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2014-05-05, 09:50 AM
Two posts to have all the info of the Chronicle

Setting (The World of Ellenica)
Here is a list of the main City-States with the Patron God, the political system and the main terrain.
It will follow a description for everyone of them).

City Name
Patron God
Political System
Main Terrain
Traduced and Posted

Oligarchy (Nobles)
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Oligarchy (Warriors)
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Oligarchy (Nobles)
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Oligarchy (Warriors)
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Oligarchy (Nobles)
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Oligarchy (Warriors)
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Oligarchy (Nobles)
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The Cult of Hestia
The cult of Hestia is shared in each of the city-state of Ellenica. Hestia is the Goddess of the Fireplace and she’s not worshipped in a specific temple nor in a specific city: she’s an important “host” in each temple of the other gods, in each polis or colony.
The symbol of Hestia is a brazier; a priestess (or heroine) of the Goddess has the duty of keeping the brazier always aglow, and of accommodate travelers in the temples, whatever gods there are venerated, whatever is the city; however, if she discover that a traveler has made a crime in the city (real or perceived to be) she has the duty to send him away.
Killing a priestess of Hestia is considered a mortal sin; in some cities the judgment is swift and deadly, while in others there is only a minor punishment (which depends on the city where the crime took place). Due to their status, the priestesses of Hestia are accepted and protected everywhere, although (with rare exceptions) they do not ever get away from the place where they were invested of their task.
The high priestess of the sacred fire is entitled to have from 1 to 5 maidens as her entourage; when she dies, the Goddess chooses the new high priestess among them. If all protected of a temple of the goddess are killed, the Goddess herself addressed some women from the City State and orders them as her priestesses and maidens. At that point they are untouchable, whatever their previous status (even the slaves are freed automatically if selected).

There is 18 City-States on the Ellenica continent.
Some impervious territories are not claim by any of the city because really difficult to reach, of no use, or maybe because they are really dangerous; but for main part every territory are part of a City-State domain.
Slavery is normally accepted on the continent; war prisoners are often take as slave by the winners of a war, if they cannot pay a ranson for themselves. It is also real for mercenaries who lost a war the need to ransom themselves or became slaves.
Merchant from every territory are accepted in any City-State and are not subject to slavery if they follow the laws of the state.
A standard City-State growth above a pick or little hill (natural or created by people), protected by walls and structured in three segments: the extern ring or Lower District where slaves live and you may find stables and majority of the hostels (if it is a coastal city you may find here also the harbor), an Inner District with houses of free citizens and commercial activities (noble houses will be near the upper part of the city) and an Acropolis, with other strong defending walls to keep safe the high nobles, high priestess or influent merchant houses (or a combination of them) and every other Officer in the city, temples and the Agora, the places in the middle of the temples in which citizens crowd to take political decisions.
A city have normally a single Patron Deity but citizens are free to follow the God or Goddess they prefer (so a merchant may follow Tyche or Hades, a farmer Demeter and so on); often as single citizens or as a community Ellenics do sacrifice to have the favour of a particular God (may be Ares before a war, or Poseidon to have good winds on a boat expedition, or Hades and Hecates for funeral rites); some cities have also medium size temples instead of simply shrines for Gods or Goddess allied with the patron Deity.

Aegis is the largest of the city-states of Ellenica; it is named after the shield of Zeus, patron deity of the city. Surprisingly, in Aegis culture is not as developed as in the rest of the island; the noble ruling elite governs all the political issues, while the majority of the population is illiterate or otherwise disinclined to take interest in matters other than their work.
The strength of Aegis’ army is based on the Holy Warriors who, invoking the glory of Zeus and his help in battle, fall into a destructive trance that allows them to face every enemy. Of course, the nobles act as officers into Aegis’ Army, and they take all the tactical decisions.
The city is very rich and has a special feature: its Acropolis is placed on a sort of levitating plate that is 10 meters higher than the city. You can access the area of the temples only through 4 steps of solid gold , at the four cardinal points.
However, the wealth is shared among the entire population; Aegis’ nobility often takes artists from other cities and hires them so that can work for the glory of their lords, that on a monthly basis set up events to compare the skills of their protected.
System of Government:
The city is governed by an oligarchic council, attended by 3 representatives for each of the 13 noble families of Aegis. The council has the duty of governing the city, impose taxes, elect the representatives of the courts and the army chief (who gets the title of Magister)
Aegis is the city devoted to the father of the gods, the supreme Zeus; however, into the Acropolis you can find temples dedicated to all the gods of the Hellenic pantheon, whose cults are largely tolerated by the population. The temple of Zeus is adorned with several statues in gold and tapestries; in the main square in front of it, there is a chryselephantine statue of the Father of the Gods, 10 meters high.
Territory :
The city and the territories annexed to it are spread over a wide mountainous area; the wealth of the city is mainly due to the generous gold and silver mines of the region, as well as those of iron and coal. The city trades ores and ingots with other cities, in exchange for items of handicrafts and artifacts .

The terrain of the city-state of Festalia winds through rolling hills and a valley accompanied by the biggest river of the continent, Medran, which flows into a lagoon right by the sea. Here the town is settled, for the most part developed on natural and artificial islands and connected by a series of suspended bridges. Being devoted to the Goddess of Love, the city and its inhabitants take much care about personal freedom, and hardly rush to help an ally city in war if not well justified or encouraged; their idea of individual freedom is too much entrenched. In fact, slavery is abolished in the city, which makes Festalia poorer than other ones in Ellenica, as the most menial tasks must still be performed by the free people; even the nobility was abolished, with an official edict, at its foundation.
The government is run by a group of priestesses of the Goddess, chosen from among all the candidates thanks to the votes of all male and female citizens of the towns, villages and settlements of the area, present in Festalia at the time of the vote and who have passed the puberty. Each voter may at any time hold a referendum among the inhabitants and to obtain the removal of one of the representatives, if he has a good reason and it shows it in an assembly of the congregation.
The priesthood of Aphrodite is exclusively female (although it’s also open to the male Heroes of the Goddess), as well as female is to be the leader of this "council of elected officials", which is crowned with the title of "Queen of Beauty " and that from the time of the vote until the expiry of the mandate will live recluse on the island known as "of the Queen" at the center of the lagoon, a large garden where the Acropolis is allocated and where the advice and decisions on laws and policy are taken. On that island is also focused production of the famous honey that gives a lot of prestige to the city.
System of Government:
The Council of Aphrodite is an elected body that remains in office for three years; is elected by popular vote, and has all power over citizens. The “Queen of Beauty” is usually chosen by the intercession of the Goddess, and her vote is secret.
Similarly 5 Priestesses are elected with the title of "censor" which works as judges; a censor cannot be elected as a Counselor, but the heroes of the Goddess can normally be elected (and often at least one of the Censors is).
The people have the right to remove the board completely ( with the exception of the Queen ) if any of its member proves inept: just hold a referendum and vote to get at least 5000 votes in support. At that point the case is brought to a censor, which evaluates the grievances and issues a judgment: if it is endorsed by the Goddess, the Couselor is removed.
The cult of Aphrodite is almost unique in the region; the other gods of the pantheon of Ellenica are also tolerated, with the exception of Hades and Hecate. Particular attention is given to the cult of Ares (historically lover of the Goddess and with whom she had her children ) and Hephaestus ( her husband); although a minority, the blacksmiths of Festalia are very popular in the beauty and elegance of their accomplishments, if not in strength: this is the only place where they forged the famous " sword of crystal," fragile but deadly.
The trade flow is restricted, exports almost absent; Festalia remains with its domestic production, which is sufficiently varied to allow both stocks of food and minerals for their weapons. The only exported products are honey, exceptionally abundant ( Festalia is the only city where you can find honey bees ) and the Veneris, a drink made of light wine, honey and spices, often elongated with hallucinogenic herbs whose recipe is jealously guarded by priestesses; it’s sold in small vials, should be drunk hot and has the reputation of being a powerful love potion and aphrodisiac. It’s high demanded throughout all Ellenica, and also expensive.

Scalea is a port city on the eastern side of the continent, near to the mountains that seem to push it toward the sea. It’ also known as the City of Marble, due to its extensive quarries of this material; most of the statues, temples and all public buildings are built in marble.
The city is dedicated to the patron deity Apollo, patron of the arts; many academies are locate in the city area. The art express itself in its broadest sense: sculpture, oratory, singing, music, painting, magic and oracles are taught in various institutes and academies of the city. Teaching is one of the major sources of income of the city; Instructors are often trained, who are then hired by the noble families of other city-states, for the education of their offspring.
Scalea is a city of art and culture in every place, at any hour of the day (and occasionally even at night); it is easy to find in every tavern bards or musicians intent on singing the stories and legends of the city, of the island and of the world. In this sense, the travelers are welcomed in every corner of the city; so that they can share their stories with the orators, which have so always new facts to be able to tell to audiences attentive and eager for novelty.
The city is also renowned for its Oracles: the divination tradition of its clerics and sorcerers is well known throughout Ellenica, and often citizens of other city-states (that are not at war with Scalea) reach its large port to look for a response able to unravel the darkness of their future.
Slavery in the territory of the city is very low; in the countryside around is limited to the indispensable to maintain agricultural production to sustain the population.
The city's population is made up for one-third by Spellscales: this race of scaly humanoids descended from ancient crosses between people of Ellenica and beings of draconic bloodline. A famous legend tells that Apollo wanted to give the gift of magic power to the blood of his devotees; to do so, he charmed with his music a great dragon, Vixirianthorinxos, and convinced him to procreate with a human woman. From their relationship was born the first of this breed, and in time also other dragons perceived the advantages of a union of this kind; and so a new race arose, and their blood began to flow in the next generation even in the human beings. Usually the Spellscales are entrusted almost exclusively on the great task of supporting the Magic Academies of Scalea.
System of Government:
The city is governed by a Senate composed of 101 deputies elected democratically by the whole free population of the city. 20 of these are from the rural areas of the state. The Senate has the duty to make laws and elect the courts, as well as choose the military leaders during the war.
The cult of Apollo is widely shared by the inhabitants. In addition, people worship Zeus (father of Apollo), Poseidon (lord of the Se ), Aphrodite, Demeter and Athena.
Scalea is spread almost exclusively on a stretch of mountain overlooking the sea; the trade of the city is mainly based on the extraction of marble, which is required by many parts of Ellenica. The harbor is a very valuable resource for trade; the fleet of Scalea rivals in size with that of Ondarie, and the captains of its ships are experienced and capable. The city has established several colonies outside of the island.
With regard to agriculture, Scalea is famous for the cultivation of the olive and oil production; also are bred largely goats, which cheese is highly appreciated in Ellenica.
Finally, the export of objects of art and jewelry is very developed; products of the masters Scaleani are sought after all over the world, and often rival the fine elven products.

This city-state is marked by battles and bloodshed. Its free population is currently formed by the members of 919 different clans, devoted to the single-minded cult of Ares, God of War and Cruelty in Battle. In this city, feuds between the various warrior clans are always going on, while the issues considered less important (as the commercial, agricultural, handicraft) are delegated to servants and slaves, belonging to the whole clan. Since childhood, the young Gartenis know the fury of war and its ruthlessness; at birth, they are baptized with the blood that comes from the open throat of a servant of the clan, sacrifice to Ares himself. The children who are not physically suitable are thrown into one of the three wells that descend from the Acropolis to the depths of the continent: only flawless males can become warriors of Gartenis. Within eight years old, each young man must have killed at least 3 classmates, preferably in a bloody way and in the arena, but even cold-blooded murders are not disdained. If they do not fulfill this task, they are castrated so that they cannot spawn descendants; the tendons of the hands and feet are cut and they are enslaved to a house, randomly selected from the 919, and will be used for humiliating tasks (typically female ones) as cleaning and service at the table. Clan’s issues are resolved with small battles between families, as explained below; challenges within a clan are addressed in the arenas of private families, those between components of different clans are resolved with a deadly battle in the arena.
Membership in a clan is inherited by the paternal line; women are banned from warlike career. Clans are organized according to a kind of hierarchy which is determined by their power in battle; a smaller house can always go up in a list at the expense of one of higher rank. These schemes offer a continuous chaotic vision of power within the city that delights the Lord of War, and propose a scheme of ever-changing city management. During the feuds between clans, only the male members and the warriors aged over 8 years can be killed; the priests of the cult of Ares cannot participate in feuds. A clan wins a war if he manages to kill a number of warriors higher than the opposite side of the house within a day of the declaration of war (which has to be taken and affixed to the arena an hour before the start of the feud); no member of the family challenged can move away from the land of the city, while distant members have an hour to return to the city before the battles begin.
Some clans have orcish blood in their veins; it’s not uncommon to see half-orcs into the ranks of the warriors of a family. There is no racial hatred or fear between them and humans of Ellenica: a warrior is measured by its cruelty and ability in battle, not by his blood.
Foreigners are treated with cold detachment; as soon as they arrive in the city, they may require a document that allows them to stay in the city area up to a maximum of 15 days, if they provide a valid reason. They can raise arms against a person belonging to a clan only if provoked and just if another citizen of a house of Gartenis can witness in their favor; instead, they are free to attack any slave, but not to kill him, if not in clear danger. If they are attacked by a free citizen, they can defend themselves and even kill the assailant.
System of Government:
The government is headed by 25 warriors, called the Fist of Ares. They are chosen among the 25 families of the highest level of the city. Among them is chosen the “First” with this criterion: each household chooses 3 of his best warriors, that are put together in the arena. The member of the house where the warriors survive is declared First Fist, and he has the right of life and death over all the inhabitants of the city for a period from two to seven years. Only the priests of Ares can hold a new council to choose the First, following the instructions of the god. If a house decays while one of his member is the First, he has the right to terminate the period of his regency, then he gets kicked out of the city, or it can remain as a mercenary of one of the clans. In the case of death of one of the other 24 warriors, the family that has lost a member can replace him with another of his choice; if the First Fist dies, another council takes place.
The Fist of Ares is the tactical unit of the fighting strength of Gartenis; the military units of the city prefer to operate in small groups, motivated principally by their instinct, without worrying too much about the consequences of their actions. They are known throughout Ellenica for their cruelty and thirst for blood.
The cult of Ares is followed by all members of the clans. Some temples of gods like Hades, Poseidon and Zeus are nevertheless tolerated; the servants are allowed to hold small shrines of Demeter, but far from the ground citizen.
The temples of Ares are bare and unadorned; his clerics like to make human sacrifices in honor of the god, both male and female. None of the members of the clan, whether they are men or women, can be freely sacrificed: foreigners who break the laws of Gartenis instead can be chosen for the sacrifice; they have to defend themselves in the arena in front of a representative of the clergy, in a deadly battle. If they win, they must leave the territory of the city within a day, or are killed anyway.
Recently, it has become common practice for high-ranking families (who do not have enough slaves) to sacrifice some of the female members of the clan, if they pass the fertile period of their existence (this is to keep the clan strong and compact).
Gartenis’ territory lays between hills and mountains. The preferred goods are slaves (often war ones), which are sold and bought freely in the markets of the towns and nearby villages. There are also various minerals such as copper, iron and tin from the mountains around the city. Agriculture is poor; it’s offset from the herd of sheep (Gartenis is surprisingly one of the largest exporters of wool of Ellenica).

Irikos’ territory is small, compared to other Ellenica cities; it is also rich of woods, with few facilities scattered outside the city and rather small and simple temples of devotion to the patron saint of the city: Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt. Its inhabitants are simple people, not prone to noise than many of the other Hellenic cities, nature lovers, farmers, farming and living off the land.
The nobles who govern the city do it by right of birth; they possess almost all the arable land, and the population pays the rights of exploitation in money or products to be able to work the land. The nobles have the task of keeping alive and ready the army, to enforce conscription, and to defend the borders. However, this would be impossible without the Virgin of Artemis.
The clergy of the Goddess is in fact composed solely of females who vote to perpetual chastity in order to devote himself exclusively to the will of the goddess and the preservation of nature. They instruct all those who then become valuable guides to Ellenica, rangers, whether they are from Irikos or from other parts of Ellenica, as long as they promise to always respect the earth and its gifts, flora and fauna.
It has always attracted the interest of almost the entire elven race, which with the passage of time has become significant part of the population. It’ a fact that now a quarter of the clergy of Artemis is formed by female elves that maintain the same number of votes of the sisters of men.
System of Government:
The city of Irikos is protected by its nobility; a meeting is set up when it is necessary, with the agenda to deal with, normally about neighborhood problems or wars. The nobles is delegated the administration of justice for all the events that occurred in their territories, with the only care to communicate to the acts of the city every judgment issued
Artemis is the patron deity; its temples are small and inconspicuous, but many throughout the city-state. Almost every citizen worships the Goddess of the Hunt; prayers are raised also the father of the gods, Zeus, and the twin of the Goddess, Apollo, to whom are dedicated to the other temples of the Acropolis.
Irikos develops into a broad valley between the mountains; its people live by timber cutting and exporting, selling organic livestock, goats, pigs, and wild boar. His particular cheese is flavored with herbs and is appreciated in every part of the Ellenica.
Among the exports are also counted all shooting weapons, such as bows and crossbows, whose secrets of construction have been offered by the elves to all the people of the city.

The City of the Justice is renowned throughout Ellenica for the impartiality and good judgment of its courts. In this city, the most valuable asset for a man is the intellect: a good idea can lead many people to make great careers in Brania. It’s a cosmopolitan and very open city: everyone is welcome here, at least until he does some act that deliberately go against the city or its territories, its citizens, or its laws.
Everyone tries to look neat; people themselves often tend to denounce injustice, not just those incurred but also those who they observe during the day, on the streets or in the many taverns.
Its white marble Acropolis is majestic and competes in beauty with the most beautiful of the continent. At the center of its forum, where the Parliament meets, there is a statue of the goddess Athena with spear, shield and helmet, a reminder of the fact that those who are in Brania are under its aegis, and need not fear injustice.
In this city there is an Academy unique in Ellenica: it trains young Paladins, upright and righteous men with the task of traveling around the world to bring the light of goodness and order. Their battalions are feared in the clashes, as they often prove to be implacable opponents that combine brilliant military skills with divine powers generously granted by the Goddess herself. Frequently, Brania receives requests for one or a group of these Paladins in order to restore order in a city at war, or to bring support to righteous people who are crushed by wrong-doers; they then depart in crusades to bring their help where more serve across Ellenica.
In Brania lives also a high percentage of gnomes, who realize mighty siege engines and for the Parliament of the cities; using them, the army often solves many of the battles against the other cities. Gnomes mix techniques of magic, alchemy and technological engineering in highly effective combinations. The mysteries of the techniques of building of these giants weapon are closely guarded by their authors.
System of Government:
The city government is entrusted to a parliament composed of 350 citizens, elected among all free people of Brania, whether they are male or female, without distinction. Anyone can nominate himself for the role, provided they have the support of at least 1,000 potential voters of the town or nearby villages.
The Parliament takes executive decisions on taxation, policy and laws, and leaves to the Paladins the burden of administering justice on the citizens. Each Paladin makes a vow to the goddess to administer justice for the benefit of citizens and free people. The crimes are solved with slavery, which is always temporary: who is found guilty transforms his sentence in an appropriate period of service for the community, until the debt is extinguished. From that moment he’s a free man again; if he has personal possessions, during the period of slavery they are managed by the city, which returns them as soon as his sentence finishes.
The goddess Athena is mainly worshiped. However, there are temples of all the other good or neutral gods of the Olympian pantheon.
Brania lies among many hills; cereals and grapes are grown, the latter is used largely for light wine that is exported in some parts of the Hellenic. The city has also discrete mines of coal, iron and silver.

Eleusi and its territory are concentrated in the widest valley of Ellenica. The capital is less populated than the other city-states, but it is surrounded by many small villages of farmers, all devoted to the main deity of the city, Demeter, the goddess of fertility. Despite venerating a deity very much oriented towards peace, the inhabitants of Eleusi, if provoked, are fierce fighters. However, "never a war started by the voice of a free man of Eleusi", as those who live in this city-state claim full of pride. Eleusi, however, is always oriented towards alliances with cities which have as their patron good deity or at least than teach respect of the others among the dictates of their religion.
The slaves are mainly used to work in the fields, coordinated by masters Eleusinian; as opposed to other cities, slaves are never required to serve at the table, because the act of serving the food is “an honor from the goddess”.
There are no particular differences between male or female beings.
System of Government:
The city is governed by the Council of Clerics of Demeter. Every cleric or hero/heroine has the right to speak on matters relating to the whole city; whoever believes in Demeter can call for an extraordinary meeting to the Council, which must be set up within three days of the request. The voting members of the Council are those who have attained a high degree in the clerical system of the goddess, and were initiated into the Eleusinian Mysteries; the others have no right to vote. Those initiated into the mysteries are tightly bound in the number of 51 (including the head of the cult, which has the title of Giver of Fertility, and is always female).
The cult of Demeter, Goddess of Fertility, is the most practiced both in cities and in rural areas; is also respected the Father of the Gods and most of the good deities, with greater attention to the female ones.
The valley where it is located makes Eleusi the best producer of fruits, vegetables and grain, which are exported to many other cities in exchange for minerals and raw materials. The granaries of the city, gigantic and always filled, are a source of pride of the Eleusinian traveling for business across the continent.
From the port of Eleusi many ships often leave for other port cities of Ellenica and the colonies, loaded with products of the earth.

