View Full Version : Pathfinder Custom Magic Items thoughts and thoughts of abuse

2014-05-07, 01:36 PM
So im joining a new group for a Pathfinder Pirate Hunting game set in older Forgotten Realms but using Pathfinder Rules. The DM has already approved 2 custom magic items that I dont feel are too OP in the grand scheme of things but as I was talking to another DM of mine that after I found something he said it was a bit broken.

Item 1 Underwater Light Crossbow +1 with Gravity Bow on it so it deals 2d6 damage. Grand scheme its only 2 pts of average damage. I dont see that as being that bad, and neither does the DM at the moment.

Item 2 Bolt Case of Abundant Ammunition. I hate tracking ammo and this is a good way to avoid that. Now true I am using Adamantine Bolts. So im getting free 60g bolts a pop. I also just found the Alchemical Acid and Fire Bolts. Now those are also non magical and can be used with the Bolt Case. That was what my other DM said was broken. That for less than 2.5k I can get Unlimited Adamantine Bolts and Acid and Fire Bolts (each dealing an additional 1d4 acid or fire) when a +1 Flaming or Acid Crossbow costs 8k?

Do you really think its that broken. I mean ranged needs all the help it can get. Right now I do +9/+9 2d6+1 or if I activate Freebooters Bane its +11/+11 2d6+3. (next level will add Deadly Aim to make it +10/+10 2d6+7). So adding on another 1d4 of some fairly common resistances really all that borked?

DM left the caveat that if something proved to be abusable or broken then he would nix it and I have to agree that I dont want to out shine someone else. I am also 1 level lower than 4 others and will have alot less WBL than them. They are above WBL. They are level 6 and me and my other DM I keep mentioning are coming in at 5.

Rest of the Group is Sea Elf Paladin (my friend), Sea Elf Ranger (me), Witch, Arcanist, Magus, and Cleric. I dont remember their Races.

So am I worried about nothing really?

2014-05-07, 03:33 PM
Item 2 Bolt Case of Abundant Ammunition. I hate tracking ammo and this is a good way to avoid that. Now true I am using Adamantine Bolts. So im getting free 60g bolts a pop. I also just found the Alchemical Acid and Fire Bolts. Now those are also non magical and can be used with the Bolt Case. That was what my other DM said was broken.

Your GM is just getting into the spirit of the PF rules. If you ask this question of the PF forums, I'm sure you will be able to get a better understanding of this spirit.

2014-05-08, 02:18 AM
The cost should be 400gp = 2000gp (continuous) x 1 (CL) x 1 (spell level) x 2 (duration of minutes per level).

And it's not overpowered.

2014-05-08, 05:57 AM
Okay cool

adding more chars to reach limit

2014-05-08, 03:26 PM
Without knowing what the rest of your group are doing, it's hard to know how you compare. If you want to know how your character compares with standard challenges for you level, take a look at http://dnd-wiki.org/wiki/Same_Game_Test (use the PF versions of the creatures rather than the linked versions, and change the animated object from large to huge).