View Full Version : Cha-based BB(G)G

2014-05-07, 06:45 PM

I'm trying to put together a one-shot DnD adventure, using content from Swashbuckling Adventures (7th Sea). Now, before anyone gets on me about how bad this book is, I'll have you know that I'm only dipping into it for the feats and the lore, more in order to craft a story in the feel of swashbucklry martial-ness than anything else.

So, here's the deal-

I want my characters to journey into the Black Forest (Schwartzen Walden) to discover what has caused a bunch of bandits to be raiding more boldly into German (Eisen) territory. They are crazed, violent, and stealing a lot of food and jewelry.

Plot spoiler- they're all under the spell of a supernatural force. That's right, the bandits are in the thrall of -something- that is causing them to go steal delicious and pretty things.

Here's the catch: The BBEG must be controlling these men accidentally, and innocently requesting these items. The bandits, for lack of any direction regarding process, go about obtaining these items by the only way they know how, driven by supernatural love/compulsion/etc.

Which creature should I use?

I was thinking the Nymph, but the Nymph doesn't actually control people, and also has the requisite mental stats to be aware of what consequences this could wreak. It seems like a very very "fey" plot, and could involve some other sort of fey, but I can't figure out what or which would be appropriate.

Granted, power level is less of an issue because the "BBEG" isn't meant to be a combat challenge, unless the PCs are particularly bloodthirsty. Granted, there will be a lot of combat in this game (between bandits and other ensorcelled types including some sort of lieutenant right-hand man) but I want the "villain" to be completely innocent- even good!

Is the Nymph the right choice? Maybe a young nymph? How do you de-level a monster to fit the paradigm? Are there other monsters (fey?) which would be more fitting?

The characters will probably be 3-5 level, no magic users and lots of derring-do

2014-05-07, 07:59 PM
Alternatively, you could use the thrallherd class. It is kinda like being a diplomancer, but psionic.

2014-05-07, 09:19 PM
Does Thrallherd require nongood?

2014-05-07, 09:23 PM
I've got a Jaebrin (MM5) built that meets this requirement (not good in combat, but a social person, mildly evil). If you read their entry, they seem like the perfect fey. Besides, who says that the person controlling the pirates has to be a lass? It could just as easily be a very attractive and persuasive lad. Or maybe many of the pirates are ladies.

Edit: You could also go with a symbiote. Add some mischievous creature to one who is ordinarily not a threat, and hey presto. Instant BBEG.

2014-05-08, 07:19 AM
Thrallherd evokes the feeling I'm going for, but Jaebrin is more level-appropriate.

Also, Jaebrin would be "faking it," which adds an extra nuance. I'd also have to figure out how all the bandits were being compelled to act aggressively.

That being said, I'm still not sure which way to go.

The nymph approach is almost Lovecraftian- a creature of such exquisite alien beauty compels men to act sociopathically, and the real horror is in her lack of caring.

The jaebrin is almost comical- a trickster fey manipulates a bunch of bandits for fun and gets away with it until the PCs arrive.

The nymph is clearly self-driven while the jaebrin is motivated by the actions and reactions of the bandits.

Also, what is a symbiote?

2014-05-08, 07:38 AM
Actually, I could make the Jaebrin the Lieutenant (or Cohort or Thrall) of the Nymph- and get the bang of both stories in one! I think that might be the most reasonable answer to the problem.

BTW, I really really like the Jaebrin- who is also by chance immune to the Nymph's Blinding Beauty (by not being a humanoid) although not her Stunning Glance (which affects all creatures).

Now, if I give the Nymph Druid levels, that will add to her Druid spellcasting, I assume? It won't give her a separate spell list? I don't know the rules for monster advancement that well.

2014-05-08, 03:24 PM
Thrallherd evokes the feeling I'm going for, but Jaebrin is more level-appropriate.

Also, Jaebrin would be "faking it," which adds an extra nuance. I'd also have to figure out how all the bandits were being compelled to act aggressively.

That being said, I'm still not sure which way to go.

Acting aggressively and stealing is easy when life is hard. Maybe a natural disaster has wrecked their crops and income, or they're still recovering from a lost war. Perhaps it's their means of non-officially declaring war against a neighboring faction.

The nymph approach is almost Lovecraftian- a creature of such exquisite alien beauty compels men to act sociopathically, and the real horror is in her lack of caring.
As I recall, none of Lovecraft involved perverted beauty. Everything was unheimlich from the beginning, and got stranger as things went on. You might be thinking of Hawthorne, or perhaps Poe at a stretch. A lot of modernist authors also could fit into that category, like Fitzgerald, Kate Chopin, Henry James, or Mansfield.

Also, what is a symbiote?
Symbiotic template, SS 132. A tiny creature attaches to a bigger one, and acts as its mind. The two can be separated and re-joined indefinitely.

Actually, I could make the Jaebrin the Lieutenant (or Cohort or Thrall) of the Nymph- and get the bang of both stories in one! I think that might be the most reasonable answer to the problem.

BTW, I really really like the Jaebrin- who is also by chance immune to the Nymph's Blinding Beauty (by not being a humanoid) although not her Stunning Glance (which affects all creatures).
This seems like a good approach. What ECL are you aiming at?

Now, if I give the Nymph Druid levels, that will add to her Druid spellcasting, I assume? It won't give her a separate spell list? I don't know the rules for monster advancement that well.
I think that creatures whose spellcasting is advanced via class levels have a note in the entry to say so. Since the Nymph doesn't say this, and also shows that advancement is by HD and not class levels, I would say that it wouldn't advance.