View Full Version : Dragons and their treasures and adding to them

2014-05-05, 05:19 AM
So we all know dragons love to have themselves some super huge hoards full of all kinds of treasures and things, and the bad ones are willing to go around killing, stealing, burninating the country side to get more of it. But, after that wyrm red dragons destroys that kingdom and finds their treasurey full of thousands of gold, silver, platinum coins etc. how does he move them from where they are back to his already established hoard? Its not like he has a giant backpack or a cart/sled and a mule to pull it, like your average murder hobo does. So how does he move all the stuff?

2014-05-05, 05:43 AM
Its not like he has a giant backpack or a cart/sled and a mule to pull it, like your average murder hobo does.

Why not?
Why can't a dragon have a sack and fill it with loot?

Other options:
- take a cart from local area, fill it up with loot and fly off with it
- shape change to human, load up cart and drive it off, and eat horse/mule for snak when it gets home.
- threaten lesser beings to cart it for them, eat as snack upon delivery
- variations on Teleport that can take masses of smaller items not in a container
- they have spells for bundling up loot

2014-05-05, 05:47 AM
They could simply eat their treasure and spit it out. Or use spells.

2014-05-05, 05:48 AM
Lol I wasn't saying they couldn't. Was just curious as to what people had to say, the thought of a giant dragon flying through the sky carrying a large sack or a backpack seems humorous. (I know because I have played a dragon before that flew around with a back pack on lol and I must admit I felt silly)

Wouldn't it melt if they ate it? or corrode? etc. Depends alot on the dragon type I suppose.

What spells would they use? Most Chromatic Dragons of the "old" or lower category only have access to 4th level spells, with red getting 5th levels. I know I said wyrm in the example, but lets try to get a pattern for say old and younger status, when they have less magical options.

2014-05-05, 05:55 AM
The classic spell would be Hoard Gullet, which forms an extra dimensional space they can swallow items into. I can't remember if it's in Dragon Magic or the Draconomicon, though.

2014-05-05, 08:10 AM
It appears to be in Dragon Magic, 1st level spell:


2014-05-05, 08:33 AM
The classic spell would be Hoard Gullet, which forms an extra dimensional space they can swallow items into. I can't remember if it's in Dragon Magic or the Draconomicon, though.

Dragon Magic, and works for up to 100 lbs./CL. It's a first level spell, too!

That's 50,000gp/CL for pure platinum, and divide that by ten for each level down until you get 50gp/CL for copper.

Art objects tend to have disproportionate wealth in comparison to their weight and volume, so are even better.