View Full Version : Infinite Hardness - how?

2014-05-03, 02:03 AM
I've heard that there's an exploit whereby you can boost an object's Hardness to nigh-infinite levels, but I haven't been able to find it. How does it work?

2014-05-03, 02:09 AM
There is some kind of exploit regarding the hardening spell, and possibly also involving the psionic power matter manipulation, I think it was. A google search on hardening and hardness and trick or the like should get you something with more detail.

2014-05-03, 05:01 AM
There is some kind of exploit regarding the hardening spell, and possibly also involving the psionic power matter manipulation, I think it was. A google search on hardening and hardness and trick or the like should get you something with more detail.

The basic principle is that stacking rules don't apply to hardness. Go nuts.

2014-05-03, 05:12 AM
I've heard that there's an exploit whereby you can boost an object's Hardness to nigh-infinite levels, but I haven't been able to find it. How does it work?

It doesn't; Mountain Hammer is a thing.

2014-05-03, 11:45 AM
The basic principle is that stacking rules don't apply to hardness. Go nuts.

They don't?! Why not?

[Goes and reads the 'Hardening' spell more carefully]

Holy crap, you're right. "For every two caster levels, increase by 1 the hardness of the material targeted by the spell." It's not a bonus, it's just a change to the stat. So yes, it stacks. That is SO. FREAKING. AWESOME. Thank you, Tuggy!

mabriss lethe
2014-05-03, 12:38 PM
Well, alchemists have devised this little blue pill that does the trick, but if it lasts for more than 4 hours you should consult a cleric immediately.

2014-05-03, 12:39 PM
Well, alchemists have devised this little blue pill that does the trick, but if it lasts for more than 4 hours you should consult a cleric immediately.

I'd love that for my sig if you don't mind, I lost all of my sides.

mabriss lethe
2014-05-03, 12:44 PM
^By all means. Go for it.

2014-05-03, 03:09 PM
I've heard that there's an exploit whereby you can boost an object's Hardness to nigh-infinite levels, but I haven't been able to find it. How does it work?

Make it out of Riverine. Hardest stuff out there.

2014-05-03, 04:58 PM
That's what SHE said.

You cannot tell me you did not see that coming.