View Full Version : Modules and advice for a new DM?

2014-05-02, 10:31 PM
Hey guys, I recently started playing D&D and my DM that we play with thought it would be fun if one of us in the group ran a campaign one week a month, so he could play. I'm looking for a module to run that is fun, something in 3.5, as that is what I have played with so far. One that I saw repeated a bunch of times is Red Hand of Doom, but I usually have anywhere from 6-10 people that play at any one time. I may see if I can cut the people down or I'll have to tweak a good chunk of the game to fit, which as a new player is a rather intimidating thought. Anyway, thoughts?

2014-05-02, 10:40 PM
I won't pretend to know all the premade campaigns off-hand. But 6-10 players might be a good setting for a military campaign. Could have all of your players be soldiers in a small army and set up a storyline for them to go up in ranks/build the army/conquer/vanquish evils. Tons of possibilities.

2014-05-02, 10:41 PM
Rappan Athak was a rather nice dungeon crawl.

Currently I'm working on a Combination of My Little Pony and Game of thrones. Feel free to steal that, if you wish.

I had fun making up a reverse scooby-doo. The PCs were smugglers trying to scare off nosey kids. That was fun.

Go with what ya know.