View Full Version : Soul Eater+Warshaper

2014-05-02, 11:16 PM
So I had a fun build idea involving the two classes seen above. Problem is, I have yet to find a way to put the two on the same charcter without at least +3 LA, which is never favorable. Any ideas?

2014-05-02, 11:26 PM
Would a Tibbit (Dragon Compendium) work?

Monstrous Humanoid (shapeshifter)
If your DM interprets shapeshifter as a typo for shapechanger then it meets the prerequisites for both prestige classes with 0 RHD/+0 LA.

2014-05-02, 11:32 PM
What do you want the entry to look like? Because any creature which works for Soul Eater (I've heard Warforged are popular) could take levels in either Druid or Wildshape Ranger and get Wildshape, which would serve to qualify for Warshaper.

2014-05-02, 11:36 PM
What do you want the entry to look like? Because any creature which works for Soul Eater (I've heard Warforged are popular) could take levels in either Druid or Wildshape Ranger and get Wildshape, which would serve to qualify for Warshaper.

My idea was a totemist 9/warshaper 4/soul eater 7 initially. If you have a better idea for a clawing abomination of destruction, let me know.

2014-05-02, 11:57 PM
My idea was a totemist 9/warshaper 4/soul eater 7 initially. If you have a better idea for a clawing abomination of destruction, let me know.

You probably don't need so many Totemist levels. I'd definitely toss in one level of Barbarian to get Pounce, since charging and making a full attack with all those natural weapons is a recipe for a blender. (Wait, what?) If you like getting tons of essentia for your Totemist stuff then you can pad it all out with some Totem Rager levels, but really I've been told that two levels of Totemist is plenty for getting what you want out of it (to be fair, I don't have any Incarnum play experience, so take my advice here sparingly.)
Barbarian 1/Totemist 2/Wildshape Ranger or Druid 5/Warshaper 5/Soul Eater 7. The choice between Ranger and Druid is if you want more BAB and combat options (I think nonhumanoid Fangshields Ranger can get Multiattack instead of Two-Weapon Fighting, which is good for you) or up to 3rd level spells. I think Ranger's better for this. With this build you'll be able to turn into any animal of 5 HD or less, and thanks to Warshaper's 5th level you can swap animals during a single use of Wild Shape, which means you need to spend very little time in your actual form. I'd take Extra Wild Shape for two more uses per day, giving you 15 total hours in Wild Shaped form each day. I believe you can be any race you want, so long as you're in Wild Shaped form when you level up so you're an Animal, and thus nonhumanoid, for Soul Eater. But you could go with something like a Killoren or Elan or Warforged to make sure you always meet that nonhumanoid prereq, just in case.

2014-05-03, 06:08 AM
Shifters and changeling are both shapechangers with +0 LA. And no RHD, to boot.

2014-05-03, 10:04 AM
Shifters and changeling are both shapechangers with +0 LA. And no RHD, to boot.

I tried that, but they don't qualify for Soul Eater (it specifies nonhumanoid)

As for why I take 9 levels in Totemist, it's to open up the double chakra feat, which is far too good to pass up (extra arms and pounce together). Also, totemists with landshark boots can get pounce.

2014-05-03, 10:07 AM
I tried that, but they don't qualify for Soul Eater (it specifies nonhumanoid)

As for why I take 9 levels in Totemist, it's to open up the double chakra feat, which is far too good to pass up (extra arms and pounce together). Also, totemists with landshark boots can get pounce.

But Barbarian 1 can get you pounce... though double chakra on your totem could get you extra arms and either a bite (Winter Mask, among others) or tentacles (Displacer mantle).

2014-05-03, 10:37 AM
Changeling is pretty much one of the easiest and best ways to qualify for warshaper. It's going to be hard to find something better... therefore, the optimal solution is probably to look for something to make changeling qualify for soul eater too, rather than looking for a race that naturally satisfies all requirements.

The only real things you need to use Soul Eater are claws, and to be nonhumanoid. Claws are easy enough to get from anywhere- including warshaper (and your planned totemist levels) so that's not really a concern. The bigger thing is the 'nonhumanoid' requirement.

The first thing that comes to mind for me is the Necropolitan template (Libris Mortis). It only requires a fixed amount of experience, no permanent LA, and it changes your creature type to undead. For the purposes of qualifying, it's perfect. Of course, it does mean you lose out on the constitution bonus from warshaper, which is a bit disappointing- still, you're not going to find a much simpler way to qualify for both classes.

Second thing that comes to mind... Feral template (savage species). It gets you pretty much everything you need, and makes for a pretty good totemist/warshaper, really. It's only +1 LA and gets you plenty of stuff too. Of course, it's really good, so it is somewhat controversial, especially since it is from a 3.0 source.

Lastly, Divine Minion. (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mb/20050209a) You don't even need to have a changeling at base to make this one work. It can be applied to basically any LA 0 race, gives you a nonhumanoid type and the ability to change shapes for only minimal LA. Good stuff.

2014-05-03, 11:23 AM
The first thing that comes to mind for me is the Necropolitan template (Libris Mortis). It only requires a fixed amount of experience, no permanent LA, and it changes your creature type to undead. For the purposes of qualifying, it's perfect. Of course, it does mean you lose out on the constitution bonus from warshaper, which is a bit disappointing- still, you're not going to find a much simpler way to qualify for both classes.

Yeah, that was my first thought. Necropolitan Changeling. Nice and simple, no real LA (necro kicks you back a level, you get it back quickly), and means you can double as an uber scout w/ Lifesense feat (and immunity to lifesense).

2014-05-03, 11:26 AM
Uh...Soul Eater gains shapechange as a supernatural ability. The only reason to pick up an alternate prerequisite would be for early entry into Warshaper.

2014-05-03, 11:37 AM
Uh...Soul Eater gains shapechange as a supernatural ability. The only reason to pick up an alternate prerequisite would be for early entry into Warshaper.

It's a whole 7 level difference, that's a pretty long wait.

2014-05-03, 12:03 PM
Uh...Soul Eater gains shapechange as a supernatural ability. The only reason to pick up an alternate prerequisite would be for early entry into Warshaper.

Beyond what Stream said, it might also be nice to have the ability to change shapes without murdering someone every day and taking their specific form. Could cause problems ya know.

2014-05-03, 12:05 PM
Shapechange is awesome. Personally, I would wait until Soul Eater 7 before multiclassing. 2 levels per strike + the life drain feat? Warshaper comes after, not before. YMMV

2014-05-03, 04:01 PM
+1 LA white dragonspawn. Puts you into monstrous humanoid so you can enter soul eater. Go White Dragonspawn Changeling for 1 LA to get nearly always on warshaper bonuses. Personally I'd go barbarian or another full BaB class, Warshaper entry a level 5.

Grim Reader
2014-05-03, 05:01 PM
Elan qualifies for Soul Eater. Soul Eater qualifies for Warshaper. If you want earlier Warshaper, you can get Wild Shape from a dip in Shapeshifter, Blighter and I think, Abolisher.

However, I would just go Elan Wildshaping Ranger. Soul Eater needs BaB +5 anyway, so get the wildshape on the way there. I believe you qualify for both Warshaper and Soul Eater at level 5.

If your DM allows, I'd see if I could get Psychic Ranger, so you can get some mileage out of the Elan racials.