View Full Version : ArendK's Black Hand of General Disarray (a RHoD thread)

2014-05-04, 02:36 PM
As it stands, I'm working on rebuilding RHoD into Golarion using Pathfinder only rules with maybe the addition of the upcoming Path of War supplement; depending on how that goes, I may allow the ToB from 3.5 with a few tweaks to fit the slightly different rules for skills. I know there is a massive thread for RHoD that covers a lot of things, but going through it, I have my own thoughts and wanted to share them.

Using the infamous Hero-Lab, I started going through and re-making a lot of the NPC's in my own view of their role.Saarkith is a full hobgoblin ranger, no regular goblin schtick, Kharn has been kicked around as an Oracle of Battle, a Cavalier, and a Warlord/Crusader (not multiclassing, but either one). The Ghostlord is pretty much the same, just more emphasis on flavor and playing up the lion end of things.

For instance-potentially a pair of werelion body-guards/servants bound to him. He'd have his own twisted form of his wild shape turning him into a monstrous lion and doing evil druid lich stuff.

I also looked into the Mythic rules; does anyone have any experience with how that actually affects gameplay at the table? I could see a lot of interesting ways to see encounters go very over the top with the PoW/ToB rules alongside the Mythic rules. And with RHoD, is there anyone who has used the Mythic rules in a remake? And would you apply any of these to one of the Wyrmlords or dragons?

My truly biggest hiccup is a finding a good spot that I can use the little included map in the module for. Based off everything, I think Cheliax is the best spot that I can find that is as close as I can get. Does anyone have any other better spots that they can see?

For the Wyrmlords, I'm looking at what they each bring to the table and how that can be altered or improved upon.
Kul is the spiritual leader and the lynchpin to the group; even a bunch of goblins worshipping Dahak need someone to rally behind spiritually to go on their "Crusade." Cleric seemed to be the most logical route, though I could stretch it to see how an Oracle would go (but what Mystery?)

Kharn I see as the Battlefield Commander of the group; a tried and tested warrior who values his soldiers, the objectives, and honor. He fought from the lowliest ranks (I have a build of him that uses 3 levels or so of the Phalanx fighter, which is what the Hobgoblin Veterans are throughout the campaign) and eventually focused more on his honor and mounted combat/leadership (Cavalier). I could also see him as a fine Magus/Myrmidarch. Using a lance (refluffed as a giant spear), if he is dismounted from his Dire Tiger mount (refluffed as a really big worg) he is able to keep foes at bay with shield bash and control the area around him with his extended reach.

Stormcaller I was torn about; I really like the idea of her being the morale/spy/weather specialist. But I can't find a way in Pathfinder to get those same abilities on her without dipping into 3.5. When she isn't being carried or doing Secret Squirrel stuff for the Wyrmlords, she's riding the ranks and boosting morale through traditional hobgoblin marching chants and beats. Alternatively, I have her as a Witch with a focus on performing and social skills alongside her Elemental/Storm based Patron/Hexes.

Saarvith I have as a Ranger at the moment, with a focus on archery and stealth as well as mounted combat. Part of me wants to leave him at that, but another part wants to add something with a bit more...style to equation. Part of me wants to say Ninja, but I don't know how I feel about that.

Koth I'm torn between doing him as one of the dragon-blooded sorcerers or an infernal one. Nothing complicated here.

Hopefully, this will get some traction and generate better ideas than what I came up with.

2014-05-04, 04:51 PM
One of my first DMs was a guy at summer camp who ran Dark Sun and Dragon Mountain. Adventurers often walk in on wrecked places, and in Dark Sun that's even more likely. One day, we realized that he would always use the phrase "in shambles" to describe just about every room we walked into, ever. We gave him some crap about this, in a friendly way, and after a few minutes he began to believe that okay, maybe he did overuse the phrase.

Later that session, we walk into a room, and he says, "yeah, and the furniture is wrecked, and the whole place is in..." he trails off, realizing what he's about to do, and that he's now in a sort of grammatical trap, because he's just said "the whole place is in" and he needs to follow that with something. And then he gets this amazing look on his face, part pleased with himself, part ashamed at what he's had to resort to, almost the sort of expression you see on a particularly terrible punster. And he finishes with:

"...a state of general disarray."

