View Full Version : Ravenloft Awaits (IC, Group B)

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2014-05-06, 02:08 PM
http://www.miscellaneoushi.com/thumbnails/detail/20121024/night%20forest%202560x1600%20wallpaper_www.miscell aneoushi.com_37.jpg

Barovia. The valley between realms. For many centuries the demiplane had been used as a shortcut between distant lands to speed trade along the time-worn roads. To enter this land you must pass along one of several roads during the full moon. There are no portals or signs to Barovia. You're told eventually a mist will blanket the path and just when you feel you've lost your way, you will break through the other side into a forested vale that looks much like one you might find near your home.

... But use of the Barovian shortcut has fallen out of fashion of late. The last hundred years have seen decreasing traffic, tales of wolves, bandits, and foul beasts weeping from survivors' tongues to mingle with the blood of friends and family staining their tunics.

You have approached one of these roads a few nights ahead of the full moon for your own reasons. Looking around, you see the area expectedly devoid of life save three other travelers also waiting for their opportunity to pass through the forested tunnel. An ominous breezes sets the leaves rustling as you join the others and wait for the silvery light to beckon you forth.

2014-05-08, 02:24 AM
Sitting over a small camp fire, Runik is boil stew. The looks over at the gathered adventurers with a weary but warm smile and he stirs his pot. Waving his hand in a small circular motion, he wafts the scent of the stew towards his nose. After a deeply imbibing in the smell of his culinary creation, he gives himself a confused look before shrugging his soldiers.

"Stews ready!" He announces; "Nothing raises spirits and strengthens swords hands and spells than a hardy meal. If anyone is lacking a serviette, I have some extra mugs."

Retrieving a small mug from his backpack, he fills it with stew and wolfs down the concoction.

I was wondering if I could use profession cook to make meals for the party. Runik focuses on supporting others, both in and out of battle. Would it be alright if I used profession cook to make meals that don't taste like trail rations? If I can, the roll is below.

Profession (Cook) [roll0]

Swishing the stew around in his mouth a little, he swallows loudly and gives the others an embarrassed grin.

"Okay, so it's not the greatest, but it's not THAT bad."

2014-05-08, 08:44 AM
"I'll take a cuppa," Pyrra says, smiling widely. "Tastes better than this," she says, raising her Everlasting Rations. She looks from human to human to human and her smile fades. Most humans are used to seeing gnomes, but rarely does she come across one that isn't at least surprised by her dark-red skin and yellow eyes. Complimenting their cooking, even if it lacks a certain kick, is at least one step toward befriending them.

"So, anyone been here before?" she says, shifting her feet nervously.

2014-05-08, 09:36 AM
Yes, you absolutely can. If your check is high enough I might even allow a +1 morale bonus to checks and maybe other stuff. We'll see how that plays out.

2014-05-08, 09:40 AM
Bernard takes an offered mug of stew. "Thank you, my friend," he says. "Name's Bernard, servant of Pelor... may His light shine and all that." He raises his cup and toasts the cook with mug and takes a gulp. "Not bad, I must say."

He looks around at the night, checking for the moon to signal the time of the passing. His gaze, however, can't help but rest on the gnome for longer than normal. He was not used to her kind. Kind of a novelty for him. Trying not to call attention to his curiosity, he poses a general question. "So, what brings everyone to Barovia, if you don't mind me asking? This isn't exactly an active tourist destination, I know. For myself, my order is of the Lightbringers. And if any place needs some more light, it is Barovia, am I right?"

2014-05-08, 10:30 AM
Pyrra shrugs. "I'm looking for an adventurer who disappeared 3 months ago," she lies, unwilling to reveal the true nature of her quest, in case others in the party are seeking the same tome as she. "But I'm also looking to slay some undead, if only because they are abominable and lack intelligence--worthy foes for me to hone my skills on."

2014-05-08, 01:36 PM
"I am glad to see you so eager to fight the undead pestilence," Bernard says, keeping the conversation going. "From what I hear from the Lightbringers already here, there are plenty of undead to hunt. Whom did you lose? A friend of yours? Was he hunting the undead, too?"

2014-05-08, 01:50 PM
"I didn't know him, actually, but my boss did. He sent me in after him. And yes, he was hunting undead."

2014-05-08, 02:51 PM
Fatima speaks in an unusually deep, gravelly tone. She smiles to Runik, saying "I'll gladly take a cup of your stew. Like Pyrra,", glancing to the gnome with a grin, "I much prefer someone's cooking to magically created gruel."

She sighs, muttering a command to her everfull mug to create some ale, and sips it. "As for what brings me here, it's much the same as the priest. I'm also looking in to these disturbing reports of undead activity, although I don't know the Lightbringers myself."

2014-05-08, 05:18 PM
You carry on with your conversations until your eyes grow heavy and dry from the campfire smoke. The clouds break overhead and the forest floor is filled with twisting shadows painted by the entwined branches overhead. Looking up you see the moon is a softly glowing sphere, slightly yellowed as though made of ancient paper. The way the clouds play across its surface you could swear it’s looking at you with a sadistic grin. Brushing the thought from your mind, you pack your gear and stretch your joints before venturing forth along the path.

As promised, a few hundred feet in you find yourself surrounded by a cold, cloying fog that seems to drip down the back of your tunic. You can barely see the man in front of you. Above all, you get the eerie sense of being watched as though the mist were alive, beckoning you forward for its own ends. Relief sets in as you step out of the fog twenty very long minutes later. Ahead stands a rickety building in need of several repairs - you note a broken step, dangling shutter on the second floor, and several bare sections of roof, the shingles lying haphazardly around the base of the building - but still serviceable. Lights flicker inside and you can see the shadows of people moving about. The sign out front reads “The Weary Horse Inn” in carved letters whose paint has all but faded.

The time is 11pm.

2014-05-08, 08:27 PM
Fatima blinks as she notices the transition and mutters something under her breath before shouldering her pack and starting to hike onwards.

As we approach the inn, she holds up her hand to get the group to stop. "This is the first time I've been here. Anyone know anything about this inn?"

2014-05-08, 09:15 PM
"I don't. Only one way to find out, though." Pyrra says, walking up to the door. She opens it and walks inside, ready for the worst.

Readying a fireball spell in case she is attacked.

2014-05-09, 06:47 AM
Before the exchange below, Runik ties up Greyhawk, ordering him to stay and guard his supplies.

"I've been hosted by some very unfriendly folks in the past. In my experience, it's best to not go alone where one can have company. I'll join you, friend..."

He ponders for a moment and, as soon as Pyrra has entered through the doors he looks back at Bernard and Fatima and whispers a query.

"Now, her kind...they're called....?"

He pauses waiting for an answer.

At the same moment someone answers his question he responds with "half-elf?" When it is proven his answer is incorrect, he hims and haws before saying, "Could've sworn it was half elf, you know, cause they're elfy but half the size. Your language is so not...swirly...in....indirect!" After blurting out the last word, much louder than he meant, he seems very pleased with himself for recall the word.

Following the exchange, Runik steps through the doors as well, whistling casually.

2014-05-09, 09:22 AM
"Gnome," Bernard whispers to Runik, giving the man a quizzical look at his mistake. "No, I don't think you should call her an elf. She might take offense and turn you into a toad... or worse. Gnomes do that, you know. And this one..." He looks solemnly at Pyrra's back. "She makes me nervous." He walks twoard the inn, leaving Runik to ponder the mystery surrounding this gnome.

As he gets closer to Pyrra, he leans down and whispers to her, "If you get a chance, throw some gnome magic Runik's way. Harmless, of course. But, it will be fun to mess with him." ;)

Bernard shrugs at the state of the inn, hoping the interior will be better than the exterior.


2014-05-09, 12:23 PM
Make sure if you are readying an action you specify a condition AND a target.
Using eso's as an example since it's the first one we've had: "Readying a fireball spell in case she is attacked."

Is the fireball being centered on the attacker? Being cast 25 feet in front of Pyrra so it doesn't hit her? If I can't quite figure it out I'll probably ask, but vagaries can get you in trouble ;)

Under the silvery light of the moon, a fog creeps across the land clutching everything in its clammy grasp. Inside the Weary Horse Inn, however, the fire is warm enough.You open the door with a creak and find several sullen faces staring at you a little boldly, obviously assessing you newcomers. One woman is just setting down fresh ales for a pair of gents at one table while another pair sits in the corner talking quietly. Eventually they turn back to their soft conversations

For an inn’s common room, it’s quiet. It holds no more than a handful of customers. They keep their voices low, and even the clink of their mugs seems subdued by the fog rolling in outside. A table against the front window is open and would provide you a view of your mule outside.

2014-05-09, 12:33 PM
Pyrra absorbs the magic back into herself as she takes a seat at the window table. She places a gold piece on the tabletop to attract the waitresses attention. She briefly considers Bernard's suggestion, but having no appropriately harmless spells prepared, opts not to. Once the waitress arrives, she smiles politely and says, "A pitcher of wine for the table, please, a loaf of bread and cheese, too, if you have it. If you haven't wine, ale would be fine, thank you."

2014-05-09, 01:02 PM
She looks at you for a moment longer than you'd like, obviously curious about your... redness. "Aye, we've got wine if yer none too picky about type," she replies in a hearty alto. "Bread's wheat and cheese is fresh." She picks your coin up from the table and holds it between two fingers. "Stayin' the night I take it? It'll be another of these for the meal and rooms then."

It's a little steep for a run-down inn like this. You'd expect 1g 2s elsewhere.

2014-05-09, 01:13 PM
Pyrra does some quick calculating in her head, remembering what she had learned from the merchant Darius. A pitcher of low-quality wine, a loaf of bread, and a hunk of cheese shouldn't cost more than 3 silver, 2 copper. Rooms in a run-down place like this should be 2 silver, and meals should be 1 silver. Of course, she also remembers Darius most important lesson--supply governs everything. "We haven't decided that, yet. We'll have an answer for you when you return with the wine, and whatnot. Thank you." she says, smiling wider.

Lowering her voice as the waitress leaves, she whispers to the group, "She's overcharging us. I say we share a room, and haggle a bit. Course, I have the tact of an ogre when it comes to that. But if we share a room, all told we should be covered by a single gold piece, with a few copper to spare as a tip."

2014-05-09, 01:33 PM
The woman shrugs. "Suit yerselves. Last place of business 'fore ya reach Barovia though, and the woods ain't too keen on visitors this time of night." She heads into the back to fetch your food and returns a few minutes later after you've finished your discussion on whether or not to stay.

2014-05-09, 08:06 PM
"Bah!" Runik chortles, "Overcharging by how much? Consider the meager gains this place probably sees. It's not the best location in the world for an inn or tavern. I'd be willing to pay for the lot of us, if it bothers any of you that much. Otherwise, we could try to barter services."

When the server returns, Runik speaks with her, in a gentle tone.

"My dear woman, my friends seem to feel they are being given an unfair price for the services you're offering. That being said, I think it is an ordeal brought upon you by your business. It must mean a great deal to you and, if it were mine, I would do whatever I could to keep it open. For those traveling to Bavoria...Bravoria...Benedictine....For weary travelers it is an invaluable asset."


Touching her forearm lightly, to keep her attention from wavering, Runik continues:

"Perhaps you and my colleagues could work out a fair deal. The difference, I would be happy to work off before I lay down to sleep. I am not a terrible cook and I am good at easing the stressed muscles of working men and woman. Additionally, I am not a poor inkmaster, as my own skin will attest, for those seeking meaningful and immortalized markings on their flesh. Otherwise, I am an excellent orator, and could regail your patrons with fantastical stories to accompany their meals. What do you say?"

2014-05-09, 08:53 PM
Fatima raises an eyebrow at Runik as he and Bernard talk about Pyrra, but says nothing. She follows Pyrra into the inn, giving the waitress and the inn's patrons her warmest, least threatening smile. As the group talks about the inn's rates, she chimes in, "I'm surprised there's an inn here at all. I can understand the prices, but between the two of us, we can probably sweet-talk the innkeeper into a lower rate." She leans in for a conspiratorial whisper, "By the time I'm done, she'll be paying us to be here, and thanking us for the privilege!" Once the waitress comes back, she lets Runik take the lead, ready to jump in if things turn sour.

2014-05-09, 10:07 PM
Tapping the servers hand lightly (if and after Fatima has finished with her), Runik inquires curiously,

"Tell me, ma'am, do you see a lot of people heading to Bavoria? Do you know what this place is like or if there are any dangers on the road there that we should be prepared for?"


Even if the server is not forth-coming with information, Runik thanks her and order some additional ale and makes his rounds tot he other table, jovially interacting with any patrons willing to chat with him, and offering them a little ale in exchange for their kind conversations.

I'm obviously absorbing the cost of the extra ale I'm order to share with other people at the inn. Ho much is it?

For the same questions he asked the server [roll1]

2014-05-09, 11:36 PM
Go ahead and adjucate Runik's Diplomacy and Gather Information checks; with those rolls, I don't think Fatima needs to say anything just yet.

2014-05-10, 01:14 AM
"Eh, tattoos ain't fer me." She replies in a hearty alto. "'Sides you're the freshest faces I seen in a while. First round's on me." She takes a mock serious pose and waggles a finger at you. "But ya promise to stay again when ya leave, ya hear me?"

She leaves to fetch your drinks and collects your coins when she returns. "Can't say we do get too many out here, not lately anyways. Nope, you all's the first new faces I seen in a fortnight. As for the roads... I'd just advise ya not travel much after dark. Odd things live in these parts. Wolves and shadows'll get ya."

Sometime after she leaves, the door swings open again, and every head turns to see who has arrived…
This new fellow loudly stamps the mud off his boots in the doorway as he looks around the room. He strides confidently over, throwing a letter down on the table in front of you. “Village of Barovia is needing rescue,” he says in a thick Vistani accent (OOC: think Russian speaking broken English). ”I guess you do as good as any.” Without another word, he turns to leave.

The Vistani are a traveling people that live in the vale. Elsewhere in the world they would be called gypsies.
They have a camp down by the Tser Pool off the river of the same name toward the center of the valley.

Carousing with the other locals you learn a bit more about the surrounding area:
- Barovia lies to the northwest a full day's ride from here. You should leave at first light, the woods aren't safe at night.
- There have been wolf attacks on the roads into Barovia.
- Since two of the men left the town they haven't been able to return. The gates won't open for them.

Total bill for the group: 1g 6s (you owe 4s each). Tib, you owe an additional 2sp for the gallon of ale you bought for the house.

2014-05-10, 07:29 AM
Runik quickly pays the tab for the group and gives the server an additional two silvers in tips.

"Can you give us a moment to talk, please? We may or may not still be needing those beds."

After speaking tot he server and paying the bill, he rejoins the group, to discuss what just happened.

"What do you think? I'm not the kind to shy away from a man in need, but I can't imagine them making too much headway in the inky blackness out there. Supposedly, the roads are very teacherous...treecherous....dangerous at night. I'll follow your leads, but, personally, I'm not sure it's a wise decision to set off before first light; we may need to battle our way through the evening and there's no guarantee of rest afterwards."

2014-05-10, 08:02 AM
"My preference would be to rest while we can. I don't take up much space and would be happy to share a room." Pyrra smiles.

