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2014-05-03, 02:08 PM
That wretched hive of scum and villainy that is The Wheel. A space station, isolated from any civilized world, aloof from all conflict save those that could cost it's owner - the miserly Senator Greyshade - a sliver of profit.

Those that find themselves on The Wheel are either greedy, foolish, or have nowhere else to turn. And it is here that four seemingly insignificant scoundrels and warriors find themselves, unknowingly on the brink of setting off a chain of events that could shake the very core of the galaxy...


You're in a seedy cantina, sparsely populated with only a small group of Duros traders sitting in a far off corner, taking a break from the gambling and bickering that dominates most of the station. Take a moment to describe your character and what he or she is doing.

2014-05-03, 02:46 PM
Talia Azrah
Defense : fort 12, reflex 14, will 11
HP: 18 condition: normal

Talia sits at the back of the cantina at a round metal grated table.

She’s a small framed Twi’lek woman with green skin and long perfectly tapered Lekku, or head tails as they’re more commonly called. She wears black cargo pants and heavy leather work boots, a blue cropped tube top and a leather vest over that. A ridiculously huge blaster can be seen in its holster on her right hip.

Talia picks up the glass that’s been resting on the table and looks through it at nothing really, before taking a sip. She lets the Corellian whiskey sit on her tongue for a moment, filling her senses with its smoky aroma before swallowing it. The whiskey was at best, passable, not the worst alcohol to be had, but certainly not the best. After swallowing the liquor she sets the glass back down and continues to be lost in though.

Where ever you are my friends, I hope the drink is good and the company warm. Blazes, I hope your not all dead. I’d have nobody without you three.

2014-05-03, 03:19 PM
Dressed in nondescript brown and black clothing, so as not to stand out, a short blue-gray skinned Duros sits, slouching over his drink, at the corner of the bar. A slight turn of his head in either direction gives him a vantage of each and every table in the cantina, which he inspects every few minutes. Laikir sits in contemplation about what his next move will be, gambling was entertaining and paid the bills... sometimes... but not a long term plan. He needed to get back to using his core abilities and acquire a cargo or freighter ship of his own. First, Laikir needed to find the means of acquiring the credits to purchase one, or find a ship that wasn't heavily guarded and could be stolen. Laikir motions to the barkeep, and orders himself a plate of food. As he waits for the food to arrive, he will take stock of those in the cantina with him.

2014-05-03, 05:48 PM
Jim was not a happy man. He appears tall, overweight, and generally less-than-intimidating in his sweat-stained security uniform. Standing at the entrance to the bar, Jim is charged with the most enviable and prestigious of responsibilities to refuse under-aged patrons and escort disruptive gamblers off the premises. His graying red hair is wild and his beard has grown tangled and untamed.

With a heaving sigh, the bartender attempts to ignore the fact that Jim is sipping from a hip flask as he stares ahead with dull intelligence. The large man's weight shifts from his right leg onto his prosthetic as his mind ponders simple things.

Jim's mental acuity might refocus however as a young man steps into the bar. It is not out of sense of duty to his employer that gives Jim pause over the presence of this individual, but the fact that he is a ghost; a slim man in the garb of a Mandalorian warrior, something he has not seen in years. His shoulders straighten and he holds up a large hand to stop the individual at the bar's threshold, "Hold up there."

Individuals of all sorts passed through the Wheel and this pub was no different, but Jim knew how to weed out the dangerous from the harmless and masked men tended towards the former.

2014-05-03, 06:17 PM
Etyc. That's the only term Arn could think to describe The Wheel. It was filthy and dirty. Perhaps not in its environment itself, but the people. He had already heard at least five arguments over who owed who credits, and no small amount of weaseling out on said debts by multiple parties. He found himself already a little homesick.

Arn was making his way into the nearest cantina. He was dressed in a simple black shirt, with a brown vest over it and a bandolier yet over that. He found the vest and bandolier made his slight frame seem bulkier, and had made a habit of wearing them often in public. A Mandalorian helmet sat on his head, obscuring his brown hair and eyes from view. He felt particularly aware of the clomping noise of his combat boots, and the weight of his heavier equipment in a place like this. Unfamiliar environs always made him uneasy and paranoid that he was being observed without his knowledge. He adjusted his bandolier, shifted the weight of his jetpack, and made certain his blaster was where it was supposed to be. He double checked his credit chip and silently lamented the sparse amount left. He was going to need a job.

He stepped through the threshold of the cantina door and made a quick scan of the people inside. Several duros in a far corner, another one by himself, and a twi'lek girl. Nothing of immediate interest or danger. He instinctively headed towards the bar but was almost immediately stopped by a man with wild red hair in a dirty security uniform. Etyc. "Me'copaani? Er, is something wrong?"

2014-05-03, 06:34 PM
Jim frowned at the Mandalorian, recognizing the language, though perhaps not fully comprehending it. Fortunately the lad provided a translation; he sounded young. Jim did a once-over on the stranger, gauging him as if he were a threat. He was small, but most definitely knew how to use that blaster. Jim could probably tackle the brat if he needed to, but he doubted he'd get close enough without getting shot.

Still, it might not come to that. In his experience, Mandalorians only caused trouble if they were getting paid to, in which case they did it better than anyone else. "If you're here for a bounty, either wait for them outside or find your paycheck somewhere else." Jim leans in to growl at the Mandalorian, his eyes narrowing with dangerous intent, "If you cause any trouble, I'm taking you down."

With his message delivered, Jim steps back and gestures for the guest to proceed if he wishes.

2014-05-03, 06:43 PM
Talia Azrah
Defense : fort 12, reflex 14, will 11
HP: 18 condition: normal

Talia watched the conversation between the Boba Fett cos-player and the slobby security guard with interest. There was nothing really interesting going on at the moment; the group of duros in the corner were ignoring here and the one at the bar didn’t look like he wanted company. She took another sip of the overpriced liquor repeating the process as before.

Maybe this guy will liven things up, things seem pretty dull as it is.

2014-05-03, 07:49 PM
Laikir watches the Mandalorien enter from the corner of his vision, trying not to be obvious. A Bounty Hunter? Maybe he needs someone to acquire information on his next bounty? It could pay better than mechanical work...

2014-05-03, 10:15 PM
A new piece of scum enters the cantina: a snivvian, smelling worse than most of them, and heavily armored. His armor seems to be assembled from a motley collection of traditions - Mandalorian included - and is poorly hidden under ragged robes. He also has a large blaster at his side; more firepower than most would care to flaunt onboard The Wheel.

He looks uneasily around the cantina, and then mistakes Laikir's keen interest in the bounty hunter for interest in his own affairs - not of you miss the hopeful glance he gives towards the other smaller cluster of Duros traders in the room. It is clear that this snivvian is looking for allies. He approaches Laikir with a half hopeful, half cautious walk.

Read all about this lovely little species. (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Snivvian)

2014-05-04, 12:01 AM
Talia Azrah
Defense : fort 12, reflex 14, will 11
HP: 18 condition: normal

Talia’s Lekku writhe out of control and she stifles a cough as the snivvian walks within smell range. As soon to his back is to her, she tries to cover her nose, but to no avail.

Well our loner friend at the bar seems to have found some company, how he can get so close to that snaggletooth is beyond me, maybe duros can’t smell? I should find a new table… further away from the bar.

2014-05-04, 03:54 AM
Arn frowned and squinted his eyes behind his helmet. The man was larger than him, and would definitely be able to subdue him in close proximity if it came to a confrontation. Fortunately that wasn't on his agenda for today. He shifted his weight and folded his arms while the man spoke his warning to him, wanting to look annoyed or bored by it. "You have nothing to worry about with me, burc'ya." He added emphasis on the last word as he spoke. "I'm here for a drink."

As the firey rent-a-cop steps aside, Arn drops his hands to his sides and barely notices the snivvian walk past him. Arn takes a seat a stool or two away from the lone duros who was being approached by the snivvian, and removes his helmet and sets it on the bar. He waits for the bartender to be available before ordering a drink, and resolves to keep his ears open on the off-chance he hears anything interesting.

2014-05-04, 06:20 AM
Seeing the Snivvian approach, Laikir scolds himself for not being more discrete. Seeing no point in keeping up the ruse, Laikir turns partially towards the direction of the entrance, using the opportunity to subtlety slide his hand to where he keeps his concealed Hold-Out Pistol. He doesn't have the look of someone with credits, what could he want? And that smell... Ugh!

When the Snivvian finally reaches Laikir, Laikir will turn completely towards him. Sparing a glance at the Bounty Hunter, now just seats away, Of Course... I find someone possibly worth talking to, and he drops into a seat where starting a conversation wouldn't be awkward, and I'm cut-off by a vagabond! Lets hope he makes this quick! Laikir acknowledges the Snivvian newcomer with a nod, and waits for him to speak first.

2014-05-04, 08:57 AM
The snivvian seems extremely uncomfortable, sitting awkwardly close to Laikir, but reluctant to actually speak.

After almost two minutes of expectant silence, he gives in:

"So..." he says in a guttural voice, "I'm looking to get off this station. Family problems, you know? Cross my heart that's all. I'm not in any trouble. Really. Hoping I could buy a ride aboard your ship?"

It is obvious that this snivvian is not particularly bright, but he also seems vaguely traumatized, or at least very on edge. He waits for a response.

For the record, none of you own spaceships. All of you would've arrived via some other means (i.e. hitched a ride), dependent on your backstory.

2014-05-04, 09:49 AM
Family problems... My bald ass! Laikir sits quietly for a moment in contemplation before responding, Sorry Friend, I'm currently in the process of acquiring a new ship after an unfortunate separation with my last one. If you want to give me your contact info I'd be glad contact you when I can be of assistance.

2014-05-04, 10:02 AM
The snivvian leans in closely now, with a determined look on his face, as if he's committed to whatever course of action he just decided on: "Listen close now, ok? If you don't have a ship, and you can't get to one soon, you won't be gettin' off the station. You help me, I help you? Whaddaya say?"

The snivvian grins, showing that what few teeth he had remaining were rotting. He seems very satisfied with himself.

Laikir, as far as you can tell, the snivvian is telling the truth (surprisingly).

2014-05-04, 10:10 AM
Laikir sits unblinking for a minute. Speaking softly, so as not to be over-heard, Lets assume I have the means of getting a ship quickly and that I believe you, what kind of threat are we talking about?

2014-05-04, 11:06 AM
Arn attempts to listen to the conversation that's a mere few feet from, hoping he's not looking too obvious about it. Perhaps there's something to learn in this desolate cantina after all.

Perception: [roll0]

2014-05-04, 03:58 PM
Talia Azrah
Defense : fort 12, reflex 14, will 11
HP: 18 condition: normal

Suddenly glad she hadn’t quite switched seats yet, Talia tries to subtly listen in on the conversation between the duros and the snaggletooth. Keeping your eyes out for trouble before that trouble gets to you is a great way to stay alive in this world.

Perception check to listen in: [roll0]

2014-05-04, 04:36 PM
Talia, Arn, and Jim, their attention grabbed, listen in closely to the conversation. They also noticed that the less-than-subtle snivvian has drawn in the attention of the four duros who are also in the cantina - perhaps intentionally.

To Laikir, he says: "Well, thing is, if I tell 'ya everything now, you don't have much of a reason to help me do 'ya? So how's about you get me to a ship, and I tell you not to trust anybody who might work for the Senator who owns this place. We're all in danger here, the way I see it, and the sooner we get away the sooner you can know why."

2014-05-04, 05:35 PM
You're not very subtle, I suggest you try harder to be if you want to survive the Wheel. As for the rest... Laikir thinks for a minute before nodding, So he's not as stupid as he first appears... If I'm acquiring a ship on such short notice, it may not be by the most legal means, and we aren't getting near a ship with you in your current condition. Laikir glances around the bar, before looking back to the Snivvian, Between the blaster, your attire, and your smell... Especially the smell we won't get near a ship. You need to clean yourself up, go to the bathroom and do the best you can about the smell, even if you have to bath in the sink. After that, find yourself a cloak to hide that armor and blaster. In the meantime, I'll see about getting us a crew.

Laikir waits for the Snivvian to agree and head to the bathroom before deciding his next course of action. Bounty Hunter, Green Chick, Bouncer, Traders, Barkeep? Well the traders probably have a ship... But if I'm leaving this place under these circumstances, I'm doing so with my own ship. Laikir glances around again, Bounty Hunter! Taking his drink, Laikir shifts over a seat towards the bounty hunter, Hello Friend, can I ask, tracking a bounty or looking for one?

2014-05-04, 05:57 PM
The snivvian looks at Laikir for a moment, then mutters "the name is Gru" before leaving to clean himself up.

2014-05-04, 09:43 PM
A puzzled expression dawns upon Arn's face now and again as he listens to the hastening problems of the lone duros and the snivvian. Was the smelly brown rat being truthful? Or was he perhaps touched? If what he was saying was true, then Arn couldn't have picked a worse time to show up by transport and with barely a credit to his name. Maybe my instinct was right. I may need to find a way to leave and quickly.

He sipped casually from the poor quality corellian whisky he'd managed to afford, and when the duros turned his attention to him, it broke him from his introspective reverie. Arn sets down his glass and gives Laikir a sideways glance. "Looking. Why? Need something done?"

2014-05-04, 10:42 PM
Talia Azrah
Defense : fort 12, reflex 14, will 11
HP: 18 condition: normal

That’s my cue.
Talia stands and taking her glass, casually steps over to the bar, positioning herself next to the duros. She sets her glass on the bar and indicates to the barkeeper that she wants a refill.

"I couldn’t help but hear that you’re looking for a crew for a ship. I just so happen to looking to join a new crew myself."

She says in a casual conversational way.

