View Full Version : Short Adventure Ideas

2014-05-02, 11:47 PM
Hey guys, I have a general DM question for you. I've got a couple of story ideas for some short adventures and the like in my head, but I'm always looking for new material, and well, let's face it, the random ideas in the DMG only last so long and go so far.
I was wondering if you guys had any great ideas for adventures kicking around. I'm thinking low to mid level ideas, nothing particularly powerful, and certainly not anything that involves the words "Gods" "Demons/Devils" "Lich" "Great Wyrm Dragon" or "Epic".
Currently I'm formulating a one-to-two session adventure for some level five players, but I'd love to hear ideas on any encounters/adventures/mysteries under the ten belt.

2014-05-03, 01:07 AM
There are a bunch of short adventures hidden on the WotC site, here are two different links to access them



2014-05-03, 01:24 AM
Cool, I was beginning to wonder if this thread would bump down into non-existence without any response. Thanks.

2014-05-03, 01:31 AM
Five new ideas from scratch before I turn in for the night.

1.) Dire rats and osquips have begun to tunnel into an area of old mines that is close to a dam that holds water for the town's reservoir. If they continue, they endanger the stability of the dam.

2.) The town's mayor has a newly married daughter that has just given birth to a [your pick of goblin/fey thing/half-fiend]. The mayor is in a panic, and his majordomo has contacted the party in order to help find someone, anyone, that can explain how in the Nine Hells this happened.

3.) In a local farmer's field, newly blessed by the local druid to aid in the ongoing harvest, a twilight guardian (Dragon Magic) has seemingly just grown from the ground. The party happens to be in town and hears the uproar; the twilight guardian is new-born and has yet to acquire any of its inborn draconic knowledge, so it is confused and disoriented.

4.) A local college of wizardry has been found guilty of dumping magical reagents into the river that runs through the city. While the river is by no means pristine, it is used as a source of water by the poor, and people now suspect that the college's actions may be behind several strains of mutations that have begun to appear among the people of the slums. TWIST: It's actually not the pollution, but some rukarazyll that has some evil plans for the city...ties to future Zuggtmoy elements appearing in the campaign optional).

5.) A group of traveling halflings have been sheltering/hiding a group of winged halflings (man, really wish I could remember the name of this 2e monster...anyway, picture Angel from X-Men, but as a halfling). There is a prophecy that a winged halfling will kill the king, and these winged halflings have been persecuted ever since the prophecy was made. The other halflings give them shelter out of a sense of pity/sympathy, and a sense of solidarity among the Small Folk.