The city is dedicated to the cult of Dionysus, Lord of Vision and of Madness. His clerics , the "Bearers of the Tirso" , decide for life and death between the city walls . Their will is law, because their desire is the pleasure of God. Those who belong to the cult are initiated into the Orphic Mysteries , and learn to impose their will on the world, with all the systems that are allowed to them . In the case where two priests are in disagreement, it is called the "law of wisdom " as discriminating , who is a citizen of the city for longer holds the right in disputes.
The population is subservient to their whims, or slave ; and yet they share the pleasures of God to those who deserve it, and the punishment of those who do not fear their wrath. The greatest strength of the Parionic army , the Crimson Guard , is determined and ruthless , since they know the rewards which God can guide them : and their strength is in their faith. Just to see them take the field , riding their Nightmares , to know that their opponents will be intimidated by their presence, and half the battle is already won even before it begins .
The "Bearers of Tirso" then hold the power , and administer justice : they have access to a secret garden inside the temple of Dionysus, in the Acropolis , where plants are grown and produced substances that can cause feelings never felt before , to remove locks to the inhibitions and break the will of those who come into contact : with this merchandise the cult of Dionysus gathers her consent, and those who make use of these substances will soon no longer able to get rid of the need of the sensations induced by them , and becomes a slave who would do anything to satisfy their cravings yet .
Among the Bearers then there are many women who make use of the graces of their body to ensnare even the most righteous ; in the city foreigners are welcome and are often invited to participate in orgies , which are held every 7 days, which are given over to wine and drugs that bind to the unfortunate city.
Only those who carry music , such as wandering bards are left free to participate in the festivities without compulsion, and nobody has the right to corrupt them , as Dionysius teaches that music is sacred and incorruptible for people , and the artists are blessed
System of Government:
The city is governed by the clergy of Dionysus , in the persons of the Bearers of Tirso (the term also indicates priestesses female ) . The mainstay of worship is the High Priest of the Crimson , who presides over an enclave of 7 "older" Bearers of Tirso . Access enclave just happens to age , meaning not the registry, but the years lived as a citizen of Parionne : Only 7 more "elders" among the priests are entitled to a seat in this body .
The widespread worship is that of the god of wine and madness ; is also accepted that the cult of Apollo and Aphrodite , as lovers of music and love , even if it forms a little deviated from the normal canons of their respective churches.
Among the slave is allowed the worship of Zeus in the city, that of Poseidon among those who work on the sea and that of Demeter in the countryside . The cults of Hades and Hecate are banned , as it is a sin to waste time talking about death , while there is always a new experience to do during life
Territory :
Parionne is a seaside town located in the southern part of the island. Lives of small business, and is renowned for its vineyards, which are extensive and luxuriant . They are taken from different types of wines to the finest , the Crimson Tear , which has a very high cost for those who can deal with it with some luck amphora : even one of them could enrich a merchant for a few years .
It is also produced oil , and has developed the breeding of cattle for milk and meat.

2014-05-05, 09:54 AM
Tartos is the city of the Dead. Someone call it Vestibule of the Afterlife, other Door of Minos, and it’s dedicated to the worship of Hades, the Lord of the Underworld.
Curiously, the most rare stuff that is sold in the city is Death itself: it is always treated with great care, and administered by those who hold power only in exceptional cases; to be clear, it is inflicted only to those who practice necromancy (on city ground) outside the limits imposed by the clergy of Hades. All other offenses are converted into periods of slavery to the church of Hades, which can range from a day to a lifetime.
To check that the law is enforced to everyone, including clergy, there is the vigilance of the Judges: they are citizens of Tartos who have decided to lose their identity as individuals and wear the black mask of divine justice, impartial, to be administered equally to citizens, guests and slaves. In fact, it is common practice that those who visit the city underlie entirely to its laws, without distinction of sex, caste or personal property, since each is identical in front of Death, and the Judges Judge as she herself would do so: impartially.
The town lies in a mountainous area, between narrow gorges, inhospitable to life; the entire city is completely carved in a black, malleable stone, which is found only on the mountainside overlooking Tartos, an ancient extinct volcano. The buildings of the Acropolis were not built from blocks or building material, but have been excavated entirely in this black stone, thus giving the city a sinister aspect. The temples are often adorned with white funeral shrouds to the rare windows, or with silvery fine chisels to complete its appearance, while inside are bare. The stone is easily workable with tools, but if it comes in contact with a particular acid (product with a mysterious formula by some alchemists of the city-state) it becomes similar to granite in texture and hardness.
The black color is also the one of the Judges and priests of Hades: they wear uniforms or armor of the most varied and diverse materials, but always of that color. To distinguish priests from the Judges, the latter usually shave their hair and they carry a death mask, which leaves only the eyes and the mouth visible, indicating that their identity has merged with Justice of the Dead.
Since Hades is also the patron deity of the assassins, in Tartos was established from time immemorial an academy that prepares young people for this type of career. This institute has a huge greenhouse where they grow different herbs that are used to produce powerful poisons. Often the most implacable Judges have learned some of their skills from this school.
System of Government:
The Judges govern de facto the entire city; membership to the Judges is decided by a board of representatives of the cult of Hades. The novice Judge must be sponsored by a senior member of the order: the candidate is interrogated by the clergy in the manner they deem most appropriate, then it must face a ritual combat, using only a non-sharp knife against a beast of Tartarus. Only if he succeeds in the task the new Judge forever lose his identity and is reborn as a mortal incarnation of the will of Death. Judges are entrusted with the defense of the city, the organization of the army (if necessary by taking guards among citizens ) and the administration of daily justice.
The Lord of Death, Hades, is worshipped. Other faiths are freely accepted by the clergy and snubbed by the population; small temples of each Hellenic deity, except Hecate, are present in the city and in rural areas, but retain the characteristics of the cult of Hades in appearance and manner, almost completely.
Tartos is entirely mountainous; the region is rich in ores and gems of all types (it is said that this is the blessing of Hades, who is also worshiped as the God of Wealth), very rare in other city-states of Ellenica, that the city exports in exchange of all other goods on the continent. The volcanic soil is very fertile and enables a rich and luxuriant agriculture, but it’s intended only for the internal market.

Kaneses is called the City Grey; it is mainly dedicated to Hecate, Goddess of the Moon and dreaded Lady of the Night. It owes its name to the material of construction of its buildings and homes, the gray stone that is mined from quarries situated on the territory of the state: a poor but solid material used to reinforce every day its ramparts. Hecate is considered the saint patron of the moon and magic: the followers of his creed use the magical arts with profusion, often aimed at the darker side of this power. In fact, necromancy is common practice throughout the entire kingdom and it’s also institutionalized: whoever holds necromantic powers is advised by the clergy of the goddess to develop their potential through the ranks of the clergy or, if they do not hear the call of the Goddess so close, to improve their talent at the great Academy of Necromancy which is located in the Acropolis of the city. This Academy is the most renowned institute, but certainly not the only one within the city: there are institutes for each of the other seven schools of magic specialization, and 4 institutions for the spontaneous powers, one of which is open only to those who has talent arising from the mind and not from the blood; for this reason, the Grey City boasts some of the greatest makers of magic and psionic items.
In addition, the undead (created by those who possess this power) are an important part of the city: they are good servants and soldiers, they do not know tiredness, insubordination or pity, and they are heralds perfect for the Lady of the Night. They are so widespread among the population that slavery was abolished within the city over 400 years ago: the menial, hazardous or denigrating works are left to these trust and blind servants. Of course, families who can field among its ranks more people learned in the art of necromancy automatically have a greater power within the ranks of the city. For this reason, Kaneses always looks for new material for experiments, often sending real teams in search of ancient battlefields, cemeteries and ruins, or paying handsomely for anyone who can smuggle bodies within the city.
System of Government:
The city is governed by three prominent people within the cult of Hecate, which are called the Servants of the Black Moon. They are a man, a woman and a sentient undead, proxy of the goddess; apart from the latter, who is elected by divine desire and holds a charge as long as Hecate itself provides otherwise, the male is chosen by the representatives of the cult of male who have attained a high degree of belief in the system, while the woman is chosen from a list of candidates of the priestesses, but the vote is open to any woman belonging to the ranks of the clergy, plus every Hero and Heroine dedicated to Hecate.
Among the high-ranking members of the clergy are also chosen judges and administrative officials of the city-state.
It is said that since 300 years the Goddess has granted her favors to an ancient mummy that is not native to the soil of Ellenica, but which possesses powerful arcane and divine powers.
The cult of Hecate is widely extended to the towns, villages and countryside of the surrounding area, where there are many temples dedicated to the Goddess; some people also worship Apollo, Dionysus, and Hermes. In some campaigns, landowners seek the favor of Demeter.
Kaneses lays between mountains and inland valleys; in the agricultural lands are cultivated cereals and vegetables. There are several stone quarries, which provide much of the building material of the towns and villages; in the depths of the earth there are the rare crystals, which are typically used to create psionic objects.
The kingdom of necromancers exports magic items and psionic ones produced by their magic user; they are usually produced with raw materials found in the territory or imported.
The largest market for imports is instead the one of corpses, always required for divine and arcane necromancers; of course, given since they are legally difficult to find, often Kaneses merchants trades with smugglers from all Ellenica.

The City of Bronze is dedicated to the worship of Hephaestus, the blacksmith of the gods. Almost all of the dwarves of Ellenica live in its streets; the population takes into account the great craftsmanship and what it can produce. It is called City of Bronze because the alloy of copper and tin is the basis of most of the monuments that you meet on the streets: there is a profusion of statues of various gods of Ellenica and their sacred symbols.
Netoria grows on the slopes of an active volcano, Megantes, and over time its inhabitants have carved natural caves and caverns in search of minerals in the mountains, where entire neighborhoods of the city were then made and where the dwarves now prefer to dwell. The weapons produced by the craftsmen are famous and appreciated by the whole Ellenica; several nobles of the most diverse cities often send servants at the foot of Megantes in order to craft their weapons, that, for their quality, often become part of the family treasures. The good blacksmiths in Netoria often have a large weight in the affairs of the city and at least three of the counselors of the king are usually chosen from this group of experts: the lord of the city-state is the eldest male descendant of the royal house, he’s crowned at achievement of twenty years as prince successor and rises to the rank of king only after the death of the former, or by renounce to the crown. If a first-born son waives and has not male sons, the government passes to the second-born and his sons; but if the king's son is not yet old enough to reign, the royal family appoints a regent who shall hold office until the time comes for the future reigning prince.
The Acropolis of the city is near the top of Megantes; the Temple of Hephaestus is attached to a passage that leads inside the volcano, where the Forge of the Titans is located: this place is a huge stone hall for forging, which draws heat directly from the molten lava. The minerals contained in it often bestow extraordinary properties to the blades made here, and all products manufactured at that place are considered sacred by the clerics of the god.
System of Government:
The House Fidante is holding the city since its foundation: there have never been breaks to the dynastic line in over eight hundred years of the reign. The king often surrounds of Advisers on the various issues pertaining to the kingdom; among them, he also chooses the people to whom is assigned the task of administering justice according to the laws that the royal family has established over time.
The cult of the Blacksmith of the Gods, Hephaestus, is the most followed. Aphrodite, Goddess of Love and wife of the god, Athena and Apollo are also worshipped; other good or neutral gods are commonly accepted, and have a small following.
Netoria is placed on a ledge by the volcano Megantes, that follows a ridge sloping; the few mountain valleys and plateaus provide a small annual harvest, while the steep terrain offers good pasture for sheep and cattle. The minerals present are among the most common, but definitely very abundant in quantity
The real business of the city is the forging of weapons and armor, made by the skilled blacksmiths of the city.

The population of Cirico is historically linked to Hera, wife of the Divine Zeus; they are similar to the deity that represents them - often suspicious and vindictive. They consider knowledge as a rare commodity; an academy has been active for centuries in the city and it form real spies, that the state council sends to the other cities of Ellenica to gather information (the city's library collects information, maps and data far more than the major libraries of the continent).
As followers of Hera, citizen of Cirico believe that their power should be earned and maintained, and often noble houses organize dances or social events to check and potential rivals or allies; every question, however, is usually resolved at political level, and rarely flows into bloodshed.
The city also trains those who are the real “secret weapons” of the city: Cirico is the only city to form the famous Ellenica Warmage, that have often resolved the battles of the city in its favor.
The Acropolis is located on an embankment, and is completely surrounded by a grove where thousands of peacocks live free; they are animals sacred to the Goddess, and their killing is punished with the death sentence.
System of Government:
The city is governed by what is called a Noble Conclave composed of 5 members: the most prominent families have the opportunity to elect their candidate for the council (that actually holds the political and judiciary power). This Conclave remains in office ten years and is often the result of political maneuvering and agreements between the 24 noble families that make up the elite of the city; these agreements can begin years before the election.
The Goddess of Marriage, Hera, is worshipped. The marriage bond is in fact inseparable, and whoever violates it is put to death; the priests and priestesses of the goddess are often linked both to the cult and to the school of spies (actually they are also the main teachers). Often the cult sends their protected in missions to collect information on behalf of the city state. They often travel incognito, and recognize each other in a complicated non-verbal alphabet, which also includes the use of peacock feathers of different colors as an additional distinguishing feature.
Other deities are accepted Zeus, the divine bridegroom, and all the gods in the neutral part of the pantheon, although the acropolis see only the great temple of the goddess and the smaller temple of her husband, and no one else.
Cirico is a port in the south east of Ellenica. It sells mainly skins and raw materials output and virtually does not import any commodity; the real wealth of the city is its massive library, that collects historical data retrieved in a variety of locations across the continent, including often obscure fragments that came from the depths of history - or strange artifacts belonging to the period of the struggle with the Titans.

Leonnis is perhaps the most barbarous of the whole island as far as the ways of its inhabitants: the most important things in a man are his courage and his brute strength. The physical and athletic skills are an important factor in the city: the weak are openly despised, those who cannot prove their worth in combat is removed even by the nobility of the city, and must resign himself to do the merchant or farmer.
The whole legal system of Leonnis is based on the physical merit: often disputes between citizens are resolved with physical challenges between champions appointed by them, rather than judgment based on written laws; sometimes you just need a bit more luck in a battle… and the fate smiles to the most skilled, and not to the worthy. This way of governance has often put the inhabitants of this place and other visitors from the rest of Ellenica in embarrassing situations, if not open disputes; for example, when you ask a foreign merchant to prove the goodness of their prices... winning a fight challenge.
This challenge system is also applied to the most serious crimes: if against all the evidence brought by a jury a defendant continues to proclaim his innocence, he can invoke the "judgment of the lion" ( so called in honor of an ancient trial won by Heracles when he was still a mortal): The judges assign to the defendant a challenge, or quest, to which he must submit accompanied only by a partner and by some observers of Leonnis. Usually this quest is related to the severity of the offense, and can even be to challenge to death one of the Olympic monsters that live in the surrounding area of the city. In fact, this city has been notorious for the natural caves where several creatures native of the island (and sometimes even more exotic) are locked up, and some considered sacred forests where hunting is prohibited and where very ferocious beasts grow.
The worship for physical prowess is so important for these people that they set up real "games" often open to other people of Ellenica, where those who demonstrate the best physical characteristics in different disciplines (racing speed or of resistance, from the launch of a disc to jump up to the fight) are crowned as champions and welcomed into their city as real heroes.
System of Government:
Leonnis is based on an aristocracy based on physical strength; as opposed to other places on the island, such as Gartenis, this superiority is decided in not cruel ways, through the mechanism of the games. So it’s possible for people of lower social backgrounds to rise to the rank of true warriors, defenders of their people, if they are able to stand out with their value. The military forces are governed by the "Council of the Brave", the 144 best warriors of the city, who elect a Rex, who remains in office for 7 years. Military forces are chosen from among those who are considered warriors; is also entrusted to them the task of legislating (if the need arises) and the administration of justice; in time of peace a Brave has the duty of judge according to the laws.
The cult of Heracles stands among the others, and is dominant in the city. All the inhabitants are proud to say that, even when he was still a mortal, the great hero founded the city in the company of many members of his family, and then his blood flows in the limbs of Leonnis people. When he rose to the divine rank thanks to the quest that he had accomplished in life, his courage and valor were used as a benchmark by all the people. However, the other cults are largely tolerated, which are freely supported by the slave population and those not native of Leonnis (that, however, have some interests in the city and in the nearby territories).
Leonnis stretches over three highlands around Mount Feroxes, the Beast. It lives mainly by the land products in its non-urban areas, and if necessary export commodities such as timber and iron, in exchange for finished products.

Viridon is a city that builds most of its wealth on travel and exchange of goods. You can find everything, as long as it exists and has a price (and, if the price is too high, you can steal it). The city is claustrophobic, made up of narrow streets full of intersections and dead ends, where getting lost could lead to lose your bag, if you’re lucky, and your life, if you’re not. Wealth is an engine, of course; but also the courage and disdain of danger.
Viridon is also famous for the Labyrinth of Shadows: It is said that Hermes, the patron saint of the city, challenged at the dice game the Titan Ceo and defeated him with a trick; the Titan was forced to give part of his energy in order to build that structure. The Labyrinth is a place that is simultaneously on Ellenica and in other places; inside it you can find great treasures, monsters and dangers... In some cases, young people who have come out of it were older than a few moments later, other times someone has come out completely transformed, or with strange powers that previously did not have. But there are many people who didn’t manage to exit from its high walls. Hermes drove his faithful around it and he founded the city that protects; thanks to that structure, the city is the destination for pilgrimages... and big gains.
Each citizen is allowed to enter the Labyrinth only once in his life, without any price; foreigners are allowed to enter with a generous recompense (often monetary, or through a Sacred Quest). Once you exit, the Labyrinth forbid you to enter it a second time.
The city is famous for two other large structures: an academy of magic illusion, founded by a former Viridon’s that came out of the Labyrinth with magical powers never seen again in the centuries to follow, and an academy of Eloquence that prepares a figure really important in all Ellenica, called the Conciliator. These are usually master musicians or clerics (you can access this academy, whatever your beliefs) that study in order to reconcile the wrongs between citizens. They are sought after in many cities of Ellenica, when disputes arise between citizens of different city-states, or if there is a war between the cities: they usually take a "third party" impartial role among the contenders. If both judged agree, the word of the Conciliator becomes law. The Academy releases this title sparingly, and in all the land of Ellenica there are known only a dozen living conciliators, ready to exercise their role, if required.
System of Government:
The city is governed by a council of nobles, chosen among the families of the local aristocracy. Only those who have noble blood and has completed the fourteenth year of age, male or female, has the right to one vote. This leads to a closed system, but so far no complaints exhibited against the council was taken seriously.
The elected nobles are called consuls, and they are in number of 15; among them is elected a proconsul, in office for six years. The consuls have in fact legislative, executive and judiciary power in the territories (the proconsul has the last word, and in fact it’s a time-limited monarchy).
The god Hermes is widely followed, although in recent times many votive shrines of Tyche have arisen especially in the poorest areas. The Labyrinth is located on the north side of the Agora, just in front of the great temple of the god of thieves and travelers. It’s possible to worship any god of Ellenica, and even titanic cults seem to be tolerated, obviously not in sunlight...
Viridon is a city on the east coast of the continent. Wide and calm gulfs allow a large oil production and harvesting of shellfish, which are renowned throughout the continent, and are a major export item. The city is not very rich in raw materials, which therefore are traded with the genres mentioned above. Other incomes come from access to the Labyrinth (if you are not natives of the city-states you have to pay a high price to access it). However, there are a lot of businesses in the large ports and quiet gulfs; it’s easy to find everything in the city, whose skillful merchants often take long trips in order to present rare and precious goods in the markets.

