View Full Version : Optimization Never played Psion before

2014-05-05, 09:06 AM
I'm an old hand at this game (compared to a new guy, at least), more or less, played arcane casters and divine, and a warblade too (so cool), and now we're starting a new campaign at around level 9. I want to play a psion, even though I know nothing about them, though I've read and understand the class features. So a few questions:

1) Looking at the Erudite variant, sans the borked web-enhanced acf, it really doesn't seem that good. Only 5 unique powers a day? Though I guess that's not bad if I have to prepare them in advance... but it doesn't seem to say. Does it mean that the first five powers I manifest are the only 5 I can use till I sleep? Is it worth it to have access to a few extra powers I wouldn't be able to get as a psion (without expanded knowledge) to sacrifice a chunk of the psion's versatility?

2) I'm probably going to go with the Anarchic Initiate PrC, even though it doesn't seem so great, it has better BAB and hit points than a regular psion, so I'mma go for it. Unless anyone has any better ideas?

3) Can anyone suggest some good powers to have at level 9? Aside from Astral Construct and Metamorphasis, there don't seem to be many powers at this level that are so great. A good complete build would be nice as well. I'd like to continue complete manifesting, unless there are other options that are better.
Thanks in advance!

Playing with all the complete books as well as MIC and SpC and XPH. Others if they're not so powerful, and some web stuff at DMs call.

2014-05-05, 10:23 AM
1) Looking at the Erudite variant, sans the borked web-enhanced acf, it really doesn't seem that good. Only 5 unique powers a day? Though I guess that's not bad if I have to prepare them in advance... but it doesn't seem to say. Does it mean that the first five powers I manifest are the only 5 I can use till I sleep?That's exactly it. You spontaneously choose the powers you can manifest for the day the first time you manifest them. It's kind of like you're a wizard/sorcerer hybrid. The range of powers you know is like the eidetic wizard ACF, but like a sorcerer you only have so many different types of powers you can manifest per day, which you choose as you go along.

Is it worth it to have access to a few extra powers I wouldn't be able to get as a psion (without expanded knowledge) to sacrifice a chunk of the psion's versatility?Some people think so. I don't really agree, unless you use the RAW interpretation of how the UPPD feature works (ie, you gain 5 powers per power level or class level per day). Technically, that's how it works, but most people seem to ignore that and just go with "you have this many powers you can manifest per day period." The former isn't a restriction at all, at later levels, but the latter is far too restricting, IMO. You should try talking your DM into boosting your UPPD by, say, +2, then using that as a hard-cap for how many powers you can manifest per day period.

2) I'm probably going to go with the Anarchic Initiate PrC, even though it doesn't seem so great, it has better BAB and hit points than a regular psion, so I'mma go for it. Unless anyone has any better ideas?I usually only go for an A.I. dip. There are several fun psionic PrCs. My favorites are the constructor, (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20040625b) the crystal master, (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20040625d) the ghostbreaker (from Hyperconscious -- 3rd party, but written by Bruce Cordell, author of the XPH), and the soul manifester. (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20060217a) Check out the rest of The Mind's Eye and see if you like the other PrC options. You can also look into psionic adaptations for arcane and divine PrCs, which often isn't too difficult, like the jade phoenix mage, from ToB.

3) Can anyone suggest some good powers to have at level 9? Aside from Astral Construct and Metamorphosis, there don't seem to be many powers at this level that are so great.I love the shaper's power list. So many fun uses for someone who likes to think outside the box. Also includes blasty powers. Look into manifesting the various long-manifesting-time powers using the Linked Power feat (from CPsi) to reduce the manifesting times. Think about the fact that Greater/Psionic Fabricate alters a certain amount of material each round, and realize that you can condense the entire manifestation into a single round with Linked Power, resulting in a "Wall of X" power, where "X" is "whatever substance you're targeting."

A good complete build would be nice as well. I'd like to continue complete manifesting, unless there are other options that are better.How about totemist 2/psion 5/soul manifester 10/anarchic initiate 1/random psionic PrC 2? Look into manifester level boosts and manifesting cost reducers and start binding high-level soulmelds at lower levels with the augmented Psionic Open Chakra power (from MoI)? You might be able to get away with VoP on this character; otherwise, invest in the items in the MIC which allow you to bind soulmelds to chakras with magic items on them.

2014-05-05, 11:00 AM
I found a guide (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=10238.0).

It may help.

If you want cheesy things look here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?177889-Brainstorm-for-Psionic-Tricks-Tactics-and-Combos-Handbook&p=9867738#post9867738).

2014-05-05, 11:07 AM
You get more out of Incarnate as an Erudite i think. But that is another layer of complexity.

The erudite is a terrible class compared to the Psion. You won't often need too many non discipline powers.

BaB is irrelevant. Pick up Metamorphosis and you can take a Natural Attacking form with high Strength to account for it.

2014-05-05, 11:11 AM
You get more out of Incarnate as an Erudite i think. But that is another layer of complexity.

The erudite is a terrible class compared to the Psion. You won't often need too many non discipline powers.

BaB is irrelevant. Pick up Metamorphosis and you can take a Natural Attacking form with high Strength to account for it.I like totemist primarily for a few of its unique soulmelds, such as Phase Cloak (my absolute favorite), Blink Shirt, and Shedu Crown. Even if you go incarnate, pick up Shape Soulmeld (Phase Cloak). It's amazing.

2014-05-05, 11:20 AM
On 3, one of the great thing about psions is that you can augment your low level powers, so there are plenty of options to pick from. Ignoring discipline powers for now, here are some of the better powers from power level 1 to 5, the ones bolded ones I would never go without. Particularly on the damage powers you probably don't want to pick too many of them, it's important to pick a versatile range of powers and rely on augmentation.

Level 1
Detect Psionics, Energy Ray, Entangling Ectoplasm, Grease (Psionic), Inertial Armor, Precognition (Defensive), Precognition (Offensive), Synchronicity, Vigor

Level 2
Amethyst Burst, Control Sound, Crystalstorm, Damp Power, Detect Hostile Intent, Energy Adaptation (Specified), Identify (Psionic), Levitate (Psionic), Psychoportive Shelter, Share Pain

Level 3
Dispel Psionics, Energy Wall, Telekinetic Force, Telekinetic Thrust, Time Hop, Touchsight

Level 4
Correspond, Divination (Psionic), Freedom of Movement (Psionic), Gemstone Breath, Intellect Fortress, Psychic Reformation, Wall of Ectoplasm

Level 5
Anticipatory Strike, Ectoplasmic Shambler, Incarnate, Major Creation (Psionic), Plane Shift (Psionic), Power Resistance, True Seeing (Psionic)

And now some discipline powers, which of course need you to pick that discipline or use expanded knowledge.

