View Full Version : Looking for a list of helpful items thread

2014-05-05, 10:48 PM
it may not even be 3.5, I came upon it sometime last year.
It's not http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?187851-3-5-Lists-of-Necessary-Magic-Items

It has items useful items for nearly every situation, from things like marbles to certain magical candles for performing rituals to silver weapons for slaying undead.

I tried looking for a (looking for) thread or looking for an item list thread to know avail. a link would be a great kindness to me, thanks.

2014-05-05, 10:50 PM
It seems likely that you're seeking Shax's indispensable haversack (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?148101-3-x-Shax-s-Indispensible-Haversack-(Equipment-Handbook)).

2014-05-05, 10:56 PM
thanks so much.