2014-05-10, 09:44 PM
"I think we should stay the night here and prepare; in the morning, we can move towards Barovia. Wolves don't sound like much of a threat to a well-armed party such as ourselves, and with Tenebrous's help, I can take care of weak undead like shadows. As for our lodgings, I'm willing to share a room, I just need some time alone in the morning." Fatima lowers her voice, smiling conspiratorially. "I trust that you all won't mind how I get my powers, but most people don't exactly enjoy seeing me bargain and bind the eldritch spirits of the void." Fatima then takes the letter and opens it, looking inside.

2014-05-11, 07:39 AM
I'm assuming Runik has no knowledge of Vestiges or pacts. Making a knowledge religion check to see if he recognizes Tenebrous as the name of a God.

Runik slaps the table with joy.
"My friend, so that is the source of your power. Amazing!"

After speaking, he shakes his head a little as his voice grows slightly more sombre, but no much as to overpower the upbeat overtone.

"The marvels of your land. In my country, such things would be..." His voice grows to a soft whisper "...heresy."

After speaking, he stares at the ceiling then looks back to Fatima.

"I understand when people prefer to do things alone and I respect privacy. If it would make you uncomfortable, please refuse, but, would it be acceptible for me to see how this is done, or, to perhaps, inqii...inquaa...ask you about it? It fascinates me."

Runik peers at Fatima curiously.

"Who is this person of whom you speak? I do not know the name. Is it a foreign God, like my Cloud King or, perhaps, a lesser God of whom I haven't studied. What are his tenants? What do his worshipers do? "

Shocked momentarily, Runik quickly says, "Oh my! Is it a female God? Have I offended you? I am very sorry. They are silly questions."

With a little more thought, he continues, with an inquisitory grin

"Is it a woman God? Tell me, this Tenebrous of yours, is she beautiful? I must know."

2014-05-11, 09:03 AM
I don't remember which knowledge it is for Binders and Vestiges and can't find my books, so I've added knowledge arcana and planes rolls. Untrained it means the max I can know are DC 10 facts, but I'll take whatever I can get.

Knowledge Arcana [roll0]
Knowledge the Planes [roll1]

2014-05-12, 10:19 AM
Bernard tries to stop the messenger before he leaves to ask him about the Lightbringers who should, as far as he knew, already be in Barovia. He asks about their condition and disposition. If he is returning to Barovia, he asks if he will tell them he is on his way with help, gesturing to his companions. He gives the messenger a silver for his additional message.

Then, in true cleric fashion, he takes up the letter and reads the message.

As he reads, he overhears Fatima mention something about binding eldritch spirits. He eyes her for several moments, taking in her demeanor and countenance. Her actions sound... well... blatantly evil. However, he understands that there are more things in heaven and earth and all that. And powers and forces of which he has never heard. He will watch. Actions, of course, speak volumes.

2014-05-12, 11:34 AM
Fatima smiles indulgently at Runik. "Tenebrous is most assuredly not female, Runik. He's not a god, not exactly; more like a memory of one, a faint shadow of divinity. He has no worshipers, merely those who remember his existence, binding and channeling his power for the use of good."

2014-05-12, 12:18 PM
The Vistani replies callously, though not with malice, "Letter is from burgomaster, that is all I know. Travels take me through Barovia but I don't live there. Village troubles are not my troubles. They pay me to find them heroes. This I have done." Having delivered his message he draws his hood and departs into the night. You hear the sound of hooves trailing off into the mist.

The letter is sealed with fresh red wax, a stark contrast to the unusually aged paper. The parchment is deeply yellowed though not yet brittle. The text, a sharp, flowing script, reads as follows:

Hail to thee of might and valor:
I, a lowly servant of the township of Barovia, send honor to thee. We plead for they who so desperately need assistance within our community.
The legions of Hell itself are at our gates! The dead rise up from their graves and seek to drag us down with them! Not content to slaughter us in our homes, they spread the taint of their horrible curse, so that those they kill join their numbers!
There is much wealth in this community. I offer all that might be had to thee and thy fellows if thou shalt but answer my desperate plea.
Come quickly, for our time is at hand! All that I have shall be thine!

Kolyan Indirovich,
Burgomaster of Barovia

2014-05-12, 01:11 PM
Bernard scans the letter, then calls his group over to him. "Wolves may be the least of our worries, Fatima. There is trouble from undead in Barovia. This letter is a plea for help from the Burgomaster and he describes legions of undead plaguing his town. We must hurry tomorrow to reach the town." He makes arrangements to they can breakfast early, providing a few more silver to encourage the request. I also requests a prepared meal for the road. "We may need to save our rations, depending on the condition of the town when we get there. Hopefully, my fellow Lightbringers are there and the gates will open for us."

2014-05-12, 01:33 PM
The woman is more than willing to get up an hour early and have a meal ready so you can leave at first light. She also prepares an additional meal you can take with you for the road.

Total for food = 1g between the 8 meals. It's not great, but it's a step up from trail food.

The morning sun seems to have forgotten its light, muted behind the dull, cloudy sky. You continue up the road in the direction of Barovia. Black pools of water stand like dark mirrors about the muddy roadway. A pall of thick, cold mist spreads over the ground. Giant tree trunks stand guard on both sides of the road, their branches clawing at the mists. In every direction the fog grows thicker and the forest seems more oppressive.

After nearly 8 hours of travel, you come across the first object besides trees and the occasional forest critter of your journey. Gray in the fog, high stone pillars loom up from the impenetrable woods on both sides of the road. Huge, closed, iron gates hang from the stonework, dew clinging to their rusting bars. Standing before the pillars are two stone statues of armed guardians with wicked polearms. Their carved heads lie among the weeds at their feet, neatly broken from the stone shoulders.

2014-05-12, 07:50 PM
"Well, I'm guessing that opening these gates will activate these soldiers. So, stand back. If they do, I'm going to fireball myself. I'll be protected, because, well, I'm immune to the effects of fire. They aren't. Probably," Pyrra says with a smile. She steps ahead of the party and pushes the gates open, ready to fireball herself if the statues come to life.

Fireball, centered on herself, if she is attacked by a melee weapon. (Is that specific enough?)

2014-05-12, 08:43 PM
That will definitely do, yes. Be careful you don't get TOO specific though or I can use it against you. Like in this situation I can shoot you full of arrows without triggering your readied action ;). It's a fine line. Just make sure you have at least one condition (as specific as you like) and a target.

Pyrra approaches the gates slowly and cautiously, waiting for the inevitable attack. She's about 50 feet away when the rusted bars swing toward her with the grating sound of metal on metal that makes the hairs on the back of your everything stand as stiff as the statues. No sign of movement, and the path seems clear.

2014-05-12, 08:45 PM
Yeah, I didn't want her to fireball herself with no one in range though.

"Well, that was neat," Pyrra says. "I wonder if they'll close behind us. Let's all go through together."

2014-05-12, 09:04 PM
(The night before, in the tavern)
Fatima blinks in surprise as she reads over the letter. "Well, this does sound like trouble. It's a bit melodramatic, but even accounting for exaggeration...sounds like a troublesome infestation of undead. We should head there posthaste, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious; there's probably some hidden necromancer behind this."

In the morning, Fatima binds Tenebrous. Working on her own in our room, curtains drawn tightly to cast the room into deep shadow, dimly lit by one of the inn's candles, she emerges with an odd shadow that never seems to go away, even in the sunlight.

[roll0] against DC 21

2014-05-12, 09:06 PM
[roll0] against DC 21


Bad pact for the day. Fatima will never be the first to act in combat; if she rolls first in initiative, she'll delay until someone else takes a turn.


As we head to Barovia, Fatima seems quieter than the day before, more withdrawn. She nods in silent acknowledgment to Pyrra as the wizard goes forward to the gates. Once the gates open, she mutters, "Well, that's certainly ominous." She draws her morningstar, holding it ready, idly fiddling with the symbol of Tenebrous she now wears around her neck.

2014-05-13, 01:06 AM
Runik looks over the statues with a quick glance, before positioning Greyhawk behind him and uttering the phrase "Guard."

Afterwards he jests "Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear not evil for thine wizard broughteth flaming death upon the reaper."

He raises his hands slowly, taking aim, with cold precision but keeping his features light-hearted, his smile never fading.

Take a readied action to trike with an eldritch blast the first creature, within 60ft, that targets an ally with an attack. (Is that a fair readied action?)

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2014-05-13, 10:37 AM
"Not to split hairs," Kade chimes in, "but our wizard did not bring flaming death upon the reaper, she would have brought it upon herself, and by proximity, us. We have no need to fear evil. We have Pyrra. We apparently should fear her and her suicidal tendencies." He chuckles as he proceeds through the gates, but hefting his mace, just in case. "Not for use against the company, but anything... else... which might be lurking... watching... from the shadows." He gives Fatima a wink. "Just trying to keep the melodrama."

2014-05-13, 11:17 AM
You pass through the gate, turning to face the statues as you come within reach should they decide to come to life. Their petrified bodies remain motionless, their weapons facing outward. Once everyone is through, the gates screech shut with the same sickening sound, barring the way back.

2014-05-13, 09:36 PM
Fatima returns Kade's smile, but chooses not to comment. "Speaking of wizards...Pyrra, are these gates likely to be opening and closing because of some wizardry, or what?"

Meant Pyrra, not Runik. Sorry about that.

2014-05-13, 10:35 PM
"Hey, I warned you to step back," Pyrra says smiling. "Also, called it." she laughs. "The way is shut. Let's press on!" her cheer is indefatigable despite the eerie conditions surrounding the party.

2014-05-13, 11:51 PM
Fatima: [roll0]
Bernard: [roll1]
Runik: [roll2]
Pyrra: [roll3]

If you got less than 12, you take [roll4] nonlethal damage and are fatigued upon arrival at the outskirts of town as described below.
Fatigued: Cannot run or charge. -2 penalty to STR and DEX.

You all passed, nice!

You trudge onward for another two hours through the dank woods. As you come to the edge of the forest, tall shapes loom in the near distance from the dense fog, and the muddy ground underfoot gives way to slick, wet cobblestones. A dilapidated, wooden sign reads “Welcome to the Village of Barovia.” As you grow closer, the shapes resolve into tenements whose windows are boarded, broken, and lightless. Nothing moves nearby, though the fog limits visibility. Faint sounds, as of something groaning, echo hollowly from somewhere in the settlement.

To the northwest, above all of this, a dark mountain of earth topped with the pointed towers of an ancient castle dominates the skyline.

2014-05-14, 07:46 AM
Hearing the groaning and seeing the state of the town, Pyrra's gut tells her that something is wrong. "Perhaps the undead have already taken this town," she says quietly. She listens to the groaning, attempting to pinpoint the direction it is coming from.

Listen: [roll0], taking 20 if the groaning continues. EDIT What up

2014-05-14, 11:09 AM
The groans are pervasive. As you try to pinpoint the sound you hear a moan coming from somewhere near the eastern edge of the city and then another apparently from the south side while yet others seem to come from the city's center. It seems the beasts are all over as opposed to centralized in one location.

Have a look at the Campaign Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10tgkttGRIRcRhki61X_Tz2UMJnBNIqGswNv5vxrVaqI/edit?usp=sharing). The Barovia tab has a breakdown of what you can see so far. Your party is the X. I'll add a "Combat" tab when we get to that point.

2014-05-14, 01:08 PM
Google Docs for the maps. Cool idea.

"Oh... how uneasy I feel." Bernard starts humming a eerie tune. Looking around and realizing people are probably not amused at his attempt at levity, he ceases. "Well," he says confidently. "Let's go get 'em."

He hefts his mace in one hand, holy symbol in the other and prepares to meet whatever undead threat... or any threat... may be present.

Not a ready action, per se. Just on guard. Spot check to see anything lurking up ahead.


2014-05-14, 01:09 PM
OOC: "What zombies? I don't see any zombies." Barnard says as he runs into the dragon in front of him. Starting to feel like Belkar.

2014-05-14, 07:48 PM
Patting Greyhawk on the head, Runik says "Look after yourself, little one."

Turning back towards the party, he allows a confidence smile to spread across his face. Though his feature seem light and humorous, a cold sweat creeps it's way across his face and his eyes begin to glaze, as if lost in thought. Breaking his own trace, he shakes his head quickly, like brushing of cobwebs.

"What is our game plan? If we're going to proceed into enemy territory, we will need a marching order."

I'll take a look at the map as soon as I can. A lot of google stuff doesn't work very well in China.

2014-05-14, 08:46 PM
Fatima surveys the sad state of the town with a grimace.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

"Good point, Runik. I think you or Bernard should take the lead; I'll join you, so I can most effectively use the powers of Tenebrous."

2014-05-14, 09:37 PM
"I'll stay in the rear. I suggest we identify the source of that moaning, possibly deal with it, and then head for that castle."

2014-05-15, 12:42 AM
While the streets are wide enough for you to march four abreast as you enter the city, they are choked with mist, limiting vision to only a few dozen feet. The buildings here at the edge of town look abandoned, burned out, or barricaded. Garbage litters the ground, and a carrion stench assaults your nose. Ahead, an overturned hay cart blocks part of the street.

2014-05-15, 01:22 AM
Looking over the group, Runik suggests, "I agree with Fatima. With the low visibility, it may be best for us to stay two-abreast. Fatima, you and I can take the lead. Greyhawk can take up the rear and act as a buffer. If case we're flanked, he'll give us a chance to react."

I'm just going to make a spot check. See the Unseen gives me the ability to see invisible creatures. So, Runik, being with Fatima in the front, will make periodic spot checks (how often is up to you, great and powerful DM). With no ranks and no wisdom modifier, I probably won't see much, but it's better than nothing.

Spot 1 [roll0]

Spot 2 [roll1]

Spot 3 [roll2]

Spot 4 [roll3]

2014-05-15, 08:05 AM
Peering around intently, Runik states "That certainly is loud and ominous sound. It may not be a bad idea to keep our eyes open for safe place to retreat to or keep wounded civilians. Should this turn into a fight, we should be prepared for every possibility...including loses."

2014-05-15, 08:18 AM
"Agreed. Lead the way."

2014-05-15, 12:51 PM
With his holy symbol in one hand, mace in the other, Bernard steps forward and moves with the group into the village.

2014-05-15, 01:20 PM
You move cautiously along the streets, straining your ears for any sound. The moaning continues throughout the city, but here it is quiet. As you approach the cart in the middle of the intersection you see human figures shambling toward you out of the fog, moaning louder as they draw toward living flesh. The head of one of them seems to be dangling from the remaining shreds of its neck.

Off to your left, two gore-streaked animals are tearing into the remains of what was likely a cat or small dog. They are each about four feet long and look like a cross between a rat and a wolf. Their jaws are enormous and their eyes glitter with rabid fury.

Runik: [roll1] (Greyhawk will act on your initiative if necessary)
Deathlock: 18
Carcass Eaters: 17
Barnard: [roll2]
Zombies: 12
Pyrra: [roll3]
Fatima: [roll0]

Combat tab added to the map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10tgkttGRIRcRhki61X_Tz2UMJnBNIqGswNv5vxrVaqI/edit?usp=sharing). The combat maps should be pretty self-explanatory when I post them. Dashed lines are closed doors.

