View Full Version : Pathfinder pathfinder's version of marshall??

2014-05-05, 08:30 AM
I tried looking on the pfsrd and no luck. Does pathfinder have a version of the 3.5 marshall? Preferably non-3rd party.

2014-05-05, 08:48 AM
A heavy aura based class? Nope. I think Cavaliers come closest to that 3.5 feeling, but still it is very different. (The battle herald (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/prestige-classes/other-paizo/a-b/battle-herald) PrC also hits that note, but thats a PrC...)

2014-05-05, 09:19 AM
Both Paladin and Cavalier have abilities similar to those granted by the 3.5 Marshal, but I don't think there's a direct port. Not, at least, as far as I'm aware.

Perhaps the Inquisitors Teamwork bonus feats might simulate something approximating a Marshals aura, but it's a bit of a stretch and requires your team-mates to invest feats that you're getting for free.

T.G. Oskar
2014-05-05, 03:10 PM
Both Paladin and Cavalier have abilities similar to those granted by the 3.5 Marshal, but I don't think there's a direct port. Not, at least, as far as I'm aware.

Perhaps the Inquisitors Teamwork bonus feats might simulate something approximating a Marshals aura, but it's a bit of a stretch and requires your team-mates to invest feats that you're getting for free.

Actually, the Inquisitor's Teamwork bonus feats are meant to be used solo (hence, Solo Tactics). The Cavalier has also free Teamwork bonus feats and the ability to project them, so they make more of a "Marshal" than the Inquisitor (also, their Banner). The Paladin achieves this through the Holy Tactician archetype, granting the ability to project one Teamwork feat and Weal's Champion as a buff. Battle Herald is arguably the Marshal, since it grants Bardic Performance and also some fighting skill.

Porting the Marshal shouldn't be hard, though note that they have a lot of dead levels. They could get the same benefits as a Cavalier, gaining free Teamwork feats and the ability to project them at the same distance of the Auras, so you can get both the Aura and the Teamwork feat benefit. That said, they'd need a boost to full BAB and d10 HD. The Marshal was shown as an excerpt in 3.5, so technically it can be worked with.

2014-05-05, 03:21 PM
I agree that porting is probably your best bet. To power them up to PF levels I would gestalt them with something - either the PHB2 Knight or the Dragonlance Noble, possibly even both.

2014-05-05, 04:12 PM
woo just after TG oskar posted I decided to give PF homebrew a hand and so

http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?346471-Marshal-re-tool-for-PF&p=17420874 is my PF version of marshal super alpha build :)

2014-05-05, 05:33 PM
Actually, the Inquisitor's Teamwork bonus feats are meant to be used solo.

Oh, I'm all aware. Cavalier is a much better match, but the Inquisitor does get bonus Teamwork Feats so it opens the door for other characters to take and make use of them, giving a psuedo-Marshal effect inasmuch as those other characters probably wouldn't take Teamwork feats without the Inquisitor having them for free...if that makes sense. It's a bit of a weak link, but it's a link nonetheless :smallwink:

T.G. Oskar
2014-05-05, 06:20 PM
Oh, I'm all aware. Cavalier is a much better match, but the Inquisitor does get bonus Teamwork Feats so it opens the door for other characters to take and make use of them, giving a psuedo-Marshal effect inasmuch as those other characters probably wouldn't take Teamwork feats without the Inquisitor having them for free...if that makes sense. It's a bit of a weak link, but it's a link nonetheless :smallwink:

Only Fighters (because of their sheer amount of feats), Cavaliers (for their free Teamwork feats) and Holy Tactician Paladins (ditto) can really benefit from others' Teamwork feats. Even with 10 feats, a good deal of them are reserved for other important things, so it all really depends on figuring which Teamwork feat is best for as many people as possible. The Inquisitor's Solo Tactics allow him (or her) to use Teamwork feats when no one else does, and that's the only real benefit.

If you're talking about being a Marshal, forcing everyone to spend two or three of their feat slots for feats that provide meh benefits (save for Precise Strike, Lookout, Outflank and Seize the Moment being the best IMO) isn't the best way: hence, why I mentioned Cavalier and Holy Tactician Paladin (I reckon the Fighter also has a similar archetype). The Inquisitor can plan with any of these classes to enable their benefits, so they're at best good cohorts for them, particularly Holy Tacticians (between Precise Strike and Outflank, both can deal good damage with each hit). Otherwise, you're draining people of feats that could be worthwhile for them. The Paladin is a great example, since even with three additional feats, save for Holy Tactician it doesn't get enough feats. Archer Paladin needs about two feats for Rapid Shot, then another for Multishot, and a fourth for Clustered Shots, and it'll probably want to focus a bit more on Archery; Two-Hander Paladins need only Power Attack, but they could benefit from Furious Focus and Dreadful Carnage for Intimidate debuffing; Mounted Combat Paladins will want to reach all the way to Mounted Skirmisher for mounted pouncing (and let's not speak of Sword & Boarders, who need 7 feats to be useful between the TWF line and the Shield line). Adding one or two Teamwork feats drains their resources real quick. The Rogue relies on going with good fencing skills, so it'll have to spend some of its Talents on feats and thus it'll consider carefully whether to spend one feat slot on a circumstancial Teamwork feat. Monks are even worse: they'll probably want either Medusa's Wrath or one style, and ways to further boost their Stunning Fist or improve their Combat Maneuvers.

Without a way to project Teamwork feats, they are effectively worthless, unless those who can benefit from it plan to do so. An Inquisitor gets about four free Teamwork feats, and thus no other character will spend four of its own feat slots to work with the Inquisitor and gain its benefits just because the Inquisitor happens to have them (hence, why Solo Tactics; the developers knew this would happen, but they wanted the Inquisitor to have the feats work nonetheless). In that regard, an Inquisitor makes for a poor "Marshal" because it doesn't do anything to promote those benefits other than have the feats available for linking. At least the Cavalier and the Holy Tactician have ways to project them, thus easing the task and providing their allies with the feat benefit when necessary.

@ngilop/Marshal 'brew: I don't see them getting free Teamwork feats or the ability to project them. I'd say the Marshal should have something like Tactician at a later level than the Cavalier, then something like the Holy Tactician's Battlefield Presence even later. That way, the Marshal starts by barking orders, then eventually it can project two Teamwork feats alongside the auras, for maximum benefit. That will cover a lot of dead levels. Note, also, that the Cavalier still has its Challenge, its Banner and its Order bonuses (and its Mount), so it'll be pretty different from a Marshal.

2014-05-06, 04:07 AM
There is a 3rd party archetype for the cavalier called the inspiring commander (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/cavalier/archetypes/rite-publishing---cavalier-archetypes/inspiring-commander) that switches your mount for Inspire Courage like a bard.
I loved playing that guy.

2014-05-06, 04:30 AM
Only Fighters (because of their sheer amount of feats), Cavaliers (for their free Teamwork feats) and Holy Tactician Paladins (ditto) can really benefit from others' Teamwork feats. Even with 10 feats, a good deal of them are reserved for other important things, so it all really depends on figuring which Teamwork feat is best for as many people as possible. The Inquisitor's Solo Tactics allow him (or her) to use Teamwork feats when no one else does, and that's the only real benefit.

You forgot classes with animal companions and familiars (esp Valet familiars).