View Full Version : The wanderings of a Goliath. IC

2014-05-07, 03:40 PM
The last few years have been good to you, well, as good as they could be considering that you are the last of your tribe. The giants responsible for your tribe's destruction vanished leaving the question of whether or not you'll ever be able to know who was behind the destruction for while giants are known to plunder, they would never attack a tribe the size of yours.

The humans of the closest village down the mountain were peaceful, they kept to themselves and relied on the land to feed them. Goats were abundant in this little village, making goat cheese and milk perfectly commonplace. They were uneased by your appearance and took a few days before being used to seeing you about town.

Of course there was little reason for you to stay in the human village forever so moving on was an eventuality you accepted. With the mountains at your back, you headed the only direction left: north. Of course, you could turn and head back to the mountains but giants are a tricky bunch and even when you find some, there is no way to know if they were the ones who killed your tribe. It was something a child said: "If you can't find what your looking for, then tomorrow ask someone who is good at it. We have a cat that always brings us rabbits and birds."

2014-05-07, 04:53 PM
Vimak, with directions given by the humans of the village, makes his way north, to more civilized territories. There had to be someone who could identify the giants who slaughtered his adopted tribe, even if he had to hire a wizard to magic the answers for him.
"Do not worry, summoner! I used to be quite the socialite back in my day, so I can help you understand civilized life. At least, I think I was... Oh well! A problem for a different day."
The voice of Paimon, his summoned vestige of the day, echoing through Vimak's head as he begins his travels. From the tone of his speech, it is easy to believe he once traveled among the higher social circles.
"Hah, I dont think I will need your advice, Paimon. I will get along just fine on my own." Vimak says to himself, uncharacteristically confident in his ability to handle himself outside of his element. He didn't need to vocalize his responses, but he found it helped time pass, and even though he was used to walking for long periods of time, if he didn't have game to stalk or woods to traverse, he found it quite boring. And besides, he was alone on the path for the moment, so no one would find it odd that he was speaking to himself.
"Well, aren't we bold! If you are so confident, then I shall consider the matter handled then. the vestige says with a haughty chuckle. "So, tell me, did you have any girls you fancied back home?"
With this thoughtless question, Vimak falls silent.
"What? Was it something I said?"
Without a response, Vimak quietly walks along the road, ignoring the vestige for the next several hours. Maybe tomorrow he'd bind a less chatty vestige.
Binding Paimon DC 20: [roll0]
Cha modifier +2, Binder level +4, Implements of Binding +4, costs 1 hp to use.
In addition, my pact augmentation of the day is +5 to my HP, bringing my total to 46, and current to 45.

2014-05-08, 11:24 AM
As your walk continues, you hear the clip-clopping of a horse behind you with the unmistakable sound of carriage wheels. With a quick look, you see an old man driving a small wagon with three passengers, an old woman an child and a young man. The old man and woman wear similar clothes to the village you just came from with the child, a girl wears a soft blue dress. The young man seems off from the others, he has a lute on his lap and wears a forest green cloak with a matching hat. The old man is first to see you and calls out "Ho there, aren't you a big lad? Say, where are you heading?" With a smile on his face, he brings the wagon close to you and slows the horse to match your pace. The girl hides behind the old woman who both watch you with curiosity as the young man doesn't seem to even notice you.

Forgot to mention, you are in the southern hemisphere so it'll get warm as you head north.

2014-05-08, 12:00 PM
Keeping his stride, Vimak replies, with a respectful nod of his head, "Well, where I am from, my height is not as uncommon as all that. As for my destination, I don't have a place in mind. I had planned to follow the road until I came across a city, though any directions you could share with me would be much appreciated."
After waiting for a response to his request, Vimak asks, "And what of you? Where are you going with your family in tow?"
Vimak is grateful that Paimon seems to be silent for once, because his voice does tend to be a bit distracting, which is why Vimak had summoned him for this long journey to begin with.
Ok, good to know.

2014-05-13, 12:34 PM
The old man laughs. "Walking without direction? That is a strange thing to do. We are heading to Calim and from there Scelt. Scelt is an island a few days travel from Calim." He laughed again, patting the woman's hand. "If you would like, you can hop on the back as far as Calim, there are a few closer villages but nothing will ever compare to the big city. Just hop up next to John, you've another week of tracel before reaching anything larger than the village you're coming from."

2014-05-13, 12:47 PM
"Your offer is appreciated and accepted, if you are sure I will not be a burden." As he slows down to climb into the wagon, Vimak introduces himself. "My name is Vimak Wandersoul, last member of the Mountain Skin tribe." After adjusting his weapons to a more comfortable sitting position, he asks, "If you don't mind my asking, what is in Scelt that brings you there?"