When PCs are next to each other in the initiative order you can act in any order, just don't skip bad guy turns. So in this case, Pyrra, Fatima, and Runik can act in any order at the end of Round 1.

2014-05-15, 07:45 PM
On his turn, Runik moves across to the open doorway on the right-hand side, on the side closest to zombie #1 to secure a defense point to funnel enemies. When zombie #1 comes into sight, Runik attacks with an Eldritch Blast.

Attack [1d20+7][/roll] (ranged touch)

Damage [roll0]

2014-05-15, 07:46 PM
Mucked up my attack roll. Sorry.


EDIT: Forgot about Greyhawk

Runik gives Greyhawk a quick wave and a whistle, commanding him to come, then directing him into the house.

I leave how far Greyhawk retreats into the house up to you, DM. I would assume he would walk through the doorway, as directed, but once out of sight, I have no way of determining how far in he goes.

2014-05-16, 12:28 PM
Bernard boldly steps forward with his holy symbol held high. He shouts loudly to get the attention of the zombies at the cart. "Hear me, you vile creatures of darkness! In the name of Pelor, the light take you from this realm and send you back to the hell from whence you came!"

Movement: Move forward three squares.

Turn Check (DC 20):
Link to Turn check result: http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/specialAttacks.htm#turningChecks


2014-05-16, 01:54 PM
Greyhawk can move all the way into the house. We'll say you can have him trained for 3 tricks prior to the start of the campaign as per Handle Animal. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/handleAnimal.htm). Getting him to do anything else will be difficult. Make sure "Come" is one of those tricks (seems reasonable for a beast of burden).

You don't have to roll a turning check with your Destroy Undead ability. It just does that much damage to any undead within 30 feet if they fail their save.

Runik's blast strikes the zombie, but it continues forward undaunted. As he focuses his attention on the corpse, the two feral creatures run forward, clawing and biting at him.

Both move to attack Runik

C1 attack on Runik: [roll0] -- crit conf: [roll1]
damage: [roll2]
C2 attack on Runik: [roll3] -- crit conf: [roll4]
damage: [roll5]

Z1: [roll6]
Z2: [roll7]
Z3: [roll8]

Barnard steps forward and blasts the 3 zombies with holy light but again they stagger forth, their teeth gnashing though all three seem to be falling apart, particularly the one with a hole in its chest from Runik's blast. Two of the doors near the cart open, and to your horror, more of the flesh-hungry fiends come staggering out.

All zombies move forward. Only Z1 and Z3 can get in range for an attack.

Z1 attack on Runik: [roll9] -- crit conf: [roll10]
Z1 damage: [roll11]
Z3 attack on Barnard: [roll12] -- crit conf: [roll13]
Z3 damage: [roll14]

If either of these attacks hits I'll need a Fortitude save from the victim.

2014-05-16, 03:25 PM
Pyrra hurls a fireball at the center of the zombie horde.

Corner shared by G9, H9, G10, H10 for the target. 20' radius spread should hit all undead (except Z3) without hitting party members.

Damage: [roll0]

2014-05-17, 10:15 AM
On his turn, Runik atcivates his wand and barrel rolls to avoid the enemies surrounding him as he withdrawals within the house, where Greyhawk is , one space beyond the doorway (15ft from current position), creating a bottle neck where-by his opponents must face him one at a time.

Greyhawk is positioned in the left-hand corner facing the door and ordered to guard.

When purchasing Greyhawk, I put in the funds to have him professionally trained (see my character sheet). He was taught Attack, Come, Guard and Flee.

UMD [roll0] vs DC 20 (wand of Focusing Chant [buckler, off-hand])

Tumble [roll1] vs DC 19 (DC 15+2 per additional enemy) to avoid AoP

OOC: I'm not sure if encumbrance and regular ACP stack. If they don't, Intake a -3. If they do, I take a -5. If my UMD succeeds I get a +1.

Once inside the house, Runik's hands shimmer with blue and yellow eldritch energy.

readied action to attack enemies that enter threatened space with eldritch glaive.

Attack [roll2] touch
Damage [roll3]

If undead +[roll4]

EDIT: Ouch! two ones in a row!

2014-05-19, 04:21 PM
Z1: [roll0]
Z2: [roll1]
Z4: [roll3]
Z5: [roll4]
Z6: [roll5]

C1: Dies even if he passes
C2: Dies even if he passes

Pyrra's explosion sends flaming scraps of hay shooting through the air in all directions followed swiftly by a raging ball of fire. It engulfs the ravenous monsters and dissipates just before swallowing Runik and Barnard. The walls on the far street corner turn black and licks of flame hungrily seek out the unburnt sections. Using the opportunity to retreat from the teeth and claws before him, Runik ducks into the building with Greyhawk. As he rights himself he sees the monsters near him are black and motionless.

Waiting on Fatima before continuing with baddie turns.

2014-05-19, 08:19 PM
Fatima grins as the magical fire rips through the undead. Brandishing her symbol of Tenebrous, she calls out, "In the name of the Shadow That Was, cower before me, foul creatures!"

Rebuke check: [roll0] (Chart here (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/specialAttacks.htm#turnOrRebukeUndead), "cleric" level 6)
Rebuke damage: [roll1]

She then ducks into the house with Runik, readying her morningstar. (move to M7)

2014-05-20, 01:36 AM
Tenebrous' command holds no sway over these abominations. They shudder briefly as the unholy energy courses through them but continue on unabated.

As Fatima rushes to the house, a skeletally thin corpse shambles out of the alley next to Pyrra, previously hidden from view by the deep shadows. Its eyes sizzle with cursed power, and arcane energy dances on its fingertips. It points a shriveled finger at Bernard and mutters an incantation.

Move: Move from N4 to N7.
Standard: Cast spell. Bernard please make a Will save, DC 14.
Hold Person
Nothing happens.
You are paralyzed for 3 rounds and are unable to take any actions besides mental ones.

Carcass Eaters are dead, so Bernard is up starting with his saving throw.

2014-05-20, 09:42 AM

Bernard senses the magic trying to work over him, but ignores it to raise his holy symbol again. "May Pelor's light shines forth to destroy you!"
Destroy Undead Damage:

Bernard tries to raise his holy symbol, but finds he cannot. Words catch in his throat as he attempts to invoke Pelor's word. Panic seizes his heart as he appears to be unable to do anything.

2014-05-20, 12:02 PM
Hot damn, nice roll.

Z3: [roll0]
Z4: [roll1]
Z5: [roll2]
Z6: [roll3]

With a shout, Bernard's channeled divinity incinerates the unholy husks of the former villagers advancing on him. Only the skeletal one that emerged from the alley remains.

Move: All dead.

Attack: [roll4] -- crit conf [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]

Attack: [roll7] -- crit conf [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]

Attack: [roll10] -- crit conf [roll11]
Damage: [roll12]

Attack: [roll13] -- crit conf [roll14]
Damage: [roll15]

These all died in the blast.

2014-05-20, 12:09 PM
Pyrra 5' steps southwest (N10) and points her fingers like guns at the casting undead. Three missiles erupt right-left-right from her fingertips as she says "Pew Pew Pew!"

Magic Missile for [roll0]

2014-05-20, 12:14 PM
The missiles collide with its body, knocking it back into the wall and to the ground. You stand triumphant as the flames fester on the walls west of the intersection. The road splits here to the North, West, and South.

Congrats, that was handled very well. I did a grand total of 8 damage to you.

450 xp each.

2014-05-20, 12:35 PM
With a muttered thanks to Pelor for his deliverance, Bernard turns and spies the last undead fall behind him, a victim of Pyrra's spell. "Thank you," he says nodding to the gnome. He looks around for the rest of the group and finds them ducking in the abandoned house. "Where did you guys go?" he asks with a playful smile. "You missed all the fun."

2014-05-20, 12:39 PM
"Believe me when I say, the pleasure was mine." Pyrra says, shuddering. She takes a deep breath, centering herself, then says, "Where do we go from here?"

2014-05-20, 07:45 PM
"Very impressive, Pyrra." Fatima nods her thanks to the wizard. "Shall we make our way further into town?"

2014-05-20, 10:13 PM
Runik emerges from the house, Greyhawk in toe, and looks over the destruction and charred corpses. Passing his glance over the party he asks, "Is everyone alright?"

Pausing momentarily to survey the battlefield and their surroundings, Runik adds "Though they were our foes after death, in life these were likely good people. There would be little harm in giving them last rites before we continue. I'm not saying we bury the bodies, but the souls deserve rest."

2014-05-21, 10:37 AM
"Normally, I would agree with you, Runik. But souls did not inhabit these abominations. Their souls are with the god they revered in life." He points at the remains of the undead. These remains are the mere shells, now filled with dark energies. While I do suggest we burn them as they have now been defiled, I feel we should search out the living in this town, rather than give heed to the dead. When we are done here, we can attend the remains."

Bernard hefts his mace and prepares to continue down the street. He stands at the crossroads and looks around. "Which way to the center of town, do you think?"

2014-05-22, 04:17 PM
"I believe we would follow the road west into town, Bernard. Alternatively, we could try to work aound the rim of the town, destroying the zombies piecemeal. We can handle a few at a time, but if the entire town is infested with the undead and they all attack at once, I fear for our safety."

2014-05-22, 11:15 PM
With a slow nod of his head, Runik says, "You re right, of course, Bernard. I let my personal sentiments get the better of me. Lighting the bodies aflame would do little good now, and the light could draw more of the festering undead."

With a quick look at Fatima, he adds, "I'm with you. It may be best for us to keep to easier areas to defend while we slowly make our way to town and face-off against smaller groups, which we will more easily disperse. No matter the strength of the individual abominations, in great numbers they are extremely fierce and I've seen them overwhelm armies."

Pausing to look at the skyline, Runik continues "If we keep to the outskirts, making our way in, we may also come across a place we can fortify and make camp. We may not be tired now, but we will need to rest, sooner or later, and it would be best if we could guarantee the place was safe."

2014-05-22, 11:20 PM
"Skirting the outside of the city, finding a defensible places, picking off the undead in small groups--all this sounds good to me. Impressive as I no doubt was in that last battle, I can't keep that up all day. This isn't to say that once I'm out of fireballs I'm useless, but my utility certainly decreases alongside my remaining spells. I vote we go north, north west, making our way into town in a roundabout fashion." Pyrra says.

2014-05-23, 11:59 AM
Bernard: [roll0]
Runik: [roll1]
Fatima: [roll2]
Pyrra: [roll3]

You carry on to the north, making your way through the mist. Each step is filled with adrenaline. Most of the buildings you come across seem abandoned, though occasionally a door has been broken in. Unpleasant smells usually waft out of these splintered holes.

You walk for about 200 feet when the road turns to the west. On your right, the door has been smashed, its tattered remains hanging lazily on its lone hinge. It's too dark to see what lies beyond that but a foul stench is emanating from within. Ahead you can make out the shape of a humanoid leaning against the wall as it slowly moves forward, dragging its left leg. You see a trail of blood where it touches the wall as it moves.

The figure doesn't seem to have noticed you yet and continues forward along the wall. It's likely it will see you shortly as it rounds the street corner and makes its way your direction.

I've added a map to the combat tab (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10tgkttGRIRcRhki61X_Tz2UMJnBNIqGswNv5vxrVaqI/edit#gid=603294950) so you can visualize this a little more easily. Also updated your position on the Barovia tab (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10tgkttGRIRcRhki61X_Tz2UMJnBNIqGswNv5vxrVaqI/edit#gid=145734733).

2014-05-23, 12:17 PM
Bernard rushes forward for a better look, if the creature is alive... and still human, he will want to help it. If it is not human, he will want to kill it. Either way, he does not have much to fear from just one of the creatures. If it is only one of them.

He takes a quick look around the corner to see if anything else is lurking down that road.

OOC: Moving to square L11. Heal check of the body to see if it is bleeding or just bloody. Spot check down the road. That is what I intend to do. I know these are lot of checks for this intended action. You can decide how these fit in with the timeline and how/if they are interrupted by the discoveries of the party.


2014-05-23, 12:21 PM
With Bernard attending to the stranger, Pyrra pokes her head through the door of the open building to see what is inside. (Move to O12).

2014-05-23, 12:23 PM
There's a deep gash in its left leg though it looks like the blood has coagulated. The ghostly pallor of its skin along with its stumbling tells you it is definitely not among the living. Down the street you see another figure though its hard to pinpoint any details.

EDIT: Pyrra, do you have a light source? It's pretty dark in there. Without it you can make out crumpled shapes against the northern and eastern wall that seem to be shifting slowly. You hear an oozy squirming noise, something akin to if you rubbed thick saliva between your fingers.

2014-05-23, 01:56 PM
OOC: Feel free to hold off on this action until others have an opportunity to act. I am just at my computer a lot right now and am able to respond.

BIC: Bernard looks over his shoulder at the rest of the group. "More zombies," he tells the rest and dashes off to fight the lone zombie in the corner (charge attack).

Base Damage: [roll]1d8+3
Bonus Damage: 2d6
Attack bonus with the mace is a +7. The mace of undead bane grants an additional +2 to the attack against undead and another 2d6 of damage. Then there is another +2 to the attack for the charge.

2014-05-23, 02:01 PM
OOC: Okay for some reason, the damage rolls were not working. Must have done something wrong with the code for the rolling.
Base Damage:
Bonus Damage: [roll1]

Oh, and initiative roll if you need it:

2014-05-23, 02:04 PM
OOC: Did you know you can't add a roll when you edit a message? If you don't type it correctly once, you can't go back and edit it if there is already a successful roll in the message. Good to know.

Initiative: [roll0]

2014-05-23, 02:28 PM
Without a light source, Pyrra can't see too well, but she can guess at what lies inside the room--more undead.

Initiative: [roll0]

2014-05-23, 08:35 PM
"More of them, eh? I wonder if anyone's left alive in this town."

Initiative: [roll0]

2014-05-24, 12:15 AM
You rush forward to send him to his final death. As your feet click against the cobblestones, the zombie looks up with a cold, dead stare.

Runik: [roll0]
Zombie: [roll1]

Runik 22
Bernard 18
Zombie 14
Fatima 13
Pyrra 13

2014-05-24, 10:03 AM
With a wave of hands Runik unleashes an eldritch blast upon the one zombie in sight. Afterwards, he peeks back at Greyhawk and commands him to guard his current position.

With a concerned look to the other, he utters, "I pray that there are living souls yet in this town." With a more stern look, he adds, "Save who you can. Avenge the rest."

Attack [roll0]

Damage [roll1]

Thanks for rolling initiative for me. I've been getting ready for a business trip and it has me swamped.

2014-05-24, 11:53 AM
OOC: Please use my previous rolls for my charge against the zombie.

2014-05-24, 12:02 PM
The blast goes wide and sends clay shards flying off the corner of the building as it strikes the wall, but charging through those shards comes Bernard intent on bludgeoning the creature back to his grave. The blow doubles the creature over, but its soft, decaying skin absorbs a portion of the impact. It reaches for you with a moan as it stands. The sound calls others to its plight that swarm forward.

Move: All zombies move toward their intended targets. Z2 was the figure you saw down the street. Z3 was around the corner at H11. Z4 was in the house at N7 and comes shambling after the first thing it sees upon opening the door: Pyrra.