Egoist (Psychometabolism) Powers
Empathic Transfer, Hustle, Metamorphosis, Combat Transformation, Psionic Revivify

Kineticist (Psychokinesis) Powers
Control Body, Energy Current

Nomad (Psychoportation) Powers
Dimension Swap, Teleport (Psionic)

Seer (Clairsentience) Powers
Clairvoyant Sense, Object Reading, Remote Viewing, Clairtangent Hand, Second Chance

Shaper (Metacreativity) Powers
Astral Construct, Minor Creation (Psionic ), Concealing Amorpha (Greater), Ectoplasmic Cocoon, Burrowing Bonds, Fabricate (Psionic), Hail of Crystals

Telepath (Telepathy) Powers
Charm (Psionic), Suggestion (Psionic), Dominate (Psionic), Schism

2014-05-05, 11:34 AM
I'd also look into the Soul Crystal power, from Magic of Incarnum, especially if going erudite. It lets you break the UPPD cap by inserting one of your powers known into the crystal, then manifesting from the crystal itself, rather than from your store of powers. Combine with Quintessence to save for the long term.

2014-05-05, 11:58 AM
Wow, thanks so much to all y'all

Erudite definitely appeals to me much more now that I see how to read it, so thanks Rubik (where's the second r?) :P but I wouldn't want to be crazy OP, so I'll suggest the 2+UPPD and see how that goes. I looked at those classes, and since druid was always my favorite class, for transforming and summoning, I'll definitely consider Shaping up and going for the Constructer PrC, it seems pretty pimp. As for HC, my DM is super wary of any non WotC official, so if you can suggest any classes, and I like them I'll bring them up.

And thanks to you Cloud, those seem like cool powers, but it'd suck if I was restricted to just one discipline, having to spend feats to get the great powers like Metamorph, schism, creation chain, plane shift, astral construct, etc. So maybe Erudite is the way for me unless I can convince my DM for some sort of compromise. You think it'd make sense to suggest losing 2 powers known to gain one from another list? I think it might be worth it.

What about independent research? Assuming that's allowed, would it be allowed for other disciplines, or is that at the DMs discretion?

Any more imput is always appreciated.
Without looking for CRAZY cheese, maybe just mozzarella, any good feats for a psicrystal? I'm thinking White Raven Tactics or maybe iron heart surge to get rid of AMF/NPF. Any suggestions?

That guide didn't really say much on the psicrystal subject, so any imput (also for anything else) would as always be appreciated.

EDIT: @Mr. Puzzle, I appreciate the Incarnum bit, but I know less about that then I knew about psionics before starting this whole thing, so I don't really feel like learning an entire new class... but thanks anyway

2014-05-05, 12:06 PM
On prestige classes, Anarchic Initiate is very good, and basically the best choice if you want to keep being a full manifester. Thrallherd loses 2 levels and is so good you'll probably get books thrown at you, but it's stronger than Anarchic Initiate.

Feats for your character, assuming you have Astral Construct (...I think every psion does, needing a feat or not. XD ), Boost Construct is awesome. Other feats includes;
Metamorphic Transfer, Overchannel, Psicrystal Affinity, Psicrystal Containment, Psionic Meditation, Extend Power, Mindsight
You also can't really go wrong with just spamming Expanded Knowledge (for a Psion).

Edit: Remember with a Psion that you can take every power that is on the general psion list, regardless of the discipline it's in. Selecting a discipline (something you have to do) just adds that disciplines list to your power list. Though yes Erudites have the advantage they can learn from any discipline list, if one level below the highest they can manifest (the same restriction as Expanded Knowledge). (So you can still get Major Creation (Psionic) and Plane Shift (Psionic) for example as a Psion).

2014-05-05, 12:06 PM
Wow, reading some of the powers here, can someone tell me if this makes sense?
On level 15, you can:
Metamorph into something with crazy str and/or con and/or dex and metamorph your psicrystal into something with higher stats, at least a few higher ones. Then use psychofeedback to boost your highest stat with your int (but make it stay 18, so you can cast fusion), then fuse with your psicrystal, then astral seed and come back with crazy stats, albeit one fewer manifester level. Rinse and repeat till you have an insane amount of stats.

What's the deal with Dojres/power stones, as long as you can get a high enough UPD, can you use one at any level? so you could pull this off way earlier if you have enough money...

Am I wrong in any of this?

2014-05-05, 12:13 PM
Without looking for CRAZY cheese, maybe just mozzarella, any good feats for a psicrystal? I'm thinking White Raven Tactics or maybe iron heart surge to get rid of AMF/NPF. Any suggestions?

That guide didn't really say much on the psicrystal subject, so any imput (also for anything else) would as always be appreciated.

Amusingly enough I've got more experience with psicrystals than with psions.

If you can swing VoP on your crystal, go for it. Also useful are feats that provide auras, like Draconic Aura or even Martial Stance: Bolstering Voice. For more fun and profit Bind Vestige + Improved Bind Vestige + Practiced Binder can get you some nifty stuff, if you're familiar with Binders at all. Incarnum is another subsystem that can largely be picked up via feats, but since you've already indicated that you're not familiar I'll hold off on advice there unless you ask for it.

2014-05-05, 12:32 PM
On prestige classes, Anarchic Initiate is very good, and basically the best choice if you want to keep being a full manifester. Thrallherd loses 2 levels and is so good you'll probably get books thrown at you, but it's stronger than Anarchic Initiate.

Feats for your character, assuming you have Astral Construct (...I think every psion does, needing a feat or not. XD ), Boost Construct is awesome. Other feats includes;
Metamorphic Transfer, Overchannel, Psicrystal Affinity, Psicrystal Containment, Psionic Meditation, Extend Power, Mindsight
You also can't really go wrong with just spamming Expanded Knowledge (for a Psion).

Edit: Remember with a Psion that you can take every power that is on the general psion list, regardless of the discipline it's in. Selecting a discipline (something you have to do) just adds that disciplines list to your power list. Though yes Erudites have the advantage they can learn from any discipline list, if one level below the highest they can manifest (the same restriction as Expanded Knowledge). (So you can still get Major Creation (Psionic) and Plane Shift (Psionic) for example as a Psion).

Ah I forgot that if I went with Erudite then I'd be 'stuck' with 8th level powers from a discipline, at least until epic levels. Even if I'm gonna do psion, it really depends which discipline I like the 9th level powers of the best.