The city of Laudir is also called the City of Two Markets, as in all of its territory is mainly worshiped Tyche, the goddess of travel and good luck. Its inhabitants are renowned for being great merchants, and many of them perform sometimes travel extremely long and dangerous in every part of Ellenica in order to show to their customers rare and valuable goods and products. In the port of Tyche every day ships with their cargoes arrive and depart, full of people who are hoping that their luck may run forever toward the good.
In this city at every street corner you can find a stand of magic items for sale (often mostly false ), or a diviner that for a few copper coins can read your future, or someone who bakes bizarre animals on a fire, or bands of tumblers and jugglers who entertain the crowds. The city is a gigantic market, placed anywhere there is room for bargaining: it’s defined as the city of the two markets since in addition to the normal trading that you can do in its streets, there is another market "hidden" in the neighborhoods that now have long occupied by the halfling (in fact, now almost a third of the population of the city is made up of members of this small nation). They were attracted in the past by the adventurous spirit of the inhabitants of Laudir and some of them have decided to use the city as a base for their travels; they then drew their families, or other halfling who have met, and so their population on the territory of the city-state has become conspicuous. They are actively involved in both the government and the defense of their city.
The main body of the army is made up of a special cavalry: Laudir is the city of the island, where most of horses are bred, which are used both to pull the chariots of the merchants and as a support for the defense of the caravans; the grasslands of the city are full with stables. Next to the human body on horseback, three additional cavalry have distinguished, all composed of members of the little people: the one that mounts on war ponies, which are used in battle alongside the human troops; the one that mounts galloping dogs, which supports the supervision of the work in the towns and villages; and finally the cavalry of goats, which is usually used as arrowhead in mountain battles: in fact, given the nature of the territory of Ellenica, it is almost impossible to use mounts in the skirmishes between cities, whereas this real special body manages to take advantage of the speed even on uneven ground.
System of Government:
Tyche elects its own representatives on the basis of neighborhoods; there are 28 representatives in the city, and the other 9 are from the nearby cities. Of all these, 12 are from the halfling race. Participation in the army and the city guard is voluntary; however, the pay of a soldier is 3 times greater than the average wage of a craftsman of the city.
It’s worshipped Tyche, the Goddess of Fortune, trade and travel, but there are also temples of the other gods of Ellenica, without distinction.
Laudir sees its territory near the sea, on a rather flat countryside and with some mountains in the far north (where it is allocated by the halfling cavalry mountain). Despite being flat, the soils are not too fertile, and thus play a minor interest in other cities of Ellenica; residents have opted for the breeding of horses for both transportation and as a food source, so as to compensate for the poor agriculture.
The city trades everything, importing and exporting goods disparate that their merchants find on the island, and outside of it.

The city of Ondarie is basically a huge harbor that extends for miles along the west coast of Ellenica. Its shipyards are huge and produce the larger and faster ships of the continent; its fleet (both merchant and military) is vast and impressive. This is not surprising , since the city of Ondarie is devoted to Poseidon, god of the Sea and brother of Zeus.
The main earning method of the city is the maritime trade; many of the fleets of the peoples of every other state-city stop in the vast city ports, which are the most convenient and protected than the others of Ellenica: in fact, there is a sort of pact among the reigning dynasty of Ondarie and many pirates who infest the seas, which allows the government to protect each year a number of ships from the attacks of pirates. It is rumored that the latter have a real bond with Ondarie, and the royal family releases real "letters of permission" (after a generous recompense) which allow the pirates to plunder freely ships that do not call for the protection of the city. It also seems that the most famous of these pirates, Rexios Hero of Poseidon, is tied for the blood to one of the noble Merchant families; someone argue that he’s the former king of the city, Varoxes, mysteriously disappeared ten years earlier.
The biggest temple of Poseidon in the city, contrary to the custom of other city of Ellenica, is not found in the Acropolis but it is the Lighthouse, located on an island off the coast, a mammoth building made of Scalea’s marble and gold, where the priests of the Shrine of the Sea perform their most important rituals.
Ondarie develops little inland, but has "attached" to its territory many of the islands facing the city; it’s also the land which founded the largest number of colonies in Sebuntu and Llaniran (often in these satellite towns captains of ships making their way around Ondarie seek protection against pirates)
System of Government:
The city is ruled by King Geroxes, belonging to the royal family. He administers the laws and justice with the help of the Scribes, officials elected by himself, who have jurisdiction over various districts of the city or on a few neighboring countries. Each colony has a Governor who takes the place of the king.
The most widely followed cult is the one of the God of the Sea, Poseidon. It’s common also the worship of Zeus, of Aphrodite and Hera, but even less benign cults (such as Hades or Ares) are generally accepted and tolerated. A particular interest is also the cult of Tyche.
Territory :
Ondarie extends mainly on the west coast of Ellenica, and on the nearby islands. It has an extensive colonial tradition, and these new founded towns and villages tend to remain loyal to the hometown.
The major income of the city comes from the business and duties of protection of ships in transit in its seas; the most widely exported product is fish, which is sold directly in the markets of the ports.
The city also exports large quantities of purple dye , which seems to be extracted from a mysterious mollusk that is found in large quantities only along its coastline.

The city-state is different from the others of the island. It’ a single, small acropolis with temples of all the gods, who lay as a chorus to a temple, located on the branches of a giant tree and dedicated to Pan, the god of wild nature. The rest of Dexos is divided between thirty communities distributed in a large wooded area. Two different castes stands as guard and glory of God and his followers: the priests and the Druids. Druids are in fact the keepers of the legislative power, while priests’ duty is the care of the spirit and of justice in the territories of the city-state.
The few laws are related almost exclusively to the protection of nature, following the examples left by Pan and the guidance of his two voices, the clergy and attendants.
The hunting of wild animals without a permit is not tolerated; anyone caught in a similar activity is imprisoned and then banished from the territory. In addition, slavery is abolished: whoever is discovered to possess slaves suffered the confiscation of his property and is banned for life from Dexos. The people divide their lives between agriculture and the war for the defense of the city itself. Rarely a war has been declared on the other cities of Ellenica, unless they do not cause deliberately destroying natural resources.
System of Government:
The city is governed by the Druid Council: 19 elected representatives of the Druids among all of them, and they become the city's main political body for strategic decisions.
It is of course revered primarily Pan, and all other Hellenic deities are tolerated, even destructive ones like Ares or those directed towards death as Hades or Hecate; a greater regard is given to those which are linked to the nature, as Artemis, Demeter or Poseidon.
Dexos unfolds in a hilly and wooded; its resources are mainly agriculture and trade. Even the mountains are rich in iron and coal, which if it exceeds the amount due for the production of weapons is sold to nearby cities.

(NB: the concepts presented below supersede those related to Nike everywhere else)
In this city and its territories the belief of many of the other cities are upset: in fact the main caste of Mazone is made up of warrior women of all races, with large prevalence human (they are famous with the name of the Amazons), which retain the right of life and death over all the people. Males are treated like slaves or, in very rare cases, such as simple objects that women can exchange for their own pleasure. The political and military life is completely precluded to male beings. Many females who have escaped from the other city-states (where women are often viewed as second-rate citizens, or worse, like slaves) make dangerous journeys in order to arrive at this place that will see them as the main protagonists of the free and public life.
The Amazons revere Nike, the goddess of victory. This cult arose in the last three centuries supplanting the old cult of Gala, the Seeker. In practice, the biggest supporter of Gala, the heroine Nike, betrayed the goddess and managed to weaken her until she managed to defeat her, supported by the whole Amazon army. At that point, she rose to the divine rank, and became a guide for her people. This has deeply marked the territories of Mazone: from that moment, no living being has ever seen new clerics of any deity, because the Amazons enforce the exclusive worship of Nike in their city (the belief in another god is a crime punishable by death). However, often new Heroine of Nike born among the women of the villages and nearby towns. There is no cleric, male or female, of the goddess Nike.
No male stranger is accepted in Mazone, unless he’s a slave owned by a female merchant; every free man found in Mazone is killed instantly.
System of government:
Mazone is ruled by a monarchy: since the birth of the worship of Nike, the Queen of the Amazons is chosen in the royal house of the descendants of the Goddess. The current Queen is Altea, Heroine of the Cult and First Seeker of the Kingdom of Mazone.
There is only the cult of the Goddess Nike; believe in other gods is considered deadly offense.
Mazone covers a wide wooded valley on a plateau between the central mountains; it trades mainly in products of hunting, timber and iron (which is extracted from some servants men from the mountains of the state land).

2014-05-05, 09:55 AM
The evening see the greatest tempest from years on Ellenica.
Black clouds comes apparently from nowhere in the middle of the afternoon making impossible to the Red Barge to unanchor from the port.
High winds hit the little city of Ofis, and some poor hut of the port district flied away.
Everyone of you, the day after, is at the docks. 7 strangers male of different races and looking - a dwarf in brown tunic bringing an axe carved in a single stone, a catfolk, an rich-vested human with a lute, a merfolk, a really pale elf with a long bow on the back, a suli and a red-skinned Ifrit with a long spear - are all awaiting to talk to the Captain.
When Captain came out from the ship the seven people look at him; with no words his face become pale and he speaks "everyone of you, on board, come on. We will leave in an hour or so. The fee is 1 gold coin"
Everyone paid. Sailors go on with the loading of barrels on the lower deck, and then the Red Barge start its new journey to Mavala.
That first day the strangers meets on the deck, and maybe to break the long silence between them the Ifrit start to talk.

"I'm Kiteras, son of Renoras, from Scalea. The manner in which the Captain accept us aboard seems really strange only to me?"

"Yes" Say the elf, before everyone other speak. Then he lied down on his right, his back to the other six.

2014-05-05, 06:13 PM
Arenicus arrived at the gates of the city, glancing up at the looming clouds with a smile. He had made good time, arriving before the forewarned storm could hinder his travels. Once he stepped through the gates, he waved odwn the first citizen he could find, demanding directions to the port. Once there, he checked upon the availability of the Red Barge and found it had been delayed. Smiling again, he found a place to stay for the night and returned the next day.

Upon the morrow, Arenicus arrived at the docks where the Red Barge was berthed. Approaching the boarding planks, he found a large group gathered, six strange men assembled waiting for the Captain. Before he could ask why they were all there, the Captain came out, looked at them all strangely, then demanded a gold coin for passage and told them to board. He gave the man a coin, but his gaze clearly showed the man his lack of respect was noticed an not appreciated. However, he let the slight go unspoken, since he was following the path his god had set for him.

Early the next morning, he went to the deck of the ship and found the others gathered. He stood apart for a moment, listening as the ifrit and the elf spoke first. He frowned as the elf rolled away and showed his back to the group. Stepping forward, hand on his sword, the warrior greeted the others. Arenicus was well-built and attractive, with sparkling blue eyes and bronzed, marble-smooth skin. His golden hair fell to his shoulders, with two battle-braids keeping most of it from his eyes. He wore an armored coat and leather legguards, and had a heavy blade at his hip.

"Hail and well met. I am Arenicus, loyal son of Gartenis. I care not for the Captain's discomfort ... but I do wonder what brought such strange beings here? Who are you all, and what is your purpose?" Hand on his sword he nudged the elf, indicating he should answer as well.

Oh yeah, Mr. Personality! Let's go with Diplomacy ([roll0])for pretty much everyone but the elf - I realize it won't sway PCs, but it should at least provide a benchmark for whether he's likeable or not :smallsmile:

If necessary, intimidation for the elf: [roll1]

2014-05-06, 02:26 AM
Githeos arrived to the docks more or less at the same time of the others… the fast voyage made him tired and somewhat dirty, but everything was forgotten when he saw for the first time the sea. Wonderful.
He was unable to stood still while waiting for the captain: at the beginning he just moved his tail nervously, then he walked across the dock and finally concentrated on the strange people near the Red Barge. With stealth he went near each of them, looking and especially smelling them…
[OOC – Githeos has Scent as racial feature.]
The merfolk smelled of salt, as expected from such a wonderful specimen of the Sea People; the dwarf smelled of stone and beer; but Githeos felt unease about the suli – he smelled of blood.
By the way, as soon as he gave the golp piece to the Captain, he dashed to the opposite side of the ship, careless bumping on some sailor (no, not trying to rob anyone… for now)!
He took a look ecstatic at the sea, and he was wondering about climbing on the mainmast when he heard the fire-touched and the blood-smelling.
He dashed toward them…. Then he raised his huge straw hat (shaped as for protecting him from both the sun and the rain), letting it on his back and showing his feline face, with a big smile on it.
"May this beautiful sun shine on all of you!" he says, raising his arms as for welcoming the sun.
"Well met, fire blessed Kiteras" – he says to the Ifrit – "and well met, proud Arenicus!"
He bows a little, widening his smile.
"I’m Githeos, blood of the Lynx, and I’m a wandering one, with no special preference for a place or another… but let’s say that Dexos is a good place for my kind."
Finally he looks at Arenicus – careful to not cross his eyes, not yet – and he speaks again.
"A purpose? Do you really need one? Do you? Fine… this ship is my chance to reach Mavala and see the games."
He scratches his head with a clawed hand.
"The Gods blessed us… Yesterday I was too far and the storm delayed the departure of the ship."
Finally he adds, with a lower voice: "Well, the Gods could also provide some nice women aboard…"

2014-05-06, 02:45 AM
You detect the Scent of the 55 sailors, but from the other six strangers one of them have no smell AT ALL.
It's the Elf. Not even smell of thing he touch, it seems no odor remain on him. You realize even that it is untraceable for you even with scent

Chained Birds
2014-05-06, 08:42 AM
Funick Plasmander

Standing, as a grounded Merfolk can stand, with his large, solid body holding firm and stoic, the Merfolk simply followed the movement of the six others. He didn't say a word, or even utter a simple grunt, or give a single glance to acknowledge anyone around him. He simply gripped his large, shell-incrusted spear and seemed to use it to balance his serpent-like movements as he slithered to the barge.

Closing his eyes, he took in the sounds of everything going on around him. But immediately opened them upon Arenicus's questions and Githeos's additional quandaries.

"All will be revealed in due time grounded ones. Just trust that the one who sent you down this path had great faith in that you would get where you needed to go without... Issue."

It seems like he trails off a bit towards the end. He seems to be distracted by something.

"I am Funick, The Outcast Priest. My name was given to me by my father Plasmander, Blacksmith of Shell Repairs; and my title was given to me by those whose authority I could not match."

He then looks around.

"Oh, and I'm a Mer if you haven't figured it out yet."

2014-05-06, 10:48 AM
"Well met to everyone. I'm Yano the Wanderer, proud servant with voice and entertainment in Festalia ports, and also follower of Mylady of Love"
The human do a step to be in the middle of you all, then perform a stagey bow to everyone, without doing a mess with his instrument, and come back to his former position.

The dwarf take a face that resemble the one that may have a mouse in a trap... He inspire deeply and then speak "Eliah Irongrasp, formerly from the Ironpick clan, years ago. I call Leonnis my home, now.
It's a pleasure to spare some time with you all, before we arrive at Mavala"
While he say that everyone of you see a tattoo carved on his left hand, picturing a sort or whirlwind.

Every eye now point at the elf back. He sighs, and then roll over, pointing his pale face in your direction.
"I'm Tassarion. This is my name, so call me that. no Tassy, Tass, Sary of whateverelse you may think.
And for the reason i'm here... well, let's say that a God make a really beautiful trap for me, and put the right thing in it.
So, even if I was a slave, i escaped from my former master, then stole some money, return to him and pay my freedom.
And now it seems that a new stupid cage fall on me, a second time." His eyes like tiny slots. "Mentioning which, maybe you're trapped too, like me... if it is so, i think someone on this boat will die, really soon. Blood may spill, hurray for the Gods"
While saying this sentence his voice and manner are grave.

Chained Birds
2014-05-06, 12:58 PM

The Merfolk simply scratches his head.

"Well, hopefully our patrons don't oppose each other. Wouldn't want any unnecessary bloodshed over simple differences in ideology or something. But I suppose we should try to not announce out gods yet. Although my deity should be pretty apparent because of the symbol on my back."

He taps the back of his vest with his spear, as the symbol of Poseidon flashes for a moment before fading away.

2014-05-06, 01:29 PM
Arenicus paused for a moment as the elf spoke, his eyes narrowing dangerously as he took a step back and his hand tightened on the hilt of his sword. "Is that a threat, elf?" The man is obviously not used to subtlety and stands ready to do combat, if the situation warranted.

2014-05-07, 02:24 AM
Githeos does not want that his wonderful adventure starts with a murder - he feels that the Gartenian could non be able to stop, after he starts tasting the flavor of blood. Not yet!

So he (foolishly? No, it's a daring move! ^^) moves between the two of them.

"Proud Arenicus, this is not a worthy opponent for you!" he says, speaking fast.
"Please, listen to me... My god told me to reach this place, and Funick's god did the same, so I think that you're blessed by your god, don't you?" (Githeos put a lot of emphasis on "blessed").
He does not wait for a signal from the suli but goes on, after catching breath.
"Instead, look at him" pointing the elf. "He speaks of traps and cages ans slavery... poor one..."
Githeos shakes his head - he's trying to explain a concept like he needs to do it with a child.
"We have a priest among us, the merfolk. He told that our patrons wants us to reach Mavala. There... there you will show the glory of your god... but for now, spare this poor smelling elf!"
The fur of Githeos is almost imperceptibly raised - but he does know what does it mean...

2014-05-07, 04:39 AM
The Ifrit make a step to bring himself in the middle of the crowd, but the catfolk move faster, so he place himself on the left flank of Githeos
"He spokes well. I think that no one means to harm others, here. I suppose we are all guided by the Gods, now that he mentioned it. Am I wrong?"
He put a glance to you all. The elf make a shrung, and start laughing. "I don't want to insult nobody of you. And i don't want any fight between us all. I'm just tired of this child play by the Gods. They..."
Suddenly the voice of the sailor on the mast erupt in a voice "Mavala at head sea!"
The sailors at oars stopped to move. Wind becalmed, and the sun seems to recrown the island, west of your position. Istinctivelly you try to look to see the island but the voice of Captain ask attention.
"Well done. We will be at Mavala tomorrow morning, there are about four hours of sail to be at the port. Time to dinner, now. Please, prepare for the supper"
"Aye, Captain" say the crew.
From the lookout-post a broken voice come to you "Cursed Titans... Something at labord!"
You see any head aboard turn left. The light of the sun cast strange shadows on the sea, so you take some second to focus the "something" the sailor point off.
"Where?" ask Yano.
"Over there" say Eliah pointing a finger.
Something like a big black hole stay vertical some feet above water, his "surface" oriented to Mavala.
From the hole a line of flying creature point really fast to the island, carrying something on their back and in their talons.
Many of them, at least a hundred of the big ones, and many more smaller.
"Here they come!" says the Captain. Looking better, a really tiny group of smaller creatures point in the direction of the boat.
"Here they come" echoed wispering the elf. He rapidly climb up to the mast, reading his longbow. "Here's your fight, Gartenian warrior. Be ready" he shout.
In a couple of minutes the little shadows take the form of nine large reptile-like creatures; three of them are mounted, and everyone bring a skeletal crature in his talons.
Their target is your ship. No mistakes in that. When the reptile are above the ship they release the creatures. Two of the three riders fall by will on the boat, too. One is a large Skeleton with a mace and a grinning "smile" in his skull; the other is covered with blood and shows long claw at his right hand.
[OOC @all: You will have initiative and many turns before the creatures arrive, so you have time to ask for skill check and prepare actions.
There will be 9 skeleton + the two mentioned on board.
You may use distance weapons: due to the speed of the saurian you have only a single turn to shoot. Targeting at the three riders have a 50% of miss due to the cover provided by the saurian. After this turn the eight saurian unmounted plus the mounted one with his rider will leave pointing to Mavala]

2014-05-07, 09:18 AM
Githeos was happy to see that no one got hurt... even if he found the elf a bit too strange, even for his standards. Well, nice to see that the Ifrit was at his side.
He was going to enjoy the supper... but then the flying creature arrived. He was thinking about taking his beautiful bow, but decided against, it due to the amazing speed of the saurian-like creatures.
OOC - Switch to present time and a couple of checks:
Knowledge (nature) check for these saurians: [roll0]
Knowledge (religion) check for the skeletons: [roll1]

Githeos looks for a piece of wood to be used as a light stick or quarterstaff against these horde of enemies, silently cursing Hades, and takes cover beyond a barrel. Finally he speaks aloud:
"As my uncle said... you can rip flesh, but you need to crush the bones..."

Chained Birds
2014-05-09, 07:59 PM

The Merfolk looks to the skies, and then to the seas. Perhaps swimming away could be an option, but for now he will try to stand firm.

He moves up to Arenicus.

"Would you like to benefit from the sea's wonder?"

He places a hand on the Suli's shoulder.

Move Action: Move towards Arenicus
Standard Action: Casting Bull's Strength on Arenicus (if he accepts)
- Duration: 3 Minutes.
- Effect: +4 Enhancement Bonus to Strength.

Funick then rushes over to Githeos and asks him a similar question.

"Would you too like to be guarded by the sea's strength?"

Move Action: Move towards Githeos.
Standard Action: Cast Protection from Evil on Githeos (if he accepts)
- Duration: 3 minutes.
- Effect: +2 Deflection Bonus to AC VS Evil Creatures and +2 Resistance Bonus to Saves VS Evil Creatures.

Positioning himself so he is pretty close to all allies, Funick closes his eyes. The symbol of Poseidon on Funick's back glimmers brightly as he holds his spear with both hands, holding it upright in front of his face.

"We are blessed to be within the confines of the sea's embrace, so allow its wondrous power to flow into your bodies."

He then shakes the spear from side to side, before slamming the bottom of the spear onto the floor.

Move Action: Move to a good position to get as many allies as possible within 50ft of Funick.
Standard Action: Cast Bless.
- Duration: 3 Minutes.
- Effect: +1 Morale Bonus to Attack Rolls and Saves VS Fear. Must be within 50ft of Funick to gain this.

2014-05-14, 08:58 PM
Arenicus let the threat hang for a moment before finally turning away from the elf. He didn't need to prove himself, but he would not let an insult linger. But with the skinny one's apology, he nodded curtly and moved away. He was checking his weapons when the call to action came. Even the elf seemed ready to fight, so Arenicus nodded, a grim smile on his face.

He gauged the distance to the flying creatures, then placed a giant two-handed hammer within reach as he took aim with his bow. When the fish-man cast his spell, he frowned at first, then grinned with barely restrained violence dancing in his eyes. "Let us show these fools the error of their ways!"

