View Full Version : Stuff similar to Welcome to Night Vale?

2014-05-03, 06:30 AM
I've been listening to the Welcome to Night Vale podcast for about half a year now, and find the radio host thing an interesting format for telling weird, creepy stories. Is there anything similar out there? Maybe something that tells more traditional horror stories rather than Night Vale's bizarre pseudo-comedy?

2014-05-03, 07:12 AM
If you mean to stay in the podcast format, then I have no idea.

But if you're fine with other forms, then the SCP Foundation (www.scp-wiki.net) could interest you. An online writing community focused on writing (mostly) horror in the format of scientific documentation, from the viewpoint of a shadowy organisation focused on capturing and containing "anomolous" objects and entities. Surprisingly much can be done with the scientific document format. Entries range from horrific, to Lovecraftian weird, to simply odd. The site also contains many stories in a more traditional format, although still in the same shared universe for the most part. Most are of high quality writing, and some of those tales are among the best I've ever read.

The site's lore is pretty deep, but is generally easy to get into an enjoy without much background knowledge.