Z1 attack: [roll0] -- crit conf: [roll1]
damage: [roll2] (double on crit)
Z2 attack: [roll3] -- crit conf: [roll4]
damage: [roll5] (double on crit)
Z3 attack: [roll6] -- crit conf: [roll7]
damage: [roll8] (double on crit)

Z4 attack: [roll9] -- crit conf: [roll10]
damage: [roll11] (double on crit)

If any of these hit please make a Fort save, DC 13.
Nothing happens
You are sickened. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#shaken)

Thanks for the reminder Paerniel.
NP tibb. I'll always roll everyone's initiatives when combat is about to start unless they've already rolled their own.

Also, just FYI for everyone, attacking across a corner in melee gives the opponent cover. So if you were in M8, the zombie in L7 would have cover (+4 AC) from you. He also had cover against Runik's EB because the line from Runik's square to the zombie's goes through the wall ever so slightly on its way to the top right corner. It didn't matter because you would have missed anyway, but just so you know.

2014-05-24, 02:07 PM
Fatima winces as she sees the crow of zombies descend on Bernard. She mutters, "Let's try this again...", then holds the symbol of Tenebrous high. "Tremble before the might of the Forgotten Lord, abominations!"

Rebuke check: [roll0] (Chart here (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/specialAttacks.htm#turnOrRebukeUndead), "cleric" level 6)
Rebuke damage: [roll1]

2014-05-24, 02:57 PM
As Fatima channels the power of Tenebrous, the three nearest zombies (Z1, Z3, and Z4) raise their arms to cover their faces, cowering in fear.

2014-05-24, 03:18 PM
Fatima grins ferociously as the zombies cower. She drops her morningstar, drawing her sickle as she moves to back up Bernard, side-stepping the zombie in front of her. (Drop morningstar in M14, move to L13, then to L10.)

HP: 51/51
AC: 20, touch 14, flat-footed 18

Rebuke undead: 5 rounds left

2014-05-25, 02:47 AM
Staring down the crumbling fleshy mound with a vaguely humanoid form threatening Pyrra, Runik flexes his fingers with a look of deep concentratoin. With a shout, Runik materializes crackling blue and yellow energy in the form of a glaive and lashes out at the zombie (Z4).

UMD [roll0] (Wand of Focusing Chant) DC20

Attack [roll1]

Damage [roll2]

If the UMD succeeds, Runik gets a +1 to attack and damage.

Runik continues to threaten a 10ft radius until his next turn.

2014-05-25, 08:08 AM
Pyrra 5' steps away from the zombie attacking her (Z4) and hits it with a Disrupt Undead spell (Ranged Touch [roll0],[roll1] damage). The fear on her face is obvious to anyone who'd care to look; her comfort and ability in melee combat is almost nonexistent. (Pyrra is now in O13)

2014-05-25, 12:29 PM
Both attacks strike true on the quivering undead. The commotion seems to have stirred whatever was in that darkened room. Out of it emerge 4 enormous, segmented white maggots. Scraps of flesh and cloth hang from their mandibles, a stinking spittle drooling over them as they squirm toward you.

Runik 22
Maggots 19
Bernard 18
Zombie 14
Fatima 13
Pyrra 13

Move: All maggots move out of the room.
Runik, you may take an AoO against M1, M2, or M3 as they move through space P12. They will all have cover against your attack.

M1 attack vs Pyrra: [roll0] - crit conf: [roll1]
damage: [roll2]
M4 attack vs Pyrra: [roll3] - crit conf: [roll4] (your cover bonus has been factored into this roll)
damage: [roll5]

M2 attack vs Runik: [roll6] - crit conf: [roll7]
damage: [roll8]
M3 attack vs Runik: [roll9] - crit conf: [roll10]
damage: [roll11]

Please roll a Fortitude save DC 14 for each hit.
Nothing happens.
The spittle seizes your muscles. You are paralyzed until the maggots' next turn. You may make an additional saving throw at the beginning of your turn to shrug off the effect.

EDIT: Man, my attack rolls have been terrible so far!

2014-05-25, 09:34 PM
With the enemies encroaching, Runik lashes out at one of the maggots as is slithers forward (M1).

Attack [roll0]

Damage [roll1]

On his turn, he retreats one step (5ft.) and continues to attack with his eldritch glaive, attempting to nurse some power from his wand once again.

Attack [roll2] (M2)

Damage [roll3]

UMD [roll4] DC 20 (Wand of Focusing Chant)

If the UMD succeeds, add +1 to Runik's attack.

If Runik is struck in the following round, his saves are below (I did a few; not sure how many hits he may take).

Fort [roll5]

Fort [roll6]

Fort [roll7]

Fort [roll8]

2014-05-26, 08:03 PM
Sorry, I forgot to post my tumble to avoid AoO.

[roll0] DC 19 to avoid attacks of opportunity (15+2 for each enemy after the first).

Ohh, so close.

2014-05-27, 10:31 AM
Bernard is not sure whether he is glad the zombies are cowering or concerned by the power they fear. Ultimately, he decides to show them the true power of the light. He hold his holy symbol aloft and shouts "Back, back, BACK to the darkness, ye minions of evil!"

OOC: Destroy undead, 30' radius. Zombies get a will save DC 20 for half. Hopefully the dice roller will work for me this time.

2014-05-27, 01:09 PM
Z1: [roll0]
Z2: [roll1]
Z3: [roll2]
Z4: [roll3]

The flashes of light tear holes into the cowering corpses, ripping one of them completely apart (Z4). The two that are still terrified are barely standing.

2014-05-27, 01:14 PM
The lone zombie still in control of its limited faculties lashes out at the source of its pain.

Z1 and Z3 continue to cower.
Z2 attacks Bernard: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
crit conf: [roll2]
crit dmg: [roll3]

If this hits please make a Fort save DC 13.
Nothing happens.
You are sickened.

2014-05-27, 01:35 PM

Overcoming the power of the disgusting creature, Bernard presses the attack against the zombie who hit him.
Base Damage:
Bonus Damage:

Unable to overcome the power of the disgusting creature, Bernard tries to press the attack against the zombie who hit him and not vomit at the same time.
Base Damage:
Bonus Damage:

2014-05-28, 08:07 AM
Pyrra disappears, and in the blink of an eye reappears inside the dimly lit room the maggots came from. The room is suddenly illuminated, as are the maggots, by the blast of flame that issues forth from her left hand as she draws her dagger with her right. There is no animus in her eyes, only fear, as she is again forced into such close quarters with her enemy.

Abrupt Jaunt (swift action) to Q12, draw weapon (move action), Burning Hands (standard action) for [roll0] damage against M4, M1, M2.

2014-05-28, 09:38 AM
M1: [roll0]
M2: [roll1]
M4: [roll2]

DC 16, correct?

The maggots writhe as their segmented bodies turn crispy and brown.

Fatima and Runik are up.

2014-05-28, 07:54 PM
My action for this turn is above, coupled with my AoO.

2014-05-28, 09:21 PM
Fatima speaks a brief word of command, charging her weapon with the cold of the void, then leaps in to attack the zombie closest to her, slashing with her sickle:

Swift action: charge weapon with Touch of the Void. Standard action, attack Z3; no move action.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2] cold

HP: 51/51
AC: 20, touch 14, flat-footed 18

Rebuke undead: 4 rounds left
Touch of the Void: 5 rounds left

2014-05-29, 11:47 AM
While Runik strikes true, the zombie Fatima attacks contorts itself in fear, dodging her blow.

Runik 22
Maggots 19
Bernard 18 <<
Zombie 14
Fatima 13
Pyrra 13

Three of the enormous maggots slither forward toward Runik, but the one nearest the fiery gnome makes its way toward the spicier meal.

No movement.

M1 on Runik: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
crit conf: [roll2]
crit dmg: [roll3]

M2 on Runik: [roll4]
damage: [roll5]
crit conf: [roll6]
crit dmg: [roll7]

M3 on Runik: [roll8]
damage: [roll9]
crit conf: [roll10]
crit dmg: [roll11]

M4 on Pyrra: [roll12]
damage: [roll13]
crit conf: [roll14]
crit dmg: [roll15]

Make a Fortitude save, DC 14 for each hit.
Nothing happens
The spittle left in the wound seizes your muscles. You are paralyzed for 1 round.

2014-05-29, 12:17 PM
You can use my post from before for this round's action. I sickened and attacking the zombie at Z2. Again, sorry for posting out of turn.

2014-05-29, 12:25 PM
Ahh yes, thanks for the reminder. Alright, we should be back on track now!

The zombie lunges forward, causing Bernard's strike to go wide.

No movement. Z1 and Z3 continue to cower.

Z2 on Bernard: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
crit conf: [roll2]
crit dmg: [roll3]
Runik 22 <<
Maggots 19
Bernard 18
Zombie 14
Fatima 13 <<
Pyrra 13 <<

2014-05-29, 02:38 PM
Pyrra lets out a stream of expletives as the maggot hits her, and she briefly considers abandoning her position. She steels herself for battle and fires off another blast of fire from her palm. One of the gems on her circlet glows, then fades, as the arcane energy comes from the jewel rather than her own innate power.

Burning Hands, same area of effect, [roll0]. Ref DC 16 for half. Circlet of Mages to keep the spell.

2014-05-29, 03:09 PM
M1: [roll0]
M2: [roll1]
M4: [roll2]

Yikes, good rolls. :/

The maggots release what would be a stream of expletives were they capable of speech. Two of them have massive blisters forming on their skin (M1 & M2).

2014-05-29, 08:52 PM
Fatima curses as her blow goes wide. She takes in the sight of the cowering zombies and charges towards the one flailing at Bernard, steadying herself, and swinging her sickle again.

Move to L9, then K8, taking any AoO from Z3. Standard action, attack Z2.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

HP: 51/51
AC: 20, touch 14, flat-footed 18

Rebuke undead: 3 rounds left
Touch of the Void: 4 rounds left

2014-05-29, 08:53 PM
With me moving backwards on my last turn, would the maggots have gotten AoO as I moved out of my space? With that in mind, threatening 10ft, would I have gotten an AoO on one of them as they advanced? I don't have the firmest grasp on AoO rules. Thanks.

After being attacked by the maggots, Runik shakes off his injuries and, with a glance back at Greyhawk, steels himself.

He attempts again to nurse some power from his wand and launches himself backwards (to N14), contorting his body as he leaps and lands, attempting to avoid the blows of his enemies.

UMD [roll0] DC 20

Tumble [roll1] DC 19 (15+2 per opponent who threatens)

If the UMD succeeds, add one to the Tumble roll.

After launching himself backwards, Runik strikes out with his eldritch glaive at one the maggots (M2), his bracers glowing brightly.
"Stay. Rest a while."

Activation (swift) Bracers of Entangling Blast

Attack [roll2]

Damage [roll3]

Entangle Duration [roll]1d3[roll]

M2 take 3 points of damage every turn until the entangling effect ends.

2014-05-29, 08:55 PM
Sorry, missed a backslash

Duration [roll0]

2014-05-30, 12:13 PM
No you will not take an AoO for moving only 5 feet, so the tumble check is unnecessary. You also will not get one on any of the maggots that move only 5 feet toward you, but the one moving 10 feet to get inside the house will grant you one.

Also, using your Focusing Chant wand requires a standard action. You cannot use it and attack on the same turn. Once you successfully use it, it lasts for 1 minute (10 rounds).

Fatima steps around the quivering corpse, but her new target is more in control of its faculties and parries her blow with its arm. Skin is ripped from the bone but it doesn't do any significant damage. (OOC: No AoO because Z3 is cowering)

Runik tumbles backward and launches his eldritch blade toward the middle maggot, striking it and wrapping it in a web of energy. It writhes in pain as it slithers slowly forward.

The maggots slither forward, unafraid (or perhaps unaware) of the dangerous energies crackling around Runik and Pyrra.
M2&3 move toward Runik. M1 moves toward Pyrra.
Runik may take an AoO on M1 as it moves into the house.

M1 on Pyrra: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
crit conf: [roll2]
crit dmg: [roll3]

M4 on Pyrra: [roll4]
damage: [roll5]
crit conf: [roll6]
crit dmg: [roll7]

M2 on Runik: [roll8] (-2 from entangled, forgot to include)
damage: [roll9]
crit conf: [roll10]
crit dmg: [roll11]

M3 on Runik: [roll12]
damage: [roll13]
crit conf: [roll14]
crit dmg: [roll15]

If any hit, make a Fort save DC 14 or be paralyzed for 1 round by their spittle!

Map link (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10tgkttGRIRcRhki61X_Tz2UMJnBNIqGswNv5vxrVaqI/edit#gid=603294950)

Runik 22
Maggots 19
Bernard 18 <<
Zombie 14
Fatima 13
Pyrra 13

2014-05-30, 12:48 PM
"Ha, ha," Bernard laughs. "Thank you. Starting to feel a little queasy and needed some help."

He swings his mace high in an attempt to bring it crashing down on the zombie and hopefully finishing him.



2014-05-30, 12:50 PM
Ok, I'm fired. I even copied and pasted this one. Grrr....

Mace Base Damage:
Mace Bonus Damage:

2014-05-30, 01:07 PM
Will you please mark the 10 damage you took earlier on your character sheet? Maybe you did and forgot to hit save.

The mace comes down on its shoulder with a sickening crunch, the bones completely crushed by the force of the blow. Its left arm hangs limply from a few tenacious shreds of skin. The momentum turns the monster to face Fatima, and it lashes out at her with its remaining mobility.

Z1&3 continue to cower.

Z2 on Fatima: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
crit conf: [roll2]
crit dmg: [roll3]

If hit make a Fort save DC 13 or be sickened.
Map link (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10tgkttGRIRcRhki61X_Tz2UMJnBNIqGswNv5vxrVaqI/edit#gid=603294950)

Runik 22 <<
Maggots 19
Bernard 18
Zombie 14
Fatima 13 <<
Pyrra 13 <<

2014-05-30, 03:21 PM
"Ignus!" Pyrra exclaims as the maggots refuse to fall, despite her best efforts. She detaches the augment crystal from her crossbow and attaches it to her dagger in preparation for her next attack against the maggots (two move actions that do not provoke AoOs).

2014-05-30, 07:56 PM
The zombie's blow glances off of Fatima's chain as she slashes again at the zombie, hacking at it with the sickle. She turns to look at the maggots, mouth curling in disgust. "Those things look pretty nasty! Runik, Pyrra, are you all right?"

Standard action, attack Z2. No move action taken.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

HP: 51/51
AC: 20, touch 14, flat-footed 18

Rebuke undead: 2 rounds left
Touch of the Void: 3 rounds left

2014-05-31, 12:10 AM
Spell Compendium page 96 lists it as a swift action casting time. I thought using a wand takes as much time as casting the spell. Am I wrong?

Fort Save vs Paralysis [roll0]

Runik heaves his eldritch glaive at the fleeing opponent.

Attack [roll1]

Damage [roll2]

With a glance over at Fatima, Runik shouts confidently "Been better, been worse. They are ugly, though."

Afterwards, Runik and Greyhawk both proceed backwards another 5ft (to N15 and N16 respectively). After retreating, Runik strikes out at the nearest maggot (M2), but shifts his posture to a more defensive stance.