Will attack the flyers with his bow as much as possible until they arrive, then switch to the hammer against any surviving skels. Let me know how many ranged attacks we get!

2014-05-15, 02:31 AM
Githeos looks astonished at the merfolk while he moves toward Arenicus. The mer stand still with a lot of effort, but he moves quick, like an eel.

And suddenly Funick reach the catfolk (who found a short iron bar for the imminent battle), promising a blessing of his god...

"Sure, Funick!"

Githeos feels excited at the idea of magic protecting him from enemies, and he moves to the center of the ship, in order to flank every creature menacing Funick or Kiteras (better stay away from the huge hammer of Arenicus!)

2014-05-15, 07:34 AM
The flying creatures are pteranodons. Huge ones, as you initially are not sure about their race, because of dimensions and the speed they have in flight. They are not Ellenica native but found on some extern islands, but sometimes they are sent in marketplace as rare creatures, and normally of large size.
The undead are skeletons; you know about their resistance to not blount weapons, and other informations about normal undead. The red one is a Bloody Skeleton, the other it's probably a Skeleton with a strange cunning intelligence, but at your sight share the same characteristics of the normal ones, maybe it's stronger than the others.

: The Red Barge is 125 feet long and 20 feet large. The mast is 60 feet high. You are all in the rear part of the boat (Githeos moved near the mast, so there will be some feet between you after Funick spell), on the main deck (mast is in the center). Everyone is in range for the bless, and also Kiteras, Eliah and Yano; not Tassarion who is high the mast with a sailor. Captain is also at range of the spell, seems unarmed.
On your deck there are 50 other sailors mainly armed with a sailor knife or unarmed, and the Boatswain at Rudder-tiller in upper deck. The 50 sailor are all along the left flank of the boat (because they were looking to the point the sailor at lookout post point said before). Here and there you have group of 2-3 barrels (you may use it for cover, if you want it) and ropes (some used for the navigation, some placed on the board unbound). There's an access to the lower deck at the front part, behind you there is the upper deck with a ladder to reach it.
You have only one round to aim with long range weapons

As you prepare yourself for battle you see also the other get ready for action. Eliah take his Axe and place himself with his back to the sea, on the right flank of the ship. Yano takes his lute from his back and start to tweak the strings, a ballad that gives you many more confidence on the battle that has to come, and move him near the ladder to upper deck.
Kiteras take his spear with left hand, looking at the creature approaching. He closes his eyes in search for concentration and cast a spell on it, saying:
"For the ancient pact of my ancestors, may this spear burn with the power of ages and became their instrument as I am" . The spear glows like it was burning for an instant, then Kiteras smiles and get ready, placing side by side with Funick.
Sailors start to shout in fear for the creatures approching. They fly fast, but Arenicus and Tassarion readied their weapons and take a shot before that flying monsters left skeleton on the deck, and then depart to Mavala. The elf was faster than the Gartenian and take a shot to one of the beast, causing a cut in one of a flyer wing, but with no other apparent harm.

Kiteras cast a spell, DC 16 in spellcraft to identify it if you want.
Yano start to play to inspire courage, you all gain a +1 to attack and damage rolls, and also a +1 morale on roll against charm and fear effects. The effect stack with the one from Funick bless spell.
Arenicus may take a single shot, whatever target you prefer.]

Yano is A
Captain is B
Kiteras is C
Funick is 1
Eliah is 2
Arenicus is 3
near the mast 2 is Githeos
near the mast 3 is Tassarion (above on the mast)

[edited: added map]

2014-05-15, 04:51 PM
Arenicus fired off a shot from his bow, aiming for the same one the elf shot, before setting his bow to the side and grabbing his hammer.

"Hold, men! You heard the cat - these bones break like any others! You may not have a hammer like mine, but you can still use sticks, stones, staves or anything blunt!"

[roll0], [roll1]
Edit: sigh ...

2014-05-19, 10:52 AM
The arrow from Arenicus missed for a few the flying creature, that point its face back to the original target, Mavala island.
The other flyers do a hedgehop on the sea surface and relase the undead with this maneuver.
The skeletons reach the deck from a 4 feet high, not enough to do harm them.
The high velocity of the flyers implies that some skeleton lack in the landing... in fact three of them roll to the left side of the barge untouched, hitting the right bulwark (consider them flat-footed). One of them rolls on Eliah, who is hit and go also on the deck with the undead.
The other skeletons landed on their feet, ready to act. Their first move is trying to reach the nearest target they have. The far ones are attacking the oar sailors, who tried to defend themselves screaming.
The red one lands on its feet on the upper deck, near the helmsman, and cut his throat with a single, deadly blow. You can hear the shrill cry of his last breath, before he falls down.
The larger one lands near the ladder to lower deck, in the heading of the barge, holding position and grinning.

OC: considering Funick (1) position as E9:
Eliah moves to F11
skeleton landing is:
E11, flat-footed
F8 pointing at Kiteras
H8 pointing at Arenicus
I9 pointing at Githeos
M11, flat-footed
P11, flat-footed
O7, attacking sailor
Q7, attacking sailor
S7, attacking sailor
The red one land on A8
The big one land on T8
Roll initiative so we can start the battle ;)
Every Undead start as if they have 0 on the roll

If you're pleased, i can take a new picture of the map, with undead positions. I thought it was clear enough with coordinates, but if you prefer ask for it and i'll do]

2014-05-21, 07:38 AM
[moving as for intiative rolls, i do every roll for action, no decision is made before the battle ;)]
The landing of the undeads was really fast, but Yano reacts even faster. Without even to stop playing his lute he do a step back from the ladder and look for something; then smiled and to the captain and says:
"It seems that these wooden bar may be useful" pointing with the head at three large sticks between them, smiling; then he reach for one, picking one of them while posing his lute gently to the deck floor.
Kiteras' attention is for the skeleton he is facing: he does a feint with the spearhead, than using his left arm hit the creature with the spear back, causing a little damage on the undead hip.


2014-05-21, 08:33 AM
Githeos grins at the words of Arenicus - the Gartenian has some common sense, after all.

He was ready to play with his opponents in a game of bluff and feint... but facing a skeleton and looking at the empty sockets of its eyes, he realizes that the creature have even less brain than his new companion. Well, no use trying to fool it...

So... Githeos steps back, away from the reach of the nearer skeleton [5-ft step], then he tries to tumble away and get the (unaware) support of Arenicus, flanking one of the skeleton that menaces him, and finally he tries to land a blow on the creature.
Acrobatics [roll0]
Attack [roll1] (counting flanking, [I]bless and song)
Damage (if I'm lucky!) [roll2]

2014-05-21, 03:50 PM
With his extremely large hammer in hand, Arenicus roared in delight, ready to dish out some devastation on his foes. Seeing Githeos slip away, the warrior ignored the cat for now, intent on removing one of the skeletons that bracketed his position. With a grunt, he swept the earthbreaker back to catch the still unmoving skeleton, sure that his blow would disintegrate it immediately.

Attack flat-footed skeleton to Arenicus's 'southwest'
[roll0], [roll1]

Are you freakin' kidding me? A 3 and a 1 for my first combat rolls? Awesome ...

2014-05-22, 09:40 AM
A sudden lurch of the barge transform the blows from Githeos and Arenicus in two misses of their respective targets.
Eliah take his stone axe from the floor and jump up; with a blow he try to hit the skeleton in front of him, but he missed it and hit the barge flank instead.
From the mast Tassarion fire an arrow that finish into the skull of a skeleton, but with no other apparent effect. He shout loudly at the sailors: "You scums! Use the crates to protect yourselves! Don't let them reach for you: move near us adventurers, protect yourselves one to another. No one need to die! Fast!!!"
The Captain smiles back at Yano "I have my method to defend myself, let me show you" Suddenly he move an arm and from the flank behind him some sort of sea snake arrive crawling, placing at the side of the Captain, guarding him.

[ooc: it's Funick move now; it seems that the bad luck for the rolls is also for me :-/]

Chained Birds
2014-05-22, 10:56 AM

Funick raises his spear up.


The spear glows slightly, before he slams the bottom of the spear into the ground creating a shockwave of white energy that passes harmlessly through his allies, but not so harmlessly to the undead.

Standard Action: Channel Energy (Undead Harm) (4/5)
- [roll0] to all undead within 30ft of Funick.
- Will Save 13 For Half (Undead Skeletons only).

2014-05-23, 07:06 AM
The energy wave started by Funick passes between the living like an harmless vibration in the bones, but when it reaches the undeads, it transforms in a fiery blast of energy that, for a second, make them glow like candles in the twilight.
The five creatures make a sort of tremble; then open their jaws to the sky, in what may resemble a silent scream of pain.
The one previously hit by Kiteras crumbles to the deck floor; the other three on the deck and the one near the rudder-tiller move their heads toward their previous targets.
Some of the sailors are badly shocked by the attack so, they give their backs to the skeletons to try to escape. Three of them are hit before even they can move. Others defend themselves with knives trying to reach the rear part of the barge, where you are. Five of the sailors dive for the sea, out of board. Between the men not near the skeletons someone listen to the suggestion of the elf and move themselves between the crates, trying to stall for some second. A sailor tries to move to the lower deck, but the far skeleton intercept him and kill the man with a powerful blow.
The red skeleton moves in direction of the ladder: when he starts to walk, the red gore on him seems to close one of the wound caused by Funick's move. He arrives at top of the ladder then tries to hit Yano with his bloody claw, but he misses the attack.
The one previously pointing at Githeos moves to reach him and gives a two fast to claws attack: the first one misses [11] but the second piercees the catfolk defense [19, 4 hit points lost]
The other one near Arenicus tries the same: two rapid sequence lunges, but the martial training of the warrior [10 & 14] keep him safe from the harm by now.
The skeletons on the floor try to stand up from the prone position, the one near Arenicus tries to do the same.

[OC: Arenicus and Eliah have an opportunity attack]

2014-05-23, 11:39 AM
Arenicus frowned, his aim having been spoiled by the swaying of the ship - he was unused to fighting from a moving platform and it angered him. Fortunately, it didn't spoil his ability to avoid being hit (or perhaps it simply made attacking as difficult for the skeletons as it did for him). Regardless, one of the enemy moved across his combat zone, opening itself up to attack. With a growl, he swung.

[roll0], [roll1]
EDIT: Whoops, totally forgot about the three buffs on Arenicus (Inspire courage, Bless, and Bull's Strength).

That means my attack was actually a 17, and my damage would be 19 ... huzzah!

HPs: 28/28; AC: 18; F +4 R +3 W +1
Active effects
Inspire Courage (+1 comp bonus att/dam; +1 morale bonus to saves vs fear/charm)
Bless (+1 morale bonus to att and saves vs fear)
Bull's Str (+4 enh bonus to Str)

2014-05-26, 09:44 AM
As the giant hammer hits the bones of the undead, it suddenly crumbles in dust, destroyed forever.
From below the balcony, Yano tries to hit the red skeleton with the bar: he rotates it in his right hand and hits the creature, separating some bones from the figure: but the creature seems to continue on its plan.
Kiteras moves forward 10 feet and engage the skeleton that Arenicus missed last turn, trying to hit with the spear, but he misses the target.

[OC: It's Arenicus and Githeos Turn]


2014-05-26, 09:59 AM
The tumbling performance of Githeos was superb... his combat efforts, not so good. Nevermind - bad luck, a wave, whims of fate... who cares? For one moment, Githeos is pervaded by the pain - and the somewhat iron smell of blood. Time to strike back!

Again, Githeos tries to hit the skeleton between him and Arenicus [O15 in map]
Attack [roll0] (counting flanking, bless and song)
Damage [roll1]

2014-05-26, 10:05 AM
The skeleton turns his eye-sockets to Githeos before it becomes dust [skeleton down; Arenicus is up to you]

2014-05-27, 10:49 AM
Arenicus grunted in satisfaction as he blasted one of the skeletons from existence. He nodded in appreciation as the cat returned another bone-man to dust. "That is how you do it! Rally, men, rally and fight!" With his flank no longer harried, he turned to charge the reddish skeleton, his mighty hammer swinging down to crush the creature.

[roll0] [roll1] (Includes charge and buffs)

HPs: 28/28; AC: 16; F +4 R +3 W +1
Active effects
Inspire Courage (+1 comp bonus att/dam; +1 morale bonus to saves vs fear/charm)
Bless (+1 morale bonus to att and saves vs fear)
Bull's Str (+4 enh bonus to Str)
Charge (+2 Att, -2 AC)

2014-05-28, 10:22 AM
After Arenicus mighty charge the red skeleton remains down, a useless pile of bones on the upper deck.
Yano smiles to the powerful Gartenian; then Eliah move his body to flank the skeleton that engage Githeos, and take his blow [16 for 12 point of damage -another skeleton down-]
Tassarion's voice erupted from above: "Well played warriors! Sailors, come back here! we will protect you! C'mon, c'mon!" then another arrow hit a skeleton, with no harm "Damn!" the elf say and then prepares for another shot.
Captain moves to reach Githeos' position, ready to approach to the skeleton, but not alone; his serpent at his side. He takes a firm position on his feet, inspires and then starts to move his arms and chant
"Yenohay - mahiros - tanek - othas!"
At his last word a small ball of green slime erupted from his hand, flying ahead and hitting from distance the skeleton in front of him. The ball became a viscid slime on the undead shoulder and melting part of his rusty armor, and the skeleton turn his head in his direction.
Oh Gods, it worked!
He seems really surprised

[Ok, no skeleton on your boat half; funick's turn]

Chained Birds
2014-05-28, 11:14 AM

"Seems we are progressing well."

Funick then takes a brief moment to observe the enemies' positions and singles out one of the undead near the edge of the ship. Making a rising, open hand motion while closing his eyes, a mysterious arm rises from the water near the undead. In a quick motion, Funick clenches his hand and performs a swift swinging motion with his arm. Simultaneously, the watery hand grasps out at the skeleton, and attempts to drag iit off the ship to the waters below.

Standard Action: Surge (Drag) VS Undead's (close to edge of ship) CMD (5/6)
- Drag CMB Attempt: [roll0]

2014-06-01, 07:52 AM
The water hand grabs the skeleton with a firmy grasp, and then put it out board.
The farthest one speaks with an inhuman voice "kill 'em all. Do it for the Master! Not the sailor, start with that one!"
And he points his sword to you, then kill another sailor, two steps behind and move to reach you, after other skeletons.
The other skeletons left the sailor and walk to engage you all. They place themselves as a line in front of you adventurer.
The two engaged try to take a blow, the first one miss on Githeos with a claw [9], but the other one hit Eliah on a leg, causing blood to spill under the leather of his armour; the other one that engage the dwarf also hit him, causing another bad injury on the left arm. One also try to hit the captain but the barge roll in that moment, and the skeleton totally miss its blow.
The sailor, free from the skeletons and pushed by Tassarion's voice reach the fron ladder and go to the lower deck. You hear also sailor that use hammer and nails to temporary close the passage to the lower deck.
On the new round Yano take his lute place himself at Funick flank; Kiteras casts a spell and tuoches Elias shoulder.
"By the laws of chaos and order, by the ages past and the ones that need to be, let my energy protect this leather from every harm"
You see Eliah's the armour glowing for a second.

[Githeos and Arenicus turn now.]


2014-06-02, 03:46 AM
Githeos was trying to remember something about the blood-covered skeleton, but he forgot everything when he heard the sword-wielding skeleton

starting to speak. A speaking skeleton?
Well, no time to solve riddles... and no way to use stealth. Too little space.
Githeos sighs and tries to remember all of his (little) combat training, trying to hit the skeleton in front of him.
Attack [roll0] (-1 due combat expertise [so I have a +1 AC], bless and song)
Damage (if I'm lucky!) [roll1]
AC 18 until end of turn (Protection from evil, combat expertise)

2014-06-02, 02:00 PM
With the gore-covered skeleton no more, Arenicus snorted. "Bah ... insignificant pest ... you were not worthy of my hammer!" However, when he heard the other skeleton speak, his eyes widened in surprise and anticipation. "Perhaps here is a true test of my abilities ..." Rushing forward, he swung mightily at the southernmost skeleton ... a speed bump on his way to the apparent leader of this group.

Charge! [roll0], [roll1]
HPs: 28/28; AC: 16; F +4 R +3 W +1
Active effects
Inspire Courage (+1 comp bonus att/dam; +1 morale bonus to saves vs fear/charm)
Bless (+1 morale bonus to att and saves vs fear)
Bull's Str (+4 enh bonus to Str)
Charge (+2 Att, -2 AC)

2014-06-04, 10:14 AM
The power charge from Arenicus defeats another skeleton; the attack from Githeos finishes blocked on the skeletal shoulder of the one in front of him.
Eliah tries for another blow with his axe plate, but misses; Captain uses the bar but with no success at all. His serpent attacks for a tail slap but it misses the hit
A crate came from the mast, but misses the skeleton in front of the captain and fall 5 feet at the back of the undead.

[Funick turn now... c'mon, you're doing well]

Chained Birds
2014-06-04, 10:57 AM

Seeing as the tide of the battle is already in their favor, Funick will attempt to get the captain out of harm's way.


Silently, he builds up some water below the captain, and waits to see if it would be necessary to drag him away from the battle.

Standard Action: Hold Action: Surge (Drag) CMB VS Captain's FCMD.
- Action will go off if the enemy tries to attack the captain.
- Drag action will move the Captain closer to Funick.
- CM: [roll0]

2014-06-06, 09:13 AM
While the sailors still hide themselves in the lower deck, the skeletons try their attacks.
The three lined skeletons try to attack the enemies in front of them, but before that the one in front of the captain makes his two attacks, the hand of Funick's prepared action takes care of the captain and bring him at Funick side.
So the skeleton gives his attacks one to Githeos and the other to Eliah.
The first attack from the front skeleton and the one from the side skeleton misses; but trying to avoid this second attack expose the neck of Githeos, and in that point the front skeleton gives a powerful blow, chasing a vein [OC: rolls: 6, 4, natural 20, 23 for confirmation, 10 hit point of damage] from which start to spill a conspicuous amount of blood.
From the other attack of the skeleton comes a swing with no consequences for the dwarf; the skeleton in front of him gives two fast blows with its claws, hitting with the first for another superficial scar [oc: 13, 19, 4].
The talking skeleton walk to Arenicus and when in front of him tries to hit the Gartenian; in the meantime he spoke "I'll take care of you, suli, and when you are no more a threat I'll continue with this dwarf, and then every other of your comrades. You must not be a challenge, 'cause Master knows everything of this moment in Time"
That spoken, he take a powerful move [OC: 13], but it encounters your armour; the skeleton seems surprised for an instance, then grin ready to battle.

[oc: next turn]

Yano restart to play the lute [oc: the effect of the chant never vanish next turn]
Kiteras leaves his spear falling to the floor and then start to chant with a lower voice: "spirits of ages, give me the sacred arrows of Apollo that never failed a shot" and he uses the arms like he has an invisible bow.
From his hand he shots two energy darts that hit the skeleton in front of him (the one previously facing the Captain) and causing some damage to the undead… but the creature is still on its feet.

[Githeos and Arenicus turn]

2014-06-06, 10:11 AM
Githeos was somewhat relieved seeing that the captain was no more in danger - how could they run the boat without him? "Moved away with water? Should be a trick from Funick... he's surely a resourceful one..." he thinks and smiles to himself.

But the smile dies on his lips - and again the pain. How could be possible that such stupid things can hurt so much?

"I'll hurt you, big stupid one.." he thinks again.

Suddenly Githeos starts with a low noise... a muffled one... that becomes a laughter, a hideous laughter.
"Fool! Stupid dump of bones! Oh my, is this your secret weapon? Do you want to kill us with laughters?"

The caftolk tries to land a blow to the skeleton injuried by the magic of Kiteras.
Attack [roll0] (counting bless and song - no more combat expertise)
Damage [roll1] (with some luck from Pan!)

(OOC - it doesn't matter if I hit the skeleton or not for the following)

Githeos is still laughing like a mad.
"Your master should avoid drinking so much, Dumpy-Bones..." he says to the big skeleton facing Arenicus.
"Even your silent brothers... even a donkey... Even Tassy up there..." - and he goes on with another laugher -
"Even him knows that no one has such knowledge. The Gods themselves cannot fight Fate... you know... "

Suddenly he stops and become serius.

"Against Stupidity, the Gods themselves contend in vain... poor Master, what a delusion for him..."

(OOC - Githeos is trying to make the skeleton mad... who knows, maybe he will lower its defence or it will say some more about this "master"...)

Bluff check: [roll2] (Clever Cat racial bonus... and some blessing from Pan!)

2014-06-06, 10:49 AM
Forgot a "s"... Githeos was speaking of the "Fates", not just a generic "Fate" :smallwink:

2014-06-06, 03:54 PM
Slipping to the side, Arenicus sneered at the skeleton. "Is that what you call an attack? If you are the best bag of bones here, then your Master is more of a fool than I took him for. When you want something killed, call a warrior." With that, he swung his mighty hammer again, trying to crush this thing to powder.