2014-05-04, 10:45 PM
Arn sets down his glass and gives Laikir a sideways glance. "Looking. Why? Need something done?"
Speaking softly, Long story short, it might behoove us all to get off this station in a quick hurry, and you look like the type who could help me acquire transportation. Maybe I'm over-reacting, maybe not, but if my little friend is correct, then it might save both our lives. I can't pay anything upfront, but I'm willing to split the spoils evenly with those that sign on to help. Since this whole place is in for trouble, I was thinking we could borrow one of those cargo ships that are docked all over the place. If nothing happens, then we can return it, if the station explodes... Well... Spoils to be split?

2014-05-04, 11:10 PM
Talia Azrah
Defense : fort 12, reflex 14, will 11
HP: 18 condition: normal

I’m strapped for credits myself, Talia says, picking up her freshly filled glass and taking a sip. The smell of the Snivvian still lingers in the air, spoiling her drink. Besides it’s usually better to try to avoid any danger that comes your way than to fight it.

2014-05-05, 03:17 AM
Arn absently rubs his chin while listening to the duros' proposition. Before he responds the twi'lek girl interjects herself into the conversation, leaping into the idea without a moment's hesitation as far as he could tell. Desperate, maybe? Arn rubbed his chin as he sized them both for a brief moment, his gaze instinctively lingering a brief second longer on the girl's cleavage then he would've liked.

"It sounds risky for how little information you have on it. But it sounds like a fair split and a minor apology to some potentially dangerous people if you're wrong. I don't do illegal hits, though. So if your plan is to kill indiscriminately, then I'll pass. Otherwise I'm on board." He pauses for a moment and narrows his eyes towards the doorway where the aggressive bouncer who had accosted him earlier stood. "And if you can get someone a little bigger, like him, I think we'll do alright."

2014-05-05, 05:43 AM
Laikir nods, I have no interest in wracking up a body count. That's one. Laikir looks towards the door, I'll see about getting us the muscle. Hopefully he's not all for show. Gru is in the bathroom cleaning himself up, when he comes out, make sure that the smell is gone, we don't need to deal with that. You can call me Laikir, as he holds out his hand for a shake.

Turning his attention on the door, Laikir makes an attempt at a casual walk over to the bouncer, as casual as he can feel when virtually every eye in the bar is watching him. Once he is standing in front of the bouncer he will smile and speak softly, Hello Friend, may I ask, do you enjoy your current employment situation?

2014-05-05, 08:11 AM
Arn grips Laikir's hand in a firm handshake before the duros makes his way towards the surly bouncer. "We have a deal, then. I'll keep an eye out for our snivvian friend." He then turns towards Talia for a moment. "I don't think he noticed you. Perhaps you should try a dancer's outfit next time?" He smirked.

After which, he turned his attention in the direction of the refresher where Gru had gone, wanting to see him the minute he gets out, and making sure to note if someone else goes in there with him.

Perception: [roll0]

2014-05-05, 01:34 PM
Talia Azrah
Defense: fort 12, reflex 14, will 11
HP: 18 condition: normal

Losing interest in her drink, Talia responds to Arn.

“If I was a dancer, I wouldn’t be looking for a way off this tin can.” She says with a smirk on her face.
“I’m Talia by the way.” She says, extending her hand daintily.

“Duros always seem to have a hard time at grasping subtly. Besides it looks like you could use someone else who knows her way around a starship."

2014-05-05, 02:29 PM
Jim appears fat, sloppy and his amputation suggests a lack of coordination.These details are a convincing deception and little about the conversation between individuals at the bar or the amassing of resources escape his attention. A sideways glance at the bartender suggests that he had not missed anything either. If the snivvian's threats were legitimate and the barkeep was aware, this could spell trouble and Jim was too old and jaded to actively go searching for trouble. On the other hand, the snivvian reeked of something else besides his stench: Jim smelled credits.

As the veteran weighed his options, a savvy-looking Duros approached,

Hello Friend, may I ask, do you enjoy your current employment situation?

Jim is slow to respond as he eyes the spacer up and down, gauging the xeno for threats and abilities. The wandering sort, guessed Jim, handy with a blaster but probably more suited in the seat of a cockpit, just like every other Duros he'd met. But without a spaceship, Jim had to wonder just how useful he would be. His massive forearms fold across his barrel chest and he stares directly in the eyes of the bartender as he replies to the inquisitive scoundrel with a vague answer, "It's quiet."

Jim's green eyes move to focus in on the Duros, eyebrows raised expectantly. He was legitimately curious about a prospective business venture, but age made him cautious and experience made him suspicious of cantina room business offers. But he would hear more.

2014-05-05, 02:47 PM
"It's quiet."
Still speaking softly, You heard our little friend, if he's correct, it wouldn't be a bad idea to find new employment elsewhere in the galaxy. With the help of the Bounty Hunter, I should be able to commandeer a ship. So I'll make the same offer to you that I made to him, equal share of the spoils, provided you pull your weight. Per Diem work for now, no long term committment. Laikir will extend his hand. And if you prove useless, then I can just leave you stranded on some deserted star system somewhere. laikir smiles a wide mouthed toothy smile.

2014-05-05, 03:51 PM
Jim frowns at the toothy Duros as a feeling of unease settles over him. His green eyes shift from the entrepreneur to the motley crew to the bartender. Finally, he shrugs and stares at his coworker, "I quit." His stare continues, as if to dare the bartender to challenge him or ask for him to surrender his uniform and stun baton.

The challenge is not made and Jim lumbers past the Duros toward those gathered at the bar, "If this is a waste of my time, you'll regret it."

2014-05-05, 04:05 PM
"If this is a waste of my time, you'll regret it."
Laikir just continues to smile, Arrogance mixed with stupidity... I love it... so easy to manipulate. So that's two. Myself as the techie and the pilot, some physical muscle in the Bouncer, the Bounty Hunter should be good with a blaster and sufficient in assisting with recon, and then Gru... whatever good he'll be. One more, preferably someone with intelligence and possibly connections, should round out the core of a crew. I can replace any of these guys that don't make the grade once we make out next port. Laikir will walk back over to the bar, acknowledging the chick for the first time. To Arn, Who's the girl? She have any discernable skills worth considering for our mission?

2014-05-05, 08:47 PM
Talia Azrah
Defense : fort 12, reflex 14, will 11
HP: 18 condition: normal

Talia turns around on the bar stool, her back to the bar she places her elbows up on it, she then crosses her legs at the knees. a pose that would look very good in a dress and pumps, but the heavy work boots and loose cargo pants throws off the look somewhat.

"Well it’s about time; I was beginning to wonder what it took for a woman to get noticed in a dive like this. Name’s Talia, I’m in the shipping business, the non-customary sort of shipping.”. She says with a wink and a grin.

I was just sharing a drink here with our mutual heavily armed friend here; he mentioned the possibility of work.

2014-05-05, 09:23 PM
Arn gripped Talia's small extended hand with his own and nodded at her. "Arn. The more people who know what they're doing the better." He'd never actually worked alongside a woman before, he hoped she knew how to use that blaster. He then grabbed his helmet from the bar and placed it back over his head. It would help him to look a little more intimidating at the moment, as he returned his gaze on the direction of the refresher.

As Laikir returned and questioned Talia's presence, he waited for the fast-talking girl to finish speaking before he said anything himself, but with a shrug. "She doesn't dance. And if a girl like her doesn't dance, she probably knows how to prevent people like hutts from forcing her to." Out of the corner of his eye he notices the bouncer lumber up to them. That duros moves pretty fast. Though, Arn does his best to not acknowledge him.

2014-05-05, 09:41 PM
The snivvian emerges from the bathroom and looks around at the newly assembled grin. He gives a self-satisfied grin, and suddenly seems a different person. He's still armed, but added to his getup is a Security Badge to excuse the armament. Overall, he seems surprisingly well put together and intelligent.

"The ships are on the outer deck, and we'll need more than this flimsy badge can get us past. I could take us straight to a ship - it's guarded, but there are ways past blasters," he says with a grin, "but I would hate to not be able to compensate you four for your help right off the bat. Maybe you'd be interested in a brief detour to a high profile client's...den? I can promise credits."

Jim, you also have a security badge. It doesn't have a lot of value, but it does serve as a justification for your weapons and people will tend to pay less attention to you.

2014-05-05, 09:53 PM
Jim makes his approach shortly after Arn restores his helmet, but catches the conversation between the two. The large man rolls his eye privately at the twi'lek's boasting. He'd met at least a thousand others like this woman, pretty as can be with plenty to flaunt; more often than not they got themselves shot if not their compatriots. The comically large blaster at her hip did little to dissuade him from associating her from the stereotype; she was most likely a larger danger to him than anything the Snivvian was worried about.

Jim unscrews the lid to his silver hip flask and takes a long draw before belching; his breath reeks of stale Corellian whiskey and tobacco. The knuckles gripping the flask are covered soldier tattoos. His eyes shift between the collected individuals as he place the flask back into his loaded toolbelt. "Korso," he grunts in way of both salutation and introduction to the collected miscreants.

His eyes shift dully towards his new employer and his eyebrow raises. "Who's ship is it?" he asks bluntly. He didn't mind blasters nor did he mind illegal activities, but Jim had no intention of needlessly earning the ire of Wheel mob lords.

2014-05-05, 10:06 PM
The snivvian pauses, uncomfortably, and then says "It's a small freighter. It's one of the first transport ships used by the people who are putting us - all of us - in so much danger. So there's really no reason to avoid their anger, is there?"

2014-05-05, 10:34 PM
Talia Azrah
Defense : fort 12, reflex 14, will 11
HP: 18 condition: normal

Talia, sits up and turns her attention to the snivvian, suddenly all business.

Wait, you want us to ‘jack a ship that’s owned by the very people who you claim are about to put us in danger, and you think that’s not going to anger them? What makes you think they aren’t going to come after us? Or worse, hire bounty hunters… err, no offense Arn.”

2014-05-05, 10:35 PM
The snivvian pauses, uncomfortably, and then says "It's a small freighter. It's one of the first transport ships used by the people who are putting us - all of us - in so much danger. So there's really no reason to avoid their anger, is there?"

Jim glares, his green eyes baring down on the small creature and his nose upturns as he flexes his shoulders. This snivvian was exagerating, if he ventured a guess...

Perception check [roll0]

2014-05-05, 10:57 PM
Laikir shrugs at Talia, As long as you can work that blaster and have at least one unique and beneficial skill, then you will do for the final recruit.

Laikir is inwardly very self satisfied with himself at the moment, outwardly he's all business. Once the Snivvian returns he will express his opinion on the detour, As long as the danger doesn't out weigh the credits, I'm not interested in dying or being captured for some measly payment. And on the way, we expect a few more answers, about who we're going to see and hat's going on. Regarding the ship, I can have it fenced for scraps before anyone knows it's missing. A freighter is great for getting us off this tin can, but it's not worth keeping.

2014-05-06, 12:14 AM
Arn offers a token nod to Jim after his crude introduction. During Gru's meager explanation and the rest of his compatriots objections, only barely nodding at Talia's comment, Arn simply keeps the unblinking visage of his helm pointed in the direction of the snivvian. Now was the time to get answers. If enemies were going to be made, he needed to know who they were and just how much influence they had. But more important was the money.

He clears his throat briefly before speaking. "The girl brings up a good point, and I agree with Laikir that we're going to need more answers. How much does the job pay, and who are we moving against? That won't break my involvement, but I need to know what to expect."

2014-05-06, 06:37 AM
The snivvian pauses, clearly uncomfortable with this line of questioning. "I can't tell you everything. I need to make sure you four take me with you. But what I can tell you is that the Wheel is going to be attacked, and it'll be attacked by people with enough resources that they won't miss one ship. As for the credits, I couldn't say just how much, but I know the access codes to a small-time Hutt's personal suite onboard here. She should have a couple thousand, at the very least."

Jim, you suspect that the snivvian more or less believes what he's saying, but you find it hard to believe that anyone would just "miss" a freighter.

2014-05-06, 06:56 AM
And this Hutt wouldn't have taken precautions against theft? A few thousand credits split 4 ways is barely enough for a new blaster, but maybe there will be a few items worth pilaging while we are there. Still, if he can deliver on the frieghter, then that could fence for a decent number of credits. Looking at the assembled crew, Does everyone have a weapon? Hopefully one they have some proficiency with? Laikir will wait for acknowledgements from everyone before continuing. If we are going to do this, then I suggest we walk and talk, last thing I want is for those traders or the barkeep to start talking about what just transpired in here and tip someone off. Laikir will look to Gru to lead the way.

2014-05-06, 09:26 AM
Well that doesn't add up... Jim scowls at the snivvian's response as he leans in and his eyes bare down on his employer with distaste and judgement, unsatisfied with the creature's excuse but unwilling to press further. The ship could wait; he was genuinely curious whom would be bold enough to attack the Wheel of all places. With a dismissive sniff, his intense stare shifts as he leans back and turns his focus toward the cantina's entrance and barkeep, maintaining the constant vigilance of a soldier.

Does everyone have a weapon? Hopefully one they have some proficiency with?

Jim furrows his wrinkled brow and glances down at the sheathed stun baton at his hip and then back up. "...sure," he shrugs.

2014-05-06, 02:17 PM
Talia Azrah
Defense : fort 12, reflex 14, will 11
HP: 18 condition: normal

Talia folds her arms under her breasts and gives the snivvian a skeptical look. Her Lekku twitch slightly, indicating that something may be bothering her. But instead of voicing any concerns, she pats her blaster.
" I’m fine". She says responding to Laikir’s question.

Something doesn’t track here. First this guy says the ship he wants us to ‘jack is a ship owned by the very people who are going to make our lives less than comfortable. Then he says that those people are going to attack the station with enough resources to not miss an escaping ship? So either these would be enemies are already on the station and we’re taking the ship they got here on; or he’s trying to pull a fast one on us.

she thinks to herself as the team begins to exit the bar.