Hadn't thought of that in ages. Thought I'd share.

2014-05-05, 04:29 AM
I picked the name more out at random since from the looks of it, very little except the general framework is going to be the original module. I always remember the South Park episode where Butters(?) becomes the super-villain Captain Chaos, and along with his side-kick General Disarray. That always made me chuckle.

If I get some interest, I have no problem posting my creations here and letting them get critiqued.

2014-05-05, 02:44 PM
Hate for the double-post, but here goes; more updates/changes.

I started rebuilding the lower minions of the Horde. I did the Goblin Worg Riders as Ranger 2/Fighter 2 riding a standard worg. Nothing really special there.

The Doom Hand Monks I saw some potential for. Yes, I know, monks are unoptimal, but bear with me. My groups typically aren't crazy munchkins, so a monk well built can challenge their brutes.
I built a monk picking up the Dragon Style chain, not counting the roar (cool, but not the flavor I'm looking for). It seemed a good thematic fit between that and the Boar style. I contemplated MoMS, but didn't want to cough up the flurry and have to spend a feat on TWF to get that second attack back.

I noticed the Doom Hands had a lack of stealth on the team, so I built the Doom Hand "Shadow" a ninja classed mook with the double chained kama (DM fiat the proficiency for it since there is no real plus to having it beyond flavor) and the wakizashi. Almost entirely reliant on Ninja tricks for stealth and combat (Fast Stealth, Vanishing Trick, Acrobatic Master, and the Shadow Clone), I figured an upgraded one of these bad-boys could be a feasible assassin against Jaarmith in Brindol (or whatever I use for Brindol).

2014-05-05, 03:20 PM
The Doom Hand Monks I saw some potential for. Yes, I know, monks are unoptimal, but bear with me. My groups typically aren't crazy munchkins, so a monk well built can challenge their brutes.
I built a monk picking up the Dragon Style chain, not counting the roar (cool, but not the flavor I'm looking for). It seemed a good thematic fit between that and the Boar style. I contemplated MoMS, but didn't want to cough up the flurry and have to spend a feat on TWF to get that second attack back.

I made the Doom Hand monks have the Flowing Monk archetype when I ran it in Pathfinder. I think I also leveled them up, but I made them into the most annoying enemies I could rather than the most threatening :smalltongue: Add Crane Style for even more attack deflection!

2014-05-05, 03:41 PM
Goblin alchemists are a nice addition to he opening ambush. Time to take dex mutagen and aid touch attacks.

2014-05-06, 04:52 AM
Goblin alchemists are a nice addition to he opening ambush. Time to take dex mutagen and aid touch attacks.

There is much win in this statement.
I'm trying to avoid using goblins too much given how they are presented in Pathfinder. Can a hobgoblin alchemist pack the same level of punch?

Though the image of the little fiends running lighting stuff on fire does make me smile...

I haven't read the flowing monk archetype nearly as well as I should have; I picture a very straightforward form of attack from the hobgoblins, not so much a defensive style. Though I might be able to make that work...

2014-05-06, 08:27 AM
Any alchemist can work, goblins are just especially nasty with their small size and high dex. Make them level 2 so they get a discovery, say explosive bombs, combined with their high touch AC makes a nasty surprise. My players were much more concerned about them then the hobgoblins with muskets in the same encounter. Touch attacks make mooks much more threatening.

2014-05-07, 01:18 AM
Any alchemist can work, goblins are just especially nasty with their small size and high dex. Make them level 2 so they get a discovery, say explosive bombs, combined with their high touch AC makes a nasty surprise. My players were much more concerned about them then the hobgoblins with muskets in the same encounter. Touch attacks make mooks much more threatening.

I built a goblin alchemist last night to test out a few ideas...little devil will definitely be a pain.

I put it at 5th level using the heroic NPC stat array; none of the feats really drew my eye since I have no need for Precise Shot (the goblin isn't going to care about friendly fire), so I just pumped his feats into 3 Extra Discoveries (8 Bombs a day seemed adequate to me).