[roll0], [roll1]
HPs: 28/28; AC: 18; F +4 R +3 W +1
Active effects
Inspire Courage (+1 comp bonus att/dam; +1 morale bonus to saves vs fear/charm)
Bless (+1 morale bonus to att and saves vs fear)
Bull's Str (+4 enh bonus to Str)

2014-06-11, 11:11 AM
Githeos hit the skeleton that crumble to the deck floor.
When he speaks to the creature, the undead seems to became mad.
"You fool! You are simply toys, made to please the Gods... we are free.
And by the fight to Fates... who knows?" and the evil grin became larger.
In the same time, Arenicus power blow hit really hard the undead, that put his sword to parry, but in vain: the hard hit pass the guard and hit him for serious damage. A strange expression -maybe surprise- emerge from his skull "Who... who are you strangers?"
Eliah hit the skeleton in front with a strange blow: initially it seems not even to damage the skeleton, but when in touch the dwarf arm became black and then the skeleton crumble [OOC: a roll on Knowledge arcana for more info]
The elf is coming down from the mast using a rope from the sails.
Captain look at funick, with an expression mixed between hatred and relief, but then smiled and tell to the cleric "thank you", his snake retreat at his side.

[funick's turn; a skeleton in front of Githeos, the hard one in front of Arenicus]

Chained Birds
2014-06-12, 09:37 AM

The scaly cleric simply yawns at this point.

"My task is done for today. The injuries you sustain now are your responsibility."

Then he simply curls his tail around, and uses it as a seat as he starts shining his spear.

2014-06-12, 11:04 AM
The skeleton in front of Githeos try to hit him with his claws, but misses both blows [OOC: 12 and 9]
The talking skeleton seems going mad for the hit from the Gartenian warrior: he tries a really powerful attack, but he misses the target [ooc: 11]. While trying to hit Arenicus he speaks to all of you
"HA! I'll spill your blood out of your bodies, as master predict! Nothing may change, everything is planned!"
Yano continue to play, but moves himself rear Githeos.
Kiteras take a blow with his spear, but he misses too [OOC: 13]

[Turn to Githeos and Arenicus]

2014-06-13, 04:41 AM
Githeos growled lowly at the remark of Funick. He never thought at himself as a warrior - but today he was fighting well, and some healing would
be really appreciated. But wait... Funick's a mer, right? And Uncle Masur said... mer's are like tidal waves... they give, they take.

Uhm. Better to think at Dumpy bones and his master...
Githeos is somewhat tired, but he tries to land a blow at the skeleton in front of him.
Attack [roll0] (counting bless and song - no combat expertise)
Damage [roll1] (come on, dice...)

While attacking, Githeos goes on with his taunting.
"Come on, Dumpy-Bones... Free? You mean, free to be a puppet of your master?"

With his free hand, Githeos touches his neck, in order to get his fingers covered by blood. He quickly paints his face - two lines under his eyes, as to enlarge them. [OOC - free action]

"Spill blood? Like this?" he points at his face, making a grimace like a clown.
"Dumpy-Bones is all talks.. I don't think you'll get some blood... wanna bet?" and he grins to Arenicus.

2014-06-13, 08:44 PM
With another step, Arenicus moved to place the skeleton between himself and the others. He grunted in disgust at the skeletons continued chattering. "How does a construct of bones flap its gums so? If you love your master so, go back to him now!"

Another swing ... this should already be ended!
[roll0], [roll1]
EDIT: Add +2 for a 17 total if he can get a flank!

HPs: 28/28; AC: 18; F +4 R +3 W +1
Active effects
Inspire Courage (+1 comp bonus att/dam; +1 morale bonus to saves vs fear/charm)
Bless (+1 morale bonus to att and saves vs fear)
Bull's Str (+4 enh bonus to Str)

2014-06-17, 12:34 AM
Githeos' blow hits the spot. The skeleton in front of him take some damage, but continues its silent fight with you.
The talking skeleton sees Arenicus' move but seemes to occupied to worry for it
"Master because he teach us, not a mere summoner. I told you, you are unable to learn"
The mighty blow he tried last round and the talking lowers his guard; so when Arenicus blow starts he is surprised and don't parry it.
"Fathernight" he murmured before dying on the deck.
As the skeleton crumble Eliah start to charge the one left; he lowers his shoulder and charge it with the clear intent to put it off board.
even this time a strange glowing came from the right harm when it hit the skeleton [OOC: 17] and it fall out of board.
Tassarion takes another to reach the deck.

The fight is ended, and you are still on the barge alive and free from the undeads

[good fight and thanks to all... we came back to the roundless narration for now :)]

2014-06-17, 05:20 AM
"Looks like I won the bet, Dumpy-Bones..." says Githeos, before sitting down on the spot, panting.
His mind is thinking at the words of the skeleton.

[OOC - did the speaking skeleton crumble to dust? What happened to its sword?]

Chained Birds
2014-06-17, 07:27 AM

Finishing his spear shining, the Merfolf taps his spear on the ground a bit to draw attention.

"Good. Everyone fought within my expectations. As a reward for not disappointing me, I will reveal to you all one of the Mer's useless secrets that we apparently held in high regard."

Funick opens a small compartment in his spear and begins unraveling a very old looking scroll. After a few seconds of looking down the parchment, he announces:

"Merfolk Secret #126: Mermaid tears have no magical, alchemical, or any special properties. They are no different from any other creature's tears.
This was kept secret as one of the many ways my kind has tried to keep an air of mysticism around them.

Please, stop making our Mermaids cry... It's not nice or progressive at all."

He makes a small yank on the scroll and the parchment immeditely snaps back into the spear. Funick then closes the compartment door and looks out onto the sea.

2014-06-17, 03:08 PM
[OOC: the speaking skeleton' bones fall to the deck. His sword, armor and everything he carries is still there mixed :P The others undead are nothing more than dust in seconds. tomorrow i'll post for the other npc ;)]

2014-06-17, 03:44 PM
Arenicus flourished his weapon high above his head, standing triumphantly over his fallen foe. "Let know man, alive or dead, question the might of Arenicus, scion of the God of War!"

With a final thrust of victory, he lowered his weapons and turned to the others. He started to speak, then paused as the merfolk began to speak. He stood for long moments after the scroll was away, staring at Funick, before suddenly laughing out loud. "Outrageous! You are funny, my friend. All of you have done well. But now we much find out why these bones attacked us!"

2014-06-20, 11:01 AM
"I need to talk with my crew" says the Captain "and then we will be able to sail again. We need to decide where to point this barge before, and I must understand if the sailors will be ready for EVERY direction. To later."
After this small talk he points to the bow.

Tassarion is on the deck but he is trying to look at Mavala; the flux of creature never stopped during all the fight, and the army grows in dimension every second. It seems an enormous, dangerous cloud of black nightmares. He point little if not no attention at all to you.

Eliah, Yano and Kiteras seems relied and smiles at Funick's words.
The minstrel speaks: "It is a war declaration to Mavala. Even if it is no point in doing such a thing; there are many Ellenic on that Island for the games. What's the interest in an action like that?"
The Ifrit says: "And about the action on this boat. It is like that... that 'Master'... does not want that anyone sees the action, or something like that. But is nonsense: magic users could scrying on this war from everywhere if they pleased. I'm not able to understand everything happened from where we are take aboard..."

2014-06-23, 04:18 AM
Githeos rests a little, listening at the words of his companions.
"Magical scrying? By the Gods... " he thinks, getting up.

Githeos quickly moves to the place where the speaking skeleton crumbled to dust and takes a look to its remains [OOC - Search, take 20. He concentrates on items lost by the skeleton].

Then he takes the sword of his foe and he gives it to Arenicus (he takes it carefully by the blade in order to present the hilt to the Gartenian).

"Proud Arenicus, thanks for the great help in this fight. You're skilled with weapons... can you please take a look at this? Is it a newly forged one... or it's an old blade, taken from a graveyard?" he asks.

Then he turns to the others.

"Thanks a lot also to you all, my new found friends" he smiles.
"But I have to disagree with you, Kiteras" he says with a sad voice.

Githeos speaks with theatrical moves, as embracing everyone (but Tassy :P)

"Mavala is just a little island. A war declaration? Maybe. Trying to kill all the best Ellenics there, gathered for the games?" he says, waiting a little, so his words can hit a point.

"I don't know the ways of magic, Kiteras... but I don't think that this foul Master just wanted to prevent us to be witness of his invasion." Again, some moments of silence.

"The Gods gathered us here... we, champions of the Gods, gathered to stop his madness. He wanted to kill us while we were unaware of him. But he understimate us" he smiles again.

Finally Githeos turns to Tassarion.
"Unless someone knows more and doesn't want to tell the tale..."

2014-06-23, 10:22 AM
Arenicus took the blade, eyeing it carefully as he checked the balance and lines. He also checked the armor left behind by the reddish skeletion ... and checked to see if the greenish one had left anything. Once complete, he relayed what he had learned of them ...

Not sure what I need to do, but let's presume Arenicus has some experience with weapons and can tell if it's a good blade or not :smallsmile:

2014-06-27, 12:50 AM
On the normal skeleton there's only rubbish. Armors are rusty and useless. When Arenicus arrives at the red skeleton spoils he sees that the armor of the red one is also rusty, but covered in something that seems and smells like blood. in this mess there is also a falcata-like blade, not rusty at all.
On the spoils of the talking skeleton you find the sword, that is really in good state and well balanced: on the hilt there's the mark of the city of Netoria. The armor is also in perfect state and the parts are equivalent of a Banded mail: they are all part of the same set, and not taken from different armors and placed together.
Between the bones of the undead Githeos find also a tiny onyx ring, with carved the symbol of a moon and a hourglass

The elf seems really serious
"I told you all: Gods are children that want to play new stories. This time we are their toys and also the character in that story. Not champions, my friends: pawns. And the stories are dangerous, and someone still die... everytime." the voice lower and became really sad.
"Like those man" pointing on the death sailor corpses "their only an anticipation... no one deserve to die in that manner"
He point his face toward Githeos
"Really, 'cat'? You think you can stop that madness, we seven.. no, eight counting the Captain" extending his arm to Mavala direction and the great black cloud that represent the legion of flying creatures growing in dimension on the Island. "We may be brave, but NOT SO MUCH. Gods' plan need to be another. Maybe they want us surviving for some time more. But this is strange: my Patron is mad, so it may be possible he sends me here, but yours?" and shout up, thinking.
"Proud Funick" says Eliah talking to the Merfolk "you told us you are in service of the God of Seas, and you Kiteras are from Scalea, so I bet you worship Apollo. The mighty Arenicus follow Ares, and for me I pray to Herakles, the catfolk Pan... so, it seems we have many different Gods involved here. That's strange, I think: in cases like there is something that happens in Ellenica they are planning and counterplanning to take advantages on other Gods... I don't even heard of cases like this"

2014-06-27, 04:21 AM
Githeos takes the ring but has no idea of the meaning of the symbol. Before listening to Arenicus about the blade, he already made is mind about the weapon - but he wanted the warrior's words supporting him: he's tired of everyone speaking and not listening at his remarks!

He climbs on a big barrel, sits down and takes a dagger from his belt.
"So... I think Eliah is right about our patrons. Sorry, Funick - you suggested to wait a little before revealing them. Looks like that we need to guess only about Whiny's one and Captain's." he says.

"Eight of us. Eight different patrons. But there are eighteen gods - nineteen with Hestia and her nice priestess" he smiles at the last word. "What about the others? Really, I don't care about them. A play? A story? We - we are the main characters. "
and he hits several times the upper part of the barrel with the hilt of the dagger while uttering the last words.

"That master... You heard Arenicus: he provided first class weapons to these skeletons. Sure, he's dangerous."

Another hit on the barrel.

"So dangerous that someone hides even from his minions. Who cares... he made his move, now I just want to kick his butt. He turned this nice trip in a fight. Cannot stand it."

The catfolk jumps down from the barrel and move toward Funick and Yano.

"Funick, you know many secrets... and Yano, you know many tales. This was on the speaking one. Do you know what does it mean?" and he shows the ring.

Chained Birds
2014-06-27, 07:59 AM

"How problematic. The gods have plans for each of us, so I figured that keeping each one's influence a secret might lessen team disruption and potential malice. Certain gods do not have very nice relationships with others..."

Funick leans against the side of the ship, and produces a raw flailing fish from seemingly nowhere. Slapping the fish around, he seems to ponder things.

"Hmm, regardless of what has happened today, let's continue on towards are original destination and maybe more will be revealed."

He then throws the wiggling fish over his shoulders and into the sea below.

2014-07-07, 02:26 PM
Arenicus was focused on the blade and armor initially, while the others are talking about what the events meant and how it affected them. Smiling, he turned back, the armor and blade gathered in his arms as he paused to hear what Githeos and Funick had to say. He nodded vaguely. "No man knows the thoughts of the gods, only their will as they push and pull us like the tides. But we have been called, and someone tried to stop us. Perhaps our gods stand together against a common foe, a coming enemy that will require the best each of our patrons have to offer.

Our course is clear ... keep onward, and kill any who get in our way!" Placing the armor down near the magically oriented of the group, he nodded to the items. "Are there any enchantements on these? Or are they simply well made gear from the god of the Forge?"

Are the sword / armor just masterwork, or magical too?

2014-07-08, 09:36 AM
After the words of Githeos, Funick and Arenicus a deafening silence take the entire group.
Yano move toward Githeos to control the symbol on the carved ring; he takes a lot of time, and then he sighs

"I don't know that symbol. But I try something... follow my idea.
There's a waxing moon. The moon is symbol of Artemis, and this moon may be a bow, too.
But Artemis is not familiar with undead things. Undeads are under influence of Hades and Hecates.
Moon is also symbol of night... and we came back to that name, Fathernight, or Master if you prefer"
The bard makes a dramatical pause. Then goes on
"Regards of the glasshour... well, it is related to time. No Olympian god claim that symbol for her or himself.
Because Time is related to Fates, or by more obscure matter" and his voice lowers to a conspiratory level.
"In fact, very few persons know that hourglass was the symbol of the King of the Titans... Cronus," he says in a whisper "the former god of skyes and time"

Tassarion seems to pay really much attention to the bard
"Are you sure of what are you saying? That name is more than blasphemy... The Titans are chained in Tartarus, after Hades' realms, by the hands of the Gods.
No one from the young races need to know these kind of things... they are really dangerous". The elf and Eliah are really worried about the last words from the human

"Calm down, friends" says Kiteras "what is your point, Yano? You are thinking of a Titan cult of some sort? Or what exactly?"

Yano answers "Dunno. I'm just supposing"

They are perfectly balanced, but some cuts you see in the armor make you think they are not magical powered at all

Chained Birds
2014-07-08, 02:32 PM

The Merfolk stands in silence. He feels like he may be able to shed some light on the situation, but can't remember anything today. Maybe after smacking his head against the wall for 24 hours he might be able to jog his memory; though he is far too lazy to do that and will most likely give up before even deciding to try.


2014-07-09, 02:52 AM
Githeos raises (literally!) his ears while listening to Yano, then he snaps his fingers.
"This makes sense! All that chattering of Dumpy Bones about the Master knowing thing about time... this comes from that "Cronus"!"
He looks excited, he speaks fast, really as he has too much to say...
He moves nearer to Yano.
"Yano, Kit, Funick... is this ring magic? or is it just some sort of badge used by the army of the Master?"
The catfolk doesn't wait for an answer and jumps near Tassarion, showing his teeth and grabbing the clothes of the elf.
"Tassy, Eliah, seems that you know a lot of this topic... that's time to reveal your secrets! What's this "young races" thing? Well? Give me an answer! No, everyone deserve an answer! What about this Tartarus place? Well?"

Githeos shakes his head and leaves the elf alone - his missing smell is too unconfortable. He stops a second and takes a breath.

"By the way... who are those "Titans"?

2014-07-11, 11:51 AM
Arenicus nodded to himself as he completed his assessment of the armor and sword. Both were nice, well-made and suited for war. Of course, his own blade was nicer, having been enchanted by the priests of Ares, while the armor was a bit to constricting for his style of fighting. Setting them down, he turned back to the others, who were now speaking of long vanished gods and any number of conspiracy theories.

"Secret Cults? Titans? Cronos? Blah, blah, blah! Simply point me to my enemies, that I may show them the error of their ways. Are these people who would fight against the gods? Then they shall die."

Arenicus doesn't wnat the sword or armor ... so whoever wants it can call dibs. Or it can go in the 'party resource pool.'

2014-07-14, 01:48 AM
Githeos will grab the sword when possible. He has a plan!

Chained Birds
2014-07-14, 08:59 AM

"Yes, let us just move along and take heed that a secretive cultist group maybe trying to stop whatever are deities have planned for us... I'll just take a nap for now."

Funick leans his heavy body against a wall with an audible creek, before seemingly instantly falling asleep.

2014-07-17, 11:09 AM
Titans, titans... well, maybe someone told me of this giant being, but i'm unable to remember anything...

In a book years ago you red about some powerful beings, named Titans. They were parted, someone in war with the Olympian Gods, some other fighting at Olympians side. They loose.

Everyone look at the theatrical play of Funick, but no one commented it. hen he fell asleep, Kiteras raise his shoulders and then give his attention to the catfolk. "Beware, Githeos: names have power. If our friends here say that it's dangerous to use in clear voice, maybe we take care and listen to their advice.
And for the ring... lemme see" The Ifrit look at the ring than we wispers some words. After some second he tells to everyone "It is not magic per sé, but have a residual magic aura that is rapidly fading. A divination source".

The elf continue "He is right; we may talk about this issue, but only when we will be all together and far from someone listening that is not part of our... group. Bu I promise some explanations, soon.
Tartarus is the farthest of the planes, a place of pure evil, long after Hades itself."

Yano nod to him and replied "I will give you all the stories I have to understand what's happening"

"Hey, Arenicus" says the dwarf "Soon you will have all the targets you need to make proud your god of you. But listen to me: for every head you will harvest, I get two for Heracles" and he smiles.

Captain arrives; after him there are many sailors with dark faces, but silently they all take their place at the oars.
"I persuaded the majority of them to continue our journey to Mavala. When we will be there someone between us may go to the land," and then he lowers his voice "but i think it will be better if some of us will stay on the barge to avoid that they left us all to the island and escape"
Then at normal voice "Try to rest, you all, as the Merfolk does. I've got a potion for your scars, Githeos. Come with me.

After a couple of minutes the barge will point to the original destination. Mavala is far some ours, and night is approaching. Sun is set and the Moon shine in the sky. Then an inhuman scream broke the night: even if it came from Mavala, it is like as someone in front of you emits it and the same time a large prickle hits you at the base of the neck.
From Mavala come tentacles-like columns of light, that seems to search in every direction: then eight of them point to the Red Barge. Everyone of these rays reach your forehead at godlike speed and you hear the voice of am unknown God ask "Help me" and then the lights disappeared.
The other pillars searched for another minute then fall to the sea untouched and end to shine.

2014-07-18, 10:24 AM
Githeos is exasperated. Too many things to ask, to many facts to analyze, and the pain of the wounds from the battle surely does not help.

The catfolk raises his head to the sky and screams - a brief roar, trying to steam out his frustration.

"Soon? Later? As soon as possible?" Githeos lashes his tail to the wooden ground, his fists clenched.

"By the gods! I wish I have wings, to reach that hole in the sky and track down that foul master! Instead? We are here, waiting and waiting... Waiting for the boat reaching Mavala? That's fine. Waiting for this... this... this..." Giheos points at Tassarion, gasping for breath. Suddenly the bad wound at Githeos' neck reopens - the catfolk tears the sleeve of his tunic and quickly use it as a bandage, murmuring lowly.

Githeos strides to the nearer side of the boat, looking at the sea, inspiring its smell, and raising his head to look at the flying creatures.

"Well, looks like I need to wait" he sighs.

He turns to the party, pointing at the hole in the sky.

"But let me ask a thing... Mavala is fighting against an army of foul undead. I must admit that I have little hope for it... Why do you need to reach it?"

He gets nearer to the group.

"My patron told me that I have to hurry and reach this boat, since my presence here was important. But he did not mention to reach the island. What about you?"

Finally, he thanks Kiteras for the information about the ring and retrieves it - Githeos takes a pieces of string from a pouch and wears the ring as an amulet, hiding it under the armor.

"A divination aura? So it's some magic related to the Gods?"

[OOC, ethymologic joke!]

[Moving on... How many HPs does he retrieve from the potion?]

As the sun disappears in the sea, Githeos looks at the black hole disappearing.

"Strange! The night is coming and the hole is no more... but Dumpy Bones spoke of a "fathernight". Shouldn't it be at ease during the night?"

[Finally, a Knowledge(Religion) for the light ray touching Githeos: [roll0]]

2014-07-18, 06:05 PM
During the discussion, Arenicus simply listened ... or appeared to listen, since he was going over the different forms within his head. All this talk was boring and unproductive for a warrior. When the dwarf spoke up, he simply snorted. Did he mean that Heracles would take credit for two, or was he suggesting that he would only kill half as many as the dwarf? Either way, it made little sense. He quickly retired, finding solace in sleep.

