View Full Version : Building Corvo Attano (3.5)

2014-05-03, 09:08 AM

As above: How could I build a character with similar abilities and skills to this "assassin"?

Would a mix of Rogue/Sorcerer be the best idea (with a PrC that I don't know of that uses both of these classes with full efficiency)?
Alternatively, Rogue/Psion (Nomad)?

How would this be viable?

Thrice Dead Cat
2014-05-03, 09:09 AM
Swordsage would get most of it down, actually.

2014-05-03, 09:19 AM
The only spells youll really be able to replicate in dnd are the Rat Swarm, and Gust of Wind. The teleport is easily replicate able by the Shadow Jaunt ability of the Swordsage, so id say go Sorc/Swordsage/Jade Phoenix Mage, as you dont need a lot of spells.

2014-05-03, 09:25 AM
Just a question. If I didn't use Tome of Battle, would it be harder to make a viable character with this concept?

2014-05-03, 09:38 AM
Ya it would, as you would need to probably use the Daggerspell mage, the only PrC i know of that has full casting and sneak attack progression, and then use the crap out of the Shadow Jaunt spell. Or possibly be a rogue and go into Shadow Dancer, and replicate the other effects with magic items.

And i just realized you could fluff his slow time power as Haste

2014-05-03, 10:36 AM
So let's get a thorough list of C's outsider powers:

Agility --> high Dex; and bonuses to jump, swim, etc; lowering acp
Bend Time --> haste, initiative boosts
Blink --> shadow jaunt/stride/blink
Blood Thirsty --> prolly some tiger hand stuff, or improved critical
Dark Vision --> mask has darkvision
Devouring Swarm --> summon swarm?
Possession --> ??? (Hat of disguise?)
Shadow Kill --> disintegrate
Vitality --> high con, fast healing 1
Windblast --> defenestrating sphere

If you go spellcaster, carry your spells in tokens of whalebone