I'm torn between immolation and explosive bombs...I'm thinking both of those discoveries, the cognatogen, and either infuse mutagen or the feral mutagen (a big angry Mr. Hyde goblin humors me after quaffing an extract of Enlarge Person).

Any preference or other suggestions?

2014-05-07, 08:09 AM
Where are you using them? I tossed two into the opening ambush, bu they where only level 2. Level 5 is a significant boost, could be too much depending on the party and what else you have in the ambush.

Tanglefoot bombs are nice for crowd control and knocking down flyers. Works both ways, keep dragons away from tanglefoot capable alchemists.

2014-05-07, 08:36 AM
I'm looking at them as a significant battlefield presence (one of the "leaders" of the particular group they may be with akin to the bladebearers). They'd only be there in addition to the main force like normally presented for the initial encounter if I have a stronger party than I expect, more players, or I chose to make the party mythic.

I probably will bring them down in level to be able to use them more commonly. Maybe a few combinations of alchemists that are going to emphasize different themes. The fire bomber and the "Mr. Hyde" goblin make me chuckle, so I may go that route for a few different lower level variations.

I'm AFB at the moment; does the bonus to damage from intelligence to the bombs apply to alchemists fire as well?

2014-05-07, 08:47 AM
Also; hobgoblins with muskets? Using the Musket Master and progressed up to 4-5th level, they'd be solid ranged combatants, no?

2014-05-07, 10:56 AM
I had the hobs as warrior 1 with rapid reload so I could toss them en mass, but have specced out musket masters as veterans for tougher fights.

Alchemists add intelligence to damage for all thrown splash weapons. Check out the hybridization funnel for more fun.

2014-05-07, 11:11 AM
There is much win in this statement.
I'm trying to avoid using goblins too much given how they are presented in Pathfinder. Can a hobgoblin alchemist pack the same level of punch?

Though the image of the little fiends running lighting stuff on fire does make me smile...

I haven't read the flowing monk archetype nearly as well as I should have; I picture a very straightforward form of attack from the hobgoblins, not so much a defensive style. Though I might be able to make that work...

Remember there are regular goblins in the Module as well.
While usually they aren't till after beginning ambush, no reason you can't have both.

I gave a few of ambushers flasks of acid and it worked well enough either way. No one had good touch AC I was surprised to see.

2014-05-07, 01:20 PM
Remember there are regular goblins in the Module as well.
While usually they aren't till after beginning ambush, no reason you can't have both.

I gave a few of ambushers flasks of acid and it worked well enough either way. No one had good touch AC I was surprised to see.

The goblin I build has the fire bomber archetype, so an extra 2-3 damage on splash effects is kind of nice.

I'm trying to keep the campaign focused on the big picture, and not the little goblin creatures who already have a bad rep in this setting as pyromaniacs (now I see why...).

I'm expecting to deviate pretty largely from the module overall at this point; I don't the designers ever counted on the Red Hand having firearms.

2014-05-07, 01:55 PM
I had a common firearms setting. Also gave Karkilan a cannon, since large creatures can use siege weapons at a -4 penalty.

2014-05-07, 01:57 PM
The goblin I build has the fire bomber archetype, so an extra 2-3 damage on splash effects is kind of nice.

I'm trying to keep the campaign focused on the big picture, and not the little goblin creatures who already have a bad rep in this setting as pyromaniacs (now I see why...).

I'm expecting to deviate pretty largely from the module overall at this point; I don't the designers ever counted on the Red Hand having firearms.

I gave them some in the bridge part. The Hackbut needs to be set against an object (tower edge works), so the towers make sense for defense with guns.

I used guns sporadically though.

2014-05-07, 03:03 PM
I had a common firearms setting. Also gave Karkilan a cannon, since large creatures can use siege weapons at a -4 penalty.

...I love you. That is genius.

I'm thinking the ambush on the way to Drellins Ferry, using a lower level goblin alchemist in place of one of the hell hounds (or the 5th level one in place of the bladebearer). Maybe add in a firearms sniper depending on how many players and how optimized they are.

Karkilan I hadn't even thought of with all the restating I've been doing...
Beyond slapping a level of barbarian on him, any ideas?

