View Full Version : [3.5/Pathfinder] Very new to D&D, looking for Ranger build advice

2014-05-07, 11:26 PM
Hello all! Big fan of OotS here. This is my first time posting to the forum; please let me know if I'm posting in the wrong place. Thanks!

I am midway through my first D&D campaign ever, and am getting approached by someone looking to include me in their upcoming campaign they're GMing. Ten second premise: A new and uncharted continent has been discovered, so a bunch of adventurers team up to explore the new lands. He wants it to be a very lore-based and "realistic" campaign:

This is a harsh and unforgiving wilderness, with almost no civilization to resupply or buy new items. Spell components, ammunition, and hunger/thirst/sleep are all things that need to be managed.
You should try to come up with a cool character concept first, then try to make a character that fits the backstory. If necessary the GM will tweak some rules/numbers to make it viable. He's using 3d6 instead of d20 in an attempt to discourage min/maxing and make multiclassing more viable, since every +1 matters when rolls are much more likely to be near the center of the distribution. To help give us more options, he's decided that all base classes are Pathfinder only, skills are 3.5 only, and feats and prestige classes can be from either.
Characters need to have an in-world, backstory-related reason to want to visit the new world.
Skills, feats, etc. should make sense given the character's backstory, i.e. no taking ranks in Knowledge (dungeoneering) unless your character has spent time in dungeons, that sort of thing.

The character concept I came up with is a monster hunter who spends nearly all of his time in the wilderness tracking and hunting. He hears about the new continent and is hoping to be the first person in the known world to bring down any new exciting monsters who may inhabit the new lands. He is most in his element when he's furthest from civilization. He excels at tracking his prey, stalking it, and then slaying it with a single well-placed arrow. He has quite a few grisly trophies on his person, some of which may have questionable origins. Visually, think a combination of Strider plus Rattleshirt (but with fewer bones). He has a sucky Charisma, having spent most of his adult life away from people, but I'm maxing out Intimidate to represent the fact that he's a very scary-looking character.

Since the group will be moving through the wild Oregon Trail style, this character will be a huge help to the group. We're talking maxed Survival skill, Favored Terrain(s), Track, Knowledge (nature), etc. Basically everything you could want for a guide in the wilderness, he's got. Since he's a hunter and an elf, I want him to be both stealthy and mobile, so things like Hide, Move Silently, Jump, Climb, Swim, and Tumble are all going to be a part of the build.

From a combat perspective, I wanted him to do most of his damage with his bow, and be very very mobile (especially in forests/jungle where trees come into play). I had hoped it would be possible to make him somewhat proficient with his knife as well, but it doesn't look like it's possible to be viable at both without gimping yourself. 3.5 Scout looked interesting, but I can only use Pathfinder base classes. So, Ranger it was. The problem I'm running into is that my character is a hunter first and foremost; from a lore perspective, he's more of a "one shot, one kill" type than the arrow machine gun most Rangers seem to turn into. As stated above, my GM wants our character's skills/combat style to make sense out of the combat mechanics; he specifically said that he doesn't want my character to "go all Legolas on everything" and start launching 5 arrows at a time. I've been trying to create a character sheet that maximizes the damage I can do with a single arrow, but I don't know whether I'm going about this in the most efficient manner. Here's what I've got so far:

Level: Ranger 3 (Favored Enemy: Animal)
Race: Elf
Stats: STR 10, DEX 20, CON 10, INT 14, WIS 16, CHA 8 (GM uses his own method of distributing skill points, so just take these on faith)
Weapon: Longbow

Feats: Endurance (automatic for lvl 3 rangers), Point Blank Shot (Level 1), Precise Shot (Level 2 Ranger Bonus), Weapon Focus: Longbow (Level 3)