2014-05-06, 05:02 PM
Arn glares behind his helmet. Something is definitely up. He doesn't see the con though. Unless it's robbing a hutt blind and letting this fledgling group take the fall. Not something usually done to a group of strangers this quickly, however. More careful planning should go into something like that.

Does everyone have a weapon? Hopefully one they have some proficiency with?

"I'm always armed." Arn says simply. He moves to take the rear position when the group leaves the bar.

2014-05-06, 05:24 PM
Jim keeps in stride with the group as well, allowing the snivvian to lead. He pauses as they exit the cantina, pausing to loudly hack up a collection of mucus and saliva from the recesses of his tobacco-blackened throat, storing it in corner of his mouth and finally expectorating the foul cocktail onto the floor of the entrance. He eyes his handiwork appreciatively for a moment, having a private thought before pressing on alongside the rapidly-collected crew, his lumbering limp not likely to accommodate gently for others to move out of his way. In a crowd, people generally tended to part for his massive form, not the other way around.

"If this is anything besides what you're advertising, snivian, I'll shove you out an airlock myself." Jim states this in a matter-of-factly tone, as if he were commenting on the weather.

2014-05-06, 07:07 PM
After you exit the bar, the snivvian leads you through the corridors of The Wheel. They are surprisingly crowded, and as you glance through doorways into gambling and partying areas, you see them to be surprisingly bare. The general mood - that of any casino - has shifted, to one of confusion and unease. Perhaps its the strangely present Elite Security Enforcers (above Korso's pay grade, to be sure) or the number of blasters at the ready, but there's no doubt that the Wheel is on edge, and few people know why...which only adds to the unease.

Gru seems unperturbed though, making small talk and watching the activity with a bemused expression. Eventually, after going up a few elevators and down a few shifty corridors, he declares that you've arrived. The entrance to the nameless hutt's suite is a massive, circular door, about 15 feet wide in a 20 ft. wide corridor.

Take a moment to act or compose the order of the group.

2014-05-06, 08:53 PM
The anxiety of the crowds in the casino put Arn slightly on edge, however the security enforcers what really caught his attention. Something big was going to happen, alright. He paid special attention to the mannerisms of the enforcers, and their loadouts, hoping to gauge the situation better from their actions, and how much of a threat they would be if it came to a shoot-out. After a moment of thinking about it, he also kept an eye out to see if they were being followed.

After arriving at the entrance to the suite, Arn crept his hand to the grip of his blaster and moved to the side of the door in the hallway, in a position to take cover should their be hostiles on the opposite side. "Are we expecting trouble beyond here, Gru?"

Perception: [roll0]

I wasn't sure if you wanted multiple rolls for that or not, so I went ahead and rolled twice just in case. If you only wanted one, take the first (or the better of the two!:smallbiggrin:), I guess.

2014-05-06, 09:11 PM
You don't observe yourself being followed.

"Right now, most of the guards should be out gambling, but the hutt himself could prove a challenge," says Gru.

You notice him moving behind the four of you, slowly, as if to take cover for, say, an impending firefight.

2014-05-06, 09:23 PM
As they walk and the the unease within the station becomes apparent and palpable, Laikir finds himself shifting his muscles to feel his hidden blaster. Laikir is torn, on one hand Gru apparently was telling the truth, which instilled come confidence that they weren't being lead into a trap, on the other hand, he was not very happy that he was being forced into such a plan without having the proper time to plan. as they reach the door to the Hutt's suite, Laikir will draw his hold-out pistol, check its power status, and stand back behind the bruisers, I'm useless in a hand to hand fight, and based on the size of her blaster, I'm assume Talia is more long range as well. Jim and Arn, you guys should probably lead the way, me and Talia will lay down cover fire if it's needed..

2014-05-06, 09:27 PM
Talia Azrah
Defense : fort 12, reflex 14, will 11
HP: 18 condition: normal

Talia notices the lack of gamblers or party goers and the extra security. Both of which puts Talia on even greater unease and her hand drops to the heavy blaster pistol on her hip.

Once they reach the door, Talia takes up position behind Arn, hoping to get some cover from the heavily armored bounty hunter. She pulls her oversized blaster from its holster and holds it with both hands.

“I’ve got a bad feeling about this,” she says,

2014-05-06, 11:16 PM
Jim feels a sense of dread settle in his stomach like a bolus of lead and bone. The large man snaps an angry glare at the snivvian as he moves to cower in the back, but does not change his position as the crew's front man; this was hardly his first time leading the charge. His green eyes dull in focus a bit as a memory plays through his mind.

Explosions. Violence. Bombs dropping in the distance sounding like fruit thumping against a roof, get closer and louder. Nobody knew if they belonged to the clankers or mission control; frankly, nobody cared so long as it didn't hit them. Men huddled in muddy trenches, their boots soiled with earth and gore. An officer shouting commands to a crowd that only heard constant thump of the closing airstrike. The same officer suddenly erupting into bone splinters and bloody viscera that slapped wetly against his helmet informed Jim of exactly who's airstrike it was.

The Corellian snapped back into reality and immediately issued a private curse; he had to keep focused. Reminiscing was good for one thing and one thing only: getting you killed. Jim's large, tattooed hand grips the haft of his stun baton, slipping it out of its sheathe and stroking its ignition; the baton's head arcs with electricity and crackles loudly while the stench of ozone fills the room. "Party time."

2014-05-06, 11:47 PM
The Mandalorian smirked at Talia's comment. He had a good feeling about this one. Just thinking of the gain in fame at robbing a hutt and leaving in the blink of an eye actually made him slightly giddy. Arn actually pulls out his blaster carbine at this point, unfolds the stock and double checks that the power pack is charged. His hand hovers over the stun setting for a moment before switching it on. Not looking to rack up a body count until they use deadly force.

He turns his head towards where Korso is standing and nods at him, mistaking his reverie for hesitation. "I have your back. Get the door when you're ready."

And assuming we need it...
Inititiative: [roll0]

2014-05-07, 05:22 PM
Gru opens a control panel, enters a few numbers, and then jumps back to his previous position. The door rolls open, and the sight that greets you is not at all what you expected.

The suite itself is nice enough: large, considering it's on a space station, spacious, and dominated by a podium upon which the Hutt likely gave orders or commands to his lackeys. Around the podium are four plush seats, likely for the Hutt's second in command.

The rest of the suite consists of a small bar in one corner, a few tables and chairs for those ordering drinks from the bar, and a cage in the lefthand corner designed to hold slaves.

They are all dead.

The Devaronian bartender's head is lying on the tabletop, and you can only guess the rest lies in a bloody heap behind the counter. A total of six assorted Trandoshans, Gamorreans, and Snivvians lie in pieces throughout the tables, and in one of the seats surrounding the podium a robed Rodian lies dead, impaled through his chest. In the corner, the cage has been opened, although surprisingly, not by force.

The most shocking sight is the Hutt though. It is hard to imagine how much blood his bloated form could contain, and all of it has been spilled, drenching the fine carpeting and spreading the Hutt into several pieces, draped on what was once the throne of a tiny criminal kingdom.

Gru drops his blaster and runs into the room, shouting "Bel-ru! Bel-ru" over and over again.

Note that the wounds are too gruesome to have been inflicted by a ligthsaber; none of the cuts are clean, nor have they been cauterized.

2014-05-07, 09:33 PM
Jim growls and his grip tightens about the haft of the electrified rod, his wrist twisting to flourish the weapon threateningly. He kneels briefly to pick up Gru's discarded blaster. Blaster in his off-hand, he slowly lumbers into the room, after Gru charges in. His senses sharpen as he feels adrenaline overcharge his system, his muscles tensing and his defenses prepared.


If nothing makes its presence immediately known, Jim would step past the threshold into the bloodbath and approach the nearest body. He takes a moment to investigate the corpse and attempt to discern more details regarding its death and, hopefully, a clue into what might have occurred here, besides a slaughter.


2014-05-07, 09:36 PM
"Wayii!" Arn immediately exclaims in a tone of surprise at viewing the carnage of the scene in the hutt's suite. There was blood just, everywhere. He had never seen butchery on such a scale before. His body's initial response was intense nausea, but he swallowed hard and refused to look like some sort of soft rookie in front of people.

He slowly steps inside behind Korso, who is moving inside the bloodbath, his blaster raised and ready to provide aid to his surly, fire-haired ally. He vigilantly scans the room for anything of interest from where he's standing by Korso. "I know of no hutts without enemies, but this is gruesome."

Perception: [roll0]

2014-05-07, 10:15 PM
Jim, you see nothing, but upon examining the body of a fallen Trandoshans hunter, likely one of the Hutt's warriors, you can discern that he was killed less than an hour ago, and clearly from wounds inflicted with a vibro-weapon of some sort.

Arn, you barely hear the faintest noise from behind the bar: something between a gasp and a squeal, but at an almost imperceptible level. Somebody is back there.

2014-05-07, 10:41 PM
Arn's eyes narrow at the bar. He taps Korso on the shoulder and then waves at Laikir and Talia to get their attention. He silently motions to point at his helmet where his ear would be, and then points at the bar. He moves as quietly as he can in a blood-drenched room towards the bar, blaster still on stun and at the ready in case of hostiles.

Stealth: [roll0]

2014-05-07, 11:32 PM
Jim just about swings his baton at the Mandalorian's shoulder tap, but fortunately checks himself. He furrows his heavy brow at Arn's signaling and he turns to gesture at Laikir and Talia, silently requesting that they shut the entrance door behind them. This was a crime scene and Gru's compulsion already forced tampering; no need to draw unnecessary attention. Furthermore, if there was a survivor, things could get even more complicated.

2014-05-07, 11:33 PM
Talia Azrah
Defense : fort 12, reflex 14, will 11
HP: 18 condition: normal

Talia follows Arn into the room, her blaster at the ready. She covers him as he heads to the bar to check. She tries to focus on her job and not the gore laying about the room.

Not missing the irony, she says, “Guys I think someone beat us here. “

2014-05-07, 11:36 PM
“Guys I think someone beat us here. “

Jim snaps a rage-filled glare at the twi'lek woman that threatens incredible rancor and vengeance, his hand snapping up to his lips to silently gesticulate the critical necessity of silence. The hand with the blaster raises in a pantomime of back-handing the woman, perhaps to further describe the repercussions of her actions should she continue her thoughtlessness.

2014-05-08, 06:52 AM
Both Talia's murmurs and Arn's rather clunky movements forward seem to alert whomever is there. A second later, with Arn closest to the bar, a wild eyed, blue skinned twi'lek girl pops up from behind the counter.

She is covered in blood, but doesn't actually appear injured. On both her wrists are the severed ends of a pair of manacles, marking her clearly as a slave-girl of the Hutt. Grasped tightly in her hands is a blaster rifle. She squeezes the trigger, firing a powerful blast towards Arn.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage (if she hits): [roll1]

2014-05-08, 07:24 AM
Horrified and shocked by the image in front of him, Laikir turns away, Well that wasn't expected. As the others make room in the doorway, Laikir steps in, looking into the all way to locate any witnesses before shutting the door behind him. While the others do what they do, Laikir will begin investigating the scene for what he thinks actually happened here.

As the slave girl pops out and fires Laikir will scream out, We aren't going to hurt you! We were here for the Hutt. Hoping the slave-girl listens to him, But not counting on it, Laikir will take whatever cover he can find and raise his blaster at the girl.

Gather Info: [roll0]
Initiative: [roll1]

Laikir will hold action until after Jim and Arn go, hoping the are able to subdue her without resorting to stunning/killing her.

2014-05-08, 08:11 AM
Arn yelps as the blaster bolt grazes his shoulder "Osi'kyr! Gev!" He then instinctively fires off a stun blast at the obviously panicked and frightened twi'lek girl. Hit or miss he immediately dives behind the nearest object that would provide cover from the terrified woman (I assume the bar itself?).

Initiative: [roll0]
Attack Roll: [roll1]
Damage (Stun): [roll2] (If a hit)

2014-05-08, 12:05 PM
Jim roars in challenge at the offending twilek and bears down on the woman, hopping the bar and landing with a loud thump. Though he'd like nothing better than pummel her until she stopped moving, his experience has taught him how to identify true threats from, in this case, the mostly harmless. He drops his blaster onto the ground as he attempts to grab the woman, preferring to pacify her as opposed to harming her. He attempts to hook her throat with his elbow while his newly freed hand would reach to grip the blaster.


2014-05-08, 01:40 PM
Talia Azrah
Defense : fort 12, reflex 14, will 11
HP: 18 condition: normal
Talia almost blasts the Rutian slave girl but Jim charges into her sights and she managed to catch herself before firing. He was mad at her for making a comment on the mess, she’d hate to piss him off more by blasting him. Besides that, friendly fire is usually a bad thing.

Suppose I should have rolled initiative earlier.
Either way, I’m going to delay my action, going last.

2014-05-08, 02:20 PM
Jim roars in challenge at the offending twilek and bears down on the woman, hopping the bar and landing with a loud thump. Though he'd like nothing better than pummel her until she stopped moving, his experience has taught him how to identify true threats from, in this case, the mostly harmless. He drops his blaster onto the ground as he attempts to grab the woman, preferring to pacify her as opposed to harming her. He attempts to hook her throat with his elbow while his newly freed hand would reach to grip the blaster.


((And I forgot to roll initiative of course. My bad))


2014-05-08, 07:57 PM
Before Jim can grab her, Arn's stun blast strikes her dead in the chest, and she collapses with a crash onto the floor, behind the table. You hear a foul squelching noise as she lands on the corpse of the bartender.

2014-05-08, 09:32 PM
After hearing woman falling from his blast, Arn stands back up, and moves to check on her, careful to grab her blaster and toss it towards the center of the room for someone else to pick up. "Well. Here's our panicked witness to the murders."