So I guess it depends on which way my party is playing, if they need a direct damage guy I can be a egoist or shaper with a few energy missilesque powers, for utility I could go even nomad or telepath.

I like those feats that you listed as well, though I don't think he'll allow mindsight as it's in LoM

And as cool as Thrallherd is, leadership is one of the few things that are banned, so I'm guessing Thrallherd would be as well. Probably for the best. Thanks though!
I'm definitely taking Metamorphic Transfer, Psicrystal, and probably Psionic Meditation, if I get any metapsionics or that ACF. And there's a shaper ACF that's really cool, but can I still get it if I'm not a shaper and yet still fufill the reqs?
(https://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20070411a personal construct)
Also, I'm looking at Synad for a race, the free quicken power seems great, and +2 will ain't too shabby. I'll see how starved for feats I am, but they have one that lets you use it twice a day, which seems pretty sick.

Amusingly enough I've got more experience with psicrystals than with psions.

If you can swing VoP on your crystal, go for it. Also useful are feats that provide auras, like Draconic Aura or even Martial Stance: Bolstering Voice. For more fun and profit Bind Vestige + Improved Bind Vestige + Practiced Binder can get you some nifty stuff, if you're familiar with Binders at all. Incarnum is another subsystem that can largely be picked up via feats, but since you've already indicated that you're not familiar I'll hold off on advice there unless you ask for it.

Nah, BoED isn't in the game, nor is Dragon Magic, though ToB is. Bolstering voice seems pretty good, though I dunno if it's worth 2 feats.

2014-05-05, 12:39 PM
Even if you don't want to look into the incarnum system, go look into MoI's magic section and look at the Soul Crystal power.

And no, you can't take an ACF without actually taking the class (in this case, shaper psion). But I like Linked Power much more than Personal Construct anyway. If you want astral constructs as standard actions, look into creating a psionic version of the arcanist gloves, from the MIC. You can craft psionic versions of magic items by subbing out psionic prereqs for the magical ones.

If you're serious about the erudite, it has ACFs too. (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20070629a) Check out the mantled erudite and favored discipline.

2014-05-05, 01:16 PM
Truth is, if you really think soul manifester is worth it, I don't mind looking into it.

I do like those non-broken erudite ACFs, though I wouldn't really know what mantle to pick. Are there any with unique powers I wouldn't be able to learn otherwise?

Soul crystal power seems great. Kinda like a better version of spellstaff. I like. But it won't be in play for another long time... oh well.

2014-05-05, 01:37 PM
Truth is, if you really think soul manifester is worth it, I don't mind looking into it.It's fun, but incarnum is a bit complicated, and if you're not familiar, I'd suggest reading up on it just because it's neat, but you can do that later.

I do like those non-broken erudite ACFs, though I wouldn't really know what mantle to pick. Are there any with unique powers I wouldn't be able to learn otherwise?I'd suggest the Magic Mantle because the ability it gives you is super-transparency, which allows feats and other abilities to work on psionics that normally wouldn't, such as the Supernatural Transformation feat. No SR/PR psionics that don't provoke AoOs, don't fizzle when you're hit, never require Concentration checks to maintain, and with a ML that auto-scales with your HD? Very, very nice. But it's also cheesy, so most DMs likely won't allow it. Just look around for discipline powers that you want auto-access to (including 9ths that you otherwise wouldn't get pre-epic). Both mantled erudite and favored discipline let you spend powers known on them without searching for someone to learn them from. They also let you learn them at the "standard" level, rather than learning them a level late. See if there are any mantle abilities you really like, look at the powers you want auto-access to, and choose accordingly.

Soul crystal power seems great. Kinda like a better version of spellstaff. I like. But it won't be in play for another long time... oh well.Well, until then, you always have power stones and powers manifested from other psionic creatures. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicPowersOverview.htm#manifestAnUnknownPowerFr omAnothersPowersKnown)

2014-05-05, 02:01 PM
That transparency thing is great. Sorry to bother, but do you know any other feats for psi-like abilities that aren't 3.0 that preferably come from the Complete series or at least books that are commonly used?

Truth is, I'm pretty sure we're already gonna use transparency, so though the power resistance is great, I'll already have it. I'll talk to the DM though, to make sure.

Powers manifested from... but that only works for one turn, right, so it's not super useful. Any way I can memorize a psywar spell? Would I even want to (aside from the one that grants improved evasion at a lower level, forget which)?

2014-05-05, 02:09 PM
That transparency thing is great. Sorry to bother, but do you know any other feats for psi-like abilities that aren't 3.0 that preferably come from the Complete series or at least books that are commonly used?Look in the feats section of the Monster Manual. You can explicitly use spell-like ability feats on psi-like abilities (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/monsters/overview.htm#psiLikeAbilitiesAndFeats) (which all power manifestations are, by definition (www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicPowersOverview.htm#specialAbilities)), so you can spontaneously apply those feats to your powers without having to pay for normal metapsionics.

Truth is, I'm pretty sure we're already gonna use transparency, so though the power resistance is great, I'll already have it. I'll talk to the DM though, to make sure.

Powers manifested from... but that only works for one turn, right, so it's not super useful. Any way I can memorize a psywar spell? Would I even want to (aside from the one that grants improved evasion at a lower level, forget which)?You can only manifest from a psychic warrior if the power you want to manifest is also a psion power. Otherwise, no. The ability to manifest from another's powers known is really useful for powers manifested outside of a fight, but that doesn't preclude manifesting, say, Inertial Armor, which lasts 1 hour/lvl, and yet is quite useful in combat. It'll also save you from having to waste one of your UPPD on it, especially since you'll only manifest it maybe 2/day.

2014-05-05, 02:17 PM
Yeah I had just seen that -_- so instead of taking that Shaper ACF I may have wanted, I can use quicken SLA, since it's technically a 1st level power. Sweet, thanks.

Wait, I just saw now that you can only apply those to one specific power: 'Choose one of the creature’s spell-like abilities, subject to the restrictions described below. The creature can use that ability as a quickened spell-like ability three times per day (or less, if the ability is normally usable only once or twice per day).'
(Emphasis mine.)
Ah, so not as cool as I'd thought. Still pretty sweet, thanks.

It doesn't seem like there'll be other psions in my party, but thanks anyway.

