the comparison is to a half-orc, and they're assumed balanced (rather than underpowered), then +1 natural armor would put them in LA +1... I think they'd be balanced enough as LA +0.

Viscount Einstrauss
2007-02-11, 12:13 PM
According to every barbarian I've ever seen played, Gnolls taste sort of like gamey chicken. This alone makes them the best enemies ever- EXP, items, and a meal!

2007-02-11, 01:50 PM
Back in 2nd edition, someone took the description of gnolls and flinds as hyenaish, and the relatively high status of flinds, and decided that flinds were really just female gnolls, and the natural leaders of societies. If you ran into a group of gnolls out and about, and they were all "gnolls", they were a pack of males looking to bring food and wealth back to the flinds... or had been driven away from their tribe for some reason.

2007-02-11, 04:35 PM
Gnolls take the cake for 'evil societies that really should not work', insofar as the Monster Manual describes them.

I mean... prefer eating sentinent prey because it screams more? Talk about uncomfortably monotheistic evil there. :P

Oh, well. I like gnolls a bit... kobolds should be dog-people, not lizard-people. Or are there already small-sized 'gnolls' in the vein of goblin v Hobgoblin v Bugbear?

2007-02-11, 05:31 PM
Gnolls and Flinds can be a lot of fun. Recently one of my players got tired of his old fighter a (way too fat) gnome fighter. He wanted to change into a Flind. How does the change go? Gnome + Flind enter kitchen. Only Flind exits. I'll leave the details to you.

2007-02-11, 05:34 PM
Darn polymorph spells!

2007-02-11, 06:05 PM
Gnolls seem interesting, I've got a large pack of them inhabiting a section of my world. However, kobolds tend to be my low-level go-to's for PC fun. I loves me my bug jars.

clockwork warrior
2007-02-11, 06:52 PM
I love gnolls, i just love there mentality "im lazy and hungry, so im going to get weaklings to do my work for me, then eat them. problem solved!"

never used flinds, but after reading this thread im sure they can find a place in a game

2007-02-11, 09:23 PM
Gnolls are great. I've only had the change to play them once though, but it was a lot of fun.

2007-02-12, 02:49 AM
I've used Gnolls as Storm Vermin when I adapted Warhammer Skaven into 3.x. A toned-down version of the hybrid Wererat was the basic Skaven Clanrat, and a variation of the Ogre served as the model for Rat Ogres.

2007-02-12, 05:35 AM
I'm afraid I'm going to hell soon.

Our campaign has had a few run-ins with shambling mounds lately and in our last meeting we fought about 20 gnolls.

Well the reason i'm going to hell is because I said the following

"If a shambling mound mated with a gnoll, would the offspring be called a "grassy knoll"?"

Forgive me lord it was 3:00 in the morning.

2007-02-12, 06:53 AM
I believe the Munchkin Monster Manual has a Grassy Knoll in it.

2007-02-12, 07:45 AM
What about the Dread Gazebo?

2007-02-12, 12:20 PM
A Gnoll Gardener tending to his Gazebo?

I like the idea of making Gnolls 1HD and just improving them via Class Levels. I use them in conjunction with various other Beast Men types in that fashion in (A)D&D Game. I usually make them Wolf Headed.

2007-02-12, 09:39 PM
I'm afraid I'm going to hell soon.

Our campaign has had a few run-ins with shambling mounds lately and in our last meeting we fought about 20 gnolls.

Well the reason i'm going to hell is because I said the following

"If a shambling mound mated with a gnoll, would the offspring be called a "grassy knoll"?"

Forgive me lord it was 3:00 in the morning.

I was wondering how many posts it would take to get to a "grassy gnoll" joke. I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner. :smallbiggrin:

2007-02-13, 10:25 AM
"If a shambling mound mated with a gnoll, would the offspring be called a "grassy knoll"?"

I made that exact gag just last weekend! (Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil has plenty of gnolls in.)

That said, I also created a Gnoll Swashbucker/Duellist... and called him Errol Flind :D