2014-05-09, 06:03 AM
She's injured, but little of that comes from the blaster - rather, she clearly spent her lifetime in slavery, perhaps all to this one Hut, abused and tortured.

You'd almost forgotten about him, but you hear Gru cursing loudly as he circles the dead body of the Hutt.

2014-05-09, 07:57 AM
Arn reaches down and picks up the girl from her disgusting corpse of a cushion and looks looks around for a clean place to set her. "I have a medkit if anyone is particularly skilled in first aid. I only know little enough to get by. We're going to need to question her, but hopefully out of this... place."

He then turns towards the snivvian with a steely glare behind his helm. Something was definitely up. "Gru. You seemed to be okay with us dispatching the Hutt before we came in. What aren't you telling us?" his tone nearing that of a growl.

2014-05-09, 09:13 AM
Jim takes the girl out of Arn's arms, her waif-like body coddled in the brute's huge arms. He pauses a moment, inspecting the newly formed carbon scoring on the Mandalorian's shoulder before nodding in silent recognition of the boy's battle strategies. He lumbers to a cleaner section of the room and slowly lowers her to the ground where can begin to properly assess the slave and perhaps undo some of the damage they've done. He retrieves his own medpac from his tool belt and lays it out carefully before beginning his practice.


His fingers are large and meaty, though they are steady and move with delicacy and precision. At some point in the process, Jim would pause to take a brief swig from his hip flask.

2014-05-09, 01:17 PM
Seeing the slave-girl go down, Laikir sighs, and stands up, Well... I guess it's better than some of the alternatives. At least the blaster was on stun. Having no ability to treat wounds, Laikir will use the skills he does possess, Everyone watch where they step and try not to disrupt anything, I'm going to start trying piecing together what happened here. And if someone sees a bag to collect the weapons and valuables toss it over to me. Laikir will make his way around the room, stopping at each body for an inspection, specifically looking for clues as to how they were killed, in what order, what they were all doing when they were killed, did it appear to be an inside job, was it a surprise attack from the doorway or window, does it appear as though they were attacked by multiple aggressors, are there any tracks or indications of the direction of where the aggressors went, etc. [Basically, Laikir wants to know the who/what/where/why of the situation]. As Laikir walks around performing his inspection (but secondary to the inspection) he will collect any weapons or items of value (basically, as he inspects a body he will check their weapons to see if they saw combat, but instead of placing it back where he found it, he will place it in a loot bag. Another example is a datapad, he'd boot them up, inspect the last programs run and look for anything interesting, then put it in the bag too. So he's looting, but only stuff relevant to the inspection. Laikir will wait to perform a full looting until after the rest of the party has dealt with the slave girl).

Gather Information: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

In case these are relevant:
Use Computer: [roll2]
Knowledge (Bureaucracy): [roll3]

EDIT: BOOYA!! NAT 20 on the perception and a very strong GI.... not so good on the other two though...

2014-05-09, 01:58 PM
And if someone sees a bag to collect the weapons and valuables toss it over to me.

Jim pauses in his treatment of the girl to raise his eyebrow at the opportunistic duros and the corners of his lips twitch downward slightly, "...perhaps, inspector, your investigation should begin with a more immediate source of answers...?" His tired eyes snap in the direction of Gru as he says this before returning once more to Laikir. "As opposed to robbing the dead."

His grim expression returns to the work at hand, assessing the girl's vital signs. "Their wounds indicate vibroweapons. Little evidence of cauterized wounds or carbon scoring. If there was blaster fire, it was minimal... which means that the guilty are very skilled, very quiet and very dangerous."

He pauses again in his work to look and hopefully capture the attention of Talia; he speaks firmly, but without anger, "There's a good chance that blaster fire attracted someone. Watch the door and make sure that nobody climbs up our ass while we're not looking."

Jim grumbles as he begins applying a towel to the slave woman, attempting to discern existing injuries from the blood already covering her, the majority of it almost certainly not her own. "What happened to you, little one...?" he growls quietly, half to himself.

2014-05-09, 02:20 PM
Laikir raises an eyebrow at Jim, Thanks for pointing out the obvious. Since the subtle, and multi-tasking, clearly evade your capabilities, why don't you leave the rest of the investigation to me. When you learn how to correspond more appropriately perhaps I'll educate you on these matters so you don't sound like such a buffoon in the future. Laikir will continue with his investigation, Sigh... I did the best I could on short notice... He can always be replaced in the future, just use him for his meat-headiness for now.

2014-05-09, 02:29 PM
Talia Azrah
Defense: fort 12, reflex 14, will 11
HP: 18 condition: normal

e pauses again in his work to look and hopefully capture the attention of Talia; he speaks firmly, but without anger, "There's a good chance that blaster fire attracted someone. Watch the door and make sure that nobody climbs up our ass while we're not looking."

‘Yeah, Sure” Talia says as she heads over to the door and takes cover around the corner, leaving herself exposed enough to see back down the hallway.


2014-05-09, 02:41 PM
...perhaps I'll educate you on these matters so you don't sound like such a buffoon in the future.

Jim does not pause in his focus on the treatment of the girl to look up, but he does offer a venomous riposte to the duros' rudeness, spoken loudly and boldly,"Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish."

Lifting a vial and needle, Jim's small eyes focus on the liquid within, his finger tapping out the bubbles. Reaching down, he inserts the syringe's needle into her arm, secures a vein, then withdraws the needle but leaves the tube in order to establish an intraveinous line which he uses to begin reestablishing her fluid levels, most likely reduced by dehydration and exhaustion.

2014-05-09, 03:07 PM
Talia Azrah
Defense: fort 12, reflex 14, will 11
HP: 18 condition: normal

When she reaches the door, Talia looks down at her heavy blaster pistol and switches it over to stun.
“There’s been enough bloodshed today” she mutters.

2014-05-09, 07:31 PM
The twi'lek girl comes to, with the help of Jim's oh so tender care, and her eyes open wide upon seeing her captives. She does not scream though, nor does she struggle. She has clearly been bred for submission.

Laikir is able to deduce several very interesting things about the situation: everybody seems to have died without a struggle, save for the bartender. Many drinks and glasses are broken there. In addition, every corpse besides him have a bottle or glass or flask of some sort next to them. To you, this suggests poison, which makes the visceral scene before you all the more gruesome. Perhaps it was unnecessary.

In addition, in the mess of the dead Hutt, you find a small computer chip-looking device, which is blinking steadily with a dull white light, obscured by Hutt blood. You attempt to interact with it somehow, but it has no visible buttons, nor a screen.

Meanwhile, Gru responds to Arn's questioning with a resigned look on his face:

"Look around you. You had no chance against these men." He gestures towards one of the felled Trandoshans. "Essang. Bounty hunter. He alone could've taken the four of you. You were going to be a final batch of slaves, before we fled." He sits down in one of the empty thrones and puts his hands in his head. "But all of this means we're too late. Everyone who's gotten away is away, and everybody still on the Wheel is dead."

2014-05-09, 09:28 PM
Arn allows the burly man to take the twi'lek girl off his hands, and pays no attention to his and Laikir's bickering. He begins a fast-paced walk to the snivvian, and sets his blaster back to lethal while aiming it at Gru. That was it, Arn only wanted a job, and the first thing to come his way was a lousy hutt's scam to collect a few more slaves. "Aruetyc chakaaryc! Give me a good reason why I shouldn't add you to the menagerie here!!"

2014-05-09, 10:29 PM
"Because no matter how hard you try to look it, you're not stupid! I'm the best chance you have to get off of this Station alive. Kill me now, and you're all going to die no matter what happens. Think about it! Worst case scenario, we all die, and I'm dead anyways. Best? I live, and you live." He swats at the blaster contemptuously, seeking to brush it away. "So unless you're suicidal, you can start pointing that hoojib-spacer at the real enemy."

2014-05-09, 10:53 PM
Talia Azrah
Defense : fort 12, reflex 14, will 11
HP: 18 condition: normal

“I say we blast him and get the blazes outta here!… I hate slavers.”

Talia says still guarding the door.

Perception roll again if necessary

2014-05-09, 11:43 PM
Arn allows the blaster to be swatted away from Gru. He keeps it at the ready, just not pointed at him. He nods in Talia's direction at her comment. "I'm likely to side with our pretty green friend, Gru. Now tell us what's going on. The truth. Do you know who killed your friends here? Are they the same people who are going to attack this station? And how long do we have?"

Persuasion: [roll0]

2014-05-10, 01:52 AM
Jim sighs in quiet relief as the girl comes to her senses, his large hand coming down to squeeze her shoulder. His expression isn't one particularly of concern, so much as satisfaction in a job well done. His eyes glance up as Arn begins to put the pressure on the Snivvian and his grimace returns. Still, he does not intervene, hearing the cowering excuses of their would-be employer, he's not particularly surprised. When Talia speaks her opinion, Jim wonders if it might be time to interject with a more tactful solution, but decides to observe a bit longer.

His attention returns to the diseased and helpless slave girl. With a sigh, he pulls a ration kit from his tool belt, unwraps it, and then offers it to the wounded girl. "Eat up, darlin'." If she doesn't take it immediately, he'll take a bite from it, chew and swallow, then offer it to her again, perhaps calming any suspicions she might have after watching a room full of killers and rapists get poisoned and murdered. If she still refuses his generosity, Jim will simply leave the ration in her lap and stand, so that he might have a better view from which to see the drama occurring at the foot of a diced-up hutt.

He plucks a cigarra from a rusted box in his toolkit and bites off its tip with his own teeth. Spitting out the end-piece onto the floor, he lights the tip and places the smoldering roll in the corner of his mouth. His teeth keep the cigarra in place as his large hands come to rest atop both his hips, black smoke curling out from its tip and his mouth, "If anyone's curious, the girl's awake." He eyes the snivvian as he continues, a jackal-like grin splitting his grizzly features, "Who knows what story she has to tell... if she knows enough, we might not need you alive after all..." He shrugs and turns around, squatting back onto the floor and readdressing the slave girl, "Hey there, honey. M'name's Jim. Nobody's gonna hurt you."

Persuasion/Intimidate for Gru

Persuasion for slave girl

2014-05-10, 02:58 AM
Jim does not pause in his focus on the treatment of the girl to look up, but he does offer a venomous riposte to the duros' rudeness, spoken loudly and boldly,"Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish."
Laikir shakes his head, and in a very condescending voice says, Well Medic, perhaps you noticed the lack of defensive wounds on our victims? Or Doctor, did you miss the fact that all these wounds appear to be post-mortum? Obviously based on Gru's reaction he wasn't aware of what unfolded here, meaning an investigation of the scene will yield greater immediate answers as well as verification of anything Gru might tell us. I realize that 'Cantina Bouncer' is a very intellectual job, and it requires such a level of wisdom and wit that you are able to know when someone tells you lie or truth about an event without having to know anything about the actual scene. Just admit you lost this round of mental banter, meathead, and keep your snide remarks to yourself. In return, I'll let you continue to pretend like you have a clue. Laikir will pocket the chip, with the intention of investigating it further once he had more time.

After hearing what Gru has to say, Regardles of whether you get to live of die, you won't be doing either armed. Toss me your blaster and turn out your pockets. If the others decide you can live and you prove to be useful and trustworthy then maybe you'll earn them back.

Laikir doesn't seem interested in the slave girl being awake at the moment.

2014-05-10, 09:52 AM
Gru tosses his blaster on the ground and takes a credit chip out of his pocket, sneering "You can kill each other for that." He doesn't reply to any of Arn's questions.

The slave girl, on the other hand, seems to relax a bit with Jim, and even takes a bite of the food he offered her. After a moment, she whispers "They'll come back. I know they'll come back."

2014-05-10, 01:06 PM
Jim silently grinds his teeth through Laikir's monologue, the beautiful imagery of hurling the Duros into a locker, tossing in a live grenade and closing the door running through his head. Outwardly, his face is stone, betraying none of the aggravation.

Jim had had officers like this; over-educated "intellectuals" with heads so far up their own ass they could taste their own bantha ****. He knew exactly how to deal with idiots like this: give them tasks and chores to occupy their distractible, over-analyzing minds and offer plenty of lip service to their insufferable egos. Vanity was such an ugly vice.

He keeps his back turned to the Duros, "You're the expert."

...not the most convincing deference given, but it usually didn't take much to satisfy arrogance like his.

Jim returns full attention to the girl. It hasn't escaped Jim's attention that the abused slave herself might be a suspect, though it was too early to tell. He keeps his free hand's thumb hooked about the grip of his stun baton while he remains squatted in front of her... Just in case.

His teeth clench the cigarra and black smoke puffs into the air above him, taking care not to blow the toxic smelling smoke directly into her face. "Who's comin'? And when?"

2014-05-10, 01:51 PM
She stares at him with wide, terrified eyes. "The...red...man." Suddenly, she becomes active flailing about as if desperate to get away. "He'll be back soon! The red man will be back soon and we need to get away. Please!" Tears begin running down her face.

"The girl is right," adds Gru. "We have to get away from now. And if she's talking about who I think she is..."

2014-05-10, 02:03 PM
Talia Azrah
Defense : fort 12, reflex 14, will 11
HP: 18 condition: normal

Men, can’t live with ‘em, can’t blast ‘em.

"If we’re going to stay, then I don’t suppose you two could call off your pissing contest for a moment and try to figure out what happened here."

Talia calls back to the group, still guarding the door.

Perception check

2014-05-10, 02:16 PM
As Talia sorts through the carnage, she finds about 2000 credits worth of assorted jewels and trinkets, but surprisingly, no weapons.