2014-05-05, 02:34 PM
Yeah I had just seen that -_- so instead of taking that Shaper ACF I may have wanted, I can use quicken SLA, since it's technically a 1st level power. Sweet, thanks.You can also use Linked Power to manifest a 1st level power as, say, a standard action (http://www.psionics.info/powers/synchronicity--cpsi/) (which, in this case, gives you another standard action) and tie Astral Construct to it. It shows up next round, and you get your construct, as normal. And an even better trick: tie the Metapower feat (from CPsi) to Linked Power and Synchronicity, and you end up with both a free manifestation of Synchronicity as well as having an extra power point to spend on Astral Construct.

Wait, I just saw now that you can only apply those to one specific power: 'Choose one of the creature’s spell-like abilities, subject to the restrictions described below. The creature can use that ability as a quickened spell-like ability three times per day (or less, if the ability is normally usable only once or twice per day).'
(Emphasis mine.)

Ah, so not as cool as I'd thought. Still pretty sweet, thanks.It's an idea, anyway.

It doesn't seem like there'll be other psions in my party, but thanks anyway.Could you hire a cohort or two?

[edit] The various SLA feats were reprinted in the MMV, and in such a way that you could get around the "choose one" restriction. Remember that newer printings supercede old ones, so this one takes precedence. Read it and see what it says, and see if you agree.

2014-05-05, 08:31 PM
If you go Psion over Erudite (both are great, but Erudite has always seemed to rub DMs wrong being an alternative class in a back of a less than popular book, the poorly worded unique powers bit [with one wording making the limit not exist, the other making it extremely restrictive], and of course the infamous spell to power variant) I'd personally go Shaper (because yes you need to be a Shaper to get the Personal Construct alternate class feature). Egoist is great...but I know my group bans the polymorph line and by extension metamorphosis and similar powers, which really guts why you'd be an Egoist at all. Telepath though is still really good and you get the best bit of being a Shaper, Astral Construct, with just a feat. I haven't played a Seer but if you're into information gathering, they look like they would be one of the best, so I guess it depends on the style of your DM.

Race wise (equally applicable to either class), Humans are as awesome as ever. Gray Elves are good if you want to be an Elf, you can't go wrong with more Intelligence, and I suppose being able to use share pain and vigor with a psicrystal doesn't make the con hit as bad. Kalashtar are setting specific but really nice, and of course as you're looking at, Synads are great. If your DM allows LA buy off, it might be worth looking at adding the Phrenic Creature template.

2014-05-05, 08:47 PM
I've never understood the appeal of the egoist. The only power that I'd use with any frequency in the whole class is Metamorphosis, and while that, in and of itself, is powerful enough to carry the whole class, it's not available pre-level 7, and it's nabbable with a feat.

Of course, some of the higher levels have decent powers (primarily Psionic Revivify, Fusion, and Fission), but they're either rarely used, and should thus be put on a power stone (Revivify), or primarily cheese material. I suppose Fission is crazy useful, but again, it's feat fodder.

2014-05-05, 09:20 PM
I've never understood the appeal of the egoist. The only power that I'd use with any frequency in the whole class is Metamorphosis, and while that, in and of itself, is powerful enough to carry the whole class, it's not available pre-level 7, and it's nabbable with a feat.

If you're doing a psigish (and don't want to use Psychic Warrior because of the slower power progression or the reduced PP supply or whatever) then Egoist gets you Thicken Skin, Psionic Animal's Buff (er, Animal Affinity), and HUSTLE.

2014-05-05, 09:21 PM
Yeah, I pretty much agree with that, though unless I'm misreading power stones, as a Psion at least you can't use power stones of discipline only powers as they're not on your power list? (Shaper though does gives you use psionic device.) Though yeah, Egoist strikes me as cheesy or feat fodder, so Shaper, Telepath, or Seer all the way. XD Or of course an Erudite assuming your DM will boost the unique powers per day a little bit.

Edit: Or, well, yeah, there is that too. XD Hustle in particular is nice. I guess Egoist would be my 4th choice assuming I'm not using metamorphosis.

2014-05-05, 09:57 PM
I never realized the psion has such good damage dealy powers. a 40-ft burst augmentable d6/level is great, as is the srd version of energy stun, at level 9 it can deal 9d6+9 with a DC that's hard to be avoided at that level, either reflex or fortitude... super versatile.

So back to the quicken ability, it's definitely worth it to take that instead of personal construct, but I realize that you can easily use it on psychic reformation, albeit at level 16, to basically be able to spontaneously cast any power possible. I'd say that's pretty awesome in terms of versatility, though it's unfortunate that it's at such a late level. Any way to offset that that you know of? On that subject, you know of any items that make you use less XP when manifesting a power? Like as an SU or SLA or something. Quickened psychic reformation to put quicken spell-like ability on every power that you'll be using during that encounter... though I suppose that's why there's an XP cost in the first place, to make sure that don't happen. Oh well.

@ Rubik, linked power seems pretty good.
Round 1, metamorph to a hydra and link to astral construct
Round two, bite them 9 times and pound them into the ground with your construct.

Can you explain the metapower/linked power/synchronicity thing? Don't really get it.

OK, so we got our stats and stuff, it's gonna be level 13, 120K gold. 100 * (craft + profession check). And standard array, 10-16 sans 15, unfortunately. Still haven't talked to him about eruditing, so I dunno what the deal is with that, but all I know I'm gonna do is psychic reform so I get the extra craft money and craft myself a torc of power preservation if I can...
What else is good to buy?
Assuming he allows, I'm going to be a necropolitain, because undead immunities are amazing. as well as the d12 ain't so bad (like a D6 if I had a con of 3!) and this way I can put the 10 into con... etc.

Anyway, thanks for all your help, all of you. I'm definitely gonna need help figuring out what discipline to take, either as psion or erudite, but that's another story. Of course, any advice for anything psion/erudite related is always helpful.

EDIT: Is it worth it to be a Grey Elf? Or are there other LA +0 races that give an int. bonus? I was gonna go synad, but then I re-read, and apparently you can't use the cool quicken ability when you manifest another power during that round... oh well.

2014-05-05, 10:37 PM
Erudites don't get a discipline. Instead of a discipline Erudites get psicrystal affinity, and the ability to learn discipline powers of one level lower than the maximum they can manifest, though of course that's via adding powers to their repertoire, they can never select discipline powers from leveling up. Psions must take a discipline, which gives them some more class skills, and adds that disciplines power list to yours (which now being Psion powers for you you can just learn as you level up). So if you're an Erudite, disciplines don't matter to you in the slightest, just remember you can't learn them from leveling up as they're not on the Psion list and go hunt down the ones you want to learn and add them.

