View Full Version : I was wondering if i could get some help.

2014-05-05, 03:41 PM
I'm playing a campaign that's getting pretty high-level and as a fighter i am struggling to stay relevant I've dipped into crusader fighter and deep-stone sentinel and was wondering what to do now. i was wanting to find a passable prestige class

2014-05-05, 03:49 PM
A fighter that a friend of mine played in my fairly low-op campaign took Elemental Warrior, from the Planar Handbook. Helped develop some nice flavor and had a few pretty cool abilities.

If you really want flexibility, though, you really need access to a decent spell list. I've always liked Nentyar Hunter for a fast access to a small, but fairly versatile, list of spells. It's in Unapproachable East, maybe (been a while since I went looking for it). It has a few feats as pre-reqs, but you can probably cover those with fighter feat access.

Also, one of the nice things about fighter levels is that there are a good many ACFs and substitution levels for fighters. Talk to your DM about retroactively taking some of these to give your character less of the vanilla fighter feel.

Finally, others will ask for more details. Character level, build, race, and books allowed by your DM are all essential to us giving you good, specific advice that will be as helpful as possible.

2014-05-05, 04:01 PM
Thanks here's what i got so far Dwarf str-18 dex-16 con-20 int-13 wis-12 cha-8 he has a legendary great-sword and in heavy armor. 4 levels into Crusader 3 levels Fighter 5 levels Deep-stone Sentinel 1 level Battle Scion and every WOTC book is good and i can run almost any third party book through my dm.

2014-05-05, 05:12 PM
Thanks here's what i got so far Dwarf str-18 dex-16 con-20 int-13 wis-12 cha-8 he has a legendary great-sword and in heavy armor. 4 levels into Crusader 3 levels Fighter 5 levels Deep-stone Sentinel 1 level Battle Scion and every WOTC book is good and i can run almost any third party book through my dm.

Alright, so here are a couple ideas:

1.) Better Fighter:
- Dwarven Fighter Substitution Levels (Races of Stone): Decent, nice flavor, and d12 instead of d10 HD. Pretty good for axe wielders.

- Deepwarden (Races of Stone): Lots of skill points (which adds versatility), d12HD, CONSTITUTION TO AC!, and a number of other things (like making you a tracker, Uncanny Dodge, etc). Very nice flavor, as well, and works well with your huge Con score.

- If you are power attacking, look at Leap Attack feat from Complete Adventurer. Pretty much can't go wrong with more damage.

- If you are rocking the champion of goodness vs evildoers, look at Hellreaver from Fiendish Codex II. Very good mechanic for killing evil stuff and surviving fights with evil stuff. Only need Power Attack plus one or two other things to qualify. Downside is mostly combat focused, which you already are.

2.) Quick spell access:
- Nentyar Hunter (Unapproachable East). Need Alertness, Combat Casting, and Track (so might as well dip one level of Deepwarden to get Track), plus non-evil. Decent skill points, and five-level access to five-levels of spells. Downside is that it's Wisdom-based, so you'd want to buy a decent Wisdom-boosting item to take advantage of the higher-level spells. Still, excellent versatility and outdoorsman flavor for only five levels.

- If you DM is open to allowing Taint rules and you don't mind a little dark side flavor, Corrupt Avenger (Heroes of Horror) is a decent choice.

3.) Real spells: I had good results with a dwarf fighter dipping wizard and then going into Runesmith (Races of Stone). Int-based, so you'd want that item or to start putting level-ups into Int. Good gishing in full armour, use Arcane Strike (Complete Warrior), plus a few other things that are pretty useful for supporting your party. Also has a nice crafter feel, if you want to have some craftsman flavor for your character.

In case you can't tell, there is a bunch of interesting options for dwarves in Races of Stone, so just looking through that might give you some ideas on where to go, if you haven't already.

Shining Wrath
2014-05-05, 05:27 PM
Crusader is pretty good. Why not more levels there? Stances and maneuvers can only help.

What's your role in the party? Meat shield? Damage doer? Battlefield control?

Guy the Tier 1 characters mock behind his back?

2014-05-05, 05:40 PM
If you can drop that third level of fighter I'd suggest it. Otherwise pick up another feat eventually with fighter 4. As is that 3rd level doesn't give anything*

Besides BaB, a D10 HP, +1 Ref/Will, and a couple skill points