Attack [roll3] (2 points into Combat Expertise)

Damage [roll4]

2014-05-31, 12:12 PM
Oooh my bad. I was looking at the Complete Adventurer version which is a standard. Nevermind, you're good to go.
Runik catches the back end of the maggot as it turns to pursue other prey, but as he assumes his defensive posture the maggots dodge his more carefully placed attacks before biting at him again.

Pyrra with the brief flashes of light from your spells you can see three partially eaten bodies around the edge of the room. The smell is atrocious and a plethora of flies buzz around the room.
M2&3 take a 5 foot step squirm toward Runik.

M1 on Pyrra: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
crit conf: [roll2]
crit dmg: [roll3]

M4 on Pyrra: [roll4]
damage: [roll5]
crit conf: [roll6]
crit dmg: [roll7]

M2 on Runik: [roll8]
damage: [roll9]
crit conf: [roll10]
crit dmg: [roll11]

M3 on Runik: [roll12]
damage: [roll13]
crit conf: [roll14]
crit dmg: [roll15]

Hit = Fort save, DC 14. Failure = paralyzed 1 round.

Map link (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10tgkttGRIRcRhki61X_Tz2UMJnBNIqGswNv5vxrVaqI/edit#gid=603294950)

Runik 22
Maggots 19
Bernard 18 <<
Zombie 14
Fatima 13
Pyrra 13

2014-05-31, 03:26 PM
Hoping he doesn't lose his breakfast when he opens his mouth, Bernard raises his holy symbol yet again and shouts, "Die, vermin of hell. Die!"


2014-05-31, 06:24 PM
The 3 remaining zombies burst as the light of Pelor washes over them. The exertion sends a small bubble of bile up Bernard's throat leaving an acrid flavor in his mouth to accompany the smell of decay from the bodies.

Map link (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10tgkttGRIRcRhki61X_Tz2UMJnBNIqGswNv5vxrVaqI/edit#gid=603294950)

Runik 22 <<
Maggots 19
Bernard 18
Zombie 14
Fatima 13 <<
Pyrra 13 <<

2014-05-31, 06:35 PM
"A little help, here!" Pyrra calls out to anyone listening as she swings wildly with her dagger against the maggot in front of her (M4). [roll0], [roll1]+[roll2] v Undead

2014-05-31, 09:04 PM
Fatima calls out, "Well done, Bernard!", then sprints at the maggots, putting as much force behind the flimsy sickle as she can.

Full-round action, charge to O12, attacking M4.
Attack: [roll0] (including +2 from charge)
Damage: [roll1]

HP: 51/51
AC: 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (including -2 from charge)

Rebuke undead: 1 rounds left
Touch of the Void: 2 rounds left

2014-05-31, 10:23 PM
Runik and Greyhawk continue to retreat (moving 5ft backwards again to N16 and N17 respectively).

Runik strikes hard against one of the maggots, holding little in reserve, but trying to keep himself from creating opening as he attacks.

Attack [roll0] (1 point in combat expertise)

Damage [roll1]

After slashing at the infernal larvae with his eldritch glaive he says, "You know, we were taught he eat your cousins in survival training. I bet you taste good, roasted over a fire. Just like chicken."

2014-06-01, 12:29 PM
Pyrra, unaccustomed to melee, strikes a deep blow against the air around her target. Fatima, coming to her aid, rushes forward but also misses the mark. Runik, however, strikes true, slaying one of his attackers (M2) and sending spittle and gore spilling out onto the ground.

The remaining maggot on the street turns its attention to Fatima, attempting to strike her from behind. The one in the doorway does the same, but the third remains glued to Pyrra.

M3 takes a 5 foot step toward Fatima.

M1 on Pyrra: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
crit conf: [roll2]
crit dmg: [roll3]

M3 on Fatima: [roll4] (+2 for flanking included)
damage: [roll5]
crit conf: [roll6]
crit dmg: [roll7]

M4 on Fatima: [roll8]
damage: [roll9]
crit conf: [roll10]
crit dmg: [roll11]

Hit = Fort save, DC 14 or paralyzed 1 round

Map link (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10tgkttGRIRcRhki61X_Tz2UMJnBNIqGswNv5vxrVaqI/edit#gid=603294950)

Runik 22 <<
Maggots 19
Bernard 18 <<
Zombie 14
Fatima 13 <<
Pyrra 13 <<

2014-06-01, 12:37 PM
Pyrra continues to flail wildly against the maggots, striking out with her dagger against the maggot flanked by Fatima. [roll0], [roll1]+[roll2] v Undead

2014-06-01, 09:05 PM
Encouraged by the death of one his attackers, Runik presses on against the other, advancing 5ft (to N15) toward the remaining maggot (M3).

He raises his eldritch glaive and strikes at his opponent, saying, "We are going to eat well tonight, my friends."

Attack [roll0]

Damage [roll1]

2014-06-02, 01:05 PM
OOC: Is vomiting a free action? :)


More bile rises in Bernard's throat as Runik keeps talking about eating the maggots. It seems that it is everything he can do to just to keep his stomach in check.

As best he can, he moves in to help the other with these... <urp>... maggots.

Moving to M12 (4 squares).

Attack -2 for being sickened, but not including flanking bonus (if any)):

Damage (-2 for being sickened):

2014-06-02, 01:35 PM
While Bernard and Runik struggle to catch the agile little wormling, Pyrra connects her dagger with her target's soft, oozing body, though only with a glancing blow. You notice the crystal attached to your dagger doesn't light up as it does when you strike the undead.

2014-06-02, 06:26 PM
Fatima winces from the maggot's strike, but shakes off its effects. She hacks at the maggot again, then sidesteps out from between the vile vermin.

Standard action, attack M4, then take a five-foot step to O13.
Attack: [roll0] (including +2 from flanking; forgot about that bonus last turn, though I don't think it would've mattered)
Damage: [roll1]

Position: O13
HP: 51/51
AC: 20, touch 14, flat-footed 18

Touch of the Void: 1 rounds left

2014-06-04, 02:41 PM
Swallowing whatever was rising in his throat, Bernard presses the attack, keeping on the maggots as best he could.

Attack (included flanking bonus and sickened penalty):

Damage (included sickened penalty):

2014-06-04, 02:51 PM
Oops forgot to update this yesterday, sorry! Bernard you already acted since the maggots' last turn, so we'll use that attack for after this post.

The maggot squeals as Fatima clips its back side and turns around to lash out at her. Bernard, sickened from his pustulous wound, staggers and misses the slimy creature.

M1 on Pyrra: [roll0], damage [roll1], crit conf: [roll2]

M3 on Bernard: [roll3], damage [roll4], crit conf: [roll5]

M4 on Fatima: [roll6], damage [roll7], crit conf: [roll8]

Hit = Fort save DC 14 or paralyzed 1 round.

Map link (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10tgkttGRIRcRhki61X_Tz2UMJnBNIqGswNv5vxrVaqI/edit#gid=603294950)

Runik 22 <<
Maggots 19
Bernard 18
Zombie 14
Fatima 13 <<
Pyrra 13 <<

2014-06-04, 03:17 PM
Pyrra manages to avoid another bite from the maggot. She pulls the gem off her dagger (move action) and slices once more at the corpse eating vermin. [roll0], [roll1]

2014-06-04, 08:08 PM
Fatima utters a brief command, then steps back in between the maggots, striking in rhythm with Pyrra.

Five-foot step back to O12. Swift action, activate Touch of the Void. Standard action, attack M4.
Attack: [roll0] (including +2 from flanking)
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2] cold

Position: O12
HP: 44/51
AC: 20, touch 14, flat-footed 18

Touch of the Void: 5 rounds left

No worries about missing the update; it's fine. I edited to update my HP in the Status spoiler, hadn't accounted for the earlier hit.

2014-06-04, 10:38 PM
"It must be odd for a creature such as yourself to find your food fighting back so fiercely." Runik jests as he strikes again at the maggot in front of him (M3).

Eldritch Glaive

Attack [roll0]

Damage [roll1]

After attacking he asks the others, "Is everyone alright over there?"

2014-06-05, 12:00 PM
With Pyrra and Fatima double teaming the maggot in the doorway, it meets its demise at Fatima's blade as Runik strikes the one in the street. The remaining two, injured and outnumbered, fight to the best of their limited intelligence.

M1 on Pyrra: [roll0], damage [roll1], crit conf [roll2]
M3 on Fatima: [roll3], damage [roll4], crit conf [roll5]

Hit = Fort save, DC 13. Failure = paralyzed 1 round.

2014-06-05, 11:08 PM
Fatima grins over at Runik. "Pulling through, but I hate bug-hunting. I think Pyrra needs a hand, though." She slashes at the maggot threatening the short wizard, then steps away from the doorway.

Standard action, attack M1. Five-foot step to O13.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Position: O13
HP: 35/51
AC: 20, touch 14, flat-footed 18

Touch of the Void: 4 rounds left

2014-06-06, 08:12 AM
Pyrra steps toward Fatima, blinks, and disappears. She reappears on the other side of her flanking partner (M11) and, seeing the others have the situation in hand, uses a charge of her healing belt. [roll0] worth of healing energy courses through her as the first gem on her belt glows briefly, then fades in luster. Then, she draws her crossbow in one hand, still holding the dagger in the other.

2014-06-06, 09:04 AM
"Unmph," Bernard mutters in response as he swings his mace at the maggot.

OOC: Rolled already.

2014-06-06, 11:35 AM
Runik strikes out with his eldritch glaive again.No IC post yesterday, so I'm just keeping things moving as I'm pretty certain this is what you'd do anyway.
Move to L13. Flanking with Fatima.
Attack on M3: [roll0], damage [roll1], crit conf [roll2]

The maggots continue their slimy onslaught.
M1 moves to O12. Fatima may take an AoO.

M1 on Fatima: [roll3], damage [roll4], crit conf [roll5]
M3 on Fatima: [roll6], damage [roll7], crit conf [roll8]

Hit = Fort save DC 13. Failure = paralyzed for 1 round.

OOC: The 4 of you are up again.

2014-06-06, 08:35 PM
Pyrra steps back, slipping the dagger into its sheath, then fires her crossbow at the maggot in front of her.

5' to N10, sheath weapon as move, attack M3 as standard. -4 Penalty for engaged in melee.

[roll0], [roll1] piercing

2014-06-06, 10:11 PM
AoO: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Fort: [roll2]

Fatima's quick blow on the squirming maggot cut deep, but the other maggot takes the opening to strike home. Fatima starts to cry out, but is cut off by the unnatural paralysis.

Position: O13
HP: 32/51
(AC: 13, touch 7, flat-footed 13)

Touch of the Void: 3 rounds left

2014-06-06, 10:17 PM
AoO crit confirmation: [roll0]
Crit damage: [roll1]

2014-06-10, 02:19 PM
Bernard steps forward queasily and attempts to strike the maggot nearest Pyrra but finds himself too near retching to make an effective attack.
Move: 5 foot step to N12.
Standard: Attack M1: [roll0], damage [roll1], crit conf [roll2]

Runik continues his assault on the other maggot. The eldritch energy singes the segmented creature's backside. Pungent smoke mingles with the mist.
Standard: Glaive on M3: [roll3], damage [roll4], crit conf [roll5]

The maggots, harried at every turn but too stupid to retreat use what will likely be their final breaths to paralyze as many as they can.
M1 on Pyrra: [roll6], damage [roll7], crit conf [roll8]

M2 on Fatima: [roll9], damage [roll10], crit conf [roll11]

Hits = Fort save DC 14 or paralyzed one round. Fatima, you're un-paralyzed at the start of their turn so this is against your normal AC.

Party is up again. Both maggots are bloodied.

2014-06-10, 02:24 PM
Pyrra steps back (5' to O10) and fires at the maggot facing Fatima. "Enough already! Just die!" [roll0], [roll1]

2014-06-10, 02:26 PM
Granting your wish, the maggot lurches backwards with the force of the bolt and stops moving.

2014-06-10, 04:20 PM
"Once more into the <barf> my friends," Bernard gasps, swinging his mace again, hoping to finish these maggots off... so he can throw up.



2014-06-10, 04:30 PM
The final maggot sags in its broken carapace and falls still. The adrenaline of battle slowly fades from your system leaving you once again in a barren street.

675 xp for each of you. Woot!

2014-06-10, 04:49 PM
Fatima staggers from the last blow, sighing as the maggots finally die. "Praise be to the Forgotten Gods...those things took some serious effort. " She looks around at her companions. "How badly is everyone hurt? I took some pretty heavy blows in that fight."

2014-06-10, 05:31 PM
"I'm hurt, but not badly. But I really don't feel well... at all." The cleric reaches out his hand and touches Fatima's shoulder, uttering a prayer of healing to Pelor. "How is that, do you need more? Anyone else hurt?"

Casting CMW: [roll0]

2014-06-10, 08:38 PM
"I feel like I'm running at about 66%," Pyrra says. "I could use a Cure Light Wounds, if you've got one. Are we strong enough to continue, or should we rest now? I've still got spells, most of them high level. I could keep going." She makes sure the truedeath crystal is attached securely to her crossbow, then starts searching the corpses and collecting the maggots for their supper.

2014-06-10, 09:21 PM
Fatima straightens up, the fatigue of her wounds falling away. "Thank you, Bernard. That spell makes me feel good as new. Truly, you have some wondrous powers."

2014-06-11, 08:59 AM
Bernard approaches Pyrra and calls upon the grace Pelor granted him and casts CLW on her.


2014-06-11, 09:10 AM
"Thank you, Bernard." Pyrra says gratefully. "So, press on, or rest here? Either way, when we rest, let's do so in this defensible room. You know," Pyrra says thoughtfully. "I wonder what's inside." Pyrra takes a better look at the exposed chamber, examining the shared walls for obvious structural weaknesses.

2014-06-11, 09:30 AM
Bernard looks around. "I must say I am anxious to find the other Lightbringers who were sent here. If this is the state of the town, I fear for their lives. I would like to find answers soon." He coughs and gags at the same time. "Plus, I may need some help. That last fight... really affected me."

To see if I can determine what my ailment is and how to cure it.

2014-06-11, 11:02 AM
Your arm is tingling from the bite wound you suffered during the battle. The veins around the laceration are swelled and discolored as though your very blood were trying to escape from the toxins left behind. This definitely feels like a disease of some sort, but your usual ointments and poultices seem to have no effect. There is a supernatural darkness behind this illness...

You do recall a couple spells (Remove Disease or Remove Curse) that may help. Perhaps the town priest has one readied against this plague if you do not.

The villagers' bodies hold nothing of value. The room you were in contains three partially decomposed bodies covered in the slimy ichor left behind by the maggots. Between them you find 38 gold pieces and a silver ring (worth 5g). The door into the back room is bent out of shape but intact. It looks like a maggot tried to squeeze through the gap and got stuck, dying in its place. Behind the door you hear soft weeping.

2014-06-11, 02:52 PM
Pyrra collects all the valuables and sets them aside to be divided later. Whoever takes the ring will get less gold, but so be it. Hearing the voice beyond the door, she calls for her companions, loud enough to be heard by whoever lies beyond the door-"Hey, guys, I think we have a survivor. She or he probably needs healing." Then she knocks on the door. "My name is Pyrra. I am friendly. Are you alive? Are you hurt?" she says through the door. She also stabs the maggot with her dagger (coup de grace just in case) and pulls it out of the hole in the door. Then she looks through the hole made by the maggot, showing her face to whoever is on the other side.