This doesn't give me a whole lot to start with: within 30 feet I have Attack +10 and damage 1d8+1. However, at level 6 I'll have a huge power spike; I get two more feats (one normal, one Ranger bonus) and I can take Dead Eye, giving me a +5 (Dex) damage bonus for all ranged attacks within 30 feet. I'll also take Rapid Shot, but I don't intend to use it. I just need it as a prerequisite: my goal is to take Order of the Bow Initiate at level 7, giving me the ability to add an extra 1d8 for a single precise attack as a standard action. This gains an extra 1d8 every two levels of OotBI. If I take Focused Shot at level 9, I can add an extra +2 to my damage on single attacks within 30 feet. I'm assuming I'll take Dex at levels 4 and 8. So at level 9, with an enemy 30 feet away or less, if my math is right my stats become:

Level: 6 Ranger/3 Order of the Bow Initiate

+17 Attack (+9 (BAB) + 6 (Dex) + 1 (Weapon Focus) + 1 (Point-Blank))
3d8+9 damage on one arrow per round (1d8 + 1 (Point-Blank) + 6 (Dead Eye) + 2d8 (OotBI level 3) +2 (Focused shot))

That's the most optimized build I've been able to come up for stacking damage on a single arrow. As a plus, unless I missed something with one of my feats, all of this feat-bonus-damage-stacking takes place in a single standard action, so I can move every round while putting out the damage. The only change I've been able to think up is that I'd take Deadly Aim instead of Focused Shot at level 9. That would give me +4 to damage instead of +2 but I trade it for a penalty to attack (which is probably important since I have to hit with my one arrow or I'm screwed). I've learned a lot trying to build this character, but I don't have comprehensive knowledge of all the 3.5/Pathfinder feats. Are there more useful things I'm missing? Either things that would enhance my damage or my chance to hit would be good. I know this isn't the most optimal Ranger build, but I'm hoping that given the constraints I'm working with I've put together something that's relatively good in the right situations. I don't have a good sense for damages either, so I don't know if this character would be woefully underpowered compared to other characters of similar levels.

As an afterthought, my GM liked my "hunter" archetype idea so much that he's considering giving me Sneak Attack damage as a Ranger if I'm using stealth (i.e. stalking prey/enemies). But since I won't know what to do about that until he decides, that's neither here nor there and can't really affect my build.

TL;DR: Due to roleplay/GM constraints I need to avoid multiple arrows and stack as much damage as I can onto a single arrow per round. Looking for somebody to check my math and wondering if there are feats I missed that will let me do it better. Thanks for the help!

2014-05-08, 03:40 PM
Welcome! You are correct in posting here.

Being able to use 3d6 over d20 is actually in the favour of the party, and should really strengthen your characters. Your character concept seems good; I'll try to make suggestions in that context.

Maximizing the damage you deal with a single arrow is difficult. The best options you have are adding extra dice and damage through smite, precision dice, or PF's ranged power attack. If you're not opposed to the concept, PF might also have a base class that will allow you to deliver spells with your ranged attacks, which would open up your options immensely. However, that's certainly not mundane.

Grabbing a composite bow+str+power attack doesn't take much investment to up your damage by 1-5+ points, but might not work well if you've already decided on going with dex über alles. Intuitive attack/zen archery would let you move to wis rather than dex, if that's interesting to you at all.

For an easy way to just add a little more damage to what you've already got without changing your build too much, look at the devotion feats from CC. Knowledge seems like it would fit your character very well, and if you already have favoured enemies, several of them grant smites or bonus damage, which would emphasize that theme.

2014-05-08, 04:34 PM
I'm curious what your GM and you would think of being a Druid with the Zen Archery feat which allows you to use your WIS modifier instead of your DEX modifier for accuracy when attacking with bows (and maybe other weapons). You may need to be an Elf (which you are anyway) or another race which grants proficiency, since Druids don't get this proficiency automatically.

Being able to care for yourself and your party from level 1 with endure elements, create water, and cure light wounds (and, if your GM allows it, lesser Vigor from Complete Divine and Spell Compendium) can be huge.

