View Full Version : Any 3.5 publishers still in operation?

2014-05-03, 10:38 AM
So I had this amazing idea for a campaign setting, which I am working on right now. I want to share it with the world and possibly profit from it. Does anyone know of currently operating 3rd party 3.5 publishers, or did they all shut down?

2014-05-03, 10:52 AM
WotC hasn't been publishing any 3.5 for... 6 or 7 years now? And PF is pretty stuck in its one setting. That being said if your setting isn't 3.5 specific you can always pitch it to WotC and you might get into 5e. Or you could just run your own table though it as most of us here with custom campaign settings do.

2014-05-03, 10:56 AM
You could always self-publish and perhaps sell through Paizo's site (I've seen some pretty small operators with only a couple of titles under their belt there) or one of the others like RPG DriveThru.

2014-05-03, 05:03 PM
Bards and sages?

Think they are still 3.5.

Actually, I had an idea for some rules updates I wanted to try... And my methodology was going to be to releast the first book free then post it on patreon.com When I got enough donations (usually when I sell books I get a penny a word.) I'd release the next one.

If you are actually serious about this, PM me. I have this half way finished complete rewrite of the rules for weapon special abilities done. It's more a matter of grinding it out at this point.