2014-06-12, 09:53 AM
"Well there is irony for you," Bernard mutters as he examines his wounds. "Not sure what we would find in the village, I prepared mostly offensive spells. The spells that would help me, however, are not ones I entreated Pelor's grace for." He shrugs and casts cure light wounds on himself to, at the very least, provide some strength of what lies ahead. "I would very much like to find my fellows. Shall we continue?"

He looks around scanning the streets for any movement, trying to determine his way to the village square, if there is one.

Substituting Bless Water for CLW

2014-06-12, 12:33 PM
Straining your ears you pick up the sound of distant moaning. It's hard to tell exactly how many distinct voices you hear but there are at least 3. It seems to be coming from SW of your current position.

Approximate location of moans marked as an 'm' on the map.

As you pull the maggot's body out you see the front end is completely smashed to a gooey pulp. A young girl's voice responds from the darkness between sobs, "It... was trying to get in. I... I saw it eating them and I screamed and... it tried to get in. I just kept hitting it until it stopped." A young face, probably about 10 or 11 years old, appears opposite yours and a couple feet back from the door. The girl is clutching a hay-stuffed doll in one hand that's had most of the life squeezed out of it and a meat tenderizer in the other. "Are... are they all dead?"

2014-06-12, 01:54 PM
"Yep, all dead. What's your name, sweetheart?" Pyrra says warmly. After learning the child's name, she uses it in her request that the child open the door. She also asks, "Are you hurt?"

2014-06-12, 02:12 PM
"*sniff* Mauldrie. I'm Mauldrie. I'm okay." She comes closer toward the door. Dirt is smeared across the right side of her face and shoulder as though she fell at some point. Thin streaks of clean skin run vertically from her eye to her chin. "You look kinda burned," she says with innocent candor as she manipulates the bolt. "It's all bent up, I can't get it open."

2014-06-12, 02:20 PM
"Nice to meet you, Mauldrie. Step back. We're going to open this door." Pyrra watches as Mauldrie steps back, and uses the time to better observe the room on the other side. Then, she calls out, "Hey, Fatima! stepping out of the room and back into the street if necessary to get the Binder to join her at the door. "Can you come break this door down? There's a survivor on the other side. Aim for the hinges, so we can use it for a barricade."

2014-06-13, 06:41 AM
Runik enters the room slowly, limping heavily from his wounds. When he sees the child, he straightens immediately and attempts to put on a happy smile. Hearing the conversation as it passed, Runik continues to talk to the girl while the others focus on the door.

"You did very good, Mauldine. You were very brave."

Can diplomacy be used to improve ones mood? I'm not sure on what skill you'd use for comforting a child.

Diplomacy [roll0]

Bluff [roll1]

"And who's this?" Runik says gesturing to the doll. "Did they keep you safe?"

2014-06-13, 11:57 AM
I don't think that's *technically* possible, but it seems entirely reasonable to me. Besides, how can I argue with a natural 20? :D

"This is Geraldine. She's a princess. She used to live up in the castle until she got kidnapped by the mean old gypsies. I rescued her though. Had to save my coins for weeks." Some of the tension and fear in her voice melts away as you distract her with more pleasant thoughts. The doll's horse hair is beautifully combed... where it hasn't been ripped out from being overly attended to.

With some well-placed blows you are able to smash the door off its hinges. It's portable enough (2 hands, speed reduced as if wearing medium armor) to use as a barricade though not incredibly sturdy. Mauldrie peeks her head out of the doorway before coming slowly out of the small living quarters. Her gaze carefully avoids the bodies along the wall and instead turns to the mists outside. A bit of that fear returns to her face but she sniffles and carries on. "We were supposed to meet at the inn but there were too many dead people in the street and we got stuck. Do you think they're still there?"

2014-06-13, 12:16 PM
At hearing mention of a survivor, Bernard rushes over to aid in getting to the child. "My name is Bernard and I am a priest of Pelor. Are you okay, little one?" He checks Mauldrie for wounds or injuries. Then, noticing Runik's limp, he says. "You are limping, Runik. Let me help you."

Substituting Shield Other for CMW


2014-06-13, 12:22 PM
Mauldrie looks fine (she's missing 1 HP). Some minor cuts and bruises (probably from her fall), but those will heal naturally in the next day or two.

2014-06-13, 12:43 PM
Pyrra makes sure that the door is set aside near the entrance from the street before saying to Mauldrie, "We're going to find out," Pyrra says, smiling brightly and making eye contact with the child to comfort her. The gnome doesn't have to bend far to make eye contact with the girl. "Do you know how to get there?"

2014-06-13, 12:48 PM
Bernard looks back and forth between Pyrra and Mauldrie. "Wait. In order to tell the two of you apart, one of you is going to have to grow a mustache."

2014-06-13, 01:10 PM
Mauldrie laughs at the idea and holds some of her doll's hair up under her nose before giggling again. "Yeah it's in the middle of town. My dad goes... used to go there a lot. The easiest way is to go down and then over along the main road, but there were dead people in the intersection before. Did you get them too?"

2014-06-13, 07:26 PM
Fatima makes short work of the door, setting it aside at Pyrra's direction. In response to the girl's question, she says "We took care of some of the dead near the town's entrance. I think I hear more, though. We might be able to distract them, then run around and head for the inn. How many people lived here in town before all this started?"

2014-06-13, 09:34 PM
Pyrra smiles. "We've got a lot of the bad guys, but there's probably more. You should come with us, but stay back from the fighting. We'll keep you safe." She looks at Fatima. "I've got a lot of fire left. I can be the distraction."

2014-06-13, 10:29 PM
Fatima shrugs. "They're not exactly intelligent creatures; I think making some noise should be enough of a distraction, we don't need to cast any spells for that."

2014-06-14, 08:01 AM
"I do love to blow things up, though. And when they are our enemies... even better."

2014-06-14, 03:44 PM
As Bernard's healing energies pass over him, Runik feels a comforting warmth, reinvigorating him.

"Many thanks, brother Bernard, for your aid. Please pass my thanks onto your God. H does well in choosing you as a servant."

Calling over his donkey, Runik introduces Mauldrie to him.

"If you say the others are at the inn, Mauldrie, we will have to go see them. You are very safe with us. This is Greyhawk." He says, motioning to the donkey. "He may not be very handsome, but he is loyal, and he will keep you safe."

Looking over at Greyhawk, he commands "Guard.", patting Mauldrie on the head gently.

"You're in very good hands...or hoofs." he corrects with a smile.

2014-06-16, 11:44 AM
"I don't know, lots I guess. Maybe a hundred?" she says in response to Fatima's question. Mauldrie stays close to Greyhawk as you retrace your steps back the way you came. At the intersection you head west through the fog per your miniature escort's directions. After a few dozen feet the ever-present mists clear slightly revealing a human body lying face down in the street amid the garbage just west of a T intersection (the third branch leads north). The door of one of the buildings on the south side of the street is smashed open.

Please make Listen checks in your next posts.


2014-06-16, 12:11 PM
Cautiously, Bernard moves down the street, trying to keep alert and watching for any signs of undead lurking in doorways, alleyways or even in plain sight. As they approach the intersection, he moves to the corner of the near building and peers around it, looking down the street. "Stay back for a bit," he says to Mauldrie. He also watches the area around the body in the middle of the street, checking for more zombies.


OOC: I know that was a lot of checking and probably took more than one round to complete. Please feel free to adjust the timing and results to fit with the actions of the rest of the group as they develop. If he cannot see anything, he will approach the body and examine it.

2014-06-16, 06:03 PM
The street seems clear, and you can vaguely hear moans somewhere ahead down the road. Bernard creeps forward and peeks his head around the corner only to find himself inches from the shoulder of a walking corpse. It turns as his chainmail clinks, but Bernard is able to pull himself around the corner before it notices him. Several tense moments pass, but the zombie doesn't follow the sweet smell of sweat and fear around the corner.

The black triangle is the corpse in the road.


2014-06-16, 07:44 PM
Fatima cautiously walks down the street, keeping her eyes and ears open.

Listen check: [roll0]
Spot check (if relevant): [roll1]
Hide check (if relevant): [roll2]

2014-06-17, 05:49 AM
Runik stays close to Greyhawk and the child, peering into the streets, his ears burning with the hum of silence.

Listen [roll0]

Spot [roll1]

2014-06-17, 08:20 AM
Pyrra stays close to the child as well, praying that Bernard can take care of the undead in one hit.

2014-06-17, 09:08 AM
Bernard glances around the corner, then leaps back trying not to squeal like a girl... or loose his lunch. He seems to have gotten over the initial sickness, but still feels weak. He signals to the others that there are zombies around the corner. He only saw the one, but there may be more.

To be on the safe side in case there are more, he decides to go for control, rather than brute force. He raises his holy symbol, then steps out into the street and faces the zombie, looking to see just how many there are.

"Go to oblivion, ye horror and abominations! All ______ of thee!" He fills in the blank with the number of zombies he sees, letting his companions know just how many there are.

Spot Check [roll0]
Destroy Undead Damage (DC 20) [roll1]

OOC: Steps to M9. I assume this is the surprise round. Surprise! I'm killing you.

2014-06-17, 12:48 PM
"All... ONE of thee!" Bernard shouts. The zombie turns its face away as the holy energy sears its skin. Though you couldn't see it, a moan of pain emanates from the broken door on the south side of the street as well.

As Bernard shouts at the undead, you hear a tinny shriek coming from the building nearest him. From the high pitch it could be another child but you're not sure.

Zombies: [roll4] <<
Bernard: [roll0]
Fatima: [roll1]
Runik: [roll3]
Pyrra: [roll2]

My aren't those unfortunate initiatives...
Mauldrie will remain adjacent to Greyhawk wherever he goes unless she's attacked in which case she will flee to the nearest one of you.


2014-06-17, 01:54 PM
The zombies lumber forward, hungry for the flesh of Pelor's child. A door opens down the street and a third shambles toward you. A fourth opens the door nearest Fatima and steps out attempting to take a bite out of her arm. Mauldrie puts a hand on Greyhawk's flank, but it's unclear which of them she's trying to comfort.

Z1 on Bernard: [roll0], damage [roll1], crit conf [roll2]
Z2 on Bernard: [roll3], damage [roll4], crit conf [roll5]
Z4 on Fatima: [roll6], damage [roll7], crit conf [roll8]

Hit = Fort save DC 13 or sickened.
Bernard: no need for saves, you've already caught their stank. :smallwink:

Zombies: 20
Bernard: 9 <<
Fatima: 7 <<
Runik: 7 <<
Pyrra: 6 <<


2014-06-17, 03:13 PM
Pyrra Balefully Transposes Z4 and Bernard. If successful, she moves to P9. As she moves in front of Runik, she shouts! "Fill the hole!"

Willing creatures don't save. Unwilling creatures Will Save DC 16. Bernard and Z4 switch places. If Runik moves to O10 we won't get flanked.

2014-06-17, 04:17 PM
Apparently, Bernard stepped out just a bit too soon. Surprised by the zombies arriving on the street, he is caught by the Z1's attack. He mutters a curse at his injury and ineptitude and swings his mace as hard as he can in spite of his affliction.

OOC: Again, I assume my "turn" attempt was the surprise round and that it is no Bernard's go according to the initiative order, correct?


Mace Base Damage:
Mace Bonus Damage:

2014-06-17, 04:25 PM
OOC: That's correct. Sorry, forgot to mention it in the initiative post.

2014-06-17, 08:46 PM
Fatima curses as the zombie lurches out of the door, scrambling out of its way. Holding the symbol of Tenebrous high, she cries out, "Back, foul creatures!"

Move to O11. EDIT: no move. Rebuke undead.
Rebuke check: [roll0]
Rebuke damage: [roll1]

As she assumes her position in the line, Fatima glances into the house to her side. (Tenebrous grants perfect sight through darkness) "There might be another survivor nearby; I heard some sort of shriek from the house that Bernard was next to."

Position: P11.
HP: 50/51
AC: 20, touch 14, flat-footed 18

Rebuke undead: 5 rounds left

2014-06-18, 11:00 AM
Wasn't going to post this until after Tibb went, but the moving around was getting a bit confusing. Still waiting on Runik's actions before the bads go again.

The house the zombie came from looks empty. There was probably a struggle inside as a table is upturned and you see blood on the floor near the bed in the corner.
Bernard brings his mace down hard against the zombie's chest smashing it into the wall. As it thuds against the wood you all hear another shriek emanate from within that house (the one with the door at O9). Moments later Bernard finds himself farther back down the street having switched places with the zombie. The human wall of flesh is nearly complete when Fatima calls on Tenebrous again freezing the two nearest undead with fear.

Zombies: 20
Bernard: 9
Fatima: 7
Runik: 7 <<
Pyrra: 6

Red zombies are cowering.


2014-06-19, 06:31 AM
Runik squares himself, unwilling to leave the child by herself in the presence of such creatures. With a glance over to her he says, "Don't worry child. We'll make quick work of them."

With a cleansing breath, he steadies himself then strikes at the zombie dead ahead of him (Z2).

Attack [roll0]

Damage [roll1]

2014-06-20, 12:53 PM
Runik's blast of energy punches a solid hole through the zombie's chest, but still it stands. Through the hole you see the body in the middle of the street rustle as two 4-foot long, segemented white worms squirm out from beneath their meal. Eyeless and drooling a stinking ichor from their mandibles, these monstrous maggots slither forth toward a living meal.

As you hold the line and see the scavengers slouching toward you, a dark shape catches your eye flying down from the roof of the building adjacent to Pyrra. The hideous, distorted head is suspended from leathery wings. In place of hair sit several writhing tendrils. No body is to be found, just the head. It emits a piercing shriek that sends shivers running down your spines. Mauldrie screams in return and covers her ears, but seems unharmed.
OOC: Knowledge Planes to learn more.

They start in G10 & 11.
M1: double move to O9
M2: double move to O11

M1 is also paralyzed from the flying thing's shriek.
Move: Fly to R9, 10 feet off the ground.
Standard: Shriek.

All PCs make Fortitude saves DC12. Failure = paralyzed (fear effect). It lasts until the creature dies, attacks the paralyzed individual, or moves out of view.
Tibb, don't forget to roll for Greyhawk.

M1 save: [roll0]
M2 save: [roll1]
Mauldrie save: [roll2]
Move to O10.
Attack Pyrra: [roll3], damage [roll4], crit conf [roll5]

Move to N10.

Hit = Fort save DC 13. Failure = sickened.

Zombies: 20
Bernard: 9 <<
Fatima: 7 <<
Runik: 7 <<
Pyrra: 6 <<
Maggots: 5
Flyer: 3

Red zombies are cowering.
M1 is paralyzed.


2014-06-21, 06:51 AM
Runik [roll0]

Greyhawk [roll1]

On his turn, surveying the battlefield, Runik shouts "In these days, my friends, we have seen children orphaned, families slaughtered, fathers and mothers wrapped by foul powers and brought to turn against their kin. These sinister machina...mechin...machine...forces seek to crumble the foundations of our civilizations. They seek to burn the pious, flay the righteous and execute the good. May the lightning of your glory be seen and the thunder of your onset heard. May we be the avengers of innocent blood on the hands of the evil."

