View Full Version : Player Help [Low magic] Ranged bard prestige class?

2014-05-03, 12:07 AM
So I am playing in a low magic campaign (for the first time) and we are level 1 and I am playing a bard because it's the first class I played and wanted to try it again now that I know how to play the game better than having to ask what is added to attack rolls besides BaB.
My DM made me make a choice between 1 or 2, I picked 2 and was given an elven double bow that is also half harp (meaning attacking counts as strumming it, so it continues bardic music) at the cost of 2 dice on rolling starting gold. Everyone in the party got something like this, the 1 or 2 was just to decide a sword or bow.

So now down to the good part. I was thinking about what i'm going to prestige into since most bard prestige classes are either heavy casting (so they would be too hard to convert to non-casting) or are melee based (so the character wouldn't trade their bow in for anything) so can anyone think of any prestige class for a bard that is bow based or at least can use a bow just fine? Stats and restrictions below.

Level : 1
Race : Sunelf (with starelf stats, we just houserule it to say its sunelf because sun sounds more charasmatic than star)
Str : 15
Dex : 14
Con : 12
Int : 11
Wis : 9
Cha : 18

Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Elven DoubleBow)

Performance (Harp) 4 ranks
Diplomacy 4 ranks
Listen 4 ranks
Spot 4 ranks
Search 4 ranks
Speak Lang 4 ranks

Low magic campaign so no magic, ok now that you have magic out of your mind there is a teeny tiny bit here and there but only wizards get it and they need to hunt down tomes to get a spell or something like that
Bard is changed to have full BaB and no spellcasting
Source books allowed : yes, but it's actually a show the class to DM, he says yes or no or possibly even changes it (some homebrew has even been allowed)

If you need any other information or anything just ask/tell me.

TL;DR: Bard prestige class for ranged bard please (no magic full bab)

2014-05-03, 10:56 AM
The premier no-magic Bard PrC with full BAB is War Chanter in Complete Warrior. Just be aware the book came out early in the transition from 3.0 to 3.5 and back in 3.0 inspire courage didn't go above +1 as you leveled (dark times, indeed). I say this b/c War Chanter...requires inspire courage, and gives you other martial-buffing songs, but...by RAW does not advance IC progression. Ask your DM about having it do so, that it was probably an oversight. I would never play War Chanter in a million years w/o IC advancement...a straight-classed Bard who just never casts any of his spells is better at that point.

That's the closest you'll get to an "archer bard" class, I believe. 3.5 is kinda lacking archer PrC's in general, and something as specific as bard archer never really got covered. The other option, if supernatural music is ok in a "low magic" setting, is the Seeker of the Song prestige class. Won't help you shoot a bow worth a damn (it'll actually make you worse at it; no IC progressing), but it gives you a ton of good other ranged Su song options.

EDIT: The other option is Warblade or Crusader with Song of the White Raven, if your DM allows some of the homebrew ranged weapon-based disciplines people on these boards have made to swap out some of the ones normal tome of battle classes get.

mabriss lethe
2014-05-03, 12:18 PM
While not a prestige class, the Knowledge Devotion feat (complete champion) is a good choice for archers, especially in classes that grant all knowledge skills as class skills. You'd have to invest skill points into the Big 6 knowledge skills, but in return you'd get to make a skill check to add a +1 to +5 to attacks. You won't usually be able to access it until 3rd level, but it's a fantastic feat.