2014-05-10, 02:53 PM
Talia Azrah
Defense : fort 12, reflex 14, will 11
HP: 18 condition: normal

Turning back to her job guarding the door, Talia kicks something. Looking down she finds a small box shaped like a treasure chest. Looking in side it, her eyes go wide.

"Looks like "they" weren’t here for the loot." she says, showing off the box and it's contents.

2014-05-10, 03:05 PM
Gru shakes his head. "They wouldn't be. Not in change like that."

2014-05-10, 04:18 PM
Jim frowns as the woman begins to lose control and he places his hand next to her ear to snap his meaty fingers loudly, hoping to recall her focus. "Stop," he commands. He stands up and steps away to retrieve the blaster rifle Arn discarded in the wake of the twi'lek's surprise attack. He wipes the barrel across his thigh, clearing it of any gore it might have collected while laying on the ground. In a practiced and military fashion he discharges the rifle's energy pack, checks its remaining life, plants it back into the slot, clicks off the safety and nestles its stock into the crook of his arm.

"I'm inclined to believe you, Mr. Gru." He glances from Talia to Laikin to Arn, "Things are moving fast and we don't have all the answers yet; we'll find them soon enough. In the meantime, we should find a safer, less-conspicuous place from which to plan our next movement." The man's massive weight shifts from his right leg onto his black, sturdy prosthetic and the his tongue rolls the fat cigarra from the right corner of his mouth over to the left, where his yellow teeth cinch down once more to clench its butt. "You may all go your separate ways from here, if you like; I won't even ask for a cut from that box. But the snivvian and the girl are staying with me." He states this last part in a factual tone, not a suggestive.

Jim tilts the blaster's barrel up towards the ceiling, its stock resting against his hip, while his free hand plucks the cigarra out of his mouth and he exhales a black plume of smoke into the air. "I'm getting off this station alive. Are you in or are you out?"

2014-05-10, 04:32 PM
Talia Azrah
Defense : fort 12, reflex 14, will 11
HP: 18 condition: normal

Talia glares at Gru for a moment, his comment not going unnoticed.

“I’m in,” she says, “We could head to a cantina, they were looking pretty empty, shouldn’t be too hard to find some privacy, or we could hit the docks and see if there’s anything flyable there we could make off with.”

Talia closes the lid and tucks the small box under her arm.

2014-05-10, 08:37 PM
Gru shakes his head. "The docks will be closed by now."

2014-05-11, 05:01 AM
Arn gives Gru as hard a stare from behind his helm that he can muster, but it was obvious he wasn't going to listen to him. Arn seriously thought about shooting him in the leg to get him to talk, but then they'd have to end up carrying him and nobody, most of all Arn, wanted that. He listens to everyone voice their opinions, one by one, and finds himself staring blankly at them. He carefully folds the stock of his carbine and puts it in its place on his back, then folds his arms and lets out a long, drawn out sigh.

He finally nods at Korso. "Looks like I'm tagging along," he began, "no jobs for me so far. Only failed hutt cons. And you're right, we need to get out of here. Cantina sounds fine, since the docks are closed." he turns to look at Gru again, his voice lowering to a growl once again with a hint of sarcasm. "Unless our little burc'ya here knows of a more secretive place to lay low that isn't some sort of ambush." Arn begins walking towards the door, absent-mindedly rubbing his shoulder where the twi'lek girl shot him, while rubbing his boots on any part of the floor that isn't covered in a mess of gore in a small attempt to clean them off.

2014-05-11, 08:49 AM
You leave the site of the massacre, following Gru through backwards passages to a nearby cantina. It's completely empty when you arrive, save for a white skinned twi'lek bartender. He glances at the clearly traumatized twi'lek slave girl disapprovingly, but says nothing at your entry.

2014-05-11, 08:53 PM
Talia Azrah
Defense : fort 12, reflex 14, will 11
HP: 18 condition: normal

Once the group finds a booth, Talia makes sure she sits next to the slave girl. She puts her hand on her shoulder reassuringly.
*“Can you tell me your name? I’m Talia’zrah, everything’s going to be alright now.” Her head tails wriggle and writhe as she talks. *“Can you tell us what happened at the hutts' place?”

If she doesn't respond, Talia will try again in Huttese.

*Translated from the Ryl

persuasion check

2014-05-11, 09:29 PM
"You may all go your separate ways from here, if you like; I won't even ask for a cut from that box. But the snivvian and the girl are staying with me."[/COLOR] He states this last part in a factual tone, not a suggestive.

Jim tilts the blaster's barrel up towards the ceiling, its stock resting against his hip, while his free hand plucks the cigarra out of his mouth and he exhales a black plume of smoke into the air. "I'm getting off this station alive. Are you in or are you out?"
Laikir smirks at Jim, Since I put this team together for the explicit purpose of getting off this station your question is a bit redundant. However, I am happy to see your conviction to my mission is resolute, and that you're starting to understand why you were added to the team... As a guard and muscle, Laikir will indicate Gru and the slave girl. I do agree with you though, finding safer quarters is advisable. One smart comment out of three, that makes you far more intelligent than the average meathead, maybe there is hope for you yet. There's no mistaking that Laikir is goading the bouncer into continuing to make dumb comments that he can discredit.

When they arrive at the cantina Laikir will stand with his back leaning against the bar, thinking things through. Knowing he has questions that need answers, but seeing Talia attempting to connect with the former slave girl, Laikir decides Talia's immediate work is more important than speaking to the slave girl. Turning o Gru, So lets start easy. Who's the Red Man?

2014-05-11, 10:13 PM
She replies in Basic, with no further goading necessary.

"The...red man...? He...he was a man. He had this bright red skin...like...blood..." she breaks off into tears. Gru rolls his eyes.

"We're wasting time here. We need to get out of here before we're found!"

2014-05-11, 10:47 PM
Talia Azrah
Defense : fort 12, reflex 14, will 11
HP: 18 condition: normal

Talia shoots lasers from her eyes at gru before turning back to the girl.
“shhhh, it’s ok, he won’t find you here” Talia says, putting her arm around the girls shoulders trying to calm her down.

2014-05-11, 11:23 PM
"Everyone...except the bartender passed out. So the red man killed him first. Chopped off his head. Everyone else was already dead, I think, but he gutted them anyways. He was covered in blood, but it was hard to tell...because...because he was already that color."

She breaks down again.

2014-05-12, 08:51 AM
Arn has remained fairly quiet through the whole trek back to the cantina, keeping a paranoid eye out for anyone tailing them or anything suspicious in general. This has gotten heavy real fast. If the snivvian doesn't tell us something soon, I may just suggest we shoot him. Arn shifts uncomfortably when they return to the cantina, and tilts his head sideways at Gru at his exclamation. "Found? Get out of here? You said the docks were closed. How else are we going to leave?"


2014-05-12, 10:24 AM
"Everyone...except the bartender passed out. So the red man killed him first. ... Everyone else was already dead..."
Hmm... was that a slip of the tongue, or the mad ramblings of a destraught victim? Best to watch her more closely to make sure.

Laikir watches Gru while listening to the girl. Threatening the Snivvian with physical violence is something that Laikir doesn't believe will work against a henchman of the Hutt's, but Laikir did ponder if they could use the fear of the Red Man to their advantage. In a flat voice spoken to Gru, I tire of you telling us nothing except, "We need to get off this station". Unless you decide to start telling us something useful, such as who is this Red Man, who is attacking, perhaps telling us what they want, or maybe even letting us know how your employer was involved and why they were all killed, then I'm of the mind that we should just tie you up and leave you here for the Red Man to find. I'm particularly interested to know what would cause the Red Man to defile the bodies after death. Laikir will continue to lean against the bar and wait to see if the Snivvian decides to volunteer any useful information.

2014-05-12, 02:27 PM
Jim pauses at the bartender as they enter the underpopulated cantina and orders a round of a drinks: six corellian whiskeys. He closes his eyes as he waits for the drinks, his left leg throbbing. Wait a moment; he didn't have a leg. His thumb and index finger pinch the bridge of his nose and he growls.

It's been years, but the stump still feels freshly cauterized, like a raw, angry nerve.

He puts out the cigarra in an ashtray sitting on the bar as the tender finishes preparing the drinks, Jim takes the tray and limp-lumbers over to the booth of collected vagrants. He slides the tray on the table and picks up a glass with his meaty fingers, holding it up, "If we go down with the Wheel, we don't have to go down sober." He kicks the drink back down his throat and feels the burn distract him from the constant gnawing pain of his leg.

Placing the glass upside down on the table with a clap, Jim belches loudly. He picks up another glass and offers it toward the sobbing slave girl, "Take it." His eyes slant back towards the snivvian, eyebrows raised expectantly as he, too, is eager to hear more of this Red Man and even more eager to hear of how they might escape the station and whatever unnamed doom approaches.

2014-05-12, 07:15 PM
Talia Azrah
Defense : fort 12, reflex 14, will 11
HP: 18 condition: normal

“You know, I’ve always heard that Hutts were hard to kill and could eat just ‘bout anything. Considering some of the stuff I’ve seen them eat, I believe it. So whatever sort of poison this Red Man used on the Hutt must have been pretty nasty stuff.”

Talia says, taking the drink when offered.

2014-05-12, 08:03 PM
Arn, you see out of the corner of your eye a large human man, wrapped primarily in black cloth. He has curly, dark hair, and the look of a war veteran. He sits near you and orders a drink.

Perception Checks...
Arn: [roll0]
Jim: [roll1]
Talia: [roll2]
Laikir: [roll3]

2014-05-12, 08:09 PM
Laikir, you notice that the man is clearly concealing a weapon beneath his cloak - something bulkier than a blaster. In addition, the bartender seems very jittery when he delivers the man's drink.

2014-05-12, 09:06 PM
Talia Azrah
Defense : fort 12, reflex 14, will 11
HP: 18 condition: normal

“Hey I don’t suppose anyone’s got a lock pick we could at least get these binders off of our new friend here.”

Talia says, nodding sidelong at the still crying girl, her arm draped over her shoulders. Her attention almost entirely on the dancer.

2014-05-12, 09:42 PM
Arn does a double-take at the suspicious-looking man in the cloak. He scans him again, as there's been enough surprises today as to make Arn suitably paranoid. He folds his arms and leans up against the bar, and nods at Jim as he offers him the drink, but does not move to drink it just yet.

He shakes his head at Talia's question. "'Fraid not. Shouldn't be hard to find one in a place like this, though."

Re-rolling my perception check due to my talent.


2014-05-12, 09:50 PM
Arn, you make the same observations as Laikir.

2014-05-12, 10:14 PM
Jim sighs at Talia's pleas for aid and leans across the table, perhaps awkwardly to begin inspecting the manacles. With a cluck of annoyance, he lays the slave's arm out across the table, still oblivious to the armed man in the corner and begins laying his toolkit out, "Let's see if I can't fenagle these off..."

Takes a 20, assuming he's not interrupted. 20+6=26 + whatever bonuses access to a toolkit will provide.

2014-05-12, 10:18 PM
They clatter off. The noise seems to draw the attention of the robed man, who appraises the twi'lek girl.

2014-05-12, 11:39 PM
Arn quickly mutters under his breath, hoping only his compatriots can hear. "Trouble." The cloaked man was armed, close and eyeballing them far more than was necessary. He was obviously going to be more trouble on an already terrible day, and Arn was going to do something drastic. The mandalorian stands straight up from his leaning position and draws his blaster carbine from his back and goes to aim it at the suspicious man. "Drop your weapon, and you can leave in peace. I don't have enough patience for your sort right now."

Making a ready action to fire on the man if he does something hostile. I'm not actually certain ready actions are a thing in Saga?

Initiative: [roll0] (If necessary)
Attack Roll:[roll]1d20+3[/roll (If necessary and/or Possible)
Damage Roll:[roll1] (if necessary and a hit)

2014-05-13, 07:56 AM
Laikir doesn't drink the offered whiskey from Jim, choosing to keep his wits sharp in light of their present situation. He will pay attention to Jim's technique when attempting to remove the manacles.

Seeing the suspicious man enter, Laikir watches him, but considering they are on the Wheel Laikir doesn't immediately jump to any conclusions, especially since he's concealing a weapon himself. Just to be cautious, he does repositions his hand so he draw his hold-out blaster quickly. When Arn makes his hasty move and draws on the black clad man, Laikir will sigh to himself, Just so hasty.... Laikir will move to the opposite side of the man, drawing his pistol, but not raising it.

Laikir is going to move to a location where the man can not look at both Arn and Laikir at the same time, basically doing his best to give the appearance that the man is surrounded.

2014-05-13, 12:45 PM
Jim pauses in his work as he hears Arn's demands on, what Jim can only assume, to be an armed assailant. The large man falls quite still, his massive hand coming to squeeze the handle of the fusion cutter from his toolkit, still laid out on the table. He remains leaned over, prepared to turn around, charge and begin swinging at the nearby attacker the moment hostilities begin.

Initiative [roll0]
Attack [roll1]
Damage, under the miraculous circumstances the attack actually hits [roll2]

2014-05-13, 08:20 PM
The man stands, slowly, making no sudden movements. "Peace, friends. My name is Dake, and I have no quarrel with you. Give me the snivvian, and I will not harm you."

The snivvian shakes his head viciously. "Don't do it! He's lying to 'ya!"

However, none of you note any deceit in the man's voice.

2014-05-13, 10:32 PM
The man stands, slowly, making no sudden movements. "Peace, friends. My name is Dake, and I have no quarrel with you. Give me the snivvian, and I will not harm you."

The snivvian shakes his head viciously. "Don't do it! He's lying to 'ya!"

However, none of you note any deceit in the man's voice.

Laikir likes the man's approach, turning to Gru, You're a liar who tried to sell us into slavery, the only reason you're not dead by our hand is because we want a few answers first. Turning to the man, While I care little about, and truthfully prefer, seeing the Snivvian suffer, we still want answers, so why don't we start with how you know him and what you want with him.

