View Full Version : Aereni Necromancer: Effective build?

White Blade
2014-05-04, 03:58 PM
So, I was thinking of running an Aereni necromancer in an eberron game. I'm not necessarily attached to running any particular class but I'd really like to run it in a way that says, "This is someone who is intimately familiar with death" without running, "Bwahaha! All my undead monsters!" seeing as he's Aereni and they're very much anti-negative energy. He's probably a member of the death guard, so undead neutralization is also helpful (but not required!)

All of that said, he basically needs to be an elf with a strong inclination for necromancy and no undead. Does anyone have any suggestions?

2014-05-04, 04:35 PM
Could be an Enervation specialist. You can deal a crazy amount of negative levels with it and some metamagic.

2014-05-04, 04:49 PM
Necromancy with no undead and no negative energy is going to be pretty tough to pull off.


2014-05-04, 04:56 PM
My suggestion is to play him exactly like any necromancer, undead and all, but theme it with Positive Energy instead. Eberron and the BoED offer enough tools to come up with Deathless parallels of most of the major undead. You get a few unique flavors for yourself as well if you have the Deathless domain. I always imagined Deathless skeletons and zombies serving the Undying Council as chamber maids and servers, and someone had to raise the Councillors back...

The only real limitation I could foresee a DM throwing at you is taking mindless 'undead' off the table, in which case you have to wait until you can cast Create Deathless on your own.

This idea aside, just use Positive and Negative Energy based spells and SoL/SOD spells to showcase your mastery of those two elements, as minion-mancy aside, what else are necromancers famous for?

White Blade
2014-05-04, 04:58 PM
Necromancy with no undead and no negative energy is going to be pretty tough to pull off.


Let me rephrase, "negative energy undead" or "long-term negative energy effects". But yes, I am aware it is The Suck, in terms of rules. The Aereni are just a cool culture and I'd like to run someone who is a part of their core identity instead of saying, "Oh, I swear, there's a necromancer lying around somewhere, but none that ever leave home or do anything"

Also, I'm curious as to what precisely a vivicarnate is and my google fu is failing me. I've actually turned up four posts by you though.
Found it! Thanks for the tip.

Also, thanks to Vortenger for the suggestions as well.