When the scream came, he rushed to the deck of the ship, weapons in hand. When no foes appeared, he looked disappointed, but he waited for the others to speak. Shaking his head, he simply pointed to the island. "Captain, sail! For the rest of us, we cannot change the speed or the time, so let us find rest for the battles that await us." With that, he returned to his hammock, intent on sleeping while he could ...

Chained Birds
2014-07-19, 07:56 AM

"Strange voices and even stranger light tonight. Better not look too far into them for now..."

The merfolk says sleepily, as he simply awaits for the barge to dock before completely awakening from his slumber.

2014-07-23, 07:06 AM
[oc: Leriel, the captain gives you a bottle for 2d8+10 of restored health point]

Captain looks in the eyes of everyone of you, says to Githeos "We will go to the island, I'm sorry" then goes to the sailors; he talks for little time with them and finally he moves to the rudder-tiller, shouting "SAIL! TO MAVALA!"

Eliah and Kiteras place themselves as comfortable as they are able to do, and try to follow the Merfolk to the lands of Morpheus. Tassarion moves to the upper mast, sitting near the Captain, with open eyes.
Yano seats near Githeos, and lowering his voices says "It seems that no one is really interested in your questions. My bad. I am interested, instead; maybe we can share something, do you think?"
The Bard smiles.
"I will start with the story of the old races. It will not answer to your questions, but maybe you may picture better our friends, over there" pointing at the elf and the dwarf.
"An old story says that the Gods where at war. Not a mere little fight between creatures like we are, but a Godscale war. I don't know why they were at war - do they need a purpose for it? - but I know for sure that there was a moment when they needed to create new weapons. And a group created the Dwarves, another the Elves, another the Orcs. When they used their new puppies on the battle fields they were initially amused by the skill of their new "toys"... but years passed and those early races evolved themselves. The gracile elves found easy to work with wood and create spears and, later, bows; dwarves found a way to use stones, and orcs... well, they fought with the bones of creature they killed and then ate. Every group also learned how to create weapons and armors to protect themselves like they saw from the gods. Olympians stopped to think that those creatures were interesting and loose interest in war, too; or maybe they solved their problem, I don't know. Many centuries passed. Other gods think that those intelligent creatures was fun and then create their own. And so many races arose. It's just a story, but maybe we can think that something is real, on the base of the story itself..."
Yano whispers.
"In an old papyrus I found a reference to a war from older gods, known as Titans, and newer ones; the newer won defeating the greater general Chronus, King of Sky and Time. This is the only thing I know about him. When the librarian found me reading that passage, he take the papyrus and then put me out of the building, closing. The day after, the papyrus was missing. I was in Cirico. Don't you think this all is strange enough?"

2014-07-23, 08:43 AM
Githeos thanks the Captain for the potion and drinks it (2d8+10 hit points restored). Then he sits near Yano and starts to listen to the words of the bard, carefully, holding back all the questions in his mind.
"I heard something similar about the origin of my folk" he says. Githeos is tired, it was a long day, and the story of the bard made him sleepy, but he want to share a story, too...
"They say that once upon a time, Pan had a full human body. He and Dionysus were drinking, and Dionysus challenged him to create beings half men, half animals... Catfolks, centaurs, fauns and so were born that day. Pan liked fauns so much that he changed his body, too."
Githeos thinks a little and then adds:
"By the way, my uncle Masur once told me another story - he said that we should thank the kind mate of Talisid for being born. But my uncle was feverish... and what kind of name is "Talisid"?" Githeos smiles, then gets more serious.

"Thanks for speaking with me, Yano, thanks a lot, really! I learned a lot. Old races, old gods... You gave me many things to think at." Githeos nods.
"I'll be at your side, if you need help" Githeos blinks at the Bard.

"Now I need some rest..." Githeos leaves the bard and moves away, far from the group (and especially far from Tassarion). He sits and with a low voice, he casts some spells.

First, he casts Create water in order to clean his face and clothes from the blood.
Then, he casts Know the enemy, asking some insight to Pan:
"Divine Pan, today I reached the Red Barge, following your words. I fought undead beings, and prevailed. They says that we're facing an enemy of the gods... we'll see. But I have a fear - that one of us is a liar. Divine Pan, please give me a spark of your knowledge - what is this one that resemble an elf, but has no smell?"

Then the catfolk tries to sleep, and dreams... a black cat, with eyes like stars.

[Knowledge check: 1d20+10 plus 5 if it's Nature or Religion. I can cast it 3 times if needed!]

2014-07-23, 08:45 AM
Rolls are not working, here they are again:


2014-07-29, 07:15 AM
The Red Barge sails the entire night.
At dawn finally you manage to reach Mavala. From some leagues far in the sea you don't see any movement on the island and his principal city: no sign of flying creatures but many trees hide the rest of the terrain. There's no one on the harbour, but dozens of ships are on the docks, their barrels and crates disposed on the main passages.

Captain talks with Eliah and then propose "I could manage to keep the sailors calm, if I have at least a hand. I asked the dwarf to stay aboard with me in order to prevent a mutiny. We will give you a launch to reach the land, and then wait for you at this distance. If you will be in need of a hand just signal it to us and we approach. I wish you best luck, may Gods protect you all"

[OC: Funick you may follow or lead the rest of the group on the launch, or go with them, as you're pleased ;)
just tell me what you want to do so I can give you other informations related to your movement]

You rope the launch to an empty pier. The sunlight shows empty ways, and the unique sound you ear come from the waves.
No person, no fisherman or other living beign at sight. You are probably the only living sentient creatures there, or so you feel.
Over the docks there are many houses, with traces of living beings that used them recently. Few doors and windows are open.
There are many streets parting from the piers and leading to the small Acropolis on an hill distant about ten minutes of walking.

On top of Acropolis there are many structures, little temples shined by the rising sun, and a great bracer with a tiny smoke coming from it

Chained Birds
2014-07-29, 03:12 PM

The Merfolk follows the launching party, swimming with them as they head to the dock. Funick is a rather heavy creature all things considered, and wouldn't want to burden the non-aquatic members on their boat.

Once they reach the dock, Funick announces:

"I'll check the waters for any unusual signs. I've found tha surface folk tend to throw away possessions they do not want others to find into the sea. Truly, it is something very exploitive for someone like me."

He then dives down, casting Light on his spear to illuminate the deep.

[roll0] Edit: [23] Taking 20.
- Looking for anything out of place or signs of what may have happened here recently.

Edit: Although Rolling a 1 makes everything horrible. Really wish I could take 10 or 20 on these sort of things.

Edit2: Okay, 20 it is!

2014-07-29, 06:44 PM
[@OC In a case like this you can take 10 or 20 with no problem, if you wish. Change the perception box in your post accordingly with the value you want to use , the 10 or the 20, and then i'll give you the results.
The only difference is of course the time you use to do your search, as reported on the manuals.
My "golden rule" to not take 10 or 20 applies only to knowledge skills, because in my opinion you know or not know something, it is not a matter of trying an re-trying to think about a topic like you do with a repetitive action like search or craft, for example. On 3.5 I remeber clearly that it wasn't possible to take 20 on knowledge skills, i don't know if they keep this rule also in pathfinder or not, but I think it will fit more with my thoughts :smallwink:
Just to clarify my position. I know, my english is not so good but I hope I am able to make my posts understandable :smallsmile: ]

2014-07-30, 02:10 AM
Githeos is really grumpy this morning - he had a terrible night, he wasn't able to rest properly on the boat. He puts himself on the launch in order to be able to see Tassarion - Githeos' face is covered by his big hat, to protect him from the sun, but he's able to see the "elf" across the straws.

When the launch finally reaches the dock, Githeos is eager to land - he rushes forward, breathing deeply.

His mood changes a little after hearing the words of Funinck - this is a good idea! The catfolk never thought of what happens underwater.

He puts the hat on his back and kneel near the water, looking at the merfolk.

"Let us know if you need help, Funick!"

Then Githeos washes his head with some water from the sea, hoping to clear his mind and not also his face.

2014-08-04, 12:54 PM
Arenicus rose early the next morning, watching the city as they approached. Once they made port, he vaguely listened to the Captain the others speak before leaping down to the pier to stride forward purposefully. "We will not shed the blood of our enemies by gabbing about like fishwives. Arms and armor, comrades!" Once on the pier, Arenicus looked around, then moved to check the closest buidling, his shield on his arm and his fine nine-ring blade drawn and ready.

[roll0] ... not sure what else to do right now but check on stuff.

2014-08-07, 09:55 AM
@Funick: you swim underwater slowly using the light from your spear to better search the sea bottom.
Other than old rusty objects like boat parts Funick found a series of newly pouches, like people throw them into the sea before... something unusual [OC: you found small objects and coins for a cumulative of 10d6 gold coins]
There are also two crates, one smaller and one bigger. With your own strenght you may only move the small one to the surface, the bigger one is too heavy. On the small crates there are some gems [OC:roll for 3d20 x 50 of total gold coins], the big one is full with some badges in bronze, silver and gold with symbols of the Ellenic cities and also various Gods effiges in gold.
Looking up you see something really strange: it seems that the island is under a brown translucent blanket, and your friends are also under that cape but you didn't see anything strange from the surface before.
[OC: It will cost a single turn to came back to the surface with the crate, but at least 20 different tries to take to surface the content of the big crate]

@Others: Everyone of the group readies their weapons, as Arenicus does. Kiteras also cast a spell on himself.
The bard takes place at left of Githeos while Tassarion prepare his bow and follow the Gartenian. It is the elf's voice that break the silence.
"No living beings at sight. Not even a single ****ing cat or dog. Neither abird. No-one"
The house that Arenicus is checking has no sign of combat: everything seems ok, there's also a cold sup on the four bowls on a poor wooden desk, untouched, like the villagers who lived here rapidly but with order left the home all at once for a purpose - but you don't know which one, for now.
When you come back to the group, Yano tells you "Maybe we will find everyone at the stadium, near the Acropolis... Will we wait for the merfolk and then go all at once? Or maybe someone may wait for him here while the others may check the houses... What do you think? It seems that this port is calm"

2014-08-07, 10:36 AM
Seeing nothing to wage war against, Arenicus snorted at the suggestion to wait - a true warrior waited for no fish-man! Ignoring Yano, Arenicus, pointed towards the Acropolis. "It is obvious there is little to find here, and what we seek is that way! You may wait if you fear the unknown, or which the merman to finish his morning swim. I shall go forward for glory and honor!

Join me if you seek the same!"

With that, Arenicus flourished his blade, then turned to head towards the Acropolis. There, he would find answers ... and perhaps a foe to challenge!

Did I mention Arenicus is not very smart? But he can be very derisive! Uh, I meant decisive!

2014-08-08, 09:24 AM
Githeos is still fighting with his headache and looks like an alley cat. He raises his tail as he listens to the words of Arenicus.

By the Gods, he wants to bash some berks... he thinks.

With some efforts, the catfolk stands up.

"Proud Arenicus, you are worth a legion - we all trust your strength. But someone needs to wait the mer - who knows the dangers of the deep? And from the sky?"

Githeos readies his bow - a masterpiece! - and he nocks an arrow, pointing at the ground.

"We could split for a while - let's say, Yano can help me, while you reach the acropolis" he says nodding at Kiteras, Tassarion and Arenicus.

"We'll reach you as soon as possible. I don't want to waste your time!" he ends.

And I don't want a mad dog barking, eager to fight... go away! he sighs.

Chained Birds
2014-08-08, 01:19 PM

Funick returns from the water with gifts.

"I found gold and chests... the bigger one is a bit difficult to carry. Maybe I can get it up here tomorrow... if we live through whatever horrors await us."

He drops the [roll0] gold and chest of [roll1]x50=[1500] worth of stuff on the ground without a second thought.

2014-08-11, 11:18 AM
Arenicus had been on his way to leave when Githeos stopped him. Before he could response, the merfolk returned, caring booty he had found at the bottom of the harbor. Frowning, Arenicus toed through the goods, looking to see if there was anything of interest. Once finished, he pointed to the Acropolis. "Now that the gilled-one has returned, onward and upward, comrades!"

'Of interest' pretty much means anything that looks like it would either a) help with fighting, b) improve his bada$$ery (like bonuses to Intimidation), or c) are associated with Ares.


2014-08-19, 08:20 AM
Githeos has mixed feelings, looking at Funick. Sure, he's quite happy that the mer's back and he's eager to grasp some shiny things... but this also means that they should follow Arenicus at the acropolis. Bye bye rest at the docks.

The catfolk puts the bow away. Then, while Arenicus is looking at the shinies, Githeos picks a pouch, juggling with it.

"Why should someone throw away his gold? It's strange!" he says, waiting for the warrior.

2014-08-26, 09:50 AM
Kiteras prepares his weapon; Yano sighs and then take his lute in hands, ready.
Tassarion is already at Arenicus side, the bow in a hand, an arrow in the other. "No one is near" he tells "so, no beggar or thief. Everything will be there when we will come back, later"
The group start his walk to the Acropolis. A cold wind comes from the hill, but no one seems to be in sight or hear. Neither animals seems to live on the island.
The temples are not damaged at all; from some bracers on the stairways comes the last remains of charcoal fires, unattended from hours. The Agorae (the center place between temples) is marked with a human body, his chest ripped, his blood spilled like a star which rays came from the geometric center - where the body stood - to every single temple or shine.
From Agorae you can easily look to the valley rear to the city, where once there was the olympic installation: a series of construction - where people may sit when watching games - surround a central field, where a huge hole destroyed the grass fields.
On the opposite side of that hole respect to the Agorae there is a big golden structure: something like a wheel, 20 foot of diameter, with a God symbol carved on its surface. You can clearly see that the same symbol is at the neck of the ripped body, as a golden medallion
There is only a path to go to the fields from the place: a passage near the biggest temple, between the temple itself and a group of stones piled in three stacks of about 6 feet each, aligned on the path border.
[OC: everyone with at least 1 point in knowledge[religion] may roll to recognize the symbol, a total of 10 or more to know at which Olympian god belongs that structure]
You don't need to roll, it's one of the symbol of Tyche, goddes of luck

Chained Birds
2014-08-26, 11:38 AM

"Ah, you surface folk and your strange rituals. I wonder what Tyche thinks of this?"

Funick begins scanning the area with his magic detection, starting from the body and checking the statues.

Funick uses: Detect Magic

2014-08-26, 01:24 PM
Arenicus keeps his sword handy as he prowls about, looking for whoever, or whatever, did this deed. Moving close to the body, he checked the wounds, to see if they were received in glorious battle, or fouly committed against a helpless man ...

Looking about, checking the body, and basically being useless :smallsmile:
[roll0], [roll1]

Chained Birds
2014-08-26, 03:19 PM

As he searchs about,

"You know, as a Mer of priestly origins, I can tell you that around 87.5% of all temples devoted to a god or goddess (or being of similar power) will have a secret or two you can... take advantage of. Now seeing as this is might be one for a goddess of fortune, there could probably be a large trove of gold or similar luck related items stashed away as offerings to her."

He then glances at the corpse for a moment,

"Or a mound of corpses; depending on what people determine is a good offering to a goddess such as Tyche. Though the body can be unrelated.
Hmm perhaps the items in the water were her offerings, though I'd first like to see an empty chest or room before believing there are no further secrets around here."

2014-08-27, 02:14 AM

23!? Wow, I guess I know a lot of Tyche, then... PM to Malaki :smallsmile:

2014-08-27, 03:00 AM
Githeos is tired and he's feeling somewhat sick. He needs to pay a lot of attention in order to climb his way to the acropolis... he stumbles, he's the last of the group, he feels dizzy.

When he see the body he gets near, trying to understand what's happening... but he run away to some bushes and he throws up.

Today is not my best day... he thinks, cleaning himself.

While he's away, he casts Create Water over his head - a shower is welcome!, then he gets back to the unlucky corpse and examines it
[Search, take 20. If possible I take 20 on heal in order to find out the origin of the wound on the corpse.]

He removes the golden medallion from the neck of the corpse and looks at it. [and keep it :smallsmile: I have an idea...]

"Tyche... poor one, her luck was not enough to protect you from this end" he says.

Githeos closes his eyes, trying to ignore the drums that are playing in his head. Then he speaks to Yano.

"My friend Kerykos used to make offers to Tyche before going out with a girl." he says.

"I remember a pretty one... I did not need to do make offers to the Goddes of Luck to kiss her" the catfolk smiles.
"She was the daughter of a priestess and I told her that Tyche surely blessed me. She told me a strange thing... While many followers of the Olympian pantheon humbly accept whatever fate the gods choose for them, followers of Tyche try to take their fate into their own hands."

The catfolk looks at the group. "Fates, again. As Pan told me. As Dumpy Bones told, too, on the Red Barge."

Githeos turns to Funick and adds: "Funick, do you know some secrets about Fates that you want to share?"

Then he closes his eyes again, struggling with another keck.

Gods, are you really playing with us? Could Tassy be right?

2014-08-27, 04:02 AM
From the body AND the blood came a really strong Abjuration residual, that vaguely diminish every second. It seems that something from the body still have an Abjuration of some sort in it, but the vast energy of the residual partially masked the little power still active, so it's not clear from where it came, initially.
The three pillar have a moderate Conjuration aura, still active.
When Githeos takes the medallion, the Abjuration aura still active pass for some second above him, then fade.
You are now aware that something is coming...

When you search on the priest you don't find anything of interest, except the medallion at his neck, and the blue vest on him are rest of a tunic really expensive.
You pass to examine the wounds: it is due to something that came out from the interior of the cleric, maybe some magical beast forced to injest or effect of magic of some sort.
When Githeos take the medallion your senses feel something strange, a sort of tiny rumor from the three pillars. Tassarion seems alerted from that rumor, too. You are aware of a potential danger from that source

When you search on the priest you don't find anything of interest, except the medallion at his neck, and the blue vest on him are rest of a tunic really expensive.
You pass to examine the wounds: it is due to something that came out from the interior of the cleric, maybe some magical beast forced to injest or effect of magic of some sort. Every internal organ is removed.

When the medallion is taken from the neck of the dead body Tassarion and Arenicus turn to the three pillars.
Six small, red flash emerge between the cracks of the stones. Few moments after the last question of the catfolk the three pillars seems to crumble, but instead they reform it in a more human-like form (see image)
The three creatures are larger than a normal human and are moving menacing to your group, they are at 12 feet from you all.
[OC: Kiteras, Yano and Githeos are flat-footed, Funick, Arenicus and Tassarion will roll initiative for this turn.
The three creatures have 11, 8 and 6]

Chained Birds
2014-08-27, 10:40 AM

The Mer instinctually moves away from the encroaching threat and puts a hand on his Cassock.

"Well, it is usually best to loot corpses after one has searched the area for traps and the like. Novice mistake my feline friend."

Move Action: (Bravely) retreat 20ft away from the threat.
Standard Action: Activate Cassock (Bless)

2014-08-27, 11:14 AM
Arenicus rose from inspecting the body, shaking his head with a frown. "Comrades, this one did not fall in combat, nor was he savaged afterwards by normal means. Something burst OUT of his body ..."

He was thinking (hard) about what this could mean when Funick pulled free the medallion from the body and something (Ares, most certainly!) alerted him to danger. Spinning about, he turned to look at the pillars and saw three creatures, formed from stone, approaching. "If the fish-man is right, putting the medallion back might send these things back. Of course, he could be wrong ... but we can only hope!" With a grin, Arenicus prepared for the pending battle ....

Waiting for my turn :smallsmile:

2014-08-29, 01:36 AM
[OC: so recap of initiative: Tassarion 13, Funick 11, Arenicus 9, Creatures 5 after got Starbin suggestion, am I correct? Others roll next turn.
For all: this first turn you need a Knowledge (planes) check to find out which creatures are those... you need at least one point to try to get info and for knowledge rolls you can't take 10 or 20. The other npc (if they have the skill :smallsmile:) will also roll next turn]

The elf was one with the bow movement as creatures approach. He shoots a first arrow that hit the one at far left, shattering at the contact with no visible harm for the creature...
Every one of you see clearly for an instant that different colors shine on the eyes of the three creatures: the left one was purple, the center one orange ant the right one pink. The creature hit by the arrow says a word and then instantly then the elf disappears from the position he was to re-appear on the far left of the Agorae, 50 feet distant from his old position... and his expression is of pure surprise.
The earring at Githeos ear starts to emit a yellow concrete light like a torch, everyone of you noted it clearly

[OC if someone knows Terran i may give you the translation]

2014-08-29, 10:07 AM
(OOC - I'll post now, presuming we can act in blocks ... GO TEAM HERO!)

Arenicus snorted as he pulled free his huge hammer. "It seems the battle is joined ... onward friends, least I leave none for you!" Lumbering forward, he charged the rock-thing with pink eyes, intent on crushing it quickly.