As a psion, the discipline aside from skills and alternative class features determines which discipline powers you're getting for free. So, while Shaper and Egoist are great (assuming you're allowed metamorphosis), there iconic powers can both be pouched with a feat. I'd probably rate the disciplines in order of Shaper >= Egoist > Telepath >= Seer >> Kineticist > Nomad (don't play a Nomad, heck Greater Teleport is a psion power), but really any of the first 5 will work. Just if you're not a Shaper you're spending a feat on Astral Construct. XD I probably wouldn't play a Kineticist either but they're certainly not bad, just a matter of taste.

Race wise, Gray Elf is certainly the most simple and the one that's going to be allowed. There is the Deep Imaskari if you don't mind the dexterity penalty, they're certainly good if you can talk your DM into making spell clutch work for powers, but they're also Faerun. There are also Fire Elves (UA though, charisma penalty instead of strength), and Sun Elves (3.0 Faerun, +2 Int, -2 Con).

If you're starting at level 13, I get to spam more powers. XD

General Level 6 Powers
Contingency (Psionic), Disintegrate (Psionic), Energy Barrage, Inconstant Location, Psychometry, Retrieve, Temporal Acceleration

General Level 7 Powers
Energy Conversion, Mind Blank (Personal)

Discipline Powers
Egoist: Fission (Level 7)
Seer: Fate of One (Level 7)
Shaper: Fabricate (Greater Psionic) (Level 7), Ectoplasmic Cocoon (Mass) (Level 7)

2014-05-05, 11:00 PM
I never realized the psion has such good damage dealy powers. a 40-ft burst augmentable d6/level is great, as is the srd version of energy stun, at level 9 it can deal 9d6+9 with a DC that's hard to be avoided at that level, either reflex or fortitude... super versatile.Casters have a much higher optimization cap, but psions are much better on the baseline (and wilders are even better). If you want to blast at higher levels, check out Swarm of Crystals. Note all the myriad defenses available to keep your enemies from dying to it. Seriously, aside from flat-out damage immunity, there's literally no way to survive, if it's augmented enough (preferably using a bit of metapsionics to add injury to insult).

So back to the quicken ability, it's definitely worth it to take that instead of personal construct, but I realize that you can easily use it on psychic reformation, albeit at level 16, to basically be able to spontaneously cast any power possible. I'd say that's pretty awesome in terms of versatility, though it's unfortunate that it's at such a late level. Any way to offset that that you know of? On that subject, you know of any items that make you use less XP when manifesting a power? Like as an SU or SLA or something. Quickened psychic reformation to put quicken spell-like ability on every power that you'll be using during that encounter... though I suppose that's why there's an XP cost in the first place, to make sure that don't happen. Oh well.Some people say that Linked Power kills the XP component of the companion power, but I stringently disagree, since there's nothing saying that XP costs are waived.

About the only way to get XP-free PsiRefs is to Planar Bind an efreeti, Shapechange into a zodar, or otherwise get freebie Wishes, then Wish for a PsiRef on you. Or you could Gate in a psion to do it for you, I guess.

Otherwise, you need to pay XP.

@ Rubik, linked power seems pretty good.
Round 1, metamorph to a hydra and link to astral construct
Round two, bite them 9 times and pound them into the ground with your construct.I prefer to use it to speed up manifesting times, since any pp-expenditures on the first power reduce the number of pp you can spend on the second (Metapower notwithstanding). Spend too many pp on the first power, and the second power will be relatively weak.

It's good for buffing and utility. Less so for attacking.

Can you explain the metapower/linked power/synchronicity thing? Don't really get it.Metapower reduces the metapsionic cost of a chosen power/metapsionic feat combo by -2. So if you choose Linked Power + Synchronicity as your Metapower'd combo, you can no longer manifest Synchronicity without using Linked Power on it, but the metapsionic cost (ie, the cost of the second power) is reduced by -2. So, say you're a 14th level psion, and you manifest a Linked Synchronicity + Astral Construct as high as you can get it. You can spend 14 pp on the combo. Synchronicity (1 pp) + Astral Construct (15 pp) + Metapower (-2 pp) = 14 pp. So instead of tossing out a standard 7th level astral construct (13 pp), you're throwing out an 8th level construct (one level higher than you normally could), paying 1 pp less for it, and gaining a free standard action this round, to boot.

OK, so we got our stats and stuff, it's gonna be level 13, 120K gold. 100 * (craft + profession check). And standard array, 10-16 sans 15, unfortunately. Still haven't talked to him about eruditing, so I dunno what the deal is with that, but all I know I'm gonna do is psychic reform so I get the extra craft money and craft myself a torc of power preservation if I can...
What else is good to buy?Psychoactive skin of proteus? Crafted psionic version of the arcanist gloves (from MIC) -- note that it works on the Astral Construct power, as well as on Synchronicity -- a handy haversack, a Heward's fortifying bedroll, a huge number of Magic Mouth spells (to screw over Dispelling), a just-as-huge number of zombie frogs in cages (to screw over turning attempts), a crafted psionic version of metamagic rods, a ring of the darkhidden, several chronocharms, or a big bag of Qaal's feather tree tokens. A rod of construct control (from the Arms & Equipment Guide). Lots and lots and lots of power stones to learn from. That, or the services of a few psions to learn from -- whichever is cheaper. A scroll of PAO, maybe, to replace your Int score and physical scores?

Assuming he allows, I'm going to be a necropolitain, because undead immunities are amazing. as well as the d12 ain't so bad (like a D6 if I had a con of 3!) and this way I can put the 10 into con... etc.See if you can take Human Heritage as your first level feat. That way you count as a humanoid when you're subjected to turn undead attempts or anything that controls or destroys or damages undead.

Anyway, thanks for all your help, all of you. I'm definitely gonna need help figuring out what discipline to take, either as psion or erudite, but that's another story. Of course, any advice for anything psion/erudite related is always helpful.I love shapers more than all the other disciplines. Shapers all the way.

EDIT: Is it worth it to be a Grey Elf? Or are there other LA +0 races that give an int. bonus? I was gonna go synad, but then I re-read, and apparently you can't use the cool quicken ability when you manifest another power during that round... oh well.Look at the fire races in the SRD. How about a dragonborn fire warforged, maybe, if the necropolitan thing doesn't work out?

2014-05-05, 11:03 PM
Wow, Cloud, what a beast you are.

And Erudites can get a discipline, or a mantle, it's an ACF that the Cube pointed out somewhere earlier.
I'm probably gonna do Egoist, since Astral Construct is the only power that I really like, and talented overchannel makes it exponentially better. Probably Grey Elf as well, since if I'm doing erudite I won't have to spend feats on Expanded Knowledge.