Probably something boring. They don't look very interesting, do they? However, that lute seems to be out of place, doesn't it?
Glancing over at the young man, John. "A musician, is it? Are you any good?" Vimak inquires, his tone curious

2014-05-14, 04:20 PM
John strums a short burst of complicated cords. "Best there ever was."

The old man urges the horse onward, picking up the trot from before he came up on you. "Scelt is a land of peace. I've been traveling from there collecting the orphans of Decimur for decades. Unlike this land, Scelt has not been plagued with war in centuries. We don't even orcs or giants marauding caravan routes. There are a few, but the keep to the northern reaches."

"Tomrel, do not tell him all that." The old woman still seems suspicious of you, holding the child close.

"Don't worry dear, animals have good instincts and the horse did not pay him any mind."

John goes back to his lute, tapping a string and listening closely even after no more noise is made. Now and again he adjusts the little knobs, tightening or loosening a string.

2014-05-14, 04:34 PM
"Impressive!" Vimak says. Musical talent hadn't ever been a great virtue of his tribe, but he could recognize good music. Or maybe it was Paimon who recognized it. At times it was hard to discern, which he recognized as a sign of a "poor" pact.
"The child shows potential...SOME potential. I could play better than he could, when I was alive...I think."
Paimon's voice almost causes Vimak to miss what the old man, Tomrel, said.
"This young one is an orphan?" Vimak asks, sympathy in his tone.
Turning his bulk to the elderly woman, he says "The child has nothing to fear from me, nor do you. My axe is saved for those who destroyed my home."

2014-05-17, 11:32 AM
Aye, she was being cared for but I'm afraid that her parents caught a sickness this past winter. Villages around here take care of their own but that only counts for so much. She'll get a proper home soon enough. There was sadness in his voice, most likely sympathy for the child. He stayed silent for a moment before changing the subject. Good ol John here is keeping us safe until we get aboard the boat. He may be a musician but I've never seen him lose a fight. He was one of our first rescues.

2014-05-17, 11:59 AM
"I see. It is good she has someone willing to take care of her and find a home for her." Vimak says, giving the young girl a warm smile. "Do you need to protect yourselves often? I would think most people would leave you alone, if not help your cause."

2014-05-18, 12:59 PM
"For everyone like myself trying to make a good place in this world, there will always be a slaver or marauder making the task more difficult. I'm rarely bothered but I've never been in a fight so John makes useful and not only good company." John laughs at his description, plucking a few notes Before picking a song. He doesn't sing, only plays his light tune as the cart continues.

2014-05-18, 01:41 PM
Vimak nods ruefully at Tomrel's remark about slavers, but decides to stay silent, and enjoy the music for a while.

2014-05-21, 02:02 PM
The day passes quickly between John's music and the stories that Tomrel tells of his village. When john sings, it is in an unfamiliar language filled with long words without any breaks or harsh sounds, it reminds you of the wind. Tomrel keeps the horse going until the sun begins to set. He stops on the road and with John's help, pulls the cloth tarp onto a few pegs, creating a tent over the cart. They take two poles out of the wagon and make a similar roof hanging off the side wall for another 'tent' on the ground. "That will do for tonight. John, what have we left in the barrel."

John starts tapping on each box, remembering what is in each. "A little salted boar and a few of the pheasants from earlier today. We should have a few loaves of bread left and I think I've a tomato. Ha!" He opens the smallest box and on a scarf of silk rests one large tomato.

2014-05-21, 03:06 PM
Vimak places his own bedroll down a short distance away, and pulls a wedge of cheese from his pack. He had more food, meat, bread, and more cheese, but this should be enough to contribute, at least for tonight. As he is re-situating his pack, Paimon suddenly begins to speak. "Oh what a spread we shall have! A small chunk of cheese, pheasants, and hard bread. This is what you summoned me for? Next time, bind someone else, or at least have something we can DO! Travel is so monotonous without good company."
Vimak chooses to ignore Paimon's complaining, and sets the cheese alongside the rest of the food.

2014-05-26, 02:01 PM
With a plate in everyone's hands, john steps away from the new family and joins you. Tell me Goliath, what kind of music have you in the mountains? I'm assuming any music of yours revolves around drums and song bit is the song more of a chant? Does everyone join in or is it lead by one? He pulls a rucksack off the cart and begins rummaging through it.

2014-05-26, 02:47 PM
"You would be correct in that assertion, though horns are also common. For the day-to-day, usually the dawncallers would be the only performers, but during celebrations, usually a marriage, the whole tribe would join together and sing songs of good fortune and cheer, to bless the marriage. Among my tribe, we had few exceptionally skilled dawncallers, but their songs and chants gave us the strength to go through our days with strength and stamina, with anthems of bravery and virtue." With a small sigh, Vimak takes a bite from his food,then continues speaking, "It has been years since last I have heard one of my tribe's songs. It takes getting used to, no longer being awakened to the day by the singing of the dawncallers, and even now, I still have days I wonder why they aren't singing before I remember."