View Full Version : Pathfinder Spells Questions

2014-05-04, 03:45 PM
Nap Stack

There is debate within my group how this spell works. Does it allow spellcasters to recover their spells in less than the 24-hour in game work day? Specifically: Spellcasters get spells at 8 am. They nova at 12 pm. Nap Stack is cast. Spellcasters get back full allotment at 2 pm. Same thing with any class that has expended abilities.

Summon Monster

If a True Neutral spellcaster summons an evil creature but is not type [Evil] such as a druid summoning a fire giant, is the summoned creature considered Neutral or Evil in regards to Protection From Evil?

Word Of Recall

When a cleric prepares this spell he has to declare an area ahead of time as the arrival location as part of the preparation. How would an oracle do this who gets to cast spontaneously whenever and how often he wants?

2014-05-04, 04:12 PM
Nap Stack
Spellcasting and restoring spell slots is not mentioned in the spell or listed things that are affected by the extra sleep. Besides that spells still have the general clause of being daily (spells per day), you cant sleep twice a day normally and get doubles the spells, so this spell wouldn't effect that. However this spell does allow 2 hour sleep to regain your daily spells.

Summon Monster (Or more Protection from Evil)
The exact wording is "the spell prevents bodily contact by evil summoned creatures". Not creatures summoned by evil casters. If the summoned creature is evil, the spell protects. Not even the evil descriptor, just being evil and summoned is enough.

Word Of Recall
By RAW this spells cannot function for Oracles so a DM needs to make his judgement here. The best advice I can offer is to allow the sanctuary being chosen at the start of the day when the oracles regains his/her daily spells. It's closest to how Clerics do it.

2014-05-05, 12:43 PM
Nap Stack
Spellcasting and restoring spell slots is not mentioned in the spell or listed things that are affected by the extra sleep. Besides that spells still have the general clause of being daily (spells per day), you cant sleep twice a day normally and get doubles the spells, so this spell wouldn't effect that. However this spell does allow 2 hour sleep to regain your daily spells.

That's still confusing. It sounds like this would mean spontaneous casters get back their number of spells per day to cast and cast what they know as normal, but prepared casters while also getting back their number of spells per day to cast are out of luck because they still can't prepare spells to fill them.

2014-05-05, 04:50 PM
That's still confusing. It sounds like this would mean spontaneous casters get back their number of spells per day to cast and cast what they know as normal, but prepared casters while also getting back their number of spells per day to cast are out of luck because they still can't prepare spells to fill them.

Okay, let's try a different way of explaining it.

This spell has two separate effects:
1) It allows any character to rest for 2 hours and gain the full benefit of 8 hours of sleep. This portion includes spells.
2) It allows any character to continue sleeping, and every 2 hour period beyond the first 2 hours counts for healing, but also diseases, poisons, or other afflictions. This has zero effect on spells.

Also for a caster to regain spells there are two conditions:
1) The caster needs eight hours of rest.
2) The caster needs preparation time to regain spell slots. (This also applies to sorcerers. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic#TOC-Sorcerers-and-Bards))

So the first effect of Nap Stack allows a caster to sleep 2 hours instead of 8 after which he can wake up to prepare his spell slots.
Or he can continue to sleep for up to 6 more hours to gain the second effect and then wake up to prepare spells slots.

Besides that spells are "Spells per Day". So you cannot rest midday to regain spell, you need to wait to at least midnight
Also note that "Any spells cast within the last 8 hours count against the daily limit." So say if you cast a spell at 10 PM, you cannot use Nap Stack to sleep and have all your spells at midnight. The spells spend from 4 PM to 12 PM count towards the next days daily limit, if you regain spells at midnight. Normally you won't notice this 8 hour period because that is the period you are asleep. But this is important to keep in mind if you try to "cheat" the system with Nap Stack.

I hope this explains it more clearly, there are a lot of rules at works here. (No seriously, just check out the rules for preparation of wizards (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic#TOC-Preparing-Wizard-Spells) ... and then there is chapter for sorcerers and bards (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic#TOC-Sorcerers-and-Bards) (which probably includes all spontaneous casters)... and one for divine casters. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic#TOC-Preparing-Divine-Spells)... It's a lot of rules, luckily most are similar or just rewrites, but still a lot of text to read.)

2014-05-05, 06:44 PM
In my words, to be sure I understand, one party goes to sleep at 9 pm after a normal adventure day, wakes up in the morning 8 am as normal, spellcasters get their spells, etc., and go on the adventure day.

A second party goes to sleep at 9 pm after a normal adventure day. Nap Stack is cast. At 11 pm the party wakes up, spellcasters get their spells, and the party continues on adventuring from there.

2014-05-05, 11:45 PM
In my words, to be sure I understand, one party goes to sleep at 9 pm after a normal adventure day, wakes up in the morning 8 am as normal, spellcasters get their spells, etc., and go on the adventure day.

A second party goes to sleep at 9 pm after a normal adventure day. Nap Stack is cast. At 11 pm the party wakes up, spellcasters get their spells, and the party continues on adventuring from there.

The second party still needs to wait for a new day, 12 AM/midnight, to prepare spells. (Unless they didn't prepare spells that morning, which seems odd at a normal adventure day.)