View Full Version : Pathfinder Gilgamesh-esque Eidolon/Character? Gold and how you place it?

2014-05-08, 01:34 AM
So, I'm Duboris, and I frequent these forums with questions upon questions that usually involve silly, silly optimization with just the right hint of flavor.

See, I've got 2 things going for me right now. I'm working on an adventure path that features players joining a mercenary guild and essentially doing odd jobs that slowly become more and more ridiculous as each little excursion turns into a full blown cluster**** of fun and madness. That said, I've ran into 2 issues.

Issue 1 is that I'm finding myself rather poor at keeping the topic of gold and whatnot sated. The players begin the AP at level 5, as well as the natural starting gold of 10,500 but they're not allowed to spend more than 30% of it on a single item. Needless to say everyone bought +1 weapons and armor, or went for option B and got rings and whatnot (It was allowed for the wizardy types that are squishy. The campaign doesn't allow Players to be summoners or gunslingers, and gunslingers are nowhere within the campaign setting.)

The issue I'm having is that placing gold in the encounters is becoming quite difficult, and I was wondering if the lot of you gentlemen world-crafters have a specific way in which you do this. I'd appreciate it if no one linked the loot generator 3.0 as I've had mixed results with it. (It gives me like 3 potions and a masterwork sword and that's about it. Lucky to get +1 darts (10) honestly.)

My second issue is that one of the early recurring enemies is the sword collector Gilgamesh, straight out of final fantasy. Poor taste aside, he's been renamed and has no animal companion, but he is hunting a particular sword. The first encounter with him he's level 10, assuming he needs class levels, but he could just as easily be an awakened eidolon or something. (If anyone knows of such a way to make that real, please share.) The only real part that's getting me is that I want him to have 6 arms and multi-attack while not being a monster of sorts. Perhaps an Augmened human with magical prosthetics? I can't be sure.

Please help.

2014-05-08, 02:00 AM
Gold placement can be anywhere. Literally anywhere. inside the monster you gutted? fair game. Gilding the walls of the castle? A-okay. Inside a well? Feel free!

Also if the players are highish in levle 6+ it's not abnormal for the enemies to be carrying around an obscene amount of pocket change. Your p.cs may have 1000+ gold in their pockets at any given time, enemies may not be different

Gold can also be anyTHING. Wolf pelts, exotic silks, gem-encrusted statues: all are fair game for loot.

Just make sure the players are actually looking for opportunities like this and you'll be fine. just cut off the gold supply once they have enough per-level.

As for the Gilgamesh thing, fudging it it the easiest route. 1 extra C.R for each pair of arms is about right.

An alchemist can take a discovery for an extra arm and could end up with 4 totals by default, although you probably want more.
Synthesis summoner is the easiest, if not the only way to do this.

Reiver Party
2014-05-08, 02:35 AM
The issue I'm having is that placing gold in the encounters is becoming quite difficult, and I was wondering if the lot of you gentlemen world-crafters have a specific way in which you do this.

Placed gold doesn't have to be coinage. It can come in... other forms.


2014-05-08, 10:03 AM
The only real part that's getting me is that I want him to have 6 arms and multi-attack while not being a monster of sorts. Perhaps an Augmened human with magical prosthetics? I can't be sure.

Build your own race (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/other-rules/creating-new-races)
Extra Arms are 4-Race-Points each. Can only be used twice, but since you're the DM go ahead and fudge it.

An alchemist can take a discovery for an extra arm and could end up with 4 totals by default

Note that the Vestigial Arms can NOT get you any extra attacks EVER (there's a FAQ that goes into detail).
But, again, you're the DM, just go ahead and fudge it a bit.

2014-05-08, 10:43 AM
My second issue is that one of the early recurring enemies is the sword collector Gilgamesh, straight out of final fantasy. Poor taste aside, he's been renamed and has no animal companion, but he is hunting a particular sword. The first encounter with him he's level 10, assuming he needs class levels, but he could just as easily be an awakened eidolon or something. (If anyone knows of such a way to make that real, please share.) The only real part that's getting me is that I want him to have 6 arms and multi-attack while not being a monster of sorts. Perhaps an Augmened human with magical prosthetics? I can't be sure.

The 3.5 book, Dungeon Master's Guide II, page 157 has "Unique Abilities" for NPCs. They include "Aberrant Limbs", which for 1 CR can grant a pair of arms and free Multiweapon Fighting. This also comes with an option to have them be retractable (so that for Gilgamesh... it is morphing time!)

An Unfettered Eidolon (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/outsiders/eidolon-unfettered) is an Eidolon without a Summoner.

Though for Gilgamesh, I really feel obligated to mention Shamurai (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=7105.0), a homebrew PrC for 3.5. It just fits him so well.