2014-05-08, 11:04 AM
I used a magus as the bladebearer. Cast mirror image before coming to attack. Got caught in a create pit spell then wasted by focused attacks from the entire party. I was disappointed. I used the two goblin alchemists in place of two of the hob regulars. I replaced the hellhounds with an advanced green drake, which is when I discovered the power of the tanglefoot bomb (sort of, actually a warlock using alchemist discoveries and witch hexes), so really the alchemists where the only bright spot for me. The cleric fled without a fight once he got dropped down the pit. Party never figured out where the extra cursing came from.

I plan on using giants or other big mooks to carry cannons for the siege. Might even make a side mission of waylaying a cannon golem before it can arrive.

2014-05-09, 01:34 AM
stack...you are a plethora of good ideas for this.

The magus I was thinking of saving for the War Adepts; used in place of or alongside the war priests.
Not a bad idea to switch out the bladebearer.

I'm having a big problem with WHERE to put Elsir Vale though; I want to minimally alter Golarion so I can just drop the module in; Looking at the terrain and overall outly of the Vale, I need an area with 3 mountain ranges, the western most having a lake and forest immediately to the east, with a city between the three mountains.
I saw three, maybe four regions I could fit this in to.

1- Varisia, the northwestern chunk; it's not perfect or ideal, but climate could work and I think replacing the Hammerfist dwarves with a warband of the Shoanti (they get so little love in my opinion) would be a nice show of the setting.

2-Isger- In setting, they already have an issue with dwarves, and the area is largely abandoned of overhead rule akin to what the Vale has in its backstory. The military would be weak since the Nutjob in Chief of Isger sent his military to protect the borders and left it open to bandits. Also, it'd give me a chance to play up some of the history of the Red Hand and it's various tribes origins (references to a great hobgoblin general (Kharn) from people familiar with the Goblinblood Wars, maybe show a hint or two of the hordes components such as a stray rifleman, the party coming across a stolen shipment of firearms from Alkenstar, etc. etc.). Also, I really like the "plague of undead" in Gillamoor as a low level introduction to the party; maybe use that to build up the next set of encounters? Start at level 2 and do bandit based encounters, then levels 3-4 dealing with the undead plague; the source of the plague (which could be the Ghostlords doing if I wanted to refluff him a bit) or the last encounter would hold hints and such towards Vraath Keep, and that would bleed right in to the 'module.' Also, there is a citadel of Hellknights to use in place of the Hammerfist if I so chose.

3. Cheliax- the terrain, being large and open like it is, is almost perfect. But I really cannot picture some of the events occuring in Cheliax with what I understand of their politics and organization. To me, they strike me as the Karrnath of Golarion with more style and less undead; they do not screw around when it comes to their military. First hints of the horde would have prompted a response from the diabolists and I seriously doubt it would have just been "testing the waters." If I wind up with a political/role-playing group to the extreme, I think I could probably make it work once the party gets to Brindol.

4. Andoran- An all volunteer military...yes! Explains military weakness and lack of response perfectly. The Eagle Guard (I might have botched that name, so forgive me if I did) works really well in place of the Lions of Brindol. Terrain would require some alteration, but the lack of a full on standing military would give the desperate feel throughout the module. Not my favorite place, but it could work.

Anyone else have any ideas for locations?

2014-05-09, 07:35 AM
I used Isger, with hellknights in Brindol. Also made Soranna a Sister on the Golden Erynis. Changes her completely.

Anyway, the goblin wars recently in the past make it perfect, fudge geography as needed.

2014-05-09, 08:10 AM
I used Isger, with hellknights in Brindol. Also made Soranna a Sister on the Golden Erynis. Changes her completely.

Anyway, the goblin wars recently in the past make it perfect, fudge geography as needed.

stack, at this point, I'd be willing to bear your children for you.
Do you have a collection of notes or something to share? I think I'm going to post a link to what I have re-altered for what I've got. Most of what I have is NPC alterations on computer through Hero Lab, everything else is just scribbled notes.

