View Full Version : Gnome wight cleric bard

2014-05-11, 06:17 PM
I was thinking of making a gnome with the Wight template from savage species with a couple levels of bard and cleric and then going into Walker in the Wastes to eventually become a dry lich. Any chance someone could help me with feats, levels and things to do to make this happen and be a fun character. Love undead and bestowing negative levels.

LA buyoff should be able to get rid of most of the +4 adjustment from the template.

2014-05-12, 11:07 AM
I'd appreciate help if possible?

2014-05-13, 12:59 AM
Howdy there, shadow!

The only problem with getting a +4 LA is that you can't start buying it off until level 12. Unless you're expecting to start at a high level, that means you're going to be pretty far behind the party for a while.

At the risk of being pretty general, I'd recommend looking at a bard+paladin mix, since you can then pick up devoted performer (CAd) and work on that delicious cha synergy. Otherwise, going brd 1 or clr 1 and then following the other class for a greater number of levels might be the better option.

2014-05-13, 11:26 AM
Howdy there, shadow!

The only problem with getting a +4 LA is that you can't start buying it off until level 12. Unless you're expecting to start at a high level, that means you're going to be pretty far behind the party for a while.

At the risk of being pretty general, I'd recommend looking at a bard+paladin mix, since you can then pick up devoted performer (CAd) and work on that delicious cha synergy. Otherwise, going brd 1 or clr 1 and then following the other class for a greater number of levels might be the better option.

Maybe divine bard with cleric? Wanted it to be a walker in the wastes, so cleric is at least needed.