2014-05-14, 04:15 AM
Jim turns around to eye the stranger up and down with a judging glare. His head tilts and he sniffs, eyes shifting from the man on towards the sweaty bartender. The threat apparently placated, he begins packing up his toolkit one piece at a time.

After Laikir's line of questioning, Jim follows up with another. "And how much he is worth to you." He turns around as he directs the question, hands placing themselves on his hips.

Jim was not particularly eager to sell Gru since the snivvian, for the moment, was most likely their best bet to get off the Wheel, but it was question worth knowing. Especially if Gru was "worth" a transport of the space station.

2014-05-14, 09:17 AM
Now that the man has not yet shown hostility, and may in fact want to do harm to the vile slaving snivvian, Arn lowers his carbine, but keeps it in hand. He allows Laikir to do the talking, since Arn's own mouth seems to not speak the same language as 'scum of the galaxy'. He tilts his head at Korso's question, however. Getting paid to get rid of Gru sounds like a square deal if Arn ever heard one.

Can't trust anyone on this damned place. I'd wager an entire mythosaur on this ending in shots being fired.

2014-05-14, 09:09 PM
Dake's eyes darken, dangerously. "You would be unwise to negotiate with me."

Gru is visibly trembling. "If you give me up, all five of you are dead!"

2014-05-14, 09:43 PM
Jim growls, his lips curling and his yellow teeth baring at the two threats. His stance shifts from one of a prospective business man to a threatened soldier without a lot to lose but with plenty of anger; his knees bend slightly and his body stance changes so that his shoulder points forward, making his natural bulk a smaller target. His rifle unslings from his shoulder to be gripped in both of his large hands and his thumb clicks off the safety, it barrel pointing dead at Dake's head "In that case, you've found a quarrel real fast, stranger."

Jim didn't like either of them, but of the two, he could assume that Gru was unarmed and thus, most likely so was the immediacy of his threat. On the other hand, who knew what this stranger had underneath his cloak.

Jim spits on the ground directly at Dake's boots, "Cross that line or draw your weapon, you're gonna be dead before your body hits the ground. Do NOT test me; I will win every time."

His weapon and his rage completely focused on this renewed threat, Jim's next question is directed toward the slave girl he's just recently freed from bondage; "You know this stupid sack of bantha ****?"


If Dake makes any more threatening comments, steps forward or draws a weapon, Jim will attack with the blaster rifle. [roll0]

If the attack hits, [roll1]

2014-05-14, 11:24 PM
Talia Azrah
Defense : fort 12, reflex 14, will 11
HP: 18 condition: normal

Seeing the situation unfold between the Arn, jim and the cloaked man. Talia slips her hand under the table and unclicks the restraining strap of her holster and gently slides the heavy blaster out of, keeping it under the table.

Initiative check if needed
Sneak check to conceal the blaster if needed.

2014-05-15, 05:02 AM
Arn breathes in through his teeth, exhales in a frustrated growl, and he raises his blaster once more at Dake as Korso raises his. He shifts his feet and scans the immediate area without moving his head for decent close buy cover should this turn ugly, though the bar is likely the closest spot. "This doesn't have to turn ugly, Dake. Answer my blue friend's questions and we might be able to reach some sort of accord."

2014-05-15, 06:59 AM
Laikir is a little surprised how quickly the cloaked-man decided to reaggrevate the situation after it was just defused, but given the man's tone, Laikir sees little option but to draw his pistol and point it at the cloaked man. Four on One, this guy better be very dangerous.

2014-05-15, 08:12 PM
Unfortunately, none of you see the bartender make a move. He seems almost reluctant, but in the blink of an eye he's discharging a hold out blaster pistol at Jim, the most aggressive of you.

Attack: [roll0]
This attack is made against Jim's flat-footed AC. If it hits, he moves -1 step along the condition track due to the bartender's dastardly strike talent (scoundrel).
Damage (if he hits): [roll1]

Initiative for bartender and Dake: [roll2]. The bartender acted in the surprise round, and none of you succeeded perception checks opposed to his stealth check for the concealed weapon.

2014-05-16, 04:10 AM
Arn's eyes go wide as blaster fire comes from behind them and at Redshaw. The barkeep's in on it! He immediately discharges his blaster at Dake. It looks like they couldn't be friends after all. "Korso, your severance package is garbage!" Arn darts to find a spot within dashing distance that would give him cover against both Dake and the bartender. If that's not possible, he moves to a spot to get cover from Dake.

I'm doing new rolls since conditions slightly changed since I last stated actions. If you don't like that use my old rolls instead.

Attack Roll:[roll1]
Force Point (Attack Roll):[roll2]
Damage (If a hit):[roll3]

2014-05-16, 09:35 AM
Shocked by the turn of events, Laikir doesn't wait any further for a diplomatic solution as he fires his blaster. As soon as the enery bolt has left the barrel, he topples a table to use as cover.

Laikir will first fire at the bartender, if the bartender has been dropped before Laikir's turn, then the attack will be against Dake.

Initiative: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2014-05-16, 01:35 PM
Talia Azrah
Defense : fort 12, reflex 14, will 11
HP: 18 condition: normal

Talia lifts her blaster up and over the table, firing at the cloaked man.

[roll0] (+1 due to point blank shot)

damage if i hit the guy
[roll1] (+1 from point blank shot)

2014-05-16, 09:51 PM
Jim releases a throaty bellow and the blaster's plasma strikes his chest, glancing his rib cage and leaving a trail of carbon scoring and dissolved flesh. Staggered only momentarily, Jim checks his aim and fires with the blaster rifle at the trecherous Dake.

"Eat slag and die, ****-sucker!"


Keeping the prepared attack and damage rolls from before, if that's okay with the DM

2014-05-17, 10:38 AM
Jim acts first, releasing a bolt of blaster fire at Dake. However, the blast careens to the side slightly, striking the wall behind him. Talia reacts almost at exactly the same time as him, releasing her blaster from cover, but although it glances the man's shoulder, it only serves to burn away some of his cloak and reveal a combat jumpsuit beneath it.

Dake moves before the bartender, quickly drawing from his robe a vicious looking vibroblade, stepping towards Laikir, and slashing at him with no intent other than to inflict as much damage as he can.

Damage: [roll1]

Because Laikir has yet to act, this is made against his flat footed AC.

The bartender also fires at Jim again, although it's obvious he wants no part in this fight.

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2014-05-17, 12:38 PM
Talia Azrah
Defense : fort 12, reflex 14, will 11
HP: 18 condition: normal

The heavy blaster barks as Talia takes a two handed grip and fires at the cloaked figure again.

[roll0] (+1 for point blank shot)

[roll1] (+1 for point blank shot)

Talia takes no penalty for shooting into melee due to precise shot

2014-05-17, 06:36 PM
Jim again bellows with equal parts anguish and anger as blaster fire particalizes a chunk of his armor and flesh. His blaster lifts so that he may aim down its sight properly, drawing aim again the largest threat in the room: the man with a vibroblade. But, oh, the bartender would suffer too. He would suffer very well.



2014-05-18, 10:00 AM
Of all the blaster's being fired, only Arn's blast finds its mark. It strikes Dake square in the chest, and he snarls angrily, but does not seem too shaken. However, upon seeing that, the bartender drops his gun and ducks beneath the bar, and Dake curses loudly. He will step towards Arn, provoking an attack of opportunity from Jim, and slash at him with his vibroblade. Simultaneously, Talia's third shot strikes Dake.

Ok, so this is the beginning of a new round. Jim went first, but missed, and is included in the first sentence of the paragraph. The bartender and Dake have the same initiative as Talia,, so I already accounted for her move from this "round", which struck Dake but did little damage. Next is Arn, and then Laikir, since Jim and Talia have already acted for this round.

Dake's attack against Arn: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2014-05-18, 10:31 AM
"Usen'ye!" Arn yells at the top of his lungs as he just barely dodges the whirling blade. He grits his teeth before firing off another blaster shot at the hostile man the moment he's able to again. "You should have chosen your battle more wisely!"

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2014-05-18, 05:36 PM
Laikir screams out in pain as the blade pierces his flesh. As Dake turns his attention away, Laikir will step back and fire his blaster at Dake's chest.

Laikir takes a 5ft step directly backwards, away from Dake

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2014-05-19, 06:43 AM
Neither Arn nor Laikir's attack makes contact, and Dake laughs contemptuously.

Jim is up!

2014-05-19, 08:00 AM
Frustrated with his inability to hit, Laikir fires again at Dake.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2014-05-19, 12:05 PM
Resisting the urge to charge and break the laughing villain's face in with his fists, Jim contents himself by aiming for the man's face with his next shot.



2014-05-19, 08:04 PM
Talia Azrah
Defense : fort 12, reflex 14, will 11
HP: 18 condition: normal

Talia takes another blast at the laughing, cloaked bad guy.

[roll0] (+1 for point blank shot)
[roll1] (+1 for point blank shot)

2014-05-19, 08:40 PM
Dake's laugh fades as the attacks all narrowly miss - he's getting lucky, and he knows it, but that doesn't stop him from chopping at Arn yet again.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Gru runs behind the bar at this point, a panicked expression on his face - he provokes attacks of opportunity all around, if any of you wish to fire on him.

2014-05-19, 09:22 PM
Arn grits his teeth and fires another shot at the laughing man, after miraculously dodging out of the way of the vibroblade.

Attack Roll:[roll0]
Damage Roll:[roll1]

2014-05-19, 09:51 PM
The blast strikes Dake square in the chest, and although he's still standing, he pauses, and then raises his arms in surrender.

"Perhaps I was too hasty...I would be willing to negotiate..." However, he seems much less panicked than you would expect, with the amount of damage he's been sustaining.

2014-05-19, 11:13 PM
"Drop your weapon, then!" Arn yells out, his blaster still quite trained on Dake, though he is holding his fire until there are more signs of hostility. He turns his head to glance at Laikir for only a moment, trying to see his wounds, and then glances to Korso. "You two alright?"

2014-05-20, 08:15 AM
Still in the heat of the moment, and angry at being attacked, Laikir takes one last shot Dake (aiming at Dake's extremities so doesn't kill him). Laikir will attempt to make the last shot appear as though it was a reflexive action before he realized that Dake was surrendering.

I assume once he surrenders he's flat footed?
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Deception: [roll2]

Whether he hits or not, Laikir will raise his blaster signaling he isn't attacking Dake further, before slowly dropping it back down and leveling it towards the bar, Bartender, hands in the air. Gru! get out here right now!. As Arn glances over at him and asks his condition, Laikir will shrug, I'll survive. Did anyone else get hit?

2014-05-20, 07:13 PM
Laikir's shot goes wild, striking the ceiling and sending a shower of sparks flying. Dake drops his vibroblade to the ground and raises his hands. "I will negotiate, but be warned. Harm me further, and you will be repaid a thousand times over. Now, you still have a chance to leave this station alive."

2014-05-20, 07:56 PM
His rifle still raised, the stench of his own burnt flesh still stinging the air, Jim steps forward. He keeps the barrel of his gun trained on the enemy as he moves and, when he is close enough, he kicks the vibrosword out of the way. He keeps the barrel aimed at the villain with one hand while his other does a quick sweep of Dake's waistband, seeking out holsters or other hidden weapons.

2014-05-20, 08:04 PM
Talia Azrah
Defense : fort 12, reflex 14, will 11
HP: 18 condition: normal

Talia will stop firing at the cloaked man, but she will keep her gun trained on him and ignore Gru for now.

“Everyone keeps telling us there are people trying to blow this tin can up. Yet nobody seems to know who or why, someone better start talking!”

2014-05-20, 09:29 PM
Jim, you find nothing of note on Dake's person.

Dake looks for a moment at Talia, and then says "The short answer would be slavers..."

2014-05-21, 09:08 AM
Laikir nods at Talia's comments, but more concerned that Gru hasn't reappeared he chooses to ignore the current conversation for the moment. Carefully walking around the bar, blaster held at the ready, Laikir will move to collect the barkeeps blaster, check him for other weapons, and make sure Gru isn't doing something underhanded.

2014-05-21, 04:18 PM
Gru is simply curled up in a little ball behind the bar, a few shards of broken glass sticking out from his arms, but nothing serious. Dake calls out mockingly "Protecting a foolish coward, are you?"

2014-05-21, 04:32 PM
Dake looks for a moment at Talia, and then says "The short answer would be slavers..."

Jim snarls and shoves the barrel of his rifle against Dake's cheek. The man reeks of sweat, burnt flesh and stale booze, giving demands through hissed teeth, his rage barely restrained, "Give us the long answer. Now." At this point, the large and angry Corellian was fed up with half-assed answers and vague threats. He was going to get to the bottom of this, even if he had to shoot his way to it.

2014-05-21, 05:13 PM
Laikir smirks as he beans Jim, Than was almost verbatim what I was going to say and do... At lea the and I are starting to get on this we page. Turning his attention back to Gru he will spew softly but firmly, Gru. Stand up. And return to the table. Now. not waiting no see if Gru follows orders, Laikir will turn his attention to the barkeep, Now why would you go and start a blaster battle? Turn out your pockets. Do you have any other weapons stashed around here?

2014-05-21, 08:19 PM
Arn keeps his blaster trained on Dake the entire time, practically hoping for another excuse to shoot him. He nods in Korso's direction. "A thorough explanation is in order, I think." Slavers they could handle, he thought. Just how many of them, though?

2014-05-22, 08:07 PM
Dake and Gru both jump for the full explanation at the same time, in an obvious attempt to curry favor, but the latter is quickly silenced by a death glare from Dake.

"A...criminal organization is targeting the Wheel. It's a lot of money, and a lot of very powerful people. I don't know why. I'm just a footsoldier, sent here to raise worry and concern before the takeover. I've been disabling ships, killing those too dangerous or well connected to take with us..."