Arenicus is not sure what this thing is ... and he really doesn't care! Charge w/earthbreaker (bludgeoning, cold iron)
[roll0], [roll1]

If someone knows whether this thing has other damage resistance, shout it out ... Arenicus does have weapons both pointy AND magic :smallsmile:

2014-09-02, 04:30 PM
The mighty blow of Arenicus hit the pink eyed creature on the chest.
The warrior perceive clearly that his attack are partially blocked by some magical ward form the beast, but after an initial resistance he does a sure damage.
When the blow reach its target, the eyes of the three creatures start to shine, and then they chant for another word.
Istantly, the surface of the one hit by the Gartenian seems to became grey, and more though like it may now be composed by some metallic element.
"Purple eye" reaches for Kiteras position and then start a blow to the Ifrit, but fail to touch him; "Orange Eyes" stop at 6 feet from Githeos position and then start to chant, his eyes clearly emitting Orange light continously towards the catflok; "Pink eyes" try to hit Arenicus in front of him and the focused Gartenians easily dodge the blow.

Yano shouts: "They are Earth Elementals! In the bigger ones their skin is so hard that normal blows are absorbed by them! Be careful!" then starts to sing for you all

[OC: Githeos please try a Will save for a Slow effect, DC 13; Pink try to reach an AC of 11, i suppose he missed the shot on Arenicus :smallamused:
Yano's "inspire courage" effect stacks with the one from Funick, of course.
Leriel please do roll for the save, then post Githeos action so we can go on with next turn :smallsmile:]

2014-09-03, 01:49 AM
ST posted in OC... 14 :smalltongue:

Githeos nods at Funick. The mer was right... he was too careless. Nevermind.

He feels some magic effect coming from the creature, but he manage to resist it. He has a plan and the will to put it in place...

As the stone creatures approach, Githeos shouts:
"All of you, hold on!"

The catfolk bows on a knee and speaks:
"Oh blessed Tyche, goddes of luck... One of your followers was slain by a grim fate. Maybe he was your champion in this island, maybe he was just unlucky." he says.

Then he quickly fasten the medallion at his neck (standard action) and speaks again:
"Alas! I'm here, Githeos of the woods, Githeos of the cat people. We follow no laws... We trust luck and trust you." A short break and he goes on:

"I am Githeos, I'm the cat who walks by himself, and all places are alike to me. Hear my prayer! Your champion is not fallen - since Githeos is your new champion!" he says, standing up and raising his arms to the sky.

Finally he points to the stone creatures:
"And you... return to rest! Since Luck is with me and the Symbol is laying on his proper owner! Nothing is wrong, everything's all right now! By the name of Tyche, return to sleep!"

Githeos licks his lips and waits...

2014-09-03, 02:06 PM
After Githeos' speech, the medallion shatters with no harm and then everyone of your group (including the catfolk himself) feel a warm sensation in his chest. Then every thought in your mind seems more clear than before.
Immediately you see a sort of collar at the necks of all three elementals, accordingly with the colour of the shines from their eyes. On them there's a sort of rune, different for everyone of them: but you all know now that the language is Terran and also find out that you are now able to read it! On the purple collar you clearly see the word "space"; on the orange one, "time"; and on the pink one "matter".
The objects are magically disguised and emit a small aura of Enchantement.

[OC: from now to the end of combat you all have +3 to all d20 related rolls and damage rolls, +3 moral boost to all saves, "comprehend languages" as if activated with Terran language and detect magic active. if you have questions, please write it in the OC post]

Tassarion tries to recover from his translation; he take another arrow and shot it to the same target: then creature was hit and the arrow sink into the body.
When he hit the "space" elemental he suddenly disappear and then re-appear at the back of Kiteras

[Funick, Arenicus, is your turn ;) ]

2014-09-03, 02:24 PM
Arenicus frowned as the creature's skin turned back some of the force of his hammer. However, he realized it had some sort of mystic barrier ... perhaps his blade would be better suited to this task! Dropping his hammer to the side, the warrior pulled free his enchanted blade and attacked again, this time using speed and skill over brute force ...

Okay, drop the hammer (free), draw the +1 broadsword (move action, no AOO), Attack with two hands for now (standard action). Looks like a +3 from the medallion and +2 from double inspire courages? 1d20+14, [roll1].

2014-09-03, 04:45 PM
Arenicus' blow hit the spot: the creature was hit really hard, falling on a knee, part of his body starting to crumble. Then it repeats the word "Matter!" as before, its eyes glazed and then his hands magically blazes with a pink flame ready to attack back the Gartenian.

[OC: we wait for Chained Birds turn now]

Chained Birds
2014-09-04, 07:15 AM

"Gaurdians are so annoying to deal with."

A finger on Funick's empty hand glows as he seems to trace something in the air using the light from his hand. The symbol is that of a trident.

"Lord's Ruthlessness!"

As he shouts, he seems to grab hold of the floating symbol made of light as though it we a tangible item, and flings it at the "Matter" Elemental. The symbol soars towards the creature and seems to morph into a large trident as it comes close. By the time it reaches the creature, the trident is now fully formed twirling and floating around by some mystical means. But before anyone has a chance to admire the weapon, it lifts up slightly and plunges itself at the "Matter" creature.

Standard Action: Cast Spitual Weapon
Effect: Trident / 1d8+1 Force Damage / +5 on Attacks
Range: 130ft
Duration: 3 Rounds

Spiritual Weapon: Trident Attack VS "Matter" Elemental
- Attack: [roll0]
- Damage: [roll1]
- Crit Confirm (20): [roll2]
- Crit Damage (x2): [roll3]
Bless: +1 on Attacks and Fear Saves.
- Duration: 9/10 rounds
Inspire Courage: +1 on Attacks, Damage, and Fear Saves.
- Duration: Ongoing
Spiritual Weapon: Force Weapon / 1d8+1 / +5 Attack
- Duration: 3/3 Rounds

2014-09-04, 10:18 AM
The blow from the spiritual Trident conjured by the merfolk hits the "matter" elemental on the left flank, reducing his arm and part of its chest to dust; it's badly hurt but ready to hit back. He raises its right arm and tries a powerful blow to the armored Gartenian, but unbalanced from the loss of a part it fails the hit. The dust at his feet seems to move to compact in some manner and quickly became a sort of stone shield at his left.
"Space" elemental shouts "Space!" and hits the Ifrit on the head with an heavy blow. The caster coughs blood from his mouth; a second after the hit, the elemental becomes engulfed by a purple light, and starts to blink - you cannot determine if it's still in place.
"Time" elemental's hand seems to burn; then it covers the remaining 6 feets between it and his target, trying to catch Githeos' arms

[oc: grapple maneuver, attack of opportunity for the catfolk.
"Time" scores 15 on the combat maneuver roll; if opportunity attack misses an AC of 17 then Githeos need a roll to escape the maneuver]

X = empty position 3x3 feet
A for arenicus
E for Elementals
F for Funick
G for Githeos
K for Kiteras
T for Funick's Trident
Y for Yano


2014-09-04, 10:43 AM
Githeos feels better - really better!

He quickly draws his masterwork sword and tries to get out from the charge of "Time", hitting the creature.

Attack roll: [roll0] (with bless, song and +3 extra bonus!)

2014-09-04, 10:44 AM
A critical! Are the creatures affected???

2014-09-04, 11:51 AM
Arenicus grinned, knowing the beast was on its last legs ... well, for a walking pile of rocks. While focused on his fight, he was also aware of the entire battlefield. As the elemental tried to hit him, he slipped to his left, pulling his shield out as he did so and spinning around to strike the creature again with his blade in a savage downward strike.

5ft step left/west (free action, no AOO) - puts him in position to strike either elemental w/o being flanked. Allows Githeos to flank, even if the elemental is immune to flanking (Arenicus does not know this!). Ready shield (move action, no AOO). Attack w/magic blade (standard action, no AOO)
[roll0], [roll1].

If the blow takes the elemental negative, per Gory Finish (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateCombat/ultimateCombatFeats.html#gory-finish) Arenicus can take a swift action to demoralize (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/skills/intimidate.html#intimidate) all opponents w/in 30 ft (and it doesn't look like elementals are immune to fear effects!). [roll2]

Status - AC: 20, CMD: 19; HPs: 28/28; F +4 R +3 W +1
Effects - Bless, Inspire Courage, Fortune's bonus

2014-09-05, 01:44 AM
Wonderful move by Arenicus, I just roll for damage:

2014-09-05, 03:05 AM
Githeos' blade move to its target, sinking in his body with no resistence. Just before the hit, Githeos' earring thickles. When the catfolk extract it after the blow, the scar remains clearly on the elemental' body.
The last move of Arenicus made the elemental crumble. Suddenly, every part of it disappears, returning to the plane it belongs.
But his pink collar unties, loses its color and falls to the ground.
Arenicus shouts his battle cry that seems to affect the two lasting elementals - they hesitate ans looks shaken.
At the same time, Kiteras, Yano and Tassarion are ready to act.
Kiteras' face seems really attentive; then he tries a strike, pointing to the neck of "Space". His spears seems to be guided by hand and magic together, and this magical guide makes him easily hit the target; the creature than shouts "Space!". Kiteras disappear to re-appear at 6 feet north from his position. Yano pass from the music to a voice solo hymn, extracts his blade, moving to approach the "space" elemental and starts a blow, hitting. A scar emerges on the elemental arm, then the bard disappears and re-appears 6 feet south from the elemental.
Tassarion also attacks, targetting "time"; the arrow finishes on the elemental's back, with no other effects visible. The elf is covered from a second with an orange glow, that disappears istantly.

[OC: well done starbin! your effect is active on the creatures now.
Githeos and Funick, i wait for your action and then I will act with the other two elementals]


2014-09-05, 04:23 AM
Githeos rejoices seeing that "Matter" is no more!

He clearly feels something coming from his ear - the God's gift!

He nods, looking at Arenicus placing himself in a way that grants him a flank (OOC - Githeos does not know that elementals are immune to flanking, but an habit is an habit :smallbiggrin:)

He starts taunting "Time" and "Space" while trying to hit some weak part of the stony creature:

"You don't want to sleep? Wrong! You're really wrong! Well, it doesn't matter... Matter is no more? A pity!"

The catfolk grins and starts with a free style song, on the rhythm of Yano:
""It's bed-time, trust the cat
But Time it's a spoilt little brat
No Space to play, trust the cat
You'll end as a small little rat!"

Then Githeos stops singing and raises his free arm to the sky:
"By the names of the Gods, crumble to dust!
And may the pipe of Pan blow you away!"

Finally a strike!

Attack roll: 1d20+10 (with bless, song and +3 extra bonus!)
Damage: 1d6+5 (with song and +3 extra bonus!)

Chained Birds
2014-09-05, 10:33 PM

"Shift... and Sway..."

Funick says in a melodic way, before sharply raising his open hand with his index and pointer fingers firmly together and aiming towards the sky. He then makes a semi-circular motion ending with his fingers pointing towards the ground.

The spiritual trident lifts up from the crumbled remains of the "Matter" Elemental and spins in place for a moment, as though it were a bottle rotating in place along the ground. It stops moving when Funick's hand finishes its movement, with the blade portion of the trident aiming at the "Time" Elemental.
The Trident rises up and arcs towards the creature, moving at an eerily precise and violently fast speed. It then seems rotate in a drill-like fashion as a part of its plunging attack in order to inflict more damage.

Move Action: Move Spiritual Weapon towards "Time" Elemental

Spiritual Weapon: Trident Attack VS "Matter" Elemental
- Attack: [roll0]
- Damage: [roll1]
Bless: +1 on Attacks and Fear Saves.
- Duration: 8/10 rounds
Inspire Courage: +1 on Attacks, Damage, and Fear Saves.
- Duration: Ongoing
Divine Inspiration: +3 on d20 rolls, Damage, and Saves.
- Duration: Ongoing
Spiritual Weapon: Force Weapon / 1d8+1 / +5 Attack
- Duration: 2/3 Rounds

2014-09-08, 08:31 AM
The "time" elemental suffer both the attacks from Githeos and from the Trident, losing some of the rocks in its back. It ceases to emit light from the hands and then directs a single blow to the catfolk, but he quickly and easily dodge the blow.
The "space" elemental tries to do the same; its fist hits the Ifrit in plane chest, and Kiteras falls unconscious to the ground. His body disappears and re-appears 25 feet away to west, on the entry of a small shine.
Yano tries a new hit on "space" elemental, doing a serious wound on the left leg and taking the attentions of the elemental.
[OC next turn]
Tassarion starts to run on the ceilings to reach Kiteras position fast.

[Your turn]


2014-09-08, 08:44 AM
Githeos is enraged and roars like an angry cat. Kiteras! He's a nice guy! And only Tassy can help him... Githeos silently prays the God, hoping that Tassy is really going to help the Ifrit (and not doing something strange - who knows???).
No way to disengage the elemental... Githeos just attacks the creature again with full force, hoping that his efforts and the might of Arenicus can bring down it in the fast, faster, fastest way!

Attack roll: [roll0] (with bless, song and +3 extra bonus!)
Damage: [roll1] (with song and +3 extra bonus!)

2014-09-08, 08:53 AM
"time" elemental falls literally on its knees: the blow from Githeos causes it to lose both feet , it puts his arms to protect its head from the next blow

Chained Birds
2014-09-09, 07:20 AM

"Hmm, still have a bit more "time" with this one..."

At this point, Funcik seems to lean lazily using his spear to prop him up. He gives out a yawn and he listlessly flails his free hand from side to side.

The spirit trident still flings itself at the Time Elemental, shaking slightly as it vigorously lifts itself up to strike the creature again.

Spiritual Weapon: Trident Attack VS "Matter" Elemental
- Attack: [roll0]
- Damage: [roll1]

Bless: +1 on Attacks and Fear Saves.
- Duration: 7/10 rounds
Inspire Courage: +1 on Attacks, Damage, and Fear Saves.
- Duration: Ongoing
Divine Inspiration: +3 on d20 rolls, Damage, and Saves.
- Duration: Ongoing
Spiritual Weapon: Force Weapon / 1d8+1 / +5 Attack
- Duration: 1/3 Rounds

2014-09-09, 07:32 AM
When the strike of the trident hits the elemental, the creature rapidly fall to the ground - then suddenly disappear-
On the ground remains the collar, opened, without any sight of the previous color.

2014-09-10, 11:23 AM
(OOC - I guess this leaves space left?)

Arenicus nodded in satisfaction as his companions combined to take out another elemental. Without haste, he stalked over to the last elemental, sword and shield a the ready. Before striking, he growled to the thing, "You should have listened to the cat ..."

With that, he raised his sword and brought it down hard against the last foe, eager to end this fight.

Move action to close with last elemental ('space' I think). Attack w/magic blade (standard action, no AOO)
[roll0], [roll1].

Status - AC: 20, CMD: 19; HPs: 28/28; F +4 R +3 W +1
Effects - Bless, Inspire Courage, Fortune's bonus

2014-09-11, 09:28 AM
Arenicus hits the last elemental with a powerful blow. The creature seems surprised and does not react directly; it loses its right arm and part of the right shoulder.

The elemental now engages the gartenian, and tries to place a powerful blow [OC: 22, i suppose to hit you, for 5 damages]

Yano now tries to hit the creature but this time he poorly misses.

Meanwhile Tassarion reaches Kiteras position and takes some bandages from a pocket of his vets; he works feverishly on the Ifrit.

[OC: your turn]

2014-09-11, 09:36 AM
Arenicus felt the blow of the elemental through his shield, knowing he would have a bruised afterwards. There was no denying its strength! Where a lesser man would have been worried, or concerned, Arenicus simply laughed - a sound full of glee and hope ... that this was going to be a true test from Ares!

"Well stood and better struck! But let us see how you fare across the long haul ... "

Stepping away from the swinging beasts arms, forcing the elemental to follow him, Arenicus moved to its left, his blade flashed out and driving forward with strength and precision, to see what this rock was truly made of.

Five foot step (because it's cool, then another attack w/his magical broadsword.
[Attack]1d20+14[/roll], [Damage]1d8+9[/roll]

Status - AC: 20, CMD: 19; HPs: 23/28 (down 5); F +4 R +3 W +1
Effects - Bless, Inspire Courage, Fortune's bonus

2014-09-11, 09:51 AM
The lunge finds the elemental totally off-guard. Arenicus feels an initial resistance, but when the move is complete the creature rapidly disappears from the place.
As for the other two elementals, as soon as the creature is banished, the collar opens and falls to the ground, no more magically charged in color.

[OC: If Githeos or Funick want, they can do their moves for this round, then we'll come back to the storytelling time ;)
great job guys :) ]

Chained Birds
2014-09-11, 01:46 PM

Noticing the oddities from his lazy stup, he checks the magic flow of things.

Standard Action: Detect Magic

2014-09-12, 04:18 AM
As soon as the trident's blow makes "Time" fall (and the way is free, at least!), Githeos rushes toward Kiteras.
Arenicus alone can take care of Space, he thinks.

The catfolk reaches Tassy and the Ifrit; he takes a look at the first aid done by the "elf" (Heal check: [roll0]).

(OOC: a natural 20! What can I say about Tassy's work? He's a skilled healer... or what?)

Then he hisses like a wildcat at Tassy, pushing him away. Again, just the smell of fire and the smell of blood... nothing from the "elf"!

"Cats have nine lives. I'll borrow him some!"

Finally, Githeos invokes the divine powers and cast cure light wounds on Kiteras: [roll1]

2014-09-12, 07:05 AM
You see some magic auras on everyone of your group. There is a strong enchantment residual on everyone of the three collars, but is fading. The other auras are the same of the last use of detect magic:
- from the blood came a really strong Abjuration residual, that vaguely diminish every second
Nothing else in this agorae

The Ifrit was stable before you cured him

After the catfolk spell, Kiteras opens his eyes.
"Are... are they gone?" he looks in your eyes and sees a response by himself
"It is a pity. They were slaves, forced to fight by that collars... Without those collars we may have them as friends and not foes, maybe. A real pity. Poor elementals, back on their planes... they will hate us - people who live in this world, I mean - even more, now".
Then he looks to Tassarion and Githeos
"Thanks for your help, friends" and then starts staring to the ground.
"Maybe this blood signs may tell us something more on what was in action here".

Yano looks at the Agorae and goes directly to a shrine with a rose carved on the top. It takes a bottle from a bag he carries on his back and pours some purple liquid on it. A sweet parfume arrives to you all.
The elf murmurs "What a waste..." and then goes to look to the nearest collar -the Time one- without touching it.
"These tiny bitches are the cause for the attack from the Elementals? Not by themself. There's also an irresponsible little cat that helps them a lot in awakening, if I not mistake what happened..." and he looks seriously to Githeos.

2014-09-12, 09:11 AM
Hearing the words of Kiteras, Githeos gets angry.
WHAT?! He knew about the collars? By the Gods, why did he not tell us!, he thinks.

He's angry... and he needs to let his anger out. Tassarion.
"A waste? A WASTE? You're a waste, stupid, useless one!"

He dashes toward the elf, his hands clenched, his teeth bared.
"Did you helped us against the undeads? NO! You hid yourself! YOU HID LIKE A COWARD! And against these walking rock? Some help? NO! And with Kit? NOT AT ALL!"

The catfolk is hissing at Tassarion, looking more a wildcat than a human. His eyes are like two thin slits. His blood is pumping fast. His hands are claws ready to rend. He's really, really near to the elf...
"Tell me - TELL ME! WHAT ARE YOU?! You don't have a smell! You don't smell at all! You're not an elf! WHAT! ARE! YOU! You speak, you chat, you open your stupid mouth and just utter nonsense! You speak, you speak... of old races and old secrets! STOP IT! TASSARION! A stupid name for a stupid one that falls in traps after traps like a stupid mouse! STOP IT! Time to end this nonsense! You did not want sailors around, so SPEAK NOW, you stupid spawn of a rotten cabbage vomited by a drunken dwarf!"

Githeos is breathless but is still angry... is ready to explode!

2014-09-12, 10:00 AM
Arenicus spit to the ground in the direction of the collars. A truly worthy opponent should have died naturally, leaving a corpse behind. Disappearing rocks with enslaving collars? Too much for a simple warrior to care about. Sheathing his sword, he watched as the elf and catman began to bicker at one another, the mood growing very ugly. With a snort, he walked over to gather his mighty hammer, the turned back to walk between both the cat and the elf. "This does not help. Shut up. We are no closer to finding our real foes. Wave your fingers, search this temple, but leave your insults for later.

That or draw a circle and settle this like true warriors and men ... in battle."

Turning away, he looked around for any signs of the missing people, wondering what had happened to everyone.

Perception check: [roll0] ... and diplomacy? [roll1]

Chained Birds
2014-09-12, 11:42 AM

"...Zzzz... *snort* h-hrm... Huh? Oh I dozed off for a second, did a conflict arise?"

The Merfolk props himself up a bit, so he is actually standing and no longer leaning.

"Regardless, let's search for some doors. But don't open them until we are notified. Don't want more enemies to appear."