The Sisters were a cool point I saw in Isgers little write up, so I am definitely down for the change to Soranna;

I think I am going to have to fudge some geography; I was trying not to, but it is what it is. Isger isn't the worst place to have to alter; Varisia I think took that crown.

My only pip is going to be altering the little handout maps for the party (I like not having to say Brindol= X City, etc. etc.); anyone have any ideas how to alter the handout maps to reflect the changes?

I'm AFB for a while yet; what other group could be used in place that is Golarion unique that could be used in place of the Hammerfist Dwarves near/in Isger?

2014-05-09, 04:13 PM
For the purposes of sharing my work, I'm posting pdf's of my npc's and eventually write-ups of encounters/plots/etc. etc. in my drive for easy access to those inquiring minds. Right now, I've got just a few of the NPC's started, and I'm sharing what I have. Please, by all means, take a look and let me know what you think.

For reference, the wyrmlords are being are being build with PF 25 point buy build, and most Paizo books being fair game.
If I do get overly ambitious with my party, the Wyrmlords might get a mythic rank.

Also, I've uploaded an early draft of Soranna as a Sister of the Golden Erinyes; She's built with that same way;
While the only feat for the Sisters is the Hamatalatsu (not very impressed with it, and I couldn't get it at 5th level anyway), I rebuilt her as a Hungry Ghost/Master of Many styles who focuses on Panther (with Panther Claw) and Boar. The way I read the combination of styles is
-She's got speed and a solid AC for a monk without magic items (haven't added anything to that yet).
-Drop into combat with both styles. Spend 1 Ki for +4 AC and zig-zag through 3 or less enemies, end at the one you want to actually hurt.
-Using Panther Claw, provoking the attack shouldn't really be an issue; 27 AC counting mobility and any magic involved. If you want, hit him with a Punishing Kick and move on to the next guy.
-Preferably, once you are at your BBEG of the round (or just the guy we actually want to hurt hopefully), provoke the last AoO from him. Then hit him normally, with or without Punishing Kick if available. If you do kick him, try to knock him prone first unless there is some huge benefit to pushing him back.
-Since he has been hit twice while you are in Boar Stance, the bleed effect is triggered. 2d6 adds up pretty fast each round.

Yeah, her strength is weak, but not much I can do to get around that. I think that combo of fighting style represents a fast, devil like approach that to me works in place of the Hamamatsu.

Here's the link to my drive; let me know if there are any issues and maybe we can keep this going.


2014-05-09, 07:35 PM
You typed Dire Worg, Male Tiger for animal companion lol

So you refluffed the Worg from a Tiger?

You didn't take Vomit Swarm? A controllable swarm is awesome...plus few people can handle swarms.

2014-05-09, 11:04 PM
You typed Dire Worg, Male Tiger for animal companion lol

So you refluffed the Worg from a Tiger?

You didn't take Vomit Swarm? A controllable swarm is awesome...plus few people can handle swarms.

I wanted a beefier version of a worg with minimal fiat. I liked the tigers base stats and it represented the abilities i wanted the 'worg' to have.

All right, what is this vomit swarm?

2014-05-09, 11:57 PM
I wanted a beefier version of a worg with minimal fiat. I liked the tigers base stats and it represented the abilities i wanted the 'worg' to have.

All right, what is this vomit swarm?

Witch 2: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/v/vomit-swarm
Standard action Summon Swarm, but you control them.

You can choose spiders, 7th caster wasps, or with 13 caster Army Ants.

Any creature that fails save to army ants Distraction takes 6d6 instead. Plus, even leaving Army Ants Square deals you damage.

2014-05-10, 04:53 AM
Witch 2: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/v/vomit-swarm
Standard action Summon Swarm, but you control them.

You can choose spiders, 7th caster wasps, or with 13 caster Army Ants.

Any creature that fails save to army ants Distraction takes 6d6 instead. Plus, even leaving Army Ants Square deals you damage.

Must have overlooked that one...
Not a bad little spell; a little out of flavor, but still very stylish.

2014-05-11, 10:57 AM
I've uploaded a slightly re-imagined Jorr Natherson...tell me what ya'll think?

2014-05-11, 09:43 PM
I built Soranna as a deadly fist soulknife/monk. High Wis, crazy touch AC.