I also really like the egoists higher level powers, such as fission, which you've pointed out, fusion (pscrystals), and greater metamorph obviously.

Reddopsi sounds great, but compared to Friendly Fire, a fourth level druid/wiz spell, it's laughably terrible. There are a few telepath and seer powers that seem great as well, which is why I'd love to go Erudite if I can, just because I get to be indecisive.

So after psychic reformation and all, is there a reason why you can't know only high level powers, if you wanted to? I'm just curious, I didn't see it anywhere, but sometimes I'm blind when it benefits me. Thanks.

2014-05-05, 11:29 PM
Completely missed that Erudites can get a discipline, wow. Ah yeah, that's nice. Not sure if a mantle might be a better choice or not, a discipline adds more powers, but a mantle could possible add powers from two.

Mantle wise, Creation is great for Ardents...but you could just be a Shaper instead, depends if you like the bonus feat that is the mantle power. Fate again is great for Ardents, but in your case you'd have to decide if the mantle power was worth not just being a seer. Freedom could be interesting, giving you choice powers from the Nomad and Egoist list. If you go insane and want to try that whole gish thing, the Conflict mantle has some interesting powers. So I suppose Fate or Freedom could be interesting, but I think taking a discipline would be better. ...If you go off the RAW for the Magic Mantle (and not the RAI which in my opinion at least is just turn on psionic-magic transpancy for campaigns it's turned off in) and don't get books thrown at you, Rubik has already pointed out several ways that can be used.

On psychic reformation, I think you still need to pick feats/powers etc. you meet the requirements for. So if you say rewind to level 5 and are re-picking your powers for that level, you only have access to 3rd level powers. But I could be reading it wrong too. ^^"

2014-05-07, 09:55 PM
Casters have a much higher optimization cap, but psions are much better on the baseline (and wilders are even better). If you want to blast at higher levels, check out Swarm of Crystals. Note all the myriad defenses available to keep your enemies from dying to it. Seriously, aside from flat-out damage immunity, there's literally no way to survive, if it's augmented enough (preferably using a bit of metapsionics to add injury to insult).'

While that's true, I still definitely prefer psion over wilder, just from the sheer amount of powers you can know comparatively, as well as the fact that wilders burn through PP like wildfire. Swarm of crystals does seem great, let's calculate for a sec: at level 13, for 13 pp it's 13d4, 2.5*13= 32.5... that seems pretty meh. Let's try double metapowered maximized would be... 52? That's pretty underwhelming, though I can definitely appreciate the lack of defenses any given enemy will have to it.

Some people say that Linked Power kills the XP component of the companion power, but I stringently disagree, since there's nothing saying that XP costs are waived.

About the only way to get XP-free PsiRefs is to Planar Bind an efreeti, Shapechange into a zodar, or otherwise get freebie Wishes, then Wish for a PsiRef on you. Or you could Gate in a psion to do it for you, I guess.

Otherwise, you need to pay XP.

Yeah, I figured, that kinda sucks. So I talked to my DM finally, and he said that while I can't use Psychic Reformation to 'Powergame' (for crafting cheese and stuff) he'd let me use it in between levels for free (no xp cost) so that's cool, at least.

I prefer to use it to speed up manifesting times, since any pp-expenditures on the first power reduce the number of pp you can spend on the second (Metapower notwithstanding). Spend too many pp on the first power, and the second power will be relatively weak.

It's good for buffing and utility. Less so for attacking.

Any specific examples? It doesn't seem like linked power is usually worth the extra pp (what is it, equal to the amount you spent on the two that were linked?)

Metapower reduces the metapsionic cost of a chosen power/metapsionic feat combo by -2. So if you choose Linked Power + Synchronicity as your Metapower'd combo, you can no longer manifest Synchronicity without using Linked Power on it, but the metapsionic cost (ie, the cost of the second power) is reduced by -2. So, say you're a 14th level psion, and you manifest a Linked Synchronicity + Astral Construct as high as you can get it. You can spend 14 pp on the combo. Synchronicity (1 pp) + Astral Construct (15 pp) + Metapower (-2 pp) = 14 pp. So instead of tossing out a standard 7th level astral construct (13 pp), you're throwing out an 8th level construct (one level higher than you normally could), paying 1 pp less for it, and gaining a free standard action this round, to boot.
That... seems like a great combo. Guess I'll see if I have the feats to spare.

Unfortunately he said no to necropolitain, and despite your recommendations, I think I'mma go egoist :( Sorry, but shaper was a close second :D

Completely missed that Erudites can get a discipline, wow. Ah yeah, that's nice. Not sure if a mantle might be a better choice or not, a discipline adds more powers, but a mantle could possible add powers from two.

Mantle wise, Creation is great for Ardents...but you could just be a Shaper instead, depends if you like the bonus feat that is the mantle power. Fate again is great for Ardents, but in your case you'd have to decide if the mantle power was worth not just being a seer. Freedom could be interesting, giving you choice powers from the Nomad and Egoist list. If you go insane and want to try that whole gish thing, the Conflict mantle has some interesting powers. So I suppose Fate or Freedom could be interesting, but I think taking a discipline would be better. ...If you go off the RAW for the Magic Mantle (and not the RAI which in my opinion at least is just turn on psionic-magic transpancy for campaigns it's turned off in) and don't get books thrown at you, Rubik has already pointed out several ways that can be used.

On psychic reformation, I think you still need to pick feats/powers etc. you meet the requirements for. So if you say rewind to level 5 and are re-picking your powers for that level, you only have access to 3rd level powers. But I could be reading it wrong too. ^^"

We are doing the psionic-magic transparency, which makes sense (otherwise I'd be able to go right through SR.. that'd be nice :D), and I'm pretty sure I'mma be a human egoist.

Starting Items:
Haversack -2K
Headband of Int -36K
Torc of Power Pres. - 36K
Circlet of Rapid Casting- 15K
Belt of Battle- 12K

Dunno exactly what else I can afford with only 19K or so left. Maybe some feather tokens as you suggested, Rubik, and I don't think he'll allow metamagic rods, though that has potential to be cool.

Aright, so now I need your help again, guys. I want to try and find a way to recharge my power points. The only ways I've found online were with 'Bestow Power', but those my DM rules against because it's not 'another psionic mind' as it specifically says in the text.