The speech is to commence Inspire Courage.

2014-06-21, 09:43 AM
"Maggots, again?" Pyrra says, ducking her 3' frame 5' backwards directly. The swipe from the zombie dug deep into her flesh, so she digs deep into her spell reserves and casts her second and final fireball for the day, adding a little extra oomph into the spell.

5' step to Q9, approximately 8-9 feet from the flying head thing. Centered on L10 so as to catch all the enemies and none of us. Sudden Empower feat. [roll0]+50% (41), Ref DC 18 for half

Imp Rouge
2014-06-21, 10:09 AM
http://www.nodiatis.com/pub/7.jpg (http://www.nodiatis.com/personality.htm)

Imp Rouge
2014-06-21, 10:10 AM
http://www.nodiatis.com/pub/19.jpg (http://www.nodiatis.com/personality.htm)

2014-06-21, 12:06 PM
Inspired perhaps by Runik's speech or possibly by the onslaught of foes, Pyrra lets loose a fireball in the center of the intersection sending a flash of light and heat rushing toward all of your faces. Two of the zombies and the paralyzed maggot are just ash when you turn your faces back toward them and the others are crispy and blistered.

Z1: [roll0]
Z2: [roll1]
Z3: [roll2]
Z4: [roll3]

M1: [roll4] (paralyzed, auto fails)
M2: [roll5]

Zombies: 20
Bernard: 9 <<
Fatima: 7 <<
Runik: 7
Pyrra: 6
Maggots: 5
Flyer: 3

Red zombies are cowering.


2014-06-22, 12:08 AM
Fatima draws on the strength of the bonds with the spirits she serves, shouting in defiance in response to the shriek. (OOC: Fear immunity from Soul Guardian. Rest of my actions depending on whether I (retroactively) have my morningstar or my sickle)

Position: P11.
HP: 50/51
AC: 20, touch 14, flat-footed 18

Rebuke undead: 4 rounds left

2014-06-22, 11:41 AM
"What in the daylight is THAT," Bernard shouts seeing this... thing flying overhead. Then the maggots appear. "Runik!" he calls. "Never say, 'short work' again!"

Bernard calls upon the power of the sun and unleashed a Searing Light at the flying... thing. This is something he has not encountered before (no knowledge of the planes)

If flyer is undead, add the following:

2014-06-22, 11:43 AM
Can't type.

Ranged touch attack:

2014-06-22, 10:05 PM
Fatima yells as she brings the morningstar down in a fierce blow against the maggot. She glances around the battlefield, taking note of the closest threats.

Attack the maggot, using Touch of the Void.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2] cold
Designate M2 for bonus AC from Dodge. If the maggot dies, designate Z3 instead.

Position: P11.
HP: 50/51
AC: 20, touch 14, flat-footed 18 (+1 dodge against M2/Z3)

Rebuke undead: 4 rounds left
Touch of the Void: 5 rounds left

2014-06-22, 11:35 PM
Your swing connects with the maggot's body. it's mandibles try to latch onto your arm as it comes within range.
Attack Fatima [roll0], damage [roll1], crit conf [roll2]
The winged monstrosity folds its wings and drops to eye level with Pyrra, the menacing eyes of flame a sinister parody of her own. It opens its jaw and bites at her flesh.
Move: Drop to ground level in its square. No AoO's since you two aren't armed.
Bite Pyrra: [roll3], damage [roll4], crit conf [roll5]
The lone zombie steps up and reaches for Fatima once again.
5 foot step to O10
Attack Fatima: [roll6], damage [roll7], crit conf [roll8]

Hit = Fort save DC 13. Failure = sickened.

Zombies: 20
Bernard: 9
Fatima: 7 <<
Runik: 7 <<
Pyrra: 6 <<
Maggots: 5
Flyer: 3

Red zombies are cowering.


2014-06-24, 09:32 AM
"Why isn't it working?" he says to his finger after his spell seemed to choke. "I charged it before I left."

Nothing seems to be working for Bernard right now. But he perseveres, swinging his mace down on the maggot in front of him.

Attack (still sickened):


2014-06-25, 09:34 PM
Fatima growls at the maggot, "Why won't you DIE!", hacking at it.

Attack M2, Power Attacking for full (+4). If it dies, designate Z3 for Dodge.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Position: P11.
HP: 50/51
AC: 20, touch 14, flat-footed 18 (+1 dodge against M2/Z3)

Rebuke undead: 3 rounds left
Touch of the Void: 4 rounds left

2014-06-26, 11:10 AM
You finally land a solid blow against the maggot, killing it and leaving a string of mucous stretching from your blade to its corpse as you remove your weapon.

Zombies: 20
Bernard: 9
Fatima: 7
Runik: 7 <<
Pyrra: 6 <<
Maggots: 5
Flyer: 3

Red zombies are cowering.


2014-06-26, 01:15 PM
Pyrra teleports to R11 and magic missiles the flying head: [roll0]

2014-06-26, 02:25 PM
The head dodges the first missile but it whips around and strikes it from behind, determined to find its target. The head falls lifelessly to the ground as Runik fires a blast of energy at the last dangerous zombie.

Attack Z3: [roll0], damage [roll1]

The zombie too falls limply to the ground. You handily execute the cowering wretch in the middle of the street and find yourselves surrounded by the calm silence of death.

Aww my vargouille was completely useless haha.

675 xp to each of you.

2014-06-26, 03:17 PM
Bernard sighs with relief that they were able to win this fight as well and whispers a prayer of thanks to his Sun God. He first inspect Mauldrie to see if she was injured at all in the fight, then looks to his companions. "Everyone survive? Intact, more or less?"

2014-06-26, 03:26 PM
Mauldrie is a little shaky from the adrenaline but uninjured. She continues to walk with Greyhawk very noticeably keeping his girth between her and the dead flying head thing.

2014-06-26, 07:48 PM
"Fine here, Bernard. Pyrra, your magic continues to amaze."

2014-06-27, 10:07 AM
Bernard examines his companions and takes a moment and calls upon the power of his god to heal them of the wounds taken in battle. "Maybe I should stay at the back of the fight next time. I don't seem to be much good at the front."

The way I read it, during this fight the following people took damage:
Bernard: 10 pts
Pyrra: 8 pts and she was already down some.

Substituting Consecrate for CMW. Use on Pyrra. [roll0]
Substituting Lesser Restoration for CMW. Use on Self. [roll1]

I know that Fatima was down 1 HP going in to the fight and Runik was down 3. Does anyone else need healing?

2014-06-30, 12:08 PM
"Thanks," she says. "I do what I do when I do what I do. I still have a few reserves left, but I'd rather keep those in case we are attacked during the night." She hefts her crossbow, making sure the truedeath crystal is firmly attached. "Mauldrie, are you alright?"

2014-06-30, 12:16 PM
"Yeah. It's spooky out here, but the square's just up ahead."

2014-06-30, 05:59 PM
"Charge," Bernard says, half-heartedly. He gives Maudrie a wink. "Just kidding. Let's go find the others."

2014-06-30, 06:23 PM

You wipe the gore from your blades and trudge on through the thickening shroud. Droplets of mist form on your clothing and run down to drip to the street below like so many tears.

Before you see anything you hear it: the grunt of exertion and the ting of a blade against stone. Ahead is a clearing, the street opening up into a small promenade. Boxes, carts, and tables have been piled up at the eastern entrance into a barricade. At least it was a barricade... The components have collapsed inward allowing free access to the square. As you close in, you see zombies swarming the square. A woman in half-plate near the well in the center valiantly fights the zombies, but she is heavily outnumbered.

Fatima: [roll1] <<
Zombies: [roll4]
Runik: [roll3]
Bernard: [roll0]
Ashlyn: [roll5]
Pyrra: [roll2]

Fatima, since you're up before the zombies they don't get AoOs against you.
Tibb hasn't posted for a week, so I'll be running Runik for now.


2014-07-02, 04:49 PM
Fatima delays (until the zombies have gone), overcome by Tenebrous's influence.

2014-07-02, 05:15 PM
The zombies lurch forward toward the lone warrior and your own tantalizing bodies, grasping with teeth and claws at whatever they can reach.
As one of the zombies (E1) charges forward, you notice it's arms are larger than the rest and it's covered in dark dirt. It moves toward Ashlyn bringing its arms high over its head and slams them down on her shoulders and attempting to drive her into the ground. She holds fast, parrying and blocking the blows expertly.

Move to L9
Attack Ashlyn: [roll0], damage [roll1], crit conf [roll2]

Hit = Fort save DC 13 or sickened.
Hit = Reflex save DC 16 or entombed.
Move to M11

Move to N8
Attack Ashlyn: [roll3], damage [roll4], crit conf [roll5]

Attack Ashlyn: [roll6], damage [roll7], crit conf [roll8]

Attack Ashlyn: [roll9], damage [roll10], crit conf [roll11]

Move to M10
Attack Ashlyn: [roll12], damage [roll13], crit conf [roll14]

Move to T11
Attack Fatima: [roll15], damage [roll16], crit conf [roll17]

Move to T9
Attack Bernard: [roll18], damage [roll19], crit conf [roll20]

Move to T12
Attack Fatima: [roll21], damage [roll22], crit conf [roll23]

Hit = Fort save DC 13. Fail = sickened.
Runik, offended by the number of undead roaming about, attempts to take down the nearest one.
Attack Z6: [roll24], damage [roll25]

Zombies: 18
Runik: 17
Fatima: 17 <<
Bernard: 9 <<
Ashlyn: 5 <<
Pyrra: 4 <<


2014-07-02, 06:02 PM
Seeing a fellow Lightbringer in trouble (having made his Spot Check to that effect), Bernard does not react quickly enough to avoid the zombie attack... and it HURT!!! He gathers his wits and attempts a bold assault... one that just might get him killed.

Heedless of the zombies in front of him, he moves up to the barricade and calls upon the power of his God. "In the name of Pelor, I banish your evil from this world!!!"

OOC: Move to R10, probably provoking AoOs from both Z6 and Z7. Using the Destroy Undead ability which should extend to every zombie, but not E1 (whatever that is).


2014-07-03, 09:35 AM
"Remember, a diversion, then run for safety!" Pyrra says, casting Fly on herself and soaring up 30' into the air.

2014-07-05, 11:15 AM
Z6: [roll0], damage [roll1], crit conf [roll2]
Z7: [roll3], damage [roll4], crit conf [roll5]

Bernard heroically rushes forward disregarding his own safety. The zombies grasp and tear at his sides as he passes, but he presses onward searing each and every one of them with his clerical devotion.
Fatima has a similar idea and calls on her mysterious ties to send the zombies nearest her shrinking away. Before moving toward the third nearest them.
Rebuke [roll6]
damage [roll7]

Move to T10.

Ashlyn turns as Bernard shouts at the abominations and catches his eye. There is no trace of fear in hers and she continues on with determination, weathering the blows and striking back when the opportunity presents itself.
Attack Z5: [roll8], damage [roll9]

Potential Saves:
Reflex: [roll10]

The zombies continue their onslaught, tearing into Ashlyn through sheer numbers.
Attack Ashlyn: [roll11], damage [roll12], crit conf [roll13]
Move to Q11
Attack Bernard: [roll14], damage [roll15], crit conf [roll16]

Attack Ashlyn: [roll17], damage [roll18], crit conf [roll19]

Attack Ashlyn: [roll20], damage [roll21], crit conf [roll22]

Attack Ashlyn: [roll23], damage [roll24], crit conf [roll25]

Attack Ashlyn: [roll26], damage [roll27], crit conf [roll28]

Attack Fatima: [roll29], damage [roll30], crit conf [roll31]

Attack Fatima: [roll32], damage [roll33], crit conf [roll34] (rebuked)

Move to S11
Attack Fatima: [roll35], damage [roll36], crit conf [roll37] (rebuked)

Hit = Fort DC 13. Failure = Sickened.
Attack Z7: [roll38], damage [roll39]

Zombies: 18
Runik: 17
Fatima: 17 <<
Bernard: 9 <<
Ashlyn: 5 <<
Pyrra: 4 <<

Z6 and Z8 are rebuked.


2014-07-05, 11:59 AM
Gripping her Rod of Extend Metamagic, Pyrra summons a Flaming Sphere in the space occupied by the Entomber. She then flies forward 30' (P11), still 30' in the air.

[roll0] damage, Ref DC 16 to negate, 16 rounds remaining.

2014-07-07, 08:58 AM
Not sure how much more I can take, Bernard thinks as he dodges another attack from a nearby zombie. He felt weary and bruised. Ignoring his wounds, extensive as they are, Bernard raises his holy symbol again and prays for a good roll... I mean... prays for power. "In the name of Pelor, you WILL DIEEEE!!!" He let that last word echo dramatically in the square.

OOC: With all that drama, this really needs to be a good roll.


2014-07-07, 12:34 PM
Fighting through the pain, Bernard's burst of radiance incinerates ALL of the zombies leaving several bodies with embers floating up into the night sky. The only thing left is the Entomber jumps forward as a ball of flame encircles him. He charges past Ashlyn for Bernard and attempts to plow him into the ground. She strikes at it as it brushes past, taking out one of its legs and bringing her blade back around into its chest sending it skidding to the ground, sliding to Bernard's feet in the dirt.

The square is silent and empty, save for the couple dozen zombies strewn about the ground. Ashlyn is breathing heavily, but looks unharmed as unbelievable as it may be. "You have impeccable timing, my friends. Had you not arrived when you did, I doubt I could have held that last wave back. The zombies haven't breached the barricade before."

Ashlyn looks around making sure no other zombies are approaching. She gives a saddened look at the destroyed eastern barricade. "We need to get that patched up." Moving to the tavern door she pounds her gauntlet three times. "It's safe. We need repairs made immediately." The door opens timidly and two surly men in travelers' garments come quickly out with hammers and nails and get to work repairing the makeshift wall. They're dressed similarly to the man who delivered the message to you at the inn last night. Above the door hangs a wooden sign that reads Blood on the Vine Tavern.
The sign originally said Blood of the Vine, but at some point an 'N' was scratched over the 'F'.

A door on the opposite side of the square opens as well, and a young man, perhaps 17, ventures out to help with the repairs, the door closing promptly behind him. The sign above that building reads Bildrath's Mercantile.

Once repairs are underway, Ashlyn speaks again. "I apologize for my rudeness, but the defenses have to take precedence over formalities. I am Ashlyn, a member of the Lightbringers. My companions and I heard Barovia was thick with horrors and came to cleanse them. I sent a request for reinforcements... is that why you're here?"

Double move to M10.

AoO on Entomber: [roll0], damage [roll1]
Attack Entomber: [roll2], damage [roll3]

AoO on Entomber: [roll4], damage [roll5]

Ref vs Flaming Sphere: [roll6]

Move to Q10. Provokes AoOs.
Attack Bernard: [roll7], damage [roll8] (killed)

Hit = Reflex save DC 16. Failure = entombed in a shallow grave beneath your square. You may attempt a grapple check to escape.
Attack entomber: [roll9], damage [roll10]
Move to P10
Attack entomber: [roll11], damage [roll12]
Move to P9.
Attack entomber: [roll13], damage [roll14]

900 for each of you.
Holy crap Destroy Undead is awesome!

