View Full Version : Sci-Fi Channel watchers unite!

2007-02-11, 08:02 PM
What is your favorite Sci-Fi show? If it isn't available to vote for, just mention it in your post.

I personally LOVE Battlestar Galactica, with Stargate SG-1 coming in at a close second.

2007-02-11, 09:11 PM
What about Farscape? :smallsmile:

And my vote for SG-1 is also a vote against BSG. :smallbiggrin:

Woot Spitum
2007-02-11, 09:13 PM
Sg-1. NOT Atlantis. That needs to be a choice. Although the cheesy made-for-tv movies are also fun.

2007-02-11, 09:32 PM
Army of Darkness. Wasn't in any of the choices though, so I had to pick Galactica.

2007-02-11, 09:36 PM
SG-1, SG-A, BSG for the Sci-Fi Friday were the good days.

I can't believe that SG-1 is being canceled. Sigh. Great show. Shame.

2007-02-11, 09:40 PM
Yeah, I've always thought SG-1 was better than Atlantis. As to Farscape and Army of Darkness, I don't know all the Sci-Fi channel shows, and I can only make 5 choices in the poll, or I would have added everything I could find.

2007-02-11, 10:06 PM
Galactica, certainly. I watched and enjoyed SG-1 until about the... 6th?... season (whenever the Prometheus was introduced), but lost interest after that, and have never seen Atlantis, but don't like the look of it. I haven't seen the other shows, and if Ghost Hunters is the one I think it is ("paranormal investigators" running around "haunting" sites?) I would certainly despise it.

Battlestar's been drifting a bit lately, but overall it's a great show.

2007-02-11, 10:28 PM
I really liked "The Lost Room", though as it was only a three-part miniseries, I don't know if that counts.

The few episodes of "Battlestar Galactica" were frickin' awesome. I wouldn't mind seeing more of those.

Likewise Eureka. I really like the soundtrack for the opening sequence. The whistling is really catchy.

2007-02-11, 10:30 PM
Stargate SG-1, by wide margin. And what's with the no new episodes lately? I just got back into it during Season 10 after long having lost track of it (The Mitchell Years - different? Yes. Bad? Nope) and now I have to sit through three months of Canadian net-goers spoiling the second half for me. Silly Sci-Fi Channel.

2007-02-11, 11:30 PM
Atlantis, for sure. Love it. Though, I heard the second seasons was bit stretched...I missed that one. See my SG-1 vs. Atlantis post for more opinion...

2007-02-11, 11:33 PM
what? Jake 2.0 dosen't get a choice?

Guess I'll have to pick Atlantis, though I never see it since they changed the time it is on

2007-02-12, 12:05 AM
Yeah, I've always thought SG-1 was better than Atlantis. As to Farscape and Army of Darkness, I don't know all the Sci-Fi channel shows, and I can only make 5 choices in the poll, or I would have added everything I could find.

Army isn't a show, it's a movie that they show sometimes.


2007-02-12, 02:12 AM
It looks like this should be remade with new poll options, as so far the only votes cast are for BSG and Stargate, and people are pointing out others that should be on the list. I'm also not entirely positive if making a new thread on the grounds of a new poll is entirely allowed. If it is, the new poll?
What do you all say?

2007-02-12, 06:34 AM
Battlestar Galactica is easily the Best show on Sci-fi. SG1 is also very good, but I was coming to like Atlantis more.
I am really starting to like The Dresden Files.

2007-02-12, 10:50 AM
What about star trek TOS and Angel?

2007-02-12, 03:28 PM
What? No one else loves watching Sci-Fi's horrible movies? No other channel is willing to show such cinematic masterpieces like "Dracula 3000" and "House of the Dead II". To do that and still expect ratings takes HUGE cojones.

And on an unrelated note, does anyone know what the excuse is for adding ECW wrestling to their lineup?

2007-02-12, 04:16 PM
Don't forget all the movies like Octopus 1, 2, and possibly 3, as well as many other giant man-eating animals.

Jack Squat
2007-02-12, 04:18 PM
And Alien Apocolypse. That movie was so campy it stopped being funny after the first half-hour or so.

2007-02-12, 05:49 PM
Mystery Science Theater 3000 (dead before its time . . . as evidenced by the movies that Sci-Fi now shows regularly)

I miss the FTL Newsfeeds (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FTL_Newsfeed), as well. Made the interminable number of commercial breaks more palatable.

I just miss the old Sci-Fi, I guess. you know, a channel that embraced its core programming instead of relegating it to weeknights or continually showing marginal representations of its product. Stupid mergers and acquisitions messing with my TV. Its like they are trying to slough off the trappings of Sci-Fi and replace it with something else as is the ultimate fate of all things that are merged and acquired. I mean why they are showing wrestling on Sci-Fi now . . .

grrrrr :smallmad:

2007-02-12, 07:46 PM
All I know is if I see one more Sci-Fi Channel movie where the last shot of the movie is the old cliché (this phrase brought to you by the Department of Redundancy Department) of the monster/alien/thing/ooze/giant and inexplicably constantly hungry animal being either not dead or having babies or something, I'm going to...

...Well, I'll probably not actually do anything, but it's getting annoying. :smallbiggrin:

Tharj TreeSmiter
2007-02-12, 07:50 PM
BSG then Eureka then stargates... the horror movies are just terrible.

Darth Anthony
2007-02-15, 02:59 AM
*sniff* I miss Mystery Science Theater 3000... (T_T) Has anyone else tried to explain that show to non-sci fi fans? They look at me like I am off my proverbial rocker...

2007-02-15, 03:50 AM
I have been told that I have a striking resemblance (in character, not so much appearance) to Harry Dresden, from "The Dresden Files." If that was given a choice, that'd be what I'd choose.

2007-02-15, 02:22 PM
Sg-1. NOT Atlantis. That needs to be a choice.

Indeed. SG-1 0wnz!!!

2007-02-15, 02:27 PM
Tie between Eureka and Stargate.

2007-02-15, 02:39 PM
What about star trek TOS and Angel?

Whoah, since when is Angel on Sci-Fi? Man am I out of the loop. For fairness's sake, that's a WB show, and TNT had syndication rights first (at least in America...).