I'm going to postpone the conversation with the bartender and Laikir until after this one, since it's of secondary importance plotwise.

2014-05-22, 08:33 PM
"A...criminal organization is targeting the Wheel. It's a lot of money, and a lot of very powerful people. I don't know why. I'm just a footsoldier, sent here to raise worry and concern before the takeover. I've been disabling ships, killing those too dangerous or well connected to take with us..."

Jim keeps the still blistering hot barrel of his blaster rifle pressed uncomfortably against Dake's cheek. He doesn't mind making the man sweat.

"Which people? How many?" Jim snarls as he begins his line of questioning. He doesn't pause for an answer before continuing, "How long do we have? How were you going to get off the station?"

And of course, the final and most critical of questions, "Why shouldn't I trim the walls with your brains, nerf-humper."

2014-05-23, 01:50 AM
Arn remains motionless, preferring to keep his weapon trained on Dake. "I'm going to have to echo my incredibly angry friend." He adjusts his grip on his blaster. "We're going to need to know just a little more if you want to be able to do more than crawl out of this cantina."

2014-05-23, 09:06 AM
"On the Wheel! Entrepeneurs, crime masters, corporate sector authorities all assemble here! If my organization gets a hold of all of them, that's leverage against the Empire and every other major organization in the galaxy!"

When he said "a lot of money and a lot of very powerful people", he was referring to the people onboard the Wheel. I just realized that wasn't very clear.

2014-05-23, 04:40 PM
Talia Azrah
Defense : fort 12, reflex 14, will 11
HP: 18 condition: normal

Talia moves to cover the door to the cantina, making sure there’s no more surprises, but still staying within conversation distance.

“So, someone’s trying to knock over the wheel? That's crazy, so crazy it just might work... wish I'd thought of it.”
she thinks for a moment and then asks,
“Let me guess, you were going to rob this place and ransom back the wealthy folks, taking those not worth anything as slaves?”

perception check to cover the door


2014-05-23, 08:28 PM
Jim's decision to end Dake's life is momentarily dissuaded, though he keeps the barrel smashed uncomfortably against the man's cheek as he waits for answers to the rest of his questions.

2014-05-24, 12:08 PM
Dake nods in response to Talia's question, and flinches slightly against Jim's abuse.

Talia notes nothing of suspicion in the doorway, and nobody seems to be approaching. If anything, it's unusually quiet.

2014-05-24, 07:46 PM
Talia Azrah
Defense : fort 12, reflex 14, will 11
HP: 18 condition: normal
“ Seems too quite around here, maybe we should go” Talia says, her blaster and attention still trained on the door.
Her head tails twitch with anxiety. Something doesn’t feel right.

“Hey, do you have a ship here?” she asks Dake.

2014-05-25, 02:22 PM
Dake shakes his head. "I was dropped here with a group."

2014-05-25, 11:03 PM
Arn shakes his head and sighs. Of course he doesn't have a ship. The Mandalorian was becoming increasingly agitated with this Wheel. "Well, that leaves us with our original problem. We still need to get off this place, and nobody seems to have a ship..."He trails off for a moment. His inner gears ticking away. "Hey. How many of your boss' men are coming here?" Maybe they could hide or barricade a place off until things cool down

2014-05-26, 01:25 PM
Talia Azrah
Defense : fort 12, reflex 14, will 11
HP: 18 condition: normal

Talia's head tails twitch in irritation, everything seems to be working against their little group.

“Right, of course there’s no ship." she says with a frustrated sigh,
Nothing seems to be going our way. You said you were part of a group, how many are there, and where are they?”

2014-05-26, 02:20 PM
"There were about fifteen of us, but we all split up with assigned targets."

Meanwhile, Laikir begins to interrogate the barkeep, but he's unresponsive and extremely jittery - even more so than you might expect after a firefight.

2014-05-26, 03:11 PM
To Dake, So you're... a mercenary? You must be since you don't seem to know anything about your organization. So what's the name of this organization? Where were you hired? What is the reintegration plan once your mission here is complete? And why would you come down here ahead of time to spread word of the attack ahead of time and lose the benefit of surprise?

Meanwhile, Laikir begins to interrogate the barkeep, but he's unresponsive and extremely jittery - even more so than you might expect after a firefight.
Laikir places his blaster right to the head of the barkeep, Have you heard what the others said to Dake? The same goes for you if you don't start responding and cooperating. Laikir will give the man a moment to let the threat sink in. Now... why did you fire on us? It was clearly an overreaction, so what are you hiding? Laikir will attempt to sound threatening, but for added effect, he'll start counting to three, if he reaches one he'll fire his blaster at the barkeeps arm.


2014-05-26, 09:18 PM
Dake ignores most of Laikir's question, replying only with "They wouldn't have sent us if it wasn't already too late for you."

The barkeeper though, panics, and caves immediately. "I...I pay him and his boss protection, ok? It started maybe a month ago. A lot of people here been feeling it. I knew if I didn't help one of his men, there'd be hell to pay. I'd rather take my chances with you four..."

2014-05-26, 11:16 PM
Arn raises his voice in a growl at Dake. "You're surprisingly mum for a man whose life depends on giving us answers to our questions. Are you willing to die for your boss? If we're as doomed as you say, it shouldn't mean anything for you to tell us what we want to know."

2014-05-27, 02:06 AM
Talia Azrah
Defense : fort 12, reflex 14, will 11
HP: 18 condition: normal

"If we're as good as dead so are you. You were set up, your boss is allowing you to die. So you owe him nothing, you might as well tell us who he is." Talia says, playing on another hunch, “That also means you were sent on a suicide mission.”

Persuasion check for more information?

2014-05-27, 08:53 AM
The barkeeper though, panics, and caves immediately. "I...I pay him and his boss protection, ok? It started maybe a month ago. A lot of people here been feeling it. I knew if I didn't help one of his men, there'd be hell to pay. I'd rather take my chances with you four..."
Laikir will lower his blaster and stare at the barkeep for a moment before finally nodding. And how long before someone scares you into taking your chance with them instead of us? Coward...
Moderating his tone, What's your name? And who is he?

Dake ignores most of Laikir's question, replying only with "They wouldn't have sent us if it wasn't already too late for you."
Very tired of having to drag answers out of Dake, but content with the information that Gru and the bartender can provide, Laikir confidently determines that they don't need Dake anymore. Turning his head to those interrogating Dake, It looks like we have a new and willing informant over here. Dake has proven to be of no use to us, and we don't have the capacity to keep taking prisoners. Kill him, so we can move on to more productive and willing questioning. It sounds like Laikir is dead serious.

Laikir will kill Dake himself if no one wants to risk the Dark Side Point. Currently the party has 3 NPCs that can't be trusted, only one could possibly be left behind (the bartender). At the very least Gru or Dake needs to die, and Dake is the more dangerous and less cooperative of the two, so he's my vote. Gru can be killed in the near future when his usefulness runs it's course. Simply put... we can't take everyone prisoner, and apparently these guys declared war on the Wheel, so they need to become casualties.

2014-05-27, 11:55 PM
Arn mulls it over in his head, after hearing Laikir's words. Shooting an unarmed man wasn't very sporting, but this man worked for a slaver, and had made an attempt on their lives. Given how evasive he had been in the questioning, Arn can only deduce that he was attempting to misdirect them or waste their time until reinforcements showed. He sighs slowly, and nods at Laikir, before pulling the trigger on his blaster.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]

2014-05-28, 09:55 PM
Arn's blast strikes Dake in the head, killing him instantly, and leaving a char mark on his temple. Gru looks on fearfully, but says nothing, and the bartender drops his head into his hands with a deep sigh.

"I dunno what the group is called, but it wasn't him who'd been lurking here most of the time," says the bartender, pointing at Dake. "He's just a backup man. Usual boss is a big fella. A Zabrak who goes by the name of Tokei. Red skin. Scary guy. He's killed a coupla roudy customers before, and the guy's always got backup. A lotta connections. I'd bet he's the one in charge of whatever this is."

2014-05-29, 02:18 AM
Jim's face keeps still and callused as Dake's warm blood splatters across his features. He lowers his rifle only when the man's body has fallen to the floor to lie still. With a sigh, he listens to Gru's explanation as he kneels and begins sifting through the man's pockets, looking for clues.

"Let's see if you can be more useful to us dead than you were alive."

2014-05-29, 09:08 AM
Laikir smirks and says quietly, though still loud enough for Jim to hear, Who's grave robbing now? There doesn't appear to be any animosity in his voice, although perhaps there is a touch of satisfaction in his rhetorical question. Turning to the bartender, We appreciate your cooperation, it makes things go a lot smoother. Do you know of any way or anyone who may know how to locate Tokei if he is on The Wheel?

2014-05-29, 02:02 PM
The bartender shakes his head, but Gru's face pops up immediately at the question, beaming. He's thrilled to be useful.

"Tokei? Red Zabrak? I ran into him myself a few hours ago! I can take you to him."

The bartender eyes Gru warily and mutters, "He never said nuthin 'bout no Snivvian..."

2014-05-29, 02:03 PM
Talia Azrah
Defense : fort 12, reflex 14, will 11
HP: 18 condition: normal

“ Holy!” Talia bursts out as Arn blasts the prisoner in the head. “You just… shot him… I mean, its one thing to kill when your life is on the line, but that’s just… murder!” Talia contiunes watching the body slowly slump to the floor.

2014-05-29, 02:17 PM
The bartender shakes his head, but Gru's face pops up immediately at the question, beaming. He's thrilled to be useful.

"Tokei? Red Zabrak? I ran into him myself a few hours ago! I can take you to him."

Laikir turns to look at Gru, And who says murder is senseless, It's nice to see you finally deciding to be... helpful. Laikir's tone is flat and unreadable as he weighs how much he trusts Gru. Dake wanted him dead, or at least captured, and they definitely weren't friendly. Dake clearly works for Tokei, so it's doubtful Gru gets direct help from him. Maybe he hopes to lead us into a trap and manage to skitter away himself unharmed in the process. Where did you see him and what was he doing? How many companions did he have around him?

2014-05-29, 07:39 PM
Arn sighs and shakes his head at Talia. Shockingly naive girl, given what he's assumed about her life so far. "I'd argue that you can't murder slavers and their cronies. Besides, didn't you say we should just blast the snivvian earlier when you found out he was a slaver?" He shakes his head and nudges Dake with his boot. "I'd have thought a pretty twi'lek like yourself would have had to gun down plenty of slavers in her life."

He then turns to stand next to Laikir, hoping his latest act might inspire a little more fear in these people as the duros continues to pry them for answers.

2014-05-30, 04:22 AM
Gru is almost eager now, his former sullen attitude having disappeared completely. "It was by one of the tables I was gambling at! In the south corner. He seemed to be alone."

2014-05-30, 05:39 PM
Talia Azrah
Defense : fort 12, reflex 14, will 11
HP: 18 condition: normal

“That was anger talking, this… this slaver tried to enslave me! You might not understand this because you’re human, but I’m a Twi’lek, half of my race has been sold into slavery, and the other half are the one’s doing the selling!” she says, practically spitting the word slaver.

“I value my freedom more than my life and I vowed a long time ago that I’d never be a slave. So anyone who jeopardizes that will have a hell of a fight on their hands. I have no love for slavers, but as far as we know, the guy you just blasted is responsible for saving our arses earlier, otherwise we’d be dead or enslaved right about now!” Talia finishes, anger and maybe a slight hint of fear in her voice.

with a sigh she says, "There's not much to be done now, lets just go."

2014-05-30, 10:39 PM
The initial response Arn offers Talia a very neutral "Mm." Maybe shooting the man was over the top, but it's not like they had a good way of incarcerating him. "I don't think he was the one responsible for killing the Hutt." He sighs. "But it's not like we had anything we could do with him. He was willing to murder us, and we had no means of locking him up. He'd just come back to try and kill us."

Listening to Gru, he turns to Laikir. "It sounds like we can approach the Zabrak, he has no back-up."

2014-05-30, 11:27 PM
Gru nods. "I can take you to the gambling tables he'd be at, just as soon as you take care of..." he trails off, and the bartender's eyes widen.

2014-05-31, 10:43 AM
Laikir listens to the exchange without getting involved, he'd had his fill of ideological debates for the present moment. Even so, he can't help but wonder why Talia would consider killing the slavers a deed worthy of him keeping his life, also, the slave girl already described Tokei as the killer. Someone really isn't paying attention to the finer details of the situation. Wanting to concentrate his mental energies on the matter at hand, Laikir turns to Arn, It's hard to imagine that he has no back-up, but we have the advantage of him not knowing we are looking for him. As long as we keep Gru out of his sight, we should be fine to monitor him. I still don't rule out the possibility that our little friend is attempting to walk us into a trap that would allow him to escape both the invaders and us. Laikir will look coldly at Gru as he says the last part. Laikir ignores Gru's last comment, partially because what to do with the bartender was already a concern he was weighing.

Turning to the bartender, Ignore him, signaling Gru. What are your plans now, and how can we trust that you won't turn on us the second another of Tokei's henchman enter your establishment?

2014-06-01, 06:47 AM
Arn offers a single, quick nod to Laikir. "Smart. We'll monitor him and see if we can't learn anything." He purses his lips in thought for a moment. "Perhaps if he's gambling, that would be fine cover for one of us to even engage him in conversation?" Arn had little talent for gambling, and it usually left him utterly broke. At Gru's ominous tone, he raises a brow and looks at the bartender. "Take care of what?"

2014-06-01, 02:37 PM
To Arn, Gru says "it's not like you can just leave him here!" while pointing at the bartender. And then to Laikir, he pauses, and then replies: "I think I have a better chance with you than with them." He gestures at Dake's corpse to accentuate his point.