Additionally, you'd get an animal companion from level 1. A 'mere' wolf or trained riding dog could help your party a -lot- in combat. He serves as a distraction while you sneak around and do your thing.

If you prefer the magical side of archery (that is, produce flame), you can get quite a big wallop just by being a Druid. It's not physical damage, but in some ways, it's better. You need not worry abuot having too many shots per round; any unused shots can be held in your hand to produce a light source, start fires, cauterize wounds (GM willing), and so on.

At later levels (5+), you can turn into animals and be sneaky. Who suspects that Eagle is actually a Druid who casts call lightning?

I understand the Druid is a much different direction from what you proposed, but it's worth considering. Druid Handbook (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=940.0). If you do embrace the Druid idea and want to go 'all the way' with it, consider Hi Welcome (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=9724.0).

Also, this post (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=399.0) has a variety of Ranger handbooks.

2014-05-08, 06:31 PM
Archery Ranger is a good choice. It's VERY easy to make a good one in PF as bad archery feats are fairly rare and are more "pick a weapon" feats you can use with a bow (like Weapon Focus, a feat that matters on less than 1 in 20 attacks, though I think that may have been a requirement for some important archery feat. I forget). Question: Do you use PF feat rate (1, 3, 5, 7, 9 ect) or 3.5 (1, 3, 6, 9)? Archery is pretty feat heavy.

2014-05-08, 06:42 PM
Question.. did I read this right? Using 3.5 skills? Pathfinders is so much better. Please convince him of this.

2014-05-08, 08:24 PM
Thanks to all who replied so far. At present, my current plan is to take Vital Strike at Level 9 instead of Deadly Aim, which should stack with my OotBI bonus on single attacks. Since my GM is discouraging me from using Rapid Shot, I'm considering seeing if he'll let me swap it out for Vital Strike, similarly to how Monks can take Decisive Strike instead of Flurry of Blows, and have it function identically from a prerequisites point. This would give me a huge power spike at level 6, taking me from 1d8+1 to 3d8+6 in a single level (with the bonuses from both Dead Eye and Vital Strike).

I'm curious what your GM and you would think of being a Druid with the Zen Archery feat which allows you to use your WIS modifier instead of your DEX modifier for accuracy when attacking with bows (and maybe other weapons). You may need to be an Elf (which you are anyway) or another race which grants proficiency, since Druids don't get this proficiency automatically.


This is an interesting concept, but my archer is entirely mundane. I'm debating against even using Ranger spells on him, so making him a Druid would be something of a departure from what I'd like to build him as. Thanks for the suggestion, though!

Archery Ranger is a good choice. It's VERY easy to make a good one in PF as bad archery feats are fairly rare and are more "pick a weapon" feats you can use with a bow (like Weapon Focus, a feat that matters on less than 1 in 20 attacks, though I think that may have been a requirement for some important archery feat. I forget). Question: Do you use PF feat rate (1, 3, 5, 7, 9 ect) or 3.5 (1, 3, 6, 9)? Archery is pretty feat heavy.

Weapon Focus is a prerequisite for Dead Eye, and possibly OotBI as well. Regarding feats, that's...actually a really good point. I didn't even know Pathfinder did feats differently than 3.5. I'd been assuming that we were using the 3.5 setup, but I'll be sure to ask the GM. This shouldn't change the order in which I build things much, but it would smooth out my power curve a bit so I have a spike at levels 5, 6, and 7 instead of a huge one at 6 and another at 7. Seems like it would make me more powerful in the long run, though, as I'd get more total feats post-6.

Question.. did I read this right? Using 3.5 skills? Pathfinders is so much better. Please convince him of this.

You're telling me :smallfrown: He thinks that Pathfinder's skills are too oversimplified and make Perception and Stealth grossly overpowered skills. I would have preferred the Pathfinder skills as well, though.