So if I were to find a way to make it work with fission (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/fission.htm), with metapowered extended fission (so it lasts for 26 rounds), then me wild surging +2 (from 7th level anarchic initiate) and - 1 from Torc of PP, to charge him and have him charge me, would that work? Since it says:

You cannot use fusion or metaconcert with a duplicate, or share any other power or effect that pools abilities (the sum of you and you is still just you). Similarly, attempting to use powers such as claws of the vampire or vampiric blade to hurt your duplicate only damages your duplicate; these powers do not heal you. Empathic transfer and similar powers are likewise ineffective (transferring wounds to yourself isn’t a good healing strategy).

would that apply to bestow power? That would really help. Thanks so much, for everything!

2014-05-07, 10:14 PM
Well, Bestow Power doesn't "pool" any resources. It simply "bestows" them. While cheesy, I think it would work under raw.

2014-05-07, 10:39 PM
Well, Bestow Power doesn't "pool" any resources. It simply "bestows" them. While cheesy, I think it would work under raw.

Ah, beans, very cool. So let me 'think out loud', please correct.
I have say... 61 PP left. 48 after fission, or 24 each.
Extend (metapower) fission (lasts 26 rounds now) wait no, or better yet, Wild surge +2 then extend, so 30 rounds.
Round 1, I give the clone a torc of power preservation that I have just for this scenario. He puts it on.
Round 2, I spend 3 PP to give him 4 points (usually costs 6, but -2 for wild surge and -1 for torc). Now I have 21 and he has 28. On his round, he uses 3 PP to give me four. Now he has 25 and I have 25.
2-30, repeat. By the end of round 2 we each had 25, so by 22 it should be 45 and 30 should be 53 for a total of 106. Then he disappears. Rinse and repeat until you get to full pp.

Did I miss anything?

EDIT: Every tenth manifesting should make him dazed until the tenth round. So since each half manifests around 30 times, that's 6 fewer power points I'd get, giving me a net gain of an extra 39. So that's cool.

2014-05-07, 11:01 PM
While that's true, I still definitely prefer psion over wilder, just from the sheer amount of powers you can know comparatively, as well as the fact that wilders burn through PP like wildfire. Swarm of crystals does seem great, let's calculate for a sec: at level 13, for 13 pp it's 13d4, 2.5*13= 32.5... that seems pretty meh. Let's try double metapowered maximized would be... 52? That's pretty underwhelming, though I can definitely appreciate the lack of defenses any given enemy will have to it.But imagine using this combined with Temporal Acceleration and Delay Power. It goes right through AMFs, so at level 20, with an orange ioun stone, Hustle, Synchronicity, Wall of Ectoplasm, Overchannel, Psicrystal Containment, Linked Power, and Psionic Meditation (all great options), you can do the following:

Overchanneled (+2 ML) Temporal Acceleration [11 pp + 12 pp (+3 rounds)] = 4 rounds of subjective time.
Round 1: Standard action Wall of Ectoplasm (7 pp); the W.o.E. blocks line of effect for Delayed powers, so they don't go off prior to the end of the T.E. effect. Swift action Overchanneled (+3 ML) Hustle (5 pp) Linked to a Delayed (+2 pp) Swarm of Crystals (+17 pp) = 17d4 damage. 2 move actions to refocus.
Round 2: Swift action Overchanneled (+3 ML) Hustle (5 pp) Linked to a Delayed (+2 pp) Swarm of Crystals (+17 pp) = 17d4 damage. 2 move actions to refocus. Standard action to manifest Overchanneled (+3 ML) Delayed (+2 pp) Swarm of Crystals (+22 pp) = 22d4 damage.
Round 3: Move action to refocus. Swift action Overchanneled (+3 ML) Hustle (5 pp) Linked to a Delayed (+2 pp) Swarm of Crystals (+17 pp) = 17d4 damage. Move action to refocus. Standard action to manifest Overchanneled (+3 ML) Delayed (+2 pp) Swarm of Crystals (+22 pp) = 22d4 damage.
Round 4: Move action to refocus. Overchanneled (+3 ML) Synchronicity (1 pp) Linked to Swarm of Crystals (+21 pp) = 21d4 damage. Move action to refocus. Standard action to manifest Overchanneled (+3 ML) Synchronicity to ready the dismissal of the Wall of Ectoplasm upon reentering the timestream (1 pp), therefore triggering every one of the delayed powers, Linked with Swarm of Crystals (+23 pp) = 23d4 damage..

That's 137d4 damage, which averages to 342.5 points of unblockable damage. After all, even uberchargers miss on a 1. This is guaranteed.

Then trigger your Contingent Temporal Acceleration right after, and repeat the whole thing.

Remember, this is only if you really, really, really want to kill something dead, right now. You nova the hell out of yourself, and you use up a lot of resources, but it demonstrates how much power you can pour into Swarm of Crystals, which, as I said, is really difficult to deal with for anyone who isn't completely immune to death or damage.

Any specific examples? It doesn't seem like linked power is usually worth the extra pp (what is it, equal to the amount you spent on the two that were linked?)Two powers Linked together cost your psionic focus and the power point cost of the two powers in pp added together. So two 1 pp powers Linked together would cost a total of 2 pp and psionic focus. It doesn't cost extra pp beyond what you would pay to manifest the two powers normally.

Just look at my example above for an example of how to shorten the manifesting time of a power (in this case, shortening Swarm of Crystal's action cost down to a swift action). Remember that you can do this with any power -- such as Astral Construct (1 round), Psionic Minor Creation (1 minute), Psionic Identify (24 hours), or Psionic Genesis (1 week). Manifest Psionic Genesis as a swift action, and the power goes off next round? Heck yeah.

That... seems like a great combo. Guess I'll see if I have the feats to spare.

Unfortunately he said no to necropolitain, and despite your recommendations, I think I'mma go egoist :( Sorry, but shaper was a close second :DMetapower is pretty nice, but it's not horribly necessary. You'll still want access to Linked Power, especially for improving the action economy of your buffing routines, since that's your main schtick as an egoist. And don't forget that you have a psicrystal available to buff along with you (especially with Metamorphosis).

Starting Items:
Haversack -2K
Headband of Int -36K
Torc of Power Pres. - 36K
Circlet of Rapid Casting- 15K
Belt of Battle- 12K

Dunno exactly what else I can afford with only 19K or so left. Maybe some feather tokens as you suggested, Rubik, and I don't think he'll allow metamagic rods, though that has potential to be cool.Don't forget chronocharms from the MIC, weapon crystals, also from the MIC, and a Heward's fortifying bedroll, from CArc. You'll probably want a ring of the darkhidden (so long as you have darkvision available), a ring of sustenance, and a ring of Feather Fall (stack the effects together via the rules in the MIC).

[edit] Oh, and don't forget a bunch of 1st level power stones to save you a few 1st level powers known. According to CPsi, you can use your own pp to manifest a power in a power stone in order to use your own manifester level. It still flushes the stone, but you can manifest an Inertial Armor at your full ML for a measley 25 gp.