2014-06-02, 06:45 PM
The bartender's eyes droop, and he answers with little hope in his voice. "I have no love for Tokei or his thugs, and there is no reason to give them any information they want. That is all the assurance I can give you."

2014-06-03, 01:35 AM
Talia Azrah
Defense : fort 12, reflex 14, will 11
HP: 18 condition: normal

Talia turns to the bartender and says, “Look, if you don’t want My Mandalorian friend here to blast you into a million pieces, then I suggest you listen very carefully. You now work for us. If you hear anything at all that may be of interest to us, you let us know, even if it seems like nothing, you let us know. Also we’re going to be using this bar as our base while we’re on the wheel. So it’s in your best interest to make sure that we’re not disturbed when we’re here and you keep a sharp look out for us… oh yeah, and drinks for me, my Mandalorian friend, the duros and the human are now free. “ she finishes, emphasizing the word Mandalorian.

a moment passes and shes says, "and give the girl a job." referring to the crying slave girl hiding under the table.

2014-06-03, 10:13 AM
Arn eyes the bartender warily. He's a frightened man, and while Dake was an admitted murderer, a man who sells drinks doesn't deserve death. Not the pragmatic choice, though. He eyes the bartender and makes note of his body language and his words, attempting to deduce if he's being dishonest or not. Though, he could be sincere here. And be quite sincere with the next di'kut to wander in and wave a blaster in his face. Arn smirks at Talia's grand assertion, confident that his helm is hiding it. "Betray this opportunity we're giving you, burc'ya, and won't regret it for long."

Perception: [roll0]

2014-06-03, 10:54 AM
Laikir lets Talia speak without undermining her, but she just didn't come off as bealievable to him, especially after her reaction to Dake's death. The thought of announcing where their headquarters was going to be, to someone with questionable loyalty, seemed like an insanely bad idea to Laikir as well. When Arn backed up her threat, Laikir felt a little better about leaving the bartender behind, he really didn't want to start racking up a monsterous body count of pseudo-innocents if it could be avoided. Packing up the anything remaining that he wanted to take with him, Laikir makes for the door, with no intention of returning to the cantina, if it could avoided, Alright Gru, lead the way.

2014-06-03, 12:22 PM
With that matter more or less settled, Gru begins to lead you back through the Wheel. The corridors are still full, but now people seem to have let down their guard against whatever intangible unease they sensed before. The gambling rooms are filling back up, and by the time Gru announces that you've arrived, the Wheel feels almost normal again.

You see Tokei almost immediately. He stands out, with bright red skin, and seems to be the center of attention at his sabacc table - at least four women, one of whom is a twi'lek, are clustered around him, ooing and "ahh"ing at his every move. This seems more appropriate when you realize that he's winning every hand. The only other players left are an increasingly agitated wookie and a male Falleen who is clearly struggling, and failing, not to lose face. The dealer is a tired looking Toydarian who's eyeing Tokei suspiciously. Surprisingly, Tokei is unarmed.

There are a few other, busier sabacc tables, as well as a lounging area in the back of the room where a Hutt seems to have taken up station - six Weequay surround him, glaring fiercely at anybody that glances in their direction. There are a total of six security guards in the room, all of them fully armored.

2014-06-04, 09:47 AM
Laikir doesn't like, nor understand, the sudden changes in everyones behavior, but he considers it a true testament to the power of greed and sloth when it's left unchecked. Greed is good, as long as it's kept in reign by tight discipline standards. Seeing Tokei, Laikir considers their options, I was never very adept at sabacc... especially against someone who is obviously cheating. Looking around the rest of the room, Laikir's gaze lingers for a minute on the Hutt. Gru, what can you tell us about that Hutt? Any relationship to your former master?

2014-06-04, 06:13 PM
Talia Azrah
Defense : fort 12, reflex 14, will 11
HP: 18 condition: normal

Entering the gambling din, Talia scans the room quickly, then heads over to the bar and finds a seat with her back to the crowd, but with a mirror allowing her to see the whole room without looking like she’s watching the place. Her head tails writhe in irrigation and she unconsciously rubs her nose. Once she takes her seat, she begins to chat up the bartender.

perception roll

2014-06-05, 12:42 AM
Arn's first instinct was to follow Talia to the bar, but he decides against it. I hope she has a good plan, because she didn't share it. He remains with Laikir and Gru and keeps an eye out for any indications of trouble. Seeing Tokei at the sabacc table, he inwardly groans. "And I hope we have a plan that doesn't involve joining his game. I've never had a talent for cards." He mutters under his breath. "Seems only good for throwing credits away, if you ask me."

2014-06-05, 07:22 AM
"And I hope we have a plan that doesn't involve joining his game. I've never had a talent for cards." He mutters under his breath. "Seems only good for throwing credits away, if you ask me."
Quietly to Arn, Sabacc was never my game of choice either. Six guards in the room, six guards with the Hutt, and another Hutt dead already. I'm hoping we can use this hutt and his guards in a diversion. Laikir looks down to Gru, waiting for any information that he knows about the Hutt in the room.

2014-06-05, 12:48 PM
Gru nods at Arn. "Could be. That's Daneranga the Hutt. Big deal out here. He runs most of the criminal network from Bakura to Greater Javin to Harrin. Periphery stuff, sure, but the man - er, Hutt - is powerful. 'Course, he's on the other side of the galaxy from where he operates. Strange. But I can't imagine he'd willingly ally himself with an organization outside the Hutt Cartels."

Talia, meanwhile, finds the bartender to be quite cheerful and eager to talk, but nonetheless completely useless. He seems to know nothing of importance whatsoever.

2014-06-06, 12:59 PM
Gru nods at Arn. "Could be. That's Daneranga the Hutt. Big deal out here. He runs most of the criminal network from Bakura to Greater Javin to Harrin. Periphery stuff, sure, but the man - er, Hutt - is powerful. 'Course, he's on the other side of the galaxy from where he operates. Strange. But I can't imagine he'd willingly ally himself with an organization outside the Hutt Cartels."
That doesn't actually answer the question. is he friend or foe of your former employer? Is your bosses death something we can use to help us push Daneranga in a reaction of our choosing?

2014-06-06, 09:36 PM
Gru gives an exasperated shrug. "Friend? No. But they probably relied on each other in business, so I can't imagine he'll be too happy. No Hutt wants to see his own kind in danger."

2014-06-07, 08:17 AM
Arn thoughtfully rubs the haft of his stun baton, but quickly ceases upon thinking of the impression that must be giving. "So how do we want to use the news of the other dead hutt? Awful lot of muscle here, and if we could get them to figure out Tokei offed the other hutt, that'd be one heck of a diversion."

2014-06-08, 07:57 PM
Talia Azrah
Defense : fort 12, reflex 14, will 11
HP: 18 condition: normal

Returning from the bar, Talia says
“Well he’s cute but useless. You find anything out?”

2014-06-09, 08:48 AM
Frustrated at not seeing the answer to his problems, Laikir looks around the room, How do I use this Hutt most effectively? Turning to Arn, I guess I am torn, do we want the Hutt to cause a disturbance allowing us a chance to capture Tokei, or do we want the Hutt to try and capture Tokei directly, let them kill each other off, and then we can pick over the pieces? Anyone have a preference?

2014-06-09, 09:37 AM
Frustrated at not seeing the answer to his problems, Laikir looks around the room, How do I use this Hutt most effectively? Turning to Arn, I guess I am torn, do we want the Hutt to cause a disturbance allowing us a chance to capture Tokei, or do we want the Hutt to try and capture Tokei directly, let them kill each other off, and then we can pick over the pieces? Anyone have a preference?

Arn shakes his head at Talia as she returns to them. "'Fraid not. Deciding on how to use our information." He turns back to Laikir. "That's also assuming we can convince the hutt, and he doesn't just assume we're the ones who did it if we come to him with the news. And other than Gru here..." he eyes the snivvian with a glare behind his helm "...All we have is a rattled slave girl to corroborate our story." He shakes his head. "Not good odds." He sighs. "I wish we had more information about all this before diving in. I'd really like it if we could somehow just get Tokei alone...." Arn glances at Talia, and then at the girls fawning over Tokei, attempting to gauge their overall attractiveness in comparison to his twi'lek friend.

I'm not sure if you even want a roll for something like this, or if it requires one, but just tossing one out to be safe. But just seeing how Talia's beauty compares to the other girls.


2014-06-09, 10:39 AM
Laikir grins, That's not a bad idea, assuming Talia is willing to play along. Jim and Arn can lay in wait to ambush Tokei, I can keep an eye on Talia and tail their movement. We would just need a place that is reasonably close to lay the trap.

2014-06-09, 09:03 PM
Arm determines that it's reasonable for Talia to mingle in with Tokei's groupies based on her attractiveness.

What an odd perception roll...

2014-06-11, 05:25 PM
Talia Azrah
Defense : fort 12, reflex 14, will 11
HP: 18 condition: normal
Talia’s eyes widen and realization dawns on Talia’s face as she comprehends what Arn and Laikir. A firm look crosses her face and she crosses her arms under her chest. Then her features relax and she lets out a sigh of resignation.

“Well ok… if I’m going to do this, then I’ll need more appropriate clothes. Fortunately we know someone. Why don’t one of you secure a back room or something while the other keeps an eye on our mark. I’m going to go back to the bar and change."

She then leaves the casino and heads back to the bar where they left the slave girl.

2014-06-11, 08:56 PM
The slave girl is a little surprised you want her *silver* bikini! but she exchanges clothes without a fuss. The trip there. And back takes little time, and passes without incident, although your companions find themselves drawing a few askew glances.

I took the liberty of extrapolating your intentions. If I was totally off, I'm alright with changing of course. It just feels like we need some momentum.

2014-06-11, 11:51 PM
Arn utters to Laikir under his breath. "We're drawing a few glances, maybe we should get that back room like Talia mentioned, or clear out until she comes back." He clears his throat. "The only thing I look suited for in this environment is hired muscle, so I'm standing out." He waits for Laikir's decision on the matter, and follows through with whatever he chooses.

When Talia comes back it takes every ounce of strength and discipline not to cat call her. He smirks behind his helm at the very least, however. He doesn't approach or acknowledge her, though, with this plan they should probably not look like they know one another at this point.

2014-06-12, 11:33 PM
Talia Azrah
Defense : fort 12, reflex 14, will 11
HP: 18 condition: normal

Talia returns to the casino in a shiny silver bikini. The bikini highlights her “assets” nicely. She is holding her blaster pistol in its holster with the belt wrapped around it, She passes her bundle off to one of the others and heads over to the small crowd of onlookers then disappears into it.

After a few minutes she reappears at the zarbak’s side, she’s holding his arm and the elbow and draping one of her brain tails over his shoulders while he gambles, She whispers something in his ear.

Persuasion check to get Tokei to come with me.

2014-06-15, 04:58 PM
Tokei grins devilishly, and gets up to follow her after another few hands of sabacc. The other girls pout mildly, but don't put up a fuss.

2014-06-16, 09:03 AM
Laikir nods to Arn, We need to find a place to ambush him anyways. I'll stay here and watch him to make sure he doesn't disappear on us. You take Gru and find a place to lay in wait. Let me know when you have a location and I'll find a way to steer Talia in that direction. Thinking it's as good a plan as any, Laikir will try to settle himself into his surroundings, by buying a drink at the bar.

When Talia comes back, he'll take her bundle (and if Arn has already found an acceptable place and relayed it to Laikir, he will relay it to Talia). Laikir will then casually observe Talia's efforts and keep a watch for potential reinforcements. When Tokei takes the bait and leads Talia away, Laikir will begin to follow them.

This plan assumes that everyone has a short range com link... if not, then we might have a problem.

Deception to Fit in: [roll0]
Stealth to Follow: [roll1]

2014-06-17, 09:14 AM
"Sounds good." Arn nods, then looks down at Gru. "Well, fuzzy, looks like you're comin' with me. You best know how to keep out of sight." He says in a neutral tone of voice. The Mandalorian leaves with the snivvian in tow, making sure to keep Gru within eye-shot at all times. Arn begins to look for a private and secluded spot to lie in wait for Tokei and Talia. He will proceed to contact Laikir via comlink when, or if, he finds one.

Arn is looking for a preferably dark, secluded spot that would be ripe for an ambush, maybe where the lights aren't working so well or some such, and there's no people in the immediate vicinity. If he finds such a place, he wants to be able to hide very nearby for their intended ambush.


2014-06-17, 09:30 PM
Tokei follows Talia to their destination, seemingly oblivious to the danger he's in.

Talia? This is largely on you...

2014-06-18, 01:40 PM
Talia Azrah
Defense : fort 12, reflex 14, will 11
HP: 18 condition: normal
With Tokei in tow, Talia leaves the casino, keeping up her playful attitude towards the zabrak, trying to keep his attention on her and not his surroundings. She tries to keeps an eye out for her allies.
Once she spots their hiding place, she starts steering Tokei that direction.

Persuasion to keep him interested
Perception to spot the others

2014-06-26, 08:29 PM
Talia successfully leads a seemingly oblivious Tokei towards the suite. He acts pleasant enough, but when the rest of the party appear in the suite he doesn't seem surprised.

Intitiative: [roll0]

2014-06-28, 02:11 PM
Talia Azrah
Defense : fort 14, reflex 16, will 13
HP: 18 condition: normal

Talia takes cover as soon as the fighting breaks out, being unarmed and not trained in hand to hand, there’s not much she can do.


2014-06-30, 12:24 AM
Pulling one of the regular Blasters out of the loot, Laikir approaches Tokei from his tailing position, ready to block his escape.

Initiative: [roll0]

2014-07-01, 03:38 PM
While waiting, Arn takes cover behind anything that might provide it in the suite, and readies his blaster carbine to aim and fire at Tokei.