2014-07-07, 12:47 PM
Pyrra lands next to Bernard, opens her mouth, then closes it, awestruck. She lets Bernard speak for them.

2014-07-07, 03:05 PM
OOC: Ok. THAT was cool.

"Holy Pelor, that worked," the cleric mutters, rather astounded. He takes the briefest of moments and mutters a prayer of gratitude to Pelor for his deliverance.

"Ashlyn, I am sent by the Lightbringers to aid you in your efforts. My companions are not Lightbringers, but their goals are in line with ours and we can continue to manipulate them and exploit their talents and abilities us as we go." He turns to the others. "Just kidding. They are invaluable allies and have great powers against these forces of darkness. This is Runik, Fatima and Mauldrie. And the little one is Pyrra. Oh no. Wait." He points at Pyrra. "The little one is Pyrra, but she is a gnome gifted with fire. Mauldrie is the other little one and a child of one of the townspeople. She is looking for her family." He turns and looks at Mauldrie. "I told you to grow a mustache so I could tell you apart."

Introductions done, he approaches Ashlyn. "Were you hurt in the last battle? Do you need healing? And do you, by chance, have anything resembling a Remove Curse or Remove Disease about your person? I seem to have not fared too well against these zombie horrors."

2014-07-07, 05:10 PM
Mauldrie looks on in awe at Bernard for a minute seeming to not process what he's saying.

Ashlyn looks you over saying "Fortunately I came away unscathed, though your wounds look quite deep. Please, allow me." Assuming you let her, she places a hand on your chest and closes her eyes for a moment. You feel a warmth spread through you as your wounds visibly close.
Lay on Hands for 15 HP on Bernard.

"I'm sorry I can't do more. There is a priest in the village that may be able to help, but no one has seen him for several days. I fear he may have fallen to this plague as well.

It's fortunate you were able to make it through town in one piece, though. My companions, Thendrick, a faithful of Pelor much like yourself, and Mathilda, a valiant warrior, made our way here searching for the legendary Sunsword. Have you heard of it?" She pauses for a moment looking for recognition on your faces before continuing. "It's a powerful weapon against evil, especially the undead, and quite potent against those that fear the sun like vampires. It fell out of the histories long ago, but I've determined it was last seen and used in these lands. The townspeople say someone named..." She pulls a small notebook from beneath her armor and flips through it. "Madam Eva would know it's whereabouts if anyone does. She's some sort of wise woman who lives west of town."
The Sunsword is said to glow a soft blue. It's powers are unlocked through a special bonding ritual. Other sunblades exist as well. The more recently made ones are more costly and powerful, but need not be bonded to the wielder.
Ages ago, a man named Strahd employed a powerful wizard to destroy the Sunsword. The process involved separating the hilt and the blade which were to be destroyed simultaneously. Before the second step could be completed, however, the wizard's assistant stole the blade and attempted to flee from Barovia. His body was later found in the woods... but not the blade.
Since the assistant's treachery, Strahd has lived in fear that the blade might be found. A special ceremony is needed to fashion a new hilt. The bonding ritual may only be completed once the hilt has been forged and attached.

2014-07-07, 07:50 PM

"I thank you, Ashlyn, for the healing." Bernard searches his memory for any information about the Sunsword.

2014-07-08, 09:39 AM
"It's my duty to help," she replies graciously. "Besides, the more able bodies we have the sooner this can be put to an end. My companions wanted to check out the church to the northwest. The townsfolk believe that's where the zombies arise. Everyone warned them to talk to Madam Eva first, but they wouldn't listen, the arrogant clods. They went to the church confident they could handle whatever they found without needing advice. That was three days ago. I haven't heard from them since, and haven't been willing to venture beyond the square lest these poor people be left defenseless... but now that you're here we can finally get to the bottom of this."

2014-07-08, 10:10 AM
OOC: Okay, that was weird. I had a whole write-up of a conversation with Ashlyn and for some crazy reason, it didn't post. Modifying it a bit here.

BIC: "Three days?" Bernard confirms. "That is too long to be gone." He ponders for a bit. "I know a bit of the Sunsword and Strahd's attempts to have it destroyed." He relays his information to his companions. "Finding the Sunsword would be invaluable in the fight against these evil forces here. But the immediate need is the safety of this town. I fear for our fellow Lightbringers, Thendrick and Mathilda, but we must see to the helpless." He moves to help repair the barricade.

As he works, he discusses the situation with Fatima, Runik and Pyrra. "Shall we set off for the church right away? Or should we hold up for the night and set off in the morning for Madame Eva. I for one would like to discover the whereabouts of the others of my order, but I would like to hear your ideas."

OOC: How much daylight is left?

2014-07-08, 10:11 AM
"I hate to be Pyrra Pessimistic, but your companions are probably already dead. We should talk this Madam Eva before we go after them." Pyrra says. Her skin has a ruddiness that differentiates her from the child; also, she bears herself as an experienced pyromaniac would, rather than a cowering youth. "And my companions and I need to rest. Getting here has not been easy, and now that we're someplace safe, I'd very much like to sleep. Before that, though, could you give us a tour of this survivor's enclave and introduce us to some of the others here? Oh, and very nice to meet you and all that." She smiles, indicating her good nature and intention behind her brusque demeanor.

OOC: I need more magic juice.

2014-07-08, 11:49 AM
It's approaching dusk. You have probably an hour-ish of "light" remaining before the sun disappears behind the hills bordering the western edge of the vale.

"Oh of course. How rude of me. You must be weary from your travels. Do come inside and we'll get you some hot soup and a bed."

A mutter of voices, a clatter of dishware, and the squeal of poorly played wind instruments ushers forth from the tavern as Ashlyn leads you inside. As you enter the structure, you count nine, no, ten families packed into the main room. Makeshift bedding has been set up around the edges with seemingly whatever could be scavenged from the town before the zombie incursion became too severe. Other than the families, a few figures catch your eye:
- A well-built man in an apron stands behind the counter mindlessly cleaning glasses.
- Three Vistani sit playing cards and slurping beer at a table near the bar.
- A man garbed in the outfit of a noble, a stained and dirty noble anyway, sits in a shadowy corner sipping wine from a goblet.

"Arik runs the tavern," she says pointing to the man behind the bar. "He's a cheerful fellow, but doesn't say much especially since the siege began. The young man in the corner is Ismark, son of the late burgomaster, Kolyan Indirovich.

What you see is what you get. There are more families upstairs. Arik will take care of you while you're here. I'd come inside, but with that last attack I'd prefer to stand watch in case more come. If there's an emergency I'll call for you." With that she returns to her vigil in the square. Mauldrie stays close to Pyrra and stands on her toes looking around the room in earnest. Several people stop their conversations to look at you as you enter with curiosity, hope, and fear.

2014-07-08, 01:27 PM
After the barricade is repaired, Bernard enters the inn and scans the room. "Do you see your family, Mauldrie?" he asks the child.

As they look around he moves to the gnome's side. "I hope I wasn't too offensive with my comments about your height, Pyrra. All that was just tongue-in-cheek banter for the benefit of the child. It looked like she could do with a laugh. I knew you would be good enough to take it and even throw some back at me. Feel free at any time. I'm deathly afraid of horses, if you would like to kid me about that for a while. Besides, when it came down to throwing magic around, you have me at a great disadvantage. Your fire spells are spectacular. Have you ever considered adopting Pelor as your patron?" He winks at her and goes over to the noble.

"Master Indirovich, I presume. I am Bernard Short, servant of Pelor. You are the son of the Burgomaster? The late Burgomaster? I am very sorry to hear about your father. We answered his summons, but too late it would seem." He holds out the letter for the son to read.

2014-07-08, 01:53 PM
Mauldrie continues scanning the room and eventually lights up and runs off into the crowd. "Auntie Aggie!" she shouts stepping through the crowd. A middle-aged woman looks up with surprise and joy as her niece comes rushing into her arms. Tears and smiles are shared at the reunion which seems to warm the hearts of most people in the tavern. Aggie approaches you, "Thank you! I thought we'd lost her whole side of the family. Are her parents...?" You can tell her heart already knows the answer to the question. "Still. At least Mauldrie is alright. I've nothing to repay you with but my thanks. You've done a wonderful thing today."

Ismark swirls a goblet and takes a large drink before answering. "Yes, that's me, and my father is - was... - the burgomaster. It's true he lies dead now these ten days. My sister stays with him in our mansion barricaded against the zombies." He speaks sadly as he takes the letter from you and reads it. He looks slightly confused, turning it over in his hands.

"Well this is indeed my father's seal, but not his handwriting. I don't know what to make of thi... it must be him. That bastard must have stolen his seal while he was here a few months ago!" The sadness turns to anger as he continues. "He who rules the land, that devil Strahd, tried to pay us a visit. I don't know why; however, my father bravely stood up to him using the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind. The attacks began a few days later!"

Add 150xp to each of your sheets for successfully returning Mauldrie to her family. :)

2014-07-08, 06:35 PM
Pyrra smiles at Bernard to show him there are no hard feelings, and again at Mauldrie as she is returned to her family. "Glad to help," she says, pleased that the child did not die in her care. She stays by Bernard's side as they talk to the son of the burgomeister, Ismark. "Strahd again. I keep hearing that name. Who is he? And what happened to that Symbol?"

2014-07-09, 11:36 AM
"If you don't know of Strahd you may be as doomed as the rest of us. He is the master on the hill, the unspeakable evil that rules this land. Some say he's discovered the secret to immortality. Legend has it he was among the first to settle in this valley centuries ago. It's rumored he controls the very land itself! He is a cruel and dark man...

As to the holy symbol, it's still in the manor as far as I know. It's useless though. The power of the amulet hurt Strahd when he visited, but one morning we awoke to find our father dead from poison. After that the power of the amulet wouldn't work for me or my sister, Ireena. Perhaps in the hands of a man of faith... I don't know. Our priest, Danovich, has been missing for days.

I think that's the reason this outbreak began. He used to ward the church and the village against the darkness, but his vigil lapsed when his son, Doru, was slain by brigands on the Old Svalich Road. No one's sure what became of him after that night, but soon after the dead began to walk from the church."

2014-07-09, 01:18 PM
"The dead walk from the church," Bernard clarifies. "And our fellow Lightbringers set out for the church a few days ago? That sounds like our first stop. If the church is indeed the source of the horrors, then it must be cleansed and purified. I agree with Pyrra that your companions are indeed dead as well as the priest Danovich. Whatever is lurking in the church must be purged. And Strahd must be behind it all."

He turns to Pyrra. "If possible, I would like to rest the night and set out in the light of the morning, under Pelor's blessing and shine. This will give us both a chance to recharge... and perhaps I can heal myself of this cursed weakness. What do you think?" He looks for Runik and Fatima to give their input as well.

2014-07-09, 01:24 PM
Fatima nods resolutely. Runik pauses for a moment to think before agreeing as well. "Seems like a logical place to start."

2014-07-09, 01:58 PM
"You're a man of the faith, Bernard. Perhaps this holy symbol would work for you." Pyrra suggests. "If so, it sounds like it would be a boon for all our efforts, including the church cleansing. Your ability to destroy the undead through the power of your god rivals my own flames. I can only imagine a working holy symbol like Ismark is describing would help you channel your holy powers more effectively."

Know Religion to know what I'm talking about?: [roll0]

2014-07-09, 05:56 PM
Religion: [roll0]
History: [roll1]

2014-07-09, 06:27 PM
This is a unique holy symbol sacred to the good-hearted people of Barovia. Its powers can only be accessed after a ritual has bonded it to its wielder.

The symbol actually predates the establishment of any church in this region, and its existence is thought to be a reason for the prevalence of the raven symbol in the land. It was first used by a paladin named Lugdana who was among the earliest settlers in the valley.

According to legend, a giant celestial raven - or an angel in the form of a raven - delivered the Holy Symbol to Lugdana so she could use it to root out a nest of vampires. To this day, vampires have a powerful loathing for the symbol and all it represents.

2014-07-09, 09:32 PM
"Indeed, this holy symbol sounds...useful. This Strahd sounds like an old, powerful necromancer; that would account for the unusually cunning zombies we've seen. Are there any stories about the source of such magical might that Strahd might be using?" Fatima shifts, the slightest hint of a predatory gleam entering her eyes.

2014-07-10, 09:48 AM
"It may be useful," Bernard replies, "but it belongs to the people of Barovia for use against the vampire. It is ancient and if we can find it, we should entrust it to a worthy person here."

He looks around the room and steps closer to Ismark, speaking in hushed tones. "You say the symbol hurt Strahd, and that Strahd may hold the secret to immortality?" He pauses looking the man in the eye and whispers, "Is Strahd a vampire?"

OOC: Going over some of our posts and what brought us here, we only know of the undead pestilence which we have experience for ourselves in the town. Bernard assumed Strahd was bad because he tried to destroy the Sunsword, but I don't think my character would have even gone to the concept of Strahd being a vampire without this connection to the Holy Symbol. This is just me RP-ing the realization. Player knowledge vs. character knowledge.

2014-07-10, 10:06 AM
"We are worthy, hopefully, and we are here to protect the people of Barovia. An unexpected spark can light a fire. We'll return it to its rightful owner after we're done exterminating the evil in this town. We won't be taking the symbol, just borrowing it." At the mention of vampirism, Pyrra stops, considering. The suggestion implied in Bernard's question seemed to make sense, considering all they had seen and heard. Even if the townspeople could not confirm it, it would be safe to operate under that assumption, for the time being.

2014-07-10, 11:26 AM
Ismark shakes his head with a small smirk as he empties the last of his goblet. "Even I know vampires can't stand the sun, but Strahd visits at all times of the day. He does come frequently in the evening, but I've seen him myself in the middle of the afternoon. If only it were that simple! I'm sure Danovich could have slain him years ago. Me? I'm going to sit here and drink." He catches Arik's eye and points at his cup. "Go speak with Madam Eva if you want help - she's west of town about a mile along the road. Or talk to Ireena. Perhaps she'll give you the amulet - much good it'll do you. She won't leave the mansion though, not with the zombies walking about. She's standing vigil over our father's body to make sure his rest remains peaceful until she can bury him properly."

Even with the mist, the sun pierces enough that it would incinerate a vampire who stayed outside for more than a few seconds. They might have a little longer than normal, but not much.

2014-07-10, 07:03 PM

Fatima frowns. "Curious. Hopefully, some investigation will shed some light on Strahd's nature. I think our first destination in the morning should be Madam Eva; we'll see what she has to say."

2014-07-11, 10:17 AM
Bernard mutters a frustrated curse. It would have been so neat and tidy if Strahd were a vampire. It would explain much.

Then something else clicked in his mind. "Wait, so your sister is alone at your house with your father's corpse? With the holy symbol? Shouldn't we go get her and bring her here? Wouldn't it be safer?"

2014-07-11, 11:42 AM
"You're certainly welcome to try. I asked her to come with me when the attacks began, but she refused. She can be quite stubborn when the mood strikes her..." Arik comes over with a pitcher to refill his cup. "'Aven't ya had enough?"
"And what else do you propose I do? Drink, sleep, and **** are about all we have left right now." Arik refills his cup with a roll of his eyes and goes back to the bar.