2014-05-07, 11:52 PM
Item wise, there are a lot of things you could still pick up. ...Note though that Torc of Power Preservation was reprinted in MIC, at only 4,000 gp...but it doesn't do what it used too. Also personally I would start with only a +4 int item, and use the 40K expected wealth you should get going from level 13 to 14 to upgrade it to +6 then.

Basic 'Maths' Items
Remember that for most of these you can add the effect to any item with an effect for no additional cost.
Cloak/vest of resistance with bonus of your choice (bonus squared * 1000): Saves are nice to not fail.
Ring/Cloak/Robe of Protection (bonus squared * 2000): Touch AC is sometimes important.
Amulet/Vest/Robe of Natural Armour (bonus squared * 2000): Boosting AC isn't a great idea, but it's an option.
Amulet/Vest/Waist of Constitution (bonus squared * 1000): I hear hit points are nice.
Gloves/Bracers/Boots of Dexterity (bonus squared * 1000): I also hear that touch AC, initiative, and bonus attack with rays, are nice.
Mithril Chain Shirt (1,100 gp): 4 AC, no check penalty, you don't care about arcane spell failure. Enchant to taste.
Darkwood/Mithril Shield of choice: More AC for cheap, enchant as needed. Depends on what you need for hands for otherwise.
Dusty Rose Ioun Stone (5000 gp): Expensive for only +1 AC, but it's slotless and an insight bonus, meaning it also applies to touch AC.

Utility Items
Tunic of Steady Spellcasting (MIC, 2,500 gp): +5 to concentration, maybe not needed but nice with the below.
Headband of Conscious Effort (MIC, 2,000 gp): 1/day concentration check instead of making a fort save.
Anklet of Translocation (MIC, 1,4000 gp): Less important for a caster than a mundane, but a teleport without using your PP isn't bad, particularly as you can use this one while grappled.
Dispelling Cord (MIC, 1000 gp): Make your dispel attempts that much better.
Mantle of Second Chances (MIC, 12,000 gp): Expensive, but reroll any roll 1/day.
Sandals of the Vagabond (CC, 4000 gp): +2 luck bonus to initiative, and you're immune to exhaustion (any effect that would exhaust you automatically downgrades to fatigued).
Ring of Anticipation (DotU, 6000 gp): Roll initiative twice and use the better roll as a passive ability. Oh and something about +2 to skills you don't care about.
Third Eye Clarity (MIC, 3,000 gp): Immediate action 1/day stop confused, dazed, fascinated, or stunned.
Ring of Diamond Mind (ToB, 3000 gp): Pick a 3rd level of lower diamond maneuver you meet the prerequisites for and be able to use it 1/encounter. Moment of Perfect Will and Mind Over Body have no prerequisites and let you use concentration instead of your will/fort save as an immediate action.

Plenty of other choices too obviously...but you only have so much gold I'll leave it there for now.

2014-05-08, 12:19 AM
Item wise, there are a lot of things you could still pick up. ...Note though that Torc of Power Preservation was reprinted in MIC, at only 4,000 gp...but it doesn't do what it used to.Yeah. It's crap now, so see if you can go the old route. (Consider the MIC torc the "lesser torc of power preservation" and the original good one the "greater" version.)

Also personally I would start with only a +4 int item, and use the 40K expected wealth you should get going from level 13 to 14 to upgrade it to +6 then.That's definitely a good idea, though you need to ask if you can expect to be able to upgrade your gear at least semi-regularly; if not, you probably ought to go with the +6.

Basic 'Maths' Items
Remember that for most of these you can add the effect to any item with an effect for no additional cost.
Cloak/vest of resistance with bonus of your choice (bonus squared * 1000): Saves are nice to not fail.
Ring/Cloak/Robe of Protection (bonus squared * 2000): Touch AC is sometimes important.
Amulet/Vest/Robe of Natural Armour (bonus squared * 2000): Boosting AC isn't a great idea, but it's an option.
Amulet/Vest/Waist of Constitution (bonus squared * 1000): I hear hit points are nice.
Gloves/Bracers/Boots of Dexterity (bonus squared * 1000): I also hear that touch AC, initiative, and bonus attack with rays, are nice.
Mithril Chain Shirt (1,100 gp): 4 AC, no check penalty, you don't care about arcane spell failure. Enchant to taste.
Darkwood/Mithril Shield of choice: More AC for cheap, enchant as needed. Depends on what you need for hands for otherwise.
Dusty Rose Ioun Stone (5000 gp): Expensive for only +1 AC, but it's slotless and an insight bonus, meaning it also applies to touch AC.Don't forget dastana bracers and the chahar aina. They each provide stacking bonuses to your AC and can be enhanced separately (for much cheaper than a single set of armor).

Utility Items
Tunic of Steady Spellcasting (MIC, 2,500 gp): +5 to concentration, maybe not needed but nice with the below.
Headband of Conscious Effort (MIC, 2,000 gp): 1/day concentration check instead of making a fort save.
Anklet of Translocation (MIC, 1,4000 gp): Less important for a caster than a mundane, but a teleport without using your PP isn't bad, particularly as you can use this one while grappled.
Dispelling Cord (MIC, 1000 gp): Make your dispel attempts that much better.
Mantle of Second Chances (MIC, 12,000 gp): Expensive, but reroll any roll 1/day.
Sandals of the Vagabond (CC, 4000 gp): +2 luck bonus to initiative, and you're immune to exhaustion (any effect that would exhaust you automatically downgrades to fatigued).
Ring of Anticipation (DotU, 6000 gp): Roll initiative twice and use the better roll as a passive ability. Oh and something about +2 to skills you don't care about.
Third Eye Clarity (MIC, 3,000 gp): Immediate action 1/day stop confused, dazed, fascinated, or stunned.
Ring of Diamond Mind (ToB, 3000 gp): Pick a 3rd level of lower diamond maneuver you meet the prerequisites for and be able to use it 1/encounter. Moment of Perfect Will and Mind Over Body have no prerequisites and let you use concentration instead of your will/fort save as an immediate action.

Plenty of other choices too obviously...but you only have so much gold I'll leave it there for now.You ought to consider a shirt of wraith stalking (MIC) as well. Once you get some money under your belt, upgrade one of your armor bits to soulfire armor (BoED), for constant protection from undead and negative energy effects. There's also a banner in Heroes of Battle for 8,000 gp that protects all allies around you with Protection From Evil (ie, a poor man's Mind Blank).