Sadly my game is dying, so I may not get around to building much else. For Ozzy, check out the monster feat that lets you nauseate on a bite attack. Pre-req is an acid breath weapon.

2014-05-11, 10:56 PM
I built Soranna as a deadly fist soulknife/monk. High Wis, crazy touch AC.

Sadly my game is dying, so I may not get around to building much else. For Ozzy, check out the monster feat that lets you nauseate on a bite attack. Pre-req is an acid breath weapon.

Wait, not that I'm giving it to Ozzy, but what is the name? :smallbiggrin:

2014-05-12, 03:39 AM
Wait, not that I'm giving it to Ozzy, but what is the name? :smallbiggrin:

If you have a large party, the nausea will be somewhat able to level action economy, piece by piece. Is it each bite or based on the recharge time of the breath weapon?

2014-05-12, 03:43 AM
I built Soranna as a deadly fist soulknife/monk. High Wis, crazy touch AC.

Sadly my game is dying, so I may not get around to building much else. For Ozzy, check out the monster feat that lets you nauseate on a bite attack. Pre-req is an acid breath weapon.

Depressing; you have given me some amazing options and ideas.
If you don't mind me asking, is it due to interest in your PbP game that is dying? If that is it, I wouldn't mind trying to jump in if that might help. At the end of the month, my rate of posting is going to drop due to me returning stateside.

2014-05-12, 07:05 AM
Noxious bite (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/monster-feats/noxious-bite), seems to work every bite. I thought it was quite the find.

Normally reliable players have gotten busy and I don't have an excess of time either unfortunately.

2014-05-12, 09:56 AM

If it gets some life back in or an extra body would be the revitalizing factor, let me know.

2014-05-12, 11:41 AM
Hoping to get it rolling again. We'll see.

Anyhow, Koth was fun as a dread. KOTH

Fort 6/ Ref 10/ Will 6
Abilities Str 16, Dex 15, Con 16, lnt 8, Wis 10, Cha 15

AC 17 (12 touch, 15 FF, chain shirt +1)


Devastating Touch +9, 1d6+11 damage
Lucerne Hammer +1 +10, 1d12+5 x2

Intimidate +17

Powers Known:
1st - Untouchable Aura, Unearthly Terror, Lingering Touch
2nd - true terror, concealing amorpha, deflect

PP 19/19

Terrors 11/11, DC 16: terrified escape, overwhelming fear, chase terror
aura of fear 10‘ -4 vs fear
feats: disciple of fear (bo)
IUS (bo)
Broken dreams style (bo)
1st psionic talent
3rd Psionic endowment
5th Psionic meditation
7th Fear Mastery
9th Shattered dreams strike Only one in that encounter that did anything worthwhile. Party is heavy on save or lose stuff. Manticore got charmed right of the bat, Karkilan got off one shot, missed everyone even though he had three PC's in his spread (stupid -4 to att) before getting blinded entangled, and murderized. Hobs were speed bumps at best, even with touch attacks. They could hit, just didn't hurt much when the Psion had vigor up.

Anyway, I'll pm you my sheet of data, might be helpful.

2014-05-17, 03:08 PM
A slightly reimagined Ghostlord has been added to the drive for some review and critiques.

As of now, she's (yes, she) an Ulfen Lion Shaman, who led a pride of warriors who felt a strong affinity for the power of the Lion. Her powers grew, and in time, power consumed her. She felt the need to continue her rule, so she attempted Lichdom; in doing so, she accidentally activated ancient magics in the region that bound her to the land even more so than she was a druid. Magic ravaged the land, and only the fiercest of her tribe remained, their own lives cursed to unnatural long life through their lycanthropy.

I think I have her fairly well built; she can use spells and such for battlefield control, or just spend a few rounds buffing and take her Dire Lion form.

The Ghostlord, despite being hundreds of years old, only appears to me a woman of maybe her late 20's; she has used her druidic magic and knowledge to preserve her appearance for the most part; her warriors still have their savagery and strength.

Any comments or critiques?

EDIT- Before I forget; since HL doesn't have a Were-lion template, I just used a were-tiger to serve the same purpose.