View Full Version : The Red Hand Cometh

2014-05-08, 07:21 PM
This story takes place in the far off lands of Elsir Vale. Plains encompass most of the Vale, separated with sections of forests and flanked by mountains on all sides. It is summer in the Vale.
Andus, cleric of Equinox, and Darvin, fighter of freedom, make their way east down a long, well traveled road. Their destination is a town called Drellin’s Ferry. Their mission is of peculiar origin. One night, as they slept at an inn, Adus was struck with a vision. In it he floated above a castle under seiged, by a horde of incredible size. The once proud lion flags lay toppled and burning. As the light of the defender’s faded, the horde came together and formed the shape of a large red clawed hand. Adus awoke with a start, panting and sweating. A word… no… two words that he never heard before uttered from his lips “Drellin’s Ferry”. After waking his companion from his slumber and informing him of his vision, Darvin was more than willing to help in any way. Within the week, they had all the information they needed and they went off.
The afternoon sun beats down on them; the air is hot and humid. The sparsely settled lands of Elsir Vale are starting to grow monotonous, with a seemingly endless line of dusty flyspecks of towns. The town of Drellin’s Ferry lies a few miles ahead of you. It’s a settlement hard on the borders of the Witchwood’ and the best place from which to begin exploring the nearby forest.

2014-05-08, 08:21 PM
"Equinox must have wanted us here for a reason. Let's go see what's going on in town." I'll start walking down the road toward Drellin's Ferry

2014-05-10, 06:52 PM
Darvin gives a grunt of agreement and wipes a hand over a very sweaty brow and flicks it away. “I can’t wait to have a pint,” he grumbles.
The road crests a small rise and descends into a dusty grove in a large, shallow dell. An abandoned farmhouse, partially visible through the trees, stands on one side of the road. You've passed a dozen spots much like this one already today, but this one feels wrong.
Both of you stop as you notice that a lint of mail through the brush by the side of the road. Fierce warriors- tall, hairy humanoids that you recognize as hobgoblins- are lying in wait.

((Roll for initiative please. The battle board is setup as follows : Bushes @ C6, C8,C10, H6, H8, H10. Hobs @ B6, B8, B10, I6, I8, and I10. The road goes from Columns D-G. Our characters are placed on E1(you) and F1(me). The farmhouse is located off the board towards the bottom left.))

2014-05-10, 09:05 PM
Initiative 17

2014-05-11, 05:24 AM
Seeing a chance to think about something other than this heat, Darvin quickly draws his weapon and mutters something. His shield flies to his free hand and he bellows a challenge as charges towards the nearest hob (moving from F1 toI5). He swing his blade outwards, cutting through the hob with ease.

((Your up))

2014-05-12, 08:01 PM
I move to E7. Calling upon the power of Equinox over nature, I cast Entangle. Everyone but myself currently in battle must pass a reflex save dc 19 I think or be entangled. If they pass they can still only move at half speed during this round. All the plants in the area will keep trying this every round for the next five minutes.

"Equinox be praised."

2014-05-12, 08:22 PM
The hobs to your left give out a screech as vines wrap around their feet. Using their cover to their advantage, they fire a hail of crossbow bolts. You don't even duck as the bolts fly widely past you. One of the hobs to your right also sends a widely missing bolt your way. The last hob, looses a bolt at Darvin and despite basically shooting point blank misses horribly.

Darvin utters a curse as he kicks the vines away. "Not helping," he shouts and he kicks his way to the hob in front of him ((I5 to I&)) and cuts him in two.

((Your up again))

2014-05-13, 09:03 PM
"Of course it's helping, I'm binding them all at once using the surrounding bushes, which flourish in her name." I'll move in towards the nearest living hob (to c7) and swing my icy sickle at him (at b6) attack roll 18, damage 3 slashing 4 cold.

2014-05-14, 05:57 AM
The hob in front of you is still standing, though not for much longer. The hob above you fires another bolt at you which sticks into the bush next to you. The hob next to you drop his crossbow in exchange for his Long sword, however his attack fails to penetrate your armor. The hob below you takes a 5ft south (to B11) and fires causing it to graze shoulder ( 2 Damage). On Darvin’s side of the field the hob 5ft. steps (to H11), yells something in goblin, and fires a bolt which chinks harmlessly against Darvin’s armor.
“He’s calling for backup,” Darvin relays as charges (to H 10) through the grasping vines which grab hold of his target. He swings his sword in a gaping arc and separates the hob’s head from its body.

2014-05-16, 05:19 PM
I'll slice through the hobgoblin's neck with my icy sickle, attack 15 5 slashing 4 cold

2014-05-17, 06:47 PM
You hear a satisfying sound as your scythe makes a clean cut through the hob's neck. The hob at B8 makes another swing at you, hitting your side, but not getting through your armor. The hob below you switches his aim to Darvin and looses a bolt. The bolt flies harmlessly by. You hear a howl followed by two large canine creatures. They look over at you and then at Darvin, choosing the person who was by himself. They flank Darvin (H9 and H11), burning the vines as they run, and go all out on him. You hear some sizzling as they attack.

Darvin gives a roar of laughter. "What cute lil' doggies," he bellows. He plunges his sword into the hound in front of him(H11). The hound gives a cry of pain, before it is snuffed out by a blow of Darvin's spiked shield.

A figure rounds the corner of the barn and for a moment looks a bit confused. It is another hobgolin, though this one is better dressed and wears upon his armor a red hand print. He equips his weapon and moves closer to the battle (one square off the board and will be joining in next round)

2014-05-17, 07:36 PM
I'm going to cast Sanctuary upon myself, then move as close to the newcomer as I can.

I'd like to attempt to identify the red hand symbol. What roll do I need?

2014-05-19, 08:28 AM
As you cast your spell, the hob at B8 takes a swing at you, but you get your spell up in time to avoid damage. You move out of his arc and move down to D12. From you observation, you discern that it is a symbol of Tiamat.

The hob that was at B8 moves to D11 and attacks you from behind, however he fails to make it past your spell. The hob at B10 drops his crossbow and draws his sword moving to C12.

Darvin turns his attention to the hound behind him and makes a spinning motion, causing a deep gash with his sword and then impaling it on his spiked shield. "Andus lookout!" he yells, realizing the situation his companion was in.

From you can tell as the hob leader, moves to E12. He reaches out and touches your armor. Your cringe as you feel searing pain course throughout your body (take 11 damage).

Your up and before you begin your turn, you can make an attack of op on the leader.