2014-09-15, 08:02 AM
"Grow up kitten" the elf says "sorry, but I don't have any wool ball for you. Wanna know a story? Just listen"
Tassarion scornfully looks into Githeos eyes. He spokes with firm voice, but lowers its volume.
"There was a time when Olympians weren't in charge of everything as in these days. They were very old times, in which Titans ruled the worlds. Yes it is worlds, you heard well".
The tone is vaguely ironic.
"Olympians were only Titans' children, a sort of game for them. But eventually Zeus instigated for a revolution, and they won thanks to the forces of some rebelling Titans. So -bye bye Titans- the winners locked them all in Tartarus, it's under Hades realm, another plane of existence. But they were formerly princes of creation and they still have the power to move things, create essences and so on. If someone could bring back them, and maybe this time other Titans don't help the Olympians, what will be the result? These things answer one of your questions; these words are just tales of the older races. Someone trust in them, someone laugh of them, but I have... clues... to think they are true".
He takes a deep breath.
"And for the other... what do you know about geography, little cat? Do you know a place called "the Labyrinth of Shadows"? It changed my life... forever. It is the reason why I'm not able to fight versus the undead... with a cleric at my side, at least." He seems really, really sad. "I'm a new strange being... The clerics of my patron deity" he spits on ground "describe me as an un-living. I cannot sleep, I cannot eat or drink, I cannot die. But clerics may destroy my body - for a short time -. Then it recreates itself, my ... being... and my curse restarts". He looks firmly in the catfolk eyes. "I don't konw why... and neither clerics o mages knows. I escaped from many hands in time, but no one may say What I am."

Kiteras looks at the blood spilled on the floor, but it seems really interested in the words the elf says. Even Yano turns from the shrine and looks at the elf.

The Agorae presents a major temple dedicated to Tyche: you can say it from the cornucupia replica on the epitsyles. It is about twelve yards in length and eight in width. The temple presents an open area on the front with the usual column dedicated to Hermes. There are also a small temple dedicated to Zeus (with a great lighting carved on the front) of about six yards per four and another one to Poseidon, same size. On the other location pointed by the blood in the Agorae you may find simple shrines to every other olympic god or goddess, like the one where Yano spilled his wine. No temple has doors; there are empty spaces at the entrance of everyone of the three temples, and bracers everywhere beside the shires - you suspect from sacrifices of living creatures.

No living beings are on sight, except for you

2014-09-15, 09:57 AM
(OOC - FINALLY! It took menaces, anger and a lot of time, but FINALLY Githeos made Tassy speak!)

Githeos is disappointed for the lack of empathy from Funick. Well, a mer is a mer. And Arenicus... should he follow his advice? Force Tassy to speak with a fight?

Luckily the "elf" replies! Githeos starts to listen to him... Again, this "Tartarus" thing. Better ask Yano or Kit. And "worlds"... like a story from uncle Masur...

The anger slowly flows from the catfolk, leaving a lot of adrenaline - but no more the desire to reduce Tassy to small, REALLY small pieces.

It's time to learn. It's time to get all possible knowledge - since comrades are so unwilling to speak!, he thinks.

And this Labyrinth thing... sure, Githeos knows some legends about it... but someone who got in and out? TASSY?!

For everyone looking at him, the catfolk looks like undergoing a metamorphosis. The fur is no more raised; the posture is relaxing.

Githeos nods at Tassarion, growling a little - more a purr than a growl.

"So? It was so difficult to speak and reply to my question, un-living?" he smiles.

"A lot of mysteries are revealed - finally! -, also for the pleasure of our mer comrade" he adds.

"I know something about the Labyrinth. Enough to believe to your story. You know? I have to say Thanks, Tass...arion in a polite way. Mom told me so, you know? Nevermind... Another piece of the mosaic... we face a fight among Gods and Titans. Another one. Arenicus is right, time to find out the whereabouts of our enemies..."

Githeos nods and blink at Yano, then looks at his companions. Why is so difficult get answers? Why?

With a casual and ironic voice, the catfolk addresses Kit and Funick.

"Even Tassy was so kind to share his piece of story. Would you be so kind, too, and do the same, pleeeeease?" Otherwise we can spend days hitting our heads against a wall... while the door is just a foot near" he says.

Then Githeos starts looking at the temple of Tyche (Perception, take 20). In the meantime, he speaks.

"I'm the cat who walks by himself, and all places are alike to me. I was born in Ikiros but moved to Dexos. No heroic deeds or strange twists from the Fates... apart the peculiar meeting with someone I think was Pan himself. He told me about the Red Barge and I'm here in nice company." he says, to whoever could be interested.

"Ancient mysteries? Other worlds? This one is enough for a little cat... but not for my uncle. He's from a city with many doors and strange keys. Just nursery stories? Who knows?" he adds.

2014-09-15, 12:17 PM
The elf and the cat spoke words ... many words, most of which made little sense to the warrior. Shrugging away the confusion, Arenicus turned to the temple, walking about and looking for things to fight. Unfortunately, it seemed no more foes awaited his blade. Having gathered his own weapons back up, Arenicus did notice smaller shrines to each of the gods. He wandered them until he found one with an image of a spear. Nodding to himself, he stepped forward, ready to give tribute ... having nothing else, he scooped up a bit of earth from the fallen elementals and placed it on the altar.

Once complete, he returned to the entrance where he could look out over the island ... surely there must be a vantage point up here somewhere?

Chained Birds
2014-09-15, 04:58 PM


"It's one of those Temples I see... Why must loot be so hard to come by."

He says as he rattles the box of gems and gold from earlier.

"While we figure out our next venture-"

Funick opens the hidden compartment in his spear and rolls out the scroll from earlier.

"Merfolk Secret #72: Although we live in the seas, we don't know where Atlantis is. Stop asking us as that place might not even exist..."

He rolls back up the scroll and tucks it away into the spear.

2014-09-17, 09:31 AM
Arenicus did his act of proudness to Ares, then come back to the center of the Agorae. The temple section is on the highest hill of the town, from which he could easily see the houses on the harbour and the games fields. The passage to the fields is a little narrow but not difficult to follow. On the horizon he can see the sea and a small point where the Red Barge awaits you; also, the hills and the forest back to the games fields.

The temple of Tyche has an internal column with a carved Goddess, and with a brazier for the Cult of Hestia. After that there are 3 steps and a large well.
Many columns decorate the internal walls, with caryatids on them. No furniture or other things, and no living beings.

While Yano seems really amused by Githeos acts, Kiteras is controlling the agorae paving.
"Each line pointing to a temple or shrine, and none of the Olympian cult missing in this place..."
He casts a spell and starts to search more.
"Abjuration... really powerful, and fading. But what - or who - keeps away? and this doesn't explain the absence of people or animals... I did not see even a fly here. I really don't understand".
Then he speaks more.
"I'm from Scalea. I was one of the best students from my Magical Academy, of the littlest on the city, but for the rest I'm an ordinary guy. I travelled few months to west trying to break into Mazone, because one of my ancestors was a lady that lived there for many years, but the Amazons threatened me not to cross the boundaries of their realm. So I continue my journey west to Dexos, and then Apollo himself a night appeared to me and he suggested to go to the Red Barge... you know the rest."

2014-09-17, 10:27 AM
Githeos is very interested - he listens to Kiteras, happy to see that the Ifrit is willing to share something with him.

He gets closer to the well (OOC - are wells sacred to Tyche? To other gods? :smallconfused: do I need a Knowledge(Religion)? Is the well of the same material of the temple (marble, bricks...)? Is there a bucket and pulley to get water?)

As the Ifrit speaks, the catfolk takes a look inside the well (and he inhales deeply, in order to find out strange smells in the well AND in the temple). He takes a gold coin and casts Light on it, then he drops it in the well, saying "May this bring us luck!".

2014-09-26, 10:16 AM
The well is the same -marble? stone?- of the rest of the temple. No bucket or any other object in sight.
It seems that largely the temple is empty, except for column carving inside.
Githeos found easily that the central circular basin or well is empty of any liquid and not so deep - about 4 or 5 feet at least. The bottom is filled with coins -many bronze, some silver, few golden.
The catfolk smell odors of different humanoid creatures - the same you may encounter in a well visited market on a big city, but nothing strange.

2014-09-26, 10:25 AM
Githeos is surprised. A well that's not a well? Well, surely with some water it should get well.

Githeos casts Create Water several times, in order to fill the well with water.

Then he puts his hands on the border of the well and puts his head under water, to refresh a little... and clear his mind.

He makes some bubbles (to play a little) and looks at them going up, turning his head.

Chained Birds
2014-09-26, 05:27 PM

The Mer approuches the well.

"I supposes I could check outstretches the well to see if there is anything down there."

Funick will make the attempt to reach the bottom of the large well if able.

2014-10-01, 05:51 AM
When Funick touches with his vest the water, a vision emerges from the mind of you all.
A beautiful woman with a blindfold on her eyes, a cornucupia on his left side and a chrysanthemum appears in your mind. She cries, and when a tear drops on the floor you see many of the petals of the flower drop to the floor, too.
She starts to talk, and when the first word reaches your hears "Please, ", the vision changes in something different
(if you want you can make a Will save roll with CD 20 to resist the rest of the vision)

You see the Tyche temple from the inside, filled with a large group of the talking undead your group fought on the Red Barge. Two of them keep captive - one arm each - the man you saw, this morning, dead in the Agorae. You understand immediately that it is a vision of the last night.
The undead group opens into two wings and an elder undead with a black cape and a staff that glow with a malevolent green light makes his steps from the entrance of the temple toward the man. He starts talking, and his voice seems to came from the deeps of another world.
"You are the grand priest of Tyche. I had many names, but my people gave me a new one, the one I now use for me. I am Fathernight. Every moment of this night is crystallized in times. We did this talk, we will do this many other times, because times flows but it flows in a circle. And I want to break it for once and all"
No rumors come from the hall, except for the deep breath of the priest.
"I will do a great spell, one never existed before today. I need to destroy, impersonate, and re-create. If I want to destroy this flux.
Answer me, great priest of Tyche: from where it comes your faith?"
The priest raises his head and looks the eyes of undead.
"From... from the heart. The faith for the Gods comes from the heart of men"
The undead grins as he has a great fun from that words
"Same answer, then. Over, and over, and..." The undead forces the grip of his hand on the staff, says some words and a black ray starts from the top of the object to the man's heart. The chest of the man seems to expanding, he starts to scream and then a crack stops any yell. The man's chest explodes and a golden crystal appears; Fathernight takes this crystal in his left hand with satisfaction.
Then, as a teacher who speaks to a crowd of students, "I will use this condensed faith, it will be a useful bait for Tyche. When we will trap her to the golden Wheel, then I will call for my greater banish ritual. Then move it to the playing fields, where our slaves awaits for us. The enchantement will still work for another day, so don't worry, and take the time it needs to do your job".
At the last moment he raises his head and his eyes meets yours. In his face seems to reform the grin you saw before, but it is an instant, then he goes out, followed by the others.
The vision ends

You sense two creature keeping you captive by your arms. This is not your body, you feel it old and tired. Around you there are many undeads like the talking one you fought in the red barge. You know that outside is night, and your mind know you are viewing the things happened last night.
The undead group opens into two wings and an elder undead with a black cape and a staff that glow with a malevolent green light makes his steps from the entrance of the temple toward the man. He starts talking, and his voice seems to came from the deeps of another world.
"You are the grand priest of Tyche. I had many names, but my people gave me a new one, the one I now use for me. I am Fathernight. Every moment of this night is crystallized in times. We did this talk, we will do this many other times, because times flows but it flows in a circle. And I want to break it for once and all"
No rumors come from the hall, except for the deep breath of the priest.
"I will do a great spell, one never existed before today. I need to destroy, impersonate, and re-create. If I want to destroy this flux.
Answer me, great priest of Tyche: from where it comes your faith?"
You hear a voice from where your mouth has to be: "From... from the heart. The faith for Gods came from the heart of men"
The undead grins as he has a great fun from that words
"Same answer, then. Over, and over, and..." The undead force the grip of his hand on the staff, says the words "Titans where watching: I will break the circle. noomaray-aghul-Chronus-entaniel" and a black ray starts from the top of the object to the man's heart.
You feel your chest as expanding and share the same pain of the men. Loose four temporary Wisdom point. You feel something inside of you is breaking, and the pain suddenly ends.
And so the vision.

You see the Tyche temple from the inside, filled with a large group of the talking undead your group fought on the Red Barge. Two of them keep captive - one arm each - the man you saw, this morning, dead in the Agorae. You understand immediately that it is a vision of the last night.
The undead group opens into two wings and an elder undead with a black cape and a staff that glow with a malevolent green light makes his steps from the entrance of the temple toward the man. He starts talking, and his voice seems to came from the deeps of another world.
"You are the grand priest of Tyche. I had many names, but my people gave me a new one, the one I now use for me. I am Fathernight. Every moment of this night is crystallized in times. We did this talk, we will do this many other times, because times flows but it flows in a circle. And I want to break it for once and all"
No rumors come from the hall, except for the deep breath of the priest.
"I will do a great spell, one never existed before today. I need to destroy, impersonate, and re-create. If I want to destroy this flux.
Answer me, great priest of Tyche: from where it comes your faith?"
The priest raises his head and looks the eyes of undead.
"From... from the heart. The faith for the Gods comes from the heart of men"
The undead grins as he has a great fun from that words
"Same answer, then. Over, and over, and...]" The undead forces the grip of his hand on the staff, says some words and a black ray starts from the top of the object to the man's heart. The chest of the man seems to expanding, he starts to scream and then a crack stops any yell. The man's chest explodes and a golden crystal appears; Fathernight takes this crystal in his left hand with satisfaction.
Then your body start to fly, you go out from the temple and you see the fields from the distance: the valley is full of people and animals, maybe the entire living beings in the city and in the neighborhood.
From your flying point you see Fathernight emerging from the temple, starts a magic ritual and place the dead body on the geometrical center of the agorae. Some other undeads use the blood from the body to trace the points to every temple or shine in the area, then the vision end.

[OC: please, tell me in the OC post which way you choose, and if you choose to roll the result of the roll]

2014-10-07, 12:32 AM
And then the vision end. You all are at the same places as before, trying to reconnect yourself with your reality.
You all hear a cry from Yano, who seems to be in danger. facing in his direction you see the bard on the agorae floor trembling in evident shock.
Kiteras moves to him and starts to whisper in his hears, gently.

Tassarion moves to Arenicus and tell him "Hey, proud warrior, I think I can guide us all to the place where that stupid beasts bring all the people. We can go there, and maybe we can find someone alive... or, if not, at least some other creature to crush to have information on all the people. Either way, we will fight some foe. I think if we go at good step we will be there" and point his finger to the fields where once there was the games area "in half an hour, before Apollo sets the sun for noon. Are you with me? I'm bored to stay here useless"

Funick and Githeos, waking up from the vision, are leaned on the marble of the "well" border. The bricks are smooth, as someone or something heavy had a continuous contact with them. This smoothness is equal for every point of the circumference.

2014-10-09, 04:13 PM
Arenicus furrowed his brow once the vision ended, looking about for the source of the spell, but not finding any. Glancing at the others, even he could see they had seen something similar. Tightening his grip on the hilt of his blade, Arenicus growled to the others. "This Father Night knows of us ... but we know of him. He wishes to end this cycle? Fine ... I will end it for him."

At Tassarion's comments, he nodded in assent, ready to go where more of the undead might be waiting. It was time to show them the error of their ways.

Chained Birds
2014-10-10, 06:25 PM

The Merfolk follows behind the Hotblooded Arenicus.

"Seems like you have some purpose. You seem pretty honest about what you want to do, so I'll help you through it if you like."

2014-10-13, 08:24 AM
Githeos immediately raises his head, then he realizes that he's having a vision. He let the goddes speaks...

Again, that "fathernight". Damn. So he's the assassin of the priest.

Githeos thinks for some moments at the vision, at the crying Yano, at the strange well... too many things... and Arenicus is eager to do something.

Think, Githeos, think...

Suddenly he has an idea. If this well is so levigated... maybe it has a cover or lid of some sort... THE WHEEL! The golden wheel with the symbol of the goddess!

Well done! And now let's follow Arenicus!

Githeos jumps out of the temple, murmurs a short prayer to Tyche and Pan, and follows Arenicus.

"Yano! Kit! I have an idea! Let's follow Arenicis, I'll tell you more as soon as we reach the Golden wheel!" he says, jumping.

2014-10-21, 10:10 AM
The group goes down to the game fields. It takes about 15 minutes of walking in a difficult terrain made of pebbles.
At a great distance a smell of rotting corpses seems to come from the great hole at the center of the fields.
When you all arrive at your destination you easily find the source: a vast majority of the animals - cat, dogs, cattle, sheeps but also birds and wild animals alike - are pressed in the huge hole in the terrain, slain. Some insects move in the scene, flying or creeping. The crater is geometrically circular, as someone had created it instead of dug it. Its dimension is the same of the black portal in the sky you saw before the battle on the red barge, only this one is horizontal and not vertical.
On the far end of the crater the cracked wheel lays on the grass; it has varios symbols carved on it, not only the one you saw from the distant Agorae.

2014-10-21, 03:02 PM
Drawing his sword and shield, Arenicus stalked the field like a predator, checking for any signs of life. He kept a wary eye on the hole and the wheel, but let the others ply their 'knowledge' to what this all meant. He was a warrior, and he would look for foes.

2014-10-24, 08:19 AM
Githeos was eager to reach the golden wheel, but as soon as he realize the massacre of the poor animals, he gets angry.

"WHY! Why this?" he screams.

The catfolk is overwhelmed by the stench. He cover his face with a handkerchief, then take a looks to the animals, trying to find out what happened.

"What did he do? Did he turned all men to skeleton... and killed the animals? But why?" he asks, to no one.

Finally, shaking his head, Githeos reaches the golden wheel and take a look (without touching!) [take 20 to whatever roll is needed]

2014-10-30, 10:11 AM
"Not only animals" whispers Kiteras, looking into the pit.
Pointing his spear to a section, you all may see some humanoid hands and feet emerging from the rest of carcasses.
Everyone is really shaken.
Tassarion is silently gazing to that point, his skin loosing blood and becoming pale.

When Githeos starts to examine the broken wheel, the object shines for a second: you don't know why but are totally sure that this is -or was- some sort of important relic for the Tyche cult.
You instinctivelly feel that the break up of the wheel is something really important... for all Gods, not only for the Fortune Lady .

2014-12-04, 08:07 AM
(OOC - Sorry if y'all were waiting for me, but I'm back!)

Arenicus stood stoically, having seen death before in it's many forms. As the others gathered around the broken wheel, it became apparent that more was going on here than a simple sacrifice ... something truly earth-shattering was occurring, and even Arenicus could feel the storm of war forming.

Looking to his companions, he grunted, "What say you, thinkers? Have you puzzled this out yet? How do you fight a professed god-killer?"

2014-12-05, 11:29 AM
yay! we meet again, finally! I'm really happy ;) - I hope everything's going well

The elf, the bard and the Ifrit are really pale.
The words from Arenicus stay in the air, as a chilled wind.
"Professed God-killer, uh? He's not the first in history." Says Kiteras. "Another one did it before, and win... A queen between her people. I know it... maybe this is the connection with me?"
He looks into the eyes of everyone, as his thoughts are clear to everyone
Yano clear his throat, asking for attention
"I'm not so sure this Fathernight did it well... I sense as something goes wrong for him. And that something... may be us. Think about it.
His lackey didn't know about us, or our forces. No one survived except us. And that light pillars...are definitelly SOMETHING.
I don't know what this something is, but we may be in real danger"

2014-12-05, 01:12 PM
Arenicus snorted. He had learned that danger meant different things to different people ... and each one brought its own special fears. He, for one, loved the thought of danger - it typically meant action and conflict, two things he excelled at. Looking to the group, he rested his hands on the pommel of his fine blade. "Then tell me where we go next, to meet this danger head on! I will not lie around, frightened of what may come. I will meet my fate and show it that I may be an agent of Ares, but I am NO one's puppet!"

2014-12-12, 04:46 AM
Gihteos shivers, hearing the words of his companions. Professed God-Killer... and the story of Nike. This story is getting grim. Time to raise the moral!

Githoes turns to Tassarion.

"I don't see undeads here - just dead ones. Too much death." he says, in a quiet way.

"But this doesn' matter. Are we facing a menace? Yes. A God-Killer? Sure, but it's not the first, according to Kit. I too know about Nike." he adds.

"Does he have power? Does he have an army? Well, we have ARENICUS!" he screams.

"He understimated us. We are the unexpected ones. He spoke of time and circles: this time the drawing will not be the one he thinks. Think about the battle on the Red Barge! he was wrong, wrong! He spoke of magic: learned ones, please unveil the magic that lies on this wheel! This one should rest on the well, maybe we should bring it back to its place."

He thinks a little more, then adds:
"In the vision I heard him telling about a spell that will last for a day more. Maybe we should find a place to camp and wait. And give a proper rest to these poor creatures..." he says, pointing to the pit full of corpses.

2014-12-22, 08:00 AM
Arenicus snorted at Githeos' words, but you had to respect the enthusiasm. Moving to the wheel, he prepared to help set things to right. Githeos was correct - these souls deserved better than laying like food for the birds. Best they get them into the ground, with a pouch of gold to pay the ferryman on their way to Hades ... which raised an interesting thought.

"You thinkers, give me your thoughts. This miscreant attacks visibly against the gods themselves, by killing their worshipers ... effectively cutting off their supply trains, if you will. But in doing so, does he not also give those with dominion over death power? Do you think he is connected to the Lord of the Underworld?"

Arenicus waited for an answer as he helped move the bodies for